Garfield meets other animals ! ☺️ - Full Episode HD

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello i'm garfield you probably figured that out from the opening titles but i digress today's episode is about complaining and i see we have a lot of complainers out there at the moment and i really hate it when he talks to the camera like that no i used to be a complainer oh and also i've already seen this episode perhaps you remember how i used to be back in all around season two i complained about every little thing [Music] i wanted a hamburger with everything on it and by that i meant lettuce tomato onion a hot dog a roast turkey a sausage lasagna an order of shrimp chow mein a prime rib strawberry shortcake [Music] this cereal is soggy i wanted it to be more crunchy [Music] we're all out of tartar sauce yep i was a complainer all right up until one day when squeak said something to me you sure complained a lot garfield those aren't complaints squeak i just notice a lot of things that aren't up to my standards yeah that's what renfrew says too renfrew i'm starting to sound like renfrew [Music] now some of you may not know we don't know who renfrew is i thought you said you already seen this episode this is renfrew he's the most unusual breed he's a caniness complainest renfrew had two main activities in his life one was avoiding al the dog catcher there he is don't let his dog again he won't get away from me this time wow [Music] i got you you mangy mutt ah sorry about the nut and the maggie mutt thing fella [Applause] and the other thing renfrew did all day was to complain [Music] renfrew complained about everything the park is way too crowded today what are all these people doing here what a stupid color to paint a fire hydrant [Music] hello mr doggie my mother and i were having dinner at a big fancy restaurant and there was this bone left over and i thought oh i'll bet that nice doggy i see around the neighborhood would like it [Music] so i brought it home and here it is i hope you enjoy it call that a bone [Music] i always thought ren pru's motto was if you can't say something negative don't say anything at all mostly renfrew complained about how he believed cats had it so much better than dogs all you cats have to do is lie around the house all day i don't have a house you cats have it so easy humans just give you food humans never give me food all cats have to do is lie around all day and be petted nobody ever pets me his complaining got to all the cats in the neighborhood so what did they do they complained to me i'm gonna pay this guy nuts you've got to do something all right all right stop complaining to me about renfrew complaining to you i'm sick of it and i think i have an idea what we can do about it there's an old saying be careful what you wish for you just might get it i decided it was time for renfrew to get his wish now you guys understand what you need to do right clearest thinly sliced cheese oh good here they are with him now be ready when i need you i'll rehearse dodie let's hear it not bad explain to me why you brought me to garfield's house which by the way could use a new coat of paint cause you're always seeing how much better cats have it than dogs and garfield's got a training program so you can join us yeah become a cat become a cat ready to be catified rinproo hold on here remember how you were saying cats get to just lie around the house all day yeah and how humans feed us and pettis you can't do it you can't train a dog to be a cat well i can't can't i oh dee cat [Music] i sure hope no mice come along [Music] oh no it is a cat garfield you think i could become a cat sure of course there is a slight risk here you might not turn out like me there's always the danger you might turn into one of these let's start the lessons [Music] the first thing i had to teach him was how to sound like a cat hmm [Music] all right renfrew you have your script there read what's on it meow okay now keep going keep doing it [Music] meow better now one more time [Music] sorry i'm not used to learning a foreign language i taught him how to annoy the mailman [Music] man not bad i'll give you a b-plus [Music] i tried to teach him how to catch or at least chase mice oh help the big bad cat is after me i will catch you and eat you mouse yum yum do i really have to eat him uh i wouldn't and then came the most important lesson of them all all right now renfrew as a cat this will be your main activity so take your time and do this right on the count of three one two three [Music] [Applause] oh you're good at this if i can make one suggestion a truly professional cat picks a spot to sleep and where he'll be in the way when humans want to walk like this [Music] garfield i just got a bill from vito did you charge seven thousand but apart from that i think you're ready to graduate and by the power vested in me by no one i now pronounce you rin through the cat congratulations [Applause] no thank you thank you all my fellow cats well i think i'll go claw some drapes [Music] nice going garf you actually made him think he's a cat now yeah he totally fell for it hmm for now but at least we don't have to listen to his complaints about cats for a while that's what i thought as it turned out within five minutes renfrew realized something [Music] i'm i'm still