General Motors 8L90 mechanical operation and powerflow

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hello my name is Sean Boyle and welcome to part two of the seven part series on the gm8l90 transmission this video is going to focus on the mechanical operation and power flow this slide here basically covers some specs that you'll find in the gear ratios and the 8l45 is the smaller of the two units and you can see it's it has a completely different set of gear ratios than the 8l90 does and because it's a smaller transmission you can also see that it weighs a lot less so it's 176 pounds for the 8l45 where it's 210 or 216 pounds with the 8l90 um they will offer as you can see here line pressure that we can go through and measure line pressure they want to use that Dexron HP fluid and aside from that it's your standard rear wheel drive transmission and on the side of that transmission you're going to find a sticker but the sticker here is very beneficial to us as technicians because that ton number contains a ton of information it has the plant and the shift has the calendar year like this one here is a 16 so it was built in the year 2016 and next to that is the Julian date and in this case that's 232 that means it's built on a 232nd day of 2016. so if you looked at a Julian calendar and figured out what day that was in 2016. you could figure out that this was likely a going into a 2017 model and then of course at 5 uzl is repeated there and then they've got model number or a part info and so forth on there but really knowing the calendar year that it's built and the model number is pretty important because that gives information on when this was manufactured and maybe if there's updates if it's going to include those updates from the factory and also if you're are looking to cross-reference a transmission to find out if it's got compatible parts this is the information that you can get from that sticker this is the range reference chart for this transmission you can see it has five clutches there's three driving clutches two holding clutches and it's a pretty simple transmission as far as that's concerned doesn't have any sprags ratchets one-way rollers nothing like that just these five clutches and they're naming of these clutches you're going to see I'm going to refer to them quite a bit as c1234 and 5 because I'm probably never going to remember the one two seven eight R the one two three five R the one three five six seven uh the two three four six eight the four five six I I don't know there's all these numbers it's gonna be hard to remember those but you can identify these clutches as c one two three four and five and uh this is the range reference chart which if you have shift issues more likely you're gonna resort to a range reference chart like this to be able to figure out what Clutch is supposed to be applied in one and maybe what Clutch is coming on if you've got a hard shift or a flare what Clutch is responsible for that well clutch was off and then now it's trying to become on and it's giving you that flare because this is a clutch to clutch transmission meaning that when I shift from one gear to the next they have to release the clutch and apply a clutch they're not going to be able to rely on one-way clutches like a lot of Transmissions where all you have to do is apply a clutch and let a one-way clutch Freewheel they don't have that so they've got the timing and the Precision has got to be right on the money on this transmission that's the reason why if you watch the overhaul video or even later on in this video it's very important that you get clutch clearances correct that the valve body is good and sound and doesn't have excessive wear or anything like that because this transmission is really hyper sensitive to the operation of the clutches and those are controlled by solenoids which are controlled controlling valves so everything needs to work in harmony for this transmission to work perfectly whoo so anyway this is the range reference chart so this is what you're going to refer to if you've got issues with any particular shift to see which clutch is responsible for that shift and you can see there are pretty active clutches there our C3 clutch which was right here in this blue column you're going to see first third then fifth through sixth seventh and then it's going to release an eighth and even our two three four six eight which is in this purple column here you're going to see it's pretty active too it comes off after fourth and back on for six and then off for seventh and back on for eighth so there's a couple clutches that see a lot of activity a lot of Shifting so those are the clutch circuits that when we look at the valve body we're going to pay a lot of attention to or we're gonna pay attention to everything but um you know those are the things that maybe are going to see The Accelerated wear and when we're into the unit mechanically we're going to look at those clutches and make sure everything's in good shape but as far as this construction of this gear set is concerned they've got four planetary gear sets it's not like the 6l80 where they've got the lapel ta gear train or anything like that those are they're just standard gear sets and we're going to go through and build this gear setup basically from scratch and uh explain what's connected to what and then how it's operated in each gear and looking at this illustration starting all the way over here at the end we've got the output shaft you can see this output shaft has this little spline assembly to it actually splines into this output carrier and on the inside of there they've got this tiny little output Sun Gear they call it the output Sun Gear now these are GM terms they don't quite make 100 sense like for example if I'm going to call that the output some gear you would think that's connected to the output shaft well it's not it's actually connected to an input drum that shoots all the way through the gear set assembly and grabs onto that but you can see that the kind of the trend that GM's got going here is they're calling everything towards the back here output everything that's kind of of in the middle here reaction everything that's towards the front and input and then once we get to the very front they're going to call it the direct and overdrive so don't use the terms as they are physically connected in those positions like an input part doesn't necessarily have to be hooked up to the input I know it doesn't make sense but GMS like that they've been doing that for years they used to say everything on the front half of a gear set was input everything on the back half as a reaction it's just their way of naming things so anyway these are using the GM terms so if you ever had to buy a part from a GM dealership or something like that these are the terms that you would end up using yeah so we have the output sum gear and the output carrier assembly and that's the parking Paul that we have there and then the small tooth wheel next to it is the tone wheel that the output shaft speed sensor is going to hook up to or not hook up to but read off of this is the reaction carrier assembly it also has the rear I guess the fourth planet internal gear then this would be the third planet carrier and that's the tone wheel for it so they call this like an intermediate shaft speed sensor that's going to read off of that tone wheel but then we have a reaction internal gear and you can see it's got a set of splines on it and those splines right there are going to be what the C2 clutch grab onto and then we have this what they call an input Sun Gear and there's actually a Sun Gear a common Sun Gear that's shared between the second planetary gear set and the third planetary gear set and this set of splines that we have right here is what the C1 clutch is going to grab onto so we can start that assembly from spinning then I have a input carrier and that is actually a good term for this carrier assembly and the reason why is because it is splined to a drum that is connected to the input shaft so it truly is an input carrier it's always being driven by engine speed then these gears that kind of fit inside that shell and actually they fit inside another drum that fits right here it's not shown is my input internal gear my direct and overdrive carrier and then my directin overdrive internal gear so these are part of the front planetary gear set and the second planet here gear set and really this is part of the third planetary gear set and then all the way towards the back is the fourth planter gear set so this slide here I added the clutches and I added that input drum assembly uh that mainly because it's connected you can see this little arrow right there it goes all the way back and kind of connects to