Gear’s Horrifying Emergence Day & Locust Backstory | FULL Gears Lore & Origin Story

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[Music] on the planet of sarah humanity would live in a similar way to humanity on earth focusing their efforts on culture science art and social living humanity would desperately try to thrive in an age of peace without warfare or fighting amongst each other for petty things however this would very quickly change as humanity started to realize their golden age was running out of fuel to power everything during this scientists and oil companies would discover a strange luminous substance that they would label as emulsion finding this source of energy it suddenly became clear that they had found what they needed to survive a substance that was capable of near limitless energy that could power everything within their society but of course this discovery only triggered warfare again and as humanity fought over this cheap precious resource to power their land underground something far more dangerous was forming the army of the locusts was built in their ranks led by their queen mirror unknown to humanity but soon after their brutal war with one another they would face a foe far more deadly that would see them fall back and face almost near extinction also unaware to them that their discovery of emotion was the trigger of this event that they would label as emergence day but what were the events before emergent state what are the locusts and what exactly happened on that day that forced humanity into a war that seemed unwinnable well in today's video we explore all of the events that led to the locust invasion this is the story behind gears of wars's emergence day [Music] sarah's history from the offset was littered with conflicts from humanity's first written records war was their primary focus the first ever era within the beautiful sera world was called the age of armageddon which happened around 1 000 years before the events of e day within this era humanity almost brought the world of sarah to the brink of destruction conflicts would happen all over the surface of the planet and this would go on for millennia every faction around the globe would fight against each other desperate for land and resources during this the silver era took place in which two of the founding empires kashkir and gornasya force each other in a brutal conflict in an era of sword and chariot based warfare during this point both of these empires were in the golden age and were fighting over the usual things resources and land kashka utilizing their silver mines and gorshnaya having a much larger population of 400 million people as the millennials passed by war got more and more brutal with more destructive weapons ripping the land from under their feet and destroying the beautiful landscapes that humanity and its native population lived in eventually it was decided by all of humanity that war had to stop if they continued down this path the whole planet would face ultimate destruction and all of them would be wiped out these discussions triggered the end of the age of armageddon and the start of the era of silence peace suddenly rang out amongst the population of sarah humanity could finally focus on rebuilding as well as its culture science and arts it was a new golden age for humanity everyone was working together for the good of sarah and no one had to die anymore due to petty wars however there were problems with the military being stripped of funds due to this era of peace populations became anxious over the rising crime and the protection of civil liberties who would be there to protect them if anyone wanted to break this peaceful time politicians became desperate to debate these issues but what they didn't realize was that the real issue that needed to be focused on was coming right round the corner as humanity continued to focus on its golden age it became evidently clear that all of humanity's energy reserves were running out nuclear fuel and hydrocarbon were almost completely dry and the population was suffering because of it demands became high all over the planet as prices were rising by the minute during this time however humanity had discovered this weird luminous substance which they labelled emulsion however at this time scientists were just more curious about what it was they hadn't realized it was their solution to the problem they had on their hands it was never clear where emulsion came from or when exactly it was discovered however scientists began running tests to find that emulsion was actually a parasitic fungal organism that was golden and highly volatile the scientists also believed that it was created through the manure of riftworms who had been living on the planet for millennia which would explain why the emulsion was located underground in the hollow network where the riftworms live their lives as the tests continue to run within the science labs and as the oil rigs started finding more of it mining for resources it wasn't until dr helen cooper discovered that emulsion could be used as an almost infinite source of energy this was the solution to their problems and thanks to dr helen cooper's work she was able to create the light mass process where it could be refined into a usable fuel for humanity to use the era of darkness in which humanity was now living in thanks to the energy shortages was now coming to an end thanks to the light mass process finally they were able to continue where they left off from they had a new energy resource which could power their cities machinery and vehicles humanity now had cheap energy but there was another problem the global economy was now in a ruin thanks to the panic that was caused because of the energy crisis before there were only a few that weren't affected by this those were the nations which had endless access to emulsion because of this these nations became the envy of the world other nations needed what these nations had to survive but felt like they would be in just ignored this was ruining relationships and the threat of war was looming as those without emotion became more and more desperate eventually the war lines were drawn between the two factions the union of independent republics against the coalition of ordered governments this war would be labeled as the pendulum wars and its sole goal was to get the precious resource of emotion to power their nations but as this war raged on for 79 years something else was happening as humanity continued to explore emotion and its effects something that would inevitably lead to an even worse war for humanity [Music] both the cog and the uir were losing soldiers in their thousands every day during the pendulum wars both of them threw everything at each other to either get the emotion or defend it for themselves during the early years of the war that was the sole focus as both of these superpowers invaded poorer nations colonizing them under the cloak of protection politicians within the cog at this point had also started to rebuild their nations forming together the greatest minds within the cog nations here they created the island of azura which would be used as a bunker for the elite in case a global