Garage Makeover ! Updating & Improving The Shop And Workbench Area : Paint, Backsplash, Storage

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hey welcome to 49cc scoot my name's brent if you're a regular viewer of this channel you probably know that it's been a couple of months since i've uploaded any videos the main reason for that is i live in maryland and while we haven't had a harsh winter like people further north may have we have still got more snow than we normally get in these months and it's been enough snow and enough threats of snow that they've kept the roads covered in salt so aside from just being cold and sometimes nasty weather there's also salt all over the roads and i would really prefer not to take my scoots out on that i don't want them to be trailer queens and never get dirty by any stretch of the imagination i like to ride but the salt's pretty harsh on some stuff i've got powder coated wheels on the two-stroke and my t-max if you watch the videos of that you've seen how bad the salt has chewed up my wheels and put rust on some other parts so i just haven't been looking to do that this year if i could prevent it so anyway i did find something else that has been tying up a whole lot of my time and that's what this video is going to be about [Applause] [Music] everything that you're about to see started as a very very simple idea way back in late december so all i wanted to do was replace the rubber top on my workbench my workbench is primarily made of two by fours then there's a three quarter inch plywood top on it and then over that it's all covered by eighth inch steel and then on top of that i usually use a rubber mat and this rubber mat's been on there for about 15 years it's rubber runner that i got at a hardware store where my father used to work it's totally smooth on one side and then has channels on the other side that i leave on the bottom so the totally smooth top has made it very very easy to clean up i just spray it with usually 50 50 mix of cleaner degreaser my case i choose simple green and water and wipe it down easy but the problem is over the years i've beat on the thing and abused it and it's got holes in it and all sorts of uh places where moisture can go through like if i spray it down the moisture gets through there or oil or whatever can go through that then goes on top of the steel top of the workbench and since i don't see it it tends to get neglected and next thing you know i've got a bunch of rust over there and it had actually gotten really really bad i peeled it up for some reason just to take a look and it was horrible so that's kind of what started all this so i just wanted to replace that rubber mat and i wanted to refinish the top of the workbench should be very simple and pretty cheap instead what i ended up doing because i had to look online for some sort of rubber to top that because rubber runner now whenever i see it is all textured on one side and then channeled on the other and the textured stuff i've tried before and it's just a lot harder to clean because that texture kind of holds everything in there little bits of dust etc and you just can't get it clean very easily so i wanted something fairly smooth and i was looking around for that well in the process of that then i decided well if i'm going to get a new rubber mat and i'm going to refinish the top a little bit just sand it and repaint it was all i wanted to do it would be kind of nice if i had some sort of backsplash behind the workbench because my walls are quarter inch lawn when the garage was built it was built unfinished and then we decided we wanted to put insulation in here so we could work in the winter a little bit and just wanted something to make it look a little more finished so my father picked up a bunch of quarter inch lawn at the hardware store again he used to work there you could get a discount so it was fairly cheap for us and then i put it on the walls after insulating so anyway it hasn't had the greatest walls and it's just lawn the lawn can't really be cleaned easily you'd have to sand it to really clean it um and i'm not gonna sand after every time i get a little dirt on the wall so the walls have kind of just been getting darker and darker i thought it'd be really nice to have some sort of backsplash that was easy to clean i thought just i'll get some diamond plate and aluminum diamond plate throw that on the walls no big deal we're talking about a workbench i wanted at least eight feet by two feet tall so it was i can't remember the exact prices but as soon as i saw them there was no way that was going to happen for me some other people said stainless steel again that's really cost prohibitive for me i wanted something fairly affordable so this led me to an entire search and while i'm doing this search then i decided well if i'm going to do this i might as well go ahead and paint the walls and paint the whole workbench and next thing you know i'm in the middle of this big project and all i wanted to do was a little bit of work to the top of the workbench my goal for the project ended up being to refinish the area right around the workbench and the lathe and just where i work on scooters so basically one bay of the garage and a little bit further down the wall because of where the lathe is here are a couple of pictures of the area so you know what i started out with the first thing that i wanted to tackle was seeing how hard it would be to remove stickers from the wall because if you couldn't tell i've had kind of a thing for performance stickers for a very long time most of these have been there for the entire time that the lawn's been on the wall essentially luckily it turned out to not be too tough i mostly just use the heat gun you don't want to put too much heat in there and really start melting the stickers but sort of start breaking that adhesive loose and soften them up a bit and then go after them with a plastic razor knife because if i tried the regular razor it would cut into the walls but the plastic did a pretty good job of not damaging anything i removed the shelf that was over the workbench in the process because i had other plans for that spot of the wall and then continued to remove stickers i've got a pair of bose 301 series speakers put high on the walls in the garage both of