Gateway Church Live | A Message for Our Church Family | June 22–23

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[Music] you are so worthy you are so [Music] worthy you are so [Music] worthy Jesus [Music] Christ you are so worthy you are so [Music] worthy you are so worthy Jesus Christ all the glory all the honor we will give to you are King our Devo and our [Music] worship we will give to you are King glor all the we you our devot our in our worship we will give to you are all the glory all the glory all the we will give to you are King our and our worship and our worship we will give to you are King all the glory all the glory all the we will give to you are king you are our and our worship we will give to [Music] [Applause] youing you are so wor you was [Applause] God here my Jesus [Applause] Christ you are so [Music] worthy wor wor you are so [Music] wor Jesus Jesus Christ Mighty God hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus Christ God holy holy you are so wory you you are you are so wor Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I have this thirst only you can [Music] satisfy my heart it burn with it all consuming [Music] fire I search and see but you're never hard to find the more of you I see the more that I [Music] desire I need you more than the that I Brea you captur my heart every ping me closer there is no else there is nothing like love every taste I get Jesus I can't get enough I need you more than the I Brea you to my heart every holding me closer I need you all I your to pour out my love and to praise you over and over over [Music] [Music] the more I know you the more I want to I can't enough the more I know you the more I want I more I know you the more I want you I Can't Get Enough the more I know you the more I want to oh it's our cry the more I know you the more I want to I can't the I know you the more I want to I Can't Get Enough I need you more than I bre you have to my heart and rep holding me closer yes you are I you oh I am at your feet to pour out my love and to praise you over [Music] hey Gateway Church [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's right we're still a church amen we're still a church listen I want to I want to welcome all of you here those of you that are joining us online those of you that are part of our Gateway Gatherings we're so glad you chose to worship with us this weekend and listen I want to say as we begin today first I just want to say I'm sorry I know that many of you have come into this place in different places some of you you come in today and your heartbroken some of you you come into this place and you're angry some of you you've come into this place and your hope has never been more sure that we're all in different places but here's what's so beautiful we serve a God that will meet us wherever we are today amen we serve a Jesus that will leave the 99 to go find the one he's still God he's still King he's still on the throne he's still Our Savior he's still Our Redeemer he's still the King of Kings he's still the Lord of lords and we're going to choose to worship him today we're going to choose to give him praise and glory and honor so let's give give him praise and worship His [Music] [Applause] [Music] Name sing let I prise be your welcome let our songs be a sign that we are here for yes Jesus but we are here [Music] for let your breath come from Heaven fill our hearts with your life cuz we are your yes oh we are come on see your hearts to you our hearts are open nothing is se you our one Des for you alone Are Holy only you are worthy God let your f for [Music] down let us shout feel with the you're in now come through the SK cuz we are here for you God cuz we are in for you yeah let the word move in power let put stand Oh Come toon life cuz we are your for you yeah cuz we are for you come on to your heart see your hearts are open nothing is in you are one J oh cuz you are holy only you are worthy God that's you f for God yeah you are heart to open nothing it is you are our one Des you Lord Are Holy Holy you are worthy God let your fful [Applause] down let's you fire for time let's your fire fall down he come on lift a place in this place you are good God you alone are good come on we welcome him with praise today come on we sing we welcome you with praise we welcome you with praise Alm Mighty God Al love we welcome in this place we welcome you with praise we welcome you with praise Mighty God oh let every heart let every heart and SW let every soul away oh mighty God of love oh you are welcome in this place we welcome you with praise Mighty God Al love you are welcome in in this [Music] Jesus Jesus thank you Jesus come on don't stop welcoming for a moment let's continue let's welcome him we enter his gates with Thanksgiving we enter his courts with praise We Praise You Jesus we praise you that you're here that your presence is what matters we praise you God We Praise You In This House we welcome you with praise father we thank you that you are good and you do good and that your presence is here and where your presence here hope is there where your presence is peace is there where your presence is strength is there and so we receive those things now today in jesus' name amen amen give him praise one more time amen amen [Applause] amen well as we continue in the service again I do want to welcome all of you and uh today we're going to meet with God Amen and uh in a few moments one of our elders Trey Wilbanks is going to come and share but before we turn our attention to him I want you to take a moment and just turn around this is family time we need each other right