that rear Sun Gear well this set of splines right here shoots all the way through the center of these of this gear set you know right through the middle and it grabs onto that Sun Gear I actually got it pictured Twice The Sun Gear is already pictured on that shaft that it's that same gear that's located right there so anyway um yeah now this shows how the clutches and where they're connected and kind of their labeling I know like I said it is kind of confusing at times because it doesn't really make sense it doesn't to their order doesn't even make sense we have the C1 clutch right here that grabs that input Sun gear assembly and that C2 clutch that grabs onto that reaction internal gear assembly so like I said that's c one and two okay I don't have a problem with that but when we go towards the front we've got the C4 clutch located here which is the two three four five uh four six eight and then we've got the C5 which is the four five six seven eight R other than the C3 one three five six seven the C3 clutch is another drum that's not pictured here that's connected to the input shaft and when it applies it can drive that drum rot there so it actually drives this drum with Engine Engine Force because or turbine Force because the C3 clutch is connected to the input shaft so it'd be input shaft into this drum assembly and then if the clutch is inside here are applied they can drive these parts of the gear set or if nothing else you know it's driving that Sun Gear all the way towards the back so we'll look at that more when we go through and build this transmission up and explain power flow but those are the pieces and parts of the inside of this gear set and it is easy to come apart and put back together pretty straightforward but sometimes trying to get your mind wrapped around what each piece and part is doing for all eight gears have a little range reference start up there you know in the corner that's helpful but yeah three input clutches two brake clutches and then four planetary gear sets so on this short little video clip here I basically cover the same thing but on this assembled gear set unit here and I cover which clutches go where and kind of the naming of the parts so looking at this whole assembly put together right here towards the left side of the screen here we've got the output shaft inside there we have the output Sun Gear which you can't see obviously on this tone ring we've got the output carrier and that splined all the way up towards the front where the output front carrier is they call that the input slash overdrive carrier but the next in line This is the parking Paul mechanism that we've got for the on the output carrier so that way when you put it in park it kind of lugs into that spot this right here is part of our reaction carrier and it's a rear like a fourth planet internal gear and a third planet planetary gear set and this assembly right here where our holding clutch are one two three four five r or our C2 holding clutch that is uh what we're looking at right here and that's the lugs that the clutch assembly are going to grab onto and right here we've got our input Sun Gear there's actually two Sun gears that go between the third planetary gear set and the second planetary gear set and these lugs right here are for the one two seven eight r or the C1 clutch then we see our carrier assembly and that carrier assembly the second planet carrier assembly it travels all the way to the front and it logs into the C3 clutch housing the one three five six seven clutch housing which has the input shaft built into it so this part is the component this second carrier is the part that's always being driven now you can see inside this shell assembly right here we got these set the set of lugs here that set of lugs is connected to the input internal gear and the clutche grabs onto it is the two three four six eight or the C4 clutch and this other set of logs that we see that's part of the direct and overdrive internal gear and the clutch that grabs onto it is the 45670r or the C5 clutch so now pictured here is the one three five six seven housing that is going to basically grab onto these splines right here that basically connect the will allow the input shaft then to drive this drum and when this drum is being driven it can directly Drive the rear Sun Gear or with these other clutches applied it can go ahead and apply the internal gears for the two front gear sets now that we've gone through this gear set assembly let's go through these clutches a little bit closer and the first one we're going to talk about is the first one you pull out of the transmission when you take it apart it's a C3 clutch or the one three five six seven those are the gears that it's used in and its job is to drive this housing right here when we apply this clutch assembly you can see the clutches over there when we apply that clutch assembly it's going to drive this housing this housing is going to either Drive the first and second planetary gear sets uh internal gear assembly so we're going to be able to drive either one of those gears and we're also going to be able to drive this input shaft that goes all the way to the back and dries that fourth planetary Sun Gear so this this clutch assembly is going to be equipped with either four or five frictions depending on the code that you might find on it when you look at the end of it or the really it's the front of it it's going to be an A or a B A is going to be four clutches B is going to be five clutches and uh depending on how many Steels and frictions you've got in there is going to determine what the clutch pad clearance is so now apparently they updated in 2019 the return spring assembly and I don't have one to show you but they say it also does not work on the earlier units so they must have changed something with the Piston or maybe possibly the drum but they did do an update to that in 2019. though their clutch pack clearance measurement is a little bit different it's a little bit unique some you see some manufacturers kind of going towards this but they are definitely doing this on four out of the five of their clutch assemblies where they want you to place a load on the clutch and it's not a heavy load it's just in this case here this C3 and it's different for everyone and this one they're only putting 30 pounds of load on it this clutch assembly does not use a wave plate so maybe that's the reason why but they only put 30 pounds of force and really in my opinion that's kind of to take out any irregularities that may exist in the frictions and Steels to kind of take out any of the Gap from waviness or something like that and then in that situation you zero your dial indicator with that load on it then you remove the load use air pressure to stroke the piston and then you reapply the load you go back and apply the 30 pounds of force again while it's after the Piston's already stroked and whatever your dial reads is your clutch back clearance and now I do later on in this presentation talk about basically if you did it a traditional method and just use the dial indicator and either use air pressure or hand pressure to move it up and down what does that compare to as if you use the load and you're going to say see it makes very little difference at all but this is the procedure as labeled out in the service info so um it's not a bad idea to follow it so looking at the specifications for the C3 clutch you're going to find remember there are two different clutch counts in these so depending on what your clutch count is you're going to it's going to change what your spec is going to be so a four plate spec is going to be between 72 and 91 and the five plate spec is going to be between 59 and 83 thousandths of an inch and that's for a total spread from minimum to maximum of that range of either 19 thousands for the four plate or twenty four thousands for that five plate that's a pretty tight Target to get so when you're doing these measurements and using that special tool or even doing a traditional method you want to go through and do that actual measurement and make sure that you're within the spec if you're not they've got these five snap rings that you can change between and I've even put the part numbers off to the side here those part numbers you're going to see when you run these things in a program like repair link shop that they're cheap they're only like two dollars and fifty cents for a snap ring so it's not an expensive adjustment to do matter of fact as a shop it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a couple of every size keep them in stock and then you could just switch them out so you're not having to wait have a transmission on a bench waiting there for a snap ring but they come in about 14 thousandths of