Genesis 1 verse 1 - Part 1 - Bereshiyt

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I'm going to put up the mechanical translation I use the mechanical translation for these studies what the Macau translation is it translates every Hebrew word prefix suffix exactly the same way as it appears in the Hebrew text in the same order but it's with English words and then the revised mechanical translation takes those words and prefixes ins et cetera and rearranges them so they make some sense in English but Ishita bara Elohim etosha Mohammed Haaretz the first word is better sheet which also by the way is the name of the first book of the Bible in Hebrew it's but a sheet the names that we're used to Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy those are Greek and even and I find this very odd that even when people are speaking about the Hebrew Bible they're still using the Greek terms better sheet is the prefix but which just simply means in or with followed by the word or a sheet Rasheed means now you're normally used to if you looked at my translation there in the summit Elohim phat in the sky Nolan the first thing you're going to recognize is that this is very different from what you're normally used to and rightly so because the Hebrew text is very very different from our English language he biblical hebrew is very different from modern hebrew and it's also very different from english now the word a sheet can mean beginning the problem is with the mechanical translation is that you always want the same Hebrew word translated exactly the same way every time and you know what beginning will not always work so what I do with the mechanical translation is look for one English word one or two English words that fits most of the context of that word in everywhere that it occurs or one of the other differences between Hebrew and English is that in Hebrew all of the words that are used for time are also used for space they're the same words an example the Hebrew word Kadhim means the east like in one of the four quadrants okay north south east and west the word condemn is East but it also is used for or ancient past the times past it's the same word and one of these I point out of my teachings is that we think of time in a linear fashion and the past is behind us and the future is in front of us that's the way we normally view time why because we see like walking down a line walking the road the past is what we have already walked the future is where we're going that's the way we see it however in in Biblical Hebrew the opposite is true the past is in front of you and the future is behind you why because you can see the past its laid out in front of you you know what's happened in the past the future out however is behind you cannot see it so why not try to point out here is is that when we read the biblical text from an English modern greco-roman perspective we're going to get things mixed up we're going to look at the text wrong what we have to do is remove our greco-roman way of thinking and insert Hebraic thinking because it is very different so getting back to the word of a sheet the word or a sheet means beginning but it also can mean the summit of something and it can be the summit of anything it can be the summit of a mountain although it's not used in that context but it can be the summit of a mountain it can be the summit of a river which what we would call the head of a river notice head in fact what a sheet comes from the root Rosh which means head or a sheet comes from the word Rosh which means head so that a sheet of a river is the beginning or the summit of a river what we would say the head of a river one of the other things to keep in mind and a lot of people use Strong's and Strong's dictionary and concordance is is a great tool it's what I used when I first started really studying the biblical text before I learn Hebrew Strong's has some really good points and but it also has its drawbacks one of them and always keep this in mind that when you look up like for example in your Bible if it says in the beginning and then we'll give you the the Strong's number now that Strong's number is only for the noun but a sheet it does not identify the prefix or and that's true with any word a good example is some people call the Hebrew word Savior as Yasha they say the Hebrew word for saver is Yasha that's not true the problem is is that when you look up the word Savior or deliverer in the Hebrew text and you look I mean excuse me in the English text and then use a concordance to get Strong's number Strong's will tell you it is the Hebrew verb Jasha see the word Yasha means to deliver it's a verb action to deliver or to save but what it cannot tell you is is that verb is written in the pl participle form of the verb which would be written out moja that's the word for a deliverer or a Savior so keep in mind that when you're when you're using Strong's that that it can't give you all the information what's the best way to approach the test if you really want to understand it well one way is the mechanical translation but even better than that learn Hebrew not a difficult language it's actually a very simple language so we have bow meaning in the with the word Rasheed better sheep literally that means in summit in summit there is no the there if you want to say in the summit then it would be BA R a sheet that would be in the summit so the VA's not there there's two ways to interpret that and this is where it gets into interpretation so I and my work I don't get into interpretation I give you the tools but a sheet means in beginning or in a beginning where as bada sheet means in the beginning now it's up to you to determine how you interpret that but there are two ways that people interpret that one is that the vah is implied and that's a valid theory and in fact the word the has to be supplied most of the time you see it in your English text most of the time the word the is is added to the Texas not there in the Hebrew there is the way of saying the as I pointed out ba or ha can mean the if I said I am holding book that's how I would say that in Hebrew I am holding book but in English I'd have to say I have to either interject ah or the I am holding a book I am holding the book but in Hebrew it's just simply I am holding book a lot of times the has to be interjected into the text the other interpretation is is that this that this is a summit a beginning and there might have been one previously to that that is a theory okay I'm not going to tell you which one is true because for one thing nobody can know for sure which is absolutely true one thing I wanted to point out here I thought this was very interesting today in science the scientists have actually said that space and time are identical there's really no difference between space and time I find that very interesting that the ancients understood that a long time ago here's an example of where the word beginning is not a good translation for the sheet first samuel 229 why then look with greedy I and my sacrifice and my offerings which I command you and honor your son's above my thigh fattening yourselves upon the choicest part of every offering of my people Israel do you see any concept of beginning there do you see any concept of beginning there is no beginning there the Hebrew word that a sheet is translated as choicest parts the summit of every offering the best the summit okay see this is why I feel some it works better here and in many other places here's another one another verse that has the word receipt in it and I like this verse for a lot of reasons wisdom is the summit that usually they have something like the beginning but I don't think that really quite conveys what the Hebrews trying to say wisdom is the summit acquire wisdom and with all your acquisitions acquire understanding but wisdom is the summit it's the epitome it's it's the pinnacle notice that there's a lot of similar sounding words acquire acquisitions and again acquire that's because the Hebrew uses the same words repetitiously and this is one form of Hebrew poetry that that Hebrew just biblical hebrew just loves to use similar sounding words a lot together an example that i gave in the past is we would never write in english the painter painted the painting that's lousy english you don't do that but his beautiful hebrew beautiful he brews just loves to do word puns like that now what we would say is we would change that if i was writing a novel we would not say that we would say so we would change and go well the artist painted the canvas now that's better english but you see hebrew likes to stick with words the sound like now i'm going to read this verse that proverbs four seven in hebrew so you hear this so but a sheet hokhmah can a hakama Vulcan Inca in a beam ah okay did you hear a lot of the similar soundings in their Hebrew loves to do that and this is by the way one of the reasons one of the reasons why I believe the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew because in Greek these don't these these word puns are not there but when you translate them back into Hebrew these word puns just they're everywhere in the New Testament just as one example you say that you are the Xavier mean the sons of Abraham have a need but I tell you I can make these hot evany in the sons of Abraham the stones notice that Yeshua is making this word pun here they're all over the place in the New Testament
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Views: 104,224
Rating: 4.8511066 out of 5
Keywords: Mechanical, Translation, hebrew, Bible, genesis, Strong's, reshiyt, root, rosh, head, space, time, chief, choice, principle, best, Hebrew, beginning, summit, Bereshiyt, breshit, breshiyt, בראשית
Id: juZSxrPOd2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2009
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