Gang Beasts - Hidden Secrets And Details!

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to another gangbeast video uh in this video i'm actually gonna be doing something a bit different i'm going to be telling you uh or showing you a bunch of hidden details and secrets in the game so there are a bunch of these in like the different maps uh like all of these maps there's like not not all of them but there are just a few secrets that um you might have missed while you were probably fighting someone else so that's why you probably missed them uh and yeah i'm just gonna go through them so i hope you enjoy this video i know it has been quite a while since my last video with my voice like i think it was a minecraft one like the the one on block wars bridges uh and it's been like ages since my last gang beast video with my voice but you know i feel like now be a good time to do another one and yeah you may have noticed as well that i've been uploading a lot of funny epic moments videos like but um yeah i've just been uh having a lot of fun on that new trawler map you may have noticed like millions of clips from that let's just get right into it so the first map we're going to be go going through them in order the first one is aquarium so let's go so what i'm going to be doing basically is showing you like a bunch of stuff that you might have missed now the first thing that i want to show you is this ever since the new trawler update um this shark has now been turned into one of the trawler sharks which i think is pretty cool it used to be like a really weird looking shark that yeah wasn't found anywhere else but it's just a little detail that i found all right the next thing are these names that are actually on the glass of these tanks in the aquarium this one you can see here it's the name of this shark i can't really read that but like i can read a bunch a few of the others i think like this one it says cephalopod uh and then underneath it says hostile that's probably why it's trying to attack us now this this one over here where these fish are uh i think it says something like i think it says bulbas something i don't really know what that bottom word is i'm not really sure how to pronounce it or if i can even read it i think it says peskis whatever that means but this one says crassus peskis or whatever that was this one says gelater is that piscus i have no idea but um anyway here in this treasure chest as well you can see that there's a bunch of golden beef like the bone loaf logo that kind of symbolizes that you'll see a lot of bone loaf symbols around here and also another thing you can see through this kind of cage right here uh actually the enjoy meet kind of vending machine thing and the other one and they're both found in subway as well and the enjoy meat one is actually a reference to coke the coke one because it says enjoy coke and i'm pretty sure the other one is a reference to pepsi which is quite cool that they decided to add that in and yeah that's that's pretty much all of the little easter eggs in this map uh so yeah let's just get on to the next one alright now the only real thing i wanted to say about billboard is that the place where this uh map is actually taking place is on the same road uh the same highway as trucks um i if i if i can climb this thing then i might yeah there you go you can see this road here and those uh uh you can see those like electrical wires to the right which is what you actually see on your left in the trucks map so we it's kind of like flipped the perspective you can even see as well if i can just get you might not be able to see it but you can see oh there you go yeah you can see one of those signs that you find in trucks which try to like not like kind of smash you off the edge you can see one of those which i think is quite cool so it just definitely proves that this is actually on the same highway as trucks and yeah that's pretty much all i have to say about this map so yeah all right blimp there are actually a few things to talk about in this map the first one being that uh this the building kind of at the top uh where my gangbuis character is pointing that looks like the building where um elevators and gondola are taking place that you may not know but gondola and elevators are actually taking place on the same building the reason why i know that you can't actually see that without a glitch and i just watched this video where there's like a glitch where the whole camera like zooms out really far and you can literally see the elevators from gondola which i think is pretty cool but um yeah another thing that um needs to be said is uh this you can see there's kind of like a bridge over there you can see those big tall uh supports there looks like some kind of bridge um and you can actually see that from another map so we'll come on to that a bit later uh and yeah that's pretty much all there is for this map okay now boy it's very interesting uh there isn't really much to be said about this map like there's not really much in terms of like what you can see straight away there's like pretty much nothing but it's what you can see after a certain amount of time right first of all if you come right to the top or at least near the top somewhat you will be able to see this shark now tell me if you can see it but if not i'll just like use an arrow somehow in the editing software um but yeah basically it's like right in the top left from where i am and it looks like it's just staying still it's basically a shark sprite that isn't doing anything it's just staying still now in a certain amount of time that that sprite would just like like zoom up into the air and then a real shark will actually come for you so if you survive long enough then a shark actually comes and hunts you down uh this is obviously after the trawler update because that's when they kind of used sharks a lot more but let's just wait a bit and we'll see alright there you go you may not have properly seen it because i moved the camera but yeah it did just rise up into the air and now you can see right at the top there there is in fact a live shark coming for us like you can kind of see like it it kind of emerges it doesn't really emerge from nothing it actually starts really far away and it slowly comes towards you and then it kind of what it does is it kind of breaks the the ice the ice caps apart and it kind of like just yeah it doesn't really jump out and eat you like the ones in troller it kind of