Gear I Should Have Bought Sooner.....

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okay so today I thought we'd do something a little bit different let's go over all the gear that I really wish I would have bought sooner let's do it hey everyone I'm Co caperon thank you for stopping by for another video now this is this is really just gear that I slept on that it was commonly known about that had been out for a while and I just overlooked it and I wish that I wouldn't have overlooked it now now it's important to note that none of the companies that I'm going to talk about none of the gear companies that I'm going to talk about are sponsoring this video this video is sponsored by Sweetwater we'll talk about that later but a bunch of this gear I actually bought myself and then I think at the end of the video I want to talk about the specific pieces of gear that I was lucky enough to to come on to real early in my career that I'm really glad that I did so we'll touch on that in a little bit okay let's take a look at some gear okay first up or orone orone 5c's these have obviously been out forever they came out in like the' 70s um and I slept on these for a really really long time until I started grasping the importance of mixing the mid-range of getting the mid-range right and ever since then I need these and they've been I've used them on every single mix and every single Master since the day that I got them and they helped me so much um solidify the mid-range and and make sure that my mixes translate to every system and so I slept on these for a long time uh first I got ns10s that was my first Forte into this kind of mid-range thing I got ns10s and those took my mixes up a whole Notch uh and then I've got then I picked up some or tones and those took my mixes up another notch um and now like the focals that I use in here and the big ones they all have this Focus mode that kind of do the ns10 sort of thing so between these monitor with their focus mode and the or tones I I need that uh and I slept on it for a really really long time I wish I would have got these many years before I did okay next up ISO Acoustics pucks uh they're under here hopefully that you can see these under here I've done full videos on this I'll try to link as many videos below as I can I've done dedicated videos on a lot of this stuff um but the iso Acoustics pucks decoupling your speakers from your desk or from your stands and now I did a whole video on comparing the sound of uh speaker stands and so we put on paper like real measurements that the iso Acoustics pucks like what a huge difference they make they make a huge difference scientifically and audibly the stereo image is cleaner uh the lowend is Tighter and more accurate just Everything feels like you're hearing less of the desk in the room and the speaker and more of your hearing what's actually happening in the music and they're super affordable I'll I and I'll put links to all of this stuff down below but ISO Acoustics pucks I think everyone who mixes music should have them cannot recommend them enough next up real acoustic treatment I know this is a little bit of a cliche one but for many many years in my early career I just used like some cheap crappy foam that I stuck to the walls and thought it did a good job because you know it kind of took away some of the slap or some of the echo but what I didn't realiz is that with non Broadband absorption you are only absorbing down to the like lower mid frequencies or even with the foam down to the mid-range frequencies and so what you're left with is a room that's boxy and boomy and doesn't sound natural at all I spent the first six or seven years of my career not having real acoustic treatment and that's something that I really wish someone would have told me how important it was earlier in my career Broad Band acoustic treatment real acoustic treatment super super important now about 14 years ago 14 or 15 years ago I had a band come in with a bunch of analog synthesizers and it was the first time I had spent much time with them and I was totally Blown Away by it now virtual instruments were obviously not nearly as good back then but the real analog synthesizer thing was just it was just a different thing and so I always wanted one however uh one of the things things that I didn't realize is that I would need to one of the things that I did all the time was I would always use an arpeggiator on my synthesizers in my virtual instruments and I always wanted them to be locked to the Grid in Pro Tools cuz I was always using this like like I was always using that sort of sound like a lot probably too much if I'm being honest and I needed that locked to the Grid in Protools and I couldn't find any information out there about how to lock the arpeggiator on a hardware synthesizer on an analog synthesizer to the Grid in Protools now I know a bunch of them do it but I didn't know that at the time and it wasn't very clearly explained uh online in any videos or any forums for someone who's not into analog Hardware synths so I did a session uh at my buddy gab's house and he had one of these Moog subsequent 37s and I told him man I I really want something like that I just I need it to lock to the Grid in Protools and he's like like well well this one does that and it's super easy it does it over USB but it's a full analog synthesizer and I was and I was just mind blown because I had been looking for stuff like that couldn't really find anything out about it um I wish that not just about this particular synthesizer even though I'm I'm infatuated with this but I wish that I would have known that sooner that that was not actually that difficult to do so I picked one of these up one of these Mugs Up and I did a whole video on it I'll try to link it down below as well I did a whole video on this synthesizer and I go over in that video how easy it is to lock to the Grid in your