Gaten Matarazzo Had an Unsettling Encounter with Vecna on the Stranger Things Set (Extended)

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-The charades champion. -Right? -Yes! We are the champs. -Not deserved at all. -No, not at all. No, not at all. But, by the way, you kept saying, "Hey, we're going to come back. We're going to come back." And what did we do? -Exactly. -Came back. Unbelievable. Yeah, I want to talk about this, "Dear Evan Hansen." -Yeah. -You're coming back to Broadway. -I am. -Are you -- [ Cheers and applause ] -Thank you very much. Is it like riding a bike? Do you go, "Oh, I know how to do this -- Broadway"? -A little bit. It's more -- So, if that's riding a bike, this is kind of like getting on a motorcycle. -Oh, it is? -Yeah, a little bit, just because I haven't been -- I haven't run in a show long term, consistently since I was 12, and that was before my voice changed. I was only doing four shows a week then. Now I'm doing eight. -I can just imagine it's just so straining on your voice to do -- -Especially -- Yeah, this show is not kind to most of the performers in it. And I'm playing Jared. I'm very, very excited. And -- -Wow! When does it begin? When do you -- -I open July 19th. -Wow! -Yeah. -That's soon. It is soon. -That whole cast of "Stranger Things" can all sing. -A good portion, yes. -It's, like, a talented cast. -Some of them much better than I can, yeah. -Remember, I think, Season 1, do you remember that you were doing this thing that all the rest of the cast was getting annoyed by. You kept singing, "Oh, my God"? -[ Laughs ] -Do you remember this? -♪ Oh, my God ♪ Yeah, that one. -Yeah, yeah, You kept saying, "Oh, my God." And everyone was like, "Will you stop saying that?" But that was your catchphrase at the time. -At the time, yeah. I wanted something that, like, they'd hear just in the distance and they'd be like, "Oh, there he is." -Yeah. Can you do it one more time? -♪ Oh, my God ♪ I was better at it when I was like 14. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ I was better -- -No, it's so good. That should be -- Someone should sample that and put it in a song. -Well, it's better when The Roots can accompany you with it. -Can you do a little bit of a... ♪♪ -Yeah. -[ Humming ] -♪ Oh, my God ♪ -Yeah. -Yeah, of course. It's perfect. -♪ Oh, my God ♪ -Yeah. That's what we need, yeah. -In the show, I guess I got to see "NeverEnding Story," of course. -Yeah. -We'll get to that. "Running Up That Hill," by the way. How about that? -Right? -That's taking a life of its own. -It's great for me. -Yeah. -Because it's replaced "NeverEnding Story." -Oh, because that was your thing. -Oh, yeah. That was -- -We've done stuff with you on the show where like, "Do you mind doing that?" But now it's on Sadie's -- -Now it's sucks for Sadie. Yeah. But I'm in the clear for a bit. It's awesome. -Did you like hearing it, like, when you're doing it on the show? -I love doing it on the show. -Yeah. -Gabby, who plays Suzie, is just awesome and incredible. And she's a Broadway kid, as well. -Really? -Yeah, she was in "Fun Home" for like -- I just saw her. Like three or four years, she ran in that show, which is a really long time, especially for a kid actor. Yeah, but she's great. And when she came on set, we like heard it like 10 minutes before we shot. And then we, like, got a harmony track set up and all that jazz, yeah. -It was greatest. -It was fun. -When Sadie was on the show, she was -- I was talking about Vecna was the new character who has, like, kind of taken off a little bit. -Catch up. -Yeah, that show, "Stranger Things," yeah. Here's Vecna. And she said she had a very -- -There he is. -I go, "Was he frightening on the set? And she goes, "Actually, no, because I had -- My first time I met Vecna, he was eating a sandwich." -Yeah. -Kind of takes all the frightening out as he's eating a hoagie. Just chomping on a hoagie. -It reminds -- I saw him once during filming of Volume 1. I saw him at -- Like one time. And we were doing, like -- I was in costume, and we were doing 3-D scans. Like, you have to go into your room and, like -- They, like, take a bunch of pictures all around, 'cause there's a lot of animation in the show, especially this year. And so it was kind of, like, a little line of, like, the cast, like, in costume, like, they went -- whenever they had free time during filming. And I saw -- -Vecna? -Yeah. I saw Vecna sitting there. And I looked over. I was like, "Hi. it's great to see you." I hadn't seen him since the table read. And he was just like, "Yeah, how are you? It's good to see you." Like, just in a lawn chair, like, feet up, and, like, whole half, like, done up in Vecna gear. It is unsettling and just bonkers, yeah. -From the waist down wearing, like, sweatpants? -Yeah, pretty much, I think. I think, if I remember correctly. I was kind of drawn towards his messed-up face. But -- -And he's just talking to you like he's not Vecna? -Yeah, it was like, "How are you?" He's like, "It's good to see you." Like, he looked exhausted. -That reminds me. We did a bit, The Roots and I did, at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. And we're on the float and we're on a bus. You know, they put all the people that are going to be on the floats on a bus before you go on the float. And, so, it was me and The Roots and Ronald McDonald. And it's just great. The guy was so nice. But he's dressed like Ronald McDonald. -But