Game of Thrones (2011) Cast: Then and Now [11 Years After]

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Hello friends in this video you'll see how have Deckers of the TV series Game of Thrones 2011 changed you'll know their real names and age I will show you how they look then and what's with them now don't forget to like And subscribe to the channel let's go Tyrion Lannister was the husband of Sansa Stark whom despite the lack of love he treated with respect and never intentionally offended her compared to his siblings he is rather short and Stager but also has a good intellect he was played by Peter Gene Plage Lord Juarez has his spies everywhere and can find out almost any information by Nature he's a fairly calm person and knows how to overcome difficulties has a somewhat full build and lack of vegetation on the head was frustrated played by conlip Hill Robert Brown was married to Cersei Lannister and led the Baratheon Dynasty he is a rather intelligent but somewhat short-tempered person who sought to strengthen his kingdom and simply rule had more than 10 illegitimate children played by Mark Eddie Gene Lannister nikoi costowaldo was the brother of Cersei with whom he had sexual intercourse unlike all the members of his family he was the only one who showed a good attitude to Tyrion and of tued up for him he was skilled at swordsmanship father belongs to house Stark where he mainly performs the duties of a group he is not distinguished by a special mind and practically doesn't know how to speak although he understands a lot as gentle nature and then shows courage played by Christian Nair Cersei Lannister Lena Headey was married to Robert Baratheon she has beautiful features but has an unpleasant personality and is often rude Cersei is ready to charm anyone who will be useful to her while entering into an intimate relationship with him [Music] Brent Stark Isaac Hampstead bright he is one of the sons born to the married couple Stark due to the fact that he had an intimate relationship with Cersei her brother Jaime threw him out of the tower which led to a leg injury he is able to foresee the future brain of Hearts served a friendly barthian she doesn't have beautiful facial features and lacks The Craze inherent in ladies though she chose the path of a warrior Brienne has blonde short hair has a strong build and Tall stature played by Gwendoline Christie tyvin Lannister Charles Dance is the biological father of Jaime and Cersei he has a good internet which allows him to build successful military strategies taiwanis quirky and can act meanly even to his child believed that Tyron was a family disgrace Grandmaster paisal served Robert Baratheon but also quietly assisted Lannisters in every possible way he can show morality and be obsequious but he is also capable of breaking rules and acting selfishly he can help women in labor played by Julian Glover Podrick Payne the loyal servant of Tyrion Lannister who is also his choir he is a simple-minded and benevolent guy who always treated his master well didn't consider him nasty helped in everything and even saved his life he was played by Daniel Portland Margaret Tyrell was the wife of Tom and Baratheon and the sister of Lawrence he's distinguished not only by her beautiful appearance but also by her excellent intellect margarian knows how to manipulate well when she needs it she was played by Natalie Dormer Caitlyn Stark is Liza's sister and other's wife he is characterized by wisdom and a desire to resolve conflicts peacefully she doesn't flatter herself with Illusions and always looks at the current situation realistically she was played by Michelle Fairley Edison toilets served with Jon Snow in the Night's Watch and was friendly to him he has arrested dark outlook on life and can often response sarcastically Edison is not a stickler for making fun of people even if he doesn't like them played by Ben Crompton rancy Bolton iron is the husband of Sansa star he has a prudent nature and is used to acting rather harshly and personally participating in bullying people often shows arrogance and likes to manipulate he was brutally Torn to Pieces by his dogs Stannis Baratheon is closely relative to Robert and Bradley but not really close to them he is characterized by Pharrell servants in flexibility in his decisions and knows how to develop Battle Tactics well once to get the iron throne he was played by Stephen delay Egret Rose Leslie lives behind the wall and is one of the wild leads she's not stupid has good survival skills can show mercy and is excellent with the bow Egret is brave and while his independence has a mutual romantic interest in John she has red hair unlike her brother Joffrey he's a good natured girl not prone to violence Marcella is considerate and can be empathetic but her innocence has been fatal to her as long blonde curly hair they're all performed by Amy Richardson Graham is on good terms with Jon Snow with whom he served in the Night's Watch he is quite a tough Warrior but sometimes his movements and reactions could be slow Gran doesn't accept incest and it caused him a feeling of disgust he was played by Mark Stanley foreign he's a highly moral person and believes that everyone who comes to serve in the night watch should be like that has excellent fighting skills he was supported by Keith Harrington Maron Trump is at the head of the golden claw guard he was known as a cruel Knight who could well beat a woman and is also a child molester Marin is one of those who will never come to the aid of the week and fulfill Roberts every win played by Ian bit you're a great guy nails from the iron islands and hold the rank of lead Captain she has a strong nature is not subject to fear and is not used to giving up Yara has leadership qualities and is an adherent of biting humor they're always formed by GMO villain Rodrick Castle Ron donachi is the warrior who served the starts he knows perfectly well how to properly fight handle weapons and even at his age he can give odds to many soldiers Castle is able to meet his death With Dignity as a scar near his eyebrow [Music] wizard is Targaryen as Well's family relationship to Daenerys