now amen and so I want you to turn around be friendly be family and connect with people and then have your seat [Music] my name is Trey will Banks and I'm here to speak to you on behalf of the Gateway Elders I really wish that I could sit down with each one of you individually and talk to you oneon-one standing before you right now may be the most difficult thing I've ever had to do so I ask for your grace as I speak to you today because I'm going to speak to you personally as a father as a husband and a non-staff Elder since 2014 I'm going to try to speak to you from my heart today so I wrote my thoughts down to make sure I say exactly what I want to say my wife Shelley and I have seven children including six girls as a father what has happened is extremely disturbing and I'm experiencing ing a wide range of emotions like you as an elder I did not know the truth and frankly like so many of you my wife and I are shocked devastated and grieving firstly I'd like to express my personal compassion for Cindy Clemens Shire I can't imagine carrying a burden like that for so many years and I want to say to you Cindy I'm so sorry I'm also very sensitive to anyone else in this room or anyone who is listening who's experienced abuse I know that there are many in this room at our other campuses and many watching online who have their own horrific abuse story and I want to speak to you I'm so sorry I'm just so sorry I cannot imagine the pain and the emotions this past week has stirred inside of you as you felt betrayed and on behalf of the elders we're sorry this past week the board of Elders accepted the resignation of our Senior Pastor Robert Morris our tagline at Gateway Church is we're all about people and you can't be all about people if you aren't committed to protecting people we are committed to protecting people first and foremost children and the most vulnerable simply put abuse in any form cannot be tolerated and we as Elders have the responsibility to do whatever it takes to learn the truth and I want you to know that as your elders we are deeply committed to walking in integrity and finding the truth we moved quickly this week to hire an independent outside Law Firm to conduct a comprehensive and independent inquiry into this entire situation the elders and you must know the facts and we must enforce accountability having this review completed by an independent outside organization is is critical and we will report back to you once their work is complete and please know that the board of Elders is fully cooperating with this independent work which has already begun and I ask that we all be patient while we give them time to do their work now I want to get very personal and I apologize if I get emotional as I said before I'm a father of six girls and this has been a difficult thing to explain to them this past week and our family this past week like all of you has shed tears had heavy conversations and we've been in deep prayer we've prayed for Cindy Clemen Shire we prayed for her family we've prayed for the entire Morris family we're praying for you and we're praying for our staff and our whole church family our family has been going to Gateway Church for 18 years we go to Gateway Church not because of a building or a person our family goes to this church because we've seen the Lord move here [Applause] our family goes here because we're inspired by you in the work that you do to those who are in need and to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ our family goes here because of the deep relationships that we've formed with close friends who help us grow closer to Christ Our Kids met Jesus here some of our kids have been baptized here all of our kids have been transformed by the students Ministry I'm aware that many in this room have seen their marriages saved because of the healing power of Jesus showing up in our marriage Ministry many in this room have overcome depression and iniquity because of chyros and many of us have made it through Unthinkable and painful circumstances because of our grief Ministry so what about the future of our church frankly this past week I've just been trying to get through each day and there are a lot of unknowns the truth is I don't know what God's plans are but I know that I'm going to continue to Worship the Lord [Applause] and I'm going to Worship the Lord in this [Applause] place Jesus said I will build my church I want to remind you this is his church this is Jesus's Church [Applause] and the elders are humbly and firmly submitted to what he wants to do with this church I believe the Lord built Gateway Church and I believe that the Lord worked through all of you to build Gateway Church he worked through our alter Ministry Ministry he worked through our marriage Ministry he worked through our children's workers he's worked through our prophetic Ministry he's worked through our parking attendance he's worked through our greeters he's worked through the staff and all of the volunteers at Gateway Church so my encouragement to you today is to take these upcoming days weeks months and turn your hearts to our Lord Lord and Savior let us remember Jesus specific commands that we love the Lord Our God with all of our heart with all of our soul with all of our mind all of our strength and that we love others this is our important responsibility to follow the lord Jesus regardless of the Season mountain or desert and I believe he will lead us together through this I'm clinging to the word of God right now his word is a lamp into my feet he will never leave us or forsake us he is near to the Brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit