Garantat 100% cu Yuval Noah Harari (@TVR1)

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television are Emunah until Hitler JDI she funded SIA Art Production for a commander Garin tatsuta la SOTA [Music] sorry bin of America's Atlanta total assuit invitato dinner hasta este historic professor la universität a break Adela your solemn este unit or de lugar suggests international curtsy la salle assault reducing Zetsche de limp sapiens Homo those those at you not the leg ship and recycle those at you know sent cards de marzo chess apparatus in limba Ramona la editor of poly Rome if you thought on Austria stay present of Bucharest rockin Forenza brand minds dominoes procession she move in plea attend Lord ready to Rapala romp enter miss Roth IRA HST in Tunisia Domino meal or cinnamon or ox a spoon involving Atlanta totally suited only evil nor Hari grieving hello it's good to be in Bucharest thank you so much for accepting this invitation oh it's my pleasure how is it to be such a successful author I mean lots of people not only read your books but believe in you do you ever feel just a little bit like a homo Deus I try not to I know that some people sometimes try to look at me like a guru but I don't like it very much I repeatedly tell people that I don't have all the answers and that my books are really more books of questions than books of answers I want to start a debate rather than tell people what are all the right answers to do I don't think that anybody can certainly predict the future the future is not inevitable what I try to do as a scholar is to present people with a map of possibilities and emphasize that they still have a choice about which future they will have which future humankind will have nothing is written yet you say that because of the concentration of the digital power in the hands of a very concentrated elite something worse than exploitation can occur yes irrelevance in the 20th century we had this problem of small economic and political elites gloating the masses but the masses could still repel revolt because when your exploit you're needed they need you to work in the factory to serve in the army so you have some power but now with the new technologies of artificial intelligence and automation and soon we will also have bio technologies right the danger is that more and more people will become irrelevant useless they don't need you in the factory because the robots are doing the work they don't need you in the army so maybe if they the powerful are nice so they throw you through a few crumbs they give you something like universal basic income but you can't really resist because you lost your importance and also psychologically it's much worse to be irrelevant than to be exploited when your work is brought it again you are still important you have some the future depends on you to feel that you're irrelevant your life is meaningless this is one of the worst things for human beings and I think part of what we are seeing now in the world with this populist our upsurge all over the world has to do with this deep sense that people are feeling they are being left behind and that they need to do something before it's too late how would you react if somebody tells you something like this I don't want to be irrelevant I want to be exploited well let's actually step forward because again when you're exploited they need you you you'll do is something important worth worth exploiting but the real message you don't have to be either irrelevant or exploited you can be in a better situation the new technology that are being created need not be monopolized by a small elite they need not be monopolized by just one or two countries like the United States in China they can be shared far more equally between different countries and between different people within the country every technology can be used to create very different kinds of societies we've seen it in the 20th century that you know the technology is electricity and radio and television could be used to create say a communist dictatorship or a fascist regime or a liberal democracy the technology doesn't care what you do with it you can do whatever you want it's the same with artificial intelligence we can use it to create surveillance systems that big corporations and government are now spying and controlling everybody and you can use it in the reverse you can we can create AI tools that the citizens can use in order to monitor the government for example to prevent corruption it's the same technology but used in a different way do you think that honestly is this possible yes certainly I think one of the worst things one of the worst ideas is the idea of inevitability that there is nothing that there is one future and I have no power we have no power because because of the technology or because of the economic or whatever there is just one possible future and especially authoritarian regimes are encouraging people to think like that that resistance is hopeless you can't do anything it's already written yes and it's not the case there is always there are always multiple futures possible one of the again the worst things about the political situation now all over the world is that there is no future in the 20th century every political party had to present some meaningful vision for the future for people to choose some visions were terrible like the fascist vision but even the fascists had some kind of future in mind and of course the liberal had a different vision now you look at the entire political spectrum and almost nobody has a meaningful of vision for how the world would look in 2050 a lot of the new politicians rising in all over the world they just talk about the past they sell people these nostalgic fantasies about going back to