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morning guys it's october 6 2021. this is another no heat call gas furnace so got a whole bunch of them today i'm just going to go around trying to bang them out hopefully i have what i need in the truck to fix it we'll see i just people to call me they put i put them on a list and i get to them i'll just go on a list i'll call them if they're there i'll go by and fix it i'll try to fix it try to get you some shots never a dull moment mama oh man never at the moment molly that's never a dumb moment what did he do well he replaced that's what i was going to show you once you put it in place you replace this okay we don't think it's this replace the vacuum switch right and then he took this cord and to get the fan going he said he can get the fan going so he replaced this and that's still not probable right all right let's let me take it apart what's going on with it it's an old unit yeah okay why don't you go turn the thermostat up upstairs please you got it see what it's doing here see if the fan even comes on stone he took that unit apart too did he yeah he took that all the whole the whole thing and then he took the plastic thing and then he got that wire just to see if it was the fan so if you stick wires in there it moves so that's what he did what are we getting for codes here two three one two three three blinks pressure switch problem three flashes well let me see if the uh the fan's not even coming on so that might be what the issue is right the problem is you know you guys over there taking apart and stuff i mean you don't know what he did well that was the only thing jumping out and next thing you know it makes a flip a mess out of it yeah no he that's the only thing he did i was actually watching him the whole time so let's see if we can jump off the thermostat and see if we get it to work red what is it you heard it learned a valuable lesson you get people who know their job yeah that was that's probably the best thing to do yeah i don't know he was trying i have somebody that knows what the hell is going on and i do that for everybody else why i did this this time i had cuz i asked him if he knew somebody goes i'll look at it first and i was like okay all right so the thermostat is calling thermostats calling for heat but nothing's running oh okay so the first thing that should run is this fan right that's the first thing that should run is the fan we got this door switch [Music] see if we got power here so no power to the fan no power to the fan was the fan running before the exhaust fan this thing um no he was he was able to get it going when you put the two right two orange wires together then that's why he replaced that one on the top and now it doesn't all right we got 24 volts there got nothing pulling in that's not going to work unless the fan works this isn't going to pull it unless the fan runs the stuff would glow on the bottom hmm we got the voltage there i think this control is bad it's that bottom control that's bad this thing that's the problem with the controller okay that's not sending any power up let me try it again see if the fan the voltage on the fan we'll do it again one more time let's see if we get any voltage there voltage no voltage to the fan the fan has to run first you know for anything to work do you play around with any of these wires down here not that you know of huh no like i said the only thing he did was the orange wires up top to the right and then the um the black white and red to the fan he took that plastic thing apart he stuck two wires in it and then the fan started but he didn't touch anything down there line bolted to see what we got line coming in line voltage light voltage right there let's see if i got any power coming down here which i should yeah i got 20 i got one 110 coming in no no power going up to the fan so this this controls bad i'm gonna have to get another controller for it it really hasn't been that bad to tell you the truth because i have my sisters my sister lives upstairs so we get to hang out let me get another control okay and we'll uh once i get it i'll come back and i'll do it i'm getting no power the problem is this is a train american standard there's no there's no companies around here that have these parts like on the stock on the shelf you know unfortunately i know i need to get a new one eventually let me get another board okay and uh let me take a look at my truck quick sometimes i got i got used stuff that i keep if it was a good board let me just take a quick look i mean to get you by right i appreciate if not i'll have to hunt one down let me just take a quick look in the in my truck before before i say i don't have it good morning guys november 10 2021 this one i have to go back to that american standard uh furnace i was there on saturday and um she had some handyman over there changing all kinds of parts on the thing and changed some kind of um three blink code and came up as a uh pressure switch so the handyman changed one of the pressure switches and he had jumped out the pressure switches to get the thing working but i checked that there was no power going from the board to the exhaust fan motor which should run first so i'm pretty confident that it's um it needs a new control board so i did i got a cross uh for that control board i got a new style control board for it i'm gonna go back over here and see if i get it going i don't know what the story is with the exhaust fan motor because he supposedly jumped it out with 110 to see if it worked so get a little larry when you get someone else over there and doing all kinds of to it but anyway we're going to go over there and swap out the board i got the board over here the one that's supposed to go with it and i'll