an increment so uh if you need to make an adjustment just realize that every step either up or down is going to likely change at about 14 000 of an inch and that will get you close and it is important on all these clutches and I'll just mention this that one time that you do spend the time do these clutch pack clearance measurements because these Tight Windows that they're shooting for remember the amount that that piston Strokes inside this clutch housing that's the amount of volume of transmission fluid it takes to fill that up and these Transmissions really don't have any accumulators you're going to find they've got these tiny little solenoid accumulators but they they really rely on the computer assuming that the mechanical side of things are within spec meaning the computer is going to expect that the clutch clearance is within this range so that way it can adapt adapt as needed as it's applying these clutch circuits filling them up draining them back all that kind of stuff knowing that there's a certain amount of volume in that clutch housing assembly and like I said the volume is dictated by how far that piston travels if it travels really far it's going to have a larger volume of fluid that's necessary to stroke that piston if it's traveling traveling very little it's going to require very little amount of volume but it's expecting a certain amount of volume and it's dictated by the clearance that our clutches actually stroke now in this video I go through the process of load testing and clearance checking the C3 clutch assembly you can see I've got a little kind of some homemade devices here you know me I'm not big on buying tools if I'll buy them I'll buy the special tools if there's no way around it but if I've got stuff around the shop that will work in its place then I'm going to use it because I'm a Persnickety fella but right here this is the probably the most common special tool found in any transmission shop which is a broken 4L60E reaction Sun shell and I'm using the typical screw press that you do to remove clutch spring retainers and so forth like that got my dial indicator clamped to the side of it and I'm measuring the actual movement of this clutch assembly by basically just placing it right on top of that reaction Sun shell placing it off towards the edge so there's less deflection in the stamped steel shell and here we go so you can see I've got that applying that down and there's my reaction Sun shell and I'm loading it that's what this is a little load gauge right there and I'm putting the 30 pounds of force on it so it's actually taking out all that irregularities if you will now I'm zeroing the dial indicator with that load on it so that dial right there my dial indicator is reading zero then I took my load off and you could see that gave me oh looks like it deflected a few thousandths of an inch or actually twelve thousandths of an inch now I'm going to use air pressure and I lifted that piston up and you can see everything cycled around and now I've got um 83 thousandths of an inch so that's the travel but find the surface info they want you to reapply that load again and the reason why they're doing that is they're going to re-create any of the deflection or Flex that might occur when you're zeroing it at the bottom they want to take into consideration any of that stuff by reapplying that load when it's at the top then the net result is your actual clutch pack clearance and that next clutch that we're going to cover here is the C5 clutch it's located inside this drum assembly right there it's the one furthest down in it you can see on the bench here I've got listed as 95 thousands that's the actual the thickness of the snap ring but the C5 clutch is the assembly that's circled here and I've got four Steels four frictions a wave plate a backing plate and apparently they changed the frictions in 2019 like I said I don't have one of those units but that is something that they supposedly changed and uh they also have seven adjustable or different thickness snap rings they're not adjustable snap rings but you know I mean they're snappings that you would change to gain your adjustment and it's the same part number for those snap Rings between the C4 and the C5 clutch so those same seven work in both those positions the end play that we're looking at is forty nine thousands to 75 thousands and the snap rings have a wide range they can go from 69 thousands up to 157 000 so you can see I'm pretty much right there in the middle of that spec and when we look at the Pistons inside this housing we're dealing with this smaller set of pistons and that is a spring retainer they use a diaphragm type spring that's the actual piston and this device right here pretty much separates the C5 piston components from the C4 piston components on that clutch pack since it does use a wave plate they actually wants you to put 75 pounds of force on it then zero the dial indicator remove the force gauge or load gauge stroke the Piston with air and then reapply 75 pounds of force and then use that as your measurement and you have a 26 thousandths of an inch window between minimum and maximum and there are seven snap rings that you can choose between 14 000 of an inch approximately increments to fine tune that and get that clutch back clearance perfect you can see here that the prices of these are not too crazy once again mostly around two dollars and fifty cents to three dollars and those are the part numbers for those different snap rings in this video here I'm going to show you the clutch pack clearance test on a C5 clutch and I had to do this one on a press the reason why I do it on a press is because my little screw press assembly that I that's bench top it's just not tall enough now the GM Factory tool that they want you to buy is really tall but it's also really expensive so we don't have one of those but we do have a couple nice hydraulic presses here so that's plenty big we can put it on and I can control the pressure to get that 75 pounds of force without any problem so that's the reason why we're kind of shifted over onto this apparatus here now you're also going to see a couple special tools I'm going to end up using a 4L60E for clutch housing to go deep inside of this drum and that four clutch housing will kind of go around the shaft and then it'll slide down and contact the backing plate for that C5 clutch assembly and it will kind of bypass this C4 clutch assembly so it fits within the C4 clutch assembly without touching it and rusts on that C5 backing plate and then I will use my fourth clutch Hub cookie cutter that will slide right over the input shaft here and push down on that forward clutch housing assembly so they do obviously make the special tools that they want you to go out and buy for all these but once again the concept is there whether you're using their tools or not they want you to apply a load on this clutch plaque assembly measure the stroke of the Piston with the dial indicator and as long as you've got tools that can do that you don't necessarily need to use the factory tools so here I'm grabbing that 4L60E for clutch housing that is going to go right over the shaft drop right in there real real nice and fit on the backing plate for the C5 clutch so that way the C5 clutch is in contact but not the C4 then I take my 4L 4t65e cookie cutter and that's going to allow me to apply hydraulic press pressure down onto that forward clutch housing and that's going to allow me to basically place the load for my load gauge onto that clutch pack assembly there's my little load gauge and you're going to see down here at the dial we're going to when I apply 75 pounds of load you'll see the amount of deflection that it took okay it's kind of fast forwarding through all this stuff here and I got about eight thousands of deflection maybe 10 looks like it's moving slowly so about 10 thousandths of deflection when I apply the 70 pounds of force and that's the waviness that existed if you will in the clutch pack the unevenness and then I zeroed it I zeroed my dial indicator and now I'm going to remove my Force gauge or load gauge and if you look when I do that the dial indicator moved and uh the apparatus rotated on me a little bit but at this point I need to use air pressure to cycle that piston up and um there you go you see that just that dial just lifted I just applied air these black lines there at the bottom those are delivering air pressure into that and now I got to go through and reapply that load I got to put that low gauge on there once again that is the take into consideration any of the deflection that could have occurred when I zeroed the dial indicator at the bottom I want to go through and do that again kind of put it under the same state if you will