some imaginary golden party that usually never existed it's just imagination but it's the past so all the politicians themselves irrelevant right now politics is still extremely important again you have again this idea of politics is irrelevant yes it's no useless or usually it's it's on now market forces yeah now it's all the cooperation but no politics is still very important corporations they don't work they don't represent people even if they are have good ideas nobody chose them to create a certain world for us you don't vote for the managers of Facebook or a Google or Baidu right unless of course you're a billionaire and you can buy shares there so and politicians still have the power to some extent to influence where technology is going where the economy is going so politically still very important I think people should go and vote in the European elections in the local elections even if people say sometimes I know it's back home or in Israel that some people say all the politicians are the same there are all Liars there are all crooks they are all corrupted even if they are all corrupted there are always worse and and better there is always a choice at least between somebody bed and somebody much much worse and it's not true that all the bad choices are the same some bad choices are much much worse than other bad choices in 1933 in Germany people said the same thing at all you have these corrupt politicians and you have the Nazis what's the difference they are all bed there was a difference but isn't it very stressful to look in between bad and worse things I mean it is very stressful mhm you have no choice you do even the choice again I'm not saying that every time it's between bad and worse sometimes there are also good politicians I'm just taking the extreme example even in the extreme example but everybody is corrupt still a bad politician is better than a worse politician it's it's not the same again I don't know to give an extreme extreme example in the Second World War both sides committed terrible atrocities it was still good idea to support the Allies and not the Nazis and again this is just extreme examples in many cases there are good politicians again this idea that all the politicians are corrupt all the politicians are liars this is not true there are some good politicians in almost every country I don't know the situation in Romania so I can't comment on what's happening here but generally speaking there are honest people in politics the people who say everybody is corrupt everybody is a liar are we usually the most corrupt and the worst liars and they want to protect themselves by creating this false impression that everybody's corrupt so what do you want from me yeah it's such a difficult topic because you can talk about Holocaust as about the worst thing happened in the history of humanity but is it is it acceptable to bump Dresden for example mhm I mean where do you put the good in this equation again this is a situation when you have atrocities on both sides and still even though the Allies bombed Dresden and killed a hundred thousand people almost in one day still the Allies were the good guys and it's a good thing that the Allies won and not the Nazis again this is a very extreme example it is there are many other cases in history when it's not true that everybody is committing a crow atrocities and everybody is bad we're talking nowadays a lot about reinventing yes because the world is changing we have to reinvent well reinventing myself it's not piece of cake I mean it takes tremendous effort and tremendous I don't know interior trouble it's extremely stressful yes can I invent myself without crossing this period of stressful times no every change is stressful you need to learn new things you need to some things that you hold dear you need to let go of yeah and but the problem is that living is the 21st century you'll probably have to reinvent yourself not just once but over and over again one thing which probably is in visible is that the pace of technological change and economic change will increase therefore the job market will continue to change more and more rapidly all jobs will disappear new jobs will emerge and people will have to retrain themselves and reinvent themselves to have to fill the new job and not just once you need to reinvent yourself when you're 30 and then 40 and then 50 it's a very stressful years and here there is a very important role for the government to play because you will need to build education systems for adults so people in the forties can go back to school and learn the new skills that are needed you will need to support them during the transition period when they don't work they learn something you will need psychological support because it's stressful and all this will have to come from the government now some countries are too poor they won't be able to build these massive new systems of retraining and this is why we need a continental even global safety net so say the European Union I think one of the main tasks of the European Union in the coming decades will be exactly to build these continental safety net we see already in some countries like Scandinavian countries the thinking of the government is changing and also of the trade unions in the 20th century the big idea was we need to protect the jobs and now then the idea is we don't need to protect the jobs that's impossible we need to protect the workers the some jobs will disappear there is nothing we can do about it but we can help the workers transition to a new job so what is now being done in Sweden and Denmark the EU European Union should provide the help to do it also in Romania in Bulgaria which are in a worse situation economically to provide such a retraining system on the