a dog that sneaky cat i'm gonna go tell him what i think about it it was renfrew's worst nightmare now he really had something to complain about i did it after months and months of chasing him i finally caught this dog i did it [Music] and i did it when my boss was here to see it oh chief i caught that dog i've been chasing for so long i can't tell what kind of dog is he [Music] now this is a cat no he's a dog he goes meow he's a cat you're a dog catcher you're not supposed to catch cats let him go you imbecile can't tell a cat from a dog i should fire you right now and that was when renfrew decided that cats were all right even if he wasn't one so that's how renfrew gave up complaining all the time he still complains from time to time we all do there's some things in life worth complaining about hey garfield that guy for instance i didn't like that nermal didn't have any lines in this cartoon that makes two of us hiya sandy hi normal my agent i could have played a much bigger part well you're kind of limited in what a little limited garfield you've known me for years since before we were both in cgi you know what i could do name a role anything well um you know how odie played a cat earlier could you play a dog a dog a sitch watch this [Music] tell me that wasn't convincing i did it i caught a dog i know it's a dog because it barks like one no no no i'm not a dog i'm a cat i'm the cutest cat in the world [Music] so now does anyone else have any complaints nah i didn't think so [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're leaving now garfield we're going bird watching and we won't be back until late [Music] but don't worry i've prepared your lunches and i prepared your dinners thanks i was worried the blue covered dishes contain your lunches the red covered dishes are your dinners dinner is for later do not eat it now the reason we're staying out late is that there have been reports of owls in the area lately so don't wait up for us bye [Music] okay let's see now blue covered dishes are for now red covered dishes are for later you got that od let's eat our lunches from the blue covered dishes okay now remember we don't eat our dinners until later three two one later [Music] john will be pleased he always tells us not to eat between meals and we didn't oh very pretty i just saw a whole bunch of eastern bluebirds great i spotted some sparrows and i think i saw two owls owls in the daytime i don't think so owls are nocturnal nocturnal what does that mean a nocturnal animal is an animal that sleeps during the day and functions at night an animal who sleeps at night is said to be diurnal hmm diurnal sleeps at night nocturnal sleeps during the day what do you call an animal that sleeps both night and day garfield i knew it well i think i did see two owls though possible but not likely [Music] bobby you shouldn't even be up at this hour this is the time all good little owls are asleep i don't want to be a sleep mom all the exciting stuff in life happens during the day i want to go out i need to learn to protect myself i can teach you how to protect yourself but you tuck your wings in and go to sleep now [Music] you can't teach me the kind of stuff i need to learn mom going off to find someone who can no no no no hot dogs for you your owner hasn't paid for the last 447 you ate what i should suffer because john's a deadbeat oh please please please [Music] all right one more but that's it thanks i could never resist a bleeding pussycat [Music] i think i'll save this for later okay it's later [Music] hey bruno that was my hot dog i mooched it myself and it was delicious bruno do you know what i'm gonna do no what are you gonna do i'm gonna go get another hot dog get this one with the spicy mustard i like them that way [Music] the sweet dreams bobby dear [Music] bobby don't hide from your mother you know i don't see very well especially during the day bobby where is that boy gone now [Applause] [Music] why has that man deserted his post clothes for today no more hot dogs this means you garfield oh he's flown away from home oh and there he is i knew that cute bowl of feathers anywhere now where am i gonna get something to eat oh i wish i had someone to just take care of me oh mommy i know you anywhere oh my gosh hey baby hey i think you've got me you'll never confused far from your mother again let me hold you in my wings listen you've made a mistake would you like me to get you something to eat look i said i'm not sure sneak up you know i don't hear so well yes mommy dear i would like something to eat i would like a whole pizza all to my little self oh pizza fine with mushrooms yes please with extra cheese yes please we did rodents on top no please you'll stay right there bobby i'll be right back with your pizza dear [Music] i will be back in the 15 minutes angelico my love i have to get this mushroom and extra cheese pizza over to mrs bachagalu rita's [Music] i was just walking at the door with it video will be there before you can say well anything you want to say goodbye mrs bunch [Music] how will i ever explain this to mr group i'm coming bobby your mother's bringing you your pizza oh i hope it doesn't have dead rodents on it wow this is delicious and i mean this is really delicious i knew you'd like it and now since it's the middle of the afternoon