and he set enthroned in the flood we're praying for you all we love you we appreciate you and we're thankful that you're here today may I pray for you Lord Jesus we worship you we praise you and we lift your name on high you are worthy of Our Praise regardless of the season and we worship you in this difficult time you don't owe us anything yet you've turned your heart toward us in a mighty way through your son Jesus and now Lord we cling to you we cling to you in this difficult season would you wrap us in your love and comfort Us in the ways only you can heal us father heal us of our Brokenness create in us a clean heart and help us as we battle unforgiveness and doubts wrap us in your love and lead us father help us not to be given into bitterness and have your way in this place Lord we love you amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know I don't know about you but as I was listening to Trey I was reminded I'm great ful for leadership that says this is not about a person or a personality this is about a king and his name is Jesus amen his name is Jesus and I was thinking in Acts chap 12: 5 there's this part where Peter's in trouble but the Bible says but the church was earnestly praying Peter's in trouble but the church was earnestly praying a few weeks ago I went uh to visit one of my best friends church and it was interesting because before worship started he stands up and he says Hey I want to do something I want us to take a moment and I want us to pray for each other worship hadn't started first time guests are there and he says hey everybody we're going to pray for each other and he says listen I want you to turn around to your neighbor ask them their prayer requests and pray with them and I talked to him afterwards I'm like what why would you do that and he's going well first of all the church prays that as a family as a body of Believers we pray but he said I'm assuming everybody coming in has a need and here's what I know in this room today as we listen to Trey and as we navigate what's going on you've all come in and you're in different places here at our campuses at our Gatherings online I want us to do something I want us to pray I want us to pray if you're with your family you can Circle up with your family right now if you're with your spouse you can grab their hand if you're by yourself find someone don't be alone pray with them but all I want you to do is just wherever you are at every single campus just take a moment right now and we're just going to pray I'll lead us but this is corporate prayer and so I want you to speak out as well and so right now just move just just find someone just circle up we're just going to pray or grab a hand or look at someone I'll like I said I'll lead us in prayer but we're all in different places here and I believe God wants to minister right where you are so father we thank you that this isn't about a person this is about a king and your name is Jesus and you said that we should always pray and never give up and so as a body as a family we come together right now and we pray we pray father for the person that's standing next to us we speak healing over them we speak blessing over them we speak strength over them we speak release over them we declare hope over them we speak that to all the campuses we speak that online we declare in the name of Jesus Christ that you are Our Hope father we speak Clarity to those that are confused right now we speak strength to those that are weak God and for those that are hurting we declare that you really are close to the Brokenhearted may they s your nearness [Music] now and [Music] father we take a moment right now according to Hebrews chapter 2 or chapter 12: 2 where the scripture says that Jesus is our champion that he is the author and the perfector of our faith and therefore just before that it says fix your eyes on Jesus and so God we say as a declaration in this house we are fixing our eyes on Jesus because you are the author the perfector and the champion of our faith in jesus' name amen amen let's give him praise one more time amen [Music] [Applause] well if you're standing you may be seated uh Trey mentioned earlier the scripture out of Psalm 119 it says your word is a lamp into our feet and a light into our path and often where we can be in a season of disorientation we need a lamp right we we need a light we need the word of God and I'm so excited that today we have Pastor Yoakam lungis with us [Music] and he just recently spoke at our student conference and he is not a guest here Church he's been here so many times he's family he and Maria they're family here and and we're super excited because we feel like God's orchestrated this time he has a now word for us specifically in this season and so I want you to join me in welcoming Pastor [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo thank you thank you Lord Jesus amen amen you may be seated oh my dear brothers and sisters of Gateway I've never come to this church ever with a heavy heart before but I I do today and at the same time I've never wanted to be with you more than I have this past week and I'm not here to comment on details or what has happened I'm here because the church that I love so much is hurting and I pray that God will speak to your heart through his word and for those of you who feel troubled and feel pain that there will be healing through the presence of his spirit amen first of all in in think in times like these there are so many voices heard there are voices of pain and confusion and and disappointment and anger and grief all kinds of voices but I just want