Game Grumps - Best of SAM & MAX HIT THE ROAD

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[Music] yeah we're doing it yeah wow welcome to Sam and Max hit the road this is one of my very favorite games when I was a kid uh Steve Purcell is the guy who created the comics Sam and Max oh um it's a dog and a rabbity thing is how he's presented and um because they call him a gravity thing yeah yeah and uh they I guess it started as a comic in the 80s and I freaking loved it they are freelance police uh which just means that they go around um preventing crime but often causing crime themselves in the process it's like Minority Report yeah a little bit um all right we're playing baby hey okay so let's see let's go yeah oh that means you can walk there okay so save oh all right it auto saved look at that new save we get to name our games oh oh pee pee poo poo oh man I put my hand in whatever juicy food you left lying on this mouse pad and there are napkins you received food on hand Okay cool so this was one of the games I always wanted to play on the show and I was like as soon as we finished playing this I can quit oh great well you didn't tell me that before we started playing just kidding um okay so here we are oh my God you like literally going across the entire nation dude this game I loved it so much because you really do travel around and you get to go to different parts of the country are you in charge here don't I wish I'd have to go to snucky you for another six years before I could run this place snooky you as we're all stuck he's appointed set to learn the ends the outs the apps the Downs the overs Panthers of the amazing gastrodominal and cultural phenomena that is snuckies duh fascinating no it's not for him everything seems to be in order here Sam look over there it's like the most insane [ __ ] how dare you call in the authorities without consulting me well I tried talking to you but you were off wallowing in your own self-biting yeah but yeah it's them [Music] you see this melted block of ice how can we mesh it oh this used to be our main attraction your main attraction was a block of ice don't be dense our main attraction was a genuine authentic real life Bigfoot on Ice let me get this straight you want us to go traipsing all over the country looking for a soggy Bigfoot I've never been traipsing before does it hurt but Bruno must be returned to us he's a brutish ignorant Beast with no sense of right or wrong hey who isn't besides he's kidnapping kidnapped our second main attraction is that the block of ice no it's Trixie the giraffe neck girl from Scranton she disappeared at the same time Bruno did oh geez here comes my skills is this reminding me dude I'm killing it yeah you're killing something oh this is tough this requires all my concentration oops sorry Max it's okay oh damn it sweet you even hit me a couple times as a bonus nice I want something all right let's get to something just [ __ ] pacing yeah let's go yeah he is hyperactive it's a flashlight I need to put the black light into the flashlight it fits perfectly oh my this is that this is that point-and-click Adventure charm you better believe it first I have to combine these two items and then use this item on this obscure thing so it creates a new third item that it combined with this one oh dude they take it to another level in this game rule though this is a scratch why these stories I could tell you stop him Sam he's gonna tell us a story I first met Bruno 25 years ago in Saigon several hours later [Music] and then there was the time we all had our taxes done by a platypus and shut up for God's sake just shut up he disappeared from the face of the earth a short time after he helped build the largest ball of Twilight on Earth and now we can visit the largest ball of twine I think I may weep openly back we go to the carnival just gotta finish a little business there so many new locations I know dude this game's really fun in that respect like it really makes you feel like you're but you keep going back to all locations I want to see new ones Aaron I want to see yarn I want to see Fish magnet Aaron you sweet sweet [ __ ] I promise uh we will go all over the place finally she decided to do something about Pluto's predicament she begged flambe the fire breeder to free the Bigfoot from his icy cage he did yeah and the happy couple have it made machine changed yesterday let's go to the ball of 20. yeah a new location all right here we are whoa dude this [ __ ] 3D animation yeah look at that tram that's a Sky Gondola Dan okay sorry no it's [ __ ] [Laughter] amazing timing I just now noticed he doesn't wear shoes oh yeah none of them do and like good yeah show feet oh my God it's a big fishy Wishy one must admire the skill with which the Wiley Uber trouts talks its prey this is one of the 10 most liberating experiences of my life Sam holy mackerel I'm a trout stupid you Trouse I always sir got it [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] wow he's dead yeah huh do you see where we're going with this I do see where we're going with that I saw we were going with this the moment they landed in that [ __ ] burlap sack you gotta love it I remember when I first figured this out when my friend actually first figured this out and I was watching I was like oh my God oh my God it was such an every like everything you did that is that is a cool shot um everything you accomplished in this game was such a Triumph I told you I had a plan all right now we use Max on the string oh [ __ ] hey Max I've got another plan I think I like you better when you were Clueless shut up and climb over the rail okay Daddy [Music] exactly hey how we get our car back wait for it boom baby it has a real Ren and Stimpy kind of vibe doesn't