other hand it sounds very good to have a strong mental tonus but having a strong mental tonus can be an obsession in itself yeah can be very stressful can be a trauma in itself I'm each day obsessed by the fact that I do have to be in a strong mental tonus what do i do with that part of the process of learning to know yourself and to change yourself is also to accept your weaknesses and give them give them space and you know people sometimes embark on this project of creating a perfect self right so they can it can be physically like they spend hours in the gym every day it can be like mentally that they try to force themselves into and this often just creates too much stress in life we are not perfect we cannot be perfect we need to know our weaknesses in order to protect ourselves against them but we cannot make these weaknesses disappear this is just wishful thinking that merely creates unrealistic expectations so you know I personally one of my methods I I do meditation I practice Vipassana meditation two hours every day I go on a long vacation every year of between 1 month and 2 months just meditation yes but you can afford yourself - yeah I can afford to do it and this is part of what it makes me possible to write these books then I have this mental clarity for other people other things works well some people go to therapy some people for them out is like painting or music is therapy for some people it's going to nature and taking a hike for two weeks different things work better for different people but especially in the stressful year of the 21st century it's very important to invest the time and effort in getting to know yourself and in getting this inner strength otherwise will be very difficult to deal with this extremely hectic pace we talk very easily you and me we talk very easily about the working class who's disappearing but changing more than disappearing yes but if somebody from India if somebody from China from Bangladesh would hear us right now he or she could say something like well it's disappearing in your world you lucky ignorant not in mine what would you answer to that that at present yes we see the transition of manual labor from Europe and say to Bangladesh yep but in twenty ten twenty thirty years the automation revolution will also reach Bangladesh and what could even happen is that the actually production will return to Europe it will be cheaper to produce textiles in Germany than in Bangladesh because you don't have to pay salaries almost all the work is being automated you still have the creative work then Bangladesh becomes useless and that's the biggest danger Bangladesh is in a much worse position than Germany or even Romania because it's not in the EU it doesn't have the support of such a safety net and people in Bangladesh today I mean there will be new jobs in 2030 years for example in designing software that controls all these robots yeah but the people in Bangladesh they don't learn they don't study in school how to be software designers they learn how to produce textiles and when the jobs are gone the Bangladeshi government doesn't have the funds to retrain millions of Bangladeshi textile workers to be software engineers they're not disappointed anymore they are irrelevant exactly they've moved from exploitation to irrelevance and the entire country if we don't if if globally we don't take action entire countries could collapse and then you have cows and violence and waves of immigration yeah that could destabilize the rest of the world disclaimer this is a disclaimer I will not get you into any type of conspiracy theory okay but there's a common sense question that you yourself deal with in one of your books human spare parts human organs we all know that we have enough technology in order to have human organs farms why don't we really have them or do we have them I think we have them on a small scale there are cases in some countries I didn't investigate deeply so I thought I won't like to name any names because I'm not sure but there are reports that in some countries this is actually being done that organs are harvested from prisoners from poor people and sold to rich people but it's not a wide scale phenomenon in its underground and this is because the effectiveness of regulation these are very hard work very hard words I mean it's very hard to hear that and it's very hard to imagine that and to accept that again the good side is that it's still relatively rare and this is because it's a good case for the effectiveness of regulation against um this inevitability and people say well once the technology is there it's inevitable people will do it it the worst things that's not the case with organ harvesting we have managed globally to put in place enough effective regulations that this is relatively a rare case so this means that also with new technologies regulation can be effective it's not inevitable that once you have the technology people will use it in just any way our governments and big corporations slowing down some technologies that could be available now why would they do that because the technologies could be dangerous in in different ways they could be dangerous for individual people or for the entire social and political system so for example we can now produce autonomous weapon systems killer all right machines that can decide on their own initiative who is an enemy who is a terrorist who to kill and without any order from a human to just kill people this is technically possible today some countries you know it States China my home country of Israel are researching and developing these technologies but it is still limited it's very important to keep this technology limited and to slow down this kind of technological development but it can only be done