dah and that was just such a GameChanger to have that the low end and the low mids in these analog synthesizers it's just a different thing than the virtual instruments and I really wish that I would have figured that out sooner and I wish that I would have invested in an analog synth sooner cuz this thing is on nearly every song I work on now okay now I realized that a lot of this stuff is is not inexpensive but that's not the point of this video the point of this video is the things I wish I would have taken more seriously earlier in my career that I would have sacrificed to invest in earlier in my career things that I missed the boat on this is one of them 1176 now we all know how famous the 1176 is it's probably the single most famous compressor in history however I didn't realize how much of a game Cher the hardware was going to be over the software I'm not trying to make this a hardware versus software debate but when I finally got a real one I was blown away cuz I used to use 1176 plugins on everything now I had some other very high-end compressors I bought my tube Tech long before I got an 1176 like a decade before I got an 1176 uh so it's not that I wasn't investing in high-end compressors it's that I underestimated how much better this was than the software in my opinion and I wish I would have taken it more seriously earlier in my career because the hardware 1176 is crazy good next up the Fender Deluxe Reverb uh I've always known that this was like a Holy Grail amp that this was an amp that like has been on more records than any other amp in history however I just never pulled the trigger on one now this particular one is a handwired deluxe it's the uh the 64 custom handwired and it is one of my favorite amps I've ever had it's wound up on nearly every song since I got it and uh you know I knew that it was a Holy Grail type amp I knew it was one of the most recorded amps in history I didn't expect to love it as much as I do and I wish you know I've I've had lots of other amps lots of other very expensive amps for many years and I wish that I would have just dedicated just sacrificed and like went with one of these sooner cuz man is it absolutely incredible while we're on the topic of guitars uh I wish that I would have pulled the trigger on a hollow body a little sooner um this is a and doesn't have to be this one any hollow body I have lots of electric guitars I have lots of acoustic guitars but the hollow body thing uh is not something that I had ever picked up until I got this one so this is a PRS SE hollow body and it's it's fantastic like it it's beautiful it plays great it sounds really great in the grand scheme of guitars it is pretty affordable I can't remember how much these are I think they're somewhere around $1,000 if I'm wrong I'll I'll put it somewhere up here but and I'll link this down I'll link all this stuff down below but hollow body is just a different thing and I overlooked it for a for way too many years is a valuable tool in the Arsenal if you already have some solid bodies that you like and you already have some Acoustics that you like get you a hollow body cuz it's a it's a different unique thing and I wish I would have got one sooner okay next up the lon audio Atlantis I slept on this for so long and uh I always saw these and I was like I wonder I wonder what those sound like and then I finally got one into demo and this is hands down one of my favorite microphones and in addition to it being one of my favorite microphones it's also one of the most affordable microphones I have comes in at 1,700 $150 I believe I'll link it down below uh Banger Banger Banger of a microphone it's so so good and it is so so versatile um so you've got different polar patterns here you've got figure8 cardioid and Omni and then on the other side here you have got a pad a built-in pad and then on the back there's another switch that is like different character switches it's uh gentle forward and neutral I believe and this it makes it hands down my best pick for a for a vocal mic or really an instrument mic under $2,000 it's so good and I slept on it for so long check one of these out if you're in in the market for like a a do-it-all microphone for any genre or any style I cannot cannot recommend that enough now while we're on the topic of microphones uh good mic St this ultimate support mic stand here it's got a a weighted base on Wheels and uh a c weight back there it goes super high it comes with a a extra swivel right there if you use it I don't ever use it but if you're using it for overheads or for instrument mics it'd be great but these are I think these are like $250 I think I'll link it down below but like this is just such a good rock solid stand for like heavier microphones or or overheads if you're doing drums or whatever I I just used crappy stands forever and I should have I should have picked one of these up a long time ago now honorable mention for gear I wish I would have gotten a long time ago the flock patch now slight disclaimer it's an honorable mention because it's a lot of money especially for a patch Bay uh and so while it has been an absolute game changer for me uh I probably just wouldn't have ever wanted to invest that kind of money years ago now I'm really glad I did I wish I would have you know three or four years ago when I started getting really serious about hardware and uh but the flock patch Bay has been an absolute Game Changer it's worth every penny so let's talk about a couple things that I'm really glad that I came on to early that a lot of other people weren't doing now the first one and the biggest most standout one to me is mixing through a pair of Hardware mic preamps now I have my own signature pair of mic preamps I have a whole video on that I'll link it down below these are on my mix bus for every single song and honestly about half the Masters that I do get passed through them as well