just swims around and then it's kind of yeah it's kind of breaking breaking stuff oh my gosh oh oh my gosh and as you can see it can get a bit like a little bit glitchy with all of the the icebergs because it can kind of like make them rise up really high and stuff it's just quite cool like this is i believe the only shark to come out and yeah after a while it does get a bit more aggressive and start actually like jumping out of you um but yeah this is just a really cool thing that happens after a certain amount of time in boy just to make it a bit more interesting and you can actually kind of use it to make the uh icebergs like float away oh my gosh you can see they are quite like they're quite quick and a bit like oh i want to say glitchy but like i guess they are but i don't know and yeah there you go that they he's kind of starting to kill me now all right the next map that i was going to do was going to be elevators because that does have quite a few glitches on it but i'm pretty sure it's only on the old version because i watched some videos on how to do them and i tried them and they didn't really seem to work or at least it would be like really hard to pull them off so the next one i guess now is girders and basically the only thing about this is the view basically you can see a lot of like other maps well when i say a lot of i mean like two but still so as you can see over here there is lighthouse uh which is pretty cool you can just see it from all the way up here and that also gives you a bit of perspective like where lighthouse is uh in the entire city because this gives you like a massive view of it and you can also see right up like at the top of my screen are towers the map towers is taking place on one of those but there are a few of them there which you can see i'm pretty sure they like i'm pretty sure um they have like like some kind of gas coming out of them or something and yeah you can just you can't it's really misty over there so you can't really see much but you can see that those are definitely the towers from that map okay straight off the bat in lighthouse you can see right up at the top where those big cranes are that is containers the map containers it is actually you can see that there's water below the massive um boxes if we just go all the way around here um you are able to see this little thing in the water which actually i'm pretty sure is well i'm not 100 sure but i think it is uh i think it's boy see over there like just in the water i know it looks really small but like compared to other stuff it kind of looks like about the right size uh and you can also see um wheel you could see that kind of like that little uh the wheel uh right there it was just kind of on the coast uh and also yeah there's that bridge that you could also see from blimp and there there's wheel and yeah what's really stupid is that you can see lighthouse from trawler and and according to that trawler should be like around here somewhere but sadly you just can't see it which is really annoying because like you pretty much get a view of the whole ocean here but you still can't see trawler i guess they probably because it was in the newest update they probably haven't added it yet okay now we're on to roof and in this map the only thing that i really wanted to show you was what's actually behind these signs because they're facing kind of like a way that you can't really see but if you do this with the camera then you can see this another enjoy beef sign which is pretty cool and you can't really see what was um behind that sign but judging by this one piece right here because it just falls to pieces you can kind of guess that it's another enjoy beef sign once again and also here it's just like a really small thing but there's actually a ladder here and if you punch it or do anything to it it just falls down which i just think is quite funny because it just shows that like there's pretty much no way down except for in that door but you can't actually get in there so it's almost like you're trapped and i just find it quite funny and then there's like a there's an o down there um and that's because uh it says awful i actually have no idea what that means but up here it also says it on this sign so it might be the name of the building or something i'm not really sure but yeah that's just what it says okay in subway you can get a better look at these vending machines that that you could see in the aquarium uh these are indeed the the same ones and this one here it's kind of like a reference to pepsi this one's a reference to coke uh and yeah that's that's that's actually pretty much all there is for this map except there is another thing um sometimes you may have seen it before but sometimes there's like a puddle of water here with like some cones around it but but sometimes there aren't as well so it's kind of like it's kind of like a 50 50. you might get them or not um which i just think is quite cool because it gives a bit of variation to the map all right in my opinion train has probably the biggest secret um in out of all of the maps like probably just in front of boy because something you know really cool happens after you survive uh for a certain amount of time but yeah while we're waiting i thought i might as well point out that on the side of the train it has the uh the bone loaf logo again you can also see on the side of the front section of the train um it has the numbers 1 0 four and then f um and it and you know according to like certain numbers looking like letters it looks like it looks like they were trying to spread out the word loaf again referencing bone loaf and everything because that's just kind of what it what you know what gang beast is all about all right there we go you can see just there to the right is a danger sign and it has that symbol of rocks falling down the side of a mountain now you can probably guess what's gonna happen uh you may already know though because like it isn't too hard to survive for this long but i guess on online uh it can it can get a bit chaotic so that's probably why you may not have seen you may not have seen this kind of secret ending before and yeah there you go after a while a bunch of tiny rocks just begin to fall from above and and they do actually get a bit bigger and they're actually able to knock you out if they land a direct hit um and you can pick them up i'm not actually sure if you can like throw them and knock others out but that could be quite a cool