Gene Silencing by microRNAs

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Wow that was disgustingly satisfying

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

Why do the speakers on these videos literally always have British or Australian accents lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/djp219 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
this is a cell the basic units of all living organisms our body consists of different cell types like skin muscle or bone cells they have different structures and functions but contain similar components like the nucleus the nucleus contains the DNA that encodes the instructions for cell developments and function this information is arranged into segments of DNA called genes almost every cell contains identical copies of DNA but if there are the same instructions for all cells why are there so many different types the reason is gene silencing genetic information can be switched off so during developments a cell only reads instructions that are necessary for gaining the characteristic structures and functions for gene silencing a cell can use a micro RNA this powerful molecule is able to turn off genes by inactivating messenger RNAs which are necessary for translating the genetic information into proteins in this way genes can be turned off Micro RNAs participate in the regulation of the cell from its development to its death there dysregulation can have serious consequences for our body and can cause a range of diseases such as cancer and heart disease having such a big impact on our life micro rna's deserve a closer look so let's start at the beginning similar to proteins the genes coding for micro rna's are contained in the nucleus in the DNA each gene is transcribed by RNA polymerase 2 which produces either a regulatory or a messenger RNA in this case the transcript is a primary micro RNA which forms a typical hairpin loop structure it will become the final micro RNA with regulatory function after several steps at processing first the double-stranded stem is recognized by the protein d GC r 8 an enzyme called rocha associates with d GC r 8 to form a microprocessor complex which is able to cut the RNA into a smaller precursor micro RNA it can now be exported into the cytoplasm where it will inactivate the messenger RNA of one or multiple genes the precursor micro RNA is carried out of the nucleus through a nuclear pore by the transporter molecule x 14 5 in the cytoplasm it is recognized by a large rnase protein called Dicer Dicer cleaves the stem Lupin forms a short double-stranded micro RNA molecule in the next step an Argonauts protein a go to interacts with die set it binds the micro RNA the micro RNA is unwound and one strand is released the remaining strands called the guide strand interacts with a go to and some additional proteins to form the RISC the RNA induced silencing complex it can now be guided to its target and in activates one or multiple genes the messenger RNA of a target gene is complementary to the sequence of the micro RNA that enables space pairing once bound there are two ways in which risk can inactivate the mRNA proteins and the complex can simply cut the messenger RNA which will be further destroyed by the cell inhibition of translation is another mechanism in this case the RISC complex prevents the ribosome subunit from binding in both cases the messenger RNA will not be translated into a protein and the genus silenced since their discovery in the nineties major parts of the micro rna's pathway still remain unclear however with their essential role in many biological processes micro rna's offer great potential for medicine and might lead to key treatments of various diseases in the future
Channel: Katharina Petsche
Views: 549,232
Rating: 4.9741745 out of 5
Keywords: microRNA, medical animation, molecular animation, cellular process, Dicer, Ago2, RISC, RLC, Gene Silencing, Medicine, Science, RNAi, RNA Interference, regulatory RNA, siRNA, 3D, animation, 3D Computer Graphics, Epigenetics, Genes, wissenschaftliche Animation, medizinische Animation, science animation, gene expression, cell, cell animation, nucleus, DNA, genes, Erklärvideo, Explainer video, Explainer, Erklärvideo microRNA, Erklärvideo RNAi, Erklärvideo Epigenetik, Epigenetik
Id: t5jroSCBBwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2015
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