to remind you kateway church that the most important voices that are raised right now are the voices of prayer for this church from all over the world all over the world Saints have joined in prayer I'm part of a global pastor's Network and earlier this week I opened my WhatsApp to to our group and I couldn't even begin to count the posts from people pastors individuals churches praying in Sri Lanka in Lebanon in in uh Australia in Russia in Germany all over the world Brazil Nigeria everybody proclaimed we love Gateway Church we pray for Gateway Church God will bless Gateway Church so if there are times where you might feel alone or exposed just remember that you are covered in the prayers of the Saints from all over the world these are churches you have ministered to throughout the years that are now turning back to you and ministers to you through their prayers and their intercessions isn't it beautiful with the church the church is such an incredible and beautiful thing now I was obviously scheduled to speak here a long long time ago and then with the events of this previous week I started actually to think that maybe God orchestrated this maybe God ordained so that you and I could be together here on this Sunday because I know your pain and I can identify with it many many years ago when Maria my beautiful wife and I took our church and became senior pastors we had a beautiful initial time of so much momentum and enthusiasm and people were pouring into our church but then like eight or nine months later all these bombs started to blow up in our faces so many weird thing crisis that had nothing to do with us that was all part of of the previous leadership and the founding pastors of the church but we were the ones that needed to take care of it and we were the ones that needed to take the hand of our church and and and gently leaded through that season of the Valley of Tears step by step by step and it was hard and it was painful and it involved the heartbreaking also of the dramatic and pain ful exit of a very beloved and respected founding pastor but gayway church I can tell you just because that happened to us that there is a going in but there also a coming out of pain and I can tell you not as a well-meaning hope but from the perspective of personal experience after death there will be Resurrection after the darkest night there will be a Beautiful Dawn and if we take these processes like these before the Lord in humility and in the fear of God he can actually work through them to make us better than we ever were before and I want to share a word with you that I shared with my church back when we were hurting and back when we passed through that that Valley of Tears and I pray that this word will bring you some comfort and some hope and if you want a headline for what I'm about to say let's call it what to do when the unthinkable happens what to do when the unthinkable happens and I'm going to use the story of Jesus and Lazarus now when we hear about Jesus and Lazarus we immediately instinctively think oh praise God that's a wonderful story about an amazing miracle and yes it was because we know it we know the ending but I want you to try to look at this story from the perspective of the people who walked through it in real time not knowing that the resurrection will come right at the end and if you look at it from that perspective this is a weird story this is a story of heartbreak and quite a lot of confusion but still it's it's also a story that teach us valuable lessons about how what to do when the unthinkable happens now the setting is that we have three siblings Martha Mary Lazarus and um they live in a village called Bethany outside of Jerusalem at this point Jesus is another part of the nation and um Lazarus has fallen ill he's becoming very sick and it says in John 11 verse 5 now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus so when he heard that Lazarus was sick he stayed where he was two more days and then he said to his disciples let us go back to Judea did you notice that these two sentences did not match at all cuz what we wanted to hear is Jesus loved Lazarus so he rose up immediately and he walked to him to be with him in his time of need you don't want to know that Jesus loved Lazarus so he did nothing so he stayed where he was that's that sounds illogical later on he he actually arrives verse 17 on his arrival Jesus found that Lazarus has already been in the Tomb for 4 days verse 20 when Martha heard that Jesus was coming she went out to meet him but Mary stayed at home Lord Martha said to Jesus if you had been here my brother would not have died some people might say that Martha accused Jesus but honestly I don't hear accusation I hear pain I hear hurt I hear a heartbroken person and uh what Martha has to process here really is even more than the the fact that her beloved brother is dead and she will never see him again she also has to process the fact that the only one who could help the only one who could heal chose not to the only one who she thought would always be there for them and release the power of God and do the impossible chose to be elsewhere they asked for Jesus to come they asked for Jesus Jesus to help and he did not come and he did not help the big question is where was God in all this where was God in all this but still through this story and what's about to happen we learn how to position ourselves and what to do when we're faced with similar situations ourselves and the very first thing that I want to point out the most important one out of the three stay close to Jesus when the unthinkable happens stay close to