Gardeners React to "Amazing Plant Ideas"

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- We've been summoned my friends. Not only have I been summoned but the resident gardening hermit here at "The Epic Gardening Show," Jacques. We've been summoned to roast yet another Gardening Hacks video. This one is called "21 Amazing plants ideas." So this one's from our friends over at 5-Minute Crafts. Now, last time we did a video at 5-Minute Crafts. I actually couldn't release it because it got copyright claimed, I think, globally. Which was really annoying, because this is completely a Fair-Use thing. Maybe they're just afraid of the roast. So I've brought Jacque on. Jacque, you've seen me do these, but you've never actually witnessed and been emotionally - It's true. - involved in one of these. - It's true, it's true. - And it's, it is a challenge. - I think I'm ready to get hit with some real knowledge. - He has a PhD in geology. Is anything close to what we have at, at 5-Minute Crafts? No, it's not, unfortunately. I'm sorry to say that. So let's just go ahead and get going right now. Okay. So we have a plastic. - What's that? - Is that a watermelon? - That's a... - Wait, hold, hold, hold. First of all, how did they get the watermelon? - It's actually so long, it's a vine. - It's complete, it's, well, there's no roots. It's completely separate. - Well yeah, there's that, no. - It's not even attached to the soil. - I mean, it looks like a pothos or something in the background. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Something I don't wanna know. - Okay, so they've now done that. Now it's exploding in growth. - Oh, okay, I see. - And it's okay. Okay. Actually, you know what? Those are real. Those actually are real. No, I'll say this. - You can, I'll say that you can do it in real life, - Yeah? - but I wouldn't say that they are real. - Oh, you don't think those are real? They might not be, but I will say this. I went to Japan. I spent some time in Japan. You could buy shaped watermelons like a square, right? Or you could also buy perfectly circular watermelon. I don't think they, they had that in a mold and shaped it. Obviously these, they did. - Oh. - This is more novelty. So this is possible guys. Now is the way they did it the way to do it? Certainly not. Okay. What is this? - A bulb planter. - Is it? - It looks like it. - Okay. - So they're, - They've taken. Okay, that's? (laughing) What, why though? Why though? I mean your hand will just... Just take it, and put it right in the soil. Cause what is that? Like? It looks like a Peace Lily, maybe? Or something like that? Now they straighten it up.. - Which is literally... - That's what they could have done. That's what they could have done. We have a spider plant and a hair clip! Oh, there's a character! There's a character now! - Protagonism. - Protagonist! Okay! You know what? Wow. That's nice zoom, nice zoom. This is actually legit. - I was gonna say. - This is actually legit. - This is how exactly how we do like a strawberry runner, for instance. - We've done this with strawberry runners. We've also done this, I've quite literally done it with spider plants in my own place. Cause they'll, they'll produce the pups, offshoots. - Oh, I see. - Sort of the puplets? What you wanna call 'em? But they're way disconnected from the mother. - Oh wow. - You know, so when you grow a big spider plant in a pot like a hanging pot? They'll droop as one stem. - I see. - And then the whole plant will form. - And form another. - And so if you just, if you just paper clip it in or stake it in right in the soil you'll get the whole development to it's almost exact same as a strawberry runner. - Yeah. I think we need this camera though. Cause like... - I need that camera. Yeah. And I need roots to develop that fast in my life. And that actually what they're doing here is correct. Once, once it roots, you would separate it from the mother. Oh wow! Okay! Who's this? I've never seen someone so enthusiastic eating that pineapple. - I think I know where this is going. - I think I know where this is going. Okay, so this is actually correct so far. - Yeah. - This is, would be the way to get to that area of the pineapple stem that actually can produce roots. Yeah, the potent potency is what they say. Potential to create roots. So water, smart. Wow, the animations are on point. It's like Spider-man with a web. Honestly, this is not, - No, I think. - So far okay. - Okay, well. - I don't like this. - Like the what? - What is this? Why do this? - Oh, they're making a hole. That's a really deep hole. (laughing) - Okay, so when the