Gavin Teaches Prosecutor LAW During his Trial!

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thank you in addition to let me strike that I'll say it general you spoke about the jury can be viewed in that camera angle and we could see the jerseys there you heard the testimony mr. Sanchez indicated that be the video security videos maintained and that it's overwritten as the system gets full but then it's not broadcast on here you call that correctly so what's your question you would call that correct he said that that was not broadcast on the Internet I recall it someone said that okay and so here where are you not that that even though the jury could be sitting the whole court oh can you see that it's really a security camera there she's getting premises in that the county's not broadcasting the Jews live on the Internet is that correct it's a security camera available for public record right yeah but you're the county does not broadcast live streaming you know the security video on the Internet is that correct I don't assume that they do okay good assumption you're called telling the judge IRC let me go back to the video that we just watched and there's a part at about eight minutes and 50 seconds where it looks like you've turned and now there's peers that you're you were talking to the audience and they were talking to the audience during this exchange generally when I talk during the exchange I'm talking to whoever's around I'm just like I'm doing right now but you were talking to the judge and then you were talking to the audience as well correct yes I was talking to Everett sure and you recall saying those words folks we got to take back our Corp who will rise and stand and defiance of good lawlessness we were saying that not sermon do you remember saying that's twice who will stand in defiance of this lawless Court I would have to review the video to see how many times I said it but that's reasonable the Bekaa DNA do you recall telling the judge I'm telling you you are in contempt of this Court do we need to arrest you absolutely so you were planning on arresting the judge no I was asking her question it was an oral argument I see under what circumstance would you have arrested the judge it wouldn't be me in this situation it was capable of arresting the judge and I have no intention of personally arresting her so we do saying do we so you're not you're not included yourself in that we we would be We the People as in the Constitution the Bill of Rights Declaration of Independence so you weren't referring to the crowd and yourself when you have it here they were going to arrest the judge how would you I'm contending for the way I would the rest a judge for a tennis court I'm telling you you are in contempt of this Court do we need to arrest you that it's a question it was a question to the judge my question to you is how would that arrest go about since there was no plan for me to arrest anyone I'm not sure how I can tell you how I would have done your retour call stating again who once spent who will stand in defiance block the door okay you remember saying that yeah so yes you were asking people directing people to block the door it was it was up to BAM I was being removed from the so you fellows in your purview of authority to request the crowd to block your removal it's not a question of any special Authority anybody has an obligation to uphold the law as a citizen my question I didn't say special authority but you may be losing your purview of authority to request people to block the door I wasn't exercising any authority I was simply making the statement that people who block the door I believe that really needs to run out of speed so state repression again I'm objecting to the slow motion aspect of this testimony I believe it needs to write at real speed Your Honor I complain of slow speed at this particular Junction so that we can clearly hear mr. Syme articulate what he says and then I'll play at a regular speed and so I would hear the tone and demeanor of his skates I believe that under under er 703 it's prejudicial and that it does not accurately reflect evidence he said what he said you've got a great recording of it let's hear it right you're trying to distinguish so that they can hear by slowing the recording down then comparing at regular speed with the instruction that the jury understands and is being slowed down so it the word can be heard and that will be played that's the same we play at regular speed so we're comparing contrasting members injuries of dusty 80 weight placed on the change in the diction or how voice comes across you heard what the readership that will stand in defiance block play then arrange down or leave this is my former know this is hard for me how dare you say that this is your this is the people's control so that was you stating blonde or correct yes in the concepts of the fact that my brother had just been assaulted in remove the courtroom yeah that was your camera that was doing the recording from this council table yes and I was actually you who picked up the camera at one point and turned it around in pointing it towards the jury panel that was being seated as a macro to the jury panel that was on this video camera up here the jury panel that was on the you street video the same jury candidates on this so that's actually you that's holding the camera pointing it at the jury this photograph nice you can't identify myself in the video but it seems likely since it's my camera and you are recording this because you want to rebroadcast this on our Facebook sites I was recording this to prevent an overreach of the courts and make sure there was credible evidence in case something happened which it turns out it did and you're using that evidence right now sure yeah and you use this video on your Facebook post actually to generate revenues where there's no revenue generated from Facebook do you not a new Facebook postings ask people to send money to your cause oh yes sometimes I'll ask for money and they can tell me on my website it's the same again and in this video