Geeking Out At The BIGGEST Harry Potter Exhibit In The WORLD: Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo

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hey there man famam we are at the making of Harry Potter exhibit here in Tokyo Japan this opened up earlier this year and it's the largest Harry Potter exhibit in the world it is brought to you by Warner Brothers who also did the studio tour in London as well as part of the WB tour in Hollywood they are going to be props there are going to be costumes there are going to be creatures there are going to be all sorts of things and this slyther is very excited are you ready yes let's go oio [Music] tour Warner Brother Studio Tour is about 45 minutes by train outside of central Tokyo and when we arrived the whole train station was decorated Harry Potter and they were playing Harry Potter music and there were these beautiful statues as we continue to walk up closer to the entrance of the exhibit we found even more beautiful structures outside the garden there was this adorable statue of Hagrid and Harry that had quotes from the films on it there was aini there were Harry's glasses there were patronises the bunny is Luna the dog is Ron the otter is Hermione the dough is Lily and Snape and of course prongs is Harry you can purchase your tickets online and you do have to select a specific time to apparate on the premises so I recommend buying those early they cost 6,300 Yen or about $42 walking into the exhibit we were greeted by the most amazing Hungarian horn tail hanging above us and I was able to take it in for a moment but then I was on a mission because I read about a certain something you could buy online look at the headbands they have headwear they've got a dragon the Sorting Hat a bow truckle all four houses head wig a phoenix and the one I'm buying Max but he doesn't know it yet Dobby the M Drake with the headphones is so funny oh and there's a bigy puff back there that's wild there's also this one with the trio oh my gosh these are so funny I'm buying these now presents acquired Max will be so happy sorting hat for you cuz you said you liked that one Slytherin for me because obviously although I almost got the pig me Po because it was cute and for you Max yeah being such a good friend and coming to this experience that I know is not as much your thing as it is my thing I thought maybe the head would one I thought maybe Gryffindor But ultimately there was only one [Music] choice you are allowed to enter an hour early before your appearance time on your ticket so we did you can shop and eat there are actually two dining locations you have the food Hall which is more Savory food and then the chocolate Frog Cafe which has coffee and sweet treats the detail at both of these food locations was amazing at the chocolate Frog Cafe they had huge booths shaped like chocolate frog boxes and at the food Hall they had the house banners and the floating candles they had a potion section with bottles and then we saw a detail that stopped us all at our tracks oh my listen that's you I'm going to start an uprising Max see there he's happy he's working hard but he's happy about it not happy m i mean I agree making the best of a bad situ let's start let's I'll help the uprising I'm starting I'm one I'm one with the else look at all these treats at the Frog Cafe there's donuts for each house there's pumpkin pasties look at that little niffler chocolate mousse and the happy birthday hairy cake there's regular Cakes as well and these house cupcakes oh my gosh everything's so cute we're going to get like 10 desserts we picked up some goodies from the Frog Cafe prior to starting our tour this is a pumpkin pasty with a little Hogwarts logo on it Max wanted the Gryffindor doughnut they have them for all the houses and they're very cute that's strawberry B strawberry strawberry and then of course had to get the cutest little happy birthday hairy cake no idea what flavor it is but it's adorable and then Alan and I both got lattes they're just pling lattes but they did the Ripple art on there and Max picked up this chocolate drink which we're not really sure what it is it's true but it's cute and it they made it look like the snitch on top all right what's in there hm oh a jelly situation so we have layers I be some frosting a cake and I believe a raspberry jam layer on top of a very crispy buttery crust is it good it's not super sweet I actually really like this pumpkin pasty oh it's so crispy of course you get a pumpkin pasty of course I got a pumpkin Pasty hot mhm yeah oh man this it's better than the one at Universal and now I've got to come all the way to Tokyo to eat it the there's a lot more filling but it Stills that ainal flavor of cinnamon and Nutmeg and pumpkin the crust is really flaky that is delightful this is what I imagine they ate on the train well today I've joined the uprising of the elves I am Gryffindor so I went with the Gryffindor dut this one's strawberry but every houses is a different flavor huffle Buffs is lemon um ravenclaws is blueberry and Slytherin is matchin so I went for my house it's just a looks like a frosted doughnut whoa interesting it's got like a Mochi donut um texture not like a traditional donut I really like that frosting though it's very light and fruity is the flavor in the frost the flavor you know I can't tell science I think yes yes we need fuel for the fight okay so Molly we we know you don't love a donut no I do not but I've been curious for a while we've talked about this if a Mochi donut would change anything because it is slightly different in texture so I want you to just try a bite it that no you're still not in it I