pineapple roots I guess that's a way to do it, but you certainly could use that other bulb planter was even less... - None of it made sense. - Use the bulb planter thing from the other hack. Don't use the Coke. - Or, how about this? You put some soil you put your plant and then you put more soil. - That's the way to do it. You, you back, it's called back filling. - You're done. - You know, it's just, now I don't like that. So as simple, simply one day later you'll have a pineapple. That's actually two years. - How I know it's not real. There's no roots up against the glass. - Yeah. That's a good actually, that's a good catch. - Yeah, it's - That's a good catch. Okay. Here we go. She's got a Dracena. Shes not, oh my God! She has a hacksaw! Okay, what is she doing here? She's taking chunks out and bending it. Is she gonna, yeah. Is she gonna go like like a balloon animal type of vibe here? With foil? Okay. Honestly, I actually think that's possible with Dracena. - I'll allow it. I'm not gonna say it looks good though. - I certainly, it doesn't look good. You know what people do though with Dracena instead usually is they swirl it. - Right, I've seen that. - So they'll actually have it grow through a coil instead of doing it this way which is definitely more damaging to the plant to do it this way, I think. Okay, there's a cat. - A litter box? - In a box. Is this a poop thing? No, no, it's okay. - It's not expected. - I thought it might have been a, a cat poop - I mean, I thought it was a litter box. - Yeah, so did I. Whoa! Okay, so now the cat's back in the action. - Here's the thing though. Cats love cat grass. - Yeah. They really do. - Pro tip. - You have some? - You should do that. - You have some cats. - Yeah. I have some cats. I have a little bit of cat grass. - But I mean honestly the way that this litter box is set up where you have the grate on top and then you have the, like the, the pullout? for the filter? might even be a good way to grow this. - It's like micro green. - It's like a micro green tray with bottom holes and then a capture basin at the bottom. So let's see what she's doing here. - It's like a wheat grass juice? - I think that's like a wheat... Oh, so then you actually will get that. You'll get, you'll get those roots coming in. With a bread knife! - Cause it was the animation definitely made it look vague. - Yeah, she's having really dramatic conversation. - Uh-oh. - Oh my God! - Cut it a little long. - We've all been here. - We've all been here. - Okay, so how is she gonna solve this? And I don't like that. And I immediately, I don't like that. Not because of what it is, but just because yeah. Why would you water it? Look, that's the purpose of, of that device. - It's excess water. - This one is the first real big oopsie in my opinion because it's like, first of all, you're wasting a feminine hygiene product. - Yeah. - There's no point. Why would you waste that? Second of all? Just water it less. And also. She held it up and the water was coming out. That's how that problem gets solved. You don't need to add any sponging or anything like that. - The sponge was also preventative. Cause she watered it. - Yeah. - Right. It's not like it sucked it out. - Oh, that's a good point. She's trying to say: "put them in before you over water it." - Yeah. - We're gonna let that... I'm gonna emotionally release that one. Okay. So she's sad, that this is dying or dead. She's got some, oh, don't worry! I have some Clippers. - Ope! - It fell in the grounds. I'm I'm doing, I'm guessing she's propagating here. - Okay. Yeah. - Yeah. Foam rubber. I don't think that's a real plant dude. - I think that's plastic. - No, it looks, it's too shiny. - It's way too shiny. - And it's too perfect, and it's not deforming enough. - No. - Foam rubber too. Why would you use that? - I dunno. - What is this? - It's a whole special setup. - Okay. The hack that involves gear you don't even have is not a hack. Like, is this a weird like baby spaghetti colander for like children? I don't know, what is that? I don't know what that is. - I've never seen it. - I've never seen a product like that in my life. - Let's see what happens though. - Okay, maybe it happens. Let's stop doubting. - Okay, well, I don't know if they... - So, so actually here's something kind of interesting about when you're propagating house plants like this you can actually skip that whole first step and just put it directly in the soil for most plants. You know, some things will live forever. Like I have aphthosa from my house plants in the shower sort of thing that I did. - Yeah. - They'll stay in those little