through global cooperation let's turn it upside down what about technologies that can save lives that certainly is happening the same technology can work both ways and this of course will need to encourage but again in a careful way because the same technology very often you develop a technology you have one use in mind but then somebody takes it and use it in a completely different way like the difference between the technology of self-driving cars and killer robots is not big now self-driving cars is a wonderful technology at present today in the world every year more than a million people are killed in car accidents that's twice the number of people who are killed by war and terrorism and crime put together most car accidents are caused by human error like somebody drinking alcohol and driving self-driving cars don't drink alcohol they don't fall asleep it's likely that we could save a million people every year by switching to self-driving cars but the same technology could also be used to create killer drones and killer robots of of various kinds so we have to be very careful here and again we can't just stop all technological development we need to have effective global cooperation to regulate the dangerous technologies like killer robots while encouraging and benefiting from the positive technologies you're a responsible person and professional I have a straight question yes is immortality possible not today but I think in the not-too-distant future overcoming old age and death could be a possibility it will be an extremely dangerous possibility because it will create immense tensions and conflicts with in human society who is going to be who is going to get it in all likelihood the new technologies that will enable some people to live longer and longer lives will be quite expensive so this will create the greatest inequality in history that the rich live on and on while the poor die and again it's it's it's difficult to prevent it because the same technologies can also help to cure cancer and cure Alzheimer so we don't want to stop all research in these fields but we need to be very careful here that when we develop these bio technologies there are used for the benefit of the majority of people and not for enhancing and extending the lives of only a very small rich elite do you ever imagine how much food do you feed to the lovers of the conspiracy theory' me personally yes but you know it's conspiracy theories well always around and the only effective way to fight against them is to spread the truth you can't fight against conspiracy theory just by telling people this isn't true this isn't no you have to provide people think in stories and if somebody comes with a bad story the only thing that is effective against it is a is a better story is a good story so this is why as a scientist I also see my job as a storyteller it's not just some scientists have this mistaken belief we just need to tell people the fact yeah the facts don't work because people think in stories so you need not just to have the facts you need to take the fact and create a good story do not always work anymore yes certainly I think that again if the story is on the one hand it's based on fact it's not a conspiracy theory but it's accessible you tell it in a simple language that anybody can understand it's not just for professors in university you cannot reach a very wide audience and we are now working not just you know on books like this these books are approved yeah yeah well we actually are working now also on a TV series and on a children's book so to make these scientific stories even more widely available so even you know children in school age 12 they can hear the latest scientific evidence or theories but in a form that is very accessible and interesting let's talk a little bit about real life and virtual life yes there's a moment in your dialogue with Mark Zuckerberg the founder and CEO of Facebook where you say something like this quote you can unfriend a friend on the social network on Facebook you press the button and he or she disappears but you can't unneighborly might not like him but he's still there you cannot make him disappear end of quotation what do we do out of that that's part of the danger of social media is that it kind of downgrades people's social abilities yes it connects a lot of people together but in a very restricted way like in the quote you just gave in an old-fashioned community you live in some village there are people around you that have different opinions that some of them you don't like right and you need to develop the abilities to get along with them but if you lock yourself inside a virtual bubble like a group of Facebook friends then you don't need to develop these social skills because if somebody annoys you you just press a button it gone yes and the safe medium yeah and in this way I mean there are huge advantages also I'm not saying that it's all social media is bad but we should be were that technology doesn't downgrade human abilities and in many ways the new technologies indeed downgrade human abilities social abilities or the abilities for example to research and investigate the truth people becoming very lazy they just read whatever is in their Facebook feed or they have a question they - they just type in Google and whatever comes up is the number one result of the Google search well that's the truth and on the one hand it's wonderful we now have all these tools but we should not allow these tools to downgrade us and make us lazy we need you know just like your body if you just sit all day in front of the computer your body you'll becoming very lazy and you're losing your physical fitness so go take a walk go to the gym do something it's the same with the mind the mind is also