don't care for the frosting personally the Donut's better than a regular donut yeah I would try another one of these not this flavor I got a chocolate drink to be Whimsical um it does look like it's got the snitch on top I think that's ice cream can confirm with some whipped cream and then is this milk what is this STW coming out a chocolate milk that's a yooo o that's a yooo from the food haul we have gotten our haul nice nailed it uh we got the Breakfast Platter which looks to have a variety of English breakfast items here the pork rib plate a trial tart because it was Harry's favorite so we thought we' give it a try and the Fish and Chips I like the paper this look like a this like quite a feast before we start our Excursion I want this cheesy toast that has platform 94 I will take the fishing chips all right we have divided and conquered let's go all right we have the full English breakfast here we've got eggs beans mushrooms tomato bacon hash brown patty little salad and most importantly the Platform 9 and 3/4 cheese toast look at this egg you know I like a gooey egg oh yeah I mean it tastes like eggs and cheese toast not a ton of flavor going on which is exactly what I thought it would taste like but it's fun curious about these beans the beans are really good yeah not a ton of flavor or anything but but what you'd expect at an experience like this I have the pork rib plate uh we have our pork ribs looks like we have some bread and butter uh but maybe the most unique I'm seeing beans in a potato I can't say I've ever had that before uh but let's start with the main guy here oh these are very wibbly what flexible ribs I found that tastes like rib a little bit dry but sauce is good I have to [Laughter] know is this is this a thing that happens is this like a thing to our to our British friends tell me beans in a baked potato is this a thing I would love to know I mean I don't hate it fish and chips fish chips sauce mishy peas we always squeeze a lemon that is a rule on the fish is that tartar sauce it is tartter sauce and then malt vinegar because I'm a degenerate sorry everybody way to do it you need like 10 more shakes on there looks to be flaky fish into the sauce shears very crispy buty better or worse than the on it universal one a universal this is uh I think universals is better but I'm not angry at this okay time for a treal tart oh that is a harder crust than I anticipated all right so right off the bat the texture is sticky which I'm giving to understand is a ear Mark of the trial tart we're going to cut out a fairly what I imagine to be a healthy portion there's this sauce here on the side I'm not necessarily sure what it is but I'm going to put it on top is it ice cream nope that's butter here we go triot tart in essence is a golden syrup and breadcrumbs very buttery on the face of it it's also very sticky this is served one through with the butter on top that also melts a little bit I think it's pretty nice the only thing that I will say is that the texture of the crust is quite hard in comparison which is throwing me off a little bit I mean I'd expect a flaky crust but this is just a little bit harder than i' I'd expect but all in all it's not terrible lightly sweet not a whole lot of flavor but what you get is just buttery I will also say that you do have that light lemon flavor peeking through towards the end it doesn't hit you in the face immediately but it does peek through as you continue to chew a nom on the tart overall I think this food is fine it is I don't think quite as good as going to three broomsticks or leaky cauldron at Universal but I think the desserts actually were quite good and it's all for the experience you know this is not going to be the best food you're going to have certainly not authentically Japan but if you're coming to this and you want a Harry Potter themed eat or treat they're going to have you covered also this is unlike any tartar sauce I've had before and it's delicious after we got a bite to eat we headed into the experience which started with some giant stills of the film as well as a movie that told us about the impact that these movies has had led by the voiceover actor for the Japanese Harry Potter I like that in my favorite book not movie but favorite book prisoner of aaban the picture is Harry and Hermione and not Ron what's your favorite movie my favorite movie yeah probably the prison of basan interesting you just love that they left the Marauders out I don't love that but of the movies it's just the best one I like half blood prints which has Dumbledore oh now I'm going to cry I think half well you know I'm sad about Robbie cold train but Michael gambin is fresher but I Half Blood Prince is my fav which one's your favorite movie my favorite movie mhm I guess deathly hows first or second the first one nice also it's interesting to me that the tour ends right here at Harry Potter in the deathly Halls part two it does nope that's not there it just ends right there and after the movie we gathered around the entrance hall for the grand [Music] [Applause] [Music] reveal so big it is in fact great the detail and size of the great haul was amazing it looks just like it does in the films when the students come in for the welcome feast all the tables are set the glasswar you've seen in the movies was there around the hall were giant ceramic mascots of the different Hogwarts houses and then amongst the tables they had real costumes from the movies of the different houses and you had notable characters in each house so in the Slytherin house you had Maloy and the Gryffindor House you of course had the golden Trio in Ravenclaw you had Cho Chang and in Hufflepuff