it's the time when all good little owls are asleep oh i can use your little nap maybe you'll be no the only safe place to sleep is in a big tree i think i just spotted a baltimore oriole oh and i'm seeing huh i think that's an owl uh no it's two owls a mother carrying her baby i think oh what do they look like uh i can't see the mother too well but the baby looks like well what does the baby owl look like uh you wouldn't believe me if i told you there's our tree hey and there's a good place for you to sleep [Music] no don't go flying anywhere it's time to sleep [Music] [Music] mrs al i have something i got to tell you what is it bobby dill i'm not bobby dear i'm a cat of course you are dear no i'm a cat my name is garfield you don't believe me here just feel my arm fur not feathers then where's my body where's my bobby he must have flown away from home oh i tried to be a good mother to him i'm sure you were i like being a mother until he comes back if he comes back could i be your mother garfield oh no no no i don't think that would work you like pizza right oh yes i'll go get you another pizza no no no you don't have to okay remember no dead rodents ah i gotta get down from here do not fear mrs parchikoru i have made for you another pizza and i will be right over with it with the promises now if i could only find the keys to my van [Music] ah my keys right where i don't remember leaving them now mrs portugal looks a pizza it is a gold again [Music] i gotta get out of here before she gets back even if she is bringing up [Music] i heard someone yelling is my mom all right she is but i'm not you must be the son she thinks i am why'd you leave doesn't she take good care of you she takes great care of me that's the problem i'm old enough now that i need to learn how to take care of myself see you around [Music] oh no there you are i was looking for you up in our home yes well i fell out of our home oh thanks for the pizza are you sure you're not my son you look so much like him i'm sorry i wonder if i'll ever see my mommy again oh well at least i got a pizza out of the deal that was a touching scene with the owls it made me hungry look bruno the rare green eyed distraction bird where [Music] hey this is mine now i stole it fair and square [Music] now i'm gonna teach you a lesson oh good i'd like to learn spanish or mandarin [Music] [Laughter] leave me alone yeah get off me you will help [Music] [Music] you've come back to me you're not gonna fly away again nope i want to learn how to take care of myself and i can see there's plenty to learn from this lady oh can you teach me that cool screech you made you just need to feel someone you care about us in trouble ah a happy ending and you know what's even better than a happy ending a happy ending with pizza [Music] i'm sure glad i ordered it without the dead rodent topping [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the story of the pie the cat and the bulldog of doom this is the pie this is the cat and this for reasons that will become apparent is the bulldog of doom especially if you're a cat one day miss generic housewife model baked a pie the aroma began to make its way to surrounding homes and there's a curious thing about this neighborhood no matter which way the wind is blowing the smell of something freshly cooked will always somehow make its way to the nostrils of this cat oh bruno's decided to help himself to that elderly gentleman's lunch wow even i wouldn't do something that rotten [Music] bruno what are you doing eating here why aren't you over on crestview avenue that's where i'm heading what's over on crestview avenue you don't know oh nothing there's nothing going on over there uh i'll see you later what's going on over on crestview said nothing nope there's no free all-you-can-eat pancakes festival oh it's a free all-you-can-eat pancakes festival who told you why am i bothering with this crummy sandwich when i could be eating all the pancakes i could eat here you could eat this pancakes here i come bruno's not the brightest character on the series if there were free pancakes over on crestview avenue do you think i'd be here [Music] my lunch somebody stole my lunch oh thank you kitty cat you deserve a reward would you like half a peanut butter and chicken salad sandwich no and it was about then that the aroma of freshly baked pie reached the cat's nostrils that smell i know that smell i know that smell i love that smell bye bye oh wonderful pie apple pie peach pie cherry pie boysenberry pie coconut pie any berry pie pie with ice cream on the top pie with ice cream on the side but it didn't really matter what kind of pie it was scientific testing has shown that this particular cat will eat just about anything ah tuna sandwich on whole wheat bread [Music] he eats it shrimp chow mein with crispy noodles eats it bean burrito with a side of nachos he eats it meat lasagna he ate it and the plate it's on two three minute eggs and home fries um he eats it ah chicken fried steak all in all he eats it they tested 7 423 foods that afternoon and discovered that the only ones the cat would not eat were anchovies on pizza most healthy foods anything that resembles yogurt john's meatloaf a peanut butter and chicken salad sandwich and raisins raisins yeah you know how they make raisins they take gravel