it's a total Game Changer the reason why I came up with this is because you know this is probably 12 years ago 13 years ago Hardware summing was becoming such a like everyone was talking about a summing box you got to have a summing box analog summing it's way better than summing in the Box in your doll and it's just everyone that's what all everyone could talk about and I was thinking about it a whole bunch and I just no one told me this at least I don't believe anyone did I just didn't believe believe that the to me Hardware summing this is going to get a little nerdy side note this is not just about gears a little bit of philosophy for you in my mind summing the act of summing tracks together is two parts there's like the literal Act of summing the tracks together so your Kick Drum and your snare drum and your bass guitar and your acoustic guitar and your synthesizer and your vocal and your vocal Harmony there's the physical act of those combining into a left and right stereo track so that's that's one part of summing but then in these summing boxes in these Hardware units that everyone was losing their mind about uh there's also all of the circuitry the wires the resistors the transistors the Transformers whatever all is in that box and every one of them is a little bit different that is also influencing the sound as much or in my opinion way way way more than the act of just putting the tracks together than the than the literal Act of summing and so in my mind I didn't want to buy more interfaces with more IO and a whole bunch more s snakes and a summing box I just didn't feel like that was going to get me so I'm like how do I get 90 95 99% of what these people are talking about in summing in summing boxes analog Hardware summing boxes without investing in all of that money and so I started experimenting with putting some mix preamp or some mic preamps on my mix bus now it just started with I had a console at the time it just started with running uh some my actual mix bus out to a pair of tracks and then right back in so I had some analog color it ran through the preamps through the eqs through the faders and then back in now I didn't use my console at the time for mixing necessarily I didn't sum everything all at once I used that console as a bunch of individual Hardware inserts and so I basically had Channel strips on a bunch of different tracks in Pro Tools so I just ran it through some some of those Channel strips and I was like this is a thing and so I started experimenting with different stuff and the first preamps that I landed on that I was mixing through was a vintech 273 it's a 1073 style uh mic Prix it's a stereo mic Prix I think it had like a high and a low EQ on it maybe um and it was super solid for the money and that was a real game Cher it got rid of so much digit harshness just strapping that across my mix bus and that became a massive part of my sound moving forward now I've experimented with a whole bunch of different preamps at this point uh and have landed on these that are my signature preamps they're a game changer they really are and I'll I'll link down below to that video as well so I'm really glad that was like a kind of accidental kind of thing I was trying to find a solve a problem and no one was really saying anything about it talking about doing this and I'm really glad I came on to that the other thing that is a real standout to me way back in the day is I picked up and you guys have heard me talk about it on this channel before I picked up my tube Tech lca2b compressor and I think to date that is still the best compressor that has ever been made they are not cheap they're five or $6,000 new for one and it's a stereo two Channel compressor I have tracked almost every vocal through that since the day that I got it it lived on my drum bus absolutely forever I used to track bass guitar through it and acoustic guitar through it and I mean just it is truly the most transparent Hardware compressor I've ever used and I don't hear anyone talk about them everyone talks about the cl1b no one talks about the lca2b and it is a literal game Cher and uh I just kind of stumbled upon it when I was looking for my Holy Grail drum bus compressor 12 or 14 years ago and uh I picked one up uh bought it from Frank filipetti actually and I it was apparently on his mix bus for years and he had mixed like Elton John and Barbara strian and James Taylor and all this crazy stuff through it I guess and uh so I believe it has a little bit of Mojo in it as well but I it was something that no one was talking about still no one talks about it is an absolute World CL class game Cher compressor uh so I'll I'll link that down below if you just want to go take a look at it as well I think that probably does it but I hope you enjoyed this I hope this got your wheels turning this was interesting to watch um I'll put links down below for everything those links go to Sweetwater uh anytime you guys need any piece of musical gear not just the stuff in this video you can jump on any one of my videos and pick up anything that you need once you've clicked on one of those links uh and it doesn't cost you anything extra but it goes a long ways to help support this Channel and help me keep making videos so I really appreciate it when you guys use those links anytime you need to purchase anything and thank you to Sweetwater for sponsoring this video and I guess that'll do it uh I have dedicated videos for a lot of this stuff uh if if I didn't link them down below just search for it if I don't have a dedicated video on something I talked about in this video and you want a dedicated video on it let me know down below drop a comment thank you guys for watching I appreciate you we'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Colt Capperrune
Views: 27,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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