you had Hufflepuff student my favorite part of the Great Hall though were the professors all led by Alvis Dumbledore at the front you had costumes from Hagrid and Snape and even filch and chani and mcgonagle and that was my favorite part of the whole Great Hall and here we have costumes for Ruby's Hagrid and philus along with the different house gems that track points look your dumb house is winning must be the end of the year uh I'm sorry that you're bitter about second place always you guys are winning you did the most oh but play favorites Dumbledore classic first of all you're wrong that's all how we win that's how look how beautiful the stained glasses behind the professors also I'm getting really sad because that's really Robbie C trains and oh my gosh it's massive that's really alen Rankin and that's really Michael gambin so and because this exhibit is really focused on the making of the films of Harry Potter you have a lot of concept art scene elements and models that are throughout this entire exhibit look at all these tiny models like look at olivander's w shop these are all the W these are all the set models they made to scale before they built them for reies [Music] you know what I am happy to say that here in Tokyo there is Justice for Slytherin if you have seen me walk through the Forbidden Journey Queue at Islands of Adventure you'll know I complain about this statue quite a bit because You' got a very prominent line right here you've got a very predominant badger right here if we go around the side here I bet we got a pretty good Eagle going on there we go well it's a raven cuz they messed up it should be an eagle but the one in Universal Orlando you can barely see the snake and here in Japan look at it look at him beautiful a beautiful snake proud displayed I love you little [Music] snake they're moving I think all of our Jaws dropped when we walked into this de next set because there were literal moving staircases like in the Hogwarts halls and then you got to actually put yourself into the moving portraits on the walls there's an interactive moving portrait number where you take a picture of yourself and oh look there's [Music] us [Music] who now I should note these aren't the actual sets but they are life-size replicas of the sets that I don't know about you but I wanted to step into when I was a kid so it was really cool to see according to the sign right here this right here is Young manura Magle nice she can get it there's the radio apparently the lips can move on it here's the boy dorm look at their little tiny beds the Gryffindor monogram towels we love that oh this must be Ron's cuz it's got the chly Cannons over here want to see a cool common room come over here look how much cooler this one is look at those sweet couches and that big fire and that skull I hope you understand that this set was consistently redeveloped and became other things and never stayed the common room I don't care it's cool it is cool I agree it's cool that it was multifunctional you're saying it was a practical and helpful set uhhuh uhhuh the detail in these sets was absolutely amazing now some of the smaller things like the props and the costumes those are from the actual Harry Potter movies and just looking around things like the Slither and common room you could see all of the books and Antiquities and the dust and the aging and the painting like it looks truly like you are in Hogwarts appear is where we could see all the creatures in the lagoon the Black Lake guys look how cool in my common room there's blood down the wall uhuh great like a villain's Lair yeah can you take my picture we then went into the Quidditch experience which is where we were grouped together and brought into stands so we could be added into a Quidditch game we're doing the quidd experience and they put us with Team Slytherin and everyone is excited where are the house house elves we need a labor movement needs to start why are we wasting time quiddit we need to get a strike we need to organize we starting a labor movement let's draw the villains and we had a team member that instructed us to respond and react in certain ways and show some emotions like happy sad sad scared cheering and booing boo boo you yuck gross the qule is released and the game begins [Music] he's got the snitch Harry Potter receives 104 wins we did some good acting got some quidd things now including brooms the skele gr from chamber in Secrets when Harry loses all of his bones oh the score counter that's cool the balls and bats and some guys outfit I'm just kidding I know it's Ron oh we're in the Goblet of Fire now I see we've got Crum and eagor cars costumes the tiny mle of their sheep I don't know why I went Irish there they're definitely like Russian oh this is cool this is what the Goblet of Fire is in and it reveals itself cool here's Harry's cool water outfit including his like leg holster for his wand I also love the model of the flying horses and carriage from the Baton ladies this costume from mam Maxine worn by Francis deor is gigantic and now I'm going to Google how tall she was IR L because look how small Flor is compared to her like I know they're up on a rizon but still update she's a 5'7 so I don't know how they made her look so tall it's impressive magic and we' have now entered the room of requirement the home of Dumbledore's Army along with a great many other things really the room of requirement gives you whatever you may need most at the time but here on the mirror we see a lot of the clippings from the newspaper describing much of the educational reform happening within book five and Movie 5 here as well as the classic Death Eater Target