or the same conditions but this is a 20 ton press it probably didn't reflect at all with 75 pounds of force and as you can see I got about 62 63 thousands of clutch back clearance nothing changed once I put the 75 pounds of force on it or load so that that is what I got and this is that air test tool I had to make that air test tool myself because the gm1 was on back order for like months so basically if you've got a lathe and a chunk of aluminum you can machine this out I just drilled it out the right spacing cross drilled the end of it and put some air fittings in there some quick disconnect couplers and um basically pounded some check balls in there to seal off my my cross drills just like they do when they make Staters and input shafts and all that stuff these drums air test tight as a drum I guess that's where the saying comes from a tight as a drum but there is no air leakage you don't hear it when you're going through an adapter like this when you put air into it the clutch applies and you shouldn't hear anything leaking so if you're hearing something leaking either there's a problem with this or you got a problem with your seals a crack or something's going on and you need to address that because those three driving clutches should air test perfectly tight with no leakage at all now when we move over to the C4 that's the other clutch assembly that's the top clutch assembly if you're looking into that drum and you're going to see that they've got in that clutch assembly they've got a wave plate they've got an apply plate four Steels five frictions and a backing plate so you actually have the wave a little thicker flat plate and then your normal frictions and Steels and then the backing plate it uses those same seven selectable snap rings that the C5 clutch used and the end play that they're shooting for is between 61 and 87 thousandths of an inch it's the Piston assembly that's located deeper into that housing it's after that divider that we see when we pull the C5 piston out then we've got the divider and everything else in there is the C4 that's the spring retainer we've got our dish Spring right here dish facing down and then we've got our piston assembly right there the Piston's a little unique it's got this if you can see it there that little Notch cut out of those there's like a little double Notch that lines it up inside the housing and then we have a Ply ring it's like the first thing you put down in there for the clutch assembly that actually has a notch that fits inside that special spot on that um piston assembly right there and you can see on the description here they changed it in 2018 so make sure you are using the right seals for the application your seal kits are going to include two different types of seals or two different size seals and it's gonna depending on what your unit that's where you look at that sticker on the outside depending on what year your transmission is is going to determine what set of seals you're going to install the only clutch assembly that uses a molded piston in this transmission is the C1 clutch assembly all these others have replaceable rubber O-rings or d-rings so it's one of those few kits now that when we go through we actually replace all the seals as opposed to replace place in the actual piston assemblies if we look at the clutch pack clearance on it you're going to see that we have once again a 26 000 spread just like it was on the C5 clutch assembly it's using those same snap rings and it's the same part number same prices and they come in that fourteen thousandths of an inch increments roughly thereabouts and we're looking at that 61 to 87 thousands clearance they're going to want you to put 60 pounds of force on this clutch assembly and use 50 pounds of air pressure to stroke that piston so let's look at the process of going through and checking our C4 this drum right here is a clutch Hub out of a 6l90 and it fit there perfectly so why not use it right and I'm going to go through and put my 60 pounds of force on there once I've got about 60 pounds of force hydraulic press is a little crazy it kind of goes over then I back it off and I kind of get to where it needs to be and then I gotta go through and zero my dial indicator and you can see once I release this load I got about 10 thousands of an inch about ten thousand ten or eleven thousandths of an inch of deflection at this point I gotta pump air into that piston assembly and it's going to move that up looks like it went about 95 thousandths of an inch but then I gotta reapply my low gauge so I can take into consideration any deflection that might occur in my testing apparatus and now I'm back down to 92 ish maybe 91 thousandths of an inch for that clutch assembly now looking at the C1 clutch that's actually a holding clutch that's the when we're taking this assembly apart that's the first holding clutch that we have in the case and you pull this clutch housing out and if you look there's the molded piston that's the only molded piston that we've got in this transmission there's our return spring and then this like aluminum apply ring that's going to take the force from the piston and apply that to the wave plate so we've got a wave plate an apply plate three Steels and four frictions then a backing plate and the Piston return spring was updated in 2018 apparently not something that you're supposed to Retro back if you've got an earlier unit and there are no selectable snap Rings or plates or anything like that in this unit so basically if some clearances don't seem right on that you likely have it together wrong now the one two three four five r or the C2 clutch that actually is adjustable and it's as you can see here it's actually part of the tail shaft housing and the Piston fits inside this housing here this is the apply piston that we have right there that's the return spring and the retainer for it snap ring and on this clutch assembly here we've got a wave plate an apply plate which a little thicker two Steels and three frictions and a backing plate there's a little larger spread on this one here you allow it up to 35 thousandths of a window between minimum and maximum and once again the snap rings are in 14 000 increments not quite certain what's going on here most of the snap Rings here are like all the others around two dollars and fifty cents but the largest one for some reason is twenty three dollars and 59 cents so that one hopefully you don't need that one because that's an outlier it's almost seems like they got a decimal in the wrong spot on that one for some reason so on that C2 clutch you use 80 pounds of force and since it's in the case you need to kind of put a crossbar or something across the bell housing and a little screw that kind of goes down pushes down on everything in there and use your low gauge and because it's further down in there you're probably gonna need some extensions on a dial indicator to go down and contact all that you can make it work as you can see in this video coming up I actually do have this crossbar this adjustable one so I use it but aside from that I just kind of come up with different things to kind of build that up but yeah you want to place 80 pounds of force zero zero your dial indicator use 50 psi now it is kind of an oddball shape that you apply air pressure to so I made a a metal kind of out of aluminum I made a little test plate if you will that I can bolt in place and apply that 50 pounds of force it's nice to have stuff like that even when I'm going through and air testing it as you've probably known if you've tried air testing things that aren't perfect circles it's hard to get the air nozzle to seal off on it and sometimes just having a plate with a hole drilled in it if it's a large opening there it likes to squeak and lift off and don't seem to work very well so in this case I've made myself a little adapter only took about 10 minutes and it works pretty good once again the old trusty 4L60E shell and drop that in there it just seems a contact on that backing plate fairly well anyway here's my low gauge you can see I'm tightening that up and I'm just going to go through and apply the 80 pounds of force so here I'm zeroing my dial indicator with the dial indicator kind of located towards the edge of that shell so that way the shell is not deflecting under that 80 pounds of force that's kind of what I'm pointing at there is that I'm not measuring it towards the middle I'm measuring right there towards the edge so I got my 80 pounds of force I'm zeroed out so now I know I've taken out the unevenness the waviness so next I'm going to go ahead and take off the the load gauge and I'm going to apply air pressure into that pressure port and stroke the piston and there I just stroke the Piston you can see