becoming like a potato couch just being fed all these very easy junk food for the moment and you want a healthy mind you want a strong mind you need to challenge it in different ways there's a huge difference in between using your bicycle running in the park using your time to be healthy and working it's a huge difference I'll explain sometimes we all pass through a very paper crate situation we blame computers but we're getting deeper and deeper in addiction towards them and in the need for machines because so many of us simply sometimes I do have to say that we do not want to work anymore work is not nice we hate work and that's why without saying it explicitly we encourage machines what do you do with that well some work is indeed not good for you and it would be good if machines replace humans in those kinds of jobs smaller works I mean there are many works which people do because they have no choice because they need to make a living but it's not really good for you and this is I'm not against machines replacing humans in all kinds of work but the important thing is that the machines don't end up downgrading your important human abilities like the ability to connect other people like the ability to to have curiosity like the ability to challenge yourself so one of the dangers with machines is that you know in many science fiction movies we think that all machines and the robots they will be very cold and uncaring and is a big problem actually the problem could be the opposite the machines that we are now developing machines that are becoming better and better in understanding human emotions they don't have emotions of themselves but you know emotions are a biochemical or biological phenomenon you can diagnose an emotion like fear or boredom or anger just like you diagnose a disease so the machines are actually becoming better in understanding human emotions and then in 20 years or 30 years we might reach a point when your refrigerator understands your emotions better than your husband or your wife or your brother so you come back home from work and you're like grumpy and then then stressed and maybe your husband or your wife don't notice it you know because they are too busy with their own emotions but immediately the smart house notices it so the lights dimmed to create a soothing atmosphere and the refrigerator offers you that the most comforting soul food and you become so accustomed to machines that are very attuned to your emotions that at the same time you become impatient with all these humans who don't understand your emotions because they are distracted emotion is something complex yeah emotion is something deeply human when you talk about emotion so easily in connection with machines this is very hard to be accepted at least in this very moment yeah you should separate two things machines having emotions and machines recognizing emotion right having emotions no way I don't see in the even long-term future I don't this is science fiction scenario that robots become conscience and have feelings of their own and fall in love this is extremely unlikely we don't see any signs of this happening this is purely science fiction but to recognize an emotion that's much easier like when you're very I mean how do I know what is your emotion right now I basically interpret signals coming from I listen to the tone of your voice I listen to the content of what you say I look at your face at your facial muscles at your body movements and I know there is a you know there is an angry face and there is a smiling face of somebody joyful and this is how I recognize the patterns now all of this a machine can do already today there are machines today that are better than humans on average in in interpreting facial expressions and the machines in the not-too-distant future could actually go under our skin I can't see your heart right now or your brain but a machine with a biometric sensor which is a technology existing today everything can know exactly what is happening to your heart rate right now so you know it can be I don't know say in television maybe Netflix now offers people this service look we will give you Netflix for free in exchange all you need to do is wear a biometric bracelet that constantly monitors your heartbeat and blood pressure because we want to know how you know today Netflix knows you like this show you don't have this showed you you press on the remote control but it is very crude Netflix would like to know what you're actually feeling every moment when you're watching a TV show for example let's say you watch some TV show and whenever there is a character coming up on the screen you become very excited and engaged and this is actually a minor character it's not the main hero yeah and this data goes to Netflix and they say ah people like this character people are excited by this character which is enhance it we should enhance it we should make this person a central hero that happens with experiments in literature with functional MRI which words do produce certain types of emotions which sequences of words and and you know and the whole idea is how do we make people even more addicted right to these shows Oh to these books or whatever by the way when you say addiction please tell me very honestly and I'm very sure that you'll be very honest about that when you had your conversation with my bird okay you were watching each other mm-hmm you were having a body language you were having a ward language mm-hmm when you were side-by-side when you work together with your interlocutor were you thinking in terms of honesty dishonesty well those two words present in your mind yes but in the sense that you know I'm I'm a scholar a story and I can basically say what I want he is the head of a global organization