Jesus some people run away from him when the unthinkable happens run to him maybe he will not give you all the answers that you want but he will minister to your heart and there's a beautiful segment here verse 28 it says she that is Martha went back and called her sister Mary aside the teacher is here she said and he asking for you when Mary heard this she got up quickly and went to him verse 32 when Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him she fell at his feet and said Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died that's exactly word for word the same statement that Martha did they're experiencing the same hurt they're experiencing the Same Heart Brokenness they're experiencing the same questions an inner turmoil however M Mary brings her pain to the feet of Jesus and let me tell you Gateway crying at the feet of Jesus is completely different from crying anywhere else completely different coming to Jesus might not give you all the answers for all the questions that you have but you know what answers will rarely heal our hearts but the presence of Jesus will the presence of Jesus Will so when you have question marks when your world comes tumbling down when the unthinkable happens run to him bring your pain along with you present it to him and let his presence start to heal and restore your heart and your soul amen kway you remember that story in Joshua chapter 6 when Joshua's just taken over the leadership of Israel after Moses they've crossed the Jordan they now come into the promised land and um they're heading up to Jericho the big fortified City that would be the first one for them to conquer and I'm sure that Joshua felt the pressure of the moment Moses has been a stand up man of God and all of a sudden now Joshua has taken the mantle taken the Baton and he's going to run in and start to fulfill his race which is to reclaim Israel for God and right before they come up against Jericho there's a man that appears to him remember this story this man introduces himself as the commander of the army of the Lord and immediately mediately when this man of God Appears Joshua asks him what is the message from the Lord to his servant and and I I recognize myself in Joshua so many times I've done that so many times as soon as the presence of God comes oh here are my wish lists and here are my uh you know uh need lists and okay I need this answer I need this message I need this solution I need this instruction I need the house I need the answers I need the ABCs and the one 123s but I love the response from this man of God because he doesn't answer a single question he doesn't even have a message he just simply says take off your I was about to say take off your feet he did not say that that that would be a morbid request actually that that will be that would be very very special okay sorry English Second Language struggling still sometimes but doing my very best okay he said take take off your shoes nothing else nothing else shoes is fine let's just stop at shoes okay let's go let's not go any further than that take up your shoes for this is Holy Ground and Joshua did so so and then this it stops there is no conversation there is no message there is just a Holy Ground and I do believe this encounter is in the Bible because we need to be reminded time and time again sometimes we don't need the answers sometimes we just need his presence sometimes we will never find out why or how and when but we just need his presence to fill us and to restore us and to get us ready to stand up again and keep walking into our destiny can we say Amen in G Church stay close to Jesus the second thing that we need to do when the unthinkable happens stay close to your family stay close to your community stay close to your church there are some beautiful verses in the passage of Lazarus right here verse 19 says many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother verse 31 when the Jews who had been with Mary in the house comforting her noticed how quickly she got up and went out that was when Jesus arrived they followed her supposing she was going to go to the tomb to m born there how beautiful I see church right here if there is one house who suffers if there is one house who hurts and is heartbroken all these other people come and join they come together and they're going to be there to mourn and to comfort and to encourage I had a person asked me a few days ago are you going to go to Gateway this weekend to preach I said of course I am of course I [Applause] am cuz Maria and I love this church this church is family and in times of need families do not dissolve families come together families come together families come together this group of people I'm so touched by this group of people this nameless group of people that just spontaneously runs to the comfort and the ministry of those who hurt and even when they see Mary leave the house they assume oh she's going to go to the grave and mourn okay she's not going to go anywhere by her own no one is going to be hurting alone on my watch so all these people read ready and prepared to go with her and make sure that as we go through this we're going to go through it together I've heard Christians sometimes who have been let down by church or disappointed at failing preachers and pastors and they might say things like okay that's it I'm fed up with church from now now on I'm just going to read my Bible and pray at home I don't want to be disappointed again now I respect the hurt that brought you to that conclusion but it is the wrong conclusion we are not called to be alone we are called to be parts of a body that is