Gen. Mattis Says Don't Call Me Mad Dog

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now you have recently come out with a book call sign chaos with a Bing West and it's a terrific book I highly recommend it so explain what call sign chaos means for those who haven't read the book what is chaos mean there so I was a colonel out in the Mojave Desert and I had an Operations Officer from Brooklyn with a rather droll sense of humor and one day I was dealing with another one of my brilliant ideas talking to my operations officer of this regiment of about 7,000 sailors and Marines out in the Mojave Desert and as I was walking I saw his white board chaos written I said what's that about and he said oh don't worry about that you don't even know about that and so oh yes I do so I I used some of my powers of persuasion I waterboarded him and I found out my irreverence subordinates had decided that that my call sign should be chaos Colonel has another outstanding suggestion it would rather tongue-in-cheek okay they didn't see the brilliance of all my ideas that I identified so I adopted that if my callsign and anytime you hear about this Mad Dog thing my troops all laughed at it no one my callsign was chaos that was never my favorite favorite nickname that the press has find me on a slow news day well let's talk about that in this boy I'd rather not actually you actually never used the expression mad dog you know moenay's describe how you got that you obviously don't like it so you know I would think thing mad dog shows you're tough and so forth why don't you like that and you don't ever use that name is that right well first the Marines teach you to be tough in other ways and self-aggrandizing stuff like that but I think too if you you know one thing I've had to do and and you'll understand this assign a lot of next to kin letters the last thing they needed to think there's someone with some you know self self-image of mad dog up there with their sons lives basically in his hands so I shy away from those words there's no sign more than 800 of those I have so that must be the most difficult thing to do is to write the next akin that their their son or daughters been killed mmm it's difficult for me it's nowhere near what the families go through
Channel: David Rubenstein
Views: 1,398,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TUyo-DUxCIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 23sec (143 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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