Gears of War: The Complete Saga v3 (Hivebusters, Judgement, RAAM's Shadow, GOW 1-5) 1080p HD

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for a Time the humans of sah knew the illusion of peace until emergence [Music] Day In Time the I defense was crushed with billions dead humans denied their enemy [Applause] control by destroying their own Civilization now the long struggle against overwhelming odds approach is a final desperate stab you and your squad might have killed a lot of locust today Lieutenant but this war is only just begun our survival depends on one thing gears follow orders but I look at you and I don't see a gear I see something more dangerous I see a hero well congratulations hero millions of citizens you've sworn to protect might die because of what you did today I hereby charge kilo Squad with desertion cowardice trespassing the theft of experimental military technology and treason does that sound about right to you lieutenant beard just give me 10 minutes to go back there and make sure the bastard's dead move Lieutenant beard there goes a record what I went from Lieutenant the war criminal in less than a week as you were oh [Music] the accused are denied any right to an attorney and may not question the authority of this tribunal so we can't ask why you're doing this now at the conclusion of this tribunal I will issue a fair and Swift verdict right of course you will Colonel are we being charged with doing our job the charges will be defined as I hear your testimony now Lieutenant be begin with the last time we saw each other our mission was to Rondevu with a supply conoy but then things started to go wrong how exactly did things go wrong Lieutenant gradually sir and then suddenly whatever it was it looked like it was headed right for our C only back he looking but he didn't say anything not yet since this War Began our cities have been falling one by one and command has no idea who or what's responsible well Colonel I think I might know this meeting is [Applause] over we went as fast as we could sir there was no saving that Convoy I heard other units talk about the glowing wretches but I thought that was just soldiers telling stories turns out it's not our old Convoy had been wiped out in minutes never seen anything like it contact when those wretches died they exploded like they'd been drinking out of a fuel tank I hoped we wouldn't be seeing them again anytime soon Colonel Lumis this is Lieutenant bear big problem sir our Convoy just got destroyed then move on to the Museum of military Glory it's under attack sir whatever destroyed our Convoy still out there noted Lieutenant yes sir come on kilo you heard the man I heard him doesn't mean I like him the museum was on the other side of the river the side the cob no longer controlled I thought maybe we could slip through unnoticed yeah nice kind of reminds me of my old wine seller wait a minute you have a wine seller hey look a man got to spend his money on something so this is the uir sniper rifle this isn't a gun it's a comrade wrenches we're not done yet stad enemad bring it on so stand in front of this right you know it's almost like they don't want us to get to the museum it was faster to go through the empty buildings than around them they were all so abandoned if no one here had been evaced where was everyone I class stuff we got a healing campus kiding these grbs seem awfully interested in your Museum is that all of them yeah I doubt it rub hole flag man I ain't never seen so many grubs in one place before I know let's just get inside everyone in the balcony got wiped out sir everyone Luma sent us where should we go you're not onx I'm onx no you're not Cadet stay here and defend this area the East Wing is getting hammered we got grubs tunneling into the main hall finish them off before you go any further great we're the first line of defense for the Onyx guard let's show them what regular soldiers can do kilo hunger nice enemy fire fight these St I don't think so Crush any and all reinforcements proceed to the east Wing black for is getting hammered over here if we don't hurry they're not going to make it black Force said they were losing the East Wind he didn't me I they lost everything on the way there we hadn't heard anything else from black four so we're going to find either bodies or a battle or an ambush you hold this room there's something big out there looks like that door's going to give when it does start shooting I hate that feeling what the hell is that that's the end of Halo Bay there's only one way out of here two actually one involves dying [Music] following the Onyx felt like the right idea it definitely [Music] wasn't Paddock if you have any intel on that grub upstairs I do have Intel stay away from it any sign of those Onyx guards they probably double timed it through here wait did you hear that oh no hell no I don't do Bel get behind it they look vulnerable back there man I thought the grubs walked around on two legs like normal people can we go now please going to get hot there's another hallway through that hole break you're have to see me uh check that's enough glittering and enough EGS I prefer to Sho at something that walked around on two feet for a while what have they done to my Mara a sniper rifle with no scope H those grubs are real geniuses radio check I got nothing I could hear voices again on our cons nothing too distinct if we could make it back topside we'd be online again glad to be out of there what's next well we call in and make sure control knows what's going [Music] on Hilo to control I need Lumis what is it Lieutenant uh Colonel some grub riding a a a monster just wiped out every rifle at the Museum request guidance kill the grub hold the museum Colonel Pak here this grub gornia they called him KH this isn't gazia my Army threw all we have at him Colonel what about the light Mass missile Cadet leave strategy to men with bars I don't want to hear a word from any of you until paddock's boogeyman is dead and I so how's that missile work it's classified but there's one here in hvo the inventor teaches at the Academy yeah Professor Elliott I worked in his lab at lcro before he went military the missile draws power from refined Emulsion the more Emulsion the bigger the bone courtesy of your big boo God how close were you to the impact Point close close enough that thing would burn up this entire city this one's low yield after the hammer of dawn Elliot stopped working on it how low yield beard or Lieutenant to fire that thing you have to get the targeting Beacon the launch codes personally activate the missile on site and get this all approved by [Music] command control kilo here so we're going to get the light Mass missile online and use it to kill General Khan any objections huh works for me all right come on Cadet you're going back to the academy that's an [Music] order Cadet Henrik I'm curious to hear what it takes to convince an onx guard Cadet to steal one of the CG's most powerful weapons I was against it sir that's right run to Daddy maybe you could show me and the Army you volunteered for a little respect I tried that and look what he got me that Colonel I'm an Academy Cadet I had to see if my friends were all right we took the sewers from the museum to the academy the whole way there I couldn't stop thinking about my fellow Cadets I hope they held out they hadn't the academy was overrun but that Beacon inside Professor Elliott's lab would allow us to land the light Mass missile right on K's head whatever happened here I know my fellow Cadets fought hard there's no shame in losing a battle trust me I know time to go inside right yeah find the light Mass missile Beacon and then get the hell out of here my fellow Cadets were the smartest the toughest the best the Cog had to offer the next generation of officers K mowed them down like [Music] daisies what if the lab is busted up too it can't be we need that Beacon and that's that now we're Cadet The Institute for Science and Technology it's just through that door these guys should let you know when you made a m go worry a clean shot to the Head should calm them down guns up come on there's a lab entrance just in time before entering the lab you needed to clear security I was still in the system Locus at every o00 I Dr hole enemy spotted gr more that's all the chill them down man the lab looks different from the last time I was here you worked here I helped test some prototype weapons Professor Elliott had a crush on me oh okay it's not moving it's restrain are still in place there should be a button around here you're kidding me right that's our Beacon these units are tough durable and they can close don't gr a level I thought he could cloak not on Academy grounds anti-cling Fields we'll have to protect it on the way out bot can you take us out of here from there we had to follow the bot off campus and make sure no one damaged him [Music] I have never fought so hard for something that beeps so much major I've got a bird's eye on the academy few pockets of locus but I have negative contact on Gears we're taking dra of fire sir evading a rotor's ped got to be kidding damn it no come I can't so we done then right M M for now I [Music] think following a strange bot across what was left of the Academy campus was not not how I imagined my day was going to unfold we here you little guy hunker down and shields up kilo protect the bot w we passed through this Courtyard on the way in we're almost out of here that's the Raven we saw earlier isn't it yeah let's scavenge whatever equip we can that's all we can do [Music] now look what I found okay we got a large Force inbound closing it on the academy Square I can see a crash Rond if you can hear you down there they're almost on you looks like several dozen marus please I think that means we're in trouble yep that that's what it means there's some gear near the wreckage at least I need ammo area clear after you little uh guy someone's got to name this thing I followed bear to the academy to find out what happened to my fellow Cadets I found out they were all gone the monster that killed them had to pay so Paddock are you here is Major Paddock of the uir or private Paddock of the Cog whichever one you like less the Open Arms program may have given you our uniform but you and I remain enemies fine let's settle this like enemies then hey hey hey that's enough Stand Down you gazes weren't known for treating prisoners very well I I'm sure you know nothing about it oh I wouldn't say that you don't seem like a man who takes orders why even follow beard you might say I had an alterior motive growing up in the uir of course I'd heard heard of The fabled Mansions of alvo bay but I never imagined I'd see them like this the grubs tore this neighborhood apart your professor lives up here are we sure he's still alive no we are not no prist today the Invaders the city we need to keep moving we have a long way to go to Elliott's house I got a statue like that in my atum you have an Atrium City down make great you should have run my guns dry we had the butt but we still needed the launch codes for the light Mass missile bar and so his friend Professor Elliot was the only one who had them Lieutenant I think we can get to Elliott through that [Music] house nice away with you Colonel L Omega 2 just took out the airport Ceder col more for me can you hear me sir sir barely son what's your status uh they've got some big Rob out here leading the attack sir young man you're fighting animals push them into the sea do you understand me sir I don't think do you understand me sir that thing's got three more Cedar with him I I think that's what disrupting our communication sir you either hang up and fight or I come out there and shoot you myself sir but I no we were getting close to Elliott's Mansion I was beginning to have my doubts that he survived enemy spotted I wish you would die okay no more games I have to St we're not done yet we found a truck it made a nice Bridge we'd almost reached the professor's mansion barriers down you w this this professor's Mansion it's fighting back his home security system there's no way we'll get past it so we came all this way for nothing there's another entrance not too far from here a friends and family entrance when would say so you must know this professor pretty well well in the it's this way mortars the grubs are going to flatten that house if we don't stop them enemy spotted See Fire [ __ ] we couldn't get into the professor's house until we eliminated those mortar squads every mortar Squad maybe is the more flag done try keep mine [Music] now Cadet can you take us into ot's house now of course sir it's through that gate the truth is none of us cared how well sofhia knew this professor but I think we all knew by then that we weren't going to like what we found inside his mansion [Music] I don't think Elliot's alive he might be Cadet come on you don't believe that no I don't you all right hey his won't be the first body I've seen today it was quiet in the professor's Mansion the quietest that it been all day then we saw ellot you told us to here you told us it would be safe this isn't good bot we still need the launch codes try to hack into Elliot's Computer hello Dr Elliot you have one new message from Elliot Nora so that's that ellot I'm sorry Cadet he was my teacher Lieutenant whatever else happened happened so what did happen he was married with kids I moved on power outage outside defenses rebooting please wait the power's out the bot probably fried the circuits to break into the system power outage outside defenses rebooting please wait uh sir I think we're about to have visitors many visitors kilo they're coming in and we need to hold them off but keep hacking into that main frame we can't leave until we have those launch codes that didn't take long power outage outside stop [Music] bleeding what's that doing that's called the main frame the bot had to get those doors open to hack directly into the system ah I like my job better good because I need you to do it keep them off the bot he's going to be completely exposed hey that bot needs a hand you want some the bot's done here and so are we let's roll we had the launch codes and we left I was surprised I kind of liked a few of the Mansions I saw today maybe when this is all over I'll take one for myself who's left to say no no private Augustus Cole You've been atypically quiet until now oh listen up all we got to do is [Music] I assume you actually listen to your crash ball coach from time to time crash ball you're not a fan pretend war no how are you finding the real thing I've been more comfortable then unburden your [Music] mind next we here it for onx point that facility's location is classified private I told har a few years back one of your generals was a big fan took me on a tour die stay dead run will I think that's all of them let's hope the missiles close by we went on inside I hope you don't plan on shooting us for trespassing Colonel I already have plenty of reasons to shoot you private well I don't see any signs marked light Mass missile you know they really should do that couldn't tell which way led to the light man's missile kept open up the heaviest looking doors eventually we picked the right one I suppose we'll know this missile when we see it oh I think I'll take that the PA was huge I knew finding that missile wasn't going to be easy guess that's the point of hiding it [Music] there K's taking the port I had friends station there we all de H okay I definitely been here before let's head towards the elevator enemy SP [Music] me more GRS on the ridge take them out we don't have any cover he got one baby more incoming oh I think I'll take that back in your hole Colonel I think you might want to send a battalion out to onx point when we're done here the grubs seem to like that place [Music] I repat Omega Squad knocked out the Big Cedar com's back online all units move out to the Museum of military Glory we'll take back this city block by block Lieutenant you have to tell them what we're doing all right all right Colonel Lumis Lieutenant Barett here Lieutenant what is your position on Point we've just activated the light mass and we're about to not another goddamn word Lieutenant that missile is sitting in that Silo for a reason cinel you have no idea what you're up against I know exactly what I'm up against the grub who killed a bunch of worthless Indies I'd shake the bastard's hand if I could then you and your men will die Lieutenant arrest private Paddock and remain on that rock actually no Cadet Henrik arrest p I and Lieutenant be if he resists you this is Omega 2 we're pinned down two blocks from the museum we need an Evac we're mobilizing Sergeant we can have a raven to you in an hour we don't have an hour we could be there whole lot sooner I'm going to rescue Omega that's a coincidence so am I it's done where to Damon back to the mainland gears need our help throwing flag [Music] oh I'm [Music] that missile's useless if the grubs can get to it we can use the bot to seal the door from the other side the door was the only way back to the missile LA and now was shut tight it was time to get back to the beach how did you get off that Island private oh that was the fun part I'm getting real tired of that sound hey Bach knock it off the beach is clear stay alert kilo TG I don't think so we can take one of those bows back that's the plan let's go finish this kilo you people Astound me [Music] lose Evac is waiting respectfully you might want to consider postponing the tribunal to you might want to consider getting back out there and fighting Captain sir they're right outside then it'll be a short walk [Music] this is crazy I'm waiting on you finish up the light Mass missile was ready to launch we needed to find K get the beacon close to him in Fire and where was K well Omega knocked out his Cedars at the Museum I figur figured he want to deal with that personally how do we know the big bad grub is going to be at the Museum Lumis just announced he's sending every gear in the city to that museum got to be a trap my bad we're not done yet hey was these grubs just waiting for us or is it just me we were told the grubs were mindless monsters but what I saw today they're not mindless they're methodical they know what they're doing and K's probably smarter than half our top brass we're heading back outside kilo sign a formal surrender to the Coalition of P I hope this Victory stuff doesn't don't worry once this war is over we can go back to trying to kill each other like normal people [Music] gilo of patrols coming in let's set up a little surprise okay split up two left side two right side greetings throwing flag oh yeah Rive me [Applause] that was fun but we need to get away from these patrols I bet we can reach the rooftops if we head up there earlier in the day Old Town seemed deserted even though it hadn't been properly evaced where did everyone there go now we knew the rooftops they thought they'd be safe they thought wrong bodies on the floor kill them let's hope they died [Music] quickly little off the top there sorry about that I have a strange feeling we're being haunted K's probably put some Locust bounty on our heads my fight stay that tell me we finally getting close to that museum K was sending in his best GRS I was starting to wonder if maybe he was afraid of us nowhere we're getting closer Damon yeah we're almost there we're not done yet hey you should have run that's it come on kilo the Museum's close I'm buying the museum was just ahead I knew killing K meant sacrificing the bot sir I gotten pretty attached the little guy I guess there's other Bots out there we can't hold them up forever control we need that Evac we're working on it sergeant we've got wounded control we're almost there kilo I can't wait to drop our missile in that big ass gr's head [Music] there you we're not done yet come on people the end is in sight bye-bye e e e this is Omega 2 we're a little roasted but clear down I know that sound that's K's personal guard we don't have much time I thought if we killed K the grubs would just stop fighting I guess this war is going to make a pessimist out of me yet look K needed to die if that was the wrong call Colonel you can go ahead and shoot me this is my kind of fight what [Music] I told you to stay on that island Lieutenant this court has reached a final verdict any last words men like you are why I fought the Cog we saved a lot of people today yeah including your ass no final words from you lieutenant maybe you have a point sir we saved what a th000 people the light Mass missile was designed to save Millions I know that but if K had taken halvo we might have lost a chance to save anyone care a this kind of trouble hey where the hell did Lumis go who the [ __ ] cares we need to find our way out of [Music] here we should have been out there fighting tonight okay not trying to fight [Music] [Music] that's the Raven we came in on we'll be leaving in it too beautiful charge D and incoming SP B World Walker they on theot I maybe it's a d fight knck and L sir Colonel Lumis just abandoned us permission to call him an [ __ ] sir permission to call him whatever you want Cadet come on kilo through the door that Raven's not sitting out there because it likes us who want some oh great just great bring it up mine now amazing they're Leader's dead and they're still Relentless [ __ ] Dam those doors ain't going to hold nice pan restore me throwing fast getting close I can almost smell that Raven baby come on they're on can you not see me this is my kind of fight taking cover all that's left of Lumis is Grand strategy stay dead enemy Spott fire in the hle [Music] Ravens over to the left L Colonel where did you come from I was killing all the grubs you missed TI taking fire my bad all right we're almost there it's almost over it's all over little off of Cardinal are we getting on that Raven so you can actually shoot us somewhere else you're Boogeyman doesn't look so tough get me want [Music] what do we do we take our time there's a difference between war and cruelty war is cruelty and this one's not not over a word Lieutenant that's the last time anyone's going to address you as Lieutenant I'm dropping the charges but you'll never be an officer again yeah why should all these brains be wasted on an officer sir private [Music] never no wonder I was supposed to keep an eye on you on me for what I guess they thought you might try to steal our military technology which you did illegally accessed military technology there's a difference pardon me Lieutenant bear it's private beard now Luma just demoted me my congratulations couldn't have done it without you I think that means I might be in charge Perfect Cole do we have this much tension between us yeah I think we might good just check after years of endless war Humanity had finally found peace until emergence day when a monstrous new enemy blackhearted and Savage emerged from below and laid Siege to our world our losses have been great our resolve is far greater my fellow Tyrant today the Coalition of ordered governments Strikes Back these unclean beasts these Locust will advance no further I chairman Prescott have authorized the full planetary strike from our Hammer of dawn weapons AR on my order the Cog has placed infantry detachments in key cities the up any surviving lus for those citizens unable to evacuate to Safety in time the Coalition appreciates your sacrifice forgive us this is the only chin up private if you can survive Prescott's [ __ ] you can survive anything he's torching the whole world to kill the grubs Sergeant am I ever going to see him again I don't know h looking for shelter come on join the party you're going to want to get that Diaz special ORD Sergeant proceed immediately to General becket's office at cic to retrieve a classified documents acknowledge no you've got the wrong gear I just run the motorpool you have your orders control out and let me guess you're coming too well if you insist [Music] looks like we're on foot from here cic is up ahead Locust troops inbound drones I see them get into cover Diaz you forget how to fight in the motorpool something like that I've got a clear line on this drone engaging now Target down got one more in range damn grubs dug in we need to flank them Roger that moving into position he's easy pickings now should have stayed underground grub coming through [ __ ] all right let's move you got a name Soldier Redburn Sid Redburn tell me something Sid Redburn you clearly know where you're going so why am I here I guess someone up there likes you [Music] Sergeant multiple wretches inbound take take them out before they swarm us more contacts this better be one hell of an important document we're after above our pay grade Sergeant let's just get to the cicc before we're flash fried going now don't go get Locust eliminated got reavers doing a flyby inside go now what are we looking for most classified looking file they [Music] got the hell plenty of time to read that later we're in for a fun ride you and me no I told Prescott I don't do that [ __ ] anymore [Music] time to go couldn't hide out in the motorpool forever [Music] Diaz move the Hammer's closing in fast get back to the APC [Music] Reaver dropped off reinforcements here they come wretches we don't have time for this clear him out with a frag grenade gladly throwing a grenade what now there a way around great the goddamn seic CL what's the play [Music] here Bank B now what you going B move [Music] holy sh I'll say one thing for Prescot the man's thorough come on let's find a way [Music] back to a godamn crisp better hope our APC isn't torched too or it's going to be a long walk to the bunker weapons up that sounds like an emergence hole get up there grubs will be tunneling out soon they're already back at it huh so much for Prescott's Hammer strikes break for [ __ ] [Music] [Music] we got Locust coming up from [Music] underground put a frag grenade in that emergence hole if we don't close it they'll just keep pouring out you think this is the first e- hole I've seen Sergeant on my way fining the job [Music] look around Diaz War's not over we need to talk about Prescott's Mission this grub named zukon save it I fix things now that's it sh the bunker no blast marks [Music] this wasn't the hammer no it wasn't this was Ukon [Music] so this is the grease pit you traded your command for comms work in this dump at least let's hope not [Music] Lieutenant Colonel Diaz it's been too long it's Sergeant now chairman hope this was worth dodging your Hammer strikes for yes well I'm glad to see your time in the motor pool has indul your talents open it you're looking at the only known photos of a locust called Ukon the enemy's resident geneticist a Monster who makes monsters corpers brots his work we need him eliminated I don't run UPS anymore not after gar Ridge sulking won't undo the past D Ass you want to save lives today stop squandering your Tactical gifts and take Ukon down before he creates something even worse I can't offer you much no Personnel no race supply hold up if this Grub's as dangerous as you say I need equipment soldiers an army oh you always were resourceful recruit whatever gears you find and figure out the rest as for your incident in gatka try to do better this [Music] time a heartwarming reunion if we do this you work for me not Prescott got it you're the boss motorpool come on let's find some more gears alder's a ghost town now so our recruiting options are thin our best bet for Gears is Echo 5 a mop-up unit stationed nearby let's pay him a visit [Music] going to need to come and de this whole platoon for our little grub hunt that won't go down easy don't you worry been working on my recruiting pitch yeah that's what I'm afraid of up ahead hey over here okay cupcakes listen up everybody in one piece we're looking for Echo 5 that's us sir grubs just ambushed our unit half a click up the road came out of nowhere all right you're with us now let's go find your people [Music] sure as hell hope there's a squad left to recruit damn no one's left let's check out the Ambush site see if there's any sign of those gears uh-huh grubs caught these gears by surprise we'll bring their tags home at least watch it here they come that's all of them now what happened here first the bunker now this UK's wiping out the mop-up crews Emulsion he didn't kill all of them drag marks you sure they're alive dead bodies don't kick if those gears are lucky taccom should pick him up mhm [Music] and there they are let's [Music] go we've got a fix on the Prisoners the grubs took my bet the sick bastards are processing those gears in torture pods we've got to work fast then once we pull up those grubs are going to start the kill [Music] timer clock's ticking on our people so it's just us two full Squad would only slow us down free those prisoners heads up trener inbound keep them at a distance that Nasher means business here they come they're in my sight don't forget that kill timer got to save everyone quickly welcome back Soldier now grab a weapon still got a fight ahead of us eat dirt and die let's pick up the pace now time's running out on our gears well good news is you're safe the bad news you're the last of echo 5 now come on we got a big mission ahead and a lot of Manpower left to [Music] find we we might have stumbled onto a fix for our Personnel shortage tacom just picked up a distress call in the industrial district whoever it is we've got to help them and who knows maybe they can help us too [Music] find your own ride [ __ ] [Music] [Music] too damn many of them fall back inside the M cies running's all they're good for she shoots better than you okay protect that truck don't know how long the armor on their rig's going to hold so hustle up there we got to give them a Fighting Chance the way they turn tail think a hiding chance is all they're up for noted Sid now move that's one big ass truck these civvies have it's a mining rig has living Co ERS a reinforced Hull an Armory so we're taking it is what you're saying if that's what I was saying I would have said it yourselves I want solid work location secure now let's make sure everybody's in one piece so much for gratitude we're not done here with them no and you know why perfect hey there looks like we came just in time listen fascist your hammer strike took everything from us don't you come here looking for thanks so here's what I see guts but no discipline if we hadn't picked up your distress call you would have been overrun we can help each other join us all right here's what I see a bunch of lost fascists so desperate for Warm Bodies they want to conscript civilians you're hunting that crazy Locust ukan what do you know about him enough places he goes show me maybe for the right price but a star is busted so unless one of your goons is a mechanic we're not going anywhere I think I know a guy okay mammoth's fixed so a Deal's a deal let's take a little trip to the packing District place is always swarmed with ukan goons you want want to see what he's up to that's the first place to look the warehouse up ahead I saw ukan lurking there about a week ago to some kind of [ __ ] let's knock on his door then and me without a housewarming gift [Music] well good thing they left the eere off come on their house is just ahead got a sniper in play take him out fast or he'll pin us down this will be good I don't see Ukon but I do see his Emulsion stock pile if we can't kill him might as well annoy him plan a charge on those fuel tanks fire in the hole think we're clear fascists can fight I'll give you that thanks it's the first thing we learn in fascist school oh so you think it's funny the [ __ ] the Cog does burning the world down no just don't judge us too quickly by the uniform you wear [Music] right oh UK's not going to like that come on no point in sticking around let's head back that was pure refined Emulsion send a rocket into space with those tanks or you could power up one hell of a monster believe me we've only scratched the surface with Ukon well we didn't find Ukon but we did put him on notice must have taken him weeks to stop problem and emultion got it with Adit felt good to mess with that [ __ ] instead of running now I got one more place where we might find him Michaela's next lead looks solid we're seeing heavy Locust activity in the city of Clayborn just like she said UK's there be ready for [Music] anything there's a lot of grubs down there well good means he's close one of UK's [Music] pets all right listen up that bridge is our way in no e- holes and they can't flank us and what about that well at least we'll hear it coming killing time the grubs have this this bridge good and infested we'll have to fight our way across what else is new hard part will be finding Ukon once we're there what the Ruckus we're going to make he may just find us first still no sign of them I think our little friend is getting closer down Ukon [Music] we got to isolate him no we don't wait useless human FS summon the Beast crush them you were saying dead ey get down grub coming scwat get up got to surround him Rockets incoming get out of the strike zone the Emulsion tanks on his back we destroy them he goes down he's going to try to Shield them so we need Shooters on both sides these Broach get feisty buckle up people he's trying to hide his tanks hit him from the other side got the buac Turning Rockets inbound does a monster this nasty really need Rockets too who does that the [ __ ] you just went loose cannon on that's who hey that was a clean kill how was I supposed to know ukan some kind of Super Grub hell yeah both BR that guns down he felt that one second tank destroyed dear it's late I just saw Ukon get his head blown off and stand right back up what else aren't you telling me your orders are to kill him not write his biography the [ __ ] put me here before we're we're keeping secrets got good people killed and some Secrets also keep people alive now do your job so you're all wondering why we pulled away from the fight h frankly we're not ready for it that Broach was just the start our enemy's got a whole grub Ze no one's even seen yet right now all we have is grit which is why your on the job training starts today look I don't like it any more than you do but if there's one thing that the Cog is good at it's making soldiers you know that so we learn what we need and then we kick UK's ass back underground I'll be overseeing a group today Major Redburn will'll take you through your Paces later lucky me now let's go squash some grubs civilians and Cog rookies and vets our little army has plenty of friction if we're going to take out Ukon we got to learn to work together that starts here [Music] mission's all about teamwork digging near both crates and load the supplies we need to upgrade our army remember we don't work together we die buckle up enemy reinforcements inbound Boomer spotted coordinate fire and watch his boom shot if that thing knocks you out of cover you're as good as target practice [Music] Boomer neutralized and you left us a present grab that boom shot solid kill Supply Target reached solid teamwork people we Prov buy us some much needed upgrades prepare for Ev back listen up DS preaches teamwork but I've got a different gospel sink or swim if you can't pull weight don't expect pity cuz the grubs won't give you any now it's proving time trial by fire it is if we're going to tangle with Ukon we need better armor and weapons grab the gear and watch out for those Nemesis bombs decent work you got a long damn way to go load up that gear Let's Roll [Music] eyes open feet apart elbow in got to say they're starting to look like gears yeah think we put a little spine in them what the hell did you do three of my people just deserted maybe a little too much a [ __ ] we'll form search parties go after them Michaela they're not just your people [Music] anymore look I don't like doing things the Cog way either but not even SIDS as harsh as a grub torture pod the Locust took our runaways captive nearby let's bring them [Music] home damn just two pods grubs took our third deserter somewhere else kill timer on so hustle if we're slow our people [Music] die oh great just what this mess needed a pack of walking landmines don't let those get close time to do our thing go ahead you are me [ __ ] Roger that we got you and listen give the Cog one more chance okay Gabe's a good man I'll handle C come on let's get back and hey we'll make this Convoy a home for you trust me now let's hope Gade can still save your friend [Music] while we've been hunting runaways yukon's been staking us out grubs hiding Mion tanks to hit us with another Broach i' bet we're going to wreck his stash and buy Gabe time to save the last deserter time to put a crimp in UK's Broach plans find his Emulsion tanks and make them go boom move out taking position heads up they're guarding the tanks perfect our targets across the way but the grubs are blocking the bridge controls clear them out frag out [Music] nobody Pat themselves on the back just yet we got work to do double time it to that emulsion [Applause] a break out the earplugs we got a cantis kill him before he heals his Shad friends his screaming Days Are Over plant this down understood [Music] that'll set Ukon back should buy Gabe some breathing room too now let's get scarce that Emulsion we blasted anyone else think those didn't look like Brew tanks what the hell's who got up to grubs aren't getting any friendlier people time to [Music] Evac we've got a fix on our last runaway and it might pay off bigger than we thought Intel says they're part of a locust cargo shipment break them out and look for anything we can use against Ukon [Music] grubs have two prisoners on site one of ours and one who's about to get lucky crack those torching pots fast and watch for Clues move out okay Soldier you're with us jackpot same kind of canister Ukon huffed from right before he turned Super Grub better grab [Music] one stay down with prejudice didn't think we'd give up on you did you now shake off the dust we're fighting our way out we've got our people and one hell of a lead with that canister everybody head for the APC guess I should thank you for running running if we can find out what's in this canister we might just learn the key to beating [Music] Ukon ukan was huffing this [ __ ] what is it take a snort Diaz and I'll shoot you for research my vcar is Rusty property of nedroma Health Institute NR is a hall then let's start hauling Ukon needs these canisters so we need to know why our best bet for answers is to check out the source but stay sharp if this place is on UK's radar it'll be crawling with grubs [Music] going to guess that doesn't say free kittens warning rustlung quarantine Zone Ruston why would Ukon care about Ruston think we're about to find out sign says the medical archives are up in the atrium let's check it out odds are that's where we'll find our Intel and a whole damn grub convention by the sound who looks like ukan kicked his drones up a notch or five take him down another nice surprise from Ukon careful of that gas cloud people headed out had enough of you [Music] pay dir research files and a fresh canister we can examine it all back at the Convoy move out we got our Intel but UK's raising the stakes with those amped up drones it's time we figured out how to put this so on ice so what is it it's an immune system booster experimental crippling side effects and it only works on rustam huh rlan so UK's dying of rustlung how is that even possible okay this is all academic we need to catch him yeah and now we have our bait with 's healing trick we can't kill him head on we've got to trap him instead our Target's an old uir medical truck once we secure it we'll make Ukon think he's hit the canister jackpot Intel says our vehicle's up ahead just got to lock it down for the recovery crew out solid job this truck's just what we need to on now let's move out and let the recovery cre get to work okay trap set now we've just got to wait and hope that ukan is desperate for those canisters as I think he is okay let's do this control this is Alpha 2 go ahead Alpha 2 found a UI truck full of medical cans just north of M it says Health Institute no use to us Alpha 2 leave it and move on control out you're sure Ukon listens in on comms oh I'm [Music] positive excellent [Music] now sorry [ __ ] Pharmacy's close [Music] Sid Redburn it's been so long what did he hey I'm taking Ukon Stand Down wait you you're what I'm getting in this truck and driving away oh no you're not stop stop I'm taking care of this my way and what way is that the backstabbing lunatic way you want to be stupid go ahead shoot [Music] the Sham me just as things are getting [Music] interesting just like we planned it and that's a corpser buckle up these things are nasty but who's the bigger threat it or S can't think about that now just Target the corpser keep it up we're making progress and making him mad as hell nobody get cocky [Music] now corpse are just signed his own death warrant Target that crane good that's it keep targeting that crane all right target eliminated godamn [Music] would you please explain to me what the [ __ ] that was you owe me an answer I don't owe you [ __ ] I trust you have better news this time Diaz we had Ukon and then your man tried to escape with him and where is Major Redburn now detained unfortunate but you've cornered Ukon once you can do it again ask her major Redburn the penalty for tres is death I leave the method to you get any answers from your Tyrant buddy just more questions that's godamn usual what did you want with Ukon you want to eat more shovel talk fine rotten there then should have shot you when I had the chance had enough alone time because UK's still out there and we've only got one Le left your backstabbing ass know what you're no better than Prescott I'm protecting you godamn it really cuz I thought you were protecting your old pal Ukon if I tell you the truth there's no going back long time ago I got posted to a genetics lab they were supposed to be curing rustlung it went sideways instead of going after a cure the doctors made monsters convinced chairman Monroe the things had military potential but they were feral mindless except one ukan one chairman caused this mess another covers it up I wanted to parade Ukon through the capital as proof that we need real military leadership to win this war not manicured politicians but for now anyone who knows the truth is at risk including you two so you're saying the Cog created did the Locust sounds about right no that's that's insane tell you what I stashed some files at The Outpost in windlock go see for yourself if this is another lie oh believe me motorpool I wish it [Music] were Sid wants us to believe the Cog cooked up at Its Own Worst Enemy if I'm going to buy that I need hard proof let's see if these files of his are real or if they're one more tall tail well wilock has Sid written all over it old busted and sketchy as hell okay missions are grab and go if Sid wasn't bullshitting his files would be in the storehouse that's one hell of an [Music] it that did it let's hustle up to that Storehouse come on sucker there's the storehouse let's have a look around that file better be there if Sid send us out here for nothing he's losing his other [Music] eye New Hope initiative Chairman's eyes only this is the file all right let's head back so we can get a closer look gab you need to read this SS patient zero it's all real s was telling the truth interesting reading what are you going to do rattle the skeletons in the closet something to report Diaz New Hope excuse me new hope Sid rambling on about it that name mean anything to you I'm afraid not what are your current coordinates asked you to deal with major Redburn you haven't I'm sending a raven to arrest him and bring you reinforcements well it's about goddamn time coordinates sent dispatching The Raven now and yes this has been a difficult mission for all of [Music] us why the hell did you tell him where we are he's going to send some kill Squad Prescot can send whoever he wants by the time they land on that Mountaintop we'll be gone oh you're sneakier than you look no more Cog [ __ ] get everyone ready to head don't say I didn't warn you well Prescott thinks we're dead good one less distraction while we get back to the mission killing Ukon oh really and how are we going to do that this healing I can turn it off you're telling us this now well yeah wasn't trying to kill him before spill it UK's turbocharging is healing right well at New Hope the docs had a dirty trick called cytostatic gas completely jams up the healing process I know how to make it and you can weaponize it you trust this mustache with legs after what he pulled you got a better plan Ukon dies full stop you want to throw a truth parade in Aira do it on your own time you know we're never going back to Aira pull any no more warning shots okay let's get to work if we're going to brew up this gas we need ingredients Intel says we'll find him at an old uir chemical weapons Depot Gabe's busy cleaning up the Prescott mess so it's on us to make sure Sid behaves [Music] takes two chemicals to make cytostatic gas florisil something called rz50 we'll need plenty of both so get cozy by those crates no slack assing oh we'll do the job you're the one who's got to prove his worth good work let's grab a couple more loads make sure we get enough to knock Ukon on his scaly ass let's mess him up f it [ __ ] took my cover Ming got to keep the grubs at b or we get nowhere fast okay go carry it's all right [Music] this whatever now nobody spill this [ __ ] on yourself it's like touching the godamn Sun Ukon isn't going to sit politely while we dosing with this cytostatic stuff so we need a delivery mechanism gas grenades will do the trick secure the parts we need to build them Intel says we'll find grenade casings up at the old missile silo let's step to it gab leaving Sid alone mixing a bunch of chemicals you really trust him no but if he steps out of line we've got plenty of pissed-off soldiers there who would love to set him straight [Music] good we're in get to that Silo people [Music] [Applause] [Applause] God damn almost makes the regular cantis seem cuddly careful he looks extra aggressive this one's got a parting gift too steer clear that gas cloud okay we're clear man ukan just cranks out one sick freak after another like some Twisted grub shaft yep that's why we're going to close his [Music] kitchen nice got our grenade casin time to head home so what do you want to bet Sid's blown himself up by now making his chemical stew huh you almost sound concerned is he growing on you again yeah like a damn fungus what was the U going to do with a missile that big blow up the moon more like blow up the Cog yeah but you blew them up first with your space laser different War same [ __ ] so these gas grenades you think you can make them do what we need are you I have two engineer IND Doctrine you think I'm going to have trouble making a little gas pump out no I great excellent let's back can I build a damn gas grenade Michaela is making our grenades but she needs one last piece Detonator pins Intel says we'll find some at a was station out in the Badlands we've got to collect that cargo before the grub Wrecking Crew arrives our Detonator pins should be in one of these equipment cases search them until you you strike gold keep ahead of those bombs don't want to be scraping anyone off the dirt today you know I could have handled this one alone motorpool you didn't need to come along don't think so Cowboy you're still on probation is that right and how long's this probation going to last till the lump you made on my head here how about that on my way good Detonator pin secure dialing in arac now but we can always use extra equipment too not a bad little Mission how's that lump on your head feeling now better I mean an old man like you can't hit that hard just wanted to ring your bell why we're out to hurt you you know it these super grubs are bad news if Ukon builds thousands of them Marches On Aira easy to fix Diaz want to stop an army of [ __ ] just blow up the [ __ ] Factory it's done you're welcome all that's left now is to find out where UK's hiding listen what I did before well it was a it was a bad call I just wanted payback for all the [ __ ] the cogs made me do I put you all in [Music] danger I'm just trying to make that right careful stare at that any harder you'll set it on fire don't bother hasn't moved in two hours think I got it these are all the places Ukon attacked what's the pattern we've covered this it's random where he's hit is random what about where he hasn't zenic Province we've been through it pristine medical facilities they should have what ukan wants but he isn't touching it's the one place he doesn't want to leave Footprints Zen's big it'll take some looking he's there I know it so much for Ukon keeping a low profile in zenic Intel just came in on a hidden torture Camp we're going to free his prisoners and see if we can't sniff out his base [Music] okay get to those prisoners but keep your eyes sharp for Clues canisters tracks anything don't get excited now grubs have torture camps all over doesn't mean UK's base is the street call it intuition you're back in the fold Soldier come on we're fighting our way [Music] out got a civvy here sure hope you can shoot I don't worry about me I can fight now haul ass to the APC we got bigger grubs to fry good all friendlies accounted for hey the grubs who took you did they have a base nearby it's important they look can we just leave of course we've got food and beds for you both back at our Convoy [Music] girl knows something she's about as chatty as a brick wall help me to talk to her mind if I join you it's your Camp can't imagine what you've been through save the pity for someone who wants it look look you want to leave no one's Stopping You H if not talk to us what happened to you we were living in some old lab my father's a scientist or was a few weeks ago I went out for supplies when I came came back that thing was there setting up shop Ukon I don't know why he didn't just kill me but what he did to my father that'll stay with me until the day I die I'm sorry that information isn't a gift you're going to help me kill ukan help you kill him what's your name my name is you're going to help me kill ukan I think I can make that happen awfully long name though there anything I can call you for short Raina [Music] guess she likes your motorpool she knows where he is it's time we ended this Raina gave us a fix on UK's lab but the Brute Force approach isn't going to cut it to plan our attack we need to scout his defenses clear out any grubs and get to a vantage point there's a view of UK's base past this wall the checkpoint used to be unmanned or unrubbed but UK's a Vigilant one no way we're sneaking in we've got to open the gate and clear a path to that Overlook move out this laban's using you know it well sort of we weren't there long my my father and I were always moving always hiding hiding from what honestly you the [ __ ] I mean I was taught never to trust them yeah well wish I'd learned that lesson sooner myself okay they're down for a c you know your way around a gun where'd you learn to shoot what's so hard you just point and pull the trigger guess I've wasted a lot of time on the firing range then Let's uh open that [Music] gate the lookout's up this way but stay alert there'll be more Locust around taking their shot so anything else I should know about this lab I'm not sure I mean my father said it had RNA sequences thermal cyclers well what is that bad lucon everything's bad there through the rocks done some renovating huh it's an [ __ ] Factory all right in full production that's a lot of Emulsion okay what do you guys want first the bad news or the really bad news Gabe has a plan to break into UK's base but it's well don't anybody cancel their life insurance if we're going to survive this we need to armor our HQ vehicle up way up you need metal plating you raid an armored vehicle Depot settle in by the crates and pack up that steel I've been scrapping my whole life I don't need the tutorial hey we're friends now remember I yeah sorry hey so Gabe's big break-in idea you think it'll work oh his plans always work that's not quite like you plann that's all for now SOA you fought a lot of grubs before then not that many I guess but in a way it feels like I've been fighting them all my life tell me about it no I mean forget it okay that's it and uh good work everyone listen to rain of people she'll be giving the orders before long now let's get back fuel economy is going to take a hit but our HQ vehicle is about to be and armored I told you once that we weren't ready for this fight said all we had was grit well we got a hell of a lot more than that now but this won't be easy because it's not enough just to kill Ukon if we let the Locust keep turning out these Juiced up everyone's at risk not just us that means we've got to crush Ukon and his whole nasty ass operation the plan's simple first we knock down UK's front door knock knock battle unleash down and give us time to make a special delivery got you Jad while we chase ukan down you'll buy us time now let's get this done thought you were clever did you come see what my newest creation thinks of your little plan Gods disable those pumps whatever UK got's hiding in there we've got to cut off its emotion Supply okay then what then Ukon unveils his magnum opus and wor one keep it up scum you only hasten your fake dropped one okay and ah all emotion pumps down no more ju suan come face us well he looks friendly bear witness to my masterpiece UK's got to split up he wants to weaken us that jack up Reaver has Rockets too move we've got to expose the Emulsion in that thing's head Target The Mask Target's launching its rockets and changing position I have made your kind obsolete this hyra my zeelot and disciples we are