GENERATION ZERO 5 Crown US Weapon Farming !!

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hey what's going on guys welcome back to white gaming how is everybody doing we are back again today with some more generation zero and the plan today is simple we are going hunting for those five crown us weapons and how we are going to do that is take out actually a ton of machines i'm buzzing for this it's been a long time since we've just gone out absolutely destroyed the terrain blown up machines and had a load of fun so i'm excited i hope you guys are and we're gonna see if we can get some of these beautiful beautiful five crown weapons what has happened since the update the hunter's just spawning instead of dropping very weird um how's everybody doing today i hope you're all good having a great weekend living the dream holy crap that's a lot of machines um this this might end badly i should probably be using experimentals right now all right one of them is down it's the harvesters i want to get rid of first uh purely of well you know why they can bring in the hunters which is uh it's great but it's not gonna get rid of this four-star guy up here that'll be perfect and did everybody see the letter from the dev team yesterday well the the video from from paul yesterday about uh loads of other things i've got a little bit of a breakdown coming on that not too sure when that'll be yesterday i had my worst christmas due so i couldn't get it out yesterday um but but i think i know what's coming next year i'm excited and uh well um i'm very excited it's going to be cool yeah so last night uh had a couple of drinks split up with liz you know how it is i hope people get that reference if they don't i'm disappointed in you oh new stairway yeah get rid of this guy he's more i say he's more dangerous obviously damage-wise the harvesters are the sort of barrage he's quite beastie but my concern with those guys is more that what they bring in and bring to the party which uh obviously a poor lake luckily we've got loads of machines around so that's gonna help us out a little bit we're gonna let our tanky boy uh sort of take him down as much as possible we're gonna run out of 762 as well it's no good for the whole of this video as well we're going to be using the us weapons we're not going to use anything else i know i've only got three crowns but these things are beastly three crown or not they're [ __ ] absolutely amazing they are much better than what you expected i've had a good old play with them and uh really they're worth it man they're worth the money as i said in the video sort of overhauling the update the one thing i don't really like about the the whole pack is just the look of the m16 but other than that everything else is great come on come on we've got all the harvesters out the way which is great we've got a load of hunters though so what we could do is use them to take down our tanky boy why is he floating like that my favorite is definitely the pistol so far absolutely in love with the n9 i think it's such a beasty weapon the n60 oh man this thing is an absolute animal purely for rounds downrange and damage per round it you are looking at a feisty gun i could tell you that now let's get another flare out there we're going to be taking down the reaper with these weapons at some point soon not too sure when we shall see obviously christmas is coming up and uh recently i've been very busy with work and obviously the release of cyberpunk and loads of other stuff i've decided cyberpunk i'm gonna take a little bit of a backseat on i've been trying to push out the content for that i'll be honest i'm not gonna lie it's not doing as well as i'd hoped so i'm just i'm not gonna stop it we're gonna just slow it down a little bit give me more time to focus on my more important videos and the ones that are true to the channel i think i sort of lost a bit of sight with that game and thought yeah that would be great no no it's uh it is great i'm enjoying playing it i'm enjoying covering it but you know why gaming is the home of many other things and um i want to keep it that way and and i don't want to lose sight of that and fo i want to focus on on the things that have a home here like survive the night seven days to die and things like that rather than getting bogged down with a game that i'm just going to cover till i finish the story and then finish obviously we can have extras and stuff like that along the way but now if we get absolutely nothing from any of these guys i am going to be quite upset this guy should give us something good we shall see experimental pants yeah i honestly have i've had enough of experimental pants i don't want any more experimental pants ever uh nothing i think my best bet really though to get these these five chrome weapons is from rivals so i'm going around my really low regions south coast i've got about five rivals in there but the region level is one so i'm just going around the south coast and dealing with those ones that are there any that are from the farmlands or anything like that i'm trying to stay away from because when you have rivals and you leave them for quite a while they do tend to sort of disappear off and go