it yeah was that just a gagger yeah it's just like here's your car yeah we're going to Florida Aaron God no yeah your dream all right let's get out of here never again what are you anyway the president of the Hair Club for sure people this is Mr Causeway he's bumpy he said she showed him some [ __ ] respect damn it yeah well it looks like a lounge lizard to me and I'll bet his scalpish is from that bad rug maybe you should watch yourself a little furball I don't even know what accent I'm doing yeah well I've got more hair on my fuzzy little butt than you doing that Hollow Country heady boys okay I've had enough nobody makes fun of my hair it's like JFK needs yeah yeah British half Australian oh we're fighting oh dang we got it's a dust ball fight old steal your Flay bait and pull kit ow ow jeez yeah I know we there you go boss we lose almost every fight we take part in as The Gamers say lfg dog see they don't they don't put uh they don't use real go anymore so you have to say lfg is that right yeah okay well I'm learning looks stupid everybody knows that haven't seen an eight foot tall Woodland creature entering the name of Bruno around here have you are you talking about Bruno the bigfoots yeah he and a bunch of other bigfoots helped build the ball of twine back in 56 why there's always I could tell you no no I've heard enough stories today what's with all these all these shots flying past the window there's a leftovers from our last fish delivery a famous rotating restaurant is fresh fish floated into the world of feast of mosquitoville Missouri this is a bad choice of voice it's fast enough well now we're in this like Salvador dali-esque world yeah that's kind of what it's like cool real small yeah oh I'm back oh [ __ ] on Abyss reference that's a mirror have you found Frog Rock yet nope but I don't see how finding it is going to get me any closer to finding Bruno before I did frog gradually the beginning man once you eat flag you'll need some Staples samples samples yeah man Bigfoot samples you know foreign stuff three of them smear them all over Frog Rock come if you have to I think I see Frog Rock let's [ __ ] go his personality okay look at chugs of Monster Energy drink all right it's [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] Subs gets to suck my dick all right take it easy Aaron wait for it whoa whoa what the [ __ ] sure gets dark quickly around here I don't think this is a natural occurrence Max in fact I think we're witnessing a Celestial convergence of some sort do you think it'll make that rock look more like a frog oh hello we've got aliens they fly now they fly now if we ever get this rich and famous I want you to shoot me Sam it'll be a pleasure I wish this game were over [Music] hold it [Music] you can't take back your wish we're dealing with a very literal well here don't I know you I don't know were you ever in the Pensacola camp for problem children no well that's where I spent most of the last 10 years I don't know how he could have met well then so what's this Conroy Bumpus Yahoo really like has he got any deep dark secrets we can exploit from monetary game hey don't be kissing no aspirations toward whatever he busted me out of the Youth Camp gave me his high paying taught me how to speak small healing fan of bamboo my sister's trampoline operation and he sings real Purdy too he was saying he pays him like four dollars an hour yeah [Music] it's like I'm really there [Music] is this virtual reality I may be sick laughs beyond our lies the castle of my father the king it's a cheesily polygon sword [Music] I love it oh [ __ ] God oh yeah I guess he's not he's not country western he's like from England or something [Music] wow a stole Bigfoot Bruno and Trixie so they could be his back up there wow [Music] a dick look at Max watching with his insane expression it's pretty good Sam I just love him [Music] I feel like I'm in the tiki room [Music] I like the Pinocchio's up there oh oh that [ __ ] been telling lies eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] up oh wow nice [Music] I love you nice to him she gave him the look and yeah an up and down wow they're done gee thanks what prompted that batch of Conroy hedge over there well I was trying a new growth hormone for some of my more distinguished person place no good now it won't stop they just keep growing like that big shaping gross on top reminded me I can't wait bumper so I ran special I love this weird bit well bye but we don't have a photograph but we do have a painting of naturalist John Muir okay so she's at work on that good for her and now we get to go to my very favorite location you know everybody gets to have a thing absolutely time for the dinosaur tar pit and bungee jumping National Park oh I loved this when I was a kid Dino Bungie National Memorial [Music] a good bit yeah on the back of the um the Box uh when you bought this game I remember this so clearly it would say it had a picture of this like all the different things that they did on their road trip yeah and it's like we jumped from the warm inviting nostrils of our favorite former presidents Olympic bungee jumping well she sounds sure what do I do the principles are important to master get a safety harness from behind the little screen over there once that's on it's important that you jump from the board towards the pit of Tire below but I'm sure a great big hunk of fear that you still would have no problem dang let's do it bye fill on cutie oh she likes him okay show me that [ __ ] red racket all right take it easy Aaron here we go oh [Music] we use the cup got it yeah boy see how cute Max's floppy ears are when he grabs it all right we got some tar all right well you get to put the toupee on it very close not the John Muir