tubes forever. They're not thriving, but they're not dying. They look fine - But just alive. - But you, you certainly don't have to do that if your goal is to get it in the soil. Just keep the soil adequately moist and just do it that way. It's totally fine. All right, what's next? Oh! - If you've ever messed with like any plant like this before, that little nub there, you know, it's connected to the main part of the plant. - Yeah. - Like, like this, the tree or whatever it is. - Yeah. - You can't just, it doesn't just slide off. Like it's not gonna be bare underneath. That's like a branch. It's coming out. This is staged. - This is for sure staged. For sure staged. Second of all, so it's just pre-prepped. Another thing to slide on. I mean look neither Jacques or I are fantastic grafters so we can't say for sure, but it doesn't feel legit to me because they've removed... So like I think what you're doing there is you're trying to do a budding, not a grafting technique, but typically with budding, from my understanding is you're cutting the bud out and deliberately placing it into another budding site on the other plant. - Right. - Which is different from grafting, cause grafting has multiple buds on the stem your grafting in. - Yes. - Budding is actually more efficient. You can get way more buds per tree off than you can grafts. - Yeah. And you kind of do less damage overall. - Yeah, it's just a little bit more intricate a process. Okay, so we have a rose... - It's gonna turn into roses, I think. - Well, what is this? Lemons and roses as one plant? Cause I don't like... - I think that's the graft. - Oh, is that what they're trying to say? - I think that's the graft. - Oh no. - I think they grafted the rose.. - That's not legit. - The rose to a lemon tree. - So you can graft... I mean you can definitely graft citrus. There's a lot of different, but you can't as far as I'm aware, do that. - I don't know if the technology exists. - I don't know if nature has developed that skillset yet. Hello? My name is John. Help me please. - Classic poinsettia. - Yeah. - What? Okay, so now what she's doing is? - Yeah, bud starts. - This does not feel, no - It kinda looks like - No, she's putting an asonium into a poinsettia. - Does it have a stock like that? - This looks like plastic. - Yeah. Cause that doesn't grow from it's pot. - Look at this. That's glitter. This whole thing is fake right here. What is this dude? What is she's doing? Something, oh the cat's back! Question is, what's the cat gonna do? - It's gonna, - She's saying "water the flower" to her cat. - Okay, I mean that'd be pretty nice. - What! (laughing) The cat's like, "no dude," - A little out of character. - That's certainly not! Not only is that not my job but I don't know how to do that. So, okay, she's gonna create some sort of wicking dripper or something like that. - It looks like that. - Uh! What? Dude! Okay, I'll just say this, these water while you're away hacks that you see all over the place? If you're away for less than a week you probably don't even have to worry about it. - Right. - But secondly, like, yeah, it's gonna drown it and drain it out and then it'll even fill, probably overfill the drainage thing at the bottom, the tray. And it's just the flow rate's too high. - So unless you're sealing it somehow. - You could, I mean, what you could do is you could use a wick method. - Yeah. - And wick it in. And then the soil will only pull via capillary action, when it's dry enough to pull to force the action. But this is just gravity fed. So it's just gonna keep going until gravity has pulled all the water through the bottle. So I would say this is a, for me, this is a hard, no. - Yeah. - And also it's a lot more effort than it's worth to create that thing, you know? Okay. We've got a kinda, looks like a Peace Lily there. - Okay. - She's doing floating raft. - Oh! - Okay. Yeah, as long as long as you've cut underneath the node or it's a plant that can root via a stem tip, cuttings and water propagation this is pretty clever. Pretty clever technique. Like I said, you don't have to do it that way. You could just plant it in the medium. She's planning it in right there, but it doesn't not work. Okay. So she has a broken stem. And she's very sad. - Oh she's like, oh wait, I have a straw. - Oh wait, I have a straw. I lick the straw. Why'd she lick it? Okay. So cut the straw and then sever the straw in half. - Okay. It's like a, oh is she gonna make like a crutch? - She's gonna do a splint. I mean sure. - Like how I slobbered all over it? - Yeah. I mean it did fall, but it' actually not that bad. Because what you might also want to take grafting tape and wrap around the joint. So it's actually tighter. But then to make sure that gravity doesn't take it down. That's a kind of a clever technique to do that. Yeah. I think, okay. We have a mop with our character, now! She's taken it's head off and she's stabbed it into a pot of soil. You know what? Is she doing a moss bowl? - I was, I think she was I was just gonna say. It's probably like Aster thing. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's using coconut fiber instead of peat. So a lot of times when people do a moss bowl is they'll use like a piece of wood. They'll put mosh and then they'll use mesh around the mosh to keep it in place. Cause that's the hard part is keeping it in place. - I'm interested in that little shovel though. - That is a cute little shovel isn't it? Maybe for your birthday, I'll get you a little treat. (laughing) Oh, okay, tying it to that. That's not a bad idea. - Yeah. - That's not a bad idea. - So it could root. - Yeah, yeah, it forces like cause... if you're doing this, you're doing this with a plant that develops aerial roots and sometimes getting them to adhere is a trigger on that side where it's gonna know, "Hey, I'm safe to climb it." If it's in the air, it'll throw out little tiny nubs then they air prune themselves off. But if you keep that thing nice and moist, they I mean this actually works quite well. You can actually see, it looks like they did put some sort of mesh around it which is a very good technique. We actually have a whole video on this. I'll link it in the description here. So there's a newspaper. What was that move? She like flashed it in front of us. And she's going to wrap it in what language is that, dude? - Is that German? - Is that German? Yeah. I think it's German. Okay. And then she's gonna fill around. - Oh, to keep it clean. - What is she doing? - I think she's keeping the plant clean. - Is that really what she's gonna do? - I think so. Like that? - Dude, I have no words. I have no words for that. Like it's not, that's not a problem. You just water it after or whatever. Right? Brush it off, who cares? Okay. So this a new woman. - A new character. Oh no, she's feeling good. She's eating an apple. Didn't take a bite of that. Oh, she did. Oh she just got poisoned by the apple! And this! (laughing) Okay. So she chopped it in half. She's putting it in foil. What? So she froze the apple. Wait, what dude? - Oh, she fertilized it. - But you don't need to do that in the apple. - I don't know. - Okay, so what I guess what they're trying to say here is that some seeds require fertilization, apples being a cold weather preferred crop are one of those. If you're starting it from seed, I've never started an apples from seed, - I haven't any. - And actually typically you're certainly not gonna get true to type, and the reason why is because apples are grafted on root stock, M111, these sorts of root stock because the root stock confers the benefit to the soil and the roots of the plant, which then goes upwards. But the fruit genetics on root stock plants aren't typically that good. And so you're gonna graft onto the root stock and grow the the grafted plant. Almost no apples today, are you growing as genetically identical top to bottom. And so that's why you wouldn't grow from seed along with the fact that it just takes a really long time. - Yeah. - There are less... Oh wait, what!? (laughing) Plot thickens dude. What? Jacques, this is your first roast. What do you think of these 21 amazing plants ideas? - I think I... (laughing) I think I learned at least two ideas. - If you guys have other video ideas that you want us to roast, please let us know. We're actually gonna be roasting Subscriber Gardens as well as your biggest plant fails this season which I think is gonna be hilarious, cause we have a ton to share - I would say we don't have any. (laughter) - I have a ton! Mr. Humble over here has none, apparently. - No, I definitely have at least one. - Anyways, make sure to subscribe and also make sure... Jacques has his own channel. "Jacques in the Garden." He's going over more in-depth topics on DIY budget approaches to gardening. So check that out over on Jacques' channel and on Instagram and until next time, good luck in the garden and keep on growing! (upbeat music fades)
Channel: Epic Gardening
Views: 367,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic gardening, reaction video, gardener reacts, kevin espiritu, plant hacks, plant tips
Id: 9xdSvqMY_qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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