somewhere else and you end up having random rivals everywhere so if you are trying to get the reaper and you've had a bit of trouble with that and your region score is up and down make sure you actually track the rivals and check what region they're from before you just go and hunt it down because once again sometimes they can i've got a couple of region rivals in this region that are from the forest or the farmlands so it's always good just to take that extra few seconds and look at your opponent and uh and read up and see where he's actually coming from but these guys are smashing fairly easy to be fair i'm telling you it's the n60 man it's an absolute beast i'm having a bit of a hard time getting ammo for the uh for the n16 hopefully once we've killed all these guys i'll have a little bit of a loot and see if we can get anything good from there heading back to what i was just saying about the rivals um right there we go as you can see rival he's in the south coast region rival profile but he's actually from the forest region so if i take him down obviously nothing's gonna happen here although my my region rivals gone up to six it was at level one when i first started but the mountains region is level 12 so it's not really that great anything that's over sort of 10 i'm going to try and and keep it at that level which really is just the farmlands and hymnfield which really where i want my rivals anyway to be fair i like the farmlands i think the spawning is great in the farmlands and there's loads of awesome little areas in there obviously we can take down all of the rivals in this region it's just going to drop the region school right down but to be fair i don't mind i'm not i think i've only so far had rivals in the uh in the farmlands i don't think i've actually spawned a rock uh sorry a reaper anywhere else what we got nada what we got now that not a noodle baby all right let's go for a little stroll i think so i'm smashing my buttons real hard that's a bit noisy um which maybe go we've got another rival down there track him let's go get him we'll get these through here see there's four in here but two of these guys sorry one of these guys already is not uh an actual south coast rival i don't know where the others are what are they oh it's a pack of hunters i think yes oh two packs of hunters okay okay that's fine we can deal with these guys easily the n60 [ __ ] this gun is just such a beast yeah go down go down you know you know you're going down [ __ ] it is not lasting boom i'm having a hard time finding my ammo at the moment though where's that dude just we're trying to get i've got loads of um of fmj for the pistol i want to try and switch that out and get loads of armor piercing oh [ __ ] it's two more over there okay cool that's fine to be fair if we get a load of sort of hunters like this just keep coming i'm hoping that we'll end up with a nice old um region score boost that'll be quite cool especially if the other rivals have moved out of this region that's going to help me out a little bit with that region school oh we got a harvester over there as well okay so it's probably pointless shooting all these guys because he's just going to keep spawning more in isn't he i'm just picking up almost everything at the moment why not let's get it now as well ever since the update i've been collecting pretty much everything that i could possibly pick up because then we can just demolish it and sell it on uh demolish it sorry and craft new bits which is great i love how we can craft our medkits now it makes it i would say it makes farming redundant but it doesn't because there's still so much that you need to farm for come on come on come on 50 rounds left swing around a little bit oh no we just used our last advanced med kit i think i've got about 200 at home so we should have to be able to get some of them out of tundra boom come on come on [ __ ] there's two more somewhere where are the other two oh we got loads of runners as well that's cool we can pistol with though oh yeah i love this pistol such a beast oh hands down the best gun in the us weapons pack is the m9 i've said it about 45 times now but 100 nothing beats this is such a beasty weapon and it's so much fun to use equipping it as well is so cool a little twizzly thing that you do i'll show you in just a second maybe let's get that out and then watch this this is amazing oh no maybe it doesn't work unless you you've stopped sprinting around okay we'll do it again in a sec we'll get rid of these guys i haven't got any meds equipped so i don't want to funny around right now the accuracy on this thing as well is absolutely astonishing please tell me that's not more what we got another we basically just need to go mad tank hunting got him one more the last one yeah there's yeah move around move around six health left go go go go go i don't want him to get me yeah he got him i should get some med kits out of these guys as well be quite cool i don't know either if the five clown weapons actually have a set spawn um i know when you start the game once you've bought the dlc they spawn in your plunderers three stars i don't know why i keep calling it stars i know it's a crown so yep there's no need