them are just on shelves and i don't really like the look of the shelves i wanted to get some kind of actual speaker mount for them so they'd look a little nicer so i went ahead and took that stuff down as well i unbolted the vise from the workbench and that's another one of the things that i really wanted to do something about while i was in this project because this vise is again about as old as the whole garage is it used to be a swivel vise that broke on the corner of the workbench i've got four by fours and one of the bolts goes into a 4x4 so i just used a lag bolt over the years that hole where the lag bolt was wore and then the vise was never as secure as i'd like it to be in that corner i probably could have used some epoxy or maybe even just wood glue and another lag bolt in there but for whatever reason i never did it so at this point i just removed it and i'll figure it out as i go i got the lathe and the toolbox and all the other stuff around there out of the way covered my scooters and blankets and then started sanding the walls on the cabinets with an orbital sander using 80 to 120 grit paper [Music] then i started working on the steel top of the workbench initially i tried using an orbital sander with 60 grit but it just wasn't heavy duty enough to get the job done so i switched over to an angle grinder with wire wheels and that would do the trick in a lot of spots although in other areas i had to switch over to flap wheels on the angle grinder and eventually i got the rust out of there it still wasn't pretty when i was done but at least there wasn't a bunch of rusting and that's the main thing i needed to accomplish [Music] i cleaned the top with mineral spirits and then as soon as that dried i put on two coats of primer because i didn't want the exposed steel to start rusting again [Music] i dusted and cleaned every wall shelf and area that i was going to put primer on even though they weren't going to be painted i spent quite a bit of time cleaning each one of the windows in the area because that's another thing i've just neglected cleaning for years so all of the sills all the area around the windows were very dirty and i think i spent around an hour on each window just cleaning that off i hadn't planned on doing much of the ceiling right away in this project i'd already painted part of the ceiling over top of the scooter area years ago and i just wanted to do about maybe five or six feet away from the wall and the other area i was painting at the moment because i really didn't want to go back to paint the ceiling later and then get white paint all over the walls i'm sure everyone has their own way of doing this my way may be the worst what i did was i started with a brush just going around the edges near the ceiling some of the cracks on the wall because again when i first did the lawn years ago i didn't do the greatest job and also just trim around some of the objects where i was going to have to prime [Music] when i first started off i worked on a very small area i got the trim done and then i moved on to the roller and then once all of that was done then i moved on to another area and repeated the same process [Music] so [Music] i used two coats of primer on everything except for the area where the stickers were because you could clearly see all the differences in color discoloration from where the stickers had been and hadn't been so i tried using another coat there but it didn't make any difference it was still very easy to see so i just moved on hoping that paint would cover it once the primer was done i moved on and painted the small section of the ceiling but unfortunately nothing matched i ended up going out and buying another kind of ceiling paint that also didn't match but since it was a primer and paint all in one i did paint a little bit more of the ceiling and now it looks like my ceiling is three different colors so maybe someday i'll figure out something that matches or just paint over the entire ceiling all at once i did the primer on the cabinets in the workbench area last because i was trying to work my way from the top to the bottom sort of but primarily because i was afraid that i was going to run into the cabinets or the workbench while i was trying to prime something else above it i gave the primer the recommended recoat time and then started putting gray paint on the walls all of the paint that i used in this project is porch 4 paint i came across that idea while looking for something to coat the top of the workbench people were saying that porch floor paint worked well for them for coating both wooden and steel topped workbenches it's supposed to be a lot more durable than a standard paint and it's not incredibly expensive like some other options that are out there i've never used the stuff before but it sounded like a good idea to me because a porch should have to put up with people walking on it as well as the elements so it should be a little tougher than standard paint and hopefully this will hold up well for me in the garage i did two coats of the gray and then gave it about a day to cure before moving on i found a pair of speaker mounts at a reasonable price that got good ratings so i went ahead and picked those up and mounted one of my speakers above the workbench the other one is for a speaker that's across the garage where i wasn't working just yet by the way i will put links in the description to some of the stuff that i'm using in the project so check down there if you're interested in anything that you see me working with i used masking tape for delicate surfaces so it wouldn't harm the fresh gray paint all around the pegboard area and shelves then i painted those with two coats of black porch floor paint then the steel top of the workbench as well as the other countertops got two coats of the same paint after two coats and some cure time i painted the workbench and the cabinets all with two coats of white porch floor paint i gave that a full 72 hours to cure because i wanted to be sure that i didn't mess it up when i leaned on it to work on the backsplash when i was thinking about solutions for a backsplash i remembered that scott who goes by old geek on the forums had talked about using stick on vinyl tile for the top of his workbench and he said that they were actually pretty durable