utilized throughout the da practices oh my gosh it's the Dumbledore army paper where everyone signed up and there's a picture of Cedric and the photo of the order Harry's parents the devil's parents and everyone in it up top here we also see The Hammocks that hung in the room of requirment in the seventh book because many students found Refuge away from snap's regime at Hogwart here in the room requirement we see this actually in the Deathly Hallows part to film when Harry returns to Hogwarts and here's second only two ravenclaw's dim one of the most infamous items found inside of the room of requirement The Vanishing cabinet used famously by Draco maway to transport Death Eaters into the castle in the Half Blood Prince we found a few cool Easter eggs in the room of requirement in the back there is a big chest piece from the life-size chest game and in sorcerer Stone we also found one of the prophecies from Order of the Phoenix there's the chest piece there's the prophecy we're on the outskirts of the Dumbledore's office set but there's a pensive and I don't know what's going to be in [Music] there I'm here I'm going to tell Mommy you're a freak you're a freak k [Music] [Music] and here we have Dumbledore's office filled with all the portraits of Headmasters past and as we've just seen the pensive cabinet I've also learn this room is often redressed for other pieces in the film most specifically when Harry is training to fight de mentors with Professor Lupin this set was utilized as Professor lupin's office and here we have all of the great Dumbledore costumes found within the films nope not that one we ignore that one but these two absolutely gorgeous unsurprisingly Dumbledore's office had a bunch of Easter eggs he's got his telescope his knick-knacks and devices on the shelves which I always think about a book five when emo Harry is smashing all of them after Sirius dies to Harry's credit he had reason to be upset I mean wouldn't you be upset if you knew what was going on and everyone was just like don't tell Harry what's going on and like keeping him in the dark and like you know he saw Voldemort come back and nobody's paying him any attention and the profits just being really rude him and he's just like a kid at the heart of all of this I think I've gone off track uh you also had you actually had a mechanical Fox that was moving the swort of Gryffindor but my favorite detail was the memory cabinet which had over a thousand different memories from Dumbledore and if you stood there and looked did it for a while you might recognize some of the names like Nicholas Fel or Tom Riddle oo we're moving into costumes it looks like look at this cool display of WS you can also design your own de Eater mask which Molly is doing right now I like the snake I'm a gold kind of one okay is it we got to find it now yes it'll show you where it appears top [Music] right [Music] and then we headed into the classroom section of the exhibit which had Recreations of all the major classes as well as some props so things like defense against the dark arts charms potions herbology the like up ahe have we have entered the dungeons for the potions classroom do we get to brew something oh wait a minute and here is where your potion Master would stand this looks to be representing from the sixth film because we have advanced potion making so Professor slug horn would be the presiding professor and the top the table we have the Felix felicious Lux potion hey Max hey if you were at Hogwarts yeah what class would you be excited to take defense against the dark arts for sure yeah that's the right answer that's the right answer although charms would be very helpful around this section we've got nods to other teachers in classroom so you've got mcgonagal Flitwick and trani here you've also got the mirror of AED around the side here you've got defense against the dark arts multiple iterations CU of course there are multiple teachers and Designs there looks like we've got the library over there too and speaking of defense against the dark guards they have a costume for every Professor starting with coral to lockart to my favorite character of the whole series lopin mat I Moody Umbridge the caros and Snape and it looks like we also have our potions professors here obviously led by Professor seus Snape in taken over by Professor Horus slug horn in the sixth book in Harry Potter's sixth year and with that apparently came a number of changes in the set decoration of the potions classroom from the sort of cold dark and dank dungeon under s Snape to some more brown tones feeling a little bit more welcoming with Horus slug horn 2 [Music] [Music] 1 2 I love in the library all the different books so you've got dark arts defense basics for beginners the secrets of the darkest art this is the one that Hermione uses to figure out what hor cruxes are you've got her oceny book Advanced potion makings this is the clean copy that Ron gets this is the Half Blood Prince copy that Harry gets these are really cool and these are all designed by Mina Lima the um artists who have this section of the store in New York that I'm obsessed with some more books got history of Magic by patha backshot a couple different versions Hogwarts of History I'm sorry Advanced Rune translation is that small how are you going to translate any runes It's Magic Alan that doesn't explain this it's magic standard book of spells this is much more practical the runic dictionary is significantly more practical you would love runes Doctor Strange more books oh lock Arts of course a variety of lock art books all of them the whole collection look at that [Music] in the library sent it's so [Music] cool