GEM PUSHER - Kirby is at the Mountains!

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yeah I don't really understand why they do these 10 Mountain thing [Music] hello everyone oh my gosh look at this killing machine they have put other stuff they have on top of the videos they also have added some small teachings here so we will start Blaine it's a little bit noisy here but this could be for our friend we're finally here let's try to get you some kill the cuteness there's not many gems here but let's try to get as many in base as possible that one's gonna be able to come on come on kill the years oh my gosh we got him he's very far back though go go go okay isn't about now are we gonna get in let's go for that one with with it hearts oh there's two of them there okay let's wait for them there's two of them coming up let's see if we can possibly Dorota does killaby they're the ones that are on the top platform just but putting stuff back there come on let's go after them now come on come on come on pick them up it in my hole gosh we got them both okay you know what since we got keychains or figures let's put them on the duck tongue yes okay one of them is put down all right okay they're moving now let's pick a bunch of gems like this one here if we put all the spirit mutant let's put them back there and have them push the possible okay they're moving let's go after that pain he'll be our know so Newton's go go go now [Applause] okay Duncan Lee is about to fall so go for this one the one with the part come on yes romantic kill be romantic kidding what am I saying all right let's drop him right here yeah yes yes yes you should be helping bring down most let's see if we can get that one over there no very few gems they're huge okay they have no more tries okay it's put five more coins here four and five they're really really scarred guys the gyms there's no gyms here okay guys so what I did now I talked with the staff here I told them that the gems weren't very stars they did not restock them but they feel like little mountains of gems so let's attack the mountain of gems now let's drop that little hole that we got there let's go for the mountain of gems one little he'll be there let's go for okay let's go for all of them anyways but let's try to get that one with a Kennedy later well now okay please get the Chamber whole bunch of champions so we gotta keep it okay nice nice let's drop the gym back there yes Anderson are to be pushing yes okay all right we're pushing the kiddies let's go after this bill this year maybe he'll push little beads come on can we get in oh yes yes he's here oh my gosh Thalassa okay anyways let's try to rob him here on the front see here's okay she's brought everything down come on yes heal the explosion and now let's go for the kid be a balance James oh yes that's a real pile of gems let's try to do them now yes and the cube is pushing one fellow but let's get keep gaining them there's still one two three a bunch of them there yes I like this okay come on are we getting the know you have zero tries okay we have six price again now because we get an extra turn yes okay now let's go after that one I don't think we can get in oh oh no we just drunk in the head go go go go now okay yes yes just bring them forward bring them forward this quarter despite of chance too yes okay much better now much better now now we need to go for the second platform because yeah we won't be able to push anything from back there yes there's another big one moving the small one seems to be kind of heavy here I don't know come on yes yes we got the little chili with a heart for Valentine's I'm guessing that they are to work anymore okay one more try for the chain mountain yes okay now now come on push push push are we getting it we have two more tries the music here is really now but I mean it's enjoyable oh my God look at all those English I'm happy if we can't drop that one there but honestly come on come on okay why yes hours go for that one or that one yes hey that's a good fight okay oh my gosh we got both of them nice all right five more try okay guys so I asked them again to win the mountains for me and they gave me an extra turn and they also relocated the little figure so that they're easy to get now oh my gosh okay we still have six more choice they gave me an extra turn oh we're lucky today were lucky today let's attack that other mountain and let's see if we can get that key to be true oh my gosh that will be awesome yes Oh No pitiful okay kill the whole fine with you okay so you can do as you come on okay more gems more gems we need to go for oh yes for those types of gems I can't believe that we're only getting gems and we're so happy with that okay come on eNOS eNOS we got one let's hope for that one it's if you can water the - oh no he didn't want to come here okay all that okay we have this truth here come on drop them are we are we getting it he's on top of the champs all right yes that's another fight of chance that I like come on let's drop in yes they went to the right to the left place that's good oh my gosh I have two more tries I got two more tries let's wait for that pile of gems over there yeah I don't really understand why they do this mountain chain mountain things they must be running low gems no you can see the platform is green that means the third victim here come on come on come on oh yeah they're running starts again okay but hopefully we can get at least the one in the middle go go go go go go yes okay that was nice we have one more try one more try and let's see if we can get I don't know to move it this one here that was it more like a miracle but we're fine with what you got come on go to the middle of the chance now yes okay that's a little hole of chance no no no not drop them yeah okay it's not moving all right but let's check your prices cause we got Pandora kill bees here all right [Music]
Channel: Japan Award
Views: 7,738
Rating: 4.9463806 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade life, japan award, japan vlog, sweet land, jewels, japanese arcade, japan arcades, gem pushing game, jewel pushing game, how to play japanese arcades, shiny gems, sweet land machine, play for friends, japan prizes, crane games, dessert keychains, yummy keychains, disney keychains, cute keychains, drink keychains, game centers, ゲームセンター, ゲーセン, スイートランド, gem catcher, jewel catcher, jewel catching game, unicorn keychains, gem pusher, unicorn gems, kirby figures
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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