catastrophe happened one of the elites would be the scientist known as dr nile sampson however before he could get to the island something had happened behind the scenes back within the cog homeland something that he had to attend to back in the homeland it was clear that emulsion wasn't as glamorous as people thought as the mining for it increased more and more of the workers within the mines were getting sick due to overexposure because of it it would be said that these victims contracted a condition known as rustling a condition that would destroy the cells within the lungs and would inevitably lead to an extremely painful death scientists such as dr sampson were brought in to see if they could figure out a cure for this as cases were rising dramatically and mainly amongst the workers who came face to face with the substance due to this epidemic the cog panicked and saw another economic crash coming because of it in reaction to this the department of health opened up the new hope research facility which would go on to house the children of the emulsion poisoned miners to help study the effects of emulsion and eventually discover a cure for the rust lung epidemic whilst the scientists injected the children with small doses of emulsion it became clear to dr samson that the emulsion caused immediate cell stress and caused almost instant death however it was shown in some cases that cells would undergo mutations continuing this research into the effects of rustling the scientists found nothing changed with what they were doing until they encountered one girl named mira meera after being given a dose of emotion showed complete immunity to emulsion and on top of that also gained more beneficial traits she was able to gain cell regeneration meaning she could age at 50 percent the rate of normal children as well as a positive immune system this was a breakthrough finally the hope the scientists had been looking for mira was the key to it all with this information dr sampson started to witness the indigenous creatures of the hollow and notice that they were also completely unaffected by the effects of emulsion with this dr samson merged the dna of the children with the indigenous creatures of the hollow hoping to create a new creature that would be completely immune to the effects of rustling here he created the creatures that would be named as sires which were a combination of the sarah children and the native creatures of the hollow this however was a massive mistake on dr samson's behalf the sires were not stable at all and continued to mutate their creation also meant that they were extremely distempered as well as sterile tons of them lost their sanity and higher brain functions meaning they were extremely primitive and highly aggressive to anyone making it almost impossible for them to be controlled only one of the size was immune to this and that was the child named ukan who was patient zero of ruslan ukan still kept his brain functions but was still as sadistic as the other sires ukon continued to mutate and in fact became increasingly intelligent had increased healing which meant he had become physically immortal only one thing could stop him however that being cytostatic gas which would stop his healing process making him vulnerable again dr samson saw ukon as the cog's greatest asset with this information he could help the cog create the greatest weapon to use against their enemy however before he could do anything messiahs took over and killed numerous staff at new hope because of this many of the remaining staff resigned or ran from the facility leaking the information to the public stating the processes were extremely unethical the facility was eventually shut down due to the public response and the unethical treatment of children however this didn't stop dr samson and others who felt his work was far too valuable to let go here the fringe political group within the coalition moved samson's research to the secret facility within mount cada the goal was to find the cure for rustling and create those super soldiers samson was sure he could make as dr samson continued his research he had a breakthrough he was finally able to create the hybrid known as the matriarch he was formed from the dna of the size with mira's embryotic stem cells finally dr sampson was able to reproduce the hybrids finally creating his super soldiers the locust horde were born named for their potential to rain down widespread death similar to the insect locusts along with this the stem cells used within this process meant that mira had a link to every single one of these creatures creating a hivemind where she could control all of the members of the locust horde as well as the matriarch dr samson began making thousands of these hybrids and placing them within stasis tanks to be studied further by the scientists because of mira and her abilities the locus horde were also able to read and write and quickly become more intelligent this created a problem however as the locust quickly began wanting independence away from the science lab believing the scientists were imprisoning and torturing them however without a leader their queen this could not happen but during this time mira had begun a romantic and sexual relationship with the geneticist dr torres and had a child named rayna reina however was found to have pure immunity as well thanks to her mother's dna this terrified dr torres as he did not want his daughter to be experimented on like all the other children had because of it he fled the lab leaving mira behind unaware of where her child and lover had gone dr sampson lied to meera stating they had both died in an escape attempt this destroyed meera as she mourned the loss of her daughter and partner she started to despise all of humanity for what they had done to her her family and for torturing her locust horde using her neural link mira started a rebellion and led the locus to freedom massacre in the facility staff which included dr niles sampson with this mirror queen of the locusts ventured deep underground mount khadar and helped the locust build their society they would call nexus it was time for the locus horde under the rule of queen mira to start their building process forming religions creating a military and government with the one goal of hitting back against humanity but before they did they had one more problem to solve [Music] whilst the locusts were finally free from their prisons within the labs in mount kadar their life now within the hollow wasn't starting out great almost immediately setting up within the nexus the locusts found themselves in the midst of an epidemic which was known as the lambent despite being immune to the effects of emulsion the creatures of the hollow started exhibiting mutations this mutation was far more advanced than rustling as the parasite within the emulsion took over the host controlling them making it so they infected or killed anything in their path the lambent sea did not care about any other life form anything could be infected in its eyes and that's what its main goal was this made it really hard for the locusts to fight back as a lot of their lesser forces were being infected fast with the mutations