right to more than two million to billion members worth hundreds of billions of dollars he has to be extremely careful about what he is saying I mean when I say something it has little influence when a leader say something his words or her words are like seeds that people see it and if for example we have now today in the world political leaders who basically say the first thing that comes to my right and they all will praise them because they are honest and this is bad I mean because what they do for example if they spread hatred then the seeds of hatred that are coming from their mouths are being planted in millions of minds and they give fruit of violence so if a leader says it is let's say that the leaders have some hateful thought in in the mind I don't want that leader to just say that I want that leader to take the time yes I have this thought in my mind right but I shouldn't say it on television because this will create a lot of problems so some people may say this is inauthentic but you know there are so many things coming up in your mind you are not your thoughts many of these thoughts that come up in the mind there are because of some propaganda there are because of some biochemical events in your body you are not your thoughts I mean real freedom is not just saying the first thing that comes to your mind will freedom is being able to weigh the thought in your mind and say only those things which are really beneficial for other people to hear and keep your nasty thoughts to yourself do you have a personal idea of what freedom could mean for the whole world an idea that could be acceptable I think the key to freedom is to really know yourself people think again that they have a very naive belief that they have fully will mm-hmm I have freedom yeah so anything I choose this is freedom I study in the supermarket I choose these conflicts and not that cereals this freedom I stand in the election I choose this candidate that this is freed no freedom is not something you have freedom is something you need to struggle for because when you start looking inside you realize that you are not a single thing there is a battleground inside between many forces and today external forces like corporations and political parties thanks to new technology are becoming very efficient in hacking in deciphering human beings right and pressing their emotional buttons and manipulating them so will freedom is to get to know yourself well to get to know your weaknesses not allow your weaknesses to be exploited by these corporations or political parties and only then your choices reflect real freedom and not manipulation but you need a high level of conscience in order to do that in order to understand it's hard you need to work on that again this is why I say that freedom is not something you have you need to struggle for so you can make qualify for your own freedom yes a matter of fact it's not that again that Oh I'm a free person anything I say anything I do this just reflects my freedom quotation you Homo sapiens simple isn't made to be satisfied yeah because when things are going well usually the automatic reaction of people is not to be satisfied but it's to crave for more they just raise their expectations when you look at how a lot of people say in the European Union are living today if they could tell the great-grandparents a hundred years ago or a thousand years ago how they are living people back then would say you are living in paradise there are no wars there are no huge epidemics there is no famine people that millions people have died forever even in the most in the poorest countries in the EU people are not dying in there millions from famine and plague like happened in past centuries so I'm not saying there are no problem the huge problems but we still need to look back and understand that we have made some significant progress and we should be grateful for it it doesn't mean we don't need to struggle for even better conditions in the future but we need to just realize that we have made some achievements and that if we now make wrong choices things can go much much worse they I mean like the peace in Europe is not a law of nature it's the work largely of the European Union if for example the European Union collapses then you could see again wars in Europe let's say here in Eastern Europe so you still have difficult territorial and national conflicts say between Hungary in Romania there are still a lot of outstanding issues and if this umbrella of the European Union collapses then who knows in 10 years or 20 years the rights be again a terrible war between say Hungary in Romania you say that we cannot endlessly debate about the meaning of life religion fellas and science are running out of time you say well what should we talk about what should we talk about what should we talk about if not about the meaning of life we should talk about it I'm just saying that it's now really becoming a practical question because of the new technologies especially biotechnology and artificial intelligence for the first time they're giving us the ability to really really romantic to re-engineer the human body the human brain the human mind and in order to know how to use these technologies wisely you need to answer some very deep philosophical questions like what is freedom and what is the essence of humanity and what is the meaning of life you know 3,000 years ago or 2,000 years ago in ancient Greece or ancient India people could debate this but it had little I mean they didn't have genetic engineering so even if they didn't reach a conclusion they okay the debate can go on for another thousand years but now when you when we are going to have the technology to re-engineer human beings then we can't wait a thousand years for the