to shout on me or or correct me i know lots of people get a bit bit stressed when you call them star weapons instead of crown weapons but yeah i think we might fast travel over to oh yes some five five six finally they're good they're good brother and what have we got that we can get rid of because i'm too full at the moment i think we can hmm no we can't we don't get anything in there most of this we need to get rid of let's just drop all of this to be fair freeze up see how much space that frees you up lots of people i don't think realize that carrying around all of that stuff is pointless just stick a load in your your supply crates at home and you can just carry so much more stuff around and then when you dismantle things it instantly gets put into your supply box anyway so it's worth just not really i wouldn't carry it around i'd just me dismantle stuff because you can get everything from dismantling anyway you can get more from dismantling really than what you can out in the open world no i'm stuck ah that's fast trouble um let's travel to that safe house there we go deal with this dude i'm gonna smack him in the tits mm-hmm also very close to our 6 000 goal before oh there we go before christmas i'm excited not christmas sorry uh before new year's rival is up there you can piss off your little tip where's he go there he is good night [ __ ] let's get up here why is it all just gone mad what did we shoot take jesus hakuna tadas bro oh we got one advanced first aid kit that was it it's all over we got four simples let's put the simples on and then ate them where's my flares gone we don't need matched that stuff to be fair we'll take it home because we could dispel a little jesus sorry hello mr rival oh [ __ ] okay take a step back i don't forget the ammo to actually defeat this dude if i'm honest we might actually have to break out the uh my that was a close one yeah we want to break out the experimentals the boss of the woodlands is he actually a south coast rival or not we'll have to check that look pretty much going after anything that isn't a farmland rival i've probably just died forest yep i know forest region i don't understand why they care for such long walks so they've got big legs aren't they so i'm gonna use a short walk for them let's get down the stairs um so i've got a bunch of grenades let's just launch a load of these on once we use them up i just cannot get the aim with grenades i am so bad at it what's the flare over there i should distract him for a second come on oh this guy's gas he's going to get me already quick quick quick ah penis glad i've got my load of revival kits i need them we got no ammo bollocks um let's go i'll be on this plane in a sec and then we're gonna switch out and get out our uh our pvg i think because we could just pistol whip him but that's gonna take forever and uh i think i've done enough pistol whipping recently i don't want to do anymore um let's put it there's the n16 we use that two and a half thousand rounds of armor piercing for the k-pist oh yeah get ready to say good night big [ __ ] oh we got a harvester over there nice the more of the bigger class enemies we've got the better i think we might take us a little trip over to the airfield as well soon see if we can find anything up there normally quite busy over that reason so i've got a reaper but i'm not going to take him out yet i'm saving that for another video yes got him the forest region is going to be so [ __ ] what do we get anything good absolutely bugger all right i find that farming on this game is sometimes very very um pointless should we say because we end up getting the same stuff over and over again and the rng is not terrible the drop rate is not terrible i mean when you first started with the experimentals and stuff like that obviously it was great because it was all new but now when you're farming for another thing so we've done this a million times before so i'm looking forward to 2021 and as paul said in his video that things are going to change and well not changed so much but there's going to be more replayable things that we can come back to day to day so i'm excited for that i cannot wait for things like that come on there you go we should get a massive chunk of ammo from these guys as well oh that was a a stinger where have all these guys actually come from oh apocalypse class okay cool where did you come from more importantly hopefully you got an apocalypse um harvester somewhere i don't know there's only one would be forward in there if there was a harvester i think that is it other than the uh the ticks got him nada ah this guy's got nothing i'm not happy oh yes level four n16 extended mag lovely that's good that's what we want that's what we're here for the uh any of the us weapon packs any stuff that goes with that is what we want stop giving me [ __ ] man i suppose at least picking it up i can dismantle it all and we'll get a nice chunk of cash not cash components i'd love that to be a cash system in this game it's gonna be so cool you have to buy weapons and stuff like that it's not you you cheeky buster it isn't it yeah stop shooting me all right your hand uh where are we going now then we've still got two more