manipulating their body parts and extra limbs to defend their bodies from any oncoming fire from the locust soldiers eventually the locusts were struggling to hit back they were losing lots of ground within the hollow as well as soldiers who were being infected and adding back into the lamb numbers after a lot of area had been lost thanks to the rise in the lambent the war had officially started the hordes started to enhance their military strength more finding weapons and armor left by humans within the hollow the locus started forming their hierarchy with clear generals leading the charge and the council working closely on the tactics to really hit the lambert back hard alongside this their religion was set up labelled the trinity of worms believing that their gods were the riftworms who had created the hollow however as the war raged on the locust forces started to believe that the gods had abandoned them and that they would never be able to win this war queen mirror needed to take action and the only way she felt like this could be dealt with was to meet with humanity here she met with professor adam phoenix whose wife dr elaine phoenix had discovered the locust horde shortly after the start of the lambert war mira was blunt to phoenix stating her goal was to raid the surface of sarah and take it over to escape the fate of the lambent phoenix was terrified by this plan and realized he had to solve the lambert's situation so immediately agreed to help queen mirror however said she and her forces must remain underground the pendulum wars were nearing the end at this point in time but professor phoenix was being forced to build the hammer of dorne one of the most deadly weapons humanity had ever seen because of this focus on the weapon that would end the war phoenix found it hard to focus on the lambert war as well and every time he did everything changed simply due to the evolving nature of the emulsion queen mira made this even harder for him stating she didn't want him to kill them or the emulsion as that would affect all of the locust horde as well as this research carried on phoenix focused all of his efforts on the hammer of dawn with barely any time being focused on the lambert wall eventually the hammer of dawn had been launched and the cog had won the pendulum wars but because of this queen mirror became even more impatient and angry at the fact that humanity had failed to help her and her cause and turned her attention to her original plan it was time for her and her horde to take over sarah and hit humanity hard queen mira with her lieutenant ram started to realize that fighting the lambert was a lost cause they had to get to the surface to build their society there and take it over from humanity who had put them in that situation in the first place they immediately started withdrawing all their forces from the front line in the lambert war and started to focus their effort on taking to the surface humanity had finally relaxed the pendulum war had ended the cogs were victorious once again this could be a time of peace and prosperity a new golden age perhaps however as humanity relaxed emergence day began the locus horde rose from the ground attacking everything in their way the first city to be hit was janamont's tyrus which held a large army base within the city uzil ram led the horde destroying all of the base invading the city slaughtering its citizens other man-made areas had been wiped out because of the quick relentless attacks of the locusts but those that were able to survive were those protected by natural formations with the locust advancing at a rapid pace wiping out anyone they saw evacuations started to take place with one place in particular being a safe place that being jacinto plateau because of its natural formation protection the cog government realized that something needed to be done the locusts were quickly taken over important landmarks and gaining humanity's technology on the way making them even more deadly as they went along tyrus only had less than a month before being completely wiped out chairman prescott announced a new plan to deal with this extinction event it was time to utilize the hammer of dawn with that no one could live on this land meaning the locust would be destroyed adam phoenix thought this was completely unethical and protested that not only did it kill the locust it also killed his countrymen as well as countless other humans all over sarah despite being told evacuations were taking place to save humanity phoenix knew that using the hammer of dawn was only going to make matters worse he desperately tried to come up with a new solution to this problem but was out of time sarah was a lost cause the hammer of dawn needed to be activated three days after the evacuations from ifera to the city of jacinto the hammer of dawn was deployed chairman prescott himself was the man who launched the weapon scorching the whole of the sarah's surface the planet was now destroyed all apart from the jacinto plateau ashes litter the land as millions had died in the process it was said that when the locusts invaded on e day humanity lost billions more specifically 25 of the human race was wiped out by this devastating force morale was extremely low amongst the surviving humans with some stating that the ones that died were the lucky ones and on top of that the rest of the planet was sent into a post-apocalyptic wasteland where storms were more frequent and far too deadly to be out in the open due to how devastating this event was as well the calendar was changed to simply be and ae before emergence and after emergence humanity was at a loss its numbers were too vast for one area its resources were lacking and it seemed like the locus was still strong in numbers looking to wipe out humanity from the surface completely the cog were the only ones who could hit back and with the soldier known as marcus phoenix as well as his crew of cog soldiers and his father professor adam phoenix they could find the solution to the lambert and locust problem and drive them back to where they came from [Music] and that is the story behind the events of emergence day the event that triggered the events of the first gears of war game i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did why not give it a like subscribe if you haven't already and maybe leave a nice comment stating what you liked about this franchise i'll leave my social media links in the description below as well as my other lore playlist for if you want to watch more videos 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Channel: WiseFish
Views: 175,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gears of war lore, emergence day lore, locust lore, lambent lore, gears of war origin of the locust, gears of war story explained, gears 5 lore, queen myrrah explained, queen myrrah gears of war, gears of war e day lore, gears of war lore locust, gears of war lore roanoke gaming, gears of war lore uir, gears of war lore cog, gears of war lore emergence day, gears of war lore timeline, adam fenix lore, hammer of dawn lore
Id: 6nul28NL1io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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