Sarah's future Humanity has been eclipsed do you not see what your scientists began that new hope I have finished my last round fire human pasts no big guys [Music] down and out stay Al alert don't trust anything until you see Ukon dead back get [Music] back this rub will not take a damn h [Music] [Music] hop away got a whole box of these cytostatic gas a drug of torturers you're all out of mov moves New Hope never left you did it sin I missed you too [ __ ] you think you've won but your suffering is only beginning humanity is weak soft my creatures my perfect Creations will I'll give you all [Music] they'll outlive your ass that's for sure that's that then so what's next mustache man you headed off to spill some Cog dirt been thinking on that maybe some secrets are better left buried I say we leave Prescott to his world and get busy building our own [Music] right off into the sunset then not quite UK's monsters are still out there I've got some new Mission plans we can go over tonight see Raina this is how FAS should celebrate planning something of yours my mother's I never knew her thank you can we burn this place down already it's almost my nap time coming [Music] [Music] let me tell you something about war war ain't always about fighting blood B and death yeah yeah that's part of it but as sure as hell ain't all of it sometimes it's about knowing when it turn tail and run your [ __ ] ass off this is it people settle up Storm's about to hit [Music] just remember little one in life there will always be struggle such is the nature of things but in life there is also hope and happiness status Valera Tai just loaded the last of the civies on the APC Lieutenant Kim thank the sovereigns for that after Sundown this place is going to be a nightmare relax Lieutenant still ours before the damn Krill storm hits the city no control this is jeta 6 El Lima city is under attack repeat l Invasion the Lima city is under attack Locus and crew I'm set now make it quick we got civilian casualty Roger thata control out Locus on the left they're inside the perimeter Seda they're getting too close push them fast good there you want the w now there's too many of them Walker we need that backup now they're still inbound a then we have to use the hammer wow Roger that Z okay without a targeting laser you need to use the mobile command center there's one at your Outpost zaa locate the command center you grubs are going to love this risky gamble brother control Z to6 here area secure what's left of it we've lost radio contact with Echo 5 they were at a nearby Bank with civilians awaiting Evac move to the bank and support all right people let's relocate to the financial district double time shame to we back another city about time we just took a stand and killed these goddamn grubs tell me about it this is my hometown these are my people my condolences losing one's home is next to losing one's family it's true I guess we're all homeless now R back take it out barck no this isn't a combat assignment attack civilian hell who's calling those Hammer strikes I think we're doing more damage than the Locust desperate times call for what they call for is some goddamn restrain Focus we don't know what we're walking into let's keep moving you hear that that must be Echo Squad move Boomer why don't you bring it Dr enemy reinforcements d [Applause] well we found what's left of echo Squad May their souls finally no peace but what about the civilians let's check inside control Echo 5 is Kia we're moving inside to secure the civilians they were a good unit copy that data good luck do you have the code just help me with the door if I were hiding in a bank where would I be precious things are kept in vaults and vaults are underground all right let's find a way downstairs I used to have an account here can now look at the place well everything [Applause] changes and some things stay the same Thunder always follows lightning my thoughts exactly Tai there has to be Locust nearby no wonder you guys work so well together you're like his [ __ ] translator my God I hope that some of them made it into the Vault hostile wretches enemy contact down hello is anyone back there this is Lieutenant Min young Kim we're here to help Jack you around unlock that door for us will you [Music] hey anybody alive in here go oh man I hate burning through C reminds me of my divorce monetary wealth is leing I value our lives much more we got it me yo who's out there help help hey I hear someone [Music] yo who's out there help [Music] help you [ __ ] want some of this come in here I'll show you what I got I'm going to kill all of you when I get out of here you freak say that kids got Spirit hey what's your your name Jace Jace stron good to meet you Jace I'm Alicia you're safe now all right thanks I thought I was done are there any other survivors in here I don't think so well stick with us we'll get you to safety come on I don't know we all tried to escape out the bat but I got trapped look we'll try to find the others as we go man this [ __ ] is crazy what's up with the sky the Locust Cedars are inking it ink ink blocks the sun once it's dark the Krill kill everyone don't worry Jace we're getting you out of here before that happens I rum about to get fun eyes open Zeta ra prepare the battlefield for Destruction escort the trimor to the first emergence Point General grab some weapons to get to the front gate smash through their defenses your krill will shield you from incoming bols but be careful of explosions and fire which will make them scatter let the humans know that they shall reap what they have St together man over us yes this location is Ade the Tremor is being planted clear out the humans call upon the cedar to Ink the skies the krill will ensure that a Lima is plan very good the go the of a seconder general bring down that Raven with the LMA under our control we will be but one step away from a fe without the protection of their Capital City the humans will be left with nothing you have arrived General excellent my soldiers your queen is proud of your work move on to the final emergence Point leave none alive I've got L for you go forth my general go forth and show them destruction the Lima City knows not what the some bad juju in those vibrations control this is Zeta 6 what's going on out there I'm not sure Zeta we lost contact with the last Evac checkpoint have you secured the civilians just one we're headed to the checkpoint now what's the ETA on that Evac Caravan they've encountered resistance but are approaching your location you don't have much time Roger that control we're on our way sniper start see now so [Music] control this is 8 to6 we're seeing Nemesis over the Evac Point copy that data 6 you need to neutralize the Cedars at your location before the Evac Caravan arrives and control we' spotted Locust Elite and general Rob this is more than just a simple Ambush confirmed we have Locust forces emerging throughout the city trescot just deployed the Onyx guard to the East Side good to know data out all right let's get to that checkpoint and clear out those Cedars did she say that Prescott sent the Onyx guard the who [ __ ] must be bad they don't send those guys for Evac Jace wait for us here [ __ ] you don't have to tell me twice this street is the Evac route we need to clear it that means no Locust on the ground and no Nemesis in the air it's those cheater Zeta on I need more fire that hole you means crush them got it a for the columns it's empty good to go control Evac route is clear I repeat Evac route is clear here comes the Caravan good timing what that something got no idea Val but I can feeling my damn boots it's moving toward your position Kim you have bumac inbound we see it Walker APC need help get on it Sha we lost the transport kill him faster destroy his Cannon just shoot it in the face that big bastard did not go quietly control the Caravan is secure wish we could have saved everyone hurry up son that caravan's your ticket out of here be safe Chase whoa what I don't get to stay with you but my pop Dr weisson he's still at the school that Caravan can't wait any longer Chas and you need to be on board when it leaves but we'll check out that school and make sure he's safe I guess don't worry Chase we'll find him and bring him back safe thanks Alicia you stay safe too okay this place has Cog written all over it control this is Zeta 6 we're on school grounds and we're seeing signs of recent Cog activity was this an official Evac checkpoint confirmed it was set up behind the school but that Caravan hasn't checked in since the fighting began Roger that control we'll keep an eye out let's move we need to be out of here before dark in this case I think darkness comes before the night oh man barck you're on point hey we can climb in through there it's a shame to see an empty school no learning no achievements no detention no fights no expulsions suits me fine I take it you were the class valedictorian more like class Outcast some things never change I see signs of life but no thing living but where is everyone control we've located the evacuation Center but it appears empty Roger that Zeta 6 the Krill storm is quickly approaching and command recommends you return to base understood control but we're going to complete our search for wisen First SATA out this guy better be worth risking our asses with those Krill about to hit this is Dr wison please proceed to the my office Locust approaching and please be careful that doesn't sound good Zeta let's find his office what the [ __ ] is that hello hello is someone there Dr weisen we've come to get you out civilians do not be [Music] afraid do I hear survivors why Zen where are you dead inra you hear [Music] something greetings dror wison a when do we get to fight something be careful what you ask for [Music] there Str think that just yesterday these Halls were full of people what is going on here what the look out always got to be the hard way huh so that's who's been running around in here I'm ready for fight here they come heads up rches r nice try you little freaks man the bullies in this school are rough let's just keep moving [Music] dat oh to think that people lived like this sister you think this is bad should see my old stranded camp now that was a real dung Heap operation lifebo my ass snipers find some cover H keep your heads down use cover and cross to that building we got to need hold here come some more we got to needo K that keep got the B let's do this thing see now that did it move out this is Dr wison please now them my there are locust approaching immedately please be careful wretches they are toying with us whatever's going on just stay on your toes Zeta oh I hear you you little monsters get out of here contact enemy reinforcements never could manage a day at school without going to the principal's office [Music] GE this is Dr Wiis please proceed to the gymnasium immediately get me I'm leaving my office now we are all Gathering to go to my orphanage as there are locusts approaching the school I repeat go to the gymnasium immediately and please be [Music] careful sounds like he already left moris hold up in the gym agreed let's check their first before we head out I know Jay said his people were in here man this place is a graveyard graveyard I hope not control said these people were evacuated right Lieutenant she said they hadn't checked in if someone was left behind then we need to get them out and take down a few Locust along the way [ __ ] could use a trophy for creepiest high score under the table picker watch your back don't get to kill don't get how still oh it's messy as [ __ ] all over me so wisen's the principal here no wonder he was leading people back to the school the boy Jace said they were close like [Music] family my God how many did any of them make it I'm not sure damn it we couldn't even protect an Evac point with kids in it the C does what it can for its people Corporal that's why we're here keep moving the Cog does what it can for its people I'll tell you what the Cog did for me the Cog blew up my house the Cog destroyed everything I had and when I was stranded and had no other choices the car gave me a gun and sent me here to do the same thing to someone else this was your home once Val is the Cog doing what it can for you I don't know baric the Locust are real those Krill are real every life we save today is something special is another chance for someone [Music] what is that a serapede web it would take a colony to make a web that big huh or a giant one why do a locker room smell the same all I can smell is Locust Cy bar giant it is just means a bigger Target perfect behind us watch out that is is my of fight syap bring it kill you next ooh that's got to hurt that did it move out not far now this way there's our Evac Center what the looks like everyone's dead what did this something we're going to kill a sad resting place for the Fallen looks like the school is deserted and no sign of wison now what let's cut through here we need to unblock the bleachers that did it move out mker run bring it out you ugly [ __ ] come and get me buet w't work stay away from her you can't kill her fight now better than fight break off gears find an exit [ __ ] this [ __ ] we need to get out of here now's our chance run everyone out only one way now get outside a wow she was almost as tough as my ex mother school is deserted and no sign of wison now what now now we have some fun The Cedars arrive my children the humans are too late to stop us now show them what it means to face the might of the Locust elite fire the the city has form and these fragile humans cannot hope to stop us now crush them into dust go forth my general go forth and show them [Music] destruction make R for the cedar the hell is happening you're going to die charge CR charge well done my children but the sky is not yet dark enough for the Crill to Fe move to the final location and summon another wave of seeding once the Nemesis have darkened the skies the city at last shall be out control Zeta 6 the school is lost to no sign of Dr weisen control this is Zeta 6 do you read me it's no use Lieutenant something means Cedars and Cedars mean our comms are [ __ ] well we have to reestablish comps with control we're going to find any survivors time for Cedar hunting like War only uglier unprecedented Darkness masks the day yeah this is bad this place is going to be a graveyard soon ah it's those little ticking bastards to think we used to complain about gridlock people complain about many things they would wish for later brother I think I'm going to say that about you one day good to go looks like everyone tried to drive out the same time enemy contact PR let go how's that feel [Music] what did this never seen Carnage like this before they're going to pay dear for it Cedars are dead ahead but there's too many grubs in the way agreed we have no chance of facing them headon let's split up and maybe we can surprise them Barr take tie and head up that ladder cover us while Valera and I attempt to flank done see you on the other side brother baric move your hairy ass and take out this tra got a gr hole go so Val your little brother old enough to serve yet one more year it's amazing how fast they grow up too bad he's going into all this yeah yeah well got a kick ass older sister to look after him when he does yeah thanks baric look there a nemesis above City Hall that means the Cedars are Clos let's find them and take them out got a plan get inside City Halls if the mobile command center is still online then we can use it to bring down the hammer agreed fry some grubs yeah I think I can do that now you translate to ABRA got my such a beautiful garden only to be defiled by the unclean not bad head inside Zeta we need that Command Center that was a serious Ambush I've never seen Locus use tactics like this what's pushing them Rob and I can't wait to meet him there's the command center someone man the hammer the rest provide fire support we'll cover you just blast those Cedars [Music] damn get [Music] Resto nice work Zeta let's see if we have comms back Zeta 6 to control control do you read me Zeta 6 Zeta 6 I read you what's your situation we're still kicking good to hear your voice Walker you too Kim I guess we can thank you for all of those unauthorized Hammer drops affirmative we took City Hall and cleared out local Cedars hopefully that will buy the evacuation sometime the evacuation is over s you're all that's left stay where you are and we'll send our last APC to pick you up control we need to get to wion's orphanage he was taking the kids there and they might still be alive Zeta the orphanage is a click east of City Hall but additional Cedar have sped up the Krill storm command has ordered a full withdrawal of all forces negative control we're not leaving wisen and the kids Walker I need to find his orphanage if they want us out they can pick us up the there Roger that z i I'll send along your request for evacuation God speed control out [Music] to think we once dared to build our dreams at least we can turn it into a nightmare for the grubs get out of here that's quite a crane we got here hey maybe we can use it to make a way out of here nice you can be foring F you okay with using the crane Kim I mean I wouldn't want should violate any Cog regulations or anything thr it [Music] baric Dam the guy there must be millions of them doesn't look good let's get moving Zeta we need to reach that orphanage before the skies in over thank you sir you made the right call thank me when we're out of this mess private and stow it barck that's an order we move while we still C oh thank God gears I thought we'd never get out of time Dr weison don't worry you're safe now Zeta 6 to control the orphanage is clear send in the APC arriving now Zeta 6 please hurry take cover everyone get inside no [Music] J come inside I've got to protect my own you know how to use that thing K guess so make her proud let's go protect the [Music] orphanage control the orphanage is under heavy attack APC is down repeat transportation is destroyed we need an exit strategy ASAP copy that we're traveling Air transport this is going to be tight whatever it takes we have civilians here and are taking heavy fire take need can get back to the orphanage close that hole byby who's that some kind of super Elite [ __ ] he's a tough one I'm out hey Mo it you dirty grub we need to keep moving to the orphanage look he's back tiers the F he's back you got a big mouth huh grub I'm going to put my Gun Barrel in it this is for Echo Squad gr damn it time is fleeing we must hurry oh my God what the hell did he use whatever the hell it is stay clear of it Zeta let's go protect the orphanage right out he's attacking he's open fire opening yes take some of that grub EO in the street hold the L ah here come some more get out of here a take that you big son of a [ __ ] out watch this out yeah I got plenty more of that we're inside our perimeter he there damn it he's getting back up what two reavers what else is this guy got The Harder They Come rong's Landing [Music] barck get everyone to the roof for [Music] Evac damn it are you this is it people settle up this SC 84 your eyes here boys son of a [ __ ] [Music] damn it this is for Valera come on today is not the day e Jack Rip that door what are you doing here getting you out here put this on you need you could get in a lot of trouble for doing this not anymore things have changed we better go what about the other prisoners you can't just leave them here they're gone Hoffman pardoned everybody is that right welcome back to the Army soldier [ __ ] let's go we've got two options we can go back the way I came through the guard's Porters takes time but it's safe or we can go through the prison blocks and get right into the fight your choice let's take the prison blocks I'm ready to kick some ass hell yeah let's do it 64 this is Delta 2 we are on Route over copy that we are beginning our run 64 in position Fox One Fox one he 64s Delta 2 hold your fire we are inside the prison over Roger that holding fire advise you relocate ASAP man if command knew I was here to get you I'd be in some deep [ __ ] come on let's go nice what the hell's been going on in this prison you don't want to know ground units are taking heavy fire we have hostiles in all directions copy that calling for reinforcements over Marcus the tower take cover King Raven Delta 2 got to Locus on that bridge over Roger that moving in 64 we are moving your location over copy that we are clearing area for extraction Marco grab the grenades sweet Mar use your grenade boom [Music] baby okay I think we're good let's grab some ammo good to go let's get out there Delta 1 this is Delta 2 we are ready for a distraction over copy [Music] that enemy units right there right there over I see them moving in we are coming too close to your right can you suppress over negative you can only cover one target we need your guns over oh yeah negative negative we are also taking heavy fire standby incoming now now oh [ __ ] this is 61 I'm hit I'm hit controls not 61 is down I repeat 61 is down be advised we are [ __ ] boarding Mission repeat we are [ __ ] boarding mission retrieving Delta Squad Now Delta there's something moving below ground over I see it too what are we looking at hell if I know Marcus we've got to move to the Raven now go go go welcome to Delta Squad where are we going Embry Square Colonel Hoffman's waiting for us Hoffman oh [ __ ] this is going to be awesome hey are you the Marcus Phoenix the one who fought SP at asfeld Fields yep wow cool not really you traitor like you doesn't deserve to wear the uniform looks to me feel like you need all the help you can get step aside Lieutenant I've got good news we have a plan to end this war once and for all yeah right sensors are picking up enemy movements are close by Locust take cover Move [ __ ] we now have the light MK bomb I'll take out all these bastards with one shot but it can't work if we don't have the targeting data that's why we need the resonator it'll map their tunnels so that we can hit those sons of [ __ ] where they live now I'm pested up there we've lost contact with Alpha Squad last trans mission was from every Square I want you to get in there find those men and deploy that resonator who we have air support what are you kidding you are the support son down to two Nemesis are keeping our birds out of the area you'll have to move in on foot we're screwed all clear but the lieutenant here will be feeding you Intel yes sir and the smart thing to do right now would be to leave you get it done I expect you to give me 110% Phoenix I'm not doing this for [Music] you enemy reinforcements take cover that one was on the house good luck Delta get up those stairs Alpha's waiting grubs marus blank up control this is Delta we have visuals on Alpha possible Kia no sign of resonator Roger that Delta keep looking I'll open the door I've got the code well it could be Alpha COG Tags are gone is that the resonator now now what let's get that resonator Marcus what do you think what do I think could be alpha or it could be the Locust setting a trap there's only one way to know for sure inside the house of sovereigns our next Target is House of sovereigns Straight Ahead move don't mind if I swe fire in the hole frag out I think we're good let's grab some ammo what the hell man those holes could pop up anywhere you'd think we would have figured out some kind of goddamn defense by now yeah Comm man's tried everything but nothing works if Locus want to come up they come up I used to have nightmares about those things when I was a kid [ __ ] I still [Music] do looks like we need to split up Phoenix you and Carmine will go right Dom and I will go left yes sir hostiles let's move that is that great as [ __ ] we've got Locus coming through let's move someone get on that troa good job B now let's go find that resonator move up Locus reinforcements controled this his Delta Squad any word from alpha negative Delta we still have radio silence over Roger that Dom Phoenix you'll look for a way in Carmine and I will stay back and suppress what about Alpha we'll save him if we can you good yeah but I got a problem something's wrong with this thing it keeps jamming see sniper take position Focus reinforcements take [Music] cover Target control this is Delta come in nice military equipment always works car mine man I know I'll open the door I've got the code I think we just found Alpha move somebody's having a good time up there you miss you need glasses sucker damn oh you can't see when be helping with this holy [ __ ] it's one guy that one for the high up in that Soldier needs our help get down those stairs oh yeah back game yeah that was beautiful baby state your name Soldier Pro Augustus Cole Alpha Squad sir coal as in the coal train yeah that's right where's the rest of your squad they're sitting tight over in the Tomb we're Delta Squad we're here to retrieve the Sonic device and to get you guys out of here hell yeah we've been waiting for the chopper but the radios don't work for [ __ ] sir we noticed it's the Cedars that jamming our Transmissions then we have to make those Cedars our top priority sir agreed we need to reestablish radio contact with control ASAP number 8 three damn the one and only baby remember this guy he played for the Cougars defensive lineman we saw you play that's right everybody wants to see the train baby hey Marcus remember division playoffs 40 yd line I remember you owe me 20 bucks oh yeah see me out to the war [Music] a multiple contacts keep those things away from Jack there's too many hold hold hold your position let's go damn what is that smell seriously something smells wrong in here those Stealers that nasty man nasty get your heads back in the fight soldiers Focus you two get over here and take these weapons don't use them until I give the order don't mind if I do that is just hard fire your weapon so hold your trigger down it gives the satellites time to [Applause] triangulate scratch one grub reloading piece of [ __ ] we should use the hammer of Dawn all the time it only works outside and even then only when the satellites are overhead basically you Led Out control Delta come in control copy Delta your signal is extremely weak we are working on that problem on route to Alpha's position Delta this is4 repeat please are you with Alpha is bz clear running low on fuel over negative 24 negative stand by move out private what is this [ __ ] this rohos maybe I didn't do you any favors getting you out of prison let's go what's all this [ __ ] about Hoffman's operation and his resinator it'll map the underground Network then we can find the Locust heart and rip it out uhhuh nice and that's three for three control this is Delta come in I copy Delta loud and clear all Cedars are neutralized moving to Alpha's location now that's great news Delta stand by for Alpha this is Alpha where the hell are you guys there oh [ __ ] man where you been Delta Squad is in the house of sovereigns over well that's great we're pinned down by tras on your rooftop over understood sit tight we'll take them out we're not going anywhere sir Delta out this building used to be a beautiful place there's a lot of history here a lot of lies too well you've got some nerves Soldier I know all about your trial trial was a sham sir get up there pick up though we need to clear it that means no long focused on the ground and no nemic in the air hell yeah get on those tras got one copy that we're we at the pickup zone now we have visual we're out of here man I puke my guts out of those things every time guess you're sit next to Marcus [Music] then who L your baby yeah yeah yeah group hug where's roas [Music] [Music] Locust take cover Under Fire they're flanking I am pleased with our progress I understand they have located another Squad our strategy Remains the Same cut off the head of the smake and the body dies [Music] we will win this war it's only a matter of time no we're here for Alpha and the resonator come on control this is private Phoenix Lieutenant Kim is dead so we've Fallen back inside the tomb and we need a way out of here repeat Alpha Kim is dead confirmed control Kia Roger that um there's a Courtyard at the other end of your building that's your best bet copy that well we sure as [ __ ] can't stay here you're Beed yeah that's right [ __ ] question is who are you oh [ __ ] quiet don't move what was that a Berserker she can hear us she can smell us [Music] okay get out of here we got to get looking out of here man oh my god control this is Delta we have a Berserker in the vinity please advise hold your fire Delta standard weapons won't work do you still have the hammer of dawn affirmative control you've only got minutes of satellite coverage get her outside and use the hammer that's the only thing that'll work Wilco Delta out all right guys sit tight we came here to help you and that's what we're going to do Dom let's go move out there so what's the plan well unfortunately all we got to do is get her to follow us MO [Music] oh [Music] satellite is online well then okay Dom let's drop the hammer she's stunned Target her now [Music] hey Cole there it's all clear control this is Delta come in I read you Marcus Colonel Hoffman is coming online report we're here with Alpha and we have the resonator huh uh very good we stand by for new orders you guys all right we got to get out of here it's going to be dark soon so Dela we now have a secondary Target you will deploy your resonator in the lethia ultion facility Due West to your position and you're in charge Sergeant Phoenix as of now Sergeant C me that we're clear for Ravens negative area is too hot for Choppers you'll have to find another way copy that typical don't give the smart guy a promotion no no give it to a jackass instead so we got to hump this to the factory or what nah screw that I got an idea oh yeah what is it smart guy enough let's move [Applause] plan what plan you don't have a plan you're just talking [ __ ] plan just wait and see [ __ ] Marcus this is on you Hammer of dawn is offline perfect got it control we're outside Tob the Emulsion Factory is 10 clicks ahead but be advised you've got enemy units moving to your location they definitely know where you are copy that [Music] great bar and I will go left you two take right sounds good oh this sucks D we're blocked see if you can find another way into the building copy that [Music] enemy thr friend damn these guys are almost as big as you Cole yeah corpser that's a gold pack yeah it's going to wait save us for later like a snack [ __ ] you think I'm kidding I think your batshit crazy that's what I think oh he de cute like two [ __ ] on their first date I could use a hand here we got to get out of here and if you got a plan let's hear it I know somebody who lives out here he got a vehicle it's a piece of crap junker but it runs what you know one of these stranded guys yeah there's a camp up ahead so what you hang out with stranded I don't hang out dickwad I'm looking for somebody shut up bear keep moving what what I say I'm I'm sure there there's some nice stranding maybe see corpser I told you it's chasing us yeah I got it Rock [Music] throwing br nice the target let's get that vehicle hell yes don't have to tell me twice got it hey man what's up same old [ __ ] Frank's in here yeah usual spot [Music] come help you here it's all you D don't worry I got it I won't let you down hey Santiago what you doing here there's no news on the lady man I tell you if I heard anything I don't want people seeing me with you all right it's not good for business man give me that junker of yours say what get real man I'm serious we need it sorry to hear yall having problems man but I'm not giving you my ride yo you owe me one I'm calling in the favor right now all right all right man I'll do it yo on one condition they stay here yo it's collateral we can use the extra guns man done it's a Chap's gas station watch you go get it hey yo yo Santiago we even now man no more favors [ __ ] this is [ __ ] I told you I had a plan your plan blows all right hey hey hands on the merchandise no handsies on the yeah you weared out so where we going Franklin Chap's gas station Corner F Street 13 there's going to be a lot of locust between here and there said you got that right you need to hit our checkpoints with some ammo the first one's by the river so if I was your ass i' get my ass over there in Pronto you dig take the stairs let's go help [Music] I on you we crossed the river checkpoint one should be straight ahead how's it going bar oh it's [ __ ] somebody here figured out that coold played thrash ball now it's all oh coold train tell us all about that play again and hey number 83 sign my Shar where the hell are you guys we're working on it sit tight stay there we're coming over stay under the light [ __ ] Franklin Santiago hey it's dark now so you better watch it man the kill are probably out by now yeah they are and they just killed the guys at checkpoint one [ __ ] all right yo Santiago man that means they're coming this way Johnson check the lights yo man you better keep moving checkpoint two is up ahead shoot every propane tank you see from now on we need a light people out here aren't going to like that Marcus they use that [ __ ] it's either that or they kill us so we're doing Co you there everything okay [ __ ] yeah baby we got to hook up they giving us some big ass dinner we are going to get dissenter from this [ __ ] bear is having a hard time adjusting you know tell be to shut up and eat we'll be back soon copy [Music] that nice control where too take the alley to the left of your location nice there he's still there bman is cold bear is in the toilet listen these boys are getting serious they bringing out the big guns something's about to go now for sure pick you up as soon as we can yeah I think you better cool out Delta this is control we're seeing hostiles on our radar near Delta 2's position copy that are they aware affirmative they are taking defensive action copy that Delta out [ __ ] now what dark everywhere stay here I'll go inside and mo that light bar give me an update we've got Locust and looks like kriller on their way can you hold position for now but you guys are welcome to come back anytime you know copy that Phoenix out Marcus get me over to that building cover me [Music] all clear out of the way nice [ __ ] finally be it's Marcus come in over be radio's out we need to get back there hey you state your name look at them fool ass faces Franklin son us yeah well no [ __ ] I know what you're doing here damn it we're looking for Chap's gas station oh yeah well good luck ain't no lights between here and there I guess your ass is doomed huh oh you think so well whatever go in the house I'll run the lights Jack stay here and open a Comm link with this guy oh yeah okay I'll talk to your trash can here you guys can count on me he don't screw up hey man I screw up I'll never see your ass again cuz you'll be dead I'm going to kill this guy there's some bad [ __ ] in there so you better watch out huh light still on uhoh I'm just flying with you [Music] there it is over here you dumb [Music] [ __ ] you n look at this place you burned half the neighborhood down and we've got logus and krill flying up our ass all thanks to you where's a junker I didn't think you guys were going to make it so I I didn't fill it up I figure that's your job P's over there [Music] [Music] get in here I got some ammo in the back Locus oh [ __ ] Dam it Dam it Dam it can't get a Target take that you blood Su Boomer yeah D it hide behind the G you are not taking me are you nuts stop shooting the vehicle next control we've got the vehicle we heading back to pick up the rest of the squad hurry Marcus Locust and krill have launched a full scale attack on their position [ __ ] get in D let's go good to go drones up there damn it get in not again go watch out left the enough go it's going to be kill you the you turret this junker can only Power the turret or the engine not V you turet clear yes you [Music] die clear clear [Music] next time I'll stay with the exploding gas station you copy yeah you on your way or what we're getting screwed to the wall over here we're almost there sounds like they can use your help let's do this r burn [ __ ] almost had us that time let's move out there turn that [ __ ] off hold up damn it okay Delta looks like we're walking are you kidding me control this is Delta Squad our vehicle is DOA we're now on foot please advise copy that Delta the pumping station lift is offline so you need to enter the mines through the factory continue down this road affirmative let's go stupid junker piece of [ __ ] can you fix it that can fix anything man just need to rap Hearts what's that control we got what looks like glowing wretches out here copy that we've had reports of lamit wretches before possibly due to direct Emulsion exposure be advised they are extreme ly volatile open that door will you it's locked just get Jack to open it won't work doors are too [Music] thick control this is Delta we're at the factory but the entrance is blocked copy that Delta I'm sorry but I don't see any other options on my screen all right this will go faster if we split up Cole beard you head that way we'll head right radio us when you find an entrance oh man I don't know that sounds like a bad idea I'll be sure to take that under advisement Cole now move it yes sir come on Cole let's move damn Marcus he'll get over it you know that nobody's been underground in years right I know look man it's enemy territory I mean it's bad enough when we're fighting these things outside in broad daylight but underground in the dark yeah could be bad but hey don't tell bear that he's scared shitless as it is there Cole we're in what took you so long we've been here for at least 2 minutes well good for you smartass give us your location the basement and it's a control this is Delta we're in copy that keep moving through the factory till you find the cart control room I'll use the carts to get you to the mine Delta let's not waste any time meeting up let's just find that control room watch out for the boogeyman just see if you can get the lights back on Delta one out locked it's too thick to cut [Music] [Music] hey I think I got it yeah be you did yeah turn them off will you huh what never mind cease fire [ __ ] finally the rescue team what are you doing in here waiting for you I'm ready to go we're looking for the card control room where is it well you have to get down to the factory floor through that door but it's locked well how about you help us unlock it who me aren't we leaving not yet yet come on [ __ ] this is Delta 1 still proceeding as planned but we have a stranded with us no [ __ ] hey ask him if he's seen any geopots I still need one for our junker hey bear keep looking for that cart Control Room Phoenix out Delta 2 come in watch the vents Roger you're not going to believe where we are so could you give us Delta's location G readings are faint looks like the sewer Sy there's [ __ ] everywhere Come on B little bit of this good for you build your system yeah it also builds disease Delta 2 out no way sucks to be them hi boys I can smell you two a mile away screw you man get down here and see how much you like it there's room for one more it's a [ __ ] party down no thanks keep moving we'll see at the carts can we please just leave no we've got work to do please if we stay here they'll kill us for sure don't suck bunch of bloodthirsty fashioned pigs if we cut through here we'll be all right W [ __ ] he's gone careful we need to keep moving just watch your step damn I hate this place [Music] incoming they're everywhere there's too many on the walls can't stop the train baby you guys look good huh smell good too I don't want to hear it man not a word whatever you say man what about the resonator call still in one piece you know it the train is smooth I saw something up high man you [ __ ] heads need to get in your own carts no way am I standing next to you what let's just get this over with control this is Delta we're at the cart control room copy that Delta everybody grab some ammo let's do this thing wo all we're headed into the furnace divert the carts Ana we're moving into the fire reer anywhere [Music] now die what the hell is that doing here checking tickets oh yeah that was fun control this is Delta do read I copy you're almost there the drilling platforms are straight ahead in the core room you guys hear that yep then move out that was fun remind me to think on you everybody get on your platform control this is Delta we're on the drilling platforms copy that sending platforms down now once you're in the mine you'll need to find the pumping station and plant that resonator get it done before Dawn you don't want to be there when the Krill come back it's go time baby damn stinks down here there's Krill [ __ ] everywhere all right enough let's get this done and get out of here before the Krill come back I heard that okay we can't take a chance with the resonator Cole be you two stay here and guard the merchandise hey you don't have to tell me twice we'll radio you when it's all clear see you I don't know man being underground like this gives me the creeps we're just going in we're going to plant the resonator and then we're going to leave easy you say so watch out wo great you okay yeah bear we ran into a problem you and Cole are going to have to find an alternate route Roger that we're moving we'll see you there okay enough with falling down already be what's your status still on Route who knows where the hell we are we're off our route too we'll all keep moving if you get to the pumping station first you'll guide us in deal deal you hear that Sun's going to come up soon okay we're running out of time we got to split up and find that station I hope I got the right path here hey I hope we both do how big is this goddamn damn M we must be close bear you guys still out there yeah unfortunately oh [ __ ] corer it's him or us there's no going back there we've got a corpser damn that explains the earthquake okay we're on our way all [Music] [Music] Marcus [Music] [Music] ah just in time yeah just in time to kiss my ass man I can't believe we missed this Co you still got the resonator looted suited and ready to get executed and the time 5:15 sun's coming up soon let's move you hear that what the hell's that sound it's just the wind yeah right when's the last time the wind said hostiles to you uh those aren't drones oh [ __ ] looks like they upgraded they're called Theon guards you think they know what we're doing well we're not here to sell cookies so they know something's up humans let's clear that station why tougher than Jones faster too you think I had noticed got worse good to go got to get we did it nice job okay time to go home be you set up the reson get that elevator back online Bear Let's Go [Music] control this is Delta we're clear resonator has been detonated I did it Marcus stand by King Ravens are in route so we going back to base I guess so good cuz I'm done food man hot food all day long do bad news it didn't work what do you mean it didn't work be let's go I mean that lousy resonator didn't deliver the goods according to Anya we're missing data on hell I don't know most of the network we need aund resonators to map these tunnels so what we'll use this instead I'll use it to smash your teeth in how about that shut up and look at it [Music] look those are locust tunnels Phoenix you know I'm right where did you find that it popped on screen when I hacked in the files were there Phoenix report Ana are you seeing this affirmative and private Barett is correct that geobot is showing more tunnel data than the resonator this is [ __ ] give me a zero point on that data sir well it came from East barricade Academy from his father's house specifically who father Sergeant Phenix sir you think you can still find your way back home Phoenix yes sir reroute those Choppers Lieutenant they're taking tiled to EA immediately [Music] a64 lonely cruising for date 25 sorry honey you're not my type radar echo's ahead yeah command wants us to get this [ __ ] lock down ASAP so we can move to new location sh Nemesis hang on can't shake them gun one take him down we're Landing now [Music] hang on ELC is hot rebate hot incoming we need to secure this Courtyard move out good shot form up control this is Delta confirming 64 report first drop zone aborted we are at East barricade I repeat East barricade over copy that Delta be advised there are survivors at 25's crash site then that's our first stop what's the situation on the ground you have two options Delta you can take the street or move through those buildings ahead of you [Music] we'll take both be you're with me Cole Dom take the street we'll cover you C Hammer of dawn is online bring it [ __ ] and die thanks for the assist you know it that's why we're here hey drop it now hurry hurry don't shoot [ __ ] they're not going anywhere yet all right domini I will go ahead clear the way you catch up when you can control this is Delta War Delta 2 is caring for wounded and flagging for pickup is the conservatory clear as far as I can tell Delta 1 then that's our route [ __ ] Jack Rip this door well you know what that means yeah I know what that means cover yeah get that door open now control tell me those satellites are ready affirmative well then okay let's drop the hammer let's do this nice now what there situations Fubar here here hostiles everywhere we're getting the hell out Roger that watch your ass we'll see at the house this state just won't end yeah at least in prison they gave me three HTS in a cut Berserker try to get around her quietly we can't make it Ana AFF we need sky [Music] how about we never do that again yeah that works for me bar we're coming up on the house we're at the stairs now copy that we'll meet you in the courtyard what's going on up there well there's a bunch of [ __ ] with guns up here and they're trying to kill kill us bear it out up there God damn is this ever going to end control this is Delta go ahead I'm detecting seismic activity inside the house there might be Locus tunnels inside uh copy that Anya we are aware woo yeah baby what's up ladies Locust are inside there's something else here too an APC behind the house now we can get out of this [ __ ] hole no offense an APC doesn't work though I told you I'd fix it listen up we don't have much time get back there and make sure that APC Works we're going in upstairs is clear Fair what's the status on that APC status is that it sucks clutch plate is cracked I'm going to have to take out the flywheel they Beed then pull the drive shaft for sure just fix it uh right Roger that I I I can do that we're triers there's nothing we can do about it keep moving I think we found it apc's online we're coming in copy that there's only one reason Locust stopped digging check your ammo [Music] nice Marcus it's open [Music] Jack plug in and see what you can [Music] find all right Ana I'm bringing up the data now standby what are we looking at they're Locus tunnels doesn't seem possible there can't be these many tunnels it's a it's a honeycomb the planet's crust is riddled with them they're everywhere I take it that qualifies as enough data to get the job done more than enough then let's get out of here start pulling the data I can't the files are too big for this bandwidth then we'll take them with us Jack download this data confirmed but it'll take a while uh guys there's still a war going on up here get up here will you give us your location front of the house Second Story hurry up we're on our way we're on the Second Story we need backup yeah Pi it all something this is seriously now let's move out right behind you look who decided to show up the locusts are outside bring it all baby Cole and I will go protect the APC while you wait for Jack keep them out of the house [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh yeah or Locus back to the house Marcus Jack got the data everybody move to the APC now the one that I fixed much frag out nice oh [Music] yeah come on come on come on brat go [Music] control this is Delta we're out and we have the mapping data over the train is leaving now the light Mass bomb is mounted and ready to deploy wait the bomb is on a train affirmative command identified an Emulsion sinkhole as our primary target the Train's going to deliver the bomb your targeting data will do the rest so where to now you'll run over with the train at timad station copy that Delta out look out hang on a [ __ ] this figures let's get this bridge down bear you're with me Dom Cole you watch our backs hurry up man that buac was right behind us no you don't you piece of company Bring It cover Marcus he's got the data [Music] this is [ __ ] they were waiting for us they know what we're doing control this is Delta we're stuck at an open drawbridge we need to restore power to this sector please advise copy that Delta standby seat down electrical lines near your location follow the Waterfront to Nassar Memorial Park and attempt to repair Roger that Dom you're with me bear Cole you two guard the APC this is nuts there's got to be another way be my squad my call be ready to move as soon as the power comes back online whatever boss man man you sounded just like your old man back there yeah well screw my old man he thought he could prevent this war and look what happened yeah well now his mapping date is going to help end it somehow I don't think he'd appreciate the irony Marcus satellite update shows Nassar Park crawling with Locust activity there's an alternate route but you'll have to backtrack to the bridge no time there you copy this don't we have a train to catch coordinate with control get to those lines we'll clear the park and meet you there we're on it [Music] hey yo what's up got to be close to those power lines can you see anything up there I think so just up ahead across the park by that old theater move out and get Jack to start the repairs we'll meet you at the power line it's game time baby Delta the train Commander reports that Locust are heading their way what's your status approaching power lines now be advised the train is accelerating to avoid capture your timetable just got a whole lot shorter holy [ __ ] it's back keep that thing away from the power lines no problem watch this hey stupid you want some of this come and get me get out of there go go go go go are you totally insane [Music] [Applause] say again control you're breaking up that doesn't sound good think we can still make it in time if we don't we're going to spend the rest of our lives running through [ __ ] like [Music] this oh yeah Marcus bux's gone thank you very much and we're headed back to the power line [ __ ] damn it bear get the hell out of here I think we're good let's grab some ammo [ __ ] we've got a grab hole keep them away from Jack Rox Marcus we got to slow it down shoot the legs it's still coming aim for his feet take covering [Music] almost had us that time now what Jack Rip that door you guys make it out okay we're alive but I doubt we'll have to back control this is Delta we've repaired the power lines but there's a breac here here please advise over Ona you read must be a cedar close Okay looks like we're on our own and we need to hustle bear cold regroup with us behind this theater hm there has to be a back door let's split up we'll find it faster I'll check the main hall Dom head upstairs sweet Marcus down our Cedar no Hammer we got to figure something else work the stage shoot down the Walls Reed who's next work the stage shoot down the Walls [Music] get over here it's right there man that thing has chased us everywhere okay what now boss control this is Delta do you read [Applause] [ __ ] still out okay the only way we can catch that train is with Anya's help so reestablishing commlink is our top priority let's find that cedar cow yeah and no freaking hammer that was beautiful baby control this is Delta come in on you Marcus is that you our line repairs complete what's the status on that train not good the Locust are on board they're throwing our guards onto the tracks and according to grid power levels your bridge is still inoperable options you're close to timad Central Energy if power can be restored that will be the place to do it Roger that we're headed there now Delta out let's move this just goes from bad to worse this no this really this really sucks control we're at timgad Central Energy copy that what's your status just moving in now wish us luck F be Cole take Jack and head right d let's get that power online Marcus I was wrong it wasn't the stranded tapping the grid it was these guys they're taking it underground all of it tell me you can fix it I'm working on it damn it ja the other circuit but you'll need to turn off some panels up there what are we looking for panels you know Green blowing lights valves son [ __ ] check it out [ __ ] we are so screwed boom guys come on move itan [Music] nice stand by I'm going to open a door for you multiple com panel in that room transfer it to me okay we're done wait oh [ __ ] now what power levels are good but we need to jump the Transformer polarity how do we do that we can't we we'll need a full set of tools enough rated cable to connect two transform blocks an interrupt to manage levels what the hell you mean we're stuck uh yeah unless you can pull something out of your ass big enough to connect two Transformers something big enough to fit between those things out front I think I just solved our problem D think we can get The Broach to chase us hasn't been a problem up till now there open the back door for us [ __ ] there it is now what now we piss it off what kill the driver [Music] okay let's roast this thing run to the Transformers where over there the access road the fence is open run [Music] [Music] and I thought the food in prison smelled bad on you bridge power is restored and we're moving out Marcus we've lost control of the