Garden Therapy: Flower Garden Tour Early September 2021

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hey everybody welcome to my garden i was just sitting here practicing some mindfulness and i thought it would be a good time to take you around and show you um what's going on in my garden what's starting to bloom now that it is the end of summer going into fall show you what still looks good um and just kind of take some time to observe and slow down and practice some mindful garden observations um one thing i've noticed this morning is that the bees and the birds are very active right now when we walk around i'll show you what the bees are interested in right now and the birds are really enjoying eating the dried seed heads on the flowers that are bloomed out so i will show you those as well please ignore the mess we are working on repairing part of our roof and the porch overhang so [Music] we have a lot of construction materials and stuff laying around so ignore that if you can but let's go around and take a look at what's going on um these are the dried up susans you can see they have these nice little seed heads and the goldfinches really like these i'm going to leave them up i'm not going to cut them back this fall because they stand up pretty straight even in the winter so they add some winter interest and it's food for the birds through through fall and winter so i do plan on leaving those um i noticed that the salvia still looks really good this is an annual variety i'm not sure what the name is but these things have been blooming since i planted them in the spring you can see that the bees are really enjoying these um and they've looked great and they're still going so i wish i knew the name of them when i um purchased them from the nursery they didn't have a name on the tag it was just labeled sylvia so i wish i knew the variety so that i could make sure to purchase the same ones every year they're a nice dark velvety purple almost blue when you look at them from far away they look blue to me i like those a lot um a recent plant that's come into bloom are the autumn joy sedums these are looking amazing and i i go on and on about these every year because they are super tough they're so pretty in the fall it's just nice to have this pop of color in the fall and they are covered in bees bumblebees honeybees um these seem to be a really good source of i'm assuming nectar because i don't see much pollen on these and i think that's why the bees might be so interested in them so if you're looking for a super tough perennial that blooms in the fall and helps out the pollinators i highly recommend i also leave a lot of these up over the winter um because they also they do a pretty good job of standing upright even in the snow it's really amazing to me how many bees swarm these things every year i also have some native asters that are just starting to bloom a little bit but we have a lot of buds that are getting ready there's another sedum they also smell really nice they're very sweet smelling so it's kind of a good all-around sensory plant to have in your garden because they smell good they have an interesting texture because they're a sedum their leaves are similar to succulent leaves this one actually looks like it needs to be divided once it starts to sort of split in the middle um and fall away from the middle that's a good indication that it's gotten a little too big they're super easy to divide all you do is get in there with a shovel split it in half and uh replant the pieces where wherever you'd like i did plant some new grasses i'm thinking for this area this area is just kind of a hodgepodge of some different plants it was like that when we moved in it this is a very dry sunny spot um and it tends to need a lot of weeding so my thought is this would be a really nice spot for some ornamental grasses to kind of fill up space crowd out some of the weeds and i wouldn't have to worry about watering because grasses tend to like pretty dry conditions um so i was at lowe's last weekend and they happen to have some grasses on clearance i love clearance plants so these are uh maidenhair grass and this variety is called morning light i believe um so they have these really nice variegated leaves there's i don't know if you can tell there's almost a white strip down the middle so that when you're looking at it from afar and it's moving in the wind it sort of looks like it's shimmering a little bit um so these get pretty big i think the tag said four to five or six feet tall and wide um and then they bloom in the fall and they get these really nice pinkish um feathery looking blooms i don't know if i will get that this year because i just planted them i don't know if they'll have enough time to develop anything but fall's a good time to plant perennials so i figured i'd pop them in and we have something nice to look at back here and hopefully start to crowd out some weeds so i think i'm gonna add more grasses too to this area there were i think at one time this area was more shaded because there are a lot of shade plants over here we have a lot of pastas um there was some hooker over here so i'm wondering if before we moved in this area had more shade maybe there was a tree over here i don't know um but now this stuff is getting kind of sun scorched you can see the hosta has brown leaves so i think this spot is going to transition into a sunny dry plant spot [Applause] which is part of gardening and i think it's one of the fun parts of gardening is things are sort of always in transition and you're never really done planning your garden things change and then you can get creative and try something new okay so we have a lot of sedum as you can see um i also wanted to show you the golden rod is starting to bloom this is another really good fall blooming perennial that's tough and really beneficial for pollinators so this is a shorter bushier variety i don't have the name on this one i have another one in my front that i'll show you so you can see the difference because goldenrod comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes so i'm actually gonna pause and i'm gonna pop up to my front garden and show you a couple of other plants okay so this is goldenrod fireworks you can see that it is much taller the other one is probably two to three feet tall this one is i would say four feet four and a half feet tall you can see how this is more of a spray of blooms and they start blooming from the tip inward goldenrod's also like full sun and they can take some pretty dry conditions i'm also going to be leaving up the cone flowers i don't cut these back in the fall because the goldfinches and other birds really like to eat the seeds on these too and again it provides some winter interest i have another um aster and these are [Music] they're getting close not quite there yet a couple more weeks or maybe one week they look close so one thing i like to do when i am [Music] practicing mindfulness in the garden is sit and watch the birds i don't know if you can hear them they've been really active this morning and it's still pretty hot it's going to be 90 degrees today and 90 degrees tomorrow [Applause] but i've seen a lot more [Music] birds out here eating seed heads off of the flowers i have some more sedum up here this is a smaller variety this one's called turkish delight i think i pointed it out in my last video but it wasn't quite blooming yet i really like the color of the leaves on this one so i know this was a short video i just wanted to show you a couple of things that had come into bloom for me feel free to share in the comments what you have blooming in your garden um i'm also always looking for suggestions so if you have any um perennials that would do well in a zone five that you really love um let me know down below because i'm always looking for new things to try and as always if you have any questions feel free to ask those i do try to respond to comments um otherwise i hope this video inspires you to get out and just observe what's going on in your garden or green space today
Channel: Carefree Home Garden
Views: 5,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home garden, diy garden, organic garden, flower garden, garden tour, fall garden, pollinator garden, mindfulness, garden therapy
Id: hF5kyNDbXs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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