called the body of Christ that is the church and then and only then will we find our destiny and um without that body without that church we lose balance we lose focus we see that even in the life of the Prophet Elijah remember First Kings chapter 18 the story of The Miracle on Mount Carmel fire comes from heaven and all of Israel sees it and it proclaims the Lord is God the Lord is God but the very next day Elijah is shaken to the core because of a death threat from Queen Jezebel and he says he left his servants behind and he walked all alone a Day's Journey Into the desert and out in the desert his perspective it starts to twist be twisted around and all of a sudden says Lord every single one in Israel has left you and there's only me left take my life and we go hey Elijah in the chapter before actually all of Israel proclaimed the Lord is God the Lord is God but that is what loneliness will do to you that is what what will happen if we don't have other people around us so I praise God for the church I praise God for fellowship and I praise God for family number two stay close to your family when the unexpected happens and the very last thing I want to share with you number three keep believing in the resurrection power of Jesus Keep Gateway Church keep believing in the resurrection power of Jesus there will be Resurrection and power there will be a new day there will be a new chapter there will be a new dawn there will be a new momentum Jesus asks Martha in verse 25 Jesus said to her I am the resurrection and the life the one who believes in me will live even though they die and whoever lives by believing in me will never die do you believe this do you believe this Martha even though you don't have the answers even if your world is shaking right now even if everything that you thought you knew is shaken and and you're questioning it all uh you don't have to have it all together you don't have to have all the answers you can be sad you can be hurt you can be heartbroken the only thing he asks is do you trust that he is in control that's all that's all even though you're passing through the valley of Tears even though all the things that you thought you knew have been proven wrong do you trust that he is in control do you trust that he's the Alpha and the Omega do you trust that he is the resurrection and the life that's all you need to answer that's the question that is everything that needs an answer really and now what an amazing attitude in a woman that has had her whole reality her whole life completely turned upside down she says yes Lord I believe that you are the Messiah the Son of God who has come into the world keep believing in the resurrection power of Jesus verse 41 so they took away the stone then Jesus looked up and said father I thank you that you have heard me I thank you that you always hear me but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here that they may believe that you have sent me when he had said this Jesus called in a loud voice Lazarus come out the dead man came out his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen and a cloth around his face Jesus said to them take off the grave clothes and let him go if we stay close to Jesus if we stay close to one another and if we keep believing in the resurrection power of Jesus death will always be followed by New Life night will always be followed by a new day sorrow will always be followed by Joy Gateway can we say Amen to the word of God I just say before I pray for you Gateway Church you have been given a vision from God you have been given a mission from God you have been given a race to run you have been given a job to complete and you have done good you have touched the world but you are not done yet you are not done yet by any means and I do believe that in and through this painful passage God is setting you up for the next level God is about to start a new chapter I have the honor and privilege to be here last night and I saw this room full of thousands of teenagers Jesus loving passionate hungry for God teenagers this entire Church full of the Next Generation Gateway they are part of your next chapter they are part of their next chapter they're ready to be mentored they're ready to go out and change the world but in order for that to happen they need a house they need a home they need a greenhouse where all the seeds that God has planted in their hearts will grow they need a generation of fathers and mothers they are part of your future and there is so much else that God is going to add in the days to come a vision is not the property of a specific individual a vision is the property of a local church men will come and men will go but God will always remain in the center of his church [Applause] men will fall and women will fall but you know what Jesus will never fall off his throne and that Jesus will complete the good work that he has begun at Gateway Church can we say Amen in the house of the Lord he will complete it he will complete it he will complete it sometimes through pain sometimes through the night sometimes through the valley of tears but he will complete it every word that he spoken will be come will come into reality none of it will fall to the ground the enemy might try to come and steal and kill and destroy but Jesus will give you life and life in abundance in jesus' name as you stand would you just come into the presence of the the Lord going to take some time in In Worship in just a while and step into that presence that I talked about and if you're hurting you can bring that pain to Jesus and start to allow his presence to heal you father we come before