rivals in this region that i want to take out uh what's he marshlands and what is he forest so where the hell these four regions have gone not a bloody clue but taking out these ones is actually doing us quite well for um the region score so not going to complain i can hear a tank somewhere not sure where though he's gonna be over that way i think oh no he's not the runner that's i can see yeah it is got him whoa i think uh no let's do a little bit of loot and see what we can get i'm happy with most stuff right now since i've been doing like the versus challenges i haven't really done any looting so i've been getting a little bit behind and i've been running out of stuff where's this right this tank my head's on i can hear him a bit clearer left wait is it left yeah now right obviously but you can go away i don't want to play and i don't know if he's close enough to the relocation for that damn no he wasn't yeah he was no button ah yes guys rocket pod off straight away and his machine guns and his tic tank ah maybe we just smashed him up that was good i'm gonna go for the face plate now we can get rid of them fast yeah faceplate is gone uh we need his knees no saying that if he's gone that way we can get his fuel tank damn that was a smooth takedown that was good i am proud of myself with that one have we got anything nothing to do with the n16 or any other experimental weapon for that matter oh there's a tank over there what is that who's shooting me and where are you there you are oh apocalypse is that yeah nice these guys give a varied sort of sort of ammo as well which is good if we get another five five six often perfect um what we are going to do quickly is drop a load of useless crap purely because we don't need it i just dropped two of them then why didn't do that let's see just swap the location i do not know nice i'm happy with that x extended mag that's good and what else can we get rid of see most of the [ __ ] i've picked up can just go straight in a bin what the hell is going on it keeps moving [ __ ] around that's annoying i don't know why it's doing that either there might be something to do with the new update uh with the updated south coast kind of oh yeah not bothered about him where is this guy oh he's over have there look at this tower first is anything in here actually i don't think you can get in this one can you no nothing in there anyway i might there's a rock on a table i like rocks um here we go if we can make this take down as smooth as the last one i'm gonna be impressed with myself oh does that damage him i don't actually know i don't know if it works or not i don't know try that one uh i don't actually think that did anything no he looks fairly unbattered oh wicked we got a double whammy with his weapons love it as soon as they lose their weapons recently i don't know if it's a bug or not but they sort of freak out a little bit and they don't charge you as much as they used to like a while back if you shot out of their weapons you're getting charged like instantly it's just going to sprint at you but that hasn't happened much recently which i uh i'm quite happy with um well if we want those two well if they're together um let's spawn here and then we'll run over see if we can get them both if we don't get anything i think we will call it a day we'll be back on wednesday with some more and hopefully by then i will have all the parts that we need get some of our beautiful five crowned us weapons baby it's going to be a lot of farming i think either of those is south coast either menace from the bog will be marshlands and windmills will be for oh forest oh okay i wasn't expecting that i didn't think that'd be a forest region oh we got a cheeky boy trying to make his way over to the oh what's he for farmland okay no we can't take him out bugger all right would you rather these two again were they up there yeah oh no so they both stood by a relay beacon as well who just shot at me where was that from oh he's there that aim was really bad then explosive lovely we love a bit of veggie i think there's a seeker somewhere i think that's what we've just blipped up oh no oh whoa no oh that's not good uh we don't have much ammo for that either um okay let's uh let's quickly equip you to you go with a bit of an experimental uh kaplan we got a lot of ammo for this so we might as well use it and get rid of both of these dudes oh there's a rival over there as well we're going to take out all these guys and then yeah we are going to call it a day get rid of this guy before he calls in any more reinforcements come on come on come on faster no too late um we got any more flares some flares on you no too far fudge nugget one down one more to go come on oh no run run run run run run run i don't know if we've got any more um oh jesus yes got him finally all right let's move get out of their way try to take down as many of these as we can whoa look at him go that was a harvester wow he went miles you big [ __ ] oh god oh god oh god stop no please ah oh jesus there's a lot i had a screen grab that looks awesome go go go go go this is sprinting is not fast enough sir all right that's it another flare i think the flares just flares are my only savior