weapon if uh if there are still people that you're trying to defeat at this time but yeah it oh yeah wow look at that one so yeah massive ones start to fall and then they can actually knock you out uh and yeah it's just it's just pretty cool and fun just trying to avoid them and yeah this pretty much just goes on until right at the end uh where you'll you'll see what happens but yeah that this this is basically what it is now ow and yeah here we go here is the ending you can see right ahead there's just a massive pile of boulders and then just just what happens to the train here is just oh my gosh yeah so this is the ending of train if you happen to survive that long that's that's what you get okay next up we have trucks and there's just a really small detail that i just like to show uh and that is the fact that there is a driver you may not be able to see very well but inside that little window there is actually like a red skinned gang beast character and i think like you can actually see on the main title screen of gang beasts so it may not be that much of a surprise but like i just wanted to let you know that he is actually indeed in the game and there is another one for the other side as well and i'm pretty sure if you like yeah they go if you cover his view of the road he'll actually start honking the horn which i just think is quite it's just quite a cool detail you know right the thing i wanted to show you for this as yeah you can actually see it happening already uh it's oh god i better hold on while the vent is actually active basically what it is is there is a door on this side i'm pretty sure there's one on the other side too but this is the one i'm gonna use um and if you just keep punching it uh you'll eventually kind of get it to open to the point where you can kind of like squeeze through so you can actually go in here if you just punch it for quite a while you might be able to get in oh there we go oh it just happened i think you have to like punch it from a certain angle so that you kind of like punch it open yeah yeah right now i've kind of got my hand like lodged in between i can kind of move it i think if i if i do this i probably won't actually be able to do it but you get the idea that this actually can be used as a really really good hiding spot if if you're playing online this can be used as a great hiding spot uh if you can actually if you actually manage to get it open so that's basically what i just wanted to show you there is an option there's also one on this side which yeah you can just do the same with but yeah that's that's pretty much what it is okay now it is the final and probably arguably the best map in gang beasts trawler um this map is obviously i think it came out like about a month ago now but it is just such a cool map honestly but yeah the first thing and probably the first thing that you you'll see is lighthouse right there up ahead so yeah that's why i was a bit confused as to why you couldn't see this boat from lighthouse because you can move the camera all the way around i guess the the developers just didn't add it in and yeah i knew that would happen at some point oh my gosh oh bro epic save all right another thing is containers again this definitely proves i mean if you didn't already think so this definitely proves that that is lighthouse because you can see containers from there and then yeah you guessed it from over here as well we can see uh we can see that little bridge that we could see from blimp uh if we could if we could move the camera up more we could actually probably see blimp like high up there flying somewhere because it's near to where that bridge is uh and then yeah you can just see the uh boy again and uh and wheel too so yeah there we go that's pretty much all there is to this map but i do i did want to show one more thing if you just jump into the water and the camera goes underneath uh come on yeah there you go you can see over at boy there is indeed the ice underneath the boy or at least it looks like that was the uh the kind of ice caps around it all right guys the final thing i wanted to show you is actually in the football map alley um basically what there is uh if you kind of move the camera around here you can actually see that there are a few like wow i did not know that knocked you out this is actually like one of my first times playing on this map because i barely ever do the football game mode not always bad it's just it's not really my favorite but yeah you can actually see there uh just over there there's like a sign that says meat flakes with a chicken with a chicken costumed gang beast on it which i think it's really funny because it's like a reference to corn flakes but it's meat flakes instead i think that's kind of uh funny there's also a sign that says beef city and then there's also a wanted sign so that kind of also proves that there's like a bunch of crime going on around here all right now that we're back on the main menu you can actually see to the right is the uh football like the little football area in this alley uh so it literally is right here uh in the main menu that's where this uh football mode is taking place if you go into settings you can actually see the whole place right here although uh actually yeah this is the whole place and you can see that the the wire there you can see that now the the gate is open and the wire that you can see up there is the exact same wire that i knocked myself out on earlier so yeah it's just pretty cool that this is the same place all right i hope you enjoyed this video i know it was a bit of a long one uh naming like a bunch of secrets and easter eggs but yeah i i hope you enjoy it nonetheless um and yeah if there were any secrets or anything that i missed out on uh feel free to comment down below uh if yeah just feel free to comment down below if there are any that i missed i'm pretty sure i got quite a lot of them though uh but yeah i i hope you enjoyed this video and i'll see you in my next one which may be another gang beasts one but at the moment i'm not really sure so yeah bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tacocat2469
Views: 94,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PS4share, #gangbeasts, PlayStation 4, SHAREfactory™, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Tacocat2469, {5859dfec-026f-46ba-bea0-02bf43aa1a6f}
Id: t77qYRaUWoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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