your holy presence and we bring our pain to the feet of Jesus father we ask that your healing presence will touch every heart we pray that as it does our hearts and our souls and our trust will be rebuilt and restored father heal this church father Comfort this church I pray that you will take every single member every single part of this beautiful body of Christ into your beautiful healing restoring Embrace make them one like never before Lord as they stay before Jesus and near Jesus I pray that they will come together like never before be there for one another mourn with one another encourage one another and comfort one another and father we believe that you are the resurrection and the life we believe for a new day we believe for a new chapter we believe for a new season and what was born out of pain will Triumph into new outpour pourings of the spirit new Holiness new humility new fear of God new Purity Gateway Church the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord lift up his face upon you and and show you mercy and Grace the Lord will lift up his countenance to you and give you peace peace peace that passes all understanding and may the Lord Jesus who sits solidly and firmly on his throne complete the good work that he has begun in this church not for the glory of a man or a church or a movement but for the glory of the beautiful wonderful Eternal name of Jesus Christ from Naz let's give him glory let's lift up our voices and give praise and honor and worship to the name above all names Hallelujah We Worship You Jesus we worship you Jesus we worship you Jesus [Music] amen come on let's worship together let's respond [Music] the solid rock [Music] twist my hope is built on nothing [Music] less than Jesus blood and [Music] righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame no no but holy trust in Jesus [Music] name my hope is built on nothing [Music] less than Jesus blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest friend but holy trust in Jesus name Christ Alone Corner come on sing it out weak made strong in the savior's love through the storm he is Al Lord alone yes he is Darkness seems to hide his face I rest on his unchanging Grace in every High the storm again my Anor HS within yes it does w my anchor HS [Music] within yeah Christ Al longone [Music] Cornerstone weak made strong in the savior's love through my storm he is Lord Lord of [Music] all he is Lord Christ Alone Cornerstone oh weak May strong and the savior's Lord through the storm he is Lord Lord our yeah Christ Alone Corner St weak made strong in the savior's love through the storm he is Lord Lord of [Music] all and he shall come with with trumpet down oh may I then in him be found dressed in his rightousness alone oh F to stand Before the Throne thank you King Jesus come on let's just stretch our arms high in Worship in honor to the king of Kings the Lord of lords you alone are worthy you alone are worthy King Jesus you are our firm foundation and Lord we turn our eyes to you because in you we trust you are Our Hope thank you King Jesus come on every voice lifted High declaring this Christ Our Cornerstone Christ [Music] and the savior's love through the storm he is Lord Lord of all Christ Alone chist St we may strong you s is through the storm he Lord [Music] he's Christ Corner St me we may strong in the sai's RO through the stor he is Lord [Music] Christ Corner St weak made strong in the saor through the [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I prove him all and all Jesus Jesus preious oh for to [Music] trust Jesus Jesus trust [Music] how we'll sing it out jesuses [Music] Jes for to [Music] trust we will turn our eyes upon look fall in his [Music] wonderful and the SE will GR in the [Music] we will turn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the [Music] glor fix our eyes on you Jesus I have this thirst only you can [Music] s my heart bir with all [Music] consing I search and see but you're never hard to find the more of you I see the more that I desire every voice we sing I need you more than the air that I Brea you capture my heart every ping me closer there is no one else there is nothing like your love it's every taste I jesus I can't get enough I need you more than the air that I Breath You C capur my heart every need and you're pulling me closer yes you are yes you are I need you all that I am at your feet to pour out my love and to praise you over and over oh over and over we pour out our love on you Jesus the worthy King the worthy King we pour out our love on you Jesus the worthy one the worthy one the more I know the more I know you the more I want to and I can't get enough the more I know you the more I want to and I can get and love sing it out the more I know you the more I want to and I can't get enough no the more I know you the more I want to and I can't get off of you J Jesus the more I know you the more I want you and I can't get enough oh the more I know you the more I want you and I can't get enough cuz I need you more than be it I believe you captured my heart everything and you you're pulling me closer yes you are I need you all that I am at your feet to to pour out my love and to praise you over and over and over and over and over and over the more I know you the more I want to and I can't get up oh the more I know you the more I want to and I can't enough the more I know you the more I want you and I can't get enough so more I know you the more I want to I can't get enough cuz I need you more than me I bre yout my heart [Music] are all that I am your Fe [Music] [Music] over [Music] we pour out our love on you Jesus this