this episode of issues plays predominantly your Facebook postings of the last few months is that correct it's one of my lesser viewed ones I guess yes but it's certainly in there and you just actually posted to YouTube video here in the last couple of days talking about your upcoming trial asking people donate Oh Jess Your Honor this is way beyond the scope of direct I my direct questioning has to do with what happened when he was arrested I don't know we got the Facebook Your Honor I don't believe directly yeah well I'll say in a different way one of the defenses which was stated to the jury was a defense of his property interest and I don't know how I can examine his property interest and filming this trial shut down that's gonna be questions on something that stated my counsel your honor the property interest we were discussing with this property interested constitutional rights which is what it's in art with the memorandum for the quarterly something's gonna be a little bit retracted my apology didn't ask you rotational reasons I counsel the jury thank you for your patience I get into the issue of removal and your indignation of what was going on you would actually prior to trial inviting people to attend the trial so that they need people will stand in defiance of lawlessness and take back the court of necessary is that correct I've learned that inviting people is the best way to ensure peace the more people you have been are willing to stand for something the less the chance that people have to be aggressive or violent and and in the action of standing up and saying what I did the things that you brought up in defense of property because as John Locke one of the forefathers of the United States Constitution asserted the most fundamental properties ourselves it's our families it's our neighbors and the ability to gather and stand against anything that would convince that property because as John Locke also asserted the any any judgment straight that steps outside the boundaries of the right to life liberty and property at that point ceases to be a judge or magistrate and so I think everybody in this room was really just operating peacefully which is way what I encouraged them to do what I always encouraged them to do because the last thing I want is a fistfight or a gunfight and having people in the room that were willing to yes stand in defiance if need be honestly that it wasn't expected that we would need to because we had we have people there and so possibly to block the door correct to block the door in defense of property to block the door okay or arrest the judge correct but nobody arrested the judge so one of the options of this peaceful crowd who stands in the client says to arrest this judge who ceases to operate as a magistrate isn't that correct your monologuing to take it out of context I was just responding to your monologue sir okay so your your your assertion is that as soon as we're done it does something you don't think it's fair and you have the ability to raise your voice thread the judge of the rest and hold her in contempt and order people to block the door as opposed to sitting down listening the judge having peaceful discussion and appealing the decision to a higher court if you don't like was me so no that's not my assertion at all my oral argument what the judge was very peaceful and it was the court that initiated the aggressive stance and then precipitated the aggressive stance by the removal of my brother from the courtroom so I simply stood up and addressed the issue as peacefully as possible and yes I cop passionate and I can do that and I was certainly not intending any violence nor was he incited inordinately occurred so your testimony is that the judge started this did I say that I don't believe I said that that the juggies the one who actually the judge wasn't in the room at the time they started it seems that someone who moves my brother Nathan on their own accord and so before the judge gets in there this is the discussion with the audience I'm having a discussion with whoever's listening all right so just walking in here stop a lot of boys this judge okay normally when a judge enters it's all rise and rise your responses this is our question yeah there is a question he started yelling about this judge and she would walk into the door before she said it work according to a seal in the courtroom the judge had ordered my brother removed you didn't know that yes they send it right over here do you know we just listened to know that did you talk to the judge about that the judge had just entered the room exactly you can give the judge the opportunity to say word one that's not true but the judge and I had a horrible oral argument she did she did my message to the crowd before I even asked him the judges simple question before allowing the judge even take her seat before a lot of the bail out the finish save all rise you are already in her face he's not was none of her face you don't consider that her face absolutely not I was right back there on the table I could've been in her face I raised my voice because I didn't know what was happening to my brother outside the building he'd just been forcibly ejected from the building violently so and presumably according to the court officials at the order of the judge but you didn't give the judge an opportunity yes maybe the judge had every opportunity to talk when we were here having oral arguments thank you mister that's all here no redirect nothing your honor time thank you you're excused
Channel: Gavin Seim
Views: 1,800,161
Rating: 4.357029 out of 5
Keywords: activistm, laywers, washington courts, justice, freedom, tyranny, street, school, douglas county, gavin seim, liberty, trial of gavin seim, prosecution, cross examination, gavin seim exposed, gavin seim court, gavin seim in court, seim teaches real law, gavin seim owned, seim teaches, gavin seim trial, blue line, police, patriots stand up in court, gav seim
Id: qx20FFWGtBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2015
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