there's no low gauge on there but now I got to go through and reapply the load in case there was any deflection in my setup not to sound like a broken record but the only reason why they have you reapply the load is because if you're flexing things when you're zeroing it out when it's released you should at least reapply that to make sure that same amount of Flex from the the force is is present when the Piston's down and up you can see it had very little change on that dial I got about 95 000 of clearance so here's the long and short event you're probably wishing I would have shown this screen to begin with but I did a little study here a little comparison because all those special tools and fixtures and coming up with parts and pieces around the shop to make that all work that all takes time but the traditional method that we use typically to check clutch pack clearance involves put a dial indicator on the backing plate or on a clutch you push down zero it and then you lift it up and you measure it you just kind of measure that movement you push it down a little bit to take out all the unevenness in a clutch zero it and then lift it up well you can also do that with air pressure you can push it down zero it and then use air pressure to lift it up or you can use that load gauge which is push it down with a specific load remove the load air pressure it and then reapply the load well I did that study on all of these clutches or not all of them but these three right here just to give an example and these are the results inside this red box this is pretty much the result of what I've got this first one right here is if I use my hand only pushing down and lifting up by hand I was getting 78 thousandths and this is using used clutches and they're good there's no they weren't burnt or anything like that the second one is if I use air instead of my hand you can see I got the identical measurement and then this next one was if I used the force gauge so apparently I was pushing down on it probably harder than the force gauge if you remember that Force gauge you only told me to push down with 30 pounds of force I was probably overdoing it a little bit because with the special tools I was only getting 90 or 73 thousands so I was actually getting a little less clutch pack clearance measurement than by hand than I was if I were doing it with the their specified way on the C4 clutch you can see with the used clutches both of them were 90 whether I was lifting it by hand or lifting it by ear and then with the tool method the published service manual method I was getting it done with 90 000 movement so I mean within a thousandth of an inch each of each other the C5 same thing 55 and 55 and then I ended up getting 57. so the C4 and C5 required a little bit more load with the load gauge than the C3 so that's why I'm assuming that the C3 was a little lower than what I was doing by hand but anyway you can see here that they're really close whether you're using the special tools or not so if you don't have the special tools I don't think that you should just run away from this transmission I think you could still just use a traditional way to check it now this is that same measurement but here I'm using uh new clutches that are dry I haven't been put any oil on them they're not the used clutches they've got new Steels and new frictions and you can see similar measurements 75 76 75 that's using the hand only air so I got a thousandths more movement when I put air on it that when I went back to the force gauge I'm back to 75 thousands and then on the C4 it was 89 89 90. So within the thousands of each other other than the C5 54 56 61. so this is the one that changed the most I don't really know why but I did actually get about you know six thousandths more movement than if I use my hand only by comparison using dry clutches that were brand new now after I soaked those clutches for 15 minutes and ATF I redid the test again and you can see I got 75 thousands when I use the hand measurement when I use hand pressure down and air pressure moving up I got 76 and my Force gauge was 75 so really that didn't change at all and then on the C4 clutch I got 89 89.90 that didn't change at all other than with the C5 once again I got a you know a greater change or a greater difference there I got 52 55 and 60. so they did seem to make a bit of a difference on the C5 clutch assembly once again it's only eight thousandths um that's not drastic although we do have a fairly tight window to achieve I'd say that the only time I'd maybe be concerned is if when I use the traditional method if I was on the edge the extreme Edge if I was in the middle I know I'd be good matter of fact if I was on the low end of this back or in the middle I think I'd be good if I was on the high end of this back I'd probably worry that maybe doing the proper method using the proper tools that I would kind of maybe exceed my clutch pack clearance a little bit so I would shoot for the middle or lower end of the spec if I was using a traditional method that I'd be pretty confident that those clutchback clearances would be a-okay so these next slides I'm going to go into this gear set construction and kind of build it up if you've seen any of my other transmission videos I kind of build up this gear set in a little uh PowerPoint if you will in a little fashion where maybe we can understand what we're looking at gear wise as we kind of break it up into these pieces and I know looking at this is really confusing but in a second here I'm going to break it down all these colors mean something these are our five clutches right here and everything that's connected in a particular color is kind of related to each other so starting with this we've got our output gears right here so these are all output shaft related stuff and this is a kind of an illustration of my front planetary gear set these would be like a little planetary gears and since I've got that line right there that's connecting them showing that that's a front planetary carrier and then going all the way back to my fourth gear set this is a planetary gear here and these little black lines show they're connected that's part of the planetary carrier and this is what it looks like so here's my front planetary gear set there's the shaft there's my rear planetary gear set and then there's the output shaft so we know that no matter what either the front planetary or the rear planetary is going to be delivering the output torque depending on what gear we're in Reverse or first through eight now building this thing up from the back to the front I've got a gear set that doesn't have any clutch driving it or holding it but it's basically the rear internal and the third planetary gear sets carrier assembly they're all connected and inner spline and I've got that drawn as three so it's a way of connecting the rear the rear gear set or the fourth gear set to the third gear set and it's a common gear that my internal rear internal and third planetary are are common so this is that rear internal they're in planetary if I assemble that onto that gear set assembly you can see that rear internal third planetary when I say they're common it means like if one's spinning the other spinning if one's held the other is held now the next gear set I have up here is the third planetary gear sets internal gear assembly and that fits around the third gear Pioneer gear sets carrier assembly and the clutch assembly the one two three five r or the C2 clutch that clutch assembly when it applies it keeps that third planetary gear sets internal gear from rotating and to look at it on the illustration you can see these are the splines that that C2 clutch will grab onto and that fits that so this component right here is that component right there and once we put that onto the gear set you can see it covers that third planetary gear sets Planet gears next we add on the what they call the input Sun gear assembly you can see it's all in blue here so everything in blue that fits the third planetary gear set Sun but it also has a second planetary gear set Sun so and the one two seven eight R is the holding clutch that could hold this dual Sun gear assembly so when that applies it keeps the third planetary gear set and the second planetary gear set it prevents that Sun Gear from rotating and to look at it on a picture we've got here that's that assembly there's a Sun Gear right there the rear sun and when you slide all that onto the gear set assembly you can see that's right there is where the C1 clutch grabs or the 1278r now I add my input carrier assembly it's all in red so meshing around my input my second planetaries input Sun Gear is the input carrier and if you remember that's part of that big old Shell that goes all the way over