one oh my [ __ ] god time to do the old switcheroo whoa Indiana Jones Style [Music] this is the best part of doing a LucasArts thing they could use all these properties [Music] oh oh great well all right we set off the alarm hey okay we got the keeper right knock it off big [ __ ] see you all right we got the toupee nice boom baby all right do you have to pay for it we take the hunk of fur from The Woolly Mammoth and mix it to the costume we found in Trixie's uh place it might be nice to have a hairy stilt Walker's costume but I've got nothing to keep the hair stuck to the suit unless we use a bunch of tar oh [ __ ] now the costume is covered with tar [Music] now we put the mammoth hair on the suit I like how you're doing it right in front of the yeah oh yeah now we've got a still Walker's costume covered in Mammoth hair all right and for the final coup de gras okay I've attached Conroy bumpus's toupee to the stilt Walker's costume oh hell yeah that's a Bigfoot [ __ ] it sure is it looks really good I guess we could try it on [Music] no Bigfoot walked out wow hey that's a downright nice Sasquatch costume I'll let you guys in with that one see he's cool he wanted to help us out we just had to like kind of help him help us so where are all the Bodacious Bigfoot babes take it easy Max you don't even like girls I don't dude you like having an argument with your belly button ah no have you seen Bruno that's a good bit who's that hottie over there I don't know do we have to blur that out [Music] I don't know well I don't think so okay we're probably okay there's something you should know bumpers [Music] you again I left the net back in bombersville forget the net we're gonna disguise ourselves as a Bigfoot why so we can infiltrate their ranks learn their ways and pick them off at our Leisure and no funny stuff dog boy yeah Max do the funny stuff oh there we go whoops that was fun now future Generations will be able to enjoy his at a tonal warblings are there any more shrimp we're the freelance police Collective hash you may now wonder freely about the convention floor without concern for your health gee thanks nothing have it follow me this is where you will die welcome to the sacrifice pillars man if only I could catch etheral energy in a wine bottle ethereal yeah yeah yeah I there's a lot of things this game makes me wish I could do be a dog for one thing uh there it is [Music] I love it she does say it's getting yeah wow the snow globe actually sucked in the pseudo mystical energies of the mystery vortex I was hoping something like that would happen why wouldn't it it's it's got to mister can you like bend the cork The Ice Pick and do a corkscrew oh eugenius [Music] that's totally what we have to do really of course there's a guy who bends things oh he can oh yeah specifically for this reason I forgot about that Aaron way to God I'm starting to think like a crazy person I mean this game really does it to you maybe if you combine the two items pit stands how's that great yup that's exactly right it's a corkscrew we have everything we can go complete the game now oh my god dude this was so much fun what the [ __ ] I love this this is uh I'm so glad I got to share this with you man this is a fun little romp yeah this along with the space quests were just like my absolute favorites of the time so attached to these characters now I know dude is it something it's not I I guess it's not technically that long a game but you really do grow to love them I believe we've deduced The Secret of one of your totem poles hit me [Music] famed naturalist John Young [ __ ] best I'm sure you got the ingredients right but oh of course how silly of me what I have to [ __ ] in order for the spells to work we need a living Bigfoot sacrifice it'd be a shame to lose one of these furry fellows don't you think wait I've got an idea and it doesn't require High explosives we're here well he's gone I'll go see if any of the bigfoots want to off themselves [Laughter] yeah baby oh wow does that count genius yay okay they're dead yeah [ __ ] them it's rain thank you yeah sorry San Francisco turns everything into the Pacific Northwest exactly I think Northwest defies the entire Western half of the country oh my God sick [ __ ] game can't even handle it honestly this is what the world kind of needs yeah carbon offsetting do we win a prize Well oh why not this medallion's been a part of my family for Untold Generations wear it in good health it saps your life force Chief Max loves cheap sentiment chocolate mmm oil covered chocolatey goodness remember though they might be dark the dawn yet shall awaken to annoy you have a nice day hey I love that line did you find Bruno of course Bruno how could we ever repay you the blank looks on your faces are the only reward we need that in a big fat chick would you settle for 3 000 Skee-Ball tickets close enough let's go Max you know Max I can't help thinking that we foolishly tampered with the fragile inner mechanisms of this little spaceship we call Earth gosh Sam if a few hundred years of civilization have to be totaled just to ensure that a bunch of smelly quasi-human creatures can have a safe haven for their disgusting Lifestyles then so be it you crack me up little buddy yeah yeah uh a real treat to get to share with you and uh I guess we'll see you for something else next week on Vlog series Sunday want to know which which of us came up with the name for that hahaha
Channel: LesmoBestOfs
Views: 33,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, sam, max, hit the road, adventure game, chill, funny, laughter moments, reaction, save files, jokes, skit, comedy, best moments, compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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