and in his case they were easy to replace because he was using just one foot or 12 inch square tiles so if something got damaged he could pretty easily peel it up and put another in its place but that got me thinking about something along those lines as an easy and affordable option to have a very simple to clean backsplash that hopefully would be durable enough to hold up to the work that i do there i found these peel and stick vinyl planks on home depot's website though i'm sure all of the home improvement stores sell something similar they claim to be good for use as flooring and for wall coverings so i assume anything that can be used for flooring should be somewhat tough one box is a little over 60 and they say that it should cover up to 23 square feet i took some measurements and then for me the easiest way to come up with a fairly precise answer of how many square feet i needed to cover was just to draw it out on graph paper after counting all the squares it looked like i would need around 40 square feet to cover the area that i wanted to cover and two boxes of these vinyl planks should provide coverage for 46 square feet that's cutting it a little close but i decided just to go with that and figured i could pick up one more box later if i needed to so it was about 125 dollars for all of the vinyl blanks that i used i also spent another 30 to 40 dollars picking up a handheld roller you want to make sure that you push out all the air underneath of there so that the adhesive can really stick to the wall or the floor whatever you're working on to be sure they don't fall off the walls i did watch multiple videos of people putting these things up some people said they had to nail or screw them to the wall but what i noticed was when those people were doing the work they weren't using any kind of roller so i'm hoping that by using the roller and doing it the way the company suggests that i'll have a good result and i won't have to nail or screw these things to the wall you may notice at times i'm putting different planks on the wall and taking a look at them that's because you get a variety of designs in the box they're all supposed to go together but they do have different patterns and such and you may find that you don't want two planks that look exactly the same sitting side by side and that sort of thing so i would just put them on the wall see if i like the way it looked and then go from there with my cutting and measuring speaking of cutting and measuring i was really happy with how easy these things were to work with i thought it would be a lot more difficult but basically whenever i needed to make a cut i would just lay a straight edge across it give it one pass with a utility knife you don't even have to press that hard as long as you get it scored a little bit then you can snap these things and it makes a pretty clean cut just doing it that way really really simple you can also just go over the edge of it with a razor blade just to take off anything that is rough left over but overall i didn't have any problems cutting these the entire time i went to a height that came out the three planks high 21 inches above the workbench and stopped there aside from over by the lathe i knew that i wanted to go taller over there because that thing slings so much oil and such if you put any kind of lubricant on anything so i went four planks high over there which is 28 inches and i still wasn't sure if i really wanted to go any higher over there by the workbench or not but i already had a plan for what was going over the workbench so i decided to start putting that up i wanted pegboard or some kind of storage solution that's a little bit different than the shelf that i've had for so long over the workbench and after looking around for a while i decided on these metal wall control panels each one of these panels is 16 inches wide by 32 inches tall so i picked up six panels that gives me eight feet of width of coverage by 32 inches high i put the bottom of each panel up against the top of the vinyl planks that i had on the wall those turned out to be very level i had actually took a level and put a line across the wall and it aligned right with the top of the vinyl plank so that worked out pretty well i did all the screws on the bottom first and then climbed up on the workbench to finish up the screws on the top overall they were pretty easy to install so i have no complaints there really the main negative about these that i would say is if you're looking for the most cost effective way to add a pegboard solution these are not it you could go and buy an eight foot sheet of pegboard i used one by threes behind the other section of pegboard that i did on the wall that way in years past and it really doesn't cost very much at all to put up a large section of pegboard just using pegboard what i'm hoping that these have going for them above pegboard well two things one is that i'm hoping they're very durable and the finish on them is durable because i wanted to actually put some tools up there the other thing is they are wall control and not just standard pegboard so standard pegboard is just the regular round holes wall control has slots and they make special wall control accessories so you can get regular pegboard stuff as well as wall control stuff and it gives you a lot of options for whatever you want to do with the pegboard when i was wrapped up in planning this project i decided that i wanted to try and take care of anything that was at least reasonably simple or that i could afford to do now that i may want to do in the future a lot of it's just again simple things but in this case i decided to add a long surge protector and i put that right underneath of all of those wall control panels that way when i'm working at the workbench i've got plenty of spots to plug something in once those were installed i took a step back and looked at it and decided that i did indeed want to add one more plank over the workbench area as well that way it would match up the lathe area nicely and it really wasn't going to use many planks because there was only a small gap between the window and the wall control boards and then between the wall control boards and the other wall next i started working on lighting the workbench area so i used to have two lights mounted right