see if we can get a heat she's got a little electric heater she's using right now um i ordered it online it came in came in yesterday so it's been pretty warm here it's been like 70 degrees during the day it gets down in the 30s at night but hasn't been that cold yet so i'm on my way over there now and uh we'll try to get you some shots hopefully this thing works i told her the price had changed out the furnace she didn't like that so well so we'll try this if this don't work she's gonna need a new furnace i can't get that original control board that's in there it's no longer available this molly is working again y'all are you working to get this model yeah you love working yeah you love working with molly i've got a bunch of jobs i've been pricing out with oil replacements and gas boiler replacements and if i get all these flipping jobs i'm gonna be swamped i'm not as young as i used to be you know these these uh changeouts kind of really take their toll on me i'm only one guy you know not as young as i used to be not 19 anymore i ain't got a bunch of helpers like some of these other guys they go around try to get you some shots when i get there i got it i was here last saturday with the tape up there this is the control i gotta change cool one is black yellows park peach red i should probably take a picture of that i'm just gonna go on one way there's a line coming in i like to label everything so i know there's no issues after in case i forget something black is cool cool is black yellow was park heat low was red and then this blue is heat high and then this one here there's the line coming in you can see that's coming in right from it's coming in right from the switch the and line this one here transformer blue and that one was xmfr and then this one here white [Music] and then this one here as you mill hum give that one green the rest all neutrals as well no tools that's a neutral motor white motor for the transformer the gm for the transformer the motor and then this is the neutral from the line voltage and i've got this so uh so so let's see what we got here this has to go like this i should plug in here like that all the neutrals are up top there i don't have a weird spot to have it i'd like to get this thing the outta here be honest with you we're cooling this black once that one's the cool one low heat is red good low heat a little as high heat and then this yellow is on park that's the park all right so what's this next one white is um green is hum i just ain't gonna reach i'm gonna need to get some jumpers nothing's reaching here i'm gonna extend all this out which i don't like thanks black for the humidifier the balloon this blue one here is going to be xm what's that line voltage coming in line voltage is coming in we can just disconnect this and go right into this with the line voltage that's what i'm going to do right into there and then the last one is uh is that green yeah the green that one's not gonna reach i'm gonna do something with that and then this white one is uh that one's not gonna reach either we gotta get some adapters and stuff that green one should be the humidifier um which is that one now [Music] uh ah all right and then the next thing is this has to be extended too i might be able to get a little bit more out of it i think won't be able to get enough on that to make it reach maybe [Applause] looks like it let's have this thing come in the front instead of on the back we have more room yeah i'll probably reach now um [Applause] reach i guess it does reach a hook up all the low voltage now we should be good to go i disconnected this switch i should tie these some tape on there most guys wouldn't bother i just sell a new furnace so i probably should have did but oh try to save the lady some money cost me all kinds of flipping time and aggravation but new but no try to be a flippin superhero all the time so we got there this is common it'll be one two stage this is w2 [Applause] so i love you too what the that's w2 and this one here will be the y i hope this thing works i'll tell you that's all i can say busting my ass on this thing this is why this is why this is for the air conditioning uh [Music] so red and green [Music] what red uh uh and the green and then the next two of the common will be i guess uh so uh uh turn the ball on so what's going on see if the fan kicks in the end's not kicking in there goes close the fan tile these wires open looking huh working yes [Music] all right she's running but she's shutting off on a high limit i think it's the filters that she's running she's gonna get some cheapo filters cycling off and on on the high limit replace main control board it's working like a pain in the ass that was how you doing you have heat now are you the sister are you the assistant okay she's gonna run cheaper filters down there because the thing's cycling on and off on a high limit i'll call her see these filters right here right yeah these are two see the 1500 hyper allergenics you got to get cheaper filters really yeah cause it's cycling off and on off and on on a high limit it's not good i'll call it what do you want to set at 70. no 65 usually does 65 all right
Channel: steven lavimoniere
Views: 126,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #stevenlavimoniere, #plumbing, #heating, #airconditioning, #hvacrepairs, #howto, #diy, oilburners, boilers, furnaces, hvac, furnace not working, furnace not igniting, furnace troubleshooting, furnace not blowing hot air, furnace not heating, furnace not turning on, furnace not working what to do, furnace not turning on at all
Id: fuJw2n1Cog8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 6sec (2406 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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