Gate-All-Around — The Future of Transistors

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We are on the cusp of a major shift in  semiconductor manufacturing. The physical   form of the transistor is changing. It’s only  the second time ever that the transistor is   being altered in such a fundamental way, the  last time it happened was over a decade ago. Gate-All-Around Field Effect Transistors  are not some far away vision of the future,   first chips with GAA-FETs already exist and  within just a few years, every chip produced   in a leading edge node will use Gate-All-Around,  promising improvements in power efficiency and   performance. But just like any new technology,  GAA comes with its own unique challenges. Let’s take a look at what Gate-All-Around  transistors are, talk about benefits and   challenges and figure out which process nodes  and potential products will be first to use   GAA. Because you might be able to buy  GAA based chips sooner than you think. The field effect transistor has always been about  control. Control over the flow of current between   source and drain. In order to exert control  over the flow of current, a gate is placed   in-between source and drain. This gate emits a  electromagnetic field, which affects the empty   space between source and drain, the so called  channel, and depending on if the electromagnetic   field is turned off or on, the current either  flows through the channel, or it doesn’t. That’s   the field effect. And that’s how the gate controls  the flow of the current. At least in theory. For many decades, transistors were designed  and build in 2D. In this transistor layout,   source, drain and gate are located on a  planar space, fittingly called a planar   transistor. The planar nature of this design  also meant that the electromagnetic field of   the gate can control the channel from only  one side, the top. Not much of a problem,   if the distance between source and drain  is large enough to allow for a large gate   with a large electromagnetic field. But  as transistors got smaller and smaller,   source and drain got closer and closer  and the gate also became smaller,   reducing the amount of control it had over the  flow of the current between source and drain. And because field effect transistors are  all about control, losing control was not   an option. The physical form of the transistor had  to change. The result was the FinFET transistor,   which is called that way, because it look  like the fin of a fish. FinFET transistors   raise the entire structure of the former  planar transistor into a 3D space, which   allows the gate to wrap around the channel  between source and drain from three sides   instead of only one. And more sides equals more  electromagnetic fields, thus more field effect   and thus more control. But because transistors  never stopped getting smaller, we are now at a   point where even FinFET transistors are not always  strong enough to control the flow of the current,   leading to unwanted side effects like a higher  power draw. Because if a closed gate isn’t able   to stop the flow of the current, even a transistor  that is supposed to be turned off consumes power. Considering the importance of the field effect  transistor in today's world, it has always been   surprising to me that the layout has only been  altered once so far. From planar to 3D. But   this is about to change, with Gate-All-Around  the transistor levels up for a second time. Again, it’s all about control. And the only  sure way to further increase the control of   the gate over the channel between source and  drain is to control it from more sides. Since   FinFETs already cover three sides, there isn’t  much room for improvement and as the names so   perfectly describes, with Gate-All-Around  transistors, the gate wraps all around   the channel. This means the electromagnetic  field can enter the channel from all sides,   offering the maximum amount of field effect  and thus control. Even if the gate itself   is very small. Which is important if we  actually want to continue shrinking the   transistor size further, beyond the  current 3nm class of process nodes. On paper, GAA seems like a simple and very obvious  solution, but when it comes to manufacturing,   Gate-All-Around transistors are a very different  beast. Planar and FinFETs can be manufactured   with the classic semiconductor production  steps of using lithography and etching to   form the physical shape of the transistors. But  because GAA-FETs include structures inside of   structures - the channel is fully enclosed by the  gate - you can’t continue to just use etching as a   method of production. Gate-All-Around transistors  use epitaxy, which is the deposition of material   onto the wafer, to define the channel size.  Gate-All-Around transistors are basically   deposited onto the wafer, instead of only  etched. Jon from Asianometry has a great   video about Gate-All-Around transistors  and because he’s not only more handsome   but also smarter than me, I recommend that you  check out his video if you are interested in a   in-depth look at how GAA is manufactured.  I’ll put a link in the video description. But not only production is complicated,  testing is also difficult. With planar and   FinFETs you could very straight forward measure  the size of your gate or fins and check if they   pass your quality control or not. With GAA,  you have to measure the channel size or the   dielectric material deposition that isolates  the channel from the gate in a structure,   that is completely wrapped inside another  structure. Metrology, the science of measuring,   has never been this important and difficult  at the same time. This increase in complexity   also means that the tools to design  next-gen Gate-All-Around devices,   like Electronic Design Automation software, has  to be adopted to the new reality of complex and   encompassing transistors. A area where  human minds are increasingly pushed to   their limits, and one of the truly exciting  applications of machine learning models. Modern semiconductors, and that literally includes  all current CPUs, GPUs and even memory chips,   require extreme precision, down to a nano scale  level. This need for ultra-high precision applies   to most of the process steps silicon wafers must  take in their journey through a semiconductor FAB.    One of the most important, but also difficult   steps during chip production, is deposition.  ASM’s systems are designed for deposition   processes where super thin films, or layers, of  various materials are grown or deposited onto the   wafer. And when I say super thin, I really mean at  nanoscale. One of the technologies that makes this   possible is called Atomic Layer Deposition, or  ALD for short, and I’m actually excited that ASM,   the market leader in ALD, is sponsoring this part of the video.     