"Game of the Shadow Man" Creepypasta

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[Music] the game of the Shadowman is one of the earliest forms of demonic summoning rituals known in urban legend dating as far back as 1200 ad the ritual has gone under many other titles the most popular being the boogeyman ritual Satan shadow or simply the dark summoning many forms of the summoning ritual have common past most result in more failures than results while others simply passed into obscurity this version however is one of the remaining few that yields results this tutorial will act as your personal guide and how to perform the game of the shadow man before enacting the ritual it is best noted by past reports but the summoner you the listener in this case must be first informed on what the Shadow Man is as to better understand what you are dealing with the title Shadow Man is simply description of what the being is a tall shadowy humanoid figure the true name of this creature is unknown though through conversation with a being it tends to give a variety of names to refer to itself as the most prominent name it calls itself is simply shadow the being is a tall lanky figure appearing masculine in nature its skin a pale gray is referred to as rotting while alive in appearance and it's hair is a thick evany black mess it is always described as wearing a gray or black coat that covers up everything but it's a head and hands however its hair always covers its eyes as well making it impossible to see if the figure even has eyes furthermore the nose is described as abnormally sharp and the mouth is a wide sharp tooth smile with the lips described as charred skin the hands of the figure are tipped with a strange black ashy substance and the foremost bends of his fingers to the tips and is sharpened to a pointed end now that the being has been identified the ritualistic process can begin there are three steps to the process the preparation the execution and the result first the preparation before the actual ritual can take place certain forms preparation must occur first acquire access to a decently sized room that when closed off will be completely dark no lights must be able to get into the room during the entirety of the ritual else it will healed no results due to this it is preferred to act during the darkest hour of the night for the best results this is to give shadow a place to access during the ritual second grab a pencil and a piece of paper not a mechanical pencil but a genuine number two wooden pencil take them both and draw out your best self-portrait it seems that realism and details do not matter to the execution as even a simple stick figure yield the same results after you finish the picture no matter how good or bad it is scratch out the eyes with the same pencil make it as thick and dark as possible make sure the eyes are completely blotted out and cannot be seen this is to allow shadow to have a form as most claimers detail it is very similar in appearance to themselves added with this by the any piece of clothing that you have worn for at least a month or so this is to add another layer to the formation of shadow and sadly you will be losing this article of clothing in the process if it is something that comes in pairs use both third and finally acquire twelve identical candles this will be both your portal and defense against shadow and further details about how this will be used or explained later the following must also be obtained and will be used during the execution process a candle lighter a sharp object preferably a knife pair of gloves and socks to wear black ink printer or pen is fine though a decent amount is needed now that you have obtained all necessary items it is time to begin the ritual start by going into the selected room and measuring out a space wide enough to perform with the best way to test is to stick your arms out to your side and spin in a circle if you hit nothing or nothing gets in the way you have enough room it is okay before you begin to have a light in the room to see what you are doing begin placing the candles in the circle space you measured out each spread out equally apart and once they have been set light them all up now close off any light to the room make the room entirely sectioned off to just itself with no outside connection go to your circle of candles and using the ink put out the fire on every other candle for better reverence imagine the candles like a clock and put out the ones place that one three five seven nine and eleven spots this is the beginning of the ritualistic process and are said in reports this is the portal for shadow to enter through if at any moments you wish the back out simply light up one of the dead candles however whatever you do do not have more candles out than on the scandals are your one safety net and if you make a mistake it will not end well continuing on make sure you have your gloves and socks both on as an added layer of protection even with the candle circle it is very important you have a layer of clothing as well take the pre-selected article of clothing you wish to use and set it in the middle of the circle taking heed not to distort or destroy the circle and stain it with a remainder of your ink following that take up your sharp object and cut a diagonal line from the top to the bottom once you have done that slipping the drawing you had made from earlier into the clothing if it is too small to fit inside simply lay the drawing on top now burn it take the lighter and burn the drawing you don't need a sharp object for any other reason afterwards and they said before your lighter can be used if you wish to back out during the ritual however if you do back out never attend the ritual again now the next stage is one that requires the most direct influence while the picture is burning stand back and begin to think of one particular thing hate think of things you despise things you find horrid and disgusting things you could harm or kill over focus on these thoughts and all the while say the words shadow it's not so much a chance but you will need to repeat that word over and over again slowly the room around you will shift it will turn from black and white to crimson and magenta the air will seem ashy and stale hard to breathe properly and from the corner of your candle circle a figure will begin to rise that is shadow you will know when it has fully entered when the room suddenly goes quiet even if it was already silent to begin with it will oddly become even more so focus your attention now on shadow this is where the final stage comes into play you have brought it into your realm to make a deal with it so long as you are aware of everything you and it both say you can converse as you please there is no penalty in conversation and you can talk for however long you would like but the ultimate deciding factor is the deal that provides you can ask shadow for anything you desire fame fortune even murder it can be as simple or as descriptive as possible however you must be aware of what is said for both sides of the bet make sure anything you bet for and have to pay for is not a major harm to you following your request shadow will raise its hand to you to shake in confirmation of its deal so long as you have your gloves do not worry and take its hand before you even realize it shadow would have disappeared the ritual will have been completed and while it may not come immediately your reward will eventually be provided but there is one more thing you must take care of the gloves immediately strip them off and throw them into the circle set fire to them right all the candles on fire do anything you can to discard of your evidence shadow knows of what you've done but so long as you have destroyed the evidence it cannot track you from this point on you will have successfully won the game of the Shadow Man you are free to live your life as you please without fear of consequence what you wish for will come to you naturally if it was money you will get bonuses and raises at your job unexpectedly if it was Fame word of you will get around very quickly and people would take a liking towards you over all that being said few individuals may still be questioning something in the process what would happen if you were to fail if you retry the ritual after the previous attempt failed a step in the execution but did not get rid of the evidence what would have happened the details of failure are blurry mainly because not many people who failed are live to tell the tale however there have been a few select reports that detail what might just happen it is said that when someone fails the consequences are not immediately noticeable may start off as a voice or a visual problem but soon you will start to notice strange changes in your life changes that will affect your mind most reports show once healthy people developing symptoms of schizophrenia and PTSD after failure but the worst part is not during the waking hours this was of only one report but it is said that the dreams are to quote something like a trip into hell and you can feel and hear it all no further reports are known of those who have failed all people who have failed were claimed dead no longer than a week after attempting the ritual [Music] you
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 110,668
Rating: 4.9039221 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepsmcpasta, cult, horror movies 2018, best horror movies, paranormal
Id: 2_XZKtRTZts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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