his greedy for power as a selfish disposition and often mocked his own sister and used her for his own selfish purposes he wanted to conquer the Seven Kingdoms as Golden Hair played by Ariel Lloyd Hal brother is the Beloved of Daenerys Targaryen whom he not only loved but also respected protected and could even kill for her sake he has a somewhat intimidating appearance and is distinguished by his courage they're always performed by Jason Momoa thank you Stark is the wife of Rob slavery was unacceptable to her and she desperately didn't want to live in a place where it flourished she knows how to provide medical care and is not afraid of complex injuries they're all performed by Luna Charlie Mormont was one of Robert baratheon's spies but took a liking to Daenerys Targaryen and went over to his side he tries to be a straightforward and devoted person who thinks not only about himself he is fluent in several languages played by Ian Glenn is engaged in trade and is quite an influential and secure person in court he is able to perform all sorts of deeds and not always good but he sees nothing wrong in this had a love relationship with Dory they're always played by and answer nosy Rob Stark is net natural son and successor he's a noble man and doesn't approve of executions as well as the use of bullying and drawing mutilation a Rob is well versed in military Affairs he was married to Talisa girls performed by Richard Madden is listed in the city watch of King's Landing as a commander he has an immoral nature lacks conscientiousness and is an adherent of cruel methods Flint is The Man Without honor who often prays in bribery the roles performed by Dominic Carter why is the Airing is the mother of Robin and is also the sister of Caitlyn Stark she has an endless nature is not distinguished by a marital Fidelity and caused the premature death of her first husband was very kind to her son the role was played by Kate Dickey foreign is the native brother of Ned and was part of the Night's Watch he is an experienced fighter and is often engaged in reconnaissance activities in the areas adjacent to the wall for Jon Snow he was a subject of admiration played by Joseph Mall Ross Esme Bianco makes a living providing sexual services and has included Eon and Jon Snow among her clients she has beautiful features a slender figure and also has a magnificent chest and breeds and ride well Ross was killed by an arrow from a crossbow sander the Hound piggy Rory McCann is a close associate of Geoffrey Baratheon and is responsible for his security and is also relative to Gregor he has a massive physic and is the very strong man who tends to behave aggressively as a scars on his forehead Samuel tarly John Bradley got along well with Jon Snow and was one of the approximate people close to him he is characterized as a devoted and shy person who is not particularly courageous very well read literate and on the secret of a friend's birth they will see worth lime Cunningham has a close friendship with tennis was deeply loyal to him he is accustomed to conscientiously carry out any business for which wouldn't Undertake and is not a person with prejudice he was negative toward Melisandre written spark art Parkinson is the younger brother of Aria and Sansa who can sometimes laugh at his brother's failures he is quite a smart boy for his age and can understand a lot has a curly hair he gets along well with animals and has a dog named shaky dog bit here little finger Baelish became the second husband of lies at Aaron he's sought to gain power could behave arrogantly and influenced people without much concern for their feelings experiencing a romantic interest in Caitlyn they're all played by Aidan Gillen rest was in the ranks of a Night's Watch only to avoid cruel punishment he is not one of the noble people is greedy for betrayal capable of committing rape rest has an endless nature and may well humiliate another person the role is played by Luke Barnes Beyond Great Joy is yara's brother who has a rather arrogant nature sometimes he could make fun of others and quite stupidly awkwardly he demonstrated determination but in reality he was somewhat notorious as careless curly hair he was played by Alfie Allen Heather Ned Stark is Caitlyn tell his beloved is distinguished by courage and is a rather wise person who will never go against his principles Ned knows how to find the right way out of a situation and stays calm at the same time she was played by Sean b foreign is the true lover of Hal Drogo although she was forced to marry him sometimes could act navely but she had an inner core has a blonde hair which is a Hallmark of her family could get in along with dragons played by Emilia Clarke Piper was in good terms with Jon Snow and Grant who were also fellow members of the Night's Watch he has self-respect and doesn't go on about the high-ranking persons with their wild requests as a good voice girls won by Joseph Alton Sansa Stark safety Turner initially acted somewhat stupid and rather simple-minded but was able to change and became able to manipulate people I found this photo on the internet and added to my video for you to know its fate and Photoshop Sophie is a beautiful and sweet girl Geoffrey Baratheon Jack Gleason his relative kinship to Marcella and tommen he has an extremely statistic nature and takes real pleasure in the suffering of others could often do rash act due to his inexperience and not infrequently brought problems to his kingdom thank you for watching if you like this video please share it on social networks like it and of course subscribe to the channel
Channel: BIG STAR-X
Views: 913,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones 2011, Game of Thrones 2011 - 2019, Game of Thrones Then and Now, Game of Thrones actors, Game of Thrones cast, Game of Thrones 2022, Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones Sansa Stark, Game of Thrones Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones How They Changed, American film, fantasy drama television series, BIG STAR-X
Id: iHDcar0JVRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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