and they soak it until it wrinkles this is useful information dr whipple thanks we'll be heading home now going on the way home could we stop for hot dogs and so the cat followed the wonderful aroma all the way to the house in the next block lemon ring pie chocolate meringue pie meringue meringue pie it was there that he found the source of the wonderful aroma unfortunately he saw something else there it was [Music] the bulldog [Music] yes between the cat and the wonderful smelling pie there stood but one obstacle the bulldog of doom the cat looked at the pie then he looked at the bulldog then he looked at the pie again then he looked at the bulldog again then the pie then the bulldog then the pie then the bulldog and finally he came to the conclusion that any sane pie-loving cat would reach i'm giving up no i'm not i can't leave that delicious smelling beautiful looking whatever kind of pie it is pie there uneaten like that i must brave the bulldog [Music] go to sleep my baby my baby my baby go to sleep my baby i'm going to eat the pies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm almost to my demise well now you know why he's called the bulldog of doom if i know me i'm gonna go after that pie and the bulldog of doom will do me how can i stop me the cat thought and thought and thought and finally he had an idea hey in john's old magic act he had a pair of handcuffs as ideas go it wasn't a very good one but sometimes a bad idea is better than no idea at all all right now odie do you understand what i'm doing here look it's very simple over on the next block there's pie i do not want to go over there and try to get the pie and you know why i don't want to go over there and try and get the pie because the pie is being guarded by the bulldog of doom to prevent me from being tempted to go over and get the pie at the expense of my life i have handcuffed myself to this post here huh and here is the only key okay i want you to keep this key for me hold on to it and no matter how much i ask for it do not i repeat do not give it back to me is that clear [Music] wait a minute it's a pie i'm garfield i gotta be able to figure out a way to get my paws on that pie bring me the key [Music] odie i told you not to give it to me no matter what i said oh do you want me to be doomed by the bulldog of doom then don't give me the key i wonder what kind of pie it is maybe rhubarb pie or pecan pie or pumpkin pie what if it's pumpkin pie huh oh i bet it's pumpkin pie warm creamy delicious pumpkin pie i don't care if there's a bulldog of doom guarding it bring me the key hurry aren't you hearing a word of what i said no matter what i say no matter how i beg or order you do not i repeat do not give me back the key do you understand odie now temptation won't make me go after that pie and get doomed by the bulldog of doom i'm safe there he is i'm not safe free all-you-can-eat pancake festival huh it's the bruno of doom i'd better go hide in another country [Music] the handcuffs [Music] odie i need the key to these handcuffs no i know i said not to give them to me but give them to me if you don't give me that key birdo's gonna flatten me like for free all you can eat pancakes what do you mean you're too smart to fall for that he's here honey three all-you-can-eat pancakes on crestview avenue huh did i say crestview avenue i meant uh viewcrest avenue they have pancakes there and syrup hey would you believe free waffles [Applause] now you give me the key great now i'll probably be tempted to go after that pie and then the bulldog of doom will do the same thing to me it was at that moment that the cat had what seemed like a pretty good idea it was that great kind of idea that can solve two problems at the same time in this case the two problems were the big cat bully and the severe lack of pie pie oh no i'm not falling for another one of your tricks garfield no really it's pie can't you smell it now that you mention it i'm still not sure what kind of pie it is might be coconut cream might be cinnamon pear might be uh chicken pot pie hey it is pie if i know anything i know when there's a pie so i was thinking we could split it and we ain't splitting nothing i'm taking the whole thing for myself uh okay if you say so bruno oh bruno uh did i remember to warn you about the bulldog of doom bulldog of doom uh no you didn't say anything about any bulldog of doom oh sorry i forgot to mention there's a bulldog of doom bulldog the cat was very proud of his cleverness as he made his way to the now unguarded pie but he had another surprise oh did you smell the pie i baked little cat would you like some of it [Music] well here you take the whole thing i'll bake another it's the only kind of pie i know how to make raisin pie so uh by any chance is that half a peanut butter and chicken salad sandwich still available hey cat's gotta eat [Music] [Applause] [Music] night garfield night odie [Music] that's odd i'm always the first one to fall asleep around here [Music] garfield why aren't you sleeping well now if i knew the answer to that question i wouldn't be standing here on your bed now would i ah did you eat a lot this evening or do a lot of exciting activities hmm let's see what i did this evening [Applause] [Music] nope nothing out of the ordinary oh wait maybe it was that 93 cups of