under my shelf obviously now i don't have that shelf anymore so i can't mount the lights the same way so i put some thought into what i wanted to do and after some elaborate options i just decided to go very simple and fairly cheap and i hung a couple of shop lights led shop lights up directly over the workbench so it should be incredibly bright when it's done i bought three metal brackets that way i could put them 48 inches apart each light is 48 inches long that also corresponds with studs so i put the brackets there and then i just used short lengths of chain that came with the lights to hang those from the brackets i picked up new blinds for each window because i think i only paid around 11 or 12 dollars per set of blinds the new blinds are supposed to be light blocking while the old ones were like filtering so sometimes when i do video if i have to get one of the windows in the shot then it's so bright that it kind of messes up how bright everything else is in the video and where i can set the camera so i'm hoping maybe these will just be a little bit better for that my initial plan was to keep all of the existing cabinet hardware and handles i just primed and painted over them but then once i was done i thought it would look a lot better if i had some black hinges as well as handles and it cost me i think 40 to 50 dollars to pick up all of them once that was finished i finally took care of the one thing that really got this entire project started which was the rubber mat that goes on top of the workbench so i looked around for quite a bit and eventually found this rubber mat that looks like a diamond plate kind of finish i would have preferred just a totally smooth runner on top of it but i wasn't able to find that or at least not at a reasonable price i got this it was four feet wide by 10 feet long for about 70 bucks on amazon so a little more than i'd hoped to put into it based on what i had spent years past for just rubber runner however four feet wide made it wide enough it can cover most of the workbench even where it l's out and 10 feet long was about the right length because i don't want it to go all the way to the end by the vise where i weld and grind and stuff a lot because i don't want everything to fall down on it and burn through it or anything so it actually ends up about perfect then i started the long process of trying to figure out where i wanted things positioned on all the pegboard spots that i had so i didn't film this because when i say long process i mean a very long process any of you that are particular about your shop or have tried to set up these sort of things in the past probably know what i'm talking about you put something up stand back and look at it don't necessarily like that take it back down put it up again i'm not sure if i like that this needs to move over a couple of spots or up or down or whatever and this went on for a long period of time before i finally ended up with where it is now the last thing that i did to the workbench was to add a new vise so again i looked around quite a bit spent way too much time reading online reviews and searching and that led me to the vice that i chose which is an eight-inch forward vise forward being the name brand it's got 360 degree swivel obviously eight inch jaws this vise has a different and much larger mounting pattern than my old vise has so i did have to drill new holes in the top of the workbench one good thing about that is this time i avoided going into that 4x4 in the corner so i can just put a bolt all the way through and a nut on the bottom and all those spots instead of having to go into a piece of wood and hopefully that'll mean that it's much more sustainable for years to come worst-case scenario i'm just tightening up the nut in the bolt after the vice was mounted that did leave one hole that was uncovered and a little bit of touch-up needed on the paint from me sliding the vise around on top of it this is a big heavy vise weighs around 60 pounds so i can't really complain about the paint being scratched off for me doing that so all i did was fill that hole with some jb weld gave it plenty of time to cure and then filed and sanded it down and repainted it at that point all of the area right by the workbench was finished and initially i thought that i would wait to do the rest of that scooter bay sometime in the future i'd at least give myself a few weeks break before i did any more paint and that kind of work but i was kind of rolling along by then and i had the stuff here to do it so i decided just to get started right on that and finish the entire scooter bay that still leaves half of the garage that needs to be done sometime in the future who knows when but at least if i got that done all of the area where i work on scooters would be finished this area went a whole lot more quickly because i really don't have much to deal with i don't have a work bench and shelves and so on the only shelf i have just is two brackets that were left on the wall i pulled the shelf itself off i did take down one shelf that was very high on the wall because this garage has an 11 foot ceiling and i had to climb a ladder to get anything on the shelf so i really never used it for anything after the paint was done i wanted to make some changes with how i was storing things and increase my storage space because i had a plastic shelf over there that i had some storage bins and i keep my helmets and that kind of thing on but i had a lot of engines stacked on that shelf and the plastic shelf just was not made to hold that kind of weight and the whole thing was crooked and kind of wobbly i had it tied to the wall but it still looked like it could collapse at any moment again i spent way too much time searching trying to figure out exactly what it was that i wanted because i didn't want to spend a whole lot of money here but i definitely wanted something sturdy so i decided on a pretty standard four foot wide by two foot deep by six foot tall shelf the kind of thing you can find anywhere they got them at home depot at lowe's on amazon everywhere so i ordered one on amazon because it was a decent price it was about 150 bucks which is about as good as i could find at the time and they sent me the wrong shelf they sent me some light duty much smaller wire shelf that wasn't the