train now you'll have to catch it as it passes through timad station Roger that jump on a moving train and try to recapture a bomb this stay just keeps getting better and better nice R let's go here it comes get ready go bear get up here I'll be right with you let's go let's go oh [ __ ] damn [Music] it damn it we suck we'll catch you right on Raven sorry guys it's okay Ana what are we looking at okay uh the bomb is at the front of the train and there are plenty of locust on board You' got to get going now let's move out this is come on piece of [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] contact the door's open Mark is move quick Phoenix Hoffman's picked us up we're on our way affirmative Delta good news you've got chain guns on the roof of your car you got to get to the roof that's the ugliest damn thing I've ever seen Ana what the hell is happening you got wretches four cars ahead they're cut of the power hurry before they cut you loose let's move one dead gr you've only got a few more seconds we'll pick you up as soon as we plant the DAT woo yeah baby come on man take him out it's your house baby your house give the pain [ __ ] that was close that was a little too close you're approaching Target GPS shows that you've picked up speed you don't have much time let's go we're almost there let's do this Marcus you got to drop that data right now still have it hell yeah I do right here the queen W engage rers [Music] engage through kill it let's do this here we go hey on our way down let's go let's go Marcus hold still damn it this is it Marcus [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what are we doing tomorrow [Music] earlier today your gears successfully deployed the light Mass bomb we have destroyed the enemy stronghold this war has exacted a heavy price from all of us it has torn our world apart but you have my word that we will rise again they they do not understand they do not know why we wage this war why we cannot stop will not stop why we will fight and fight and fight until we win or we die and we are are not dead yet it began as always with the desire for power the need to conquer the hunger to consume inevitably this led to conflict Humanity fought an endless battle against itself until it was forced to unite against a power far greater than it had ever know but even United Humanity left only destruction in its wake despite their best efforts at survival the humans of SRA continued to March blindly to their imminent Doom unaware that their misguided attempts at retaliation were only leading them ever closer to [Music] Extinction they have thought us crippled by their weapons of mass destruction but to survive is to endure and prosper and we have most certainly survived jinto now stands as the last Bastion of humanity a final desperate defense in the face of impossible odds in a way I pity them but Humanity as always brought this war upon itself it never ends they're getting Bolder those gears were guarding pomoy Depot damn that's just down the road exactly they're moving deeper every day at least we got reinforcements yeah but for how much longer okay I'm heading to the hospital now I need to check on that lead thanks Anya I good luck all right Sergeant Phoenix are you Sergeant Phoenix Delta Squad I'm your new trainee and Gina's grassp by the looks of it time to train the Rook with the attacks at pomoy hell no they need me on patrol not training some jumpy kid of course I'll see you inside quite at Ben Carmine sir reporting for Duty sir welcome to jinto private your first order is to guard this spot you stay here until we get back from Patrol but sir there's nothing here to guard sounds like a good first assignment to me stay put we'll be back kid Anya you still here still here Marcus tell Dom I may have a lead on a but it doesn't look Ana what' you find a lead on a jandoo but it doesn't look like she I'll fill you in later Dom I have to get back to control all right Anya good luck damn it kill these goddamn grubs let's move Ty good to to see you what are we looking at Locust raid follow me Locus got some serious saxs coming in here like this doubt it has anything to do with courage they just don't realize they've been sent on a suicide run maybe they're just desperate what do you mean maybe the light MK bomb hit them harder than we thought or maybe something else is going down in the hollow I don't know okay take position along these windows I take the far side okay Delta I'm back online we have confirmed Locust presence in the hospital I repeat Locust are in the hospital yeah well now we've got a power outage too I'm on it I'll keep you posted control out hold fire till they're right below us we want to get as many of them in the courtyard as we can most of those supplies are actually fuel tanks Delta part of the Ambush here they come get ready now shoot the tank down these bastard yeah eat that control where's a power almost there Delta got it door should be open now thanks control Delta out what' you say these guys got rustlung emotion sickness cases have been popping up all over since the light Mass bombing there's a horrible way for a warrior to die uh contagious they say it's not but I'd keep my distance no argument here they're trying to fall back keep hitting them keep hitting them this is5 verify what I'm saying here do we have Locus inbound over this is control scramble King ra high alert take the other door by9 hold your fire there are gear and the Roger keeped we have visual on incoming ravers Roger that 75 reavers moving in from the north approaching the hospital this is controlled requesting reinforcements to the hospital sector 4 is under attack Ro control request contr 9 Under Fire primary blockade has been overrun repeat primary blockade has been overrun DRS are likely to be in the streets around the hospital now Delta get ready upstairs flank them it's done hell was that ah [ __ ] powers out again jack open this door I like the glow of locust blood in this light you got a sick my time the hell are you doing here Rook area I was guarding got too hot Sergeant these gears rounded me up to fight sir so why aren't you out there fighting reloading sir I still don't have that trick down better learn fast let's get out there Delta grab some cover we got to dig in before we can get down there bring it [Music] I at the truck never seen the Locust run like this running away won't help I'll just shoot you in your asses you are pissed today damn right I missed my family I'll kill every one of these bastards cing nice work Delta and Rook Carmine you did good well thanks Sergeant Phoenix control this is Delta enemy threat eliminated over copy that Delta everything okay on your end yeah it was close but I got out in time what'd you find I tell me Ana don't [ __ ] me the Jano I mentioned she fits the description but well it looks like she was released a few days ago we don't have any info after that there's got to be another lead or or something right I'm sorry Dom that's it I'm sorry damn it not again I've lost her again God damn it copy that on you Delta out D you okay just I'll catch up with you in a sec Marcus all right yeah whatever you need guys let's go not again humans are no strangers to war after all we've been fighting for as long as we can remember war is all we know in the past we fought for Emulsion we fought for Country we fought for freedom but all that changed after eay for 15 years we've been fighting for our very survival against inhuman genocidal monsters but it is a fight we cannot continue Humanity faces EX Extinction unless we end this war now so why land down Sergeant why not just drill down here jinto is a one place they can't dig through and land Down's a perfect spot to hit him on their own turf heard there's a shitload of grubs there Sergeant more like 10 shitloads we had hoped the light Mass bombing would decimate the Locust h but they survived and have returned stronger than ever they brought with them a force that can sink entire cities even jinto our last Beacon of Hope through all these dark days is now at risk soon we'll have nothing left to defend and that means we have only one option [Music] [Applause] attack gears what I ask of you now is not an easy thing but it is necessary if we are to survive if we are to live long enough to see the seasons pass our children grow and experience a time of peace that we have never known we must now take this fight to the loest we will go to where they live and where they breed and we will destroy him this is the day we take the battle to the heart of the enemy this is the day that we correct the cause of human history this is the day we ensure our survival as a species soldiers of the Cog my fellow gears go forth and bring back the hope of [Applause] humanity welcome to the big suck Sergeant Phoenix you ready to hit the road you know it well let's go chunk some bullets of them [Music] grubs oh yeah name is dizzy I'm going rig a little sweet thing baby you a conscript I ain't got no charge once we took the light mot family got the grocery but Daddy got conscript why a [ __ ] like that Delta be here apparently I'm riding on Maryland yeah I see it Lando it's go time baby good hunting guys control this is Delta we're aboard rig 314 and are heading out now Roger that Delta you're good to [Music] go all right settle Delta we've got a long ride to Lando this is k36 commencing watch on rigs we'll meet you at land down out I copy that KR 36 we're moving into position kr18 out this is KR 41 we are in position this is Cent 09 clearing the path coast is clear scratch that we have contact repeat we have Locus contact eyes a frog be we coming Mar take cover oh here we go KR 41 is down repeat 41 is down watch for air C9 23 setting up the fire far in over 02 move into position on my flag this is B with D14 they just got Cory we need to clear their fre AAP our BR just got [Music] slacked look out don't let them sis hit me we'll be a bunch of crispy fried hogs in that things getting closer Delta get those got one [Music] [Music] G we need to get off this wve FL can't get a beat on that Reaver watch out left keep that reer away from The [Music] Ring nice one boy take care of them buckers Delta tie here I'm on the rear guard rig below see you in L up Roger that Ty we see you in a good hang on boy hold on honey I'm coming get my back while I patch up Betty will you Delta cover dizzy ehole close it up and protect the ring her name B controlar 23 here her theup copy that your way ERS incoming get to the r come on what are you waiting for got get the hell out again whoa something big went down here Delta control here I'm detecting serious seismic acity Beneath You Grappler we so screwed going to tell me hurry up dizzy they're coming back these GS going to have a threesome on that bridge only room for one [Music] yeah nice work Delta control land Downs in sight Roger that determining launch coordinates now control out don't slow down for anything dizzy we got to get through him Delta somebody get on the turret [Music] Marcus is that tie yeah told you he was tough to kill let's get down there gears Fate has thrown us together again huh Marcus looks that way welcome back to Delta Tai sorry about your squad everything happens for a [Music] reason what the hell happened to Lola my rig we hit some mines tickers I think the whole area is infested okay Delta hatch to the monument in the CER center of town that's going to be your best place to drill Wilco control Delta out you heard her dizzy we'll walk you there what are those things tickers Locust used them like landmarks so keep your distance I'm telling you y'all got to clear the way so Betty can move on through tickers are ugly and Betty Don't Like Ugly I remember when they took land down there during the winter of Sorrow it was a bad open crazy that somewhere this close to jento has been under locus's control for so long you think we'd have launched this assault years ago I'm sure the Cog had their reasons just probably weren't good ones all clear ain't that the barries no more tickers BET's a happy lady glad to hear it just keep moving nemesis 3y up remaining Del clear all the we have you heard our fire well C 49 moving into position opening Fire come theal copy the that Cole thanks for the assist guess you don't need my help at all Delta control Delta is clear copy pod one RI needs C near barington Square over copy that control 36 on it way see you on the side Delta copy thanks 51 let's keep moving Delta call we'll see you on the other side you done it baby control how much farther to the drill Zone close just beyond the tunnel ahead remember your grind lifts are calibrated to dig from the exact location of the Town Central Monument you're going to have to back in the trucks to get them properly aligned willco Delta out could be anything in here keep an eye out d you ever wonder why they don't just give us flashlights kids got a point m versus light meaning that I'd take an extra gun over at flashlight any day damn it's darking a rat's ass in here let me light up Betty's [Music] pity sweet out reer look out mors take cover I ready after go I am let's move Marcus punch a hole in the door for me [Applause] borders are all clear dizzy let's get to the drilling Zone I think we'll ride the rest of the way we got a breach coming out of the tunnel oh hell you going to try to molest my B Delta defend the ring welcome back boys good job smell that through my barbecue damn talk about a graveyard dir grub get all over this place I got no respect for the dead lot of good soldiers from the pendulum war is buried here sure could use those men now control this is Delta we've reached the drill Zone Roger that Delta what's your launch status we're getting the LI in position now long Delta keeps my ass covered uh Roger that control out Locust we've got a graub hole what do you think hit him heart Delta one shot away from Hammer Delta Delta control you must deploy now deploy now we're taking too many casual dizzy we got to go now Luca reinforcement all righty BR is ready to rock D get all back here now nelon Vis the grind lifts Let's Go 2 by two yo Marcus yeah if something happens to me promise me you'll look for Maria you got it D no problem oh [ __ ] what the hell is that I'll hold them off boys get your asses down there marus should we try over damn it wart ah [ __ ] man if Cole used to puke on a raven he must be tagging the walls with chuk right now damn so this is what the inner Hollow looks like Ty this is Marcus do you read me Ty dizzy dizzy you there oh [ __ ] control this is Delta do you read Delta this is Alpha 1 we've lost contact with the surface we're limited to short range radio but we've got a line on a cedar Roger that Alpha One good hunting son can you hear me Carmine what's your position not really sure sir I think my lift went off course it's tie with you no he jumped out before launch but I see another LIF up ahead all right head that way and we'll catch up don't Engage The Enemy just defend your position welc son wish me luck hang in there Rook we'll be there soon let's go find Carmine Dom let's split up we'll find him faster Delta this is control surface Comm reestablished thanks to Alpha 1 good to hear control and keep an eye on the ceilings Delta grind lifts could be dropping down all around you Roger that any word from Tai or dizzy sorry Marcus drill Zone's gone dark I'll keep trying oh and Marcus be careful down there all right yeah thanks Ana Delta out this is corpal Strat of alpha 7 we're in the hollow Jas this is Delta good to have you here good luck out there you too Marcus thanks sered run attack Locas they everywhere [ __ ] keep it together Rook d double time s i I made it Rook you did good control this is Delta we got Carmine but it looks like Echo 5 is down we're heading deeper into the hollow tunnel Maps show direct access approximately 30 m ahead but sir there's a wall there what about the grind lift I think it's busted sir Jack see what you can do [Applause] [Music] more Locus hold them up so Jack can fix the lift Delta according to Jack that grind lift should be operational now thanks control all right let's give this lift a shove man it's dusty as hell you know the helmets have a filtering system on them right if you were a helmet then you wouldn't have to breathe in the G yeah but I wouldn't see sniper so well then would I co it D thanks for help we'll stay here and secure the area until we can move our wounded Delta this is control do you still read me Roger that control some static we copy we're picking up massive seismic activity beneath IM Lima City recommend you investigate when you can okay let's move out I don't think this place is stable probably isn't so keep moving what's with these glowy things what do I look like a [ __ ] bnst some kind of plant I don't know [Music] control you have any info on this thing looks like a big snake or a worm Made of Stone recent Intel lists it as a rock worm not sure if it's dangerous but we do know it's an indigenous cave creature that feeds on Plants flowing plants right we've have a reports that those are one of its main food sources we've also been told that the worms are nearly indestructible apparently gunfire doesn't affect them at all she's right that thing's not even paying attention to you Marcus you think dizzy and time made it up there I don't know I hope so Tai's as tough as a broach though so if anyone could make it it'd be him so who the hell was it that screaming Locust guy anyway no idea crazy bastard cut to a freaking tank though it's got to be a Locus big shot or something what like ROM maybe but he made ROM look like a goddamn pushover got him on the ground let's go thanks for the is Delta we CERN seems unstable we're going to try and regroup with alpha 1 Alpha 2 out what the hell is that thing that ain't good but I guess we found our seismic activity control this is Delta control do you read me control guess we're too deep whatever that was it's gone let's go one thing I still don't understand have the Locust been down here like forever or what who knows man this one guy in basic he thought they were from Rea or one of the moons and that they feed on Emulsion hey Marcus you ever seen them eating emotion they can eat [ __ ] and die for all I care guys what am I hearing down here something else to shoot I think it's safe to say that's not a natural K foration you were wondering where they come from Carmine you [Music] what are these guys I don't care just shut them up use the worms for cover [Applause] [Music] Jack scan these bodies looks like there's some kind of markings okay let's move out [Music] a I'll got it [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] holy shitol do you read me are you saying this Roger that Delta we've also just received topside confirmation that IM Lima City the entire city has been sunk right at your position Anya it's a giant worm they're sinking cities with a giant worm this is this is horrible oh my God if they sunk Tolen montato and now El Lima and they all surround jinto [ __ ] they're punching holes around jento to sink it this is kr4 I'm hit control kr5 is down in the AL Lima sinkhole we're in route over Roger Delta Al Lima was evacuated but keep an eye out for surv diving stranded just in case Wilco Delta out let's get over to that Chopper Delta another building coming down got one rer this is King r54 Raven down I've got Charlie n Locust approaching our position requesting assistance copy 54 Delta's on its way keep moving Delta that pilot doesn't have much time go Del Cole here Locus got ambushes all over stay with Cole do you read Cole he's got to be close if we're hearing him yeah let's hope so there's the smoke flare Delta head that way and stay ready we aren't the only ones are going to be following that trail damn it we didn't make it in time control k54 and Charlie 9 or kia Delta out get back inside the building we're sitting ducks out here take cover they're closing in WoW oh baby yeah come get Marcus is that got to be nobody plays this game like me nobody cool In the Flesh [Music] baby trying to tell you to stay away from that Chopper man sounds like [ __ ] got thick for you it did thanks for the assist Cole where's the rest of your squad here's my squad except for Barrett and Tanner we got separated after the drop the last message came from nearby sounds like we got a new objective control this is Delta cancel Mayday we've regrouped with Cole be and sigma are Mia we're assisting on the Sur is that what you call it when I saved your eyes that Delta we have additional squads moving in to secure Lima Roger control will keep you posted Delta out regroup that's a good one good thing you got your star player back Delta welcome back cold train damn they dig some big ass tunnels down here it's the worm huh some kind of giant worm is making all these tunnels what's sinking the cities too you kidding me right I wish that's some crazy [ __ ] boy but I guess the whole world's going crazy right hey is that Cole hey Cole get me out of here man can you hear me I hear you then get me the hell out of here about time what the hell took you guys so long you're welcome what the hell are the Locust doing taking prisoners they're locking people up in these things taking them deeper into the hollow they were going to process me man whatever that means [ __ ] I show these Locus [ __ ] some process come on we need to check this out keep an eye out for any prisoners I didn't think the locus took prisoners guess they do now oh [ __ ] grinder all right let's head up this way [Applause] all clear Ty is that you Marcus we got more Locust on the way time let's go Cole bear cover that door Carmine Dom guard the rear T no [Music] I told you they're breaking people I can hear them screaming from the docks I can't believe they did that to Tai he survives everything doesn't he let's just get the hell out of here at the barrier control I don't know what the hell is going on down here but Locust tactics have changed they're capturing prisoners torturing them hell I don't know what else I'm getting similar reports Marcus it's horrible did you find Bear yeah we got beard we also found Tai he didn't make it Roger that Delta I've got a raven in root you've got a new objective I'll tell you more on the way and about Tai I'm sorry Marcus he was a good man yeah he was thanks Sonia Delta out [Music] oh [ __ ] hurry it up one n we need out of here now go go go where's Carmine I got your back sge get your ass in here now rookie this ain't the Big G yet send your ass for the payoffs we're in I'm okay s I can't believe we made it carbine d dom dom you awake I brought you breakfast the kids are at my mothers so we get the whole day to ourselves Dom are you awake Dom d d d wake up what huh D you okay tell me tell me we aren't where I think we are hate to tell you Dom we are oh this this is just perfect we're inside a giant worm now what in the cck's name are we supposed to do come on man let's just cut our way out this [ __ ] car get off me get the hell off me sge Carmine I I hurt sge I tell my brothers and my M tell them I love him and H what the hell is it doing oh come on stop pissing it off how the hell you going to tell me we I to shoot in here look at this [ __ ] oh that's why run what kind of meat you want center cut re T-Bone I'm want M ready a let's keep moving if this is the stomach the heart and the lungs have got to be somewhere on the other side yeah as long as it's physiology plays by the RO go go go this place SS like ass man ass more like cheesy R told Jam man forget the smell this place is toxic well we're on a one-way trip so keep moving all right Delta we got to be getting close so where the hell are we now looks like the sternum or at least the giant worm equivalent of sternum yeah then the heart's got to be close right one can hope welcome to the heart [Music] glad that's over now we can cut our way out this [ __ ] good job Delta one Dead Worm wait I still hear a heartbeat God damn it we're going to be drowning in blood if we don't hurry up me up [Music] [Applause] [Music] God damn it oh this is just wrong I'm coughing up blood there ain't mine control Delta here we just I don't know where I even begin but H just get us the hell out of here Look Out Below Delta incoming centar control I requested a pickup not a drop off Builder this is command you've got new orders Phoenix operation Olive storm continued but we had insufficient Intel on the local stronghold we need to accurately pinpoint point the heart of the hollow and take out their leader chairman Prescott just Declassified an Intel file that reveals a decommissioned Cog Outpost near your location I've been told it'll give us a lead on the location of the Locust stronghold and possibly some more inail on the locus queen as well you and Delta are to check it out ASAP and Report any findings to come excuse me sir but what the hell just declassify and what do you mean a locust Queen everything is on a need to know basis Sergeant on direct orders from the chairman you have your mission now get to it Commander anybody else's [ __ ] detector just go off Marcus man this [ __ ] sounds sketch if Hoffman didn't even know about this place it's not like we have a choice this operation's our last shot move out [Music] shotgun I hope no one believes in ghosts Cole be stay here and guard the Centaur dong you come with me what's up with that you expecting an attack on the ghost town these days be you should expect anything we'll keep you posted this place doesn't look like an outpost more like a warehouse probably just a facade they've obviously been hiding something here yeah for what we'll find out soon enough looks like some stranded might have been here smells like the Plumbing's out this place is a mess control this is Delta do you copy Delta this is command do you have something to report uh no trying to reach control controls offline for now Delta you'll report directly to command keep us posted over Roger that Delta out we're screwed welcome to Jameson Depot proper identification is required for entry you got to be kidding me I'm sorry but proper identification is required for entry good day Jack Rip this door Pronto forget it Jack we're going to have to blow this thing open bear can you get a blast charge ready of course regular or extra strength Extra Strength we'll Recon till you're ready Roger boss man bear it out let's see if we can find some power flamethrower sweet think it still works never know till you try remember Carmine was always talking about fire love that yeah and burned our ass mes with it rest in peace car let's try this [Music] out y what's the word some kind of security door we need to bypass bypass you mean you're going to blow that [ __ ] up exactly it's all ready Marcus just make sure you get your ass outside of the blast radius and whatever you do don't drop it gotcha we'll let you know how it goes oh we'll know welcome back do you now have proper identification oh yeah I got some ID identification for [Music] you access granted thank you carry on got to hand it to be he does good work definitely a different place back here Welcome to the New Hope research facility I'm Niles please let me know if I can be of any assistance is that a recording I think so actually I'm not just a recording what please do come in I'll tell you more about the facility okay looks like some kind of workers quarters well you tournament Camp man this place just WS a w our facility maintains the highest possible standards I assure you we take great pride in our work here I'm sure you do command this is Delta do you copy roger Delta what do you got we're in the facility but it's got a few surprises and I don't think it's abandoned well it should be empty Del what do you see not seeing hearing some gu controlling the security systems hostile annoying sounds like you have it under control D keep us posted command out as you make your way through our facility do let us know if you encounter any conditions that do not meet our standards we aim to please it you hope yes we do Marcus you there I read you be what's up Coast is still clear but looks like this weather's taking a turn for the worst Roger that we'll try to make this quick good empirical scientific research is the foundation of any civilized society we'd be Savages without it filthy Sav system deactivated [Music] is it hot you think they kept PS here from the pendulum Wars doubt it this place is set up to keep people out holy [ __ ] definitely not PS what the hell are these things some kind of stasis tanks but what's in them those aren't wretches I don't believe that you have access to this part of the facility access huh you sure you want to go through that routine again proper access will prevent unexpected and most unpleasant occurrences I assure you after all we don't need you running around and plugging into random computer criminals do we [Music] Now command this is Delta are you getting this I see it Phoenix but we're not pulling up anything on it it's like it doesn't exist off the Record you are completely in confidential territory now your guess is as good as mine Roger that Delta out Jack plug in and see what you can find maybe one of these terminals will have some Intel on this place and where the hell we can find the Locust stronghold I should warn you these a state-of-the-art security systems that simply cannot be breached by keep at it Jack you got to get that info [Music] nice one Jack save it's what they always say in this case we're truly doing it or at least we're giving it our very best shot what is this sounds like Niles little less wacko though trip to mount Kadar won't be an easy one not by any means we'll have it mov during the night in the snow and chairman M won't even authorize the use of vehicles to transport the subjects subjects who's he talking about don't know I will be moving behind the semiti security system to want over the facility I would hate for anyone who disturb the st's rest and we would we all like the laser opportunity to study them as they grow I'm almost embarrassed to admit that the security system is based off of my personel but Jack what just happened what the hell was that nothing good I would begin exiting the facility if I were you I tried to warn you now it appears you have awoken this look dead to me okay guess it's not always so bad done she's good to go let's get the hell out of here [Music] control you have anything from Jack yet affirmative Delta you need to follow the Old Logging Road up the mountain until it ends the data is correct you should be able to find the entrance to the mountain from there Roger that control Delta out tr's up ahead keep it steady Marcus come on we got to follow the road there's another there I think that's the entrance we're going to have to take out that barricade to T's about to fall man hit it again oh yeah got it control Delta here we're entering Mount Kadar comp Signal's probably going to go patchy soon Roger Delta keep me posted if you can willcome Delta out okay we're in now what now we keep our eyes out for Locust we're back on their home turm so Shape Up ain't no sweat baby cuz I always like the way it games great it's going to be real easy to shoot things now yo somebody turn on the likes can't have no game without likes [Applause] Abby horer look out at least it's not another freaky ass [Applause] worm there we lost power no [ __ ] come on beard hurry it up I'm trying to get up right now okay give it a try shoot it only one way to go now are you crazy Marcus oh [ __ ] we're not going to make it here we go that's it no more jumps all right come on baby let's do it again uhoh I think B just pissed himself hey what are you doing hold up God what the hell are you doing down here well after you jackasses blew up my station and Franklin's Outpost got overrun the surface wasn't safe no more and you guys thought down here was safe no where is son not anymore we were fine here for a few months as long as you stayed away from the road Road in Nexus but now they're coming around where they didn't before kidnapping people torturing them Nexus yeah Nexus you got wax in your ears Nexus is where all the locust come from hey old man can we get there from here you'd have to cross the lake but nobody does except Locust those Waters ain't safe nowhere is right all right Cole bear I want you to take these people up to the surface Dom and I will continue on foot what but they they're going to die otherwise you'll follow down in the grind lifts once we set off Jack's Beacon but we can't this is where he tells you he'll take it under advisor come on man let's go old man gather everyone and go with them they'll take you to safety oh wait a minute this doesn't mean we got to fight in your army now does it I didn't say that but you're not staying here wait before you go you ever seen this woman name's Maria oh pretty something about her face does seem familiar maybe he sh was with one of the other groups that came down before Stu's group I think but stew and them got captured oh no but the caps ones the Locust have been taking them towards Nexus probably or the work camps along the way how do we find them when you get to the highway near the dam there's a path that'll take you there thanks old man don't know what good it does you you ain't getting in there unless you're Locust hey Marcus what if the beacon doesn't work then we'll see jino down here control Delta here Cole and be are heading to the surface with survivors for Evac Roger that Delta what about you and Dom we're heading in deeper to the Nexus stronghold we think we found the path copy that we have grind lift reinforcements awaiting your signal thanks control Delta out this is crazy man Maria better not be down here everything's going to work out Dom all right yeah I I hope so hard to believe this leads to a locust City feels too old maybe that'll be our advantage this would be the last route they think we'd take looks like a boat at the end of the pier we'll need that if we want to cross the lake h [Music] [Music] a crap that boat's not getting us anywhere look out hold on just keep fighting for [Applause] now why they just drop the off they afraid of the Emulsion fumes that or something else keep your eyes open hey wait what happens if we breathe in this [ __ ] too late now what was that nothing good we need to get off this thing man you're preaching to the choir the god boat's back hold on take it out we're sinking get across get on the phone now look out [Music] you got to be kidding me hang on do I ever tell you how much I hate the water that sounds like trouble there's something under the water I don't see it yeah but it's down there where is it I don't know but it's definitely not going away W incoming he's taking the PO [Music] down a [ __ ] God damn it how do we kill this thing let the worm from the inside [Music] biggest biggest fish I've ever caught let's just get out of the goddamn [Music] water up ahead [Music] that many troops on the Move that's got to be the highway well then let's follow him to where the action is wait Marcus the old guy said we had to Branch off the highway at the dam look we need to stick to the mission we have no idea if Maria's down here and everything I need to know you don't have to go with me all right damn it that's just going to get us both killed we need to get into the stronghold and activate the beacon this is it Dom this is everything we've been fighting for yeah well Maria is everything I've been fighting for she's my [ __ ] wife all right she going to turn your back on your whole world then the other gears we fought with all the people who've died I'm sorry Marcus after what you did for your father I thought you'd understand a hell Tom wait up [Music] all [Music] clear back Marcus looks like the old guy's intel was solid Jack can you find a visual match on Maria so many [Music] people I think he found her [Music] but what's that symbol mean could be where they're keeping her let's look [Music] [Applause] around that's it this must be the area start looking they found us we got company got Jack open it up I can't believe it Marcus we finally found her [Music] Maria Maria you dumb oh no no no no no no baby no no no no what did they do to you I'm so sorry I'm so sorry Maria I tried to find you God God I I did please no Maria God damn it it's me Dominic it's Dominic Marcus I I don't know what to do I don't know what to do man she no it's [Music] okay I'm so sorry [Music] I'm so sorry [Music] Maria I love you so much [Music] I'm sorry sorry about Maria but she's in a better place now you did what you had to do I found a way to sneak into Nexus but if you want to go in guns blazing I don't blame you I want to kill them all [Music] I think we found our Locust stronghold [Music] Nexus Now where do we find the queen my BET's on that Tower in the middle the closest thing we've seen to a palace so when should we activate the beacon when we get in deeper the Cavalry needs Solid Ground to land on we got to make sure no lifts land in the emolion come on let's head towards the palace look inside yourself do you have the will to win what Who the hell's that it's got to be the queen our species is destined to rules here keep fighting my children your queen is with you yep definitely the queen this place close enough for the beacon almost we need to get a little closer closer to the Palace they can be stopped don't give in there are no greater Warriors anywhere we cannot be stopped nothing can stand before us my children you we shall conquer the surface and we shall begin a new we're in deep enough Jack set off the [Music] beacon that was easy we got to buy Jack some time hold them off who's next stand in the way of our our Des AWA [Music] sweet watch it grind lifts coming in all right the beacon worked welcome back to Delta into the world baby wouldn't want to be anywhere else I think I take the tropical island so now what now we got to get into the palace and find that Queen let's move Delta if that's the palace I'm guessing this will lead us to it worth a shot man mhm so this is Nexus huh still don't get how they could have built all this [ __ ] so fast oh hell we still don't know how long they've been down here and all this Emulsion are they thriving off of it maybe but that queen of theirs keeps talking about reaching the surface on the surface of Sierra we shall find our destiny speak of the devil these cannot find the what the hell is she talking about be shut up after the fight we will drown them in [Music] the r will our en the L are inferior destroy them they Queen moving back flag out why the hell are they in such a hurry looks like we must be kicking some serious I don't think it's us too far from the beacon must be something else going on yo Dom don't touch that [ __ ] you could get rustlung off that or something I don't know man it looks infected yeah good call let me get this [ __ ] straight the regular Locust are fighting the glowing Locus I thought they were all on the same side I was wondering why we were doing so well well that explains their desperation in the raids they're losing their home turf to the lamant get back into C never give up my children you are Sarah saviors they're definitely fighting another War down here good thing too I have a feeling we wouldn't have lasted this long without some help behind you yo those Glory ass Locus are coming I'm on it got him are you seeing this [ __ ] yeah dig in baby going in the over time end of the line folks oh this bitch's house is creepy this is it Delta you pull this off we end the war rise hire my children then we shall wash our enemies away in a great flood so how are we going to find the queen well where would you hide if you were Queen of the grubs at the bottom check this out looks like what the queen keeps yapping about so we know they're trying to sink jinto it sounds like it'll flood the hollow why would they do that they're desperate all this time we never realize that Jack plug in and see what you can find we cannot allow the lambers to pollute the surface we must bury their infection here the world is right by ours d one is in your house [ __ ] you he that [ __ ] your grum ass [ __ ] are going down like way down dead down so down you ain't going to no with qu huh your ass is going to be quiet to your sck ass Queen oh momy don't let the bad man hurt us [ __ ] you we going to whoop your mama's ass wa there we go one muscled Queen not you her you were great I loved your your speech there especially with the [ __ ] stuff very good very enlightening Jack anything there appears to be only one way to end this war but I fear the cost may be too great Marcus is that who I think it is I think so if we were to sink jto it would flood the hollow with seawater nothing below would survive we could end the war today but only if we sacrifice our last possible Refuge who's that talking Adam F it's my father what but what's he doing in the Locust computers we'll figure that out later look my father and the Locust Queen are saying the same thing it's just a matter of timing we need to sink jinto before the locus leave not after can we even do that Marcus I know it's your dad and all but listen to what you're saying consider it a backup plan if we can't get to the queen Jack see if you can send the data back to command tell them we found another way to put the Locust down for good keep moving Delta well let's hope she's home could be a trap stay alert it's a trap all right [ __ ] [ __ ] trap for him bring let's get back up to that door we've got an appointment with royalty [Music] you're the first humans to ever desecrate this palace with your presence it's her and and I assure you you will most certainly be the last that's the Locust Queen I thought she was supposed to be but ugly if you're planning on flooding the hollow then I guess we would be the last yes there you destroyed the riftworm there are still ways for us to sink Jinta you will perish along with the Lambert not if we sink it first scorge informed me of your plan to sink jinto before us I'm afraid it won't work don't be so sure oh but I am we already have an army on route to jinto to prevent that from happening tell me is it true you're the son of Adam Phoenix what's it to you he spoke highly of you it's a shame that you didn't follow his path what the hell are you talking about it no longer matters scorge destroy them be co go after the queen you GL we killed your pet worm huh Marcus behind us take cover cut that fard [ __ ] where'd he go oh man where's the queen she escaped on a Reaver which way did she go forget the queen we need to find a way back to jinto well there are two more reavers back there it's worth a shot move out let's go bridg is connected we need to get to those reavers keep moving keep moving there's our ticket out of here get on those reavers Marcus I don't think they're going to let us just climb on them you got a better idea let's ride Delta always want to be a little horse there a flying one they ain't cool but let's just get the [ __ ] out of here let's go let's get to jinto Delta I'm not sure I can control this thing then you better learn fast bear come on get up let's go thanks for the assist Delta we thought we were done for you're welcome now get your asses out of here this entire place is going down [ __ ] oh watch it get him go get your ass moving oh yeah baby this TR r on time [ __ ] that was close control Delta here we lost the queen did you get the data from Jack affirmative Delta evacuations are underway but we're currently Under Siege Roger that the queen is sending everything she's got to stop us from sinking to sindel we're going to do it we got to do it now understood we're working as fast as we can are you able to assist we're close and on our way on you Delta out we got some company Delta watch the Tre shoot the thing in his mouth ow all right Delta tighten up formation just sento straight ahead Evac definitely underway yeah but the grubs already tearing up the place we got to get down there control this is Delta we're on the reavers approaching Toto command don't shoot I repeat do not shoot you this is Delta Squad coming in I are we just been head call off the gun sorry Delta guns called off they clear for landing watch out that was too close Marcus the chairman and Colonel Hawkman are here with me at control get here as soon as you can you heard her let's move nice work Phoenix your squad did good what's the status in progress we've evacuated most of jinto but we still need more time to Eva gears from the hollow do we have a plan to sink jento almost we're finalizing the logistics now what you first sent this information Sergeant Phoenix I thought you were insane it seemed to have that effect on people but it looks like your father was right All This Time Imagine That Locus troops have breached the courtyard we're on it not without me AR if this is jino's Last Stand I'm not [ __ ] it out fair enough we've got incoming move it wait for on line are you there please respond for9 is down control for9 is down copy that all right watch for on and the perimeter take them down before they get up here control main gate secure we're heading back delt [Music] out so what's our status we have a plan but it's not going to be easy we've identified an underground Cavern near the Locust sinkhole we believe that a strategically placed light Mass bomb can give jento its final push what's the catch due to Cedar and Nemesis infestation we're unable to get a chopper down there to deliver the bomb we need someone to clear the target area and by someone you mean us be Cole I want you two to assist with the light Mass bomb Dom looks like we're heading back underground o that's going to hurt control we're through the archives building and are now approaching Cooper Street we're about to half a click from the sinkhole we'll keep you posted Delta out there it is the beginning of the end never thought they'd get to jinto I guess it was just a matter of time we've got a brot down there firing on the building grab hold of something it's not a again come on come on let's get the hell out of here before the whole place CES fired unbelievable [Music] you need to get around to the side of it to take out the driver keep your head down let's get over there and finish it off or we could ride it speed this whole operation huh ravers were one thing but a broach they can ride them so can we Delta here hijack The Broach so that we can what we're riding a broa going to use it to clear the area faster okay Roger that Delta keep us posted out that's one hit the others control Target area is clean and we have a clear path for the Ravens Roger that Delta Ravens are inbound out something's wrong Marcus Mark is Dum you crazy bastards we're coming down to get you off that thing Roger that prepared we're more than ready I'm still here Marcus we're coming in marus we're screwed we lost the light M bomb so close it's got to be a way what the hell is going on with that thing I don't know almost looks like it's going lampit lamant as an exploding lamant yeah like the wretches but way bigger then I think we've got our bomb boom got it I'm engaging watch it get us out of here now all KR units Evac to the surface a [Music] troll can you read me Ana are you there [Music] your world can end in the blink of an eye one event one unexpected twist of fate and suddenly the world as you knew it is gone forever Ana can you read me Ana come in Ana all that you held dear all that you held close is washed away into the sea of distant memory I'm sorry Marcus life is cruel of this I have no doubt but life continues on with or without you [Music] one can only hope that one leaves behind a lasting Legacy but so often the legacies that we leave behind are not the ones that we intended this is Adam Phoenix is any one out there can you hear me this is Adam Phoenix can you hear me what have you done [Music] so this is how it ends today the Coalition of ordered governments ceased to exist chairman Prescott he abandoned us some time ago we can't pretend we're a government any longer it All Began on Eden when the Locust emerged and overran us we tried to stop them with the hammer of dawn incinerating our own cities killing millions of our own people but the Locust kept coming the survivors from the hammer strikes the stranded didn't want anything to do with a government that sacrificed civilians and after 15 years of fighting we even had to sacrifice the last human stronghold jinto we sank the city and finally stopped the Locust Army the war was finally over reduced to refugees we found a remote island where we could start again but some things could never be rebuilt the broken hearts the broken Minds then a new enemy came after us even worse than the last the L now they're spreading across Sarah killing every everything in their path we've held them off as long as we can we're out of options our only hope now is to abandon the island and split up some of us are going to live on the remaining ships others want to risk going back to the mainland godp speed Colonel this is the former Lieutenant Ana stoud signing off now hear this all hands prepare for leaving Harbor [Music] I guess we're all stranded now Jack Rip that door what are you doing here getting you out here put this on you'll need it you could get into a lot of trouble for doing this not anymore things have changed it's your father he needs you my father but he's gone Ona he's dead no he's out there he needs you Ana wait what the hell's going on an you wait the Locust have broken through to his house and called in to s goodbye sorry he says Marcus what in God's name are you doing here you're going to get yourselves killed both of you come on dad I've come to get you out of here I've got to save my research do you understand how important it is o dad keep your head down okay everybody find some cover spread out along the wall the stairs look out we got more GRS take them out we got to give them some there's always his work my father cared about is research he tried to save his work I tried to save him [Applause] I disobeyed orders to do it and it cost us the [Music] battle marshing me or for the life sentence prison there it is Raven inbound I still could save that the but you can't save them all now hear this Marcus Phoenix and Hazard watch to cic immediately Phoenix Santiago and Straton report to cic immediately yeah I heard you the first time hey Phoenix you looking for Santiago it's okay I know where to find him lampin stocks detected damage Response Team muster a hang attack all Personnel alert come on Armor up I've got crops to take care of if we don't grow it we don't eat it remember I think the radishes can cope without you for a while okay let's get this over with deck two secure all hatches see safety team close up on de to prepare for red Val R the Raven's coming back Sam and Cole just took off the supplies huh maybe be forgot his [Music] wallet those stocks give me the creeps yeah even when they're empty husks I'm expecting polyps to spew out of come on Jace work to do stock City out there all right all right give me a second damn nearly got it that time that cand is like 10 years old man you're going to puke your guts up yeah well that's a price I'm willing to pay guys C I see now this is Captain Michaelson to all ship's company we've now entered lamp and Waters go to Alert state one and secure for Action at least the old man still takes the threat seriously folks seem to forget how we ended up like this out of sight out of mind yeah well not me those damn things are still out there and I'll be ready for them we been on for 3 month streight no Roger that Sovereign inbound estimated Landing in 5 minutes yeah tell me that when you got one scrambling up your leg you came between Dom and his radishes Lieutenant this better be good good probably not a shock yeah guess who's come back from the dead do I get a prize if I'm right chairman Prescott no [ __ ] you mean ex chairman Prescott that [ __ ] he ran out on us 18 months ago what's he expecting Now red carpet I'm waiting to find out worship Sovereign hang on this is kr01 requesting permission to land one passenger chairman Prescott kr01 this is Sovereign you are clear to land deck team standing by wonder where Prescott managed to find a helicopter he sure as hell didn't leave with one he never called he never sent flowers oh I can't wait to hear this [ __ ] I'll get the popcorn damn stocks are going to do some real damage one day Nash get out of there they're behind you n AC station action stations lamp attack starbo B unidentified barrier Uniden by har come on people let's get up there what the hell is that I hav't se before Sovereign to kr01 you are clear to land forward lift is being raised for you stand by sh [Music] that Betty strolls back in here like nothing happened better Park that nice new Raven carefully let's give the traditional stranded welome strip the chopper for parts I think he knows that the Cog fell apart after he disappeared you think he cares chairman Prescott welcome to What's Left of the cob I'll have answers for you ladies and gentlemen but later I need to see Colonel Hoffman immediately Hoffman's been gone almost as long as you have chairman he's dead he left to take a group of civilians to Anvil gate Captain Michaelson's the senior officer now not that we have much of a military left I'd better talk to the Gallant Captain then I have a mission for it oh and Sergeant Phoenix you'll want to see this this better not be a shopping list let's go check it [Music] out there finally got it Marcus if you get this message if you're still alive I need your help oh God this time I really am asking your help please it's your father listen yeah I know complicated and I don't have much time but I thought he leave it Jas I'm being held prisoner by the Locust I've developed a solution for the lamant problem they think they can use it to kill humans as well but they don't realize Marcus he knows about the lampin and he looks older than when uh than when we saw him die I know if he's still