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[Music] okay let's go Game three Boise what do our Tahoe this week so before I get into today's video let's just show you guys around [Music] sellers drone shots would where Tahoe is freakin amazing so today we got right here with me today right here is one of the craziest fourteen year olds I've ever seen flip in my whole life he's nuts he's literally better than me and you guys are about to see that today we're about to play a game of stick me and him and I'm a letter I could go first Gregor it's on you okay you got to call your flip before you do it and you have to stick your flip and that means you got to land and not move your feet exactly Ryker starts let's see what he got you're gonna start off with a castaway guys he's gonna start off with a castaway I did not warm up at all Wow you're you're gonna do it down like this I didn't even warm up guys and he's going to start with a castaway that's knee height oh my god okay so I'm gonna start off with a handspring stuff stick maybe oh no I told you guys no looking warmed up it's record-setting again what are you thinking guys we were kind of warming up earlier before lunch and he saw what I was messing up on and he's using it for his manager he's smart okay whatever okay time to get the first letter I'm literally about to follow my face I'm telling you guys that now so don't be surprised oh no so I got the first letter that's an S for me all right now I got to do something spicy for you yeah you knew my weakness you did it you know my weakness you did it so now it's my chance already I'm gonna do what's this fight no I can't cast that hi no that's what you get I'll let you put a block next to it so you can step on the block and then go up he's shorter than me that's a disadvantage I like to play fair so that's what he gets ah oh one step palm lane guys he's not playing games he's in it to win it this is not gonna end well yeah okay so it's my turn to set I'm gonna do round out the back if you make this step on back handspring bolster [Music] I'm gonna do a fly away stick from the bar that'd be fun oh no that's terrible all right I return guys we have Dominique Lewis mr. Adama trick with us here today come on what do you want to drop gait stick I guys watch this that's such a hard move to stick because you're off access like all right so since the Flyway stick doesn't work why not try to fly away stick I guess that's the logical rescue kick of course always one from cast I am so happy you did not stick that open up a thousand so laughs I know try ripped but I think I can take it off ribbon swing cassoulet that's sick oh my god that was so close honestly I kind of want to try to dub flyweight again I'm my doublet maybe maybe it depends how I feel Oh No that was so close my dad I would have been guys I really hate some cash for like really hate it and he was doing him outside earlier and sticking him I saw that no way no you did not no he did not just stick that are you kidding me it's still there and I can get it that's it no no no it was like this the whole time yeah this ti for me yeah STI you have an S Wow guys he's smoking me right now you're killing the stick game right now he's trying to double a baby he just like randomly tried it like not very much wrong just do more no you were even closer that time Riker is killing me right now I have STI he has s dude them I literally knew from the start no I'm not I'm not I'm not taking it easy guys he's nuts I'm gonna try it the one I try to go ok sick that's it cool ah how can you stick a swing cast full but not a backhand spoonful can I try con gainer stick yeah Ryker picked this little block right here cuz he's way cooler than me and can come get her way lower so yeah we're just gonna do it on this one so so happy you didn't stick that yeah Reggie's four can't say that word on YouTube okay hey get out of here with that get out of here with that long polish we don't play that here we don't play that here I'm gonna just do I'm gonna just do a pop cash stick that's what I'm gonna set pop-tastic let's do it but we're gonna put the block down no no push really hard tuck really high we're stepping it up right you said you want to do the craziest game mistake ever been done so this is it right here ah so now you guys st and i have SDI so he's still winning but yeah I know all right I get it people comment about it every video STI ha ha ha ha ha ha people comment about it it's whatever but hey I have s T and I he has s and T so all right ear set what are you gonna do okay guys he loves going off that little mat uh you know why cuz you keep going off this weird mat I want a front flip from the up the wall and stick it yeah yeah I want to show off this gym a little bit let's go over there don't stick it oh no you always hit the wall wait that doesn't count you know okay I touched a rail oh that was a fail I almost died right here chair set what you gonna say Oh what what taking off a sock guys that's happened to me twice before yeah I'm not lying okay Oh I'll count it but the pause the the kind of pause we use this wall right here again and I'm gonna catch layout who gives you no these that's so much power so record he tried this one he's going to try to swing cast lay again see I try to stick it the bar is bending so much more now it's sketchy I get argue beautiful let's go how's that you got a Z oh he got it notes for you ace my set is gonna be off the air track it's gonna be run in a word like n-word style side kind of off that off their track yeah that was sick quick stall the stall wasn't really there I'll give you one one redo though I get it ah what are we tied now yeah STI STI we both got SDI's comment about it I know you're gonna guys honestly I'm gonna do hand casts off this dude it went so out of focus I didn't stick it camera out of focus but yeah it just didn't work Ryker's turn I'm gonna do well flip hands full okay so good oh my car has stic now one more letter and he's out I still got two more letters left and it's your why oh my god as if he sticks this I'm done for yes yes he's so good at him and yesterday he asked me of doing and I landed literally side and head like it was terrible I'm gonna do swing inward like front half don't talk about it no on you that means the game is over but I believe in you honestly because that's not a hard move just focus don't try too hard believe in your tech get a record oh my god yes you are hanging on by a thread because guys he's smart he think he thinks about this stuff [Applause] all right just cuz he didn't believe that I could stick the cast I'm gonna try it no no I'm so happy cuz I don't think I would have stuck that okay I kind of got a cool idea we've been doing a lot of cast so why not try a one-handed tap will do it off the high-walled over there will stand on the block I am so so happier and we're front cool Hey in words huh this game is getting long so the whole time I've been here I haven't seen right here doing anything on flat ground so let's just do a nice a good old double full oh so close that can spring step down okay okay break your pays attention to what I do he's smart ha ha just a nice Webster and yeah okay smooth I like it palm flip pants ring hamstring handspring full okay let's do that just make a little longer one we haven't done anything wrong so let's do yep totally unfocused but I think I love it though one two three yes yes guys he's literally hanging on there's one letter left can I revisit a gate one yeah Wow beautiful yeah my turn hopefully I get this no way I told you guys right here so good he's gonna keep up that's gonna literally the longest game of stick I want to test Rikers tumbling again we're gonna do front flip any front flip roundoff Arabian roundoff double full okay try it nope that's game that's game I get a record come on believe in yourself [Applause] yep yep come on ah one more try one more try see I didn't know I just haven't seen him tumble so I was like why not just I just wanted to see what he could do get it right boom come on come on come on ah you got to work on your Arabians that's what you learn from this game let's go guys I swear I thought Riker was gonna beat me I found out his weakness was tumbling though just because I never saw him tumble but yo everybody that watched this video go follow him on instagram it's right here and it's in the description so click on it go follow him he's a beast it's only 14 and he kept up with me this whole game thank you guys for watching the video let me know if you want to see another game of stick this is probably the dopest gaming stick I've done yet thank you Riker for playing you know B's you guys are beasts I love you guys peace [Music]
Channel: FliplikeZ
Views: 1,209,709
Rating: 4.9138122 out of 5
Keywords: game of stick, game of flip, family friendly, kid friendly, gaming, ninja, fortnite, meme, david dobrik, acrobatics, woodward, fliplikez, z zoromba, grav gang, the sharers, game of horse, tahoe, springfloor, cheerleading, parkour, freerunning, red bull, in real life, vs, game, 14 year old, gravitated equations, basketball, bottle flip game, flips, bottle flip, bottle flip challenge game, game of bottle flip ryan bracken, bottle flip challenge, ios game, games, monster school bottle flip
Id: 32425J7esCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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