Philosopher's to come up with an answer because the engineers won't wait and the investors and the politicians won't wait once the technology is there the temptation to start using it is going to be very big and then we will need some very deep philosophical insights what to do with these technologies to questions from the point of view of the devil's advocate I do have to express those questions so I stress upon this fact it's the devil's advocate wonderful first how would you answer to somebody who could tell you something like this you talk in very general terms you seduce the reader with great and sexy in the respect of catchy or frightening themes you produce a type of emotion and you make all these seem like science but it's it's pseudo-scientific entertainment and of a virtual quotation how would you answer to that well I hope I'm not doing that I try not to do it again what I'm doing is to the best of my ability I take the latest scientific findings and theories and I translate it into a language and into a format of stories that are accessible to people who are not professors of biology or have a doctorate in computer science and I do that because I think it's extremely important that everybody will be familiar with the dangers of promises of things like artificial intelligence because it will affect everybody I don't think it's only the professors and the engineers that you decide the future of artificial intelligence because this will change the job market and the political situation of everybody now of course in the process of translation there is always the danger of oversimplification of turning science into pseudoscience I can't say that I do it I do it perfectly and this is why as I just said in the beginning I very much hope that people don't see me as kind of all-knowing guru and that the really important things in the in the books are the questions and not the answers if you think that my answer about what to do is the automation revolution in the job market that this is a I have the wrong ideas very good so come up with your own suggestions but at least the question what should government's do in the face of the automation revolution this should be in people's mind right so the questions are important my answers take it or leave it that's up to you and the second question from the point of view of the devil's advocate is a hard one it's a really hard one and I do have to make very clear the disclaimer in Eastern Europe in Romania we still live in many places in a sort of traditional atmosphere let's say even rural maybe there are lots of attitudes that could be read as anti-semitic attitudes so I will raise a virtual and hard question please and it's a virtual quotation I stress upon that mm-hmm quote you are the Israeli citizen you come from the country which is manipulating from the backstage the whole trajectory of the Western world you heard that lots of times your goal with your books is to confuse us and make us abandon our Christian values and of virtual quotation okay again it's it's up to you what you do is what I say I I would say the the real question is what are the Christian values what is the deep meaning of lots of people talk about Christianity yes like you have somebody like Orban in Hungary talking about Christian democracy I always thought that the chief value of Christianity was compassion now so if if I would say we will hold on to your Christian values compassion is a wonderful thing really follow in the footsteps of Jesus to follow in the footsteps of Jesus doesn't mean to say I believe that Jesus Christ is the Saviour okay so you believe it so what they're really following in the footsteps of Jesus means to live your life in light of what Jesus instructed people to do which is above all to show compassion to others if somebody slaps you you turn the other cheek you care about other people and other people who might not even be of your own religion you know you have the parable of the Good Samaritan right the important thing is not the religion of the person it's how they behave so I definitely don't want people to abandon their Christian compassion I really hope that my books will help them to understand that real compassion today should be global in nature because today all people depend on one another events in one country ever deep influence on other countries so your environmental policies in Europe have an effect on people in Bangladesh if climate change continues and the ocean Rises Bangladesh will drown so yes most people in Bangladesh are not Christian they are Muslims there are Hindus but Christian compassion means that you should care about the environment not just because of what happens in Romania but also because you have responsibility for people in Bangladesh and the same thing when it comes to the job market right so Christian compassion means that you have to think not just about the impact of people in one region but also of people in distant part of the world so you know when you come to think about environmental regulation I think it's a very good idea to ask yourself what would Jesus have told us to do about environmental regulation today professor you Varner Hari thank you so much for accepting this invitation so in a privilege to have you as a guest and very honestly because we talked about honesty very honest a good luck with what you do thank you so much dr. Degutis utam utam infamous Pantocrator never dim Dominica Vita Optima [Music]
Channel: TVR
Views: 43,794
Rating: 4.9222617 out of 5
Keywords: TVR1, Romanian Television, TVR, Yuval Noah Harari, interview
Id: agy4G-iPOEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 58sec (2938 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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