alive I've got to find him any way to tell when this was recorded there's no date code hang on they don't realize that it won't save the Locust Sarah's dying Marcus the whole planet's infected it's the emotion that's killing it it was always the emotion you see and I can stop it I understand it all now I've tried to contact you over the years I can help damn machine beards never here when you need them brace brace brace brace for impact I'll figure out a way to decode the rest of that disc Marcus we'll find them come on everybody get out there and finish these [ __ ] this is the chairman great now he wants coffee I'm under attack in the captain's cabin Michael is badly wounded I can't hold them off alone we require immediate assistance Prescot this is spe hold on come on move it we got to get down there let got Ang home H out you [ __ ] up my tomatoes you [ __ ] come on stop it before they get below death anyone near the lift controls raise the deck lift you got it Phoenix Prescott keep your [ __ ] head down you must take off why not we'll find someone to do it ah very well stand by Michaelson's gone Phoenix get down to the hanger the helicopters are under attack we need to get them airborne right away are you wounded yes but I and you stay here and you don't move until we get back understood I'll try not to get myself killed Sergeant yeah you do that I'm not the conversational type but when I get back I want a nice long [Music] chat I'll come back and give you first date as soon as we've got the Choppers away okay we should have handcuffed into a pipe in case he does another disappearing act he's not going anywhere without his Chopper Delta to hanger deck KR units anyone down there we've got a get those Ravens in the air Delta this is k03 my bird's intact but my crew's down I need a hand thank tight we're on our way oh [ __ ] you hear that sounds like more Pops damn it they're in the pipes time to Turn and Burn we'll be your new crew great soon as I start the look out holy [ __ ] what the hell's that it's not a stock look out it's coming back it's a goddamn come on T give it everything you got holy [ __ ] how get that [Music] thing come on let's get up top and sink that [ __ ] before we lose anyone else hey get out of there those tanks are going to blow oh damn it we're going to lose the whole ship of if we don't get this fire under control grab the [Music] extinguisher that thing can't take a hit no everyone okay we must be in engineering Miracle we didn't get killed marus woo that's one big ugly [ __ ] Cole can you see this [ __ ] where's your bird baby we got a grand stand view we're crossing the bridge right above the ship any way you can kill this thing from where you are uh putting it scientifically we need to blow his brains out of his ass well get bar to come up with an idea come on we've got to find a way back up to the flight deck all lifeboats away I repeat all life bolts away rocket B God damn it more pets okay let's get up top before that thing comes back Marcus while you were taking a break huh the blonde genius had an idea can you lure that [ __ ] to the front end so we can give it a headache animals just love me stand by Cole we're going to need a bigger cattle PR let's use the two Silverbacks in the Main's bed Marcus Brun that thing's going to fight [Music] a this is going to be [Music] fun oh my God it's back get that thing off the ship come on press it up go for the ice keep that nasty hey where'd it go you think it's giving up probably getting its Second Wind Watch it and go come on D TR keep firing oh [ __ ] thing smart than look youve got to get it right under the bridge keep shooting it's almost there keep firing oh you're going to be scraping us up in a bucket if you don't get a move on we're boss coming fast or else you going to be swimming in some glowy gravy no far away got it cover Delta be dropy tickers what the hell's he drinking run hey I thought you'd enjoy the witty irony of grub un we violence yeah [ __ ] hilarious you're going to blow up the whole [ __ ] genius get clear jum oh yeah same hey fine you all right you're awfully quiet someone's got to be with bear yapping all the time oh I could gag him if you like be my trait uh remind me why we thought Handover was a good place to look for supplies BBE you got to trust the cold train to find the goods this is my turt cougar's territory yeah cuz that's going to count for a lot right now okay 7 we'll call you back if we find something Roger that good Hunter so this is home AO classy has it changed much since you've been away hey the whole damn world looks like this let's move out whoa whoa take a look over there I'm guessing that used to be a stranded Outpost oh somehow I don't think he di of natural causes oh really doctor yeah call it a woman's intuition told you this is going to be a waste of time there's got to be more Outpost around here let's keep looking I'm telling you this place is crawling with freaks you know what stocks mean polyps we haven't seen polyps for months relax a bad look that house over there I can see us you and me couple of kids a dog yeah great big bottle of suicide pills well that'll save me poisoning your dinner yeah you'll miss me one day whoa hey you down there step into the light and do it slow try anything dumb and we'll blow your heads off everybody chill relax my man safety's on hey it's the car coming to civilize US ah whoopy we're all in the same boat we just want to trade for some food well we ain't got any spare food and if we did we wouldn't be trading it with you Cog [ __ ] ooh I'll give you a side of bacon for her though oh bacon hey take the deal Cole I haven't had bacon in 6 months thanks but no thanks any other camps around some you can try the warehouse down at the pier or the stadium of course you got get past all the glowies first but you hairy ass Heroes can Breeze through all that [ __ ] kind of antisocial aren't they uh it's pronounced [ __ ] come on we still got options there's even an old grocery store around here let's see if my coupons are still good damn shame we ain't got Jack to rip that gate I missed that little guy hey he isn't scrapped yet okay just looking for a power supply for him he'll be better than you before you know it let's just open this the Delta Way hey B W you hop on I'll give you a bush uh yeah you know what no thanks we've got a live one what the [ __ ] is that whatever the hell that is that's a new world recording ugly be Stu shoot the power out shoot the p you f is NE you f is NE you know maybe I've been too harsh on the PPS I kind of prefer them to these new glowies Cole you sure you know where the grocery store is I mean when you were a big thrash ball star didn't you have people for that yeah one of them must have told me where it was when I was getting my Mana kill keep it moving yo the store should be just up ahead let's cut through here I'm out of ammo it's down time baby with this kind of crowd it's got to be a tri day w [Music] come on let's get inside the store before more glow show up huh you ever feel like you did nobody told you okay let's see what they got on special this week R where's the coffee where's the bacon come on let's work our way to the back look for anything useful okay bear now we've got PPS happy yeah ecstatic stop P Clean Up N five fire the H the train 10 baby uh let me see Glow's nothing ah never saw you play Cole must have been quite something [Music] hey we might be in luck for a change this stuff could be usable call to chaos 70 we request a grocery EV that we struck gold son Roger that the LZ is colling with glowes though give us a hand clearing them out will you we'll drop a smoke to Mark the pickup area you got it come on let's get this stuff outside okay KR 70 you're clear for pickup k70 load secure Cole get your guys out of here we'll cover you you heard the man time to love him and leave him baby Cole the lambon are over running Handover you want to call it a day we still got to go check out the warehouse and you know the stadium oh of course the stadium you're not making a pilgrimage or anything are you hey I'm just being thorough well that doesn't look safe come on let's just get through here fast as we can stinking lamping jeez Louise what the [ __ ] hey check fire we're on your side sorry well there's a surprise the armored wond turning out to save us don't you people ever try gratitude just to break up the fraking monotony of sarcasm don't mind him someone stole his Teddy when he was little is everyone okay yeah thanks for the help we owe you hey you're him aren't you here gustus Cole Co train what brings you back here hey surprise you remember me baby just passing through looking for for food if you got any the trade the cold trainer sure appreciate that all right come on in we haven't got any food to spare but we might have something else you need I meant supplies good thing I wear a helmet this way folks hey we heading for the stadium anything we should know well it ain't empty train I'll be down you kind of guessed as much let's just say the boss over there ain't a cog fan you might just want to take a detour around her well where there's people there are supplies hey you're the cold train maybe you'll be able to work this hand over and steal your house funny how there's a lot more lambing around as soon as the [ __ ] shows up must be their fan club you know who the big guys don't you so what have you got for us then shampoo conditioner a gag for my friend here no just ammo it's out in the back now that's my kind of groceries wow is it really you cultre hey there how you doing I wonder if they got a bucket I could throw up [Music] in there you go all it's missing his bow Michaelson's going to be well pleased with this nice one Cole that's real generous of your ma'am we appreciate it this is KR 70 Roger that uh Heads Up Guys there's some Joker on Centennial Bridge taking pot shots from a gun turret we're giving it a wide birth suggest you watch your six as well oh trust me I'm on permanent guard around these [ __ ] Beed out great more land don't find you it looks like we're going to have to cut through here hey look he's still the hero yeah the bums didn't even melt down his statue for scrap now that's respect cold train [ __ ] it is you wow Cole what are you doing back here man man you look just like I remember hey you finally coming back home or something hey K keep your away forever baby just checking everything the way I left it more or less you w't have a beer with us we Bru some good stuff thanks but I'll pass still on duty we're looking for supplies though anything you want to trade better ask the boss we can take you to see her uh I hear she might not be a fan she'll listen to you you're the cold train woo woo yo the cach ain't don't go woo woo it's w inside the shars are coming up inside the stadium get down fast cover incoming all right let's go see if the boss lady's in a good mood yeah you're right about the smells Le lingering forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] dram you're going to let anyone else have that ball take off I tell you man [Music] [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen he's Han's favorite son number 83 the [Applause] C help there's a giant stalk on the field get the ballb yeah your punk ass messed up my secred D bad idea I'm about czy [ __ ] wow [Applause] are you okay Cole ah the train still got the moves baby that was a move I first Cho against the Eagles in the National Finals of course them [ __ ] didn't explode yeah you still got it now let's go sweet talk to Queen of the fums Sovereign to all KR units off ship we are under heavy Lage attack the ship has been boarded and we require support I say again we are under attack and require immediate assistance damn it well that changes our dinner plans C to K 70 time to get us back to the ship k70 here that's a negative call got some serious lambing [ __ ] on board Sovereign stand by Roger that okay let's see if the boss lady can get us back to the ship some other way oh well nice well at last a [ __ ] hey this is all your fault those things left us alone until the coke showed up ma'am our ship was in trouble and we're trying to get back fast you got any transport we can borrow oh here are the keys to my luxury yard look Cog you're on your own get out while you can come on come on move it get downstairs and open the rear Gates we've got people to evacuate bar we got to reach the bridge sovereign's going to passay us underneath it all right all right uh yeah maybe take over those gun turrets or just repel down when the ship's below us ma'am is the cable car to the bridge still working yeah but here's some free advice forget the bridge they're stranded over there that you really don't want to mess with yeah we'll take our chances we got to get back on our ship fine get yourself killed no skin off my back hey Cole they seem to know way out so do I this way well [ __ ] uh anyone afraid to hide hey not anymore love Heights love them [ __ ] love them come on the line still reaches the bridge and that's all stop so let's do this wow I think I just de getting your ass shot off while angling from the table Yeah there that'll cuts on the ass off Championship incoming okay let's secure this bridge on you want to die hello the champ [ __ ] but we got a ship to save that's the last of them for now anyway you know I'm more worried about the stability of this bridge some trigger happy stranded yeah this doesn't look good at all come on will you get on with it if we lose that ship we lose everything we've got cold of sovereign cold of sovereign come in Sovereign [ __ ] the comps are still down and I can't see a goddamn thing we need to get to the center of this bridge yeah but we have to get past that [Music] first my unique Charisma should do the trick uh yeah I'll have to lend you some of mine am I the only one who can feel the crosshairs just about here hey I saw movement top of the barricade stay sharp hello anyone home knock knock we just passed through we just need a hand to get back to I can't so much for diplomacy yeah what else do you expect from these stranded shits let's get this over with hey those aren't stranded they're Locust oh great look who's back in town well we did Flood them out the tunnels [Music] hey they got a good position in that to boo yeah top of the barricade too this my toe [ __ ] change [ __ ] just hey I like what they done with the place the informal squalid look [Music] it's grubs we're talking about here bear squalet normal for no when they were underground they were organized this looks like they've gone feral or something stranded Savage even Savage eh does that make them easier to fight or not what ain't nothing a boom shout won't fix [Music] let's see if we can get around this way damn it that ship's going to be 20 clicks away by the time we get across this bridge oh come on you're a glass half empty man aren't you yeah buy me a beer and I'll show you oh she won't buy you anything your name's not D shut your hole B [ __ ] try another rout come on in here [Music] okay lower deck or the catwalk Sam let's take the catwalk Barrett you and Carmine take the lower deck that's the only catwalk Sam's ever going to be on when this is overbear I'm going to raise your voice and octave Co can you see anything yet one sec come on we see the ship keep going fire that they're going aome kill what some who one are you which one are you think call Mar wo that's one big ugly [ __ ] Co can you see this [ __ ] baby we got a grand stand view we're crossing the bridge right above the ship any way you can kill this thing from where you are uh putting it scientifically we need to blow his brains out of his ass well get bar to come up with an idea no problem I've killed glowy leviathans before remember at V the stockyard saved your asses you killed one a baby and you wrecked the harbor doing it that one's twice the size so what's your plan nagg it to death wait a minute you actually could look ladies one way or another we got to help Sovereign or she's screwed and so are we a [ __ ] there go the guns anyone got a plan B cuz now will be a good time okay the grubs must have plenty of ordinance here you find it I'll make it go bang hey that'll do the job find some more tiners drop Splat bang and Dore yeah if they don't kill us first hey what the [ __ ] is that a floating Locus barge ooh big slow Target at I call who say got we fun that was beautiful baby all right now can I have my tickers please hello be we're looking we're looking us call you got one p Leviathan in position you ready give us a minute I tell Bar's just blowing [ __ ] up not like the goddamn syphony what tell him genius we got problem up here cold you're going to be scraping us up in a bucket if you don't get a move on find some cover fast or your ass going to be swimming in some bull gra no far away all that [Music] [ __ ] hey I thought you'd enjoy the witty irony of grub owy violence yeah [ __ ] hilarious going BL the whole ship jius yes jump for it no point we're so dead I suppose you want me to say I've always loved you but I don't I really really don't I think you got it bar hey we walked away in one piece that's what counts right yeah F and or Pistons baby Marcus you okay Dom speak to me where are y'all look sharp people that's not search and [Music] rescue come on we got to hul ass we got to get to the ship before that freak parade does oh old lady not looking too good looks like we found him com It Up Baby D is he okay come on Santiago breathe damn it oh God he is now Anya Jace respond over come come on damn it answer me Marcus I'm with Jace near the ship I need some help with Prescott or he's not going to make it I heard Prescott tell me that's just my old hit injury Prescott what do we got an echo here or something yeah prescot's back Michaelson's dead and my father's Alive film at 11 Anya we're coming to get you there's a lot more wounded coming ashore too Marcus we need someone to help out at the lifeboats their Beach just nor of the ship you got it Sam and Carmine are on their way whoa nasty those little shits whoopee we found the circus parade T [ __ ] it look like giant T waa they've turned him into catapults man to destroy what's left of the ship Dam turke how the hell do these birs stick with this freaking [ __ ] that's two [ __ ] R [ __ ] we're clear move out oh thank God anyone got a hemat dressing I'm out Dom give me a hand press down here and hold it don't expect too much conversation L lungs collapsed his chest cavity's filling up can you hear me I hear you Sergeant where's that chat you promised me where's my God damn Him Father the disc aora and I'm supposed to know what that is no it's a research facility he's been working there Queen mea captured days ago God damn you where's Aur Marcus come on encryption that old bastard he'll be furious he's gone maybe there's something else in your father's message we've got to find a data reader who was he talking about Hoffman the bastard is Hoffman spit it out look Hoffman's been hanging on to that data disc he stole from Prescott back on vectus all those goddamn months I spent trying to crack the encryption for him we still didn't have a freaking clue what was on it well I bet it's the data on Aura and that unlocks it we have to get it to Hoffman and crack that disc he's at Anvil gate that's a hell of a long journey Marcus I hate to dup people but we got visitors man that was nasty okay let's move [Music] out keep your mind keep your mind this is all I can I've tried to contact you over the years but I've been held prisoner at aora since Prescot up duus keep your mind on the ulion countermeasure that's all that matters has been since Prescott abducted me from the estate abducted me Prescot abducted mecam uh so now what now we go see hofman Sam you're from manvil gate what's the quickest route cross the dead lands it's going to be rough but I can take you straight there just give us directions Sam you and I you stay here with Carmine and Jace and supervise the Salvage Marcus we'll catch up with you when the Situation's under control okay okay good luck come on we've got a long walk ahead of us let's get going [Music] hey it's a barge looks like the one we shot down earlier anyone got a pump and some duct tape I hate those Chompers little creeps can't leave anything alone yeah imagine rooting around looking for parts all the time hey I make intelligent use of free resources that's how come we're still alive to [ __ ] about it come on the Locust must have more of these gas barges there's our ride let's track it [Applause] when we hijack the barge let me drive I think I've got a way to control it it's all yours bar looks like our barge they've got to land sooner or later come on or else we're going to lose them [Music] see that's what happens when you flood their tunnels they rebuild anywhere they can yeah I thought it was kind of weird to see them up here strolling around they ain't the kind for a day at the beach seems like they dug themselves a new home they must be Excavating the whole [Music] area hey that barge looks like it's setting down anyone up for a hijack yeah first class to Anvil gate let's do it this must lead into the main compound [Applause] a crap oh at least we didn't walk into a Hil of instant death hostiles if we don't think out those gun turrets that comes next enemy reinforcement down in front [Music] well that was character farming huh got to hand it to them grubs they built to last so any idea where we are now um in the [ __ ] up to here why did Hoffman have to move to the other end of the freaking world I just hope the old man's still alive how long since we last had radio contact with amble gate just over a year if he's dead Bernie would hang on to the Des heads up there's a barge over there let's see where it lands uh I don't think they land incoming [ __ ] get inside take cover after the next salbo run for it in coming in coming find me looks like that barge is leaving looks like we need to scale that Tower you read my mind be you sure you can control that overgrown bladder when we grab it yeah tin cuz you know bladder control ain't your strong suit once it happened once okay anyway I grabbed the nav system from that wrecked barge one direct course to Anvil gate programmed and ready H nice job so this is how they do it it's a ticker assembly line and now it's a free supply of ordinance thank you grubs help yourselves might as well use them here comes some more hey look out there's another P sir flag let's find out where that ladder goes hey D do EGS freak you out too ah so that's where corpses come from when a mommy corpser and a daddy corpser love each other very much whoa stay back by it would think the first thing he sees is his mother why don't you two guys shut the [ __ ] up before we wake its mother well there goes that idea ah [ __ ] we woke mom must be feeding T here's mom Open the Eyes look out the ceiling's collapsing I don't care where the SLE just r let's hope that barge is still around oh yeah we got plenty of gas bags now choose any model you like right it's him alert the fleet I want every Outpost between here and Aura at full Readiness and make sure we don't lose him again God damn it she's still alive how the hell did she survive the flood so she's still running the show holy [ __ ] look at the size of that B I got your number [ __ ] just light them up and get moving before we lose the barges that's why we're here here take it let's get out of here this the last time I fly with a Budget Airline okay ladies and gentlemen if you look over the side you might see Anvil gate the lovely historic city of anagan it is lovely right even Sam says it's the ass end of the world and it's her home town so it's got to be mirror that's holding your dad Marcus and now she knows I'm coming for him beard you sure this thing's still on course look I programmed the course Sam gave us you want a coloring book or something pencils look something shiny you kids better behave don't make me turn this thing around there how long before we're in radio range of anvil gate we're past the halfway mark ooh maybe Hof will have the coffee ready oh yeah cookies too someone's taking a pounding out there hold them off as best I can anyone picking this up this is truck 54 I need some help fast I'm going be kissing my ass come back I don't believe it that you dizzy arus I'll be dead where are you son we're on our way dizzy see the extra barge coming in that's us detector gr barge damn Mar you got some Hangers On You hangers son of a [ __ ] we'll get those grubs off your back hang on hey looks like you're carrying demo you thinking what I'm thinking let's target him and see what happens good call Bear bear get this thing as close to the ground as you can we're going in just in case it decides to go explore without [Applause] us wasn't expecting to run into you boys again come on help me move some of this ammo before the goddamn grubs come back I found a stash back here before the grubs jump me for needs every round we can get dizzy we've come to find Hoffman last time we saw you you were both heading for Anvil gate yeah he's got the fork fited out real nice I drive this Ro trading supplies with other camps when I can slip past the goddamn grubs that is but has he still got Prescott's data disc you know the one I could never crack because we really need it sure he is he's still cussing about it hey you found the magic word to open it long story let's grab the supplies and go ha now this is more like it some serious stopping power grab whatever you can carry and let's get back to the barge come on be you're driving you can't drive this you admire the view and hope the nav program works I don't give a [ __ ] it's good enough for me D B take the TR wa they're going to bring us down and what do we do kids we aim for their ammo [ __ ] we got a barge right in our ass damn that's a hell of a lot of Firepower down there are we in radio range yet better War Harker the gr this is Marcus Phoenix to Anvil gate over ah damn I'm just getting static Foolish Boy okay that just ruined my day mirror's back that F of hers must be turbocharged she's too fast to Target I can't get a fix on her either you look at the feeling she's just scking with us no D this feels like a pretty sincere attempt on my life there it Isle maybe we can make it [ __ ] the [ __ ] got us Hang on we're going down fa any way we can slow this thing down oh it'll slow right down when we Gra oh man everybody in one piece I'll get back to you on that hold your fire phoenix what in the hell are you doing here there a column of grubs heading this way Colonel let's get out of here and I'll explain okay Mount up get on the radio and War on the fort we got grubs inbound it's been a long time Phoenix I'm guessing you didn't come all this way to inquire about my health no we've got something for you the key for Prescott's data disc well you must think it's pretty damn urch hell I'd almost given up on the damn thing yeah it contains information where Prescott's holding my father Aura ring any bells with you what in the hell do you mean holding your father I got a message from him he didn't get killed after all Prescott had him kidnapped dear God Almighty and all that shit's on the disc where'd you get the keys Prescott handed it to me today just before he died W Phoenix I have no godamn idea what to say and that's a first for me contact grubs at the front gate open Personnel to stand true position I'll fill you in after we dealt with our visitors load up and meet me at the front gate I'll be damned if I'll let those bastards take this fort grab some weapons to get to the front gate Bernie you're on Ops get on the PA system and call it out okay we'll do the look are coming all Personnel stand two the G but a hold we got hold this board if they keep this up they're going to breach the gate St team those Gates a't Got a Hold much longer fall back they breached the out of Courtyard come on allel the front gate being free fall back and regroup at the second gate yo [ __ ] those goddamn shill down and just let kill hey I promise I'll kill you fast the C made [ __ ] come on drop them yeah we're dropping them but they've invited all their cous need ammo wait for it wait for it no great fire on the F here comes some War oh yeah fill the heat [ __ ] fill the heat for is now secure I repeat the forge is now secure all Fire Control teams to the central Courtyard the place is burning people get those fires down down that's the last of them for a while anyway yeah probably just long enough to get rid of the smell of burning grub Colonel we better have that talk now but that's downright unbelievable even for that assole so let's thing your dad's invented it'll kill off the lamit what about the rest of the grubs no guarantees just because they turn into lamon doesn't mean it'll work on them but we still got to find out where AER is Shame about the hammer it's just what we need godamn thing it still triggers a few satellites but forget about accuracy H maybe I can fix that bird here's the disc aaz Bernie you are not going to believe this [ __ ] it'll have to wait Vic is anyone monitoring the radio net it's Sam and Ana they're pinned down outside the perimeter we're on it Bernie come on people Lock and Load I'll get someone to drive the truck for you what did I miss something Blondie uh I'll let your old man fill you in just keep an eye on his blood pressure stay calm deep breaths that kind of stuff okay Cole with me Dom you and Bernie get up there and give us some cover while bear works on the hammer Ana we're coming to get you are you okay where's Chase we're pinned down Chase is in here he's on his way with Carline okay Anya hold on look get your covering fire go get him yo marus I see the lady behind the P look out D Marcus are you okay marus come on get up you D take your head down come on fall back to the for rock and L that's up Marcus that don't look good damn you hugy [ __ ] give me all you got now wait until her ribs open a For The Heart Don't Shoot until she's up close yeah you get cozy with her I'll stand back man this is one tough [ __ ] even for the cold train hey sexy baby oh [ __ ] emotion B everybody down she's going to [Music] BL so how was it for you are we done here come on be we got a jum out to do there you go Azura no pictures but plenty of data and Maps knock yourself out but it's an island how the hell do you hide an island that's how more Prescott's top secret [ __ ] what the hell's a male stom barrier it's some kind of shielding device wow an artificial hurricane around the island hey Prescott was really investing in the crazy Tyrant technology I almost admire that but it looks like the only way in is to go under it well there's an old sub laid up at the shipyard in Endeavor yeah if it's seaworthy if you can get the motors running and if you can fuel it now son that's where I come in I'm ex- Merchant Navy I can fix it drive it and fuel it if you can find a place to build a tanker we can detour via Mercy or char I know Mercy it's an Emulsion pumping station let's try there first you sure you want to go there what because it's Maria's Hometown I can handle that now and we need the fuel [Music] [Music] can't help noticing you haven't insisted on coming along Colonel I didn't surrender this town in the last war and I'll be damned if I'm going to abandon it to a bunch of glowy grubs now right Bernie yeah we're too old to run we just sit on the front porch and blow the [ __ ] out of anything that moves all right be Cole you go find reinforcements sub or no sub we'll be screwed if we don't get some backup we need transport weapons and anyone who can fight okay let's roll emotion field ahead tick it steady people Marcus there's no other route to Mercy we're going to have to drive through that [ __ ] head up we got pleas coming in no choice now Marcus we got to get out of here okay hit the metal go go go head up Reaver on the road let's go the Highway's on the other side of those emotion pipelines they're rusted to hell and full of vapor let's try blowing some holes in them prise for this people it's going to be close well that works we're going to crash if we don't make a get through that's our way out concentrate your [ __ ] oh yeah that's what I'm talking about okay let's see what else they've lined up for us hey road block ahead dizzy get in front and plow him out of the way coming through there goes a good driver now it's a strong small you row right over yeah but where's their mother what hell look out we've got company there's an Airfield up ahead once we get there it's a clear road to Mercy Airport's right ahead see it yep and all open the door Park how you holding up dizzy rot jaas look out for the Rockets I'm on it [ __ ] how are we going to get that we can't get through the barrier with the blach there but we could go over it oh yeah I'm love that one let's do it hey Dragon razor one let's take his head ooh now that's got to hurt damn it this R's got more holer than my shorts we should be in Mercy in a few hours well watch your six people we left a lot of pissed off grubs back there hating this stupid City what's his problem long story only Cog soldiers are this noisy padic that side arm can go back where you found it we need some help and the boat then come with me welcome to beautiful habo Bay this city's been deserted for years which is how we like it who's we exactly come on I'll show you how did that get there tidal wave after you sank jento the wave was 20 stories high carried it in from offshore that's where we're headed that your place for the moment yeah what the hell is he everybody move now quick into the service station at the bottom of the street go go B and weave B and weave go go don't get here tell me again why we wear all this armor well at least we're not dead so who are your people these days padic one of the reasons people come here is that no one asks them who they fought for okay we're getting close to the rig stay on me at least things are still quiet at our doorstep my Camp is just beyond that gate that looks um welcoming yes we have wine and cheese waiting now get inside hello so nobody watching the door Paddock this should be a guard here so are you guys stranded everyone here fought for something no stranded here who are you fighting for now don't ask stupid questions wow they put on a real welcome home party for you Paddock so how close is this boat you're going to give us please shut up for a second okay we need to head toward the rig this is not a good sign those generators are usually good for several days padic what's going on here this just got worse oh no I think you're ramping humans they're not human not anymore we can take that up the control room's at the top of the rig let's get up there who is this thing coming down that's normal believe it or not more Emulsion no wonder everyone here got sick there should be gas masks in those lockers [Music] more of those things we're cut off back around the other way the lockers are right there get those lockers open now [Music] that's better now how do we get out of here there is a stairwell in the corner follow me downstairs what where the things are coming from I thought a grub killer would be a little braver than that hey those things aren't grubs unfortunately you're right okay masks off we're clear still no one please let's hope some have made it look like someone left you a message pad and the kick is up if any of my people are alive they'll respond yeah same thing goes for the Locust what if nobody sees it everybody's going to see [Music] that there at least some of them made it that's something we got C compy defend this [Applause] deck Raven incoming he doesn't exactly have the hammer down he's coming as fast as he can oh it's not like we're in a hurry or anything oh double time to the Raven our survivors are hauled up in seor Hils major padic we'll be there soon not yet I made a promise to my friends here take us down we're going to need explosives explosives [Music] why that's the boat I never said it was in the water can we have your helicopter instead no we left some explosives in that police station and we're getting explosives here why I asked myself what would you do to get that boat down you have enough to bring down an entire building I guess we'll find out won't we what about uh Sophia I heard she left the Cog to be with you Paddock what happened to her if we survive I'll tell you later why pad how'd you know he to do the job a great more [ __ ] to carry you're one step closer to your boat I figure we set one charge on each Corner unless anyone has a better idea I assume you know how to arm these explosives Lieutenant yeah I do just get them placed and don't call me that let's get out of here and light this place up dizzy I thought you said this town was occupied yeah it was busier in a Fiddler's Elbow a few months ago people don't abandon a fuel Depot for no reason okay keep an eye out for grubs we might need to get out fast oh [ __ ] looks like they shut down the main pump the controls have to be somewhere along this pipeline all right let's follow it Jay dizzy you stay here while we check out the town hello anybody home we just need some fuel so when were you last here do 15 years Maria's family they're buried near the church I wanted to bury her and the kids here too too but hey everybody stop look the pipeline's riged stay sharp people could be an ambush look out it's got a motion sensor Marcus we've got to disarm that CH well so far so good Marcus we've got another charge so somebody definitely want take cover hey check fire we're gears gears get your hands off those goddamn charges did you rig the pipeline you want to blow this place up yeah I got to stop this thing from spreading just let me get on with the job what thing you got an epidemic how the hell should I know what it is it's it's it's it's some some kind of fever people started burning I'm screaming and fight turning crazy and I'm dead if I'm going to turn up like that like some rabbit dog not even human no more you better come with us we can get you some help no it's too late leave me alone hey come back we need to know where else you've laid charges well he was interesting whatever fever he was talking about I hope it's not contagious let's just follow the pipeline and get the pump started hey W Cog don't run we're on your side where'd he go maybe he's the one that's gone nuts and they're hiding from him a bastard do you think the old guy could be down here in the sewer definitely oh God it's a crazy old man but what killed him well it wasn't a fever all right it's close quarters down here so let's split up and give ourselves some Elbow Room Dom Sam go right on you stick with me ma'am are you okay who did this what happened it spread to hum just super BL not R [ __ ] she's not alone everywhere how can humans turn lamit it only affects Locust yeah well now it's jumped the species barrier again dii we've got lamant humans you [ __ ] me son I wish we've got to stop him getting out we got to get that pipeline working first I know we're in the [ __ ] but that sub ain't going to run on piss and moonshine yeah don't worry we'll do it huh lambent humans no wonder the old guy wanted to frag the place is that it are we all going to end up like them former humans no we're getting out we grab the fuel we're out of here my great idea to come here sorry Marcus it's just as well we did now we know the whole human race could turn lambon if we don't do something about it thanks for the assist Che you're the last people we expected to see hey are you feeling okay fine so far but he's not looking too [Music] good is this how it starts yeah you've seen this before cuz this ain't just rust come on we got to get to that fuel pump coming under the wall [Music] [Music] Maria baby I'm sorry I couldn't bring you home but you're with the kids now that's home yeah I'll see you all again one day look Marcus is busy saving the world again so I got to be there for him sleep tight [Music] sweetheart for [Music] dizzy the fuel's online stand by [Music] somehow I don't think that's the choir we finish this bunch and then we get the hell out of here okay you think the old guy laid enough explosives blow the town no but it will put a big hole in it then we'll have to settle for slowing them down they just keep coming dizzy we're done here we're on our way Dom what's the fastest way back to the fuel station just cut through the vaults under the church it used to be an air shelter in the pendulum Wars better hope we've cleared out the lit smell those Emulsion creams never used to be like this I Marcus your father thinks it's aemotion that's killing Sarah right yeah we killed the get the stuff and now it's killing us yo Marcus we got grubs up the highway is the tanker ready to roll she still spewing fuel Marcus I can't plug all the leaks she ain't going nowhere oh [ __ ] all right leave the damn thing get to the pickup Roger that we'll be locked and ready to go [Music] Marcus come on we're good to go we're cut off boom fireing the hole baby run get to the other side we're surrounded there's too many we're not going to make it hold them off just hold them off [Music] [Applause] [Music] get out of there jump Tom Tom where are you going what the [ __ ] are you doing pulling the plug on the Merin jump will you do it [Music] never thought it would end like this huh h d no [Music] is [Music] [Music] Marcus he's gone he's gone there's nothing you can do stop get off me God damn it let me get him out of there it's okay Marcus it's okay come on we got to go now your father still needs us [Music] that's it we're out of gas wa so this is Char damn and people still live here after the hammer strikes Yep they're in there son but they ain't a welcomeing kind we're out of choices we need the fuel welcome or not we've got to get to the shipyard dizzy stay here and guard the truck okay you can quit tiptoeing around me he's dead but he saved us so we'll make sure he didn't die for nothing oh no oh God they're people yeah it's kind of creepy it's like this is what they were doing when the hammer strikes hit it's all that's left of them ash [ __ ] man look at them they were running for their lives and they've lasted all these years yeah it's a mass grave people let's show what respect we can dizzy there's nobody around so far nobody alive anyway someone me don't dizzy you're breaking up damn lost him again okay we better assume someone's got us in their sight look out well we can't say dizzy didn't warn us hello anyone there hey we just want a trade guess not okay stay sharp watch out for more accidents hey stop look out [ __ ] I'm out they've ried the whole place with traps he took off left around the corner follow that [ __ ] don't lose him [ __ ] we better keep eye on the ash people he could be any one of them over there what's he pushing what is that stay sharp anything could be a trap you [ __ ] amateur you think you can scare us off huh we're gears save your breath Jace come on all right all right sorry Marcus what the hell we better check that out now you see that [ __ ] there that that ain't funny well that looks coold Co you think anyone's home they're coming hey hold your fire god damn it we're gears maybe they can't hear you oh they can hear me I said hold your fire you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh boy I don't like the sound of that [ __ ] we got dogs oh yeah sure now you can [ __ ] hear me unbelievable he's coming down let's see what this [ __ ] asshole's got to say for himself you got one chance don't piss me off Griffin don't want no Outsiders in this town especially kog you took a big risk coming here look all we want is fuel and then we'll go is this Griffin willing to trade well lady he might want to do business with you just take us to see him little man now great view from up here Cog you can see the messy made of the city folks around here haven't forgotten the hammer strikes listen [ __ ] stick we just saved you from the glowes we're still fighting and dying out there whoa sorry lady just explaining how folks feel hey tell me about Griffin oh oh he's the chief around here Griffin IM Molson Corporation remember yeah so you've got fuel well not since our layer shipment went missing so you're not much used to us then are you just find us some fuel and we'll be out of here okay okay but let me sweet talk to CH first cable cars yeah only crazy guys move around on the ground yeah we noticed it's the goddamn cop yeah yeah can we come in [ __ ] why you bringing them up here talking practice for the cheat come on man they ain't ordinary Cog [ __ ] they just killed a heap of glow for us they really I need to see the chief okay but only cuz it's going to be fun watching him kick seven Shades and [ __ ] out you you little weasel you are hopeless you know I think I heard of Griffin people used to say he's badass with the hate for the Coalition look here's his office Marcus let me handle this Mr Griffin sir these C guys showed up and they did a great job on the Glo now they want some fuel what the [ __ ] are you doing bringing the Cog here into my city hey they they they killed the glowes sir they they just want some f boy get out of here before I lose my patience so welcome to Griffin Tower Cog it was here before you destroyed Char and it's still standing now and so am I got some nerve coming around here asking for favors [ __ ] sir we understand we just need fuel and then we'll go [ __ ] you don't understand [ __ ] you seen those ass remains those were my Workforce my employees my family I don't like their rest being disturbed by by Outsiders and especially no [ __ ] Cog oh I think we understand grieving oh and who the [ __ ] are you Marcus Phoenix H it is a name I think I recall you know the first rule of business Mr Phoenix remind me it's what sent it for me you need fuel so do I ironic scene is how I built an Empire on it so you get my fuel back and I'll let your punk ass keep some well what's stopping you from getting it our Refinery across the Way's a little late with the fuel shipment [ __ ] they didn't even send my cable car back so I'm asking you to progress the order for me get my fuel and my cable car now can you manage that killer you wouldn't be setting us up now would you God damn it get your hands off me Marcus they jumped me and took the truck they every contract has performance guarantee Phoenix your associate is now mine don't you lay a finger on him don't you [ __ ] dare you got an hour don't waste it let's go Marcus disase Marcus let's do this and get out of here yeah let's oh God this place must have taken the brunt of it and there's Griffin's other Tower yeah certainly did a thorough job here I've never seen a city trash this bad damn it must have been hard to push that button it was I was there a [ __ ] Ana my bad I ain't mean it like that it's okay [ __ ] this whole place is [Music] unstable come on run well I guess we're not going back that way look I think we're following the old Subway well that reach the tower in one piece and there's cable at top now all we have to do is get up there [Music] this place looks deserted you know maybe they abandoned the place and just moved somewhere safer perfect plenty of elevators and no power let's see if there's a generator or else we got a long climb ahead [Music] finally something goes right yeah but then it always goes wrong again okay let's go and try one of the lifts well here's hoping it's intact uh anyone else hear that ah [ __ ] flam the humans it's not just Mercy then well that explains why the ship never came down they're crawling out of the fence watch the back all right let's get to that cable card go get dizzy so I guess we're taking the stairs this car is the counterweight let's move it so if they've turned lamond here in the refinery you know it really does look like the emotion's the cause but hold on we we've been exposed to emotion too not as much as they were they refined the stuff here it's not moving ah looks like it's secured to the building with a safety cable then let's get in there and cut this thing loose look there's the cable all right let's cut it Loose that did it good to go come on let's get out of here I need help okay we're done here let's go before those things catch up with us Marcus come here this is dizzy what the did he escape dizzy go ahead we're on our way back with the fuel he better hold off Queen Mir just showed up with a war Beetle we're under attack oh [ __ ] we see your Diz just keep down and head to the roof that [ __ ] is definitely following us hey the Queen's pulling out then let's get over there and help dizzy okay we're clear now let's hope Griffin keeps his word he bloody well better hope dizzy can hold off the Queen's guard until we get there he survived worse like scorge but if anything happens to him Griffin won't be so [ __ ] lucky down [Music] I knew you'd make it Marcus okay Griffin we got your Goddamn fuel we're done you're done they're [ __ ] dead my people are all dead we survived Hammer strikes the grubs the whole damn war and then you show up and I lose [ __ ] everybody you [ __ ] Cog bastards everywhere you go everything you do it's always nothing but death pain and miseries you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] I just lost my [ __ ] brother all right you hear that my brother you and your Tower and all this [ __ ] Emulsion can go to hell we'll settle this [ __ ] another time Phoenix you can count on that [ __ ] come on let's get this fuel to the truck we've got a submarine to F Marcus Phoenix seems to be as persistent as his father and just as predictable if he lives our entire species die eyes make sure that his touching little Mission ends here yes focus dizy here we go in the G [ __ ] I hope they all ain't rusted to hell like that one let's try the next hanger this submarine something we can't miss right di yeah you ain't going to trip over it just keep looking what the hell's that white stuff everywhere spider webs never seen webs like that before does does look like spiders to me oh I'm sure we'll find out what made them soon enough dizzy how are the five of us going to operate a submarine that's what I'm for ma'am look out what are those things down yeah I see more Happ so Hoffman was right one submarine yeah and she's still in one piece let's look her up man is that it I thought we had Subs in length of a thrash ball field but this is just what we need son a small one's going to be a lot easier to sneak into aora you see size ain't everything don't you mind dizzy none sweetheart just going to look you over and uh see what kind of shape you're in didn't special ops use these in the pendulum Wars sh have I know but she's real Handy for the job Marcus this lady's going to need some parts see this rotor crack clean through and then there's the fuel she's empty okay time to look for the goods then so well that'll get us to his Ur looks like the Hanger's pulley system runs out to the dock dizzy you operate the hanger doors we'll take care of any resistance along the way all right let's see what's behind door number two I'm guessing it's not going to be a wide assortment of cash and prizes okay d open the second set of doors heads up we got Queen guards here with us yeah over here too we need to clear them out before we can open the next door okay this this should be the last set of doors get ready to bring the stff through I'm guessing the local are going to have a big SN off for oh [ __ ] somebody upgraded armor can found TR okay flood the dock and then everybody into the boat Ona to Cole over Co here we' got the submarine running a son that's bad's favorite kind of toy but you got to see what we found Baby Woo Cole please Ana you don't sound right you got trouble we're heading for aora now we'll rendo with you outside the Maelstrom might take us some time oh yeah we'll be there with some backup too watch your six Cole on your out a come on you better call on you back you call her back be get out of their War start fighting for yourself this is [Music] pointless all right new plan don't worry Anya I'll break it to them no you won't I'll tell them be what are we doing up here follow me downstairs to the restaurant we need to find a gas line I hope you know what you're doing lieutenant you have any idea what you're doing no not really all right come on come on come on let's go this is the plan all right save it Paddock let's go perfect oh there we go look at her go shoot the hooks just a little bit more ow now to find out how seaworthy this hunk of rust really is someone here knows how to steer a ship right we're going to kill the Locust all of them for good that's what's at stake this planet's ruined let the grubs have it we've all lost people all of us you want to know what happened to Sophia kidnapped while she was out on patrol I watched it happen through my scope I was only able to kill one of [Music] them he drop these you want to stay friends let's never see each other again [Music] you know a couple of times a day I almost wanted to call you sir yeah day is not over yet let's go find Marcus and d h there on the same the day thanks Co my pleasure sir [Music] what's this place called anybody know no idea but the GRS must have sunken man this is beautiful rather had my co found okay we're close to Aura so we'll hit them Maelstrom soon everybody man the pods this take us in nice and easy yeah I better start powering up the guns jinto probably looks just like this now yeah we did that to ourselves too well there's no point crying over what we could have done differently because we'll never know all right guns alive I don't be shooting other look out they're following the search lights dizzy kill the light to get us out of here you got it thanks dizzy I can't see a goddamn thing it's okay I can pick out the real big stuff on the [Music] Soder anything trailing us now nothing on Sonar dizzy how's the sub holding up nothing's busted yet Ma we're okay [Music] everybody quiet you hear that it sounds like an earthquake