to my input shaft so Torque from my turbine and my torque converter comes around and drives the second planet here gear SAS sets carrier how about that this is what it looks like that's the shell and the carrier by itself and then we pluck that thing onto the front of this gear set you can see it goes around and it drives that second planetary gear sets carrier and now I've added in green here the second planetary gear sets internal gear assembly and wrapped around and part of that is the front planetary gear sets Sun Gear so the P2 internal gear and P1 Sun Gear are common they're all part of that same component and this is a picture of that so the assembly by itself that's the P2 internal gear on the inside here would be the P1 Sun Gear and that would slide right on the inside there these lugs right here are what the C4 clots are going to grab onto now c4 clutch cane it's part of that C4 C5 clutch housing it goes in there and it has the ability to grab it onto this uh second internal gear or front Sun gear assembly so lastly you can see we've got the internal gear for that P1 from that front gear set so at this point the gear set's completely assembled and my four five six seven eight r or the C5 clutch is the component that has the ability of driving that P1 internal gear this illustration also shows all the driving clutches now so the C4 clutch is my two three four six eight and that drives this internal gear this P2 internal gear and the P1 Sun Gear the four five six seven eight R is my C5 clutch and it has the ability of driving that internal gear assembly right there the P1 internal and then the 13567 is my C3 clutch and what it does is it allows my input shaft to drive the housing that contains these two clutches and here's that picture where we take that front gear set the front internal and that's fitting right in there and the C5 clutch has the ability of going in there and driving that part right there easy peasy now when I take that input drum assembly and I install that whole assembly in there it's going to go all the way through and it's going to drive that last plant to your gear so it's the P4 Sun gear assembly and that's it those are all the parts it's amazing a Marvel a Marvel engineering Marvel here we've got all four planetary gear sets but we only have five clutches and that gets us eight speeds in reverse this this video here is pretty much a little add-on I just stuck this output shaft in the end of the bench and I just put parts on it from front to back it's kind of fun just try it sometimes there's my output shaft slid my Sun Gear in there a little song Here is easy to forget be laying on the bench laid right on in there there's a Torrington bearing right there keep part separated another Torrington bearing then you can see my tone wheel there oh where'd that extra set of hands come from there's a spot there for my C2 clutch assembly and some more Torrington bearings and that would be the reaction internal gear up towards there towards the back there's my C1 clutch assembly you can grab onto that Hub and I've got my second planetary and third planetary Sun gear assembly just showing you there that's like a little spacer it's actually got these teeth that fit on there other than a Torrington bearing it's almost like a a place for that touring to marry the contact but I can't put that on yet because I have to slide this input carrier assembly on I'm showing those plastic thrust washers slide that on nobody's foot got hurt in this process it was amazing so I'm going to slide that plastic that's the part that I put on just a second ago but just to show you some sliding that plastic thrust washer on there they give you that in a kit which is nice I then put my Torrington bearing on now I've got my P1 Sun Gear P2 internal gear that fits around that carrier and then I got my output carrier assembly that the inner splines there spline to the output shaft and there's a nice Torrington bearing there for you and then I've got my front uh the P1 internal gear that's what the C5 clutch grabs onto about that pretty simple the only thing I didn't slide in there because I was worried about it falling off and breaking a chunk out of the concrete was the drum assembly that can go in there with the input shaft and just connect itself with that rear Sun Gear and when you go to install that when you're rebuilding them you actually Slide the the uh two internal gears that are located in the front you preset those inside the housing and then you assemble that as a unit just kind of like like the reverse of delivering a baby you just take it all and put it back in like that but it works pretty good and now we're going to go through Power flow power flow on this transmission can be a little confusing at times but we'll figure it out this is first gear first gear is actually a pretty simple one by having my C3 clutch applied my input shaft is going to deliver torque through this housing and deliver torque all the way to that Sun Gear and since that rear carrier is output and I've got a rear Sun that's input and if you also look I've got these two holding clutches held so if I'm holding both of these clutches that pretty much locks down this gear set including this rear or the P4 internal gear so if my P4 internal gear is held stationary and my P4 Sun Gear is input my P4 planetary gear set is going to be output at a gear reduction and that's what they do for first gear and and hear somebody much smarter than me explaining that starting with first gear first gear is pretty easy we have these two holding clutches the C1 and two clutches are being held and what that effectively does is it holds the rear internal gear prevents the rear internal gear from rotating and then I do always have my front carrier spinning but it's not really effective in first gear but by having the C3 clutch the one three five six seven clutch applied we're going to apply torque to that shaft that's in here that goes all the way to the back and drives that rear Sun Gear so what my output is going to be is that rear gear set with the Sun Gear is being input the internal gear being held and the carrier is being output so it's basically what we see here and in first gear the gear ratio is 4.56 so I got 4.56 turns of the input shaft to one rotation of the output shaft so let's look at second gear the way they get second gear to happen is they release that C3 clutch then they apply that two three four six a clutch and by doing that remember my input is always coming in from this input carrier I've direct from my input shaft through the C3 clutch housing into that Shell by second planetary gears that's always getting input so my second planetary gear set's always getting input and this Sun Gear is held by the C1 clutch assembly the one two seven eight r that now I'm going to be driving this internal gear assembly at a at an overdrive now if I apply that two three four six eight clutch that's going to end up driving this rear Sun Gear in an overdrive and if I'm spinning the rear Sun Gear faster than input shaft speed and I'm holding that internal gear my output carrier is going to be spinning faster on second gear we're going to release the C3 clutch so we're not going to directly drive that shaft that drives that rear Sun Gear what we're going to do is we're going to apply the C4 clutch the C4 clutch is going to take this internal gear and it's going to connect it to that shaft and it's going to do that through this clutch housing so here's that C4 clutch right here and when it's applied the speed of that internal gear is going to get delivered to the shaft and at the end of the shaft is that rear Sun Gear so by releasing the C3 clutch and now I'm not directly driving from the input shaft that rear Sun Gear I'm going to force in applying the C4 clutch I'm going to force that rear Sun Gear to go to the same speed as the second planetary internal and as you can see that that is actually going in an overdrive it's actually spinning a little faster than the input shaft so what I'm effectively doing is I'm going to take this rear gear set that was spinning with the rear Sun Gear at input shaft speed and the internal gear held and the carrier out I'm going to go ahead and spin that Sun Gear a little faster so the best way that I can show this once again it'd be better if I have like three hands or something like that realize that the second carrier is always connected to the input shaft so it's always spinning engine speed but if I go through and grab the shaft that's driving the rear Sun Gear put my finger on that internal gear that the C4 clutch is driving and make those go the same speed you can see that this rear planetary gear set if I were to compare the speed of this shell to the output is going to spin in a