it's so awesome I loved this next section which was like a little dark art section led by Voldemort and Nini is saying things like that why Max says that Slytherin are evil probably yes it was cool though that's cool the wall with all the Royal decrees from Umbridge Royal decrees educational decrees is it all the hor cruxes the you got the diary the locket the ring that's in there the cup and the dim cool I guess I couldn't put Daniel Radcliffe in here looks like we're going outside the gates and into the Forbidden Forest it's chilly in here it's chilly in the forest [Music] spy look Centaur is through [Music] there and next up coming straight from the Chamber of Secrets we have the Weasley's flying car that Ron in a fit of Brilliance crashes into the wiing Willow and it becomes wild and sentient fleeing into the forest to meet centur that's not Cannon but in my head it is you must leave you know to many creatures here those who may be easily frightened May exit here wonder what we're going to see [Music] dors we're about to cast a Patronus and I think it's going to show us what each of our Patronis is I really hope mine's not a dog cuz that would mean it's R unless they can get Kon specifically to come out cuz he would be my petronus did it it's a dog guess it's actually yours we can confirm multiple times now [Music] [Music] I did it oh a horse you a horse a you're telling me I got stupid Ron and you got a horse I'm a horse here you go here you go what you got what do you got oh oh you're Hermione we're not happy enough for being Hermione she's cool who's the horse girl now this is spooky it's a hor night's house up in here there's definitely a big spider here somewhere but where is the question who is it Hagrid is that you AGD has never sent men into a hollow before go I think not my sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my CL but I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly in goodbye friend of [Music] hrid well we found aragog also learned that he's 18 ft wide and it took 15 different puppeteers to maneuver just that one spider o there gross we made it halfway through and we've got some outside scenes here including Hagrid's Hut and a sweet te- member just told us to go around the backside I understand why she would tell us to come back here look at that look at that size of cheese you think can fit that bed I mean he has a stag on his head yes Max I need to show you something hidden detail I don't think you're ready for once you look over at that St right there uhuh something is that I think that I think that right there is a hid it's true definitely behind it's behind I'm chosen Max I need you to see something this is a bare themed [Laughter] experience is that your baby he's one of us we have reached the halfway point in our tour with a backlock cafe and a butterbeer bar let's see what uh interesting concoctions and treats they have it looks like they have plates themed to the different houses as well some soda I'm probably going to skip this and check out the butterbeer bar oh and up on top of the menu we have some manres in their nice fuzzy headphones that come should be worn whilst handling them as well as Neville's mimus mimble Tonia like the dorable plums up there too oh there are quite a few dorable plums that is right the butterbeer bar had butterbeer obviously and a couple of other non-sp specialy drinks but given that it was a butterbeer bar that butterbeer we had to sample the butterbeer because it's butterbeer it is not however the same butterbeer that you will find in the butterbeer bars at Universal's Parks this one is a little bit more fizzy and less sweet but still very tasty all butterbeer is good butterbeer okay let's have a mustache competition Allen you're up first okay got to scout out the foam side pretty good pretty good act your up feel like I should be up to something very good very good H you're just going to dip your entire face in there huh well done well done had a lovely little butterbeer break and now we're in this outdoor Courtyard that has a few different things to look at the Night Bus serious's motorbike and then you've also got number four privot Drive which you can actually go into which is what we're in line to do update you cannot go into the night bus but it's always cool to see however the real night buses can be found in London and Universal [Music] Orlando this figure happy guy he was a table mod look at it's Harry's room so sad where's his little soldiers there they are poor Harry this is so cool this is so cool oh [Laughter] [Music] no D on the [Music] ground this is so cool this is my favorite part so far I think I love this got a big section of the Hogwarts bridge now and it says that only one section was ever built the rest was all CGI this is V cool it's the giant chest set from sorcerer Stone no Ron no he's going to sacrifice [Music] himself we made it into the Hogwarts Express section where there is a huge Recreation of the Hogwarts Express that you can take pictures with there's also the Platform 9 and 3/4 Trolley going into the wall you can take pictures with a little shop and you can actually walk through the train which spoiler alert is one of my favorite parts of this tour look at that sweet briefcase that is classy I do have a little update on the Draco briefcase did you steal that you have to the lava business is going well you can get movie artifacts because of the lava business in reality on one of our Tokyo days where we were just having some friend time off camera uh we stopped into a shopping district for the boys to go to the Pokemon Center and it just so happened that there was a Harry Potter pop-up shop there