coffee i drank [Music] maybe i'll go watch more tv [Music] now if you're watching me at this hour it probably means you have insomnia and are unable to sleep the man knows his audience counting sheep has a strange relaxing effect on most people it makes them sleepy all you have to do is imagine sheep hopping over a fence hmm nothing to lose huh okay i'll give it a try sheep sheep sheep sheep [Applause] [Music] wow an imaginary sheep and there's another one and another one okay guys let's give it a try one two three four five six seven eight nine ten we're not getting sleepy 11 12 2876 2877 2878 2879. i'm getting excited right you guys keep at it while i go get myself uh 3 22 in the morning snack oh and no muddy hoof prints on the carpet john just had it steam cleaned huh we're leaping our wool off and he's wide awake this is bad well let's just hope the boss doesn't hear about he called us back now we're in for it the free view in my office now mr sandman we can explain really then explain to me why you failed to lull that cat to sleep this is garfield we're talking about the laziest cat the world has ever known look we know we let you down but it won't happen again mr sandman you bet it won't you're fired fired now get out of my sight bad boss [Music] this morning people i'm going to show you how to make a delicious lamb stew well that's worth being up all night for i guess and i have all sorts of terrific things to tell you about our favorite topic in the whole world we've got to get our jobs back being counted is the only thing i know how to do how can we prove to mr sandman we're still valuable members of his team i know if we can't put that cat to sleep let's put everyone else to sleep right if we can put the whole city to sleep he's got to see how good we really are someone's coming whoever it is let's start with them i'm getting started on breakfast garfield [Music] hello uh hello operator who do i call to report a sheep in my kitchen uh that's right i just saw one sheep in my kitchen i have two sheep in my kitchen i have three sheep in my kitchen four sheep in my kitchen [Music] i have five shaving lines [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and i'll be showing you how to make that yummy um stew right after this brief break for about 900 commercials well this watching food has made me want food i hope john has breakfast ready and maybe lunch [Music] hey someone's laying down on the job oh well i still have time to torment the mailman before the commercials are over [Music] him too wake up you're the mailman you have a job to do plus i have several ways to annoy you oh hi graffiti i was just about to deliver your mail when a sheep went by and there were two sheep and three sheep what's going on here now then people to make great lamb stew you need as many lamb chops as you can get from one sheep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's happening world of food for this news bulletin the governor has just called a press conference nonsense reports that a rolling ban of countable sheep is putting everyone in this state to sleep we go live to our reporter dave stringer at that press conference dave oh hello steve the governor said truth to the rumors that i gotta catch it up back to you in the studio tom am i the only being in town not sound asleep i've gotta find out this is amazing everyone in the city is out they almost have counted sheep and fallen asleep can you believe it all these people just asleep like wow it's just too too weird and the only ones spared were people like that who don't know how to count how could this happen or who could have caused it three renegade sheep move straight from the flock that's who he put everyone to sleep yeah now there's nothing for the rest of us to do keep sheep please i'll handle this that cat who's awake transport him here at once [Music] [Applause] veto two huh who'll make me pizza and pasta if he's asleep [Music] ah okay i give up who are you they call me mr sandman i'm in charge of putting people to sleep you don't need sheep you know you could just watch the fall tv schedule so uh what's the deal here i fired three of my sheep because they hadn't put you to sleep any idea why they couldn't i figured it was the 93 cups of coffee most people in my world usually stop around 80 a day ah makes sense they put everyone to sleep in order to convince me to hire them back did it work yes but i've got to get them to come back so i can tell them my vortex can't seem to locate them well send me back i'll bet i can phew that's hard work putting everyone to sleep like that hey want to take a nap we could count each other well i had fun they'll all wake up in eight hours then we'll put them to sleep again and again i think i see a woman coming [Music] let's get in position guys put her to sleep hey look guys it's it's come on boys time to go home waking your toes behind you [Music] night garfield mr sandman any way i could switch to counting lasagnas oh thanks one two three this is much more soothing [Laughter] [Music] you
Views: 140,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garfield[Drawing Garfield, cat, odie, jon, nermal, cartoon, orange, liz, funny, generic
Id: 6NW2HQQ8Yd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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