gear reduction and that gear reduction is 2.971 so the output is still the rear gear set we're still using the Sun Gear and the carrier and the internal the carrier is the output terminal is being held and The Sun Gear is the input we're just taking that rear Sun Gear making it spin a little bit faster so our one two shift basically over drove that rear Sun Gear to make the one two shift occur and now for third gear you're going to see a little bit of a trend going on here so two ways that we can reduce our gear ratio and go a little bit faster now one way is like we saw when we shifted from first to second is instead of driving a parted input shaft speed we can maybe drive a little faster than the input shaft speed but another way we can do it like you'll see here in third gear this is instead of holding an internal gear assembly or a gear set component we can start to rotate it slowly and every time we shift it we can maybe make it rotate a little bit faster so be between the combination of making parts that were held rotate or be taking parts that were going input shaft speed and making them spin faster than input shaft speed we can make these up shifts occur so you can see that happen in third gear because what they're basically accomplishing here is that we're going to go back to driving The Sun Gear input shaft speed but we're going to rotate our internal gear assembly so it's not going to be a held component anymore it's going to be a rotating reaction part now in third gear we had to release the C1 clutch release that input Sun gear assembly so we can let it react and rotate we still have our C2 clutch applied and our C2 clutch is holding the third planetary gear sets internal gear so that's going to be our part that we're reacting off of that's held now front we got our C3 clutch reapplying and we've got our C4 clutch as with a lot of Transmissions these days this transmission doesn't have any roller clutches no sprags no ratchets no one-way rollers so no one-way clutches at all so this is a clutch to clutch transmission so like most these Transmissions when you shift from one gear to the next you have to release the clutch and apply clutch and in this case they're going to go through and they're going to release the C1 clutch and leave the C2 clutch applied and then they come back and they're going to reapply the C3 clutch the C3 clutch was that clutch at one through and directly drove the input shaft for now by leaving the C4 clutch applied we are connecting we're kind of locking this whole input gear set assembly together to make it spin at input shaft speed so then you might be like well wait a minute if we're going to drive this front assembly including the Sun Gear at input that rear Sun Gear at input shaft speed wouldn't we back be back to first gear but that's not the case because since we released the C1 clutch now what we're going to be doing is we're going to be forcing that rear internal gear to spin a little bit of it instead of being completely held it's going to rotate a little bit so once again I'm using like every finger on my right hand to try to get this accomplished but I'm rotating the second carrier I'm rotating the internal gear and I'm also rotating that rear Sun Gear making all that stuff spin at input shaft speed all the while I'm holding the C2 clutch as you can see that rear internal gear is rotating at a slight gear reduction and by forcing that rear internal gear to spin as opposed to being held stationary we're taking some of that gear reduction away and that was our shift from second to Third so since we have two output gears we got this rear output gear set this rear planetary and we also have this front output gear set this front planter gear set the output is going to come from one or the other of those two gear sets and the way they can get a shift to occur is the best gear reduction you could ever get is if you've got the sun gears input and the carrier's output so if you're up shifting you can do one of two things you can make the Sun Gear spin faster every time you shift or you can actually make the internal gear go from held to kind of a rotating component and that's why we call those reaction Parts is because it's a rotating reaction piece instead of just hell being input held in output we have input rotating with reaction or with resistance and then the output is going to still be the output component but it's going to be reacting off of a moving a held part that's moving they're not making sense so it doesn't but it's true so or it's kind of like if you're in an airport and you've got those flat escalators cruising down you know you could just stand there and you could just cruise and get to the end and say a minute let's say that thing's a football field long and it takes a minute to get from one end to the other you don't have to do anything you can just stand there right but if you walk you'll get there quicker and if you run you'll get there even quicker yeah so you're still reacting off of that escalator belt that's moving but you didn't have to be stationary you could move and that's kind of what we're doing with these gear sets is that instead of just holding apart we can create a moving reaction part so as we move that part react off of it we're going to make the parts the output Parts spin faster it's the best analogy I've ever made in my life so now fourth year they get a little fancy so what you're seeing here is they apply the C4 and the C5 clutch assembly and that's basically going to lock both of these internal gears to that rear Sun gear assembly and what we're going to accomplish by doing that is we're going to force this rear internal gear assembly it's a reaction that's occurring across this whole gear set front to back and it's going to cause that rear gear set to spin or that rear internal gear to spin even a little faster watch this explain it better now we're shifting from third to Fourth and just like before we have to release the clutch and we have to apply clutch and where we're releasing clutch is we release that C3 clutch the C3 clutch was the clutch that went through uh let the input shaft speed go straight through and drive that rear Sun Gear along with these uh Parts up front and I've released that and I've kept my C4 clutch applied so this second internal gears still got input but now I've applied my C5 my front internal gear assembly has got input so I'm connecting those two together doing that through the input drum assembly so the C4 and C5 clutches are applied locking those two internal gears to that rear Sun gear assembly and like we saw in second gear that when the input shaft which is always connected to the second carrier through that housing and you'll always see that uh in this case that second internal gear is spinning at a little bit of an overdrive the front internal gear is trying to actually spin the Opposites reacting in the opposite direction so by letting these two clutches lock these two together and by continuing to hold my C2 you're going to see that rear internal gear it's actually going to start rotating a little faster than it did in third so as I mentioned before this is one of those things now they ask now you're running or you're jogging let's go from Stand first gear you're standing still on the escalator third gear you were walking on the escalator now a fourth gear you're jogging on the escalator so you stole some of that gear reduction away and now what you've done is you've sped up these parts on the output that's what's happening in fourth gear and now we release our C4 and reapply our C3 and you get fifth gear like this guy says in fifth gear we still have our C2 clutch applied but what did we do we disengage finely our C4 clutch and we reapplied our C3 clutch but C3 clutch is pretty active as you can imagine well what did that do we still have torque going from our input shaft into that second planetary the C3 clutch locked that housing right here to the input shaft through the C3 clutch and our C5 clutch is now going to connect that input shaft housing basically indirectly to this front internal gear so we can say that these two components are going to be spinning the same speed I'm still holding my C2 and now what you're going to see is that rear internal gear maybe you've guessed it but it's spinning even faster than it did in fourth so it took my gear reduction away a little bit of it now I'm jogging a little faster maybe one could say you've been running on the escalator in the airport so six gear is as simple as first gear matter of fact it's even simpler because in this situation we don't have any holding clutches applied we've got our three driving or input clutches applied and that means the front gear set is going to be the output component we've got