Every single one of you   watching right now probably owns and uses products  that have been built with technology from ASM,   because leading-edge foundries are relying on ASM  technology. Atomic Layer Deposition is one of the   few technologies, where the name is actually  spot on, because ASM’s tools literally deposit   materials atom by atom.     Since the early 1990s, ASM has focused  its efforts on deposition. In 2007,   their Pulsar ALD tool became the first system used  in the high-volume manufacturing of devices using   a new hafnium-based high-k gate dielectric  material. Since that breakthrough, ASM has   continued to increase their footprint with leading  edge customers. They have brought novel deposition   processes to the market to realize 3D device  architectures that can only be enabled by ALD.     Thanks again to ASM for   sponsoring this part of the video today. if you  want to know more about the tools used to produce   leading-edge computer chips, check them out at or at the link in the video description. With a perfectly fitting sponsor like that I  really don’t need a segway. But GAA does need   real world process nodes and products to show  the benefits of a gate with more control over   the channel. The benefits are supposed  to be around 20-25% lower power draw,   10% higher clock speeds and up  to a 15% increase in transistor   density. The exciting part is that all three  leading foundries, and that includes TSMC,   Samsung and Intel, either already have  GAA process nodes ready or are very close. This time, Samsung was first, with their Samsung  Foundry SF3E node. Unlike with TSMC, the “E” in   a Samsung node doesn’t stand for “enhanced”,  but for “early”. And it was a very early node,   the first one with Gate-All-Around transistors.  You can think of it as a kind of pipe cleaner,   to iron out the kinks. SF3E was low volume but it  did produce real chips. According to TechInsights,   MicroBT produced its “Whatsminer M56S++” crypto  mining chips in SF3E. Crypto mining chips are   relative simple, at least compared  to much more complex ASICs or SoC,   and contain very little SRAM cells, which  makes them perfect for early production runs. But Samsung isn’t stopping there. The  follow up SF3 node, which dropped the “E”,   had its first tape out just a few weeks  ago. All we know from the press release,   which was done in cooperation with Synopsis to  bring home the point that advanced EDA tools   are needed to design advanced Gate-All-Around  transistors, is that the chip in question is   a “Flagship Mobile CPU with Leading Performance”.  I’m actually very interested to see which company   is behind that product, leave your best guesses  down in the comments. There are plenty of options. From SF3 on, all following Samsung process  nodes will use GAA transistors and I’m sure   it won’t be long until we see plenty of  products based on this new technology. As   I said in the beginning of the video, GAA  isn’t in the future, it’s already here. Next in line is Intel and this is a very  interesting one, because GAA isn’t the   only new technology Intel is introducing with  its next-gen process nodes. I’ve already made   a in-depth video about Backside Power  Delivery on Intel’s 20A and 18A nodes,   but these nodes will also introduce RibbonFETs,  which is how Intel calls their GAA transistors.   20A is Intel’s in-house node and the  first available product should be some   upcoming Arrow Lake mobile variants.  I’m honestly looking forward to this,   because with GAA and backside power, Intel could  have a truly great process node on their hand. In 2025, 18A will follow, most likely with Panther  Lake. And if 18A is as good as Intel claims,   we might see plenty of other, non Intel chips,  produced in 18A by Intel’s new foundry business. Last, but certainly not least, is TSMC. TSMC  is a bit more conservative in their technology   roadmap. GAA transistors will be introduced with  the next-gen N2 product family, while backside   power delivery will follow at a later point  with A16. TSMC calls their GAA implementation   “nano sheets” and if I had to guess, I’d say  that it’s very likely Apple will be the first   customer using TSMCs N2 node with Gate-All-Around  transistors, maybe as early at late next year. As you can see, all three leading foundries are  very close when it comes to the introduction of   Gate-All-Around Field Effect Transistors into  their process nodes. Samsung has a slight head   start with SF3E, but their non-early SF3 node  just had its first tape-out very recently. Intel   is on a similar timeline. With a potential  Arrow Lake mobile on 20A early next year,   we could see products on the shelf's in a similar  time frame. And even tho TSMC is a bit behind,   depending on when N2 mass  production starts next year,   a potential iPhone 17 SoC could already  be based on N2 in the fall of next year. It’s not often that the physical layout  of the transistor changes. To be precise,   GAA is only the second time since the  invention of the field effect transistor   as we know it. The first FinFET based product  was Intel’s Ivy Bridge back in 2011 and while   it offered a reduction in power draw, the  true benefits of FinFETs were only revealed   in the following generations. Since then,  the FinFET transistor has not only matured,   but become the dominant transistor  shape in modern semiconductors. It’s very likely a similar story with  Gate-All-Around. While first generation   products should offer great benefits, the true  capabilities of GAA will only be revealed with   upcoming process node generations. But it’s a  exciting time to be a fan of semiconductors.   Because while others already proclaim the death of  Moore’s Law, the technological innovation is only   starting to ramp up. And Gate-All-Around  will play a major part in that journey. What comes after GAA? The thumbnail of this  video already teases a potential post-GAA   future. In the picture you can see the result  of forward looking transistor research done   by imec in Belgium. Next to the nano sheet GAA  transistor, we can see a so called fork sheet   transistor. Again, a very descriptive name, one  of the reasons I love semiconductor technology. I hope you found this video interesting  and see you in the next one.
Channel: High Yield
Views: 40,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gate-all-around, GAA, GAAFET, FinFET, transistors, ASM, atomic layer deposition, 2nm process nodes
Id: bfkIp_j0Iv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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