Gear Check | Tour Divide

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all righty as promised here's a gear check video uh I'll keep it pretty brief hopefully I can just do and in one go because to be honest I've just got a throat and a bite box because I'm flying out very soon so we'll start with what I'm wearing on my person uh what do we got Pock Ultra herb shorts pockets on the side for storage well vented we've got on top of that we've got a under layer pot it's the polyester job then we've got this Merino blend it's about 20 Merino um three pockets on the back long sleeve pretty cozy and I'd probably be expecting to wear this for the first five or six days and imagine in the colder climates and then on top of that we've got a relay big fan of the July and this one has got windproof sort of thermal padding in the front zones where the wind's hitting you and it's got three zip pockets on the back so this is pretty awesome and it'll probably be on me 99 of the time all right monitor for the stats um some POC socks um changed drastically to just some Enduro shoes that I had lying around and I've got a set of pedals on there that have got Flats on one side and clips on the other so I was having some foot pains and this has resolved it so we're doing that uh uh short Finger Park gloves alrighty on my head will be this park helmet I've managed to put extra Velcro on the insides of the temples there so that just sticks on so they don't go anywhere and then this is a phoenix head torch and that just velcros on and off like that because anyway on my head I'm not a fan of I've got a bad neck then I'm wearing this Ultra bag it's a North Face one I bought um inside here at the start is going to be I've got four packets of um protein powder I'll probably just have a packet of that every second day or something just to keep the uh the numbers up uh and I've got a handful tissue paper and a handful of rhino power gels Berry and salted caramel so that is in there for emergencies and stuff took away uh in the front I will have a compartment for beer spray which I will buy over there in Banff and I've got 500 ml squeezy bottle here then I've got a 600 ml squeegee bottle which has a water filter system on it yeah in another pocket I've got my nighttime sunglasses I can't be bothered changing lenses or anything so I just got these new illicit POC glasses clear lens and I got some Velcro on the side of those for the same helmet mounting job so that would just be tucked in a front pocket as well and my recent addition to the setup is um three strap music I don't know how you pronounce it basically gonna go into service stations with this and just fill it up and then I can just start riding with that over my shoulder as well as my ultra bag but I can swing this around eight put it on my bike and just extra storage for those big resupply zones and that just folds down into nothing and this will be my only way to get um carry-on luggage guide overseas um oh man I forgot of course I've got a three liter Hydra thing in the in the bag total of about four liters of water on the bag and then another 2.2 or so on the bike so that'll do me for I'd say 80 of the time or just be on those bottles keep the weight off my ass and then for the big free Supply zones or you know New Mexico and things I'll start filling up these bladders and squeegee bottles all right moving on to the bags all my bags are re-strapped and they are pretty cool these are the race Edition so it's got like a magnetic little latch and just pop it off and then the whole dry bag just pops straight out um and then you're into it so I can actually do that when I'm biking along because the Trail's smooth enough and then re remount it so in the front one I've got uh my key piece of warmth I'd say it's um pretty bulky pretty heavy but I'm a big fan of it it's done me for a few Ultras now it is synthetic I think it's a hair gloss seriously uh oh this is I'll probably be riding with this in the first week or so as well I usually like to bring a beanie and a buff but this is from pock and it's from their snow collection so it's balaclava and you can just pop the beanie off the back when you want and it's also got breathable vents in the front so this is pretty dull I'll be running that uh pork knee warmers with thermal bits over the knees and second set of socks and a third set of socks that I was sleeping and I'll probably ride in when it's snowy or wet and things these are new yarn Merino which is meant to be five times quicker drying or whatever so I got on the wagon bought a set of those and they're pretty good as well as my short finger gloves I've got a set of pock ET sort of thermal gloves a bit of a shell on the outside nothing too crazy and then I've got these over mittens which are 100 waterproof and they just got like a crab scenario so they'll keep me dry and warm I've also got another riding Jersey for when it gets hotter standard Jersey three pockets on the back and also in here I've got uh two cubes those light ones and a like a tire repair kit so I've got a razor blade some super glue some needles to repair a tie with shout out to Domin Dirtbag yeah so that's just I keep there with my clothes so there's two of the pretty safe okay now moving further back along the bike I've got my um GoPro in here with just a mouthpiece all going well I'm going to aim to make a video of this but um of course when things get hectic as they do in these events the GoPro will be the last thing that I charge and the last thing I have time for but I'll do my best so that's an Arms Reach at all times and then also in here I've got my um rhino power salts my electrolytes um take a few of those a day if it's hot and things and then the rest of that space will go for food we've got Garmin 530 on the bars and I've also got a mount for my phone which I'm filming with and that's my backup navigation I've got guy around there and I'll put the map on that pretty cool this uh top tube bag from re-strap has some good space around the sides so I've got um SPF 50 lip balm sunblock 50 again I