Gen Z And How The Deal With Stress

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Millennials were difficult but this younger generation they're more activist which when it's you know when it's like climate change we love it but like when you're like the intern and you're sending an email to the CEO going I don't think that you like it's like you know there's other ways to do that um uh it starts with empathy it starts with empathy and we have to understand it doesn't it's For Better or For Worse the changing nature of what work has become in our lives if you go back a bunch of decades it used to be that you got your sense of purpose from church you got your sense of community from bowling league you got you had you you knew your neighbors you barbecued with them on the weekends and work we were I I was loyal to work and work was loyal to me at some point I'd get a gold watch aside there's an entire generation that when I talk about the gold watch they have no idea what I'm talking about right that's how much the world has changed um and and work was simply a place that I made a living to pay my bills but there was I still enjoyed my you know I it was still loyalty over the course of time attendance church attendance is down bowling clubs don't exist anymore we don't talk to our neighbors we become very insular and what's happened is all of that pressure is now being put on the office I now expect my company to be the place where I get my purpose the place I get my friendships the place I get my community the place I get my social life now we've also added the place you have to agree with all of my politics right that's a new one and it's even now especially during Co it's gone up even higher especially for this young group um where you also have to be my my therapists my therapy I'm going to bring all of my problems to work and where we the idea of emotional professionalism seems to have gone away you know you actually see people sitting in meetings like this and you're like what's going on having a bad day right that's emot Ally unprofessional right you can I want you to bring your emotions to work I want you to bring your whole self to work but but for the same reason that we exercise emotional professionalism and other aspects of Our Lives we also do it at work so one of the struggles of this young generation is they are not equipped on how to deal with stress they're just less equipped than previous generations for various reasons including social media internet and all the and you know parenting and all the rest of it there there's many reasons for it but they're really not good at dealing with stress they're really bad at dealing with confrontation they're so confrontation avoidant that they would rather ghost someone then break up with them after dating them for six months right that they would rather quit their job than ask their bus for a raise and usually in spectacular fashion like you don't value me you don't pay me enough you're like would if you just asked I would have given you a raise we love you but they quit because they're just afraid of the conversation so they're very intimidated by confrontation they're ill equipped to deal with stress there's an emotional immaturity emotional unprofessionalism right and this it's not a good thing or a bad thing it just is and so us having empathy and understanding that is important and so it raises the question how are they dealing with their stress not well and so there's a new phenomenon that I'm seeing happening in a lot of offices where especially young people are finding the one or two empathetic the empaths on the team and they're going to them with all of their problems and it's not the traditional I hate my boss I hate my job venting about work is fine I have no issue with that but it's I hate my mom I don't know what I want to do with my life when am I going to leave my house what I you know um my boyfriend's not working out my girlfriend's not working out I like every problem in my life on this one or two people at work and we've had it happen on our team we had three people quit and I got a little team I got three people who quit because they said they were burnt out and I was like you I know how much work you do what do you mean you're burnt out so I'm like do you have another job on the side how can you be burnt out you know what I discovered is they were the impath on the team and everybody was calling them to unload they were burnt out because they were taking on everybody's stress and they were exhausted they couldn't take it anymore and they just quit and when I talked about this publicly I had a 23-year-old come up to me in one of the the companies and said I do that and so we have to recognize they are struggling in a changing chaotic crazy world right now where there's so much uncertainty in this world like like the world is always uncertain but my God it's War and the countryes at it each other's throat and there's Challenge and the global warming and it's just insane these poor kids and they have no outlet they don't know how to deal with it so my my big CH my big uh it's a challenge for all of us is how do we hold space for them and the problem is is they don't even recognize when we're doing the right thing for them that's the hardest part a lot of anger um but it's it's going to the problem is it's going to take a bit like we're in a period of extreme flux and it's it's not going to settle for a little bit where're it's going to be very bumpy a very bumpy road for the next few years there's no right answer and you will be you will be um um you know no good deed will go unpunished you know
Channel: Golf Industry Guru
Views: 18,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OBlfaUIjidY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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