that's weird dizzy dizzy get the lights W that was close now where'd it go it was right there I don't see it there it is come on we got to shake that thing it's stuck look at him see you woo this we made it I'm getting too old for [Music] this it's ni some just pull us up on the tail shoot it in the m just get the tackle it's crushing the hole that's why I'm going to let go marus this it go go oh baby damn for a minute there I thought we were going to end up like the rest of them shipwrecks sh you will never ever catch me in one of these again you hear me [Music] okay dizzy take her up what the hell those bastards theyve killed the cities so the government [ __ ] people out here nice a Prescott to keep us in the loop yeah the important folks were worth saving well we weren't didn't save them though did it okay let's move dizzy when we're clear get out of the cave and stand by the sub might be our only way out dizzy take her down we hook up again see you later damn it the trains blocked the tunnel where the hell are we going to go now is there a way around this thank you for your patience over radio screwed until we shut down the mailroom well I'll keep the channel open anyway ana ana is that you this is Adam Phoenix can you hear me Professor yes we hear you thank God Prescot found you can you see the security camera yes can you see us Professor Ana oh you've changed where's Marcus did Marcus make it Dad I'm here we've come to get you out it's good to see you again is Dom with you wait how did you get that scar later Dad where are you I'm locked in my laboratory in the hotel Tower I need you to get me out so I can deploy the countermeasure I'm running out of time Marcus we'll deal with the grubs dad hang in there no I mean the Emulsion the lamant organism it's about to reach a critical stage in its life cycle I've got to destroy it before it matures and wipes out all life on sah you lost me at life cycle it's not a fuel Marcus it's a living organism it's turning everything lambent including us it's a parasite so you can kill it yes that's it exactly mea wants me to adapt the countermeasure to kill it without harming the Locust but there's no time left for that we need to shut down the melstrom first to land reinforcements where do we go there's a train that'll take you straight to the facility yeah we've got a problem with that the tunnel's blocked we need to bypass it there should be a maintenance tunnel alongside it I can open the door for you from here get to the beach and you'll be able to see the tower from there dad try opening it we're in [ __ ] Professor we're back on course the Locust blasted through to the train tunnel nothing but bits Dad we're in a loading ban near of the rail track we need to find a way up to the top of the cliff there's an elevator at the back okay I see it support staff and this bloody facility has been here all these years and do not disturb our with all the scientists thank you no wonder they disappeared we thought they'd been killed yeah we did didn't We There It Is wonder how many years it took the government to build it and when they were planning on sharing it with the rest of us out of there come on let's find the generator room any advice Dad you need to throw three switches that shuts down the whole generator by stages but there'll be Locust in there waiting for you Marcus fine by me Dad I'm sorry I should have saved you from all this God I tried don't Marcus please I'm the one who needs some forgiveness I've cost you everything I can see it he's gone dad Dom's gone Marcus I wish I could bring him back but all I can do is make sure you all have a future I won't fail you this time I promise no they're rushing generator online our Lev are okay that's done it the maom still working what happened well we shot the damn thing down is there some other power supply the Locust must have a backup Supply somewhere else a [ __ ] that could take ours to find cut off the coolant that'll take the generators offline but it'll cause one hell of an explosion well that works for me come on let's find the valves Marcus you're going to have to get out of there fast don't worry Dad we will sweet good everybody run [ __ ] get out of here now that's it everybody out get [Music] Marcus are you all right Marcus we're okay Dad stand by wow look at that instant summer on your toac Cole beard anyone receiving hey we heard that explosion pip clicks out having fun be where are you we're in Bound baby the Navy's here W bloody hell they found the UI it's a gasne ship yeah we having a reunion with our any buddies baby time for a gra St and party you ready to roll W yeah let's do it come on Jack you know I was expecting bouquet a band maybe something mhm Hey where's Dom and dizzy Dizzy's taking the submarine offshore dom dom didn't make it oh [ __ ] no somebody's going to pay somebody's going to [ __ ] pay he got us this far let's finish it Sam Jace get back to the ship and help him out they need in telling where to land the troops but martus you need us here with you we it's not negotiable people ship out hey Sam take care of yourself okay yeah you too bad okay we're heading for the main tower this is where it ends one way or another so you got Jack running again huh nice job we're going to need him yeah he's got a few new tricks to show you too ar06 on task Phoenix we'll lay down fire for you right that 06 at least we got ass support boy James they 06 to Delta we have visual on guards approaching the your left engaging now you gave Jack a St yeah you can do a lot more than just open doors now oh [ __ ] ja is back baby we ain't going to be no time you [ __ ] okay Commander you can start Landing troops we've taken out the Catapult and the gas barges Pilots are reporting at least two more artillery positions further Inland we have very few aircraft left Cog I cannot commit them until those catapults are taken out we'll find them stand by okay move out let's put those [ __ ] out of business yo check out this fancy [ __ ] it's a goddamn fivestar Hotel yeah but look what happens when you don't tip the Bell hop got him the future of Sarah rests with you when the war what the hell is she selling our most valued citizens will rebuild Humanity auro was a bunker for the cogs Elite so they could hide until the war was over the last last war oh God are those the research staff hard to say I can't tell whether their coats were white or not this is the last Cog base the grubs would find makes sense to evacuate your key scientists here like Prescott evacuated your father yeah maybe dad it looks like they've killed everyone I think I was the only human they needed alive Marcus I can explain about miror Dad it can wait where are we you're near the hydro electric Dam you've still got some way to go to reach the towers okay Dad we're coming coming careful enemy spotted come on one more shot and we got it get clear come on run [Music] your research is vital but remember to take time to relax appreciate the finest Arts from across Sarah dad once we get you out what do we need to do to activate your weapon I've got the command keys here that's all I need to trigger it Professor this is Damon bar how does this thing work ah be yes Prescot mentioned you think of it as a neutron bomb without the blast one that only kills lamp itself in all of us all righty then looking forward to that Phoenix to all call signs you're clear to land let's get rid of this thing [Applause] that's the last one oh [ __ ] Phoenix to tresc you the stalks have shown up you got a visual on us they're appearing everywhere Phoenix stand by we are diverting a raven to your position just get your father's weapon deployed and finish this okay w get to the building now Marcus can I uh can I ask how um the bomb Works did my father tell you that no Dom I just want to know let's just get through this [Music] first caling is available 26 look at this place thought I knew Prescott behind makes me sick to think he had this trillion dollar Panic Room all those years while we were starving and dying but he stayed with us all that time I don't get it so the professor says we're all infected with this lamant [ __ ] everything and everyone emulsions a parasitic life form God damn the freaking Miracle fuels alive can he really kill it all hey we came all this way from Marcus's dad show some goddamn [Music] Faith today's special men your guiding enjoy in the ground floor well at least I'll die knowing I guessed right you're not going to die beard nobody else is going to die has your dad tested this bomb thing Marcus can we kill this goddamn noise rack of land in our okay Faith yeah got it [Music] Dad we're here just working out how to bypass this Fireflight I can hear it marus and mirror's tracking you watch your back yeah she's been on our asses the whole way stand by that's the last of them Dad we're on our way up come on get inside and barricade the doors look if we've all got a dose of this glowy Emulsion isn't your dad's bomb or whatever going to affect us to you know fatally you think he'd risk that it will work don't worry and trust me Corporal beard I've tested it lock the door come on quick that won't stop a St it'll just piss off the drudges for a few minutes well that'll have to do Dad we're in the lamit are right behind us where's your lab on the top floor watch watch out for Queen miror Marcus she's desperate dad what's mea up to in your message you said she doesn't realize you can't save the Locust this is a last stand for the Locust too Marcus my device will kill the emotion but it'll harm the Locust too I'm not seeing the downside here I needed more time just like eay yeah we'll talk about it hold on eay what the hell is he talking about I'm not sure we want to know ah [ __ ] bear fix this Marcus I'm responsible for so many deaths this is where I can put some things right you didn't start this war you're ending it there was a time when I thought I could talk our way out of it uh what happens when you set off your glowy killer Professor are we going to feel anything that depends on how far the Emulsion has colonized your cells Damon do you have a fever intense muscle pain no then you'll be fine or not so fine maybe God damn it Jack where are those elevators taking me old it'll be slow going up too I'm just saying Target the pod TR good fire in the hle hey listro here let's go come on into the elevator move split up just in case hey you realize where all that sculpture and Arty [ __ ] came from you're going to tell me the national museum of Aira Prescott save freaking statues instead of us [ __ ] nice to feel B come on brast them up keep them off the lips Dad we're still a couple of floors below you I can hear the Locust right outside my door they're waiting for you I won't disappoint you gotcha I'm out Marcus what's that noise Marcus Phoenix what a loyal son you are but I can't let you release your father come on keep heading upstairs oh you know that my enemy's enemy is my friend [ __ ] we can forget that I gave your father nearly 20 years to deal with the land he will God damn my ass still be red there oh okay run head to the stairs listen to me Marcus Phoenix I will not let my people die we have a right to live a right to this world your father must complete his task well that's one thing we agree on hey look up there it's black you want to bring down the roof no no just the counterweight see the cables good call come on they've got me anchored nearby we'll make the building unstable beats being roasted medic I can use some help one down two to go design that's two you K onck ass how is Comin that's [ __ ] we did we finish her off where's the queen I can't see ah [ __ ] get to the leftt now Marcus are you all right what happened we ran into mirror problem solved we're on our way solved you mean dead that was the idea dad yeah oh I see don't waste your sympathy are the grubs still outside your lab yes they'll be covering the elevators too find another route there's a surface hatch in the shaft somewhere we're looking Jack slow the lift that's it Jack stop the LIF okay I really need to know what meor was yapping about she knew your dad before eay how I mean she looks human did she join the Locust Country Club for shits and giggles or something the [ __ ] was just jerking his chain fa maybe not more Queen gr out what's the M that's going be good that's two Dad we're heading back Marcus Ana it's good to see you again I never thought I would I'm so sorry about D hard to know where to begin Dad yes I always wondered what I'd say to you if I ever saw you again but we always run out of [Music] time just my insurance it won't work without command keys the same fail safe I designed into the hammer of dawn I'm an old hand at mass destruction aren't I I've had years to think things over Marcus you and Ana all of you live your lives to the fullest when this is over promise me you'll all do that no regrets no looking back yeah sure Dad we better get going if the Emulsion hadn't reached a critical stage I might have found a way to save the Locust as well and they could have gone back underground tell me you don't feel sorry for them responsible not sorry it's my fault they're here Marcus I failed to stop the Emulsion spreading all those years ago it drove the Locust out of their warrants I tried to persuade Mira to keep her people underground but they couldn't so then wait wait wait did I hear right the government knew eay was coming and none of you bothered to warn us no just me even presca didn't know not until much later I had so many ideas just too little time Dad stop this come on oh what else don't we know you're a scientific man look at this later and try to understand what I wanted to do and what I had to do yo L's talking more walking it's going to take a while to activate the the bik don't worry we'll hold the mutating trun hey guys I got your back the Cavalry has arrived watch the oh yeah cover me I can reach the device now head out the no I will not allow this stop he dired diey [ __ ] take that you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] we're on fire we're on fire Carmine down God damn it I thought we still get how long is this going to take Dad I need to increase the out of my station and take a one okay I'm climbing the accelerator stand by mer the systems online and powering up grab the hammer of dawn while you can it's the only way to kill it we've got enemy reinforcements that's it now use the Adam stop this off kill your PR son shut the machine down ignore her dad keep going the a the accelerator reaching Target speed marus almost there you leave me no choice hold her up she'll destroy the whole chamber we're TR Adam this ends now except that your Spees will die good it's off the tower now bring it down and Hammer it suround revive me got you [ __ ] I keep your dad it'll be at full power soon Professor you said you tested this how on myself Damon I had to see how the emotion developed over its life cycle so I injected myself with it to accelerate things you saw what it did to humans and mercy it's started let's go Dad this Tower's too unstable now I'm sorry Marcus I'm not going to make it it's okay I'll carry you Marcus the Emulsion developed faster than me because I forced it to I had to find out how it reproduced what are you talking about oh [ __ ] no you are not going to die it's too late Marcus every cell in my body is breaking down and this this is going to happen to every contaminated cell on Sarah it has to no godamn it I can't lose you again I'm glad I was able to see you again Marcus now go and live for me God [Music] Dad Dad no he's gone he's [Music] gone he's gone [Music] hus hold your fire ah so Pious and immoral even now is that what you think your father always thought he had all the answers but he had none nothing but clever ways to kill the hammer of Dawn jinto and now this and his arrogance finally killed him feel that that's from Dom and everyone else you killed you [ __ ] [Music] 4 [Applause] la [Music] [Applause] point oh [Music] Marcus whatever it takes I'm [Music] here what's left on you what have we got left [Music] now tomorrow Marcus we finally got it tomorrow and we're back finally today in newfa first Minister JY commemorated the 25th anniversary of the end of the Locust War today we are humbled by the presence of two generations of men and women who braved every danger who fought the battles that made us what we are including the most pivotal Encounter of the pendulum Wars ashbo Fields STI go I'll spare you the inspirational speech private you know what to do yes sir all right let's do this we take down those Towers [ __ ] their Communications then raid the lab the man wants to hammer of dawn command gets the hammer of Dawn all right let's move move it gears we're only going to get one shot to expectra those plans once we take down the com Towers this entire base is cut off yes sir cleaner green one approaching bonfire Roger that green one and sweet hell these are dumb cold bees okay plant a charge on that Tower charge planted cleaner our match is lit Roger that we're lighting our bonfire in 3 2 1 this base is now de D and blind also I'm [ __ ] Cannon our code name Santiago see you at the lab uh yes sir the lab's just beyond that security gate push up now get a frag in there fire in the hall nice now get through that door and don't mind the mess you two you have the security codes override that gate and with that this raid is officially underway let's go all right you know the drill eliminate the guards get inside the lab grab the plans then we ghost so what does this Hammer of dawn thing do it wins the war and if we do our job right every system here is wiped and the Indie scientists get an offer they can't refuse all right we're in let's go got it lab secure major I have eyes private now let's get those plans [Music] step aside private looks like these Indie scientists aren't too eager to meet us Bruce be a deer and rip this door gears listen up if we're not out in 10 minutes abort Mission and get the hell out of here okay Santiago time to meet our new friends right behind you major Indies left side hold them back St arm getting the PO getting the PO gears Hammer plans are in hand we're coming back outside control package is secured cleaner proceed to the beach for Marlin extract you hear that mors oh we got Morts incoming and I suggest you run major to the beach go go go run get out of here no stop just ahead keep moving oh God I can't you siit when Valley Cog forces captured the U's plans for the hammer of dawn we ensured our survival in the worst conflict our world had yet known but only 2 years later a new horror a new enemy a new War uh control be advised divert the Colonel's Convoy sorry Corporal we're almost there negative negative control the house of sovereigns is a Red Zone corpal cam this whole city is a Red Zone understood control come on Gears Colonel hopman's Convoy is going to need protection Corporal we're coming in hot almost air control oh [ __ ] that's the Convoy look out look out all of those goddamn things what the hell is you is happening come on move up assist the colonel what the hell is that open fire open fire I can't hurt it guns don't work for [ __ ] on that thing we need something big corpal there's a hammer of gwn in that van on it Soldier secure that hammer I'll take that we got the hammer the satellite are up Ro that ugly son of a [ __ ] hell yeah let got it get retreating nice work soldiers more of those goddamn monsters was still good job gears what the hell are those things what's your name Corporal Kim sir lieutenant stra and I need an escort congratulations you're it uh col we need to get inside now I've got the code for the door Colonel well good for you son hold these stairs with that hammer I'll be back when I can oh man this is bad all right you heard the Corporal don't let him inside coming right at us use the hammer oh [ __ ] look out push them back push her back we need some goddamn reinforcements it's not going to happen keep fighting let's go who's up there in your face coming gears I'm sorry but the hammer of dawn just went offline by Nightfall hundreds of thousands were dead emergence day had earned its name like many of you I was only a child then it was a dark terrible time and our victory was in no way assured in [Music] coming I know you're Medics but we need everyone on that wall now get that Soldier back on his feet I know you're Medics but we need everyone on that wall now get that Soldier back on his feet you're good to go all right gears get up that ladder what happened come on up where the hell am I Shane saw your way out and get on that wall God damn it they keep coming oh SN oh oh [ __ ] coming left side open get over there and clear it out grappling hooks come on G knock him [Music] down just keep firing [Music] [Applause] but Against All Odds a brave group of soldiers led by Marcus Phoenix finally ended our Locust nightmare [Music] he did it how dearly I wish Sergeant Phoenix could be with us here today stop and think about the men and women whose sacrifices guaranteed our survival thanks to them we fought through the long Twilight we built a new Prosperity the world the new COG has ensured knows no war no suffering it's a world of safety of family a world finally at PE [Music] hey you coming just give me a sec for a butterfly yeah look you know how this little guy starts out trying to stay alive true but if it survives and most don't it finds a way to change the little larvae becomes a chrysalis inside it destroys and rebuilds itself changing its color its shape it gets wings claws it slashes its way out of its cage and then and then it's new and beautiful you shouldn't have come save your breath JD that one she's a mother's daughter she really is I really am we used to protect [ __ ] settlements now we're about to raid one is that ironic technically no raiding is what Outsiders do until you two showed up now boring better bored than dead old man there's a difference huh no alarm thank you very much yeah we're not going to be bored dead on the other hand that's not the security alarm oh [ __ ] wind flare we can take cover inside the settlement to the wagon all of you go [Music] watch out watch out watch out the Wall's closing come on come on come on Oscar hurry we got to beat that wall we're almost there get down we got to get inside the settlement I'm not leaving ugly go the wind's tearing everything apart damn it wind wall CL now what do we do we should head for that Cran [ __ ] we got to get past that fence yeah but how there's no gate then we got to knock it down we should be okay here good F okay not immediately dead holy [ __ ] hey what I miss everyone okay he still has her hat good good hey ugly you stay here okay [Music] so runaways these big Cog walls make you feel a little homesick wow again with this runaway [ __ ] you know we don't need you right Rea told D and me to do this not you sorry Smart Guy where she goes I go I don't need a babysitter Uncle then call me a cheron how about I call you hung over oh you got some chuff boy don't you Uncle you're obviously hung over actually I still little [Music] [Music] drunk come Rock settlements are built from the inside out which means the fabricators in the construction Hub at the center of town we grab it we leave you can count on a lot of security DBS in there there hasn't been an outsider raid in 6 months we'll have the element of surprise you can't surprise a robots my guy we used to command DBS remember oh yeah like a settlement too hey that wasn't their fault you got bigger problems than Stu over this young one okay there's the construction Hub just got to figure out a way to get there well our only way in is down let's go two weeks ago there was nothing here and already they're building up the outer ring well they're not worried about raids so it probably speeds things up you know the deeper we go towards the center the more DBS will'll have up our asses which is exactly why D and I should be doing this alone if we get caught we can reason with Jin I did 15 years in the Cog highly decorated maybe I'd like to discuss with Jin this so-called War you say she was going to start or or are other options not getting [Music] caught well that explains how they're building so fast good thing that was a builder and not a watcher Oscar will be fine I think I know how to avoid Watchers remain where you are a [ __ ] shers will escort you from the premises let me handle this citizen you are not authorized no citizens here really what citizen implies we claim allegiance to a centralized Authority I think of myself as part of an anarco Collective citizen your act of violence has has been noed all right guess we're doing this the old SE immediately I don't think so had to happen great so they know we're here smart guy what now now new plan we fight our way to the fabricator no run away what's it like me on the other side of these boxs miss your old friends engaging with back all right that's all of them anyone see a way out of here I see a security gate un locked security gate all right hold up let me think for a second whoa JD did you do that uh that wasn't me H you sure you two aren't Cog spies Uncle please you think the Cog invented you saying they didn't well even if you are spies at least we didn't have to teach you how to fight yeah what is the deal with you Outsiders most of rain's people couldn't fight their way out of bed oh you don't want Uncle teaching anyone he taught me to fight he's lucky I still speak to him hey I was very supportive that's one way to describe it not an accurate way but a way look the construction hub's just over that wall unless it magically lowers nope we need a way around I don't get it all the raids stopped at my mother's order this is a lot of security what you're not having fun okay let's just look around and see if we can find a way through let's go through the maternity anex do we have to what what is it just all the baby stuff you got an issue with babies no I have an issue with being told I need to have one best thing my mother did was RA ra me away from all this yeah well to be fair we do need to repopulate oh yeah where do I sign up ew there's a construction Hub they're following regs and they always follow regs right fabricator inside and that maintenance access is our way in so what are we waiting for let's get to that access door oh look at that Cog deactivated our access codes well we are enemies of stti what come on Cog didn't teach you how to hack a simple access lock get out of the way excuse me look that's state-ofthe-art Cog technology I don't think oh okay you two go get that F fabricator we'll watch the door I'm going too oh no you're not it's safer out here door's closing young one okay God damn it so let's get this Heist underway yep our fabricator should be down in one of the storage Bays well technically it's their fabricator okay welcome to the car control let's call up the lift and get started are all the construction hubs this big yeah exactly this big exactly this shape exactly this layout all right now we go to the storage base uh D you get us there K come with me on it have fun down there you two we're aboard now send us down hey is uh is there a problem no no no just figuring out these controls ah there we go oh that's a that's a lot of DBS hey uh let's uh let's keep things moving all right yeah I'm trying these controls are confusing as hell uh-oh now what sh tell what the hell are you doing I'm sorry the system locked me out I cut the power to sneak back in do you control this lift or not yes kind of all right you're good go grab the fabricator Kate just remind me to let you handle the controls next time okay I heard that hey help me carry this thing all right it's loaded Dell get this thing moving you got it can't wait to get this thing home and fix the power even though reading by candlelight was kind of nice that might be the dorkiest thing you say today but probably not [ __ ] got to be joking down hey this isn't easy man just hurry up and fix it Shepherd's incoming engage cover close the security doors I'm trying it says no access yes I'm back in the system anyone need a ride up yes please killing us down here no I'm trying not to wait wait wait whoa wo go go you just missed that stop yeah I know [ __ ] just got real in here I can use the hand hey we got to back him up okay I'm good uh let's uh let's get you back down yeah yeah I did that'd be nice all right let's get out of here come on help me with this fabricator hey help me carry this thing hey you remember what you told rain about getting a fabricator GD oh please remind me in and out simple job direct quotes that means it can only get easier from here right let's get back to Oscar who's going to be very very Oscar we got the fabricate uh hi Lieutenant you've been busy first Minister Jen you're looking magnetic enough foolishness they're coming with us those are new and they're armed they are and here's what's interesting unlike you two they actually follow orders what is this you looking for a repea of settlement too a highly successful operation it's now our most compliant settlement look our village hasn't had power in weeks we need this fabricator I don't care about the goddamn fabricator you're taking my people what don't forget I know what you were trained to do uh bye what the hell was she talking about no clue but we need to get out of here uh that's mysteriously convenient sorry I left you here it's okay turns out it was safer inside hey smart guy we're really getting into that thing we are but feel free to stay if you like H [Music] door get down E1 activated okay YouTu watch the fabricator we'll take care of our new friends F and look Oscar you and Dell carry the fabricator Kate and I got Point okay let's get one thing straight when you came out I was about to make my big play against jyn so you really didn't save me per se yeah Oscar it's fascinating anyone see a way out of here that oh [ __ ] this through the wall okay that's all of this raid was a bad idea feels like we just started a war you heard what jyn said whatever this is about it's not raids we need to get back talk to Raina yeah because if there's one thing my mom loves talking about it's the Cog TR destroy it down all right come on let's keep moving all the Loyalty I ever had to the Cs has been punched out of me still breaks my heart watching Jin reely on a bunch of glorify Tin Men you could always reinlist couple of spots recently opened up in the offic of Corp no thanks I'm more of a shoot than salute kind of guy well now we use that crane to lower a path out of here easy easy huh there are no controls done let's go more operation I got to admit runaways you did pretty good back there pretty good oh so sorry I meant magnificent oh I've never seen such spectacular Feats of combat all right all right no need to be a dick about it glad you're safe ugly your friend Jin she's not the type to give up you're right about that Oscar come on we got to go sorry hot I drive fine you drive look I need you watching our backs you're a better shot than I am huh really no I'm just trying to make you feel better [Music] thank God you're safe I was just about to head to settlement five myself we yeah we hadit a few snags what happened the short version the C is On's way how long do we have I'll greet our guest first Minister Raina I'm here for my people stand aside you're out of your jurisdiction first minister so here's what happens next anyone who resists Cog Justice will be dealt with like settlement 2 that's your choice you're forgetting one thing oh and what's that this isn't settlement too okay good meeting oh it's not over you two grab the fabricator and follow me carine to secure the hall with the fabricator let's go you make sure we have enough burn gel in the Infirmary excuse me man but burn gel won't help the DBS are armed with more than shock rifles now wait jyn's using lethal Force oh [ __ ] get everyone inside the meeting hall now William Evacuate the school make sure no little ones are left behind secure the power station Nice Shot kid Raina the wall guns are ready Carmine get back up there the cogs almost here deploy the fabricator go and barricade the hall hey what's the count everyone's here except for McKenzie and Eli they're fine they're trading with the South Village lock it up Kate is the Cog really coming to take us away yeah sweetie they are but you'll be safe in there I promise all right William lock it up so we're good here everyone's accounted for your first minister is fond of the grand gesture yeah she doesn't do subtle well neither do I defend this door and let's show her exactly what happens when you attack Outsiders okay get on that fabricator and build some defenses there's a drop ship here we go hey Carmine took it upate I'm an ex excellent teacher I've got him everything he knows oh [ __ ] come [Music] on God damn that [ __ ] everyone get ready those de want to get at our people they're going to have to go through me another B destroyed God damn it Guardian deployed targets detected oh [ __ ] Jen graded the Watchers too hey they have another way up Guardian down that's it we held those damn DBS back again you know it's going to get worse everyone fix what you can replace what you can't fast you go ahead young ones I'll check the door you losing your Edge never I got past the DB's at settlement 5 didn't I not a scratch you were bleeding when you came back I cut myself shaving mom they destroyed the archive I saw we have backups of the data not the books the ones the dad salvaged after dto he everyone get ready sheer deyi anyway immediately don't let him up here excellent hey that's the last of them good job young ones oh [ __ ] JD incoming wind flare oh boy you promised me you could steal that fabricator without provoking JY ma'am were you listening this has nothing to do with a fabricator then what did you do chin accused us of taking her people yeah whatever that means I told you both of you don't make me regret taking you in mom you know she's lying since when do we care what the Cog thinks when it leads to war you three get the fabricator to the power station and install the inverter you realize jy's coming back right we need to leave now get the power back on fine whatever you want you when more coogs show up Sound the Alarm yes ma'am hey you always said this day would come which is why we stick to the plan hey man can we speed this up rain is mad enough as it is I know just keeps crapping out this thing's been through a lot today yeah well I can join the club it's almost done okay JD get on that [Music] switch okay fire it up [Music] huh look at you uh guys come on a minute you lost faith in me for a [Music] second did you touch something what something's out [Applause] there come on [Applause] mom mom Hey listen you need to hide and then you need to run what are you doing hey you have [Music] to Mom [Applause] [Music] let me in let me in [Music] [Music] Raina [Music] [Music] run no Oscar [Music] [Music] mom mom guys that sounded like there were dozens of them hundreds like a like a swarm the hell man CH Kate come on let's get after him we have no idea where those things went look jyn can help us jyn is trying to kill us Kate listen hey you're not going to be happy about this but I know who should see that Crystal [ __ ] jyn has people that can handle this look you know as well as I do dell know that he can help who's Dell talking about hey can he help or not yeah he can question is will he [Music] come on you said he'd be home he's home he's always home that house looks abandoned cuz that's not where he lives follow me he gets like that sometimes you're about to find out why terrific thought he was going to fix the place up that was the plan 15 years ago so you grew up here I was born here I grew up in boarding school was it always like this no it wasn't I got a lot of happy memories of this place wish I could say the same so how was he able to get permission to live outside a settlement easy who was going to tell him no welcome home James how'd you know we were here huh that's new not that new Dad we need your help I'm all done helping you look this time I'm not running from the Cog Dell you win this too ways deep you were supposed to keep him out of trouble now you know that's not possible I'd introduce myself but you'll be leaving soon J show him show me what our village was attacked and my mother was taken taken along with with all our friends dad you should look at this no you look I warned you not to join the Cog what did you do dad I told you don't go Outsider the Cog will hunt you down again what did you do just shut up and look [ __ ] uh guys thought you said you weren't running from the Cog yeah that wasn't completely accurate God damn it James ah Lieutenant time to finish our earlier conversation Jin listen you you have no idea what's actually happening here oh but I do sedition led by one James Dominic Phoenix the son of of famously disgruntled old gear speaking of which sergeant how are you sorry about the door don't sweat it we were just leaving so we're clear sergeant if you choose to Aid these fugitives I can't protect you yeah that sounds about right son of holy [ __ ] all units fire at will main house go nice to see you still have a way with people margus just head for the back door [ __ ] gu we're dealing with this first sniper up high ready to assist destroy another de TV I take it these are jyn's new toys yeah we've been playing with them all day come on follow me upstairs wait what's upstairs family heirlooms now which damn book is it yeah now these are my kind of family heirlooms you kept our armor I knew you'd be back probably with your ass on fire let me get that kind of feels like I'm wearing a door good it's supposed to didn't get your name Kate well take good care of that armor Kate uh it belonged to my mother oh what's that just calling in a favor speaking of favors you probably want this back thanks D all right time to introduce the new Cog to the old Cog and clear these buckee heads out of my house oh [ __ ] they're smashing through the wall take them out possible hostile contact trust me you won't get away so easy this time God damn it I just tuned it up all right new plan take out that Castro I little game tet take it easy on the house oh yeah yeah we almost got her got Dam Rocket's incoming crap gotcha uh-oh oh boy well [ __ ] so uh dad the Cog is still after us your truck just blew up and the house was on fire is there a plan B yeah there's a plan B but it's down in the cellar grab some ammo and let's get out of here clear them out we got to get to The Cellar potential hostile Target spotted brag out de all destroyed guys this place is coming down downstairs go get to The Cellar oh that was close dad what are we doing this is a dead end not anymore you build an escape tunnel out of your own house just follow me why the hell did you build this for emergencies I'd say this counts now you could have finally fixed up the outside instead lot of good that would have done now guys stop it how about we talk about well I don't know the monsters just just ran off with all our friends as soon as we get out of here we'll deal with that now come on holy [ __ ] as I said welcome home there's a drop it [ __ ] they're going to mess up my [ __ ] Tomatoes fireing B destroyed investigating hostile targets down beautiful thing surrender come on let's keep moving oh no we got a wind flare coming in everyone back to the greenhouse now no the barrel shed is better shelter we're almost there all right get inside uh get on the other side first my tomatoes now this Dad this wind fl's not letting up we got to move no we hunker down here wait it out but isn't this building a little wooden it'll hold are you sure about that it'll hold [ __ ] Condor coming in and godor going down huh not a godamn [Applause] word uh get on the other side system off things give me the goddamn creeps I remember when DBS were just glorified garbage collectors I said my pece when the Shepherds went online didn't help heads up more DBS dead reloading goody so how many of these Bots does Jin have anyway you really want to know thousands then it's going to be a long night see that windmill that's where we're headed I thought we were going to a barn we are they're right next to each other is this your family's estate Marcus no it belong to my late wife's family mom Lov it here I'm just glad she didn't have to see any of this that makes two of us come on we're almost there I forgot how big this place was yeah well it's getting smaller by the moment hey you hear that cro having fun James sure why aren't you oh it's always good to see you these two always like this it's usually more yelling shoot it down C's down we got to keep pushing to that Barn what's in the barn dad a couple of mules huh oh this ought to be good Jen's got us surrounded now what let's divide their fire James which side do you want we'll take right Kate Dell you take left we're on it shield down the water Guardian down dad the storm Wall's coming in all right through the gate we got to get to that Barn need some help here St W here go go keep going go go get [Music] [Music] inside Sergeant so you're surrounded obviously things are on fire and your home well it's destroyed none of this gives me pleasure but if you don't come out immediately I can't be held responsible for what happens next to you or your son well you old bastard after them your big Escape Plan they're still on us yeah James I noticed just drive what the hell is that Jin's overreaction it's called a vulture sexy right James watch those firebombs Dad where are we going Fort Revol the historical site there's nothing there it's not what's there is what's underneath it hang on James careful the Spike's are antique wait you're worried about the bike hey the vulture's back oh this isn't good hang on back there here we go this thing can't take another Landing like that scroll a bike I can't take another Landing like that tunnel up ahead all right I think we're safe the tunnel's collapsing that vulture's bombing the mountain oh you got to be kidding me watch it more incendiaries got it we're not done yet shoot the guns the engine cor is exposed now's our chance drop PS yeah vulture's coming down hang on oh [ __ ] well that was [Music] fun we walk from here I think the Swarms hold up in that Fort the what the Swarm that's what we've been calling them the Swarm huh okay no I don't we need to get through that Fort to the abandoned osmia m L on the other side because why because the Cog dumped a few thousand Locust bodies in there after the war if your swarms related to the grubs we'll find out there now let's go Marcus this Locust burial site have you been there once 25 years ago James's mother and I went down to supervise the disposal by then the Grub's bodies were completely covered in that Crystal [ __ ] pretty much indestructible so they sealed him up and walked away okay I got to know do you think the Locust are back don't know yet that's the one nice thing about being old you don't have to have an opinion about everything wind's picking up yeah nothing to worry about yet though keep your eyes open wait what the hell was that oh I'm sure we'll find out that didn't sound like an animal never said it did hey there's water here pretty sure that's how you get this Terry let's assume I live guys wind flare coming in fast head for the fort a come on there's a gate through here need some help here get inside never a dull moment with you kids huh not lately no we should be safe in here till that wind flare passes no one has any dust allergies right uh what's that I have no idea see where it leads uh it's glowing through here what is this you all right yeah been covered in this [ __ ] well you're glowing now so that's good come on whatever climbed out of that thing went this way hey wait a minute there's something in there cut it open not sure that's a good idea dad yeah me [Music] neither oh oh that's nasty Jin's disappearances I think we just found them yeah they're harvesting us if this is what happens to people they capture oh God M K hey hey come on we'll get her back all right we need to find that mine come on huh more pods what the hell's going on here whatever it is this ain't Locust never seen anything like it Marcus Phoenix is Stomp that is so not a good sign on the roof I told you stay calm and keep [Music] moving get down [Applause] that thing's been following us since we got here I'm going to flush it out what how yeah that that works when it bolts take it out got it got it [Music] [Music] d [Music] no run desk [ __ ] God damn it Marcus is going to help us beat these things get my mom back now what the hell do we do that that that thing I I I can't believe it it just it just swaddled him all right stop he's gone but he's not dead they're taking people and using them we know that process takes some time so right now we go after my dad we need him and what if we can't get him back then I guess we're all alone out here [ __ ] okay so now what now we go to where they're taking him where's that the same place he was taking us that Locus burial site all right let's get out of here and track the one that took Dad sounds like they're moving deeper into the fort and so are we oh God it's another one of those [Music] pots keep come back where the hell are these things anyway fast as [ __ ] that's what all right who's next more of them incoming they keep dodging I can't believe this [ __ ] we got monsters snatching people things jumping out of PODS yeah no idea what the hell's going on GL I'm not the only one oh [ __ ] are you all right I think so but there is a lot of that [ __ ] down here can you get back up no you guys C down but just just watch it oh man you weren't kidding watch your step so these pods they're incubators we're put in and they come out we need to find my dad and [Music] soon oh I think I got someone like mouth oh how's it taste how do you think it tastes bad probably right it smells terrible and now it's raining perfect ah wait what was that over there that's the one come on get after it more of those goddamn things is that it are we clear think so yeah [Music] go all right now we're clear come on this way oh [ __ ] damn it wow yeah I think we're going to have to redefine our definition of clear give me a hand with this so we follow this snatcher thing then what then we find my dad Raina and everyone else they snatched yeah okay but what if it wants us to follow it and it's making a big mistake so whose Fort was this the cogs the Cog used it as a field Hospital actual Fort is from way before the C seriously like kings of wizards days Kings and wizards Hey listen I'm trying to give you some enriching historical context here let's see what this does what the hell uh JD what the hell just happened I think get upgraded can we downgrade it in the hole these guys are smarter you're not smarter than us what are you sayfe not than us than before oh yeah okay that's all of them I do not like those guys did they just crawl out of an emergence hole I'd say it's about time we got the hell out of here hey are we not going to talk about what happened back there with the nest I mean what the hell was that looked like they were transforming wait you mean like evolving but shouldn't that take a lot of time well some insect juveniles can become drones in days hours even so juvies and drones juvies and drones of what though I have a feeling we're going to find out uh graveyard that's a that's a good helmet ah [ __ ] another Nest we got to get a frag in there got Lu next time sniper on the left th Ro Dr oh yeah Ro down terminate it's over we're clear the new or old definition come on let's get to the tram station there it is again Marcus's radio so it's close come on there Dam it [Music] [ __ ] okay you're a big F easy now oh that's not good get in cover watch out for the quills oh goodby as if snatches weren't bad enough now we have these pouncer things to worry about yeah the way this night's going it's only going to get worse hey the longer we wait the harder that thing is going to be to track all right then let's see where this leads ah a I'm never going to get used to that okay here we go oh [ __ ] uh tra's here yeah well as long as it still runs we should be [Music] okay a come on seriously counter wa's dragging go I got this hey you all right yeah no I'm sorry I got your dad mixed up in this if I had any idea no Kate any idea that saving my mom and you may be losing hey we haven't lost anyone yet can't this thing go any faster not with that counterweight Dragon counterweight huh wait no no no no hold on yourself well that was my first and last time on a finic uh finic huh finic what it's a word let's just find the stat Marcus said the Locust burial site was inside a mine right but we're following the snatchers up to a museum of all places hey I'm open to suggestions if anyone has a better plan nope not really no all right then we keep oh oh this is I hate this oh snatcher over there by the old barracks it's probably headed for The High Ground at the fort's key okay so that's where we're going again I thought we were looking for a mine in me up look it up got him that's all of them J how much further to that keep not sure but we'll hit that museum first okay let's hope it has a strict no pouncer policy well if not there's always the suggestion box oh no I'm going right to management with a sternly worded letter JD up there still the drill after it ah [ __ ] more swarm we got a turret got contr move up don't let that turret H us down help me up beautiful thing okay Museum's clear look around there's got to be a way out well that snatcher climbed up here got to be rail somewhere it's like you know what I keep thinking tours used to come here families that was way before any of us were born yeah but cop just let all these places rot stuck everyone behind walls not everywhere look you got to remember my dad Raina Oscar even Jen they went through hell together places like this just remind him of that yeah and now we get to go through hell too okay snatcher where'd you go oh [ __ ] found us yeah you're lucky this gase between us right it's a it's lucky right we definitely found where they're coming from and where those snatchers are going so who's going in first hey JD I rock paper scissors you for seriously you're terrible at rock paper scissors uh how can someone be terrible at rock paper scissors easily because you always pick paper do I let's do it damn it [Music] glad you didn't go best of three So the plan is still officially follow the snatcher right yeah they're a problem other than the fact we don't know where it is or where we're going n great plan hey there's a snatcher is that the same one I didn't hear marcus' radio well one way to find out let's get down there watch it that's it last one's down oh you know what a weird way pods are a good sign think we on the right track even better if this catacomb sh hey where the hell's he going probably to get his friends yeah let's just get that gate open if we're looking for an osian mind why the hell are we down here we go where the snatchers go maybe these catacombs link up to the mine somehow maybe these catacombs have to be hundreds of years old yeah 7 800 years maybe so all the people they buried down here who are they Warriors Kings Wizards not leaving that one down am I nope right not come on we got another floor to search huh big door I'm learning to hate big doors watch those drones are back they have Fork bow so guys either we're on the right track or we have unbelievable shitty luck hey why can't it be both drone I can't let him go away and your out all right time to get out of here we haven't seen a snatcher for a while [Music] sell he said kings are buried down here that guy was definitely king of something yeah poun now you're really dead oh yeah ready to roll all right we got to get through there and follow that snatcher yeah sure but uh [Music] how hey there's a hole under this thing I'll be pushed it out of the way thanks can we not do rock paper scissors this time or as Dell likes to call it paper paper paper funny very funny now where the hell are we oh that's an easy one lost while we're out of the Catacombs at least got to find that snatcher not good Amo hey course [Music] not in fairy tales you get breadcrumb Trails we get snors looks like we finally found the mine and more snatchers heading right down into it so how do we follow him now follow down there yeah sure why not maybe we use that uh old ore transporter looks like an elevator to Hell well good cuz that's where we're going is that or transporter safe when's the last time anyone used it 25 years ago they brought all the bodies down so why bury Locust in an old mine anyway I heard they couldn't burn the bodies because the crystallization bearing him was the only option yeah but the Locust came from underground yeah well no one said it was a good option back in your hole all right now time to see if that or transporter still runs let's get up those ladders come on before we lose any more time okay what is it JD we have no idea what's down there we don't even know what these things are when I run into a burning house I want to know how bad the fire is look Dell if you're scared man don't talk to me about being scared right now I don't even know what kind of house it is when you wanted to leave the Cog did I argue did I argue you did not because I trusted you well now I need you to trust me my dad's alive and he's down there okay how about you hey we've come this far we're not stopping now so Dell you think it'll work maybe I mean old [ __ ] Tech is built to last so it should start all right then so let's find the control station and fire it up got it there we go we're in business yeah great we turned on the lights so why didn't the engine start uh good question probably out of fuel could try switching to the reserve tank okay where do we do that it's just across the way on the lower Bridge all right on it I'll stay back and fire