is all about you you're worthy of it [Music] all you worthy of it [Music] all for from you are all things and to you are all things you deserve the glory GL you worthy of it [Music] all you worthy of it [Music] all for from you are all things into you are all things you deserve the glory yes you do [Music] Lord you rain above it all you rain above it all over the universe and over every heart there is no high name Jesus you re above all let all of Heaven and the Earth erupt in song sing Hallelujah to the Everlasting one there is no higher name Jesus you R Above It come on me say you R above it all you rain above it [Music] all over the universe and over every heart there is no higher name Jesus you rain above it all let all of Heaven and the Earth theups in s sing Hallelujah to the Everlasting one there is no high your name Jesus you reain above you all on the cross the work was finished got you pourn out your life just to give us new life now from the lips of the forgi here the [Music] emise Jesus your alive oh you rain above it all you R above it all over the universe and over every heart there is no higher name Jesus you re above it all let all of Heaven and the Earth erup in [Applause] song sing Hallelujah to the Everlasting there is no higher name Jesus you re above it all yes you do Lord over everything you're rain above it all cuz you sent the darkness running out of an empty grave now seated alone in glory enth throned on the highest praise cuz you sent the darkness running out of an empty grave now seated alone in glory enthroned on the highest praise cuz you sent the darkness running out of an empty grave now seated alone in glory throned on the highest praise you the darkness run now seated alone in glory and thr on the highest graise cuz you s the darkness running out of V gra now seated in Alon in glory on the highest gra he in the darkness running out of V great the seated Glory Glory with Jo on the highest [Music] place you above it all you great above it all yes GL over the universe and over every heart there is no higher name yeah Jesus you re above you all let all all of Heaven and the Earth the roing song sing Hallelujah to the Everlasting one there is no higher Jesus you above the Lord you a above [Music] all no one Higher no one greater no one creater oh you re above you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord come on can we give him some praise He reigns above it all he reigns over the circumstances he reigns over every situation he reigns over it all Jesus we de your name is above every other [Music] name we serve a God who Reigns above it all [Music] amen I was thinking while we were worshiping Hosea 2 verse1 15 in the New Living Translation of the Bible says this is God speaking to and through the prophet Hosea he says there I will give her Vineyards back to her which is a promise of restoration and then he goes on to say and I will transform the valley of trouble into a Gateway of hope I don't know about you but I feel that happening tonight amen that God is taking the low place he's taking the the dark place and he's saying listen I'm going to turn it into an entryway a doorway a Gateway of Hope amen this is a place of hope God's not done with us Gateway he's not done with us amen amen listen as we get ready to wrap up I want to invite our prayer team to come forward and as they are making their way forward I do want us to honor Pastor Yokum wasn't that a powerful Message Church such a good word thank you thank you thank you for speak life over us today such a powerful word I want to let you know that we are still all about people and as a part of that we know that many of you are in different places and our heart is to care for you and to walk with you and so when you leave today out in the lobby at an area called connect Central which is between these two main doors there's actually going to be a signup sheet for anybody that wants to sit down and meet with a pastor Pastor you can just walk out of these doors sign up there and we'll follow up with you we want to be there to Pastor you and to walk with you through this so make sure you do that also we want to pray with you tonight you see our leaders here at the front if you have a need today if you're walking through something going through a difficulty maybe you're triggered by everything that's going on maybe you're just wrestling maybe you need physical healing whatever it is in a moment I'm just going to pray a blessing over you out of Numbers Chapter 6 but when I say Amen as people believe if you have a need today any need whatsoever you can just start making your way forward we'll stay here as long as we need to because we want to pray for you we believe that God answers prayer amen amen so if you feel comfortable would you just turn your hands upward like this this is just an outward expression of the inward posture of our hearts and that is to receive and I'm just going to Echo the prayer that Pastor Yoakam spoke over us out of numb six because it's really what God spoke to Moses to tell Aaron to bless his people and so father I just speak over my brothers and sisters the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace amen amen God bless you we love you if you have a prayer need you can come [Music] [Music] forward behold now the way of Glory
Channel: Gateway Church
Views: 56,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gateway church, robert morris, gateway worship
Id: RThg6uyysQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 55sec (5515 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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