GANDINImeccanica-chipper-shredder wood-machine à bois déchiqueté-Maschinen geschreddert Holz
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Channel: GandiniMeccanica
Views: 388,102
Rating: 4.4517241 out of 5
Keywords: tamburo, drum chipping, trommel hacker, dechiqueteuse a tambour, cippatore tamburo, ulivi, olives trees, oliven baume, olives, uliveti, oliveraie, olivehain, scarti di ulivi, olive pruning, schneiden der oliven, ramaglie, prunings, zweigern, branches, cippato calibrato, caibrated chips, cippato senza polvere, chips without dust, chips ohne staub, plaquettes sans poudre, cippato omogeneo, uniform wood chips, enheitlichen chips, plaquettes uniforme, wood, holz, bois
Id: kubtArLLEcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2015
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