that none of us could have predicted and a Japanese purse company called flapper had an exclusive Harry Potter collection that you can only get in Japan and they were selling this bag and I just thought it was you know I had the luck of Felix Fel is right there to have seen this briefcase in the exhibit thought it was amazing and then found a Japanese purse company the next day that was making it we opted not to take a photo with the Hogwarts Express but we are going to take a step inside of the wonderful locomotive this is so cool we're going through the train and there's different movie sets so this is the first one we've got I'm wrong what we oh there's all the sweets that Harry buys for them to share and there's a chocolate frog jumping on the window oh here we've got the slytherins Chamber of Secrets my boy Malfoy there oh and the car is outside that's funny I that would lead us to oh we got another Chamber of Secrets it looks like so that would be Neville and jinny Sheamus Sheamus here's prar asab ban my favorite oh oh and we got Goblin har we just skipped over preser asan I guess oh this one's awesome look at Luna this is so cute at her other glasses and her quibblers all the candies here's prisoner basan there's my boy loopin watch out oh it's frozen outside cuz the Dementors there is one oh my gosh there's one right there how scary and then right here the whole window is frosted from the Dementors I get why they put them at the end now that was really cool and here's some stuff from a completely different movie that has nothing to do with Harry Potter I don't really understand why this would be here but it is interesting this is awesome we're learning about like construction now look at like here's all the different materials they would use it's going through the different steps of making a plaster mold so step one 2 3 4 like you're going through the moldings the Iron Work everything and then when you're done you've got these incredible set pieces like the pendulum here the columns look at this that would be Ministry of Magic the green wow oh wow [Music] wow [Music] it's huge and now we find ourselves in a fully realized Ministry of magic complete with the magic is might statue that was crushing Muggles I don't love that but the ministry itself is quite pretty look at all the offices I wonder where Arthur worked it couldn't have been on this floor no Arthur's definitely down in the dungeons yeah got to be I love that you've got cmol rorn and hopkirk right here which are the ministry of magic employees that Ron Harry and Hermione poly juice disguised themselves as in Deathly Hallow to break in so youve got their outfits right here I love the newspapers Harry Potter undesirable number one and the cleaning machine the offices are so [Music] cool oh they're talking some more costumes [Music] yakle umbrage thickness Ministry Munchies for a when you need a snack in your busy day of bureaucracy this is actually this is featured behind Harry while Dumbledore and Voldemort were dueling in order of the pay understandable if you missed it cuz you were paying attention to you know the two greatest wizards of all time duel looks like we've made it into creatures and look how scary the werewolf concept artst for gryback oh that is creepy a fals I love fals you've got grop Hagrid troll basilisk Fox fluffy dors Pixies possibly the most important part of this tour are photos of the animals that played characters like crook Shanks and Fang there were nine fangs four head wigs four crook Shanks [Music] amazing a jump scare oh it blink this animatronic was used for when they needed to Haggard to be taller there's looping as a werewolf the suit the animatronic on it this is so cool this might be my favorite part so far look at all the tape on the horse up there festal space look at the nlets the little hand tubet Nippers my gosh these are so cool LOL at the chum shark also got a mermaid right here a basilisk up here I think this is my favorite part so far this is really interesting learning how they made all these creatures come to life here's what a puppeteer would look like with a feral head oh and the Goblins oh and I see something Max is going to be excited about wow all the hell cells are so realistic we're now in a section learning about how they did flying scenes and you can actually do a flying CGI thing uh which I actually did at the Warner Brothers tour in California so we're not going to do it here but it's very funny now this next bit is a bit hard to Showcase via video because it's all about sound and the making of the sound in the film everything from the sound effects to the score used in the film and they even had really cool noisy props like Haggard's flute and decoy detonators I've got something but it's mad [Music] redacto that was brilliant absolutely brilliant we then went into a recreation of Diagon Alley which the detail was over overwhelming I could have spent an hour walking through there just looking into every single window looking in all the shops especially my favorite shop Weasley wizard bezas does it feel familiar or yeah but also no we're obviously in Diagon Alley and it's so weird because it feels like being in the theme park but yet it it doesn't at all it feels like being on a sound stage and it looks I mean we're in the movie Set olivanders florish and blots floring foris wiseacres it's got Slug and giffers Al's owl Emporium W Pepper's Apothecary and of course GRE guts here on the end wow the detail is unbelievable look there's us the chaos twins time for school puking pasts Into The Cauldron handsome I wish we could go in here I could look at all the products forever oh it's the magical