right thing they ended up telling me just to keep it and eventually i put that beside the shelf that i ended up with and used it to store oil and some fluids but first i had to find what shelf i wanted so i decided i was just going to go into home depot and look at these shelves myself because i read a lot of reviews saying that the shelves were very flimsy even the metal ones that i was looking at i went in and checked it out and i have to tell you if you're considering getting one of these standard shelves they look basically like angle iron with a bunch of holes in it as the legs for it seriously go into a store and put your hands on the thing and see if it is what you want because i was very surprised when i went in there i could take just two fingers my thumb and my forefinger put that on the material and you could just flex the material that was the legs just that easily which amazed me because one of my friends actually filled half of his garage with this kind of shelves many years ago and they were pretty thick angle iron and now they're down to being next to nothing i would not trust these to hold a whole lot of weight so that led me to look around more and i ended up buying a much bigger much heavier duty shelf that you see me putting together here it did cost about double the money that i ever planned to spend but it gave me a whole lot of storage space and it does feel very sturdy although they still use a thin gauge of metal which is pretty disappointing for the money but it feels sturdy because of the amount of bends that they put in everything you can see behind me that i'm trying to put that shelf to good use i went and got a bunch more storage bins and tried to move everything into there for the most part so instead of just storing things on top of a shelf i move them into bins because there's a lot of dust and dirt and debris when you weld and grind and sand and so on and it is a whole lot easier to clean off a storage tote than it is to clean off a bunch of individual items so i thought that would be a big help in the future i can tell you for certain that when i got into this project i grossly underestimated the amount of time that i would need to clean and organize things i didn't just want to throw everything back in the totes dirty and greasy so i cleaned things up before it went in there or before it went under my cabinets or whatever and i went through and tried to get rid of some old stuff and stuff that's really no good but i've held on to for whatever reason tons of scooter parts the big stuff in the storage bins takes long enough but i also went through all the things i have like this the cabinets where i keep various hardware and you can imagine how long it takes to go through and try to make sure that many nuts and bolts and whatever are organized takes quite a while just sitting around picking through and sorting things out but it does make it easier in the future whenever you're looking for anything i also went to the trouble to print some new labels up i just had old masking tape labels on all these printed new labels just so everything's very clear and i can find everything quickly now i looked around at the garage and thought i was finished until i started looking at my scooter workbench and i just couldn't leave that alone considering all the other stuff that i've done in the scooter area of the garage i still had some peel and stick vinyl planks around as well as plenty of paint so i gave the scoop bench a little bit of a makeover i actually wanted to cover the entire thing other than where the diamond plate is with the vinyl planks but i didn't have enough of them so i sanded the whole thing down then i painted the front of it black so at least it would look a little better than it did before and then i put the vinyl planks on the back i use a ramp to get scooters on and off of the bench and i put one of my scooters my two stroke up there for the first time the other day went up there fine then when i went to back it off the tire started to hit the ramp got on the ramp and then the ramp slid right off the back and the back half of the scooter kind of fell down luckily didn't hurt anything but i realized that the old uh wooden top i had it wasn't the greatest quality wood and the bench or the ramp would actually kind of dig into that a little bit and it would stay in place but with these vinyl planks on top of it it no longer does that and it will slide right off so i took a piece of quarter inch aluminum flat bar and mounted that near the end of the bench and then when my ramp goes up it has a little bit of a curve in it and it will kind of hook against that piece and i really can't even pull it off if i'm trying you can pick it up and pull it off but as long as you're not picking up on the ramp that thing is not going to come off of there so it should be much safer to get scooters on and off the ramp now well i hope you've enjoyed watching the project and if you have i would greatly appreciate it if you could give this video a like also leave me a comment let me know what you think of the project if you've got any tips or tricks that may help me in the future or maybe somebody else if especially if you've got garage storage ideas or anything useful for a garage let us know in the comments also if you like the content be sure to hit subscribe so you can check out more i don't know how much more stuff i'll do about home renovation or that sort of topic but if you're into mechanical things engines and especially scooters then you must hit that subscribe button as always thank you for watching and i'm going to leave you with a bit of a slideshow showing the process again [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: 49ccScoot
Views: 52,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage, shop, workshop, motorcycle, scooter, car, repair, maintenance, makeover, make over, renovation, renovate, remodel, re-model, work bench, workbench, backsplash, paint, painting, storage, organization, moped, automotive, freshen up, redo, refinish, re-finish, cabinets, shelves, pegboard, wall control, sticker removal, DIY, home, practical, cheap, budget, affordable, low cost, minimal investment
Id: 3Q-lk1H4vS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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