it up when you're done okay we're good start it up here goes nothing and that's it now we go you do remember we're going straight down into a giant Hive of monsters right I admit my excitement and I kind of forgot about that speaking of monsters we got a fabric here right I said we fortify the control deck it's defensible we can cover to breach points yeah whatever you had me at defensible man no matter what we're going to be on a short string on this platform a short what now string my bad more military talk okay so what's it mean oh it's a suboptimal situation with limited tools at our disposal ah so pretty much the usual hey I need some help up this time who's next can't take much more of this we got to get this rig moving so let's restart it wait wait that's not going to work grinding those tendel cook the engine without cooling it we're not going anywhere great so now what we need need to find the engine room okay now we're going to have to activate the cooling system so I'm guessing the big wheels on the walls how we do that I see all those mechanical engineering classes paid off hey get on the other valve yeah here we go let's hope this works now we let the coolant do his job good we're moving again uh-oh hear that looks like we're not out of this yet come on oh [ __ ] we got pcers uh this platform he's getting faster D what the hell's happening I don't know I don't know think you fixed it how the hell am I supposed to fix it if I don't know what's happening ah [ __ ] what just happened I don't know but this ride sucks move [ __ ] [ __ ] we're going to crash uh uh oh maybe try emergency bre I'm on the platform let's go got Dr we don't have time for this running out of time here see the braak [ __ ] get out of my goddamn way we don't go the thing down we die got to get to the W that didn't work we're all going to die aren't we yep we're definitely going to die R yourselves the breaks engaged again they still work after all this that's amazing guys I think we're good son of a now is every everyone all right well uh surprisingly we're good good enough then let's find my dad okay this is where those snatchers were going let's find out why so the cogm osm I'm down here seems like a big operation yeah Lancer Bays used to be cated with OS well till they Tapped Out the mine that is guys let's head through here how is there still power down here these old mines run off geothermal so as long as there's a planet there's power uh that's a lot of guns huh [ __ ] they didn't just dump Locust bodies they dumped their weapons down here too that's creepy let's let's keep moving why would snatchers carry their prey all the way down here my guess they're returning home to their hive which means there's a whole lot of ugly down here waiting for us see that over there must be the hive there's more snatchers too Marcus is anywhere he's in there yeah agreed let's get across guys look at this the Locust shell still intact too which means we know one thing swarm our Locust so I heard Locus shells are indestructible put it this way you smash a diamond against those things the diamond shatters I know I know but remember the crystals I dug out of that Monster's hand they look the same something's going on down here holy [ __ ] tell me that's not what I think it is supressive watch it another big guy what the hell's it doing to those Dr I'm making him friendlier that's for sure [ __ ] there he made a hard the kill take him out first that's did it now let's finish this all right we're done let's just oh man let's head down that tunnel all this time the Locust weren't dead they were cocooned transforming like what evil butterflies oh well let me know when you come up with a better explanation how the hell did he get down here looks like an outer wild scavenger maybe well at least he took a few of them with it [ __ ] more than a few always want to drive Pip's clear coming through get behind me I'll deal with it well the uh good news is they're dead the bad news I kind of wreck the loader let's just move on shall we just had a thought how the hell is that ore transporter going to get us back up why because it's currently on Fire Let's destroy that bridge when we come to it okay let's go under here you hear that is that yeah Dad's radio we must be heading right toward him hey guys I see it all right check the pods for my dad he's going to be one of the neural ones hurry snater all right well got some so which of the PS do we search for Marcus I don't know just start looking none of these look recent enough we need a newer one [Music] oh god dad oh come on dad dad dad damn it come on come on come on God damn it damn it get up jitty Dad stop get up come on dad get up come on stop you got to let him go he's [Music] gone oh [Music] God help me get his armor off [Music] you're okay Dad we got [Applause] you wow you smell bad James in that pod I was in their network network what network this this whole goddamn Hive it's all connected all the people they've potted I could feel them the Locust never died James yeah we figured that out Kate your mother what about my mother she's alive and she's not being treated like the others not potted where is she another grub burial site it's not far take me there wait your people from the village I felt them too for a while they didn't make it damn it Oscar Kate I'm really warning our friends isn't going to help my mom all right what's the plan to get topside uh you're not going to like it [Music] Marcus when you were uh potted did you learn anything else the original Locust the big ones they're called Scions they're in charge and they're using us to grow an army so what the hell are we going to do about it we'll figure that out later right now finding Kate's mom is our priority thank you Marcus okay back up I'll clear him out there okay incoming juvies sounds like a lot of them that's it we're clear the loader's hit oh [ __ ] take out that snatch that what snatch it's why we I forget it just shoot the goddamn thing you're okay always that's is down who and uh so is the loader all all right now let's just uh find an exit tunnel and work our way back to the or transporter you have any problems getting down here from what I remember it's a long ride no no real problems we do have a way back up right oh yeah of course hey Marcus we passed this guy on the way down we're almost there our or Transporters up these stairs this is our way back up they're coming Kate with me James we need a plan okay uh filter exploded control room destroyed hurry we fly huh uh interesting also impossible maybe not hey I got a plan and for the record I had no input on this plan everyone grab a cable shoot oh [ __ ] see I told you this would work this is not a good idea look out weing clear it out this m shaft's falling apart no no no no holy [ __ ] that was close J's incoming and J's outgoing oh [ __ ] counter way remind me who idea was this again hey it's work just shoot the webbing got one there free wo wao what's happening we're almost out I can see the top we're still not stopping uh those gears are going to crun us let's take them out we're not stopping we're not stopping hey we stopped and you said we couldn't fly hey Dad you okay yeah but listen before before we hit the other Hive we should think about backup what you mean Jin no a friend come on anyone but him calling him in means a slight detour a detour what if we detoured on our way to you Kate I told you your mother that's right you'd probably be a puddle of Goo right now or Worse well come on there's not much worse than a puddle of Goo we're going to get her now Dad it's her mother that barrial site is twice the size of this one you've been in her position did you wait for backup a [ __ ] you won't be able to see the burial site from here it's on the other side of the dam come on so who are the four guys on top of that thing uh no one they represent the four sources of energy water air solar and gas no Emulsion the dam was built pre Emulsion wow it's that old there's hardly anything left that's that old there are still a few things look at this still got his Cog tag wonder if his family ever found out what happened to him you know we can't exactly drop that off a new air I know but it's better than leaving it out here you know a while back looked up how many Locust burial sites there actually were and I got a big old classifi there were dozens of them maybe even hundreds they can't all be infested right well we're going to find out one way or another all right that service Tower will get us to the damn [ __ ] wind flare coming in fast so we got to move how much time do we have before that thing hits not much that's warm take him out before the wind flare hits we don't have time for this out not now move it down to the riverbed f a [ __ ] too late wind fl's here got to push to the tower we take shelter there swarm up ahead well that worked hey my [ __ ] out almost [Music] there everyone come on get inside Tower's coming down [Music] everyone all right yeah I think so storm wall passed but we just lost our way up there's another service Tower up ahead follow me so is it just me or does it feel like this entire planet is trying to kill us definitely not just you last I heard the Cog was blaming the bad weather on holes in the planetary crust before that it was sun spots then atmospheric Distortion who the hell knows well look at that one of jy's birds went down maybe they're Salvage wow I bet no one's even been in here since the war not even to recover the bodies after the war we weren't thinking about the dead we were dealing with the living come on this way get back what the hell that whatever it is put it back in its hole all right big guys down big that thing was like a walking aircraft carrier yeah let's go so that's where we're going huh hope it has an elevator hey um Marcus you coming when you were here with the Cog what happened this Dam powered the last the cogs factories I got here right before it fell exfiltration Mission a few dozen gears were trapped inside so how'd you get him out I didn't [Music] man this Dam's taking up beating from all these wind flamers all right let's find the maintenance elevator should be the quickest way to the top sounds like you know your way around outsider live off old batteries I've rided my share of COG power plants there's the [Music] elevator surprise surprise no power well if we can charge the main circuit the auxiliary power should kick in all we need is a working turbine and a and a way to spin it maybe the last one still works no well the Dam's dry but maybe the wind could spin it then let's go there's our turbine but it's locked in place yeah it's probably what saved it why the hell is this turbine stuck you might want to look at this the swarm's gunked up the works we're going to have to cut through when's got it now we a business let's head back to that elevator oh you're killing me the elevator still doesn't have power the old circuits probably couldn't handle the power surge they need to be reset and that means splitting up generators or operations deck which one do you want well you're called James how about Dad and I take the operations deck you guys get the generators so Kate what do you need us to do up here right now just cover us while we fire up the first batch of generators what do the generators look like like giant generators oh one down oh [ __ ] JD Marcus cover us moving down JD you got to close this breaker or we can't move across there should be a switch up there found it closing the breaker all right get to those generators thanks just keep us covered oh and you totally got the easy way got it got it all right now we head back to the maintenance elevator by the way you did well back there all of you the Cog did at least one thing right training you to I was getting to you your dad teach you to fight like that my mom and my uncle Oscar he was an old gear like you did the Swarm take him yeah yeah they did I'm sorry to hear that oh finally the elevator's powered up come on all right next stop top of the dam let's go see what we're up against here oh God come on man just come on that's not good come on we walk from here okay looks like we're about halfway up let's uh let's try not to disturb anything [ __ ] now what come in why would you say that carrier yeah all right down okay now to find another way to the top yeah which means we have to head outside oh yeah I'm sure the weather will cooperate oh that was sarcasm by the way we're going outside this looks like the place to do it doors double locked two switches destroy nothing next all right they're down there has to be an easier way to get to the top of this Dam uh there was it's called the elevator oh right let's get through that door come on it's another double lock few dozen at least that's what I was told yeah it seems like there might have been more than that wouldn't surprise me anything that made the Cog look bad they lied about huh that sounds familiar oh okay looks fun heads up we've got swarm behind those chains take cover got [ __ ] watch those chains okay I'm calling it it's official literally everything is trying to kill us got it last one down all right let's find a way out of here well we keep going up that's progress right up is good we'll get to the top of this Dam if it kills us hey you know what I [Music] meant this should do the trick well [ __ ] hey what about the turbine what about the turbine we take it up you know like riding a windmill when you're a kid uh no I don't know watch see easy okay okay D here we go this is nuts interesting girlfriend you got there oh [ __ ] back up back up Dad [Music] go you guys head up we'll meet you look at that no swarm I think we cleared them out I'm going to go out on the limb and say no probably not one thing I learned fighting the Locust just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not around let's just get to the top of this thing oh finally all right looks like this one will get us to the top come on what is it don't look down I won't seriously don't look down okay do you actually secretly want me to look down come on we're almost there holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yeah we've established that [ __ ] it let's just get down there there's another way to do this you mean get help she can't wait hey if we don't stop these things everyone within 1,000 miles dies not just your mother almost everyone I care about is already dead remember yeah I do oh I can't believe I'm saying this but Dad do you have a way to call him not here do you think you can call him from there that could work then let's move before this wind flare gets any worse if your friend can't help I'm coming back alone if I have to if he can't help we'll be right beside you ah come on now we got out run a wind flare if we cross the damn fast enough we'll beat the storm wall if there's still a damn left to [Music] cross come on we got to keep moving this way this is bad this is really really bad just keep moving come on we can move from head to head got drones more of them up ahead thr de don't mind if I do come on down here storm just keep coming yeah and that wind flare is getting worse I say we waited out we can't we don't know how long the storm will last take cover watch it ju and now we've got drones clear them out we're clear now what now we get across hold up there's a turret damn it he is not dead I can't get a shot any ideas hey what about that bit hey give me a hand with this what are you doing that siegs piece has been dead for years yeah well worth a shot I'm hoping the bomb in this thing will have some kick all right let's see what it's got watching again get ready yeah burn him up one more turet down think it has a little too much kick look out I can't believe that worked come on let's go head up more drones eat back looks like their ship just came in uh get on the other side great out of the storm and into the Swarm really okay who else votes we stay inside for a while me right here a power plant with no power is that ironic it sucks but technically still no could be the power is not being routed here then we got to fix that if this sub station's Dark shows the radio tower we'll need to call back up where are we going anyway Spire is that some Cog base no town it's been deserted for decades hey Dad check this out that switch should rer the main feed nice got power and so does Spire now let's go make that call hey those Transformers give me an idea check the control panel see if you can vent the cores uh okay Dad venting the cores see that a few shots on that exposed core should be enough to overload the system causing a massive electrical discharge and clearing the way huh good [Music] idea oh holy [ __ ] okay Dad you've obviously done this before no but close enough come on Marcus this backup of yours how do you know he'll help back at the house I sent word I might need him pretty sure he's been waiting by the phone ever since yeah I guess we'll see about that won't we [Music] it's him what who the one who took my mom she is where she belongs Kate don't listen to it tell me where my mother is the path to your mother lies to me [Music] oh [ __ ] the crystals on that thing are indestructible shoot the SC Focus fire on those scabs oh yeah that gate that's it Transformers open we got to shoot the core supression Suess come the godamn [Music] [Music] [Music] got it [Music] [Music] not so fast you swarm are all connected right in your hives well then broadcast this we're getting my mother back then we're burning your goddamn hide to the [ __ ] ground [Applause] now [Applause] what you know JY as much as I enjoy our chats we're a little busy you said before I didn't know what was going on so why don't you educate me look who finally figured out that four people aren't taking on the entire Cog Army just for the hell of it took her long enough here's what I propose we all go back to newa and you tell me exactly what's out here you've seen them haven't you this isn't an intelligence Summit Lieutenant yeah that's pretty obvious what's obvious is that my efforts to keep our society United is the only chance we have against whatever's out here you actually believe the [ __ ] that comes out of your mouth don't you must be comforting since no one else does Lieutenant I'm not your [ __ ] Lieutenant JD What's happen [Music] watch out for those quills throwing TR ready to roll what the hell happened to Jet just I I don't know we we'll sort it out later we need to get to that radio tower wait you hear that yeah it sounds like Jin didn't come alone what is this jyn's buckee heads are taking on the Swarm moving jeez never thought I'd be rooting for a bunch of Debs lawful citizens identify that hell let's do this this to good you I think that's all of it for now then let's head to the radio tower hey come on let's get this open there it is radio tower Dead Ahead okay so what did happen to jens's B I think that pouncer quills hacked into it somehow how would that work a bioelectric field maybe more some kind of voltage gated iron channel oh yeah that makes sense it does the radio tower should be just ahead up this hill yeah and I'm sure we'll get there without a hitch close that NE ah [ __ ] turret ah and there's the hitch get the cover down in front watch that Dr wait here hey Dad hang on tell him we're going to need more than a couple of extra Lancers here and seriously Bots might do more harm than good don't worry he'll pull something out of his ass he always does [Music] [Music] they're surrounding [Applause] [Music] us holy [ __ ] you scared the crap out of me huh sorry backup's on its way how long before he gets here long enough that we'll need this hey what's the deal where's he meeting us close but we got time and swarm to kill before he gets here from the sound of things they're going to attack any minute that's why we dig in here [ __ ] looks like they're bringing out the big gun we've got carriers there that's his signal let's get to the rendevu point hey what do you know looks like it's all clear no no no no you have got to stop saying that seriously saying what all clear come on it's a perfect way to jinx this come on you're kidding no I'm not since this all began when has it ever been all clear normally I'd say jinxing has nothing to do with actual probabilities but in this case I agree don't say it all right this is ridiculous look around it is all clear Marcus come on man yeah Dad I don't know they've kind of convinced me tell you what if I really did just jinx this I'll deal with it myself now let's get to the damn R point he said he'd meet us at the intersection just ahead uh something Big's heading this way hey Marcus you jinxed us great job actually I don't think I did when Marcus Phenix callusing help he does not mess [Music] around what you don't call you don't write hey who loves your Marcus wo been too long Cole yeah about 10 years too long you remember James yeah I remember him being a lot smaller everyone's small next to you Uncle Cole Uncle Cole excuse me but didn't I give you enough toys when you were a kid oh I've seen enough of your toys to last a lifetime thanks his toys Kate Dell meet Damon be CEO of DB Industries whose Bots have been trying to kill us for the last 20 hours hey wao whoo the whole killer DB thing jyn did that not me well they've still got your initials on them let me know if any of this sounds familiar you go awall from the Cog oh about 6 months ago and somehow no one arrests you or or even more recently there you are stuck in settlement 5 and just magically a bot transport cart pulls up and tells you to get in oh seriously dad you you had this [ __ ] watching out for me I think the word you might be looking for is thank you you sure you can handle this thing you know the kind of day we've had you wouldn't ask JD's and Jack junor so one of you take second [Music] betting so they back H really back uh I kind of missed him in a weird messed up sort of way I know what you mean and there's our ride I'm here sweet cheeks ready to go tell me your wife wanted to do this um Sam and I aren't married special lady friend please and she insisted on coming [Music] hey kids can you hear me up there yeah I hear you Meers of the damn Owen Uncle beard try to keep up wow we kept up just fine little one didn't we yeah we'll Scout ahead let you know what we're up against so JD the one guy who you didn't want help from is the one guy who could actually help oh come on that's got to be ironic uh yeah you know what that one is ironic H I knew it all right kids there's a lot of these [ __ ] between you and that Dale gee thanks Uncle Baron hey you got it ah [ __ ] carrier spr that gate and speaking of gates be for blood those necks have remote targeting systems pay what you want we blow it up H sweet hey more snatches up ahead we've got this they felt that one Rockets are away took care of them for you okay looks like the only way out of here is through that wall come on over this bridge incoming oh great now we got a swarm X yeah but this time he's taking on someone his own side it's hurt shoot the blisters Focus out goinging missiles [Music] away here they come launching it's down but it's not dead [Music] yet all right swarm Max down now let's get out of here yeah sure but how hey kids Target the wall we'll make you an exit I like the sound of that hey you guys all right down there well so far so good hey any idea what's up ahead seen a lot of bad guys big ones too big huh you know I think we can handle big that's the story of my life all right we're moving up and notice I did not say we're all clear I'm sure D appreciate that ah we're blocked we're going to need an air strike we can't get ped need you to blow it up no more targets damn it that wheel's going to be a problem yeah we're just a bit taller than the last time we were here maybe we go through it Rock get are away okay damn's just ahead let's clear that wheel [Music] okay we're at the dam now we just have to find a way through launching watching another format here they come missiles are [Music] away welcome away launching there for back down I see that kid nice job we'll meet you on the other side James the cave she's in there you're sure yes that's the heart of the network then let's go get [Music] her whatever's coming our way isn't going to stop us right hey kid I'm getting some serious seismic readings up here what the hell you start shooting yeah we got him K incoming good work now keep pushing ahead one of us got him take them out [Music] okay nice Dad really use some advice here way okay yeah the [Music] tentacles rocket out going do the quill go for the tentacles launching launching once you pin that tentacle tear it off don't the you all right another one's down this all the way weaking it it's not dead yet watch it expiring [ __ ] samam we got an incoming we're hit damn it we're going down hang on the something dad now all right all right everyone get out we're okay but we got swarm down here to deal with just finish that damn thing off hey bar what's the Raven's condition main roader is okay Tail's gone why I just got an idea Laing more of those things JD go for his FL okay now we do that again watch out it's launching again out watching more of those things all that let off watch out firing again [Applause] out J kill it going to be [Music] let's go get her oh my [Music] God you knew didn't you yes but I didn't know we'd find [Music] this if I'm released I'll die they've seem to that Katie come close please Raina please jie you can't ask her to don't just let me say goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take it [Music] [Music] again no it's okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] this isn't over so get her somewhere safe I don't need protection I know you need time trust me I've been [Music] there she wanted you to have that it was it was my grandmother's I never knew her it's beautiful [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] Kate is not ready for this she can barely keep her eyes open don't worry about her she'll be [Music] ready okay we're almost at Bear's coordinates welcome to a when's the last time you slept last night got a good8 or nine minutes in nightmares does it get better it gets tolerable all right let's see what we got come on time to hook in for the drop [Music] so who's jumping first definitely not you D I'm fine okay sure you are oh [ __ ] thanks Z we're out going don't you that we're standing by up here see you soon hey Dave you coming all right control we're going in control really I have a name control F ofs be I mean control and we're already breaking enough of them as it is what Jin doesn't know won't hurt her this is my call all right if the first Minister doesn't like it she can yell at me which she almost certainly will tell us where to go control I'll do my best but remember no one's been in that facility for like 25 years yeah that's pretty evident you're not there to buy a time share you're there to launch an old Hammer of G prototype and your Intel says one of the silos is still in Tech right yeah as far as they can tell just get Dave to a functional control room he'll handle the launch sequence Dave light remember big Locust burial sight in this island hatched going to be waste deep in swarm there's one hell of a way to come back to Aura hey hey hey get back oh [ __ ] what the hell need to search a place that's falling apart quickly come on we can use the ledge DS plan to launch a satellite from here it seems a little half fake well half fake plans are kind of be specialty not be even figured out they had a h my father before he died he let be in on a few Cog secrets in this island it has plenty of them St back more coming down huh guess who Dave send a pulse and let's see what we're dealing with ah there they are how do you want to do this I'll take care of this war okay let's put him down get in the cover only one left all right that's all of it confirmed theer burial site is active [ __ ] okay condor's in the air let me know if you need reinforcements we get it handled for now Delta out come on we got to find one of those silos assuming the Swarm haven't RI them all apart hey I think we can get down this way [ __ ] sorry [Music] okay these headaches I'm okay all right let's just find a silo for the record you don't seem okay I'll live there's too many active hives everywhere we go another the burial s's hatched all the more reason to get the Hamburg online let's hope Jin sees [Music] here terminated all right got them all wait a second guys we're in a silo be we found one of the silos but it's wrecked well there's two more one of them's still operational hope you're right we ended the war Once on This Island when we get this Hammer satellite up we can do it again that's the idea old pal control [Music] out so Strait's not an option how much rocket face is even left let's find out you guys go right Marcus and I will go left we'll find those Sil sounds good stay in contact you sure about this two silos two paths you got a better idea Del hatch jump down this looks like some kind of an exhaust but is it from ay only one way to find out juvies put him down okay that's all of them now let's for out all right looks like this SLO Gate's our way out Dave can you get this open man you know what if they want to turn this place into a hive let them it's an isolated island hundreds of miles from sh uh-huh let's just make sure that happens after we leave see going down so much for a silo under here man we got company James we're above you I see you we can provide support from up here if things get hairy just tell us who to Target let's take out that drone first got my target that okay now open fire fire on that drone we got a few more up here you two push ahead copy that oh [ __ ] carrier BR we can use those reinforcements right about now the condor's almost with range Delta okay kid reinforcements incoming I've got guardians or dr1 what do you want it dropp us some dr1 you got it here they are finally executing comat Maneuvers area of operations is now secure thank you for your assistance in this matter hey control that carrier's down thanks for the help deves one of you secure the area the others with us let's go whoa Delta what the hell did Dave do got a lot of strange data here top secret stuff uh as far as I know he's opening a door he's doing a lot more than that well either way the door thanks Dave so that data Dave just downloaded there's a big hole of the highest security clearance how does this relate to our mission it doesn't but now I need to know I'm guessing whatever's missing was pulled from the network well who'd have the authority to do that back then uh only the facility Commander find his office and poke around okay we'll go safe good place for secret data Dave get this open gotch you hey control good news we found the Data Drive appreciate Delta hey know what we'd appreciate some backup What Where Are You The Silo we found it and they're all over us oh [ __ ] we're on our way I now all right control room's clear nice you guys to show up oh no problem is that rocket attack it is believe it or not good then find a port for Dave to plug into if it checks out he'll initiate the launch Marcus you know JY pretty well just how angry is she going to be with us launching this thing I'd say somewhere between an ulcer and an aneurysm I'm okay with that it's all yours control you're in start the launch sequence pressurized first stage opening Silo [Music] doors error error uh we have an issue The Silo hatch it's not opening of course I knew that seem too easy bared options bug out blasor aren't going to protect you from an exploding rocket all right then we call it let's go hydraulic external power to arm get that hatch open what kid listen to your old man you got to get out of there damn it we came here to do this so let's get it done ignition test commence we got the war stay with me ignition engine one God damn it J I have got to learn to stop following you yeah good luck with that let's get that hatch open so what's our plan I don't know got to be a manual override near the top find our way up take that bring it down Dave uh tell how many engines does a rocket have usually four okay ignition Engine 4 oh come on God damn it yeah we can get around let's go got it it's way to goddamn you [ __ ] come on 15 seconds to launch you got to go hurry 10 seconds to launch it's no time come on punch it no D still out there who gives a [ __ ] he's a robot that's not his fault gotcha lived off [Music] [Music] [Music] unbelievable Sam we're ready for extraction [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back kids oh one thing j found out about our little vacation to hammerland and as I predicted she's not happy now that she's done yelling at me she wants to yell at you all of you Roger there [Music] control come on time to face the music [Music] James how about I see Jin first I'll calm the storm before you brief her I'm sorry is this Sergeant Phoenix being diplomatic you can call it what you want but we're at War even if it doesn't feel like it yet we all have to be on the same page yeah well I mean if you think it'll help then sure wish you have been this willing to listen back at that Silo hey it worked out didn't it listen James word of advice stop trying to prove yourself just do the job dad I took a necessary R necessary means you have no other option that wasn't necessary and you know it what was that about what do you think same thing it's always about hey you know it's just cuz he cares right yeah well you know a hell of a lot more about him caring than I would okay um yeah um we're just going to go inside Come On Dave that was a shitty thing to say yeah I'm I'm sorry the thing is you two are more alike than either of you want to admit [Music] the data is in front of you Damon what what that's it I thought the new satellite would automatically link to the old ones it cannot find them without regular scheduling from telecommand tracking accuracy degrades thanks a lot Iris your vocal sentiment does not match your word's literal meaning thus you are not actually thanking please stop talking so I still can't find the other Hammer of dawn satellites on the plus side I accidentally invented an AI that understands sarcasm here that Data Drive you wanted maybe it'll help find lost satellites I doubt it but I'll take a look wait hang on did we do all that for nothing oh it'll fire but with only one working satellite up it'll be tough to control the beam ah what's wrong with Dave they've had a few problems what kind of problems H uh that kind of oh I know I'm going to regret this okay everyone meet the new Jack when the hell did you have time to build this when did I have time to build this this is what I do I sit here making stuff you guys don't appreciate and inevitably break okay so what's different about him whole new range of behaviors improved scanning augmented combat and support modules he's literally one of a kind mm and and he's all yours now if you'll excuse me I have a bazillion 40-year-old satellites to find Dam there are only 15 missing satellites thank you Iris more sarcasm to add to your growing library before we begin Damon the combat module you brilliantly designed is now ready my use of brilliantly was intended to be sarcastic did I succeed follow me you'll want to equip this new module ASAP it'll make Jack combat ready oh I'm going dig this Iris activate Alpha 331 certainly so say you got a Target that seems awfully comfortable behind cover Jack Flash ability fixes that aim at the DB and activate see what happens test sequence complete huh that could be useful no offense JD but uh Jack's my new best friend I'm very happy for you for both of you but now I need you to return your weapons to the weapons locker and get out of here are you trying to get rid of us oh you noticed anyway you can boost Jack's abilities if you find the right components before you go see jyn stop by the Armory they might have one you can borrow oh we will definitely be doing that good now I can get back to work what Dana means to say is that he has more important things to do thank you Iris bluntness is one of iris's more commendable traits wonder where she gets that from oh that smells so beard less I know you were kind of mad when J shoed you in here how do you like it oh I I'm enjoying it the workshop's quiet peaceful Damon is not being truthful shortly before you arrived he was highly critical of the first Minister referring to her several times as let's not get into specifics Iris also why did you tell him that I detected genuine personal concern for you in Corporal Diaz's intonation I thus judged it appropriate to inform her how you truly feel who inappropriate sarcasm incompetent nurturing instincts Iris are you sure you're not secretly my mother so close to getting the hammer fully operational again Damon you'll be pleased to learn I have located one of the missing satellites Iris great news where at the bottom of the gazan sea approximately 15 miles from Shore oh apparently it fell from orbit your deductive powers are truly impressive Iris and you Damon are quite handsome I intended that remark to be sarcastic yeah I figured good to have them in our side again does Sam get down here much you know uh when she can Damon and Miss br are currently experiencing relationship difficulties my god I've created a monster oh well Iris go ahead explain Miss burn would like to commemorate their long running but non-marital relationship with a tattoo Damon however is frightened of needles thus the impass I am not frightened of needles Damon is exceedingly frightened of needles in fact I would categorize his fear as classically phobic be get a tattoo for your special lady friend already anything else you'd like to share Iris our love making frequency perhaps I fail to see why that would be of any interest to your guests decorum amazing later bar come on guys no worries do your thing come on hey F how's life and Jin's rear ealon treating you brilliant but then we can't all be off on some secret mission oh yeah how'd you hear about that this is an army not a monaster yeah okay well look we'll just leave you to the very important work of punching machines and Spar it hang on a second [ __ ] [ __ ] stick D theories I don't know maybe a stick made out of [ __ ] or or a stick used to stir up [ __ ] all right [ __ ] off how about we make this interesting you and me spar right now and how exactly is beating you interesting yes or no you want in on this pretty sure what's actually being measured here is going to leave me at a distinct disadvantage then again maybe not hilarious are you in or not oh I'm in come on man let's just grab the Jack component and get out of here no this will be fun son of a how's that fun working out for you try it again fos come on hey here's the thing fos about to SP with you but not beat you it's against their programming but explain sh false confidence quite a bit actually want some advice Phoenix no I'm good Jin does love her golden boys but never for very long see that was fun [ __ ] off all right man now the F fun time's over can we go find that component oh okay come on enough's enough you got to see someone about these headaches I will I promise after we talk let me be perfectly clear when it comes to this weapon I don't share your optimism it's the first time anyone's accused me of optimism yes well I'll remind you your wife refused the idea of bringing the hammer back online I would have thought you'd respect Ana's wishes I'm going to pretend you didn't say that for both our sakes Ana would have wanted you you don't get to talk about her if that's what you think I won't argue you and that godamn fertility program a program that gave you your son and mine I honor Ana I loved Ana I don't care if you believe me when my program was in its infancy she came to me she volunteered both times she volunteered seeing first Minister stoud undergo treatment do you know how many children are alive today thanks to her she should be buried here you know with the All fathers the people need her inspiration your inspiration was my wife first Minister Lieutenant Phoenix and his Squad send them [Music] in ah Lieutenant I'm told you had a successful Mission first Minister I can explain by all means explain when Damon be superseded me explain how launching a hammer of Dawn's satellite doesn't require my explicit approval same page huh Lieutenant the hammer of dawn has taken more Cog lives than most of the armies we've opposed your father knows this as well as anyone it's not the weapons I don't trust first Minister it's the people who use them the hammer of dawn will not be brought back online ah that'll be a report on the evacuation of settlement 2 settlement 2 is being evacuated why there's been activity in the nearby burial site Chief Carmine report we're under attack we need immediate help please slow down send reinforcement no mobilize the fourth division we'll take command of the reinforcement effort Do It Go James we're getting close where do you want me to take they gate keep anything else from getting inside you realize I'm the ranking officer here right and we'll reinforce car mine at the Town Hub I can't believe we're back here we did our duty you need to get over it get over it guys not the time Cole let's see what we're dealing [Music] with oh [ __ ] hang on to something get out out out help run move your [Music] off we got get over here J I can't see I can't move just hang on Cole help BOS we're P down here we're coming we got zies up here [ __ ] we got them down here too better keep those spey shits off us J and I hate these things How We Do It get this [ __ ] thing off me that was the last one thanks done get us out of here pass get cold finish well that sucked be look our Raven's down you passed us through to Carmine no can't do kid his radio's out he okay I can see him at the center Hub so he's up and fighting but the swarm's all over him hurry if you can run our way come on Delta let's get out of here well Up's farther than they hoped then we better move it there we got a swarm at our location I'll deploy DB units to take it out just get the carine let go right after we're done here show the dug in check hit him with flash take that RS clear all iMac trucks proceed immediately to the hub no stopping Lizzy Delta here there's a swarm in the settlement keep your convoy away from it a Delta I was going to do donuts around it be advised Corporal they're faster than they look Delta out EV that c boy yeah Lizz from the speed of it what the best driv we got problem is [ __ ] she knows it come on let's cut through this building everybody stay back they're coming in hey Stand Down private we're geared [ __ ] sorry Lieutenant no harm no foul what are you doing here I lost our DBS and we got civilians holed up in here Lizzie Delta requesting civilian pickup Sector 8 apartment complex copy that Delta I'll Circle back thanks for that Lieutenant no problem private come on Delta they attacked quickly control need backup aure things about them [ __ ] it never mind control I take care of it DBS we got to secure this street Lizzy help me sister you are crazy what can we do to help just clear this Street Delta otherwise we're stuck here be we're assisting aall Convoy we might need reinforcements here Roger that Delta diverting a condor your way now Phoenix for the last goddamn time I'm the ranking officer which means I call in the reinforcements yes sir I I will fix it fire the shoot the [Music] belly oh don't get too close that's it we're clear okay thank you very much Lizzie you good to go here yeah just got to round up those civies you found Delta Carmine squat just got over run they're hunkered down with civilians inside the tower they're not going to last if you don't get there soon they need you at the Hub go you can get there through the park Gates by the steps all right you heard her let's move o down you're going to be okay you know you might not have a problem with shooting innocent people but I do innocent huh innocent so people FR firebombs are innocent H good to know both of you knock it [Music] off wait I heard about this that was you three not three one of us managed to keep his DBS under control what the hell happened we identified an Insurgent element and eliminated it no you open fire on a protest every her needs a good colid I know I call from this herd look what happened happened right now we focus on completing this evacuation godamn right there's the Hub Dead Ahead [ __ ] Carmine is definitely in trouble [ __ ] snatch that thing makes its way to the hub Carmine's problem's going to get a lot worse come on hey trvy take him out I've got one thing to say deep poath things got two go all right looks like carmes hold up in that Tower with the civilian let's show these DBS how it's done clear the plaza fire in the hole come on Big Mama you think you're scary you ain't [Music] scary Target acquired all right snatch us down Carmine pause the secure continue the Evac copy that Delta we're coming out all right evacuees listen up double time it to the minur no personal items no luggage what are you de no personal items Carmine man you kept a lot of people alive today Sergeant the grub killer retires baby grub killer swarm killer whatever yeah rescued by my old trainees Uncle clay yeah and now I got to get up again was getting worried you didn't report back radio died and these guys pulled me out of a jam yes I owe you twice Phoenix now what open fire down oh what the hell oh [ __ ] everyone run JY we lost it Delta I'll set down for extraction no no clear out of here it's not safe we're hit mayday mayday mayday [ __ ] Raven down let's get to the crash site all right looks like it's dim time sh too late Del over there snipers then let's clear them out that's it Jack going bra all right think we got them all that block thing can shut down our box there's no way we can hold this settlement B tell Marcus and I had to bug out at the wall warm as everywhere can't raise control something's messing with our cons you read Kate we got separated from K fos and Carmine then we got to regroup meet us at the theater welcome see you there JD come on let's cut through the hotel yo Jack give us some light oh [ __ ] we're losing a lot of Gears Phoenix I made it back to my Convoy going to try to get these people out of here copy that Lizzy [ __ ] hold up let Stand Down are you kidding me that flock thing doesn't just shut Deb's down it turns them what the hell man we're going in there Dell get ready man I can't believe this turned the [ __ ] so fast hey cold F car M you think they're okay I hope so let's get to Kate and dad then we can worry about the others oh [ __ ] not going that way on this way [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] get some fast what the [ __ ] is that who give me sh kill him delicious [Music] man look out it's back again then we take it out yeah James James do you read thought the copy dad loud and clear heads up that flock thing's made up of leeches yeah we know they're messing with our coms somehow but be's got a squat cleaning them off the radio towers we're at the fear are you close down the street we're on our way to you D we're leaving now control drop them now I don't think they got the M about the P thanks control [ __ ] well let's just help him clear the street tet we you pushing back appreciate it sir DB come on clear this street okay BL bring it all right that's it let's just group with Marcus and Kate okay let's try this one uh guys we got a problem a corrupted dr1 that can't be good look behind it the evacuees They're All Dead let's just stay quiet and try to get out of here oh God damn it kill that thing it's done let's just let's just get out of here find the others hey think we can exit stage right be theater evacuees didn't make it Cole F the Carmines what's their status Lizzy made it back to her Convoy but she keeps getting rerouted clay found a raven out but I can't reach Cole or fos you heard from him no not yet but we'll keep looking holy [Music] [ __ ] dror where are you Comm man just called it pull out evacuation Over Control it's Delta you're breaking up we're at the theater say again you got to get out of there kid they're letting the settlement go wait can't we use the hammer of dawn not when I can't Target the damn thing just fall fall back to the main gate bar we're stuck on the other side of town Phoenix Lizzy here you're at the theater Lizzy thank God affirmative I've been diverted like six times I can pick you up coming your way now we'll be here Delta out in here come on hey whoa whoa waa it's this we uh brought company [ __ ] get down that's the bide down out R what how do you go never forget to face so where do we shoot this Fe Target the look at me baby I told you I'll be right back just did a Time B no are you nuts always but now it's got a mouth full of B so D see any friendly faces you recognize maybe that's the uh peaceful protester who broke my nose you deserve worse than a broken nose why you show me what I deserve stop enough of this [ __ ] you're a goddamn c a coward wow well have I got news to Bar don't guess who ordered the first shot Dell directly into those peaceful protesters of yours yeah that's right Lieutenant pedigree there guys come on guys look I mean they were throwing incendi but the whole thing was confusing all right I I I didn't mean to have it happen never mind beep beep C is here look we can discuss this later come on dou time it I need to get these people out of here oh [ __ ] [ __ ] we're block draw that fire all TR back out back out here here we're going to lose the Convoy we need the hammer you what now it's ready to fire right kid I don't even have the coordinates well use me are you nuts baby ex trct my armor and offset no I'm not doing that too bad bar don't have a choice G covering [Music] fire I'm almost there get ready I really don't know about this kid [Music] fight fire [Music] [Music] woo see I told you it work uh Barrett bar hell's going on I can't control the iris shut it down shut it down God damn it just run oh no [ __ ] everybody out everybody out [Music] Dam it get out of [Music] there I got you I got you [Music] let's get this done we're on a short string here okay should we bring him alone yeah sure why not all right come on so what's your issue with Jack anyway besides spending half my life hiding from Cog Bots no issue see I told you it's not you it's her oh yeah that's [Music] lovely your headache again is it h I'm fine he's not going to listen to you how about you let him decide that hey it's her there funeral can't come here with Cog weapons hand them over you know who my father was right who my mother was and yet you're the one in COG armor go figure man we're not giving you [ __ ] just do what they say fine you can pick these up on the way out I'm through he's out B by the steam Farm Try Not to cause any trouble that's up to him [Music] you know we've convinced a lot of Outsiders that come over to the [ __ ] in fight but I got a feeling this Net's going to be a little tougher to crack yeah I have the same feeling I still you can't believe that Marcus be and Cole were the ones who killed this riftworm from the inside with their chainsaws actually I can believe it stop carrying his water why do you think Norco and Lena went North because they're cowards okay that's it I'm done oh [ __ ] [Music] hey you okay yeah yeah let's just get to the steam Farm okay hey we're looking for the chief old guy smells like beer you seen him Kate Uncle a lot of cogs been out here to make their pitch never imagine they send you guess they thought you'd hear me out and what do you think I think you need a new decorator he supposed to keep him away how's that working out for you huh not too well it's good to see you again Kate you too Uncle now go pack up you're leaving am I look man we've convinced every other Village to to enlist you're the last holdouts Cog Outsider look it doesn't matter it's time to fight these things together no it's time we end this conversation I'm sorry young ones you can find your way out Uncle my mother's dead because she thought we could make it alone so go ahead send us away but if you do I'll be back to bury whatever's left of you and the people behind these walls and I think you know it [ __ ] how often do they attack lately every day they do that every day no they don't come on Uncle we're going to need more ammo than this where will you can find until then use knives fish and anything you got they reach the lower wall help me clear them out hunting I okay down more of them coming in dead uncle he's down come on before we lose anymore Oscar you got to come with us man your people don't deserve this Jack do it that [ __ ] hurt you son of B let's go look out your on more swarm ahead one more time let's clear him out we're good stump's down we got to finish this that's all Uncle we clear yeah but not sure it matters it's going to take us months to recover from this all the more weas come with us there's still more vill to St come on first we're here what do you need they got a group up in by the workshop on we got to back them up got another one gotcha we're here what do you need we have a silver back but the only one who can drive it got dragged off how hard can it be a that is awesome [Music] come on we got to get out there oh [ __ ] what is this you are meant for this do not be afraid they're get no and again let me [Applause] go k them use them again [Applause] again I can't I can't s [Music] do your it's over [Laughter] here uncle okay k no no no k k you can't see this you don't want to see this sorry [Music] [Music] K I'm sorry thanks JD for coming here of course can I recommend we maybe get these people out of here hey just slow down no f is right we need to move what are you Oscar's dead man give her a minute she'll get her minute in the Raven what the hell is wrong with you now we need to leave I'm not going excuse me for months now I've been having these dreams nightmares but I think they were