Menagerie where you could get a pygmy puff or a nasel Madam malc's robes for All Occasions also a funny story about this it's in Diagon Alley and Universal too steuart Craig the set designer just put it in there and was like I wonder if anyone will notice I put this Goblin that's facing the wrong way with a fish on his head and uh no one said anything so now it's not only in the movies but in the lands as well this is the kind of stuff I could look at forever like look at the steps here of Le lettering this side there's nothing on it this one's starting to be painted and there's your final kind of weathered look but you can see the outline on these ones same with an olivander sign you see just their outline and then the painting and then the final weathered product like the amount of detail into every single sign is unbelievable and this is all real they really made it all come to life I also just learned that Bob and Julian Walker created the design language and hand painted all the materials that would follow the Harry Potter series and when Bob passed away unexpectedly Julian continued his father's work through throughout the remainder of the Harry Potter series into Fantastic Beasts oo and now we're talking about my favorite designers Mina Lima they were in charge of anything like in print so newspapers the quipper uh book covers candy wrappers they designed all of it you can actually purchase they they Illustrated the books they're in the process of doing it they just released prisoner of asaman and they're like these beautiful pop out books fully uh illustrated by them I have all three they're incredible look at the black family Trav Tre look where they blasted the detail in those blast marks for the people they decided no longer worth being in the Noble House of [Music] black I love the display here the Min Lima like weees Wiz Wee's products but I'm especially loving the sticky trainers because those are a product they sell in the books you can see them just for a second in the movie um but they're important in the Lego Harry Potter game which is a very fun game if you're if you're a gamer like me obviously the biggest gamer of the trio the nose biting teacup they also did like I was saying all the book covers so here's Advanced potion making which is the book from Harry Potter and the Half Blood prints there's Potion bottles themselves there's news commanders fantastic Beast where to find them you've got look I must not tell lies you've got the letters a Harry including like his spell books lisings and his his school requirements you have the customer seats that the Weasley Brothers used in the tribis of tournament that they were betting for Harry and if you look up there your father left this in possession before he died oh that's from dumble T use it well we've also got the schedule that is a fascinatingly complex way to have a schedule they ever read that look there's Hermione's notebooks and you know ronze howler maybe the most famous piece of paper though the Marauders map that makes complete and total sense when you're watching just the movies they definitely explain who Mooney warmtail padfoot and prongs are the Next Room took me so by surprised because I wasn't expecting it and I was not expecting it to be so emotional but it was this most beautiful model of Hogwarts in its entirety and they had the music playing and the lighting and it was just like jaw-droppingly gorgeous and absolutely the best part of the exhibit for me uh a little bit about the model is it's a recreation of the one in the London exhibit which is the actual model that the filmmakers used for the exterior shots of Hogwarts they would use this model and then they'd be able to add visual effects in later but this model is incredible it took 86 different artists to create it there's over 2500 fiber optic lights throughout it to give Hogwarts a glow if you were to actually add up all the man hours that those 86 artists put into the model it would add up over 74 years like probably seems dramatic that I'm crying over a model of Hogwarts when I get to see a life-size version of it very regularly at Universal but it's just beautiful the detail on this is amazing oh my goodness there's the green houses for herbology we got the lake down here got the oh my gosh [Music] wow and like any good touristy experience we're iing in the gift shop now obviously we're not going to show you everything in the gift shop it's massive um but there is a lot of stuff you can find both at the theme parks or Harry Potter New York or other Harry Potter experiences there's things like birdie Bots every flavored beans and other things but I'm going to find a few Tokyo exclusive things to share the first exclusive collection I'm seeing is just kind of a classic one they actually have this in New York too but obviously it doesn't say Tokyo it says New York and it's just like a very simple neutral colors blacks and Grays and whites and Golds and it just says Harry Potter Tokyo on it the kids sweatshirt's cute with Dobby and the uh Deathly Hallow symbol oh my gosh look how cute the books are flying got some huge set pieces in here too like the basilis fox they've also got a lot of the wands here these are not interactive ones that work at Universal but these are like the ones they sell at Harry Potter New York or if you go to some of the other Harry Potter experiences like Ule ball or the Forbidden Forest I wonder if they have an exclusive one for Tokyo though oh they do the ones are really cool they have these at Harry Potter New York like the mascots for all the different houses you can see carved in there where they have one that has literally Hogwarts on the