think some serious stuff on the other side I've got some accessible Aqua tabs for uh water purification and two squirt chain Loops because I'll be looking to do that once two times a day I'll probably tackle the rag in there as well for being on the moon so inside the top tube bag here I've divided it into two using Velcro so the front half as Electronics the rear half is going to be capacity for food resupply so I've got two 10 000 battery Banks pretty serious and this is where I have the K light um and Sun charging mount so flick a switch my lights are on flick it the other way and I can charge one of these as I'm riding or directly into my garment if I need to uh whatever I got my flip box for the buttons stored in here as well two sets of headphones because music and things are key for me that's about it just a pile of cables and this is all empty I got some batteries in here that they are to go directly into the spot tracker when I get that in Canada so into the frame bag uh this only this is all empty at the front for food reachable food and it's just got an absolute pile of more Rhino power gels just in the back so they'll hopefully just drip feeds for the first week or so um when I'm feeling like I need that Sugar boost and on the other side there's the narrower document Zone um that I've got my batteries I've got two excess batteries for my derailles and two spare GoPro batteries and that is a spare Phoenix head torch battery also I have my um hygiene kit probably a lot going on here this is their cycalfait this is what I put on my ass every night before I go to bed just to keep the skin mint I have got half a toothbrush some toothpaste I have some latex gloves which could also double in snowy conditions get them underneath and up against the skin uh some resolve anti-fungal some more Aqua purification tablets some are these are telfast if I get bitten by something antihistamines and this is if I get a saddle saw it's Clearasil and it's got benzyl peroxide in it I've been told that's the stuff and then we've got a couple of nodos caffeine tablets if I um well if I'm in a situation where I need to carry on when I'm buggered um at night time and crack conditions or something and this is kenal log this is uh mouth ulcer creep which has worked for me in the past so that is all on the side there also in there is these will be my spare batteries the spot tracker is likely to run out after nine or ten days so they're good quality lithium jobs and also my passport for crossing that border from Canada to America so I've got this little saddle bag here and this is easily accessible because when I go into a McDonald's or something like that or even a motel I can just get this out and this is my electrical charging kit so I've got an access battery charger a double GoPro charger and a four-way wall charger to get it all done and a pile of cables so that's sort of supplementary to the cables in the front because I don't want to have to be taking them from everywhere that brings us to tools so I'll start with the uh the pump I'm using is a one up I got a bit of insulation tape around the side and then I've got my plugs in here quick access that's not how it's done anyway here we go plugs one and the tank ready to go another pile of them in there as well so that's um relatively quick to access if I do get a hole on the course the tools I have got a big baking strip for a mega hole in the tire I've got three 2032 batteries for my blip box need gears this is the tire lever and also doubles as a chain tool this is a chain breaker quick quick leak under not much of a chamois cream guy but this is a backup set is four brake pads Shimano four piston a couple of zip ties press the distributor adapter spare chain ring Bolt two spare valve cores valve core remover tool an entire spare valve udh spare hanger a chain quick link 12 speed more bacon strips and a tire repair kit and a couple of spare bolts a rag headset spacer and a spare bottle of Squirt Lube and a set of Allen keys will be in my pocket at all times multi-tool good one okay we're getting through it now just the Sleep System at the back here so another re-strap race bag seven liter capacity once again just slides straight out and then you've got the dry bag to work with in here is just three bags first one has got my down booties and down pants so that appears with my uh synthetic jacket as my sleep sleeping bag I suppose so here they are standard really foldable really light camera booties because my feet get cold uh in here is my baby and a blight mattress so the baby I don't know what it is this has done me for the Great British divide and things it's pretty good black diamond baby and an outfit cloud-based mattress does the trick and wait a second oh I've got hand sanitizing wipes so that'll be useful before I go to bed a bit of a shower and waterproof pock ETS and this is quite a hefty set but if it really turns to custard over there I'm gonna be pretty happy I bought this set and they're um they got Zips down the side so I can put them straight over my shoes no drama Zips in this and the pockets on the side here so really nice set that'll keep you really dry um yeah so that's in the back also forgot to mention this is my rain jacket it just folds into its own pocket and these just clip nicely long ways under the Euro bar and another thing in my toolbox is a spare cleat and bolts I believe that is that since the bike check video I've changed a couple of things I've just put a new cassette new derailleur a freshly waxed chain shout out to Simon and also my 36 tooth Revolution components chainring so that is running crisp and ready to go so now I'm going to take this for its last ride just to make sure that drivetrain's dialed thrown in a box and I'm out of here so follow me on Instagram there'll be a link to the tracking there see how I get on hopefully I'll make a video at the time and uh you guys can see that after thank you
Channel: Joe Nation
Views: 17,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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