messages what something something's happening to me your grandmother's enough we'll deal with this later f round these people up I need help there's a place up north I think we can find your answers there no no absolutely not we have orders you'll go with me God damn it both of you listen I'll go with her look if you're missing gentle notice okay I'll push Jack the coordinates now corpal you're coming back to noira that is a direct order well Captain screw your order this isn't about you it's about me I need to fix this hey watch her I'm necklace that's a Locus symbol yes so she would never be honoring Me by choice I know that because she would die for us I know that but what if it's not her choice well it's just us now so what's in here anyway a fast way out of this [ __ ] place hey if you want some time you know we don't have to leave right away yeah we do okay then we need some light I knew I going to have to ski around so you can drive more or less here we go Markus just pushed Jack the coordinance for some facility of North New Hope New Hope sounds pleasant all right we should head out it's a long ride from here look at you hey D hey what I'm glad you're here me too D it's been an hours tell me we're getting close Marcus's coordinates put New Hope in the valley up ahead so we're [Music] close but you haven't said a word in a while how you doing well the good news is I'm starting to get the hang of this thing which is been a nice distraction look I'll be okay just hard to believe uncle's really gone yeah it is thanks for asking about how I'm doing by the way thanks for driving exhausting as it looks very much so hey I'm sorry for the way JD treated you back at the Village he's just don't you're the last person who needs to apologize for him yo stop stop we got a gate ahead and from the look of it this Wall's pretty recent too definitely new kind all right let's um get around and find a way to open this thing look JD kept a big secret from you but how am I any different you told us your secret he didn't yeah right hey out there is that New Hope nope marcus' coordinates are to the Northeast doesn't look far just got to unblock the skiff you know what pisses me off most of all seeing JD P around with f like when did that happen jy's had him running missions together for months what do you expect looks like a simple mag lock Jack can get this open Jack do the honors [Music] oh that was surprisingly easy all right we're done here let's get back on the skip hey let's make sure we store a couple of weapons on the skip you know for emergency New Hope here we come I keep wondering about something JD and settlement 2 you think Markus new what he did you mean yeah I think he knew you saw how he reacted I did and it well explains a lot actually kids you read Marcus you back into new air yet just landed are you close to New Hope almost question how will we know when we're there officially New Hope never existed it was disguised as jamus and shiing Depot so look for tracks and follow tracks got it Marcus there's no facility here it's all old growth forest trust me it's there so does Jen know about this place every first Minister's known and they all did the same thing posted guards and tried to keep it a secret Secrets huh there's a lot of that going around these days let me know when you're getting close control out D Storm's getting closer oh great there we go another Cog seal we're in the right place through here you went off going off on your own care about that who could trust you now D pot Outsiders [ __ ] swarm we're the only ones who haven't been here [Music] got something up ahead let's check it out oh [ __ ] watch it incoming eyes K down one thing once you're inside now things about about marus we're losing you it's the storm just keep going we got to find new help come on up here K look the facility get ahead let's get inside look out help me get this open come on Jack let's go okay now do you copy yeah we're inside now main building I think all right you're looking for a biogenetics lab entrance is a long hallway with a circular door at the end of it Roger that we'll let you know when we find it d got a way through here you hear that y we're not alone in here don't worry it'll be fine is probably Marcus found your hallway and your circular door looks like somebody blew it up oh right that was me actually I forgot about that so what now okay look for another way in the labs filled with stasis tanks that's how you'll know you found it stasis tanks got wait what is we uh we might have a problem yeah we definitely have a problem Wen Jack shot tra it's down what's a goddamn Warden doing here a warden means swarm's looking to turn this place into a hive oh [ __ ] let's just find what we're looking for and get out of here D help me push this open that didn't feel great Jack give us light hey kids how's it going perfect timing Marcus well no lab or stasis tanks but we're in some kind of prison cell prison you're seeing stuff I never did from what I heard Nile Samson R using the children of Ulan poison miners for experiments he imprisoned and experimented on children I warned you about what you learned there you can ask him yourself wait what how is he still alive he reserved himself as an AI construct find the lab find NES hey Marcus the C know what this n guy was doing they shut him down eventually stuff like this is why I never trusted the Cog not even when my wife was running it looks like Niles had a favorite test subject observation room they were watching this kid this is disgusting all of it yeah some poor kids Marcus who was this Niles what exactly was he doing over my pay grade but it had something to do with the Locust which means it has something to do with you stasis TS Marcus we found the lab good but you're going to want to avoid those tanks why what's simp the early and angry fruits of Nile's labor they're called sers last time I saw them they were a little moody moody great just find Niles he should be close so you got any idea what you're going to ask this guy you know about your uh connection thing I think I might ask about the whole imprisoned children thing first okay fair enough and then and then what is all this have to do with me all right Marcus we made it look for a switch to activate his AI construct then put on your tin foil ads Marcus that didn't work what will we listen did you listen are you listening that's Niles all right still batshit after all these years Jack get over here and pull whatever files you can oh hello naughty fellow hey is Jack going to get some weird virus plugged into the sink I don't know just hold him down when you're done oh [ __ ] most of the files are corrupt but several of them mentioned something called Kadar that mean anything to you no it does to me I'll have bear take a look what was that oh [ __ ] come on Jack the final cleansing has it begun may I terminate no you did it come on as someone once said to me night night Marcus place is filling with gas they get out of there time go Bove Bove Bove we go up [Applause] this is not good not that way stairs take the stairs ping up go go go through here tell me Jack got enough data off that weirdo we'll check back at the ski come on across this roof Kate we got incoming you sure about thisof top plan just get to the other side got the H dead gas or no gas we got to move come on this way I take back what I said earlier New Hope not pleasant a read I think I've seen enough of this place for today or tomorrow orever let's get back to the Skip and see if we have a solid lead hey kids you out in there yeah did be get anything out of that data plenty right before the last of the scientists left New Hope someone sent them a message from a lab in Mount Kadar formerly known as Locust Central okay I've done plenty of fighting in that place this the first I've heard of any lab well that's good right for us if you say so problem is the message's origin point was scrambled okay then we track the message back to the source the whatever C tow a pass through huh knew there was a reason we keep you around just head out and see if you can find any Towers to start the trail back okay we'll do Jack see if this opens the gate there we go it's opening all right both gates open so back to the skip unless you feel like walking to those C Towers I'm going to say no hard passing and look at that we got a C Tower up ahead fingers crossed one of those New Hope messages passed through it hey look even if they did we'll need transmission data from Two Towers one won't be enough to figure out where those messages came from then let's get started there's one thing I keep asking myself why did JD change so much was it the coma the guilt JY got to it made us seem like the bad guys and promoted him to Captain which what happened I just never imagined JD was so [ __ ] well he is I ground son remember and Marcus Phoenix's son yeah can't imagine why that would give any of issues [Music] come on in we go think we got a clear path to that Tower let's find out and that wind flare if we have to we go through it just like the last one Marcus we spotted a Comm tower on a mountain side we're on our way to it now Roger that how's the weather what do you think that bad huh be careful control out get back I'm beginning to see why no one lives up here anymore yeah and if we don't keep moving we're going to die up here another one coming not out of this yet man I thought Razor H was bad door's just ahead Tower's almost completely frozen over hey watch NE that's a Locus SYM yeah I saw [Applause] and you right hey w w w it's me yeah I I just want to find that damn gadar lab right well we just got to access data from the command console you ready figures console's not working huh there is power in here could be a blown fuse or something just need to access a circuit goodbye Jack hey there's some kind of junction box up in the Pence Jack get in there and restore the power [Music] good job Jack let's get Jack connected to the console get in there Jack unauthorized access security protocol initiated error security protocol inable security systems on for inst let's just check the transmission Data before it locks us out so we scan for a transmission that matches the one we found at New Hope yep that's it got a signal match Northwest it's another Tower so can we use that data to find the LA not yet we're going to need that other Tower to complete the trace so what do you think should we update Marcus I'll hail him from the skiff let's just get out of here turrets weird amount of security for a Comm Tower isn't it I don't know you asking me like I work here that's one Tower down yep it's time to find the other one sure you don't regret coming along what are you kidding I'm doing everything I love skipping freezing my ass off I keep thinking about NES those experiments and do you know what the average person would do if they found out the little we already know probably why every person ministers covered it up even Ana and she was literally the most honest person I've ever known so what do we do who do we tell maybe no one what would be the point the people behind all this a day so do what Anya did nothing Marcus we got part of the transmission data but we need to find another Tower good work but remember if there is a lab in Mount Kadar it managed to stay hidden a long time it's probably a good reason for that understood we'll be in touch though what if what we find what if it's really bad you do know it's probably not going to be good yeah but what if it's like worst case scenario stuff okay and what does that look like honestly that Nile Samson is my grandfather well I had a worst case scenario you just Ted it all right let's get to the Tower and grab that data I wonder how far that lab's going to be once he isolated is some kchen with her luck it'll be on the very top of Madar Ah that's an unfortunate and almost certainly accurate prediction [Music] every time I think it can't get any colder I know after all this a vacation would be nice I would not get your hopes up there's our other Tower looks like it's in relatively good shape too then let's head to it okay question before we dig any deeper into this did Raina ever do anything suspicious I mean why do she even had that been thinking about that there was a lot she didn't tell me how she met my dad why she never knew her own mother all she'd say about her father was that he was bad I know she grew up rough but where she came from that's a mystery obviously she was hiding something what why well I hope we could find you some answers yeah me too [ __ ] get behind something swarm ahead okay we got a bunch of swarm within ice you thinking what I'm thinking time to go L fire the h they're done way more of these things up here than I was expecting at this point I expect them to be everywhere you're probably right let's just get to the Tower come on I'll give you a boost you kill kill them you kill them you killed me who could trust you now trust you now hey what GS sorry got distracted look what I found Marcus you know anything about a condor crash out here matter of fact wind flares took out a few of them recently probably some useful [ __ ] on them those things okay got it we'll take a look huh I was expecting more DBS in here maybe it wasn't a full fight that or they wandered off D you good well of cold don't really know where we are generally kind of confused about what we're doing but uh yeah good what the hell was a warden doing out here in the middle of nowhere nothing good all right time to find out if we can go two for two on these towers man I really hope we didn't come up here don't [Music] reject help me get this open a similar layout to the other Tower at least this should be it yeah there's the console same as last time I don't authorized access security protocol initiated okay that's not ideal we can worry about leaving after we get the data you there got another signal match that's got to be the lab so we've got enough to find it got to run a formal Trace but yeah you want to tell Marcus or should I let's just get back to the skiff we can tell him on the move [Music] when we get to the skiff Let's Tell Marcus what we're doing okay but I've got another question if you didn't where would you go pre or post swarm outbreak H pre someplace with a beach and post a bunker 5 mil underground okay you got room for two aren't you forgetting Jack yeah but he doesn't take out my what about you where would you go you know what I have no idea but I tell you it would be no snow Marcus we got a location if there was a lab in Mount cadar we'll know soon enough okay but I'll say it again that mountain was grub Central we don't know what's there just promise that if you run into something you can't handle you'll let me know appreciate that but we're doing all right so far Delta out hey our coordinates are coming up wait a second there's nothing here yeah I don't get it look the data checks out we're in the right place maybe Jack can I don't P worth a try Jack [Music] pulse wa there's something under the ice nice work budy that's got to be what we're looking for but how do we get down there not easily ice this thick it's like concrete not sure if this helps but Bar says there was an old mine in that area old mine blasting caps explosives I'll push the coordinates to Jack thanks Marcus all right I guess we got a potential solution old mine it [Music] is know where Marcus said we were heading up North this isn't exactly what I had in mind man I thought it was cold down by Oscar Village this is ridiculous what about your Armor's thermals they're still working right yeah but my armor doesn't cover my face my goddamn nose hair is frozen thanks for sharing Kate the mines in the Backwoods over there let's go find some explosiv okay the mine's back here somewhere right let's hope it's got something we can use oh it should but that really depends on the type of mining that I gaug if they were doing hydraulic mining we might find some High Press water Cutters but given the environment I bet it was some kind of subsurface extractive mining operation okay all right I got it we're going down [Music] there's the mine Marcus we're here what do you know about this place let's see it's an old nethercut mine industrial rare medals company got nationalized by the Cog right before eay so no activity since since the war no Cog activity can't speak beyond that okay thanks we'll be in touch let's try down here okay looks promising I take it back we got swarm let take them out Care on that ice [Music] all right they're done well it's pretty clear they don't want us in that mine yeah but we got to get up there let's try that lift wait a sec this was an outsider Camp Lena Norco I bet they were from here you could be right but that means that means we're about to have a fight on our hands what's up herea Norco say true this place down my [Music] [Applause] guard yeah sure looks like they F them hard in here just don't bother us yeah let's let's get this open you know I thought we knew where all the outsides were but we missed a lot in the Roundup how most Outsiders don't want to be found especially by the Cog it's better we find them than the morning here we go [ __ ] I was expected but [ __ ] I can't believe Lina and noro survive this let's just look around and see if we can find any explosives K you ever think about what happens to people in po do my best not to yeah but maybe there's some part of them some spark they still human there's nothing human left just keep looking around Dam it hey hey hey it's me okay mine's clear let's keep searching hey pretty sure that big drill ran off phosphorous fuel okay so so when you exposed phosphorus to oxygen or water it ignites and that could solve our ice problem then let's take what's left Jack do the honors oh let's go melt some mice shall we we're not out of this yet CH protect that fuel B go we all go with it excuse me come on help me come on Jack move it all right let's get this [ __ ] to the Skip and call Marcus I'm telling you this [ __ ] is going to melt that ice if you say so well coming to this place was certainly a life experience feels like we're racking those up out here I keep thinking about those poor people back in that mine what you said in the tunnel you're right we should have found him yeah but you were right too you can't help people who don't want to be helped like JD for instance yeah like JD you think he'll ever be himself again I don't know I hope so but I don't know Jack you good hauling that phosphorus glad to hear it see it's growing on you isn't it Jack's good people he just filled his small mechanical heart with joy thanks for being here by the way if you weren't with me this would be it would be hard wait are you thanking me or or Jack Jack I'm sorry wasn't that clear oh yeah that's a good one Marcus we found phosphorus fuel Del thinks it'll get us through the ice no Del knows it'll get us through the ice phospherous be careful it's nasty stuff yeah that's the rumor Delta out you know that ice isn't going anywhere we could got around some more I'll take that under advisement oh man now you sound like Marcus no this sounds like Marcus I'll take that under advisement see subtle difference yeah very subtle K one small de tail once we get through that ice getting back up might be tricky then I guess we'll have to deal with that solid observation all right let's get this boss for is cooking wait hold on what you said this stuff it's called phosphorus fine whatever you said it feeds off oxygen and water yeah yeah we're about to expose it to a ton of ice which is oxygen and water yeah huh it'll be fine what are you basing that on thermodynamics reaction kinetics somebody want to let me know when this chemistry class is over it'll be fine it'll be fine come on great Safety First H I told you all right no no no no no no no no no [Music] no it'll be fine huh what this is fine see fine look that must be the Kadar radio tower means the lab's not far come on Jack you good know you don't know we really are don't with us you withhold you with it sooner or later what are you resisting resist there stop F something willas miror get out of my [Music] head hey hey it's nothing well good because we found on we just need to figure out how to get [Music] inside all right that did it are you ready to get some answers more than ready well one big difference between this place and New Hope they weren't worried about getting found no fake shipping Depot in front [Music] okay ow stuck me you're this upset about a pin prick I have sensitive hands proper identification is required for entry your entry has been denied good day a what Niles is that you proper identification is required for entry proper identification hey you can give it a shot but it's going to hurt more than you think [Music] entry granted welcome home welcome home if you would follow me here to explain that welcome home do you really require an explanation think I like the spouting kns More Than This cryptic garbage G ah I see you've met my burstly inferior construct at New Hope what the hell it's freezing in here goodness apparently some of our cryo jets are malfunctioning there must be a fault in our system you don't say of course we cannot proceed until those cryo jets are disabled would you mind terribly miserable little garbage care mother cryo jets are probably powered like the turrets let's find the generator well done yeah ja good I've been meaning to reset those cryo jets for quite some time Niles really looking forward to you explaining this oh nothing but the remains of an old industrial accident no his tankes same as the ones at New Hope yeah I noticed ah yes my work there began as an effort to cure children ill with rustlung but it grew into something far more significant the C wanted medicine I gave them GS oh well water under the bridge please this way so after the Cog shut you down why come all the way out here our family needed a place to continue our work in solitude no way your family built this alone I am quite certain you lack the necessary clearances for that information this next area is quite fascinating what the hell the path to every breakthrough is paved with failure here are some of our more unstable specimens this breakthrough of yours how did you manage it one of the Minor's children as it happens she was resistant to aging disease we raised her as our own ah you may find this especially [Music] interesting what is it that is one of our first successful hybrids hybrid you mean a locust one and the same in our previous facility we had problems with genetic stability the S were distempered and sterile a problem for obvious reasons but the Locust were different highly controllable the perfect soldiers and blessedly able to reproduce What made them different their cells you see the Emulsion miners children provided a marvelous genetic repository as did the indigenous creatures of the hollow in all of your genetic research it's in here of course oh [ __ ] hey hey chck chck come here I need you to download everything off this terminal oh man I don't think I want to know what any of these F names mean but when the extent of one very special child's genetic immunity to emotion became clear our work began to soore please go ahead that of course is miror or as you know her Queen miror you bred her with the sers nothing so monstrous her stem cells however were delightfully complimentary to S DNA but we underestimated it so much young M's strong maternal feelings for instance let me guess she L her children to slaughter you all no no oh no well yes but I meant her more traditional maternal feelings for her daughter little Raina your mother what you're lying I am not your mother was born here and taken from us by her spineless far thus causing young Mira's unfortunate Rebellion why are you telling me this you have so many gifts you do not yet understand hey what's going on he will kill you if he knows they all will what did you just say hey hey what do you why did you come here with me what did JD tell you KY I am not going to hurt you no maybe you should or maybe I should hey that would indeed sever the link between you and the Locust now shut up I won't let them do to me what they did to my mother your mother and what did they do to your mother in The Hive they changed her it killed her I killed her but that is the process that allows them to learn to grow without a queen they remain unguided see see I'm a weapon no you're not back in the village when I was inside that snatcher I was controlling them what I think I killed Oscar wait a minute you think or you did I don't know I don't know I just I want it out of my head I want it to [Music] stop okay and you're going to stop it and if I do not then we delete you and Destroy every bit of your precious research then please allow me to assist you and we're supposed to just trust your good word here you are free to trust or not trust whomever you like but tell me something your mother and the hive did she resist of course she did so I feared young mirror needed no such crude incorporation Niles tell me my grandfather who was he one of my best geneticists he fled with little Raina because he no longer believed in our work did Mera know where he took her I told Mira rer had perished in the escape attempt I assumed that would end the matter I greatly miscalculated but it appears we have have another malfunction perhaps you could address it [Music] right ah he's done it your little friend is quite handy hey what than well you do make a lovely couple would you please follow follow me almost there now I'm curious how does it feel to have your life's work turn on you I choose to view it differently the Locust longed for Independence mirror showed them the way I have always been proud of your grandmother I still am what the hell is that thing the The Matriarch was generated from your grandmother's stem cells and DNA she Amplified Mira's ability to communicate with the Locust this device is where miror first learned to control her power but we can also use it to S your link if you choose so how does it work by mildly damaging your brain what by mildly damaging her brain her connection to the Locust is based on a genetic algorithm inside her temporal lobe altering that requires anesthesia you could say it sounds like a labotomy a labotomy is highly invasive this is directed while I work the matriarch will guide your mind undetected to where it must go okay all right no no no no no no no you are not doing this I do not trust this can then watch him but I have to do this I'm losing control I won't hurt anyone else understood understood [Music] I will make this as painless as possible yeah you better [Music] [Music] [Music] oh up hey is she okay she is fine patience hey Kate I'm here I'm here [Music] [Music] mom no hey nil NES where you going St [ __ ] okay get over here shut this down get out [Music] k k hey are you okay yeah yeah but okay come on we can talk about it later no listen he used me my mother she's alive what I mean it wasn't really her except except it was where is he emergency shutdown in effect come on he went this way come on come on come on come on come on come on after him get back here Niles God damn it [ __ ] surely you'll see I've done you a kindness you are no longer B to the high mind and your mother has been awakened well so to speak I'm going to [ __ ] kill you I don't think you can hear us I don't give a [ __ ] cogenic lock commencing please take the LA [Music] immediately [ __ ] we got to stop look for a way [Music] through I'm going to make him play you're not going to do anything but freeze if we don't lift this lock down uh d The Matriarch is gone oh I'm sure that's not going to be problem let's just find El come on freeing The Matriarch was unwise you will die which means you will never look upon the Grandeur of your mother transfigured I'm going to kill you [Music] nil Kate you want to tell me what the hell n is talking about later after we deal with them every child needs a playmate have fun D I see it I see it K check out the door open good but we can't leave yet I'm not letting these things live all right then let's put some more got the host Ro [Music] bre they're down then let's get after Niles time to go oh [Music] no oh [ __ ] [Music] hey close the door close it got [Music] it is that go the hole I have exactly zero interest in finding out let's go what the hell is that thing I got a glimpse inside its head you don't want to know let's get this open [ __ ] stop wait you think it's run I think so it sure doesn't like the cold machine you saw inside that thing's M I don't know I don't know whose mind it was but it was angry my sire's interest in self-preservation was always lacking but I assure you there will be no escaping The Matriarch D Niles is leaking something looks like he went this way right behind you Niles what has been done cannot be undone this planet is now [Music] theirs I told you I'd get you go oh [Music] my go now or never let's kill this thing look on us back he it knows where you are [ __ ] you got to move [Applause] Kati this things your late right get ready to R [Music] I came here to make things better but I made them worse and you're sure what you saw is real it was real okay then maybe she'll I don't know I me help us somehow she would if she could but she's not my mother anymore then who is she their Queen come on time to get out of here if they really got their Queen and Nas is right about what happens next we need a new plan no we need the old plan we need the hammer of dawn oh thank God looks like you need a ride how'd you find us you think I'm going to give you a one-of a kind piece of tech without the ability to track it to the center of the planet yeah yeah fine and speaking of One of a Kind help me hook up this skip you find what you're looking for yeah and now we need to kill it is she you know all right not really but let me ask you something how long would it take to get the hammer of dawn up and running funny you should ask the Data Drive you found months ago about the uir yeah interesting stuff interesting how you'll see and lucky for us I have an old UI [Music] contact take us home Sam got it sweet cheeks welcome to vasgar home to the union of independent republic secret space program never been in U territory before you still have it Vascar was independent the uir had the pleasure of occupying no excuse me liberating this glorious land okay remember how I told you only pissed off Nomads lived out here now meet Garen Paddock the most pissed off and nomadic of them all this is your old uir contact two things I dislike be the Cog and children you've brought me both two things I dislike old men and deserts and yet here we are I like this one follow me so it turns out the u space program went Way Beyond what the Cog publicly revealed somewhere in this cosmodrome here there's a rocket loaded with functional Hammer of dawn satellites I think we can get the entire system back online and start hitting the Swarm where they live if the U have satellites during the pendulum Wars why didn't you use them the politicians wanted their armistice launching those satellites would have guaranteed another Century of War but still someon our military tried to launch it kind of triggered a small Civil War actually so we know this cosmod dr's layout where are The Satellites try the rocket hanger here and the wind flares are too severe to fly over that desert so that's where your skiff comes in question how do we know these satellites are still functioning or if they're even compatible with ours answer we don't and that's where you come in unless you're too cowardly or stupid or week who is that a friend believe it or not but for now get to know the layout of that place there's a good chance most of it's buried in sand oh when uh come and see me before you go notice the part where no insurance is work I don't care we'll make it work we have to maybe it's time you told me exactly what you saw in that machine it's not what I saw it's it's what I felt they have a queen now they're not going to stop look I woke her up so I have to stop her yeah but this isn't all on you come on let's just go see be follow me so a couple days ago I sent Paddock a care package some DBS and some leeches H intriguing potentially disastrous but intriguing thank you see the way you describe Niles's machine gave me an idea I call it hijack go ahead try it out what the hell show them what you got Jack whoa you figured out how to override the hive mine uh no Jack just floods their brains with bage it's crude doesn't last long but it works so which swarm can we use it against well our test subject data is limited obviously but you know what go nuts out there see what happens oh one more thing stop by and see Paddock before you go he's out [Music] front one more thing there once we get this Hammer up I need to know if I can relase on you don't worry about that this time we're going to do it right you know what happened to Lizzy in the Convoy wasn't your fault kind of you to say but I'm the one who pushed the button I had a bad feeling about it I didn't want to do it but I did so that's on me speaking of uh all that I've seen JD around lately try my best not to kid [Music] hey bar what's this Guardian doing here oh just fing around with its Shield [Music] generators come have a look children until a few weeks ago we were holding out fine against your so-called swarm then everything changed they got smarter suddenly they were wearing armor and they started making Deeds take one if you want so you all have been fighting the Swarm alone yes which is why I agreed to let bear come here we help you with your rocket launch you help us take back our land speaking of which our water suppli has been cut off we've been trying to restore it but your swarms made that difficult to save a least getting the hammer Up's our priority but say we help what do you need our water tower you'll pass it on the way out haven't heard from my people there in a while could be nothing could be something check in if you can all right but now the big question are you children really prepared for this because your Ski's ready on the runway and the desert the [Music] Waits so I suppose you're curious about how be then I met yeah sure General Car alvo Bay the light Mass missile I doubt these words mean much to you don't be so sure well it might amuse you to know I fought for the C once alongside your friend bear he showed me that not all Cog are bad they're just mostly bad okay good talk I did some training in the deadlands back in OCS let me know if you want a few Des ofs you know only one of us grew up in a city and it wasn't me I think I can handle it okay never seen weird formations like this before it's sand zap been superheated by a lightning Flo oh yeah how does that work High shock pressure it changes the Sands of toic structure be are we expecting anyone no we are not well this can't be good I don't believe this I hope you're not here to stop us actually because you can't Kate maybe you should try listening for once Kate I'm listening yeah well don't bother I'm done okay because I'm here to help if you'll have me I'm sorry what Dad told me about Mount Kadar what you learned and look I I know you don't trust me after everything that happened what I've done I don't blame you so what does JY think about you being here JY doesn't know really and let me guess he's here to pitch in too yeah turns out F isn't so bad no I am actually you just got used to me who the hell are they friends they'll be joining us yeah I don't like them shocker you want these two along fine but I deal with you not them you good with them like I said I'm here to help be come on then let's hop in that Raven and find some satellites no Raven the wind flares out there will kill you so what we walk there hey man if you want to walk feel free but we got other plans it's not that skiff is it okay man before we go I got a bone to B A big one sure pick away you lied to me and then after you got hurt you pushed us away like like we didn't even know you I haven't exactly been myself though I know that so who showed up today your friend for what it's worth I tried to convince him to embrace dark JD but something about you two brings out the best of all right I know why we're here but where are we going an old rocket hanger to the East and just a heads up the nomads could use some help too then let's do it hold up man you can't just say let's do it and make the last few months disappear tell come on no it's okay let him get it out no no no no see that's not fair you're being all reasonable and I want to stay mad then stay mad not here to prove anything just here to help as am I so it appears his decency is rubbing off on me Delta Paddock just let me in on something that's kind of relevant when the U base commander thought he was going to lose to the rebels he infected all military computers with some sort of boot sector virus meaning most of the tech we'll find out here has been brick for decades yeah Jack should be able to power past any remaining mware and reboot the machines he just needs [Music] access all right bear understood shot track well that was quite the welcoming Party come on let's get inside oh [ __ ] War them cover from the main building poers keep him back l that's it they're done good night pic the swarmm tried to stop us but we're heading into the hanger now good your rocket should be inside let me know when you need translations because you will I speak five languages okay got it let's get inside help me so where do we go place look huge from the outside it's got to have a mission control or Command Center or whatever the UI called it hey Mission Control is accurate enough and keep going it's close reckon there's even more bodies beneath all this sun way to keep it light files another door help me this must be the place let's get some light in here well the lights work at least and let say we found the rocket H maybe I need new glasses but I'm not seeing any rocket pic be the Hanger's empty well [ __ ] if the rocket was moved there's got to be a record of it you know what hack into an access port let's see if Jack can bypass that virus okay Jack let's pull some [Music] records okay Jack's giving me a window into the main frame that's some nasty malware adaptive semi sensient don't worry Jack's got this right buddy huh no barus can stop Jack H data is coming in padic I assume you can read this yes but much of it is encrypted okay the Rocket's nose cone is close check the assembly chamber on the other side of the hanger nose cone what about the rocket the hammer satellites are part of the nose cone go deal with that and we'll keep digging on the Rocket's location Wilco Delta out all right let's go find those satellites boss you're B gari could you have read those files now I was born near F my parents would even speak as far as be they want to seem any different we could have hidden half a city in here mive yeah don't envy whoever had to build it okay what now let's bring that uh platforming thing this way it's called a Gantry is it there okay fos take us across with pleasure one thing children I mentioned how the uir attacked that facility and try to launch our Hammer of dawn satellites yeah I led that attack you did why to destroy the Cog yeah well makes sense uh these days I'm somewhat less interested in destroying the C good to know Paddock this way to the satellites give me a hand well no satellites here let's keep looking padic I'm curious how long did your siege against this place last 3 days we attacked the moment Premier Dinko sat down with your chairman to discuss the Armistice you hit us with the hammer first we thought it was only fair to hit back okay man look at this must to be quite a fight he it was Paddock you fought to launch the hammer yourself but now you're saying it's a mistake what gives you launch you buy us some time but eventually they'll win you must know this no I don't door's welded shut then that's the door you want oh [ __ ] here we go all right let's get set up they're coming oh [ __ ] we got poppers don't let him get too close okay that was certainly a handful and another news Jack got the door open good job just realized if my parents had the BL as my dad might have been here fighting off pic's men you lascari what did your father do he was a surgeon huh then he was lucky we shot every doctor we captured uh can we turn him off okay okay maybe it needs more of a CH sh coner oh wa two poer put him down fast gotcha first one's down it coun number two has left the platform and our satellite sitting pretty on the nose cope one down and let's get the Gantry over to the other side right on it okay let's go brace yourselves this might be a little rough hey what if paddock's right about launching these satellites oh [ __ ] swarm on the other platform sting G down here pause get us higher on it a W that went swimmingly uh no comment look for another switch just like the other one like that's it all satellites secured back onto the Gantry Let's Get Him to the hanger uh not to burst any bubbles but we're not getting anywhere to reopen that big ground door well there's a platform up there head over to it you read my Minds all of boat okay let's get up there satellites is a bad he's right that the ham is dangerous believe me get that now not launching these satellites is dangerous believe me a world on fire is better than the world they want we get this thing back to the hanger we worry about the rest later let's try this guys our ride Le God damn it opening that door must have triggered some automated sequence so we babysit it on foot then and I was just c a driving it need a hand here come on up these stairs we can't lose that nose cone come on once we're back in the hanger we can work our way [Music] outside okay satellites are safe and sound if we want to get out of here we should cross to the other [Music] side okay just so you know whether we get the hammer working or not I'm glad we did yeah but if we don't get the hammer working whether you came or not won't matter just find a way better over there incoming boy what the hell is that it's a carrier and it's not alone back up back up spread out oh yeah bloody hell does every carrier back the part like that yeah pretty much our way out's above us let's get up there who knew putting a rocket together would be so difficult let's see scientists rocket scientists and anyone who's used the expression it's not rocket science what do you think we just push a button Mark to launch oh I see yeah pick on the hands someone cut him down to side so we're back across and for the record I'm the handsome one okay Paddock we're almost out of here any leads on that rocket yes it's at a turntable in the East Beyond The Dun sea there's a rail Bridge blocking the way but don't worry my people will raise it for you so out in the desert find train tracks then you'll know you're on the right path copy that all right let's head for the gii you know all this time I thought I was the hands oh dear God hey Paddock still there I got a question for you go I'm on launch break of course I'm still here okay what exactly stopped you from launching the hammer the usual problems based by 200 dedicated Patriots trying to defeat 3,000 cowards you know you could just have agreed to the Armistice and spared a lot of lives a gazan proverb for you a just war is better than an unjust piece so just exactly how many Garian provers justifi War most of them all right let's head out children one more thing the bridge controls weren't networked so the base Commander's virus didn't affect them but the bridge itself hasn't been lifted in decades what are you saying you worried about your people not being able to raise it no they'll handle it but that bridge it's old and Rusty and just when you're beneath it don't linger copy that all right you heard him let's head for the bridge so this Paddock how does Barrett even know him apparently Paddock served in the Cog for a while that guy was Cog when unclear they didn't seem that eager to talk about it either I'll cover navigation come on let's get past the bridge and over to that turntable bar as of vasari are you feeling any I don't know connection to this place n to be honest I'm glad my parents came to their senses and left I mean growing up around here in the desert shaking sandwash from your shoes now I'm good mate you know this always wasn't a desert right most of this used to be Seashore long before I was born mate there's the bridge I hope Paddock noad can raise it there it goes well they haven't dropped it yet that's good right and we're through onto the turntable all right we're through the storm hey casate nice driving or stiffing or or whatever you call it guys we're getting close those are launch towers and check it out there's the rocket is that is that mounted on some kind of train then that's how we'll get it back to the hanger huh our rocket Train's facing the wrong direction which is why it's called a turnt grab the other side and let's get in there okay now how do we turn this thing start it by finding a control room hey it's War perfect looks like a control room to me now to access the controls Jack get that train pointed toward the hanger beautiful all that's left now is to get it back to the [Music] hanger oh reckon that Train's a step ahead of us [ __ ] come on we can catch up to it in the skip [Music] all right everyone hold on here we go why does everything keep leaving without us Paddock be the Rocket's on a train headed for the hanger wait what it won't make it the bridge has to be lowered first k your people do it they're not there anymore why did you sit the train back without lowering the bridge because we we didn't oh forget it we'll lower it ourselves we're almost there K keep [Music] going there a bridge control house bring us in [Music] close all right go go now you have got to be [ __ ] kidding me clear him out clack is ticking people the clock is not ticking the CLK is about to explode the train's coming we got to get that bridge down now this will work got it it's coming down holy [ __ ] that's up oh that cut it a little close oh yeah it did no rest for the wicked people swarm come on Delta put him down th coming in to [Music] me got last one's down we're good here good news children I don't know how you did it but my Scouts have just informed me that your rocket train safely entered the hanger glad to hear it Paddock that's the end of my good news you have another task go secure the Hammer's targeting beacons targeting beacons what for the hammer of dawn our system was based on targeting beacons I was saving that info until we knew you could get the rocket so where are these beacons in the southwest cosmina training facility and to be clear if we don't secure those beacons we don't have a hammer up gwn okay we're on it anyone else surprised by the size of that rocket it's massive uh Rockets are big you know the ballistic coefficient you need to accommod atmospheric drag uh no I don't well it's high th the size so what's it like to know so much about stuff no one else cares about go ahead and abide in your ignorance man not a problem glad we agree cheers so Kate your headaches they're really gone yeah as soon as we killed the matriarchs they ended haven't had one since and and this idea you have about your mother being it's not an idea I saw her I saw whatever she is now wonder how Jen's going to react when she figures out we're getting the Hammer online again s of the to shifted her thinking a bit obviously no thanks to me meanwhile I often wonder who stuffed that gigantic stick up her ass no comment from Captain Phoenix on that one o oi I do believe we found that training facility okay let's find these targeting beacons Paddock bear we're heading into the training facility for the beacons good to know we are standing by I've been wondering how the hell did all this UI Space Program stuff not get out I mean how did the Cog keep it secret simple when the Cog also runs the newspapers and his torians have to apply for a permit to write books secrets secrets are easy to keep yeah we can all agree on that one W guys check out this crater what the heck happened here the Cog happened they fired a light Mass missile on us when we were moments from seizing control of that entire facility wait I'm confused the C I thought this was a UI Civil War the losers don't write the history books mcari you of all people should know that glad you could wrote my officity into the discussion again thanks for that all right let's see what we got in here help me okay Paddock we're here listen during our attack I was certain the beacons were somewhere inside that place but that computer virus locked us out of every building before I could get to them and until your Bot deals with that you won't get to them either you hear that buddy Tak in your tiny metal hands look for a terminal to access in the lobby Security Office Jack see if that vent will get you to the security office Paddock where do we start looking once we lift the virus the centerfuse building the beacons were most likely hidden there centrifuge got it but move quickly a storm is headed your way facility activating Delta see I knew Jack could do it no sweat Paddock Jack cracked the virus we're in and you now have full access to the entire facility that's got to be the and storm or no storm we're heading over there that's not a good sign re Condor up there yo bear you lose a condor by any chance several in fact while running weapons to a certain you know desert dwelling friend of mine keep whatever you find uh okay solid copy can't believe be's simply a gun run you're having trouble believing beard did something covert really yeah well we can put it that way looks like we're going to have to go through that storm to get there let's make it quick haven't run into any swarm yet that's a fairly good sign don't hold your breath we Panic Civil War in the weather could crawled in anywhere well you P it look who's there you got a Sion and it's got a Bastion R put these [ __ ] down stay down shot TR okay swarm [ __ ] will be wiped clean I'm aware of how that sounded yeah let's just move on okay I'd appreciate that come on this [Music] way look out almost there centrifuge buildings Dead Ahead guys look beacons are tucked away in the C yeah but how do we get him out we could bring the armor around there's a platform over there where's a [Music] shot Jack see what you can do but it's not slowing down o f what did you do this thing's older than you are man Jack's not a miracle worker what about an emergency break well there's some controls in the base C sh watch out it's speeding up guys over there snatch her oh [ __ ] take it out or not well that worked out didn't it maybe we need Jack to verify the beacons are okay come on oh thank God padic bared beacons are secure they're also a hell of a lot bigger than I was expecting I don't think we have room for them all on the skiff I'll have my people transport them fine but Delta I need one here ASAP to get a head start on calibrating them to our Network in newa can you do that yeah I'll uh I'll carry it to the ski well that's heavy all right we're heading back Paddock send your people for the rest of these beacons when you can Delta let's get back to the skip you know if pdock sending folks out here we should probably clear out the rest of the scho there lost enough people there yeah sorry guys I'm not going to be much using a firefight at the moment stay close to me mate get T get the other side the way well Storm sniper better if anything it's worse too bad we're going back into it okay Delta our way out on the other side we got War people get behind those sand glass things they're called poite yeah tomato tomato [Music] all clear now come on let's get [Music] inside ah [ __ ] the door's welded shut Jack Rip the door and hurry okay Skip's not much farther yeah easy for you to say JD how's the beacon not damaged that's the important part kind of relying on you to keep it safe yeah yeah I got it f to the world no pressure hear that storm died there yeah now that we through it come on let's let's check on the skip you know something Kate pretty good at this military leadership think I'm not trying to be good at anything yeah probably why you're good at it when we're done sharing the call for compliments we should decide whether we're heading straight back to the Airfield or not Faz is right oh man inur Soul fortunately it doesn't haveen enough but there's one thing I don't get this wasn't UI territory originally so why' they build their Hammer of dawn program so close to the c order that's gari technology my friend it's what we're known for we invented the transistor the microchip of course while we were making a world a more civilized place our neighbors were inventing tanks and rifles and missiles I reckon the UI moved in found some lovely facilities and said oh hello we'll take that piss off thanks I mean where's the most devious possible place to build your super weapon right along your enemy's border brilliant really okay big fell let's get you aboard I'll take navigation so our pdic nad's up to the task of alling back the rest of those beacons I was wondering the same thing and they seem pretty tough but this desert's not forgiving for anyone man trust Paddock We Trust trust Bears so by the transitive property we trust Paddock Nomads the trans transitive War BS SP they're filled with valuable insights and Concepts honestly I wouldn't know how about this we trust Paddock and his Nomads till they give us a reason not to and they haven't yet works for me I've noticed something that the Swarm seem different smarter more cunning yeah rocking spiffy new weapons and armor too padic warned us about that said it started happening like a few days ago when we were at Mount Kadar wait you don't think it's connected to to when they got their Queen back yeah I know it is and it's only going to get worse if we don't get the hammer back online