top or the bow truckle one is so cute but I'm looking waiting my turn to see the uh Tokyo exclusive oh here she is it's hewig oh that might be coming home that would be a cool thing to display in my office along with my personalized Hermione one from Holly what look at this cool sub piece with all the quidd balls in here you've got your house stuff so you've got all four houses with a bunch of different things as well as a bunch of the plushes of all the different creatures you can get both of these at Universal I love the Easter eggs up here though cuz we're supposed to be in the hag's Hut but you've got the happy birthday Harry cake you've got his pink umbrella up there we've also got a dragon egg over here and the giant uh mugs he uses cuz cuz he's such a giant here's another exclusive collection it's a Hogwarts Express collection with a very cute sweatshirt mug wine glass t-shirt this is very cute and another exclusive collection a dragon and you've got a hoodie a fan a wine glass looks like some buttons mugs t-shirt very cool look at all the Easter eggs up here too mud Bloods and the dangers they pose you've got all kinds of quills and books you've got copies of the qu blur over here this look like Hogwarts letters dark arts for beginners ooh and there's a minol Lima section I don't think I can get any art back from Tokyo but you know we're going to we're going to look oh it's so gorgeous in here this is another cute thing I've never seen before it's very common in Japan for children especially to have a little washcloth that they bring with them to school to wash wash their hands with we saw a ton of them at Disney and now look at all the designs here there's also an exclusive design if you want to take home the butterbeer there's an exus exclusive Tokyo bottle Max is a free elf we look great These are nice did you have fun I did have a good time you you're funny at me I'm sorry uh yes I did have a good time it was I think this is really interesting to see just the sort of scale of the set pieces and how they were made I think at least from my perspective it was really nice to honor a lot of the hard work and effort of people whose names you often don't see uh represented I mean you'll see them scrolling on the credits but you don't really understand their impact until you go and see the scale of what they've done the hassels have organized we've gone in negotiation great and I think you know things are looking good for the labor movement I hope so yeah now Max y you're very good good friend and came with me to this experience as really Max is the his ear he's the best friend man yes but as a as a you know you've read Harry Potter you've seen all the movies you grew up with Harry Potter you're of the Harry Potter age but not not this nerd yeah yeah did you like it yeah it was interesting I I mean I thought the set pieces were cool the creature models were cool it's always cool to see anything that was actually screen used once you've watched a movie and and get to see it in life and how big it is the scale or the complexity the detail as a huge Die Hard Potter nerd but who's also very spoiled by going to Universal Orlando pretty much every week I really enjoyed it but I think some of the things that most people would be the most excited about weren't as exciting to me like dgon alley it was beautiful was amazing but I'm lucky enough to go to Dion alley all of the time same like things like the night Bust or the train for me what was really cool were things like the creature section or seeing the costumes and the props and learning more about the making of the films not I mean the and the ministry of magic that set piece some of the other ones i' i' you know seen versions of before however my favorite part was the Hogwarts model at the end oh my gosh moved me in a very dramatic way cuz I have spent a lot of my childhood and adulthood in that castle and it was very cool to see it so um I think if you're a big Harry Potter fan it is worth a visit however I would not say it's worth replacing a Disney or day if you've got a limited time in Tokyo um you know this is a little bit outside of the city it's it's not as exciting as going to a theme park but if you've got you know a good chunk of a day and you're a DieHard Harry Potter fan it was very neat on that note at the tour they did say that it could take over four hours to get through it I felt like we were moving sort of at a slow pace just taking everything in but we didn't stop for a meal halfway through we came out right at 4 hours so I would say about a half day experience yeah we also stop at every photo op there are quite a few and there are cues they move pretty quickly um but we chose not to do things like the photo op at the train because again spoiled brat who gets to go ride the Hogwarts Express basically whatever she wants well in the meantime friends be sure to like this video subscribe if you are new follow us on all of our socials and if you want to join us in the conversation about this or any other video we've made join us on Discord the links for all that down below and until next time friends I'm Molly I'm Alan and I'm Max and it has been so magical it has has been look at our hats they're so nice look at our hats kns I forgot what being scared was for a second sorry I was like I thought you were GNA say cheering so I was like ready for cheering know I forgot being scared was
Channel: Mammoth Club
Views: 103,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Dh-8T9hkYBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 54sec (3714 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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