right now let's see what he's got what's he got what's he got nada absolutely bugger all that's useless useful to me oh my days wow this is insane why is there so many come on reload faster mate oh my god they're flying everywhere what's going on i think we got enough uh oh that's all the meds we've got equipped i've got a hell of a hell of a lot of those um those are the ones um the paramedic kits but they're a bit useless when it's a situation like this because you've got to find them and you can't just quickly tap it and it'll work say that yes you can i think it depends on what your well you've got your control setup like for the whole year oh two years almost two years um it's like three weeks ago that i changed it from hold to just press g it's so much faster to loot and do everything now open doors all sorts of stuff all right we're nearly there i think i think there's two or three more left yeah one more two more oh that hurt that one got him all right let's get our response kit out or whatever it was yeah there it is we've got a nice little chunk of advanced med kits now as well which is good let's just loot all of these guys quick get as much [ __ ] as we can out of them you never know you might get lucky and get a extended mag or something from these guys so it's good to always check i mean i highly doubt you're going to get an actual gold weapon or gold part but even the the four crown purple attachments are going to be useful um all right then let's deal with these guys we're gonna go find that other bloody hunter that flew away uh harvester sorry so that was apocalypse class so he's more than likely gonna have some okay stuff on him where the hell did he go there he is jesus he flew man miles away you better have some good [ __ ] on him where you got what you got oh really a bloody gold hand gun scope don't actually use the handgun scopes obviously on the magnus i know people like it but i think they're pointless if i'm honest oh this pvg i just forget every time how good it is whenever i don't use it for a little bit i just forget so to be fair same with all experimental weapons the reason i've got no ammo for them is because i've been using them like man where i've built up a massive massive stock of uh a 50 bmg armor piers and fmj there we go got him that was easy we got that one more rival i don't know where he's gone come on what we got what we got what we got absolutely bugger all this useless useful uh he is a hunter i believe he's probably gonna have absolutely bugger all for me but we're gonna get him anyway or if he's gone fella there you go oh nice where is he ah he's over there isn't he where abouts is he though ah there he is oh no he isn't you're gone two oh my oh no [ __ ] reload reload oh no way ready oh whoa quick right right yes got him nope oh you painting down you go [ __ ] oh what there's a tank there is off yes we got him we got him what's he got nothing what the f he was not that close a second ago was he that was quick how he moved over like that go go go go go go go six six throw it throw it throw it throw it yes oh no oh no no no no no no no the machine seems to be mad today yes got it run run run run run well if we throw another flare at his feet and everybody else should help take him down here's our biggest threat so i think we'll deal with him first oh we're running out of ammo and health one more medkit i think yeah that's it it's taking more damage than some of the rivals do jesus there's not a harvester anywhere is there because i don't want to be dealing with that oh no standard ammo i feel like a peasant yes got him nice all right there's only a couple of these guys left oh no no no no no where am i where am i getting hit from keep moving do not stop moving yes i think that's it yeah baby we did it nice what we got uh nada there's only one more place to look and i'm gonna go and do that not today but it's gonna happen so many apocalypse class machines in the uh in the far mountain uh south coast region today what is going on with that i don't like it why are they all here ah that's probably why because he's there i'm gonna die in a second anyway yeah i'm dead so we are going to leave that there for today guys i want to say thanks for watching i hope you've enjoyed it's been great we've been blowing out loads of machines and what we are going to do on wednesday is uh i'm hopefully gonna grab ourselves a nice old chunk of the uh us weapons and the five crown variety thanks for watching and we'll see you again with some more generation zero on wednesday peace
Views: 32,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation zero, generation zero review, generation zero gameplay, generation zero game, generation zero 2020 gameplay, generation zero solo gameplay, generation zero fnix rising, generation zero 2020, generation zero reaper, generation zero new machine, generation zero November update, new generation zero, generation zero 2020 update, generation zero letter from the devs, generation zero FNIX, generation zero update, generation zero DLC, generation zero US weapons, m9, m16, m60
Id: _9myduiB4IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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