two parts input nothing held direct drive must result and that's pretty much what this guy has to say a sixth gear is the easy one I went ahead and released my C2 clutch finally and I've got my C3 C4 and C5 clutch all three driving clutches applied so what that's going to end up doing for me is forcing this whole gear set mainly the front gear set since I have all three parts the Sun the internal and the carrier going the same speed I'm going to have a one-to-one output and that is direct drive so just like six gear seventh gear is going to utilize that front gear set and that front gear set basically is going to be output component if you remember that front carrier assembly is splined to the output shaft and because that second gear set is going to be working in an overdrive if you look we've got a Sun Gear that's being held a carrier that's being input this is uh that second planetary carrier is always receiving input torque because it's always spline to that C3 clutch housing that's going to cause the second internal gear and that first planetary gear set Sun Gear to spin an overdrive because I have a carrier input Sun Gear held this internal gear has got to be spinning in an overdrive and that internal gear and that front Sun Gear are one in the same component so if you think of that front Sun Gear again I've got an input shaft speed going internal gear I got a Sun Gear that is going at a slight overdrive that's going to force my carrier to spin an overdrive that's pretty much the same thing that this guy's going to say but he's probably going to say it better because he's smarter so in seventh gear we released the C4 clutch and we apply the C1 clutch and C1 clutch what it's going to do is it's going to hold that second sun gear and in this gear set if you remember as I mentioned a million times already that second carrier assembly is seeing input from my input shaft so right off the bat I've got a Sun Gear that's held a carrier that's input that's going to cause my second internal gear to spin at an overdrive carrier's input it's the biggest gear so whatever gear it's driving is going to spin an overdrive in this case it's the internal gear it just so happens that that second internal gear is connected to the front planetary gear set Sun Gear so we're spinning the front planetary gear set Sun Gear at an Overdrive and the front carrier is the output component and if I'm driving through my C3 and my C5 clutch I'm driving engine speed my internal gear and through the reaction of all these parts my front Sun Gear is spinning in overdrive my front carrier is going to spin an overdrive I've got a engine driven speed and front internal an overdriven front gear which causes an overdriven front planetary that'll be seventh gear that's our first overdrive gear and you can see this has given me an overdrive gear forward to the side here I made one rotation around and I made about 0.845 for rotations wow that just so happens to be the seventh gear overdrive ratio figure that out just by looking at it all right and now we are here in eighth gear the final gear thank God this thing's not a 10 speed right but uh what's occurring here is the gear set the overdrive that's occurring from our second gear set is basically being transferred over to our front gear set because what we have here is the Sun Gear that's being held stationary by the C1 clutch and we have a carrier assembly that's being input it's always being input through that input shaft it's a direct connection so the overdrive that's occurring in our internal gear it's going to turn around and deliver that right from our front gear set right to the output of the transmission so here we are in eighth gear we're going to look for the best overdrive that with this transmission can produce and what they've done we still have the C1 clutch applied and the C3 clutch is now released but what they've done is they applied the C4 and the C5 clutches together remember through our drum assembly when both of those clutches are applied they're going to lock these internal gears together and what happens there is we still have an engine that's driving an input shaft speed the second carrier we still have through our C1 clutch we're still holding that Sun Gear for that second planetary gear set so that means we're still overdrive this stuff here is the same as it was in seventh gear we're still overdriving that second internal gear but now we've locked the second internal gear and the front internal gear together both of those are going to be spinning a little faster whereas in seventh gear the front planetary gear set internal gear was spinning a little slower now we're going to force it to spin faster remember I was talking when you're up shifting a transmission you're either going to make The Sun Gear like in this situation The Sun Gear go faster or an internal Gear start rotating or go faster in this case we're going to make the internal gear go faster so if I continue to hold my C1 and I connect my C4 and C5 together these two internal gears and pretend like those are rotating you could see we're getting a pretty stout overdrive I'll go ahead and put some marks on there so this is input shaft speed that's output speed because I'm going to pretend to be clutch to C4 and C5 and drive these two parts together we're going to look at how fast the input shaft speed would go and compare that to how fast this output speed put my finger on C1 hold that Sun Gear and we'll see what kind of overdrive that we can get out of this and there's one rotation right there and I haven't seen my red mark come around it's right there and that looks about 0.652 to 1 gear reduction give or take a couple thousandths that's what we have those are our eight forward speeds and they're powerful just when you thought we were done we still have reverse to go yeah you like your forward speeds but you still need to be able to back up now and again so the way they get reverse on this is they have our C1 and C2 clutches applied and rc5 clutch is also applied the 45678r and the way they accomplish this is they go through and they make this front gear set spin in a reverse rotation that actually causes our Sun Gear to spin counterclockwise and that ultimately gives us a counterclockwise rotation of our output gear assembly so reverse is another one of those gears where it's kind of difficult to show because I don't have enough hands and fingers and can't drive enough Parts need an extra arm and but the premise is is typically what you have is you have a carrier being held and in this case they're doing things a little different we're holding our C1 and C2 clutch and this C1 clutch has this Second Sun Gear and third Sun Gear connected to it but when we hold that second sun gear and when I rotate my second planetary through my input shaft you can see this front internal gear is spinning in the opposite direction so what's going to end up happening in Reverse is that's going to deliver our reverse rotation to our rear Sun Gear so if I connect through my C5 clutch apply that through this clutch housing right here and that delivers at reverse rotation to my rear planetary gear set that's gonna as long as I get the C1 C2 clutch is applied that is going to end up giving me my reverse rotation so pretend that the engine is driving this clockwise as you're seeing in the video and you're going to see the rotation on the output shaft going counterclockwise at a gear reduction well that about does it for part two of this seven part series and in this presentation we talked about the eight forward speeds in Reverse we talked about the ID the transmission unique number the sticker on the side of the transmission case we mentioned the four planetary gear sets the five clutches two holding three driving clutches we mentioned that the second carrier assembly is always driven by the input shaft or the turbine it's always driving that providing torque to it and we also mentioned that the output was always coming from either the first or the fourth planet to your gear set and that this is a clutch the clutch transmission meaning that there are no rollers no one-way clutches no sprags no Ratchet type clutches that every time a shift occurs one clutch has to release and another clutch has to apply and the timing is critical that means all the clearances and the specs are tight and critical on this transmission so the next lesson is going to be hydraulic operation that'll be part three and I'll see you there foreign [Music]
Channel: siu automotive
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Id: Zpg3rwP17zE
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Length: 71min 28sec (4288 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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