airfield's just ahead Park the skip as close as you can that think is kind of heavy and so we meet again let's get that thing of beared lead the way Paddock where's bear INB back he was explaining to me the new modification he made for your little bot friend it was boring so I came out here we should probably unload this targeting Beacon ASAP and you think that's going to save the world bear we're here with the beacon excellent I'll meet you around back wait if Bear's going back to New AER with the beacon how are we getting back well if there's a raven about I can fly as oh no didn't you crash a basic training I had a slight miss out yeah other set that targeting Beacon down I'll deal with it in a bit gladly hey Barett can we talk yeah uh listen kid you still got a rocket to launch and I need to get back to newfa yeah right of course JD we're fine I'm just working through it we can talk later I appreciate that thanks pck said you were working on something yeah uh a new and improved Shield prototype for Jack go ahead installed tell us about it it's actually very interesting first it creates an ionized Vector Bar C CL and get out here swarm coming in short version it stops bullets now get out there and use it Delta come on Shield success on the very first test too wait you never tested it sprag out okay a feel secure now be can get come on we still have [ __ ] to do in this bloody desert all right Delta back on the skip children more bad news I'm afraid what is it now my people transporting the other beacons I need you to get to them immediately their Convoy was attacked where close their last message was sent from The Old City all right we're on it man the nomads cannot catch a break see that smoke up ahead [ __ ] yeah that's a convoy all right all right let's get in there and see what we can do look they're still fighting we got to help them you're dead your a all right we're clear let's check on the beacons oh they don't look damaged P mates you hearing this he says the beacons are safe I'll send someone to pick them up now and don't worry they'll be well armed so go deal with your rocket all right Delta out all right we're done here let's get back on the ski Delta I'm heading out I'll be in touch all right bar save travels you too and good luck so what's the plan now the hanger it's time to put that rocket together sounds good to me what about paddock's Nomads they have stuck their necks out for us maybe we own something for that sure but if we don't get our rocket launch soon it's not just paddock's Nomads we'll be worrying about I'll steer get the other side let's finish this Paddock we're back at The Hanger everything should be ready good be left instructions yeah me to read you and I quote get inside initiate the rocket assembly procedure launch a for mentioned rocket and hope these satellites talk to ours end quote wait hope the satellites talk to hours what do you want from me I can barely turn on a computer go press the button and see what happens oh boy making understand why he never mared this rocket and there we are everyone's favorite rocket let's get down to the platform and throw a switch yeah see what happens this better work Paddock Rockets assembling look [Applause] out there's a bloody snatcher in here son of a [ __ ] you know I I think it did that on purpose who gives a [ __ ] we need to get that nose con back into place oh [ __ ] snatch us back sh got down got you coming it's got down you're dead all right we got them all we got to get on that Gantry and realign the nose cone Jack get this thing aligned all right we're back in business then climb aboard the rocket you can ride your straight to the launch pad all right they're down all right we're good you know by our standards that c went over get it bre boss behind you holy [ __ ] B hey thank you I'm moved by your gratitude really I am but I'd remind you I'm hanging from the back of a [ __ ] train oh oh right right [Music] [Music] all right rocket delivered what now now we raise it into position manually from the looks of it which means we need to find the control room yeah initiate launch and then head back to base oh bloody hell no one told me hanging with you lot would be so much work okay well the uir definitely didn't Design This with a Jack interace in mine all right jack go ahead don't be shy [Music] okay this is what's supposed to happen right doesn't make it any less weird thank [Music] you and there you go one rocket successfully raised need some spot translation wait a minute you initiated launch uh maybe then get the hell out of there now go go go guys down here go go okay we got this we're good oh that's what the hell is that look out anyone got any right iide did [ __ ] it's going to crush the pl for we're tra we got to make it let go Bo sh spiracle what the [ __ ] is a spiracle the the open bit shoot the open bits great the open bits have leeches in them there Target the opening it's Let It Go [ __ ] God damn it it's coming around again the spicles get them while they're open only one left going to clush us what B we did it so how do we get down who you're running out of time [ __ ] it's not done with us yet I don't think it wants us want the rocket wrapped up the rocket they trying to stop the launch and hit it where it counts got an open Miracle letting go of the rocket oh [ __ ] time to get off this goddamn Tower come [Music] on [ __ ] fcking face everyone okay yeah we're under the goddamn entrance we we got to get out of here son of [ __ ] get back T got Tong now keep them off us what you were stuck in here with that thing we need a way out pull on out time to go son of here's our damn it fck in the way and let's keep pissing It Off it's backing off no no it's not oh [ __ ] rocket launching oh God don't stop watch to safe distance keep running maybe we'll find [Music] out you're not going to make it all right children hold to the [Music] bus let's go Al [ __ ] come on come on time to save you again wait are you keeping [Music] score we're clear [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] stupid C controls ow yeah I think I'll spray my spine so this is no aair home to industrialist techn fascist reactionaries and cowards yeah also decent food clean water and showers eh overrated Delta welcome home get cleaned up then come to my workshop I'll send someone for the beacons copy that Baron after you hey thank you by the way oh there's no need to thank me a is the band back together then should I take a picture for your scrapbooks god you're an [ __ ] oh stop falling in love with me honestly it's embarrassing so what's the deal are those satellites hooking up yet well they're definitely buying each other drinks all right kids gather around and now observe sure nice demo bar be but uh is it going to work well for that we're going to need a test fire forget Tas fires we need an actual Target uh if we're selecting Target shouldn't someone with real military Authority be here it's fos right yeah yes sir shut the [ __ ] up fos yeah sir the Swarm have their queen that means they've got a special Hive somewhere a Nexus someplace where they're vulnerable okay so how do we find we don't because you might already know how would I know no look I'm going to level with you while you were gone JY was Raising holy hell about getting you hooked back up to the hive mind I'm sorry what don't worry I talked her out of it but I need you to think about what you saw in that Vision every detail is there anything that helps us no I mean I mean I don't think so we'll take it from here Sergeant uh excuse me do you not Knock first ministers don't need to knock really disagree JY I told you it's not going to happen and what about you well considering the thing that linked me to the hive mind is dead we killed it by the way you're welcome and considering that I don't trust you at all I'll have to decline arrest her what [ __ ] are you nuts ma'am Iris what's happening multiple security breaches old Aira ruins external camera 16 external camera 15 camera 10 a damn it they're here then we're going out there yeah okay I get it you can help us end this lady what the [ __ ] do you think I've been doing Delta gather around tell me we got a plan we do this is a targeting Beacon yeah no [ __ ] we're the ones who brought them back from Fast give me a break Lieutenant I just work here the point is we got to plant these things all over the old city just hand it co and F theirs so where do we plant our Beacon East barricade Academy once it's in place you'll have a live Hammer radius and you can start hitting back we clear clear look I'm not going to lie it's real ugly out there then we watch each other's backs like [Music] always should help we plant this Beacon down the street B Shar got's rolling out with our Beacon see you on the other side Delta good luck be where am I going Panic get your Peak into the Tomb of the unknowns pet take us to whever that is that's up we got carriers Delta help my squad clear the area you got it Carmine God damn it they're right on us keep them off carine beon to Loy bear how long till I can fire this thing give it a few seconds to calibrate yeah what if we don't have a few s [ __ ] the damn progress Mar stuck at 83% no not stuck it okay now fire fire nothing Hammer back online hit him again carriers are [Music] done that's all of them well the new Hammer works yeah yeah but only around that Beacon we need to play the other four all right EA straight ahead go Delta we'll guard this one [ __ ] dead end here it's just through that building don't worry Delta I got time for assist before I run my PL get up on that car Delta Cole when you're done get your beacon to its designated position thanks for the lift Cole Marcus got a Bad Bet at least I can do be Echo Squad can't land our Raven taking fire just set down as soon as you can and get your beacon in place by the way that goes for all squads we got a lot of heat signatures incoming all this responsibility is wiing up the Army hold back them all we better get out there come on just in time Delta God damn it we got a swarm out yeah plant the beacon let's use the hammer negative negative delay that order you got to place it in the building across the yard are you kidding me what we got to maximize our coverage that's why a for [ __ ] sake all right bar we'll get it done hey Lea he's that thing busy while we get behind it will Delta I'll distract you hey [ __ ] cover here help you idiot get back in the cover oh that was a lot of work this format might man you heard it here first the cold chain Beacon is theoy that's twoo nice work old pal they earning a satellite your way we'll bring this scy fire baby yeah got it now what do we do paint your target with that laser the satellites will do the rest let's take them out Delta we've got swarm coming in from up ah [ __ ] reinforcement grubs coming in that's it Academy's clear be the grubs took down our Raven we have wounded the Kia we need help no a [ __ ] copy that Paddock Delta Paddock needs back up at the tomb we heard we're on our way B Sheriff squads deployed it Beacon we're under a lot of fire here how soon can you get a satellite overhead one's heading you're away now I suppose it has a turbo mode no but that's not a bad idea Iris make a note I already made a note data watch it we got to stop where are you there's only a few of us left need some help on my way set fire don't you die on me I'm coming Jack shot trap oh yeah [Music] we're clear now let's get to Paddock I don't see a way through ideas Jack shot that L there a way through come on Paddock we're almost there what's your status [ __ ] we better [Music] hurry guys there's the tomb of holy [ __ ] Delta I can't take over the hammer Network until all five beacons are placed padic is the last one we're on our way to him now it's the beacon you got to focus on everything else is secondary and Paddock would agree understood come on let's get in there someone get the side get it off oh [ __ ] kill it kill it f Follow That C clear the tomb save whoever you can I can do this all day so tell me which of you wants to die next Paddock Delta's here about time they help me clear off these gasi stay down shot track come on oh yeah that's it they have been dominated all right we're done here Paddock you good hey I've had worse days our Beacon's got in the Raven wreckage maybe your toaster can get it down I got it mhm the look right our plan was to place the beacon behind the tomb so go do that and I'll guard the front oh and if I die it wasn't terrible working with you likewise fat let's go Delta Dela really use an update here how close are you to planning that thing we're almost there be okay we got to put this thing exactly where bear needs it [Music] [Applause] [Music] be ekko's Beacon is live just in time Delta more swarm heading your way wait aren't all the beacons up don't you have complete control yes and no the beacons need to sink up just defend that [Music] area oh yeah B on the roof hit it Delta this is Sierra how are you not holding up actually F we're a little busy right now look I'm rounding people up in case we got to fall back to the war all that matters is keeping these things away from the city agree but let me know if you need me all right we'll go oh yeah and that's the last one be we're all clear here are the beacons sned yet cuz if not you may want to hurry on that oh don't you worry I see him oh nice shot oh [ __ ] TTA what happened the beacon you failed us failed us what are you we are what you could have been you might have her body but you're not my mother [Music] we are a complete being collected imortal you had a choice and you squandered it alive or dead you belong to us [Music] you've made your choice now die with it okay let's go let's go a [Music] [Music] okay what did [Music] she I [Music] can't I'm so sorry man I know I know and I'm so sorry he was my friend too [Music] yeah now we have to go Jack lights please [Music] let's just find a way out of here this building it's going to come [Music] down we they're in trouble here no just keep looking for a way out [ __ ] this way's no good here help me lift this all right okay I think we got this [ __ ] control this is Delta we are in distress mayday mayday mayday no can't fre help help all right now I got you to talk listen you need to re marus he's holding line of here I got to help get back to the w k you heard him time to move there that's our way out okay get the other side are still up Delta I'm popping smoke I need you hear ASAP we're surrounded we here you Marcus we're heading your way we got to get to now [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] there goes another Beacon B our Beacon down they call it kid P back to the wall [ __ ] how about you roll over now bre what took you so long you know what forget about it just help us clear them out on it [Music] moving look left watch the flank that's it we're clear thanks for the save Hey where's [Music] James what [Music] no no no [Music] no James God damn it James I'm so sorry [Music] [Music] we're not done someone called for a ride gears I need everyone back at the wall our beacons are down and the swarm's pushing through be Delta's on the way [Music] drive so anyone know the best way back to the wall there's no best way just go go then hang on back there and keep them up us [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah yeah I see oh that's brilliant in it Delta we're blocked I'll try to get us free get out there and cover my ass [ __ ] we just lost another Beacon Delta that was our last Beacon we just lost the hill of here these room to hold them back we're clear they're down and everyone back in we're ready to go boss we're in oh [ __ ] block go go right behind us [ __ ] delter keep it up us I'll try to lose it God damn it swx back I see it I see it how CL your head the swx going to over run if we don't help all right everyone out how nice to see you all again feel free to pitch in come on C hold the that swarm actx on the way we got to slow it down give it everything you got just keep it in that swarm you remember me yeah's the fun part [ __ ] come back in you're goddamn oh oh when I said the fun part I me fun for the cold TR baby wa what [Music] the no Co [Applause] everyone into that minur we cover you look you know I ain't going out like that baby Cole what are you doing I'm you sh get out of there Cole good idea oh [ __ ] no go go the going go faster the pedal is literally to the metal he doesn't go any faster okay fos I think we're clear I thought we killed that goddamn thing marus is co I don't know a [ __ ] we got more of them get that W I know we're almost there don't don't beh hold them here they can't get past this wall here they come appear you are in allow us to resist you yes all right stay behind us I got something else for him Delta special delivery antisocial media will not be C You Beautiful Maniac Delta what are you doing down there get your ass F come on that rail guns got to recharge between shots so get on a turret and hold these bastards off you heard him Delta take out those blocks got one what the hell is that oh that that's an old friend of ours it's coming down look out out you got to be joking sh the P carine when can we use that rail gun as soon as it recharges [ __ ] [ __ ] it's on me Delta the rail gun's ready it's only got one shot between recharges so Make It Count now fire eat this it's sucking Us in Focus fire on the top a God damn it Nice Shot Bar we can't stop it fire the hammer beacons are not I can't without targeting coordinates I'll kill you and level half the city wait what Jack no no no no Jack wait what are you doing be what's happening it's Jack he he's broadcasting vacan coordinates and he's overriding my fing control gr oh you you clever little [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she'll be back I know [Music] but not if we find her [Music] first so my 10th birthday and it's time to start opening the gift set dad there aunts and uncles what buch of the cousins even Marty the degenerate who's an alcoholic by 12 Uncle Donald he hands me this shiny wee box he's going on and on open it boy open it you'll love the surprise thing is I already know that it's a major howl action figure I was a nosy bastard so I open it up I'll look right at my uncle and act surprised he sees Right Through Me Right Out of Nowhere uncle Donnie grabs major Howell and he kicks him out the goddamn door a [ __ ] room goes dead quieton Just Trucks got to surprise the boy in his [Music] birthday was there a point to your story surprise they fill me with Dread and [Music] anxiety getting boy out there team might want to Buckle in what the hell scratch that strap your shoots on I ain't stopping on the island but this storm might have other plans off to a promising Stu eh oh [Music] [ __ ] hey ler H [ __ ] you oh carefully they brought a civilian [Applause] damn great way to start my first mission in 25 years this is Keegan anyone read [Music] me that's not too promising get a beacon sign go could be the others where the hell am [Music] I the hell is that stinch what the hell you're call meur what I the rest us Brooks never thought you're a coward what the hell was that this place is bringing up some bad memories need to get out of here anybody there Lieutenant Kalisto reporting for Duty sir glad you made it Soldier you good huh bit banged up but I'll survive any sign of the outsider negative kid you out there reunited at last you made it no thanks to you Cog goddamn Mania kicking me out of a Burning Plane well Outsider seems like I should get a thank you see as you alive you're assuming I want to be alive teams back together now what you all follow the beacon right let's find a way up to it this looks like a good way out come on oh no that doesn't look good damn it it good kid save the three of us we owe you are what's next sir we need to let whoever's in charge know we survive only way to do that locate the crash site hope that radio is intact I saw the Condor go down quite a trail of smoke follow the smoke then resupply on me great now what bth ends at this point fit here oh real observant there aren't you let's find a way across hey that tree looks unstable okay but how do we knock it down could try crawling through there looks pretty midle this looks like a way through but uh problem sir the back isn't what it used to be especially after that crash leave it to me sir just need a moment that dead tree's caught on some Vines heads up well done Soldier come on let's go bit of a ways down H you got a problem with Heights after what we've been through can you blame me this looks like the way through here so either you know our destination before we left they didn't tell me [ __ ] all I know is there was ocean beneath us a long time what the hell was that another reason to find that radio ASAP well that is one [ __ ] up plan there's no way that radio's operation we need to eliminate it as an option before we move on to another plan come on look down there he's ruins I've seen something like them before my grandmother left the Gan Islands when she was young but B from this place hell of a way to reconnect with your roots must have flown off the plane thank goodness now we're talking my dad always told me I was lucky lucky as a locust in long pants he'd say so that's why you are picked for the mission stock up you never be too prepared for what's coming hey little help I hate this place more by the minute you were saying something about luck boy hey we're safe right look some more supplies I told you lucky what the [ __ ] a block huh ni stand corrected how the hell did the Swarm get to an island sign of the times old man entire world is infected with them keep pushing through got to get out of this swamp it's dropping Lees Lees in the water some IDE about the mission we must be the first wave of troops are sending in Two Soldiers and a driver isn't exactly what I call the wave you're driver delivery driver award winning it's time get out of the way we're clear swarm is even tougher than the locus well old man I for one like our ODS won't be long before the flocks back let's go look at all this now we stand a fighting shots you even know how to use half this ordinance you're do Grandpa my dad taught me to shoot ah you don't like that you're quite similar Soldier [ __ ] we're clear what's next sir stick to the plan find the wreckage find the radio got to be a way through here somewhere [ __ ] swarm great your blood we need to look around there'll be another way to get to that Condor there's a way through here someone give me a hand I smell again you ran into it too we got to get out of here first the gas oh the smoke out to the frying pan this looks like the tail in with any luck cockpit and radio is up ahead hey luck remember got's on the other side of the door let's go ah damn it guess the radio's not here the entire cockpit ain't here grabs so what's a plan if we find that precious radio smashed to Pieces it's a good chance that whoever organizes operation is well aware of what's happened might take a while they'll send someone they died in the crash as well how are your survival terrible delivery driver [Music] remember that's the way to go look for a robot are they Scavenging whatever it is they're up to we need to clear the beach before we find that radio good work now let's find that radio this thing is absolutely destroyed nice radio it survived sounds like the transponder th I'll take a look think I've got it hey you still there what you made it this is Tac I'm here to guess you got a location on it why do we get the feeling that Tac isn't the only one we signal in he you and every swarm on the island brother ready to get up CL easier said than done bter we're in way over our heads here incoming take cover hos in them hell yeah nice shoot bring it her [Music] in hang on tight we're getting out of here [Music] oh what the hell is that it's shooting asses right this island can get [ __ ] glad to be getting far away from this nightmare [Music] [Music] yeah exactly what I thought here's the results right sorry to be late and all we survived a horrific Condor crash fought an endless horde of monsters from hell and barely escaped with lives but uh how's your day been well it's about godamn time holy [ __ ] what show some respect it's Colonel Victor Hoffman it's an honor sir a real hell of an honor shared sentiment Soldier that's why you're here best of the best this here's Hannah Cole she's my number one on this covert operation she knows a lot lot about science things and uh is uh well in in general quite Pleasant to be around Advanced degrees in Biochemistry toxicology chemistry and science things thanks Hoff anyway good to finally meet you what kind of operation is this Hannah now what we're looking at is a schematic of the panu Cog bunker designation sanctum it never served as true purpose instead becoming a burial sight at the end of the Locust war and now well it's a full-blown swarm hiive I need you to infiltrate and plant a chemical bomb at its heart so we can kill them from the inside out it's a high-risk Mission but if we get this right we can wipe out those bastards and use what we've learned to save the entire goddamn planet now I've made promises to the Cog and through my people on the mainland I've made promises to you complete the objective and I will deliver questions whatever the mission sir we're in what P the hell out of retirement well then what are we waiting for all right team you'll be infiltrating the base from its main entrance all of our Recon efforts indicate you remains fully powered by the thermal reactors once inside you'll need to access the bottom floor it's 20 levels down but the elevator system will ease the burden what kind of Recon operation did you run we sent a few teams of DBS but lost contact truth is we needed somebody with access Keegan you're up I'm on commissioning sequence initiated by special operations officer Corporal Jeremiah Keegan welcome to sanctum wait Corporal I outrank you on all right guys now that we have access to sanctum I'm officially initiating our operations control has assigned your team designation as Scorpio copy that henah Scorpio moving in all arrivals must report in with our sanctum security officers please proceed to the waiting area in an orderly fashion security officers got to make sure the right people get in what exactly say the right to sanum was meant to protect the most important Cog citizens Scholars politicians celebrities and which category did you fit in grbs none of the above just a goon working for important people this is decontamination there should be a final security checkpoint on the other side all citizens of sanctum are required to undergo decontamination protocol before entering the facility please step into a chamber to begin initiating decontamination you'd think with how bad the Cog was losing the war they'd be willing to take in any poor soul that survived still need to follow protocol protocol my ass decontamination complete proceed to the briefing room for further instruction this is my kind of sanctuary it's engineered has systems there's an order to it real confidence this is where new arrivals would have been processed after proper clearance of course I should be able to get the system [Music] online just need a second here answer to it activating so what happened here the volcano powering the thermal generators ended up being too unstable whole place was deemed uninhabitable so after the war they turned it into a locust burial site warning biological threat detected the hell something's trying to get through defensive positions reject looks like we found your robot H H cover this for [ __ ] damn it we sent D's into the violation system and never heard back clear swarm infected debies no end to the C St to clean up Welcome to My Life Kid here oh right uh that would be the dr1 we sent to protect the rest of the need got up let's keep moving come get your app warning further access to authorized personnel only there should be another terminal around the corner you're up again Keegan on it authorization granted proceed would have thought my cleans would come in handy all these years later that position more rejects ahead welcome here we go un certain times s will provide Safety and Security to you and your family without while the techicians ready San for long-term residency you will find your provision left comfortable and how many DBS did you send onon Duty a lot actually sorry I know the DS are making your job difficult but it proves that we need experienced human soldiers to deal with the Swarm it's what Hoffman's been saying there door stuck leave it to the superior officer Corporal it imagine living Buri down here rest of my life i' rather die in the sunshine and live underground give me vest open SP good the hell was that just seismic activity from the volcano oh is is it just a volcano that's another brilliant Cog idea isn't it throw the last of humanity into a [ __ ] volcano anyway the elevators are on the far side of the main Hub Hannah we got an infestation coming up into the Hub From Below damn The Hive is growing faster than we predicted looks like the infestation has affected the elevators oh is this weak gas bomb going to do the job yes yes of course as long as you deliver the bomb to the center of the hive it should work should work enough let's get down [Music] there only 18 more levels to go what's our best route Hannah find the sh oh and avoid the elevator out of range wonderful we need to keep moving come on we got drones looks like a small Patrol enough clear time to move Council looks offline I'll give it a try no good have you tried turning it off and on again can we please take this seriously I'll take a look so I was thinking why don't we just drop the bomb down the shaft looks like it goes all the way to the bottom absolutely not you heard Hannah we deploy the payload to the center of the high that's the mission access granted opening maintenance way didn't we want thermal control huh here they come watch it that's the last of them you want to open the correct door now well if I wired it right and I did both doors should have opened access spr opening ther control oh look at that it just needed some time to think let's go snipers F you kidding me God damn it out in here we are in a volcano oh and the actual Jets of fire would do it come on there's got to be a way through one of us needs to flank their position while the others draw fire that should have sent the outside of we see you it's dead that's all of them then can you do something about that furnace old man they activating the furnace so you can come through [Music] ventilation closed in subsection 28c fight's not over this whole place is working against us cut that Tu out and stay focused you Cog always got a problem with facing the truth eh warning ventilation station temperature exceeds safe operating protocols cooling area ventilation station now within safe operating temperature proceed [ __ ] bastard it's protecting the silence ammo deployed I'm wounded getting out of hand fast for you maybe don't know what they were thinking sending an outsider down here can you do all you op we get out of this fing Place fock don't get your ammo clear initi final climate stabilization ventilation station temperature temporarily stabilized all Personnel vacates immediately I think we should take her advice down here we need a godamn army I am sick of your complaint there's a door ahead we're going through it sh go back carrier exp let's talking more shooting this keeps up we don't stand a chance we see the job grou I'm coming big bastard's dead okay someone's got to say it we barely made it out of that one and it's only going to get worse we all know it we are going to die down here for what you're afraid of dying you should have thought of that before you took this on oh believe me I'm ready to die but I want to count supplies you got some sort of Death Wish not a death wish ly for when the dust settles I want to have made a godamn difference we're in let's go we will fight our way inch by [ __ ] inch if that's what it takes we all took this mission to make a difference and we have our orders Outsider now let's make it count look old man all I know is I want our sacrifice to matter take a look around we have to face the facts the way things are going this will all be for nothing so Lonnie we almost there not even close we made it this far we'll find another way down godamn Cog just can't admit defeat can you I'm done taking [ __ ] from you boy to hell with the objective the hell you doing making it count brother move deadly tected all personnel must make don't stop the C Tak care of us it'll kill us too keep moving now what grab hold and take the shot go go go do you read need hear me guys hey Hanah we're a little busy running for this coing gas you detonated the payload how did you get down there so fast we didn't what I see is it working B out he's working on everything including us all right get to the surface ASAP for extraction I'll go talk to almost appear we don't have much Choice here fon the G of a doing [ __ ] keep moving the door it's the only way out God damn you entous moner yeah have a nice laugh Mac we objectively failed our mission kiss my ass Grandpa you saw with your own eyes the gas didn't work would you two shut the hell up T you copy we're in trouble we riding the giant door down a Lava River to be completely accurate I read you and what fast as you can make it we're moving south from the main entrance okay on my way ready for impact rce yourself ju black gas really didn't work so good now did it because you didn't let us deploy it correctly locked back on the roof there we can get the lava to drop on it locked down damn it we blocked in hey little help let me give you a hand there more nicely a grenade clear nice we're clear oh Max save the day again please hold your applause they're still riding at godamn door down a river of lava thanks to you Direction riding a godamn door down a river of lava alive thanks to me [Music] shoot the roof that's it watch it tree coming down come on come on come on and we're out of here now that's lucky oh everything's a joke to you kitten pie on the skinny and relying on your luck you don't have a clue about working with others listen old man I don't give a [ __ ] enough carryer up ahead looks like I made it just in time hey friends hell yeah I wasn't celebrate quite yet Scorpio your ride is coming to an abrupt end going to need you three to take a leap of sa what the hell's that mean oh we're ready son get that thing as close as you can already on it get ready we all made it well then let's get you back to Gangi first class trip with quite a view hi and it's a good thing a dead or we would have died for nothing that wasn't the mission that's your decision well I think we can all agree the mission was a failure not if we uncovered new data anything drones juvies roasted them heav swarm we didn't have the punch we needed you got anything stronger something that can sink the entire Island maybe or have about a few canisters of that nightmare acid that killed all them bastards on the beach eh damn you might be on to something I was joking even if that could work there's a problem we don't know what's responsible for the attack or where to find it why Le he my grand used to tell me stories about her people how the young men and women would travel the ocean to face a God it was their right of passage if anyone knows something about what we saw on the beach it's my grandmother's people well go then make contact see what you going to learn Hannah you PR for field work I want you there to ask the right questions I'm on it let's go Scorpio welcome to W he Scorpio once you propelled in I'm going to find a spot nearby don't need any more of these last second rescues you and me both t no lava on this side I like it better already all right let's see what we can learn from the locals what's the plan with the toxin Hannah if we obtain some of that nightmare acid from whatever attack the Swarm on panu we can combine it with the toxin I was sent from New Hope hopefully someone here can fill us in on what exactly that acid is and how to get it you still have to find a better way to the heart of the hive yep I'm working on a solution to that too through this door Scorpio give me a [Music] hand huh peaceful never thought I'd see where my family came from even with all the stories and memories she shared grad never told me why she left any of your family still live here distant relatives I'm sure guess I should introduce myself feels like an odd way to reconnect you know marching in middle of the night oh I'm sure we'll be given a warm welcome not every day a band of armed soldiers wanders into town well hopefully they'll be understanding given our rather dire circumstances is that music sounds like quite a party everyone must be gathered in that hole over there couldn't think of a better way to make our entrance come on then I wonder what they use this space for a w shop these islands are known for their caring hey you can't just walk in just trying to find the quickest way to the hall so Hannah didn't mean it to ask you any relation to the coal trade right because every coal is related to Augustus sorry was just curious is all getting the sense you hear that question more than you'd like to no it's okay I like my dad I mean yes he's my dad just please please please don't ask me about thrash B I find it tedious AUST this Co you know I saw him play but that ain't what I remember him for man to Legend a true definition of the C friend line hero yeah you aren wrong Keegan that's what everyone sees of my father I wanted to be just like him a lot of people find it hard to believe but at home the cold train it's a quiet man f his introspection about the war kept me far from the military he wanted more for me that's what I fought for baby dad said One S an education could do more to turn the tide of War than a single grunt with a gun ever could you mentioned your degrees back when we first met that's uh that's a lot to know for a kid yeah Mom was always buy me books books for my birthday books for special holidays had books out my ass interesting no I loved it I think it was a distraction to keep me away from what my dad was interested in or Sports and I still don't want to talk about thrash ball how' you meet hman all right let's hope there's someone in here willing to help well that all depends on how long their party's been going on well I hate parties little help here oh no everyone's gone God damn it looks like this ain't a diplomatic Mission anymore and someone turn off that damn [Music] radio Ronnie take a look at this all this imagery around a creature of some kind can you read the language it's been a long time since Gran told me why lean but I can try this scroll references The Awakening it's the right of passage she talked about listen the mantle a terror stalks and desires to consume let it be your burden but let it not feed the journey our ancestors carry you across the world World their Spirits guide and watch over you Spirit walk enter the fade and journey amongst the ancestors the path of our people will reveal your burden the fear awaken reborn renewed not consumed your heavy burden transformed light as the f feather face the creature huh looks like a big [ __ ] bird a bird feathers huh Gran would tell me stories about the wakatu a flying demon that all children must face as a right of passage are you suggesting that thing at the beach yes the wakatu isn't mythology it's real that's it we track this with CaRu down and get a sample of its poison hey after we figure out what's going on here we'll find the villagers come on Scorpio let's head into the village this way damn snipers [ __ ] how the hell did those bastards get here how are we going to handle this we kill the Swarm every last one of them you don't have time stalking out come on let nothing wrong withing out the St Fair Point [Applause] ammo drop is B keep up [Music] coming St in the hole [Music] sa they of dead enemy destroyed we're clear there's no bodies no sign of the villages where'd they go they have more use for us alive H those pods here though they take them somewhere a defensible structure they Temple up on the ridge we can still safe let's go you're doing okay Hannah yeah yeah I'm good we've got your back that's right thanks guys who needs just hope we not too late let's go there are stories of people who' survived being snatched and potted but we need to be prepared for the reality that those chances are often slim I'm not giving up on them let's get to the temple this just doesn't make sense even the locusts couldn't grow up between the islands that's why sanum was built on ban how did they get to where I want to believe that okay that we can still help come on look in the tree they collected feathers from the W Catu and brought them here no pods though no bodies what happen RS you did good out there kid how that you never see another day of action in your life play in the hole waren down the toxin coming from the feathers it seems to have some kind of psychological effect makes you hear stuff right stuff you'd rather not think about yeah yeah but this incense it's negating the toxic effects we saw the same incense in the ritual room back on panu when we first landed this proves that we can find the wakatu but right now we need to find the villagers let's secure the village then we can go hunting for that vcat of yours you one day too late one day makes all the difference they're gone we couldn't save them so what the hell are we going to do about it make the [ __ ] pay now we're on the same page sister who needs ammo we ain't time to let any of you [ __ ] walk away here I come got to reach out there's no place to hide from what's coming okay keep going I hope I'm not slowing you guys down you're doing great real natural wish your dad could see you the cold train is going to be rolling over Hoffman at full speed if he hears about this little outing we're not done with our hunt yet get the door God damn look what we've got here a silver B I think we can put that weed death machine to good use hey Scorpio we can't move it without power Mac this is all you on it [Music] Keegan this this is going to be a godamn messy [Music] slot hey you bastards we here to finish the goddamn water of you give them hell [Music] Scorpio don't let up you pass all we're making this right with every inch of ground we take back definitely feeling the need for a wind here we're clear just a little more let's go Scorpio [Music] they destroyed this place all its history its people God damn swarm we're going to visit the same Fate on their entire species I still don't understand how they got here from panu looks like we found an answer Hannah the lava tubes this is how they got here lava tubes then maybe they're connecting the islands Hanah how here [Music] [ __ ] nothing I can't [Music] handle after that there it is the hell's that thing going I'll to right the door down the river of lava for granted this is crazy where the hell are we even going oh [ __ ] the Swarm we got to clear these guys to get to the snatcher try targeting those HS there they look like they're ready to blow drop that's all of them anyone see where that snatcher went straight ahead deeper into the lava tube let's move that's it it's getting away through here oh [ __ ] what w watch it how long is this FY do it's getting away take out that pillar get to cover is down come on you're all right they took the stole them potted them changed them they wanted to change me too Keegan it's okay we're safe now we've got the signal Tech let him know where we are scorpio I'm seeing a FL Banu how the hell did you get off of w long story and is H we need a stretcher copy that hang tight on my way where where are we all the way back on panu the heart of the hive oh wow take this one we got swarm coming stay low [Music] got Happ we're in the clear hey Hana you all right there are people who survive being snatched yeah the stories are true huh still there Scorpio stretcher incoming sorry I got caught mess this all up she's on TCH take her up hey you made it that's all that matters it'll take me a bit to secure the stretcher you guys good for a view we'll manage thank goodness honestly I can't believe she survived but she did survive what's on your mind the snatcher was taking Hana to the heart of the hive and we need a more efficient way to to get there oh no you're not suggesting we'd let them capture us hold that thought swarm's [Music] here clear so what you think of my plan eh operation ride the snatcher you're serious we get snatched up snatched up and smuggled right into the H then what there's no guarantee we can survive that fair point but I feel like Hannah and Her action science might have an answer for that hell it might work get smuggled Into the Heart of the heart are we still got to get out of here first more swarm on the Ridge and all of their [ __ ] friends [ __ ] make him count block at him T did really use a lift me securing H hold on about time good to go t [Music] oh I can't shake this thing you got to cut yourself free get ready oh a [ __ ] hate surprises no [Music] Scorpio I'm going to lose this thing before we can get out of here get to The High Ground and I'll pick you up we're on it t wakatu made quick work of the Swarm I feel good about Hannah's toxin plan if we can manage to cat that thing I'm not sure we can do it alone agreed now's a time to ask Hoffman to bring in some reinforcements Keagan this is not a problem what what the hell are you talking about Hoffman's gone the r it's just us colon Hoffman is a decorated Cog veteran I would just think for a second the access codes to sanum if hofman's working with the Cog why couldn't he just get no cour [Applause] himself doesn't make sense why would you lie to us you think I join an actual Cog mission that man is used to doing whatever it takes to get oh [ __ ] this way and another thing if this was a legit operation why would everything be so cond of secret when we got here we had no clue where we were going NE not the time Dam it knew we couldn't shake it for long [Music] don't breath that [ __ ] [Music] in back off wakatu [Music] is it true this ain't a cog Mission what the hell are you talking about looks like we're all in the dark on this one me and H we're going to have words [Music] no more lies Hoffman the first Minister rejected my plan to deal with the Swarm she said her damn robots could handle them so I use my forced retirement to uh launch a mission of my own all this time we were on a godamn rogue operation that's right look I know your past that you've all suffered and struggled but you've still got that fight in you purpose that's why we're here it was our lives on the line the fate of the entire planet is on the line Soldier I'm not here to save the world the Swarm took my son dragged him screaming into the dark I failed to protect him to fight for him I joined up to make these [ __ ] pay and I planned to die doing it [Music] but here we are so to hell with it I'll live and I'll fight for what family I have left I Won't Stand By and Watch more people suffer not when I can do something about it we know how to get to the heart of the hive all I need is one sample and you'll get it but I won't let my brother face this one alone wish I could have been there for you Mac and your son but I'm here now well that's it then once more into the screaming dark all right Scorpio this is it find the wakatu extract Venom get out remember all we need is a sample good luck out there Scorpio pick us for a reason sir we'll get the job done you guys ready to walk amongst the ancestors hey Spirit one great so you were listening of course I was Right Back to Where it All Began like my ancestors have done for Generations enter the fade and walk amongst the ancestors the path of our people will reveal your burden [Music] there's our path I'll be down the Awakening the wakatu I'm living out with my parents and Grand used to believe was mythology just stories I was in prison in Grand past wish she could see me out it's none of my business but it's okay where's W now you both should know I [ __ ] up deliberately ignored an order thought I knew better than everyone else and someone got killed I seeo a good man truth is as much as I want to go back I don't know if there's a spot waiting for me I know that feeling sometimes there ain't no going back and I'm learning that might be okay hey Lonnie what's this some kind of Effigy my father used to call pieces I get from wood said they would protect us from dark Spirits eating back in the action having a team at my side I've missed this feeling of being part of something bigger I know that feeling too this way give me a [Music] hand your old job still uh classified no I can SP I was part of the Brash Brigade Locust Cleanup Crew cleanup crew some of the Locust survived for war we made them disappear then quietly so the Emulsion countermeasure atora as far as the public knows war ended there but there was still more work to be done I'll handle this there's more of them we're clear those toies have one out they welcome so Coral Lieutenant never got the long story about your rank onx G bought like hell in the war what would hold up a promotion not all of us were fighting I was stationed on Aura doing basically guard Duty onx Exiles they call us no glory no Rank and no purpose for all those years I'm sorry I don't know about all this rank stuff but what you're doing here this matters brother thanks I uh appreciate that that's all of them the way out is ahead through those doors ammo deployed did you say children used to walk this path well they wouldn't that tree there it was on the card in the village hall it must be the Wu's Nest then we're still on the right path you know before all this I really thought my life was over that I live out the rest of my days in prison so you joined up when halfon found you H exactly same here what else can you do when you've lost [Music] everything that's a whole damn vulture a vulture went down on panu you found 144b it went down shortly before I arrived on Gangi it was loaded with the initial to be forced to lead our charge Into the Bunker think we could recruit them to our cause where this at not [Music] bad surrender to the Cog they ain't friendly why the hell are they attacking us not a cog Mission remember ah they must be following their default directives to protect Cog property nothing we can handle more trackers may as well see what's waiting for us inside out of behavior is a punishable offense get on for ready to strike grade will be destroyed BR out fire in the h [Music] thank down okay we're good take what supplies we can from this wreck let's see about getting that loading ramp opened up they're probably going to run into more DBS from that vulture stupid b tell me about it but but I wouldn't have given for their help when the SW attacked my Village what happened a Slaughter then the terrifying quiet even if I wasn't miles from home I couldn't have stopped it I wasn't a fighter you did what you could Mac and you lived if I was such a coward I would have died with him coward show me a man sacrificing more than one who's lost their child I'd follow you into any fight thank you both of you ready to block them let's keep moving through here blades good to go what's this they're blowing each other apart what do you see help them out open fire enemy down that's all of them this river goes right to the katu's nest and look at that there's a board waiting for us hey lucky right you know it ammo [Music] deployed it's been one hell of a journey that's for sure I only got this far thanks to your support H got to admit I was wrong about you Mac we both were well I had my assumptions about you two as well look at us now team Scorpio saving the planet you know my Grand's final words to me were about struggle and my suffering would Define the true life weak or strong I wanted to know which I'd be she said live and discover for yourself that's the journey I think Go With It [Applause] Lake doesn't matter how hard we tried to run from our past everything we did let us here led us to this island th000 miles from the war this time I'm going to make a goddamn difference I thought this was my chance to prove myself the Brash Brigade the memory of my CA my grand was right the path of my life will determin who I become you brought me home here and gave me a new family you survived a hell of a lot time told I say we fight like hell to save it looks like this is it the the Batu wants to swarm off this island as much as we do we should try to get the sample without killing it agreed be good to see the natural order restored but he might have other plans moving [Music] watch your head not de [Music] you awaken Reborn renewed not consumed your heavy burden transform light as the feather put up one hell of a fight you uh like it'll live yeah I do it's a good day everyone survives [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] we ready for this Scorpio if I don't make it I want you to know it's your fault and I'm going to [ __ ] haunt you how your nerves major how or to hell with my anxiety this time I'm the [Music] surprise see you on the other side [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 509,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, Gears of War: The Complete Saga v3 (Hivebusters, Judgement, RAAM's Shadow, GOW 1-5) 1080p HD, gears of war complete saga, gears of war 1 all cutscenes, gears of war 2 all cutscenes, gears of war 3 all cutscenes, gears of war 4 all cutscenes, gears 5 all cutscenes, gears of war 5, gears of war 4, gears of war ultimate edition, gears of war judgement, gears of war 3 doms death, gears of war gameplay
Id: Uaht-2PiA4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1164min 40sec (69880 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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