he's Ronald McDonald. -Yeah, and he's having a normal conversation, like, drinking a coffee. He's like, "Yeah, man, the subway was crazy." I go, "I can't have -- You're Ronald McDonald." -Did you laugh? -No. No, I just had to tell him, "You've got to stop, because, like, you're dressed like Ronald McDonald." -I wouldn't have been able to breathe. -Had a full-on hour-and-a-half conversation with Ronald McDonald. And we were all freaking out. We're like, "Oh, my gosh." And then, James -- -Of course you have, like, the -- you're doing the parade. That's pretty nerve-racking, right? -Yeah. We were nervous about that. But then we were all kind of just freaking out that Ronald McDonald was on the thing. And we're like -- And James was about to come on the bus, and we're like, "Oh, James is going freak out that we're talking to Ronald McDonald." And James came on the bus. Do you remember what he said, Quest? -Yeah. He was like, "What's up, Ron?" [ Laughter ] -He said, "What's up, Ron?" like he's one of our friends. It was like, we're sitting talking to Ronald McDonald. James is going -- And he goes, "What's up, Ron?" Like him and Ronald McDonald hang out or something. -What is it -- What are, like, the daily issues of Ronald McDonald? Like, what are like the -- -Putting curlers in the wig, yeah. He's got kind of a curled hairstyle. -Yeah. -He's got big shoes. -Beautifully coiffed. -He's got a coif, Ronald McDonald. Got the yellow jodhpurs. -It's a lot. Shoes are a bit big. -Shoes are giantly big. He's dressed like a clown. -Sure. -He's a pretty famous clown. I mean, he has to take, like, a car to wherever he's going. He can't take public transportation. -No. -You know? -I guess not, yeah. I never thought about the struggles of being Ronald McDonald, though, I go to say. -There's got to be a documentary there somewhere. -Yeah. -What goes on -- I mean, it's like Vecna. It's like Vecna. The poor guy can't even eat a sandwich. -He can't go anywhere. -He can't be on his cellphone, checking his voicemail. Can't go to Starbucks. He's like, "Ah, I'm Vecna." -"No, I got big [bleep] to do." -Yeah. "I got big things to do," yeah. Season 4, Volume 2 comes out this Friday. -Yeah. -I know you've done -- [ Cheers and applause ] You've done a great job not giving any spoilers away, and I'm not going to get you in trouble. -Thank you. -I just want to -- This is your wardrobe. -Yeah. That's great. That's fun. -Yeah. Okay, so I'm assuming that there is some -- there's a big finale. -Yeah, as you can see. -Yes. There's also -- Here's you -- -There's a picture. I look so cute in that picture, don't I? -You look so cute here. Yeah. Oh, my God. This should be the poster for it. -That's the new Instagram bio pic right there. -But when you're doing this, you go, "Okay, Oh, my gosh. We have -- They go, "Oh, there's two new episodes coming out." And you go, "Yeah." They go, "Oh, two? That's it?" And you go, "No." Every episode is like -- The first episode's like two hours? -The first episode -- so eighth episode is, I think, probably an hour and a half. But Episode 9 is getting close to 2 1/2 hours. It's a movie. -That is a movie right there coming out. -I know. -You did a movie. They're all kind of beautifully done. -They're basically just -- It's nine movies, practically. All of them are close to an hour and a half. All of them over an hour. -They're so good. And it's all starting to pay off. And everything works and it's really cool. -Yeah, we definitely -- You learn a lot. -You learn a lot, yeah. -Yeah. -And it's a scary and it's good. -Yeah. -Yeah. I want to show everyone a clip. Here's Gaten Matarazzo in Season 4 of "Stranger Things." Take a look at this. -Hey, Steve. -Did you guys see this? -How many phones do you have? -Someone was murdered. -How many phones do you have? -Uh, two. Why? -Uh, technically three if you count Keith's in the back. -Yeah, three works. -What are you doing? Whoa! What are you -- -My pile! -No, no, no, no! Not my tapes! Dude! What are you doing, man? -Setting up base of operations here. -Base of operations? -Stop. Get off of that. -No. I need it. -Need it for what? -Looking up Eddie's friends' phone numbers. -Oh, Eddie. Your new best friend, Eddie, who you think is cooler than me because he plays your nerdy game? -Yes! I never said that. -Seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday, you can play around in here like toddlers, but it's Saturday. It's our busiest day. -Alright, look. Robin, I totally empathize, but this cannot wait until Monday? -What? Because calling all of Eddie's friends is an emergency? -Correct! -Uh, do you want me to strangle him or do you want to do that? -We could take turns. -Yes, it's fun. Gaten Matarazzo, everybody. Season 4, Volume 2 of "Stranger Things" is on Netflix this Friday. And you can see Gaten in "Dear Evan Hansen" on Broadway starting July 19th.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 2,341,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy fallon, tonight show, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Prank Encounters, Stranger Things, Stranger Things season 4, Eleven, Sci-fi, millie bobby brown, Dustin, Gaten Matarazzo, Gaten Matarazzo interview, Gaten Matarazzo on Tonight Show, Gaten Matarazzo on Jimmy Fallon, Running Up That Hill, Never Ending Story, Dear Evan Hansen
Id: Au-44X7DMMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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