Game Cossacks robber girls! Diana and a team of girls hide the secret word!

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here they are hello what are we gonna play Cossacks and Robber let's beat the boys today we were Classics last time but today we're gonna be robbers against the boys ah I see now I get why you asked this to dress like this I can't wait to be a robber are we playing like bunny girls against the basketball player that's right the kitties to play with us no ladies we're gonna play with a whole Academy kitties come here wow did you hear that bunny girls are calling us what do they want from us come on let's go [Music] speaking shortly today we're gonna play a game kha'zix and robbers are you with us you'll be the robbers who else is gonna play and the whole Academy is playing boys or Cossacks and girls are the robbers we have to do everything to not let the boys win come on come on about it I can't wait to start playing [Music] team here [Music] please come here bunnies are calling me go on I don't get it are they all friends now hey wait a minute don't rush us all like bowls why are you all stone-faced we didn't do anything wrong hi girls guys today we're gonna be Hooligans robbers what shut up wow I like looking girls it's gonna be a game I'm in me too I can't wait to try myself as a robber I won't begging myself to be on the same team we're like parrots we're Inseparable forget about it yusha it's impossible the girls decided to play Cossacks and robbers I don't care about it it'll be easy to catch such Robbers no matter where they hide their letters game begins I have no idea where girls are gonna hide them Bulldogs guys the basketball players called us they're gonna beat us I'm out something's going on there they're all there let's go boys as you can see there are a lot of girls so the game ward is gonna be very long today your Cossacks and if you find all the girls in the letters then you'll get a prize but you idiots don't even dream about the prize you'll find no letters you have no idea where we're gonna hide them you're in trouble boys so Dad let's go to the girls team no I'm with big we're like parrots inseparable on the girls team big you're with us big come here guys yeah today we're all like a family yeah like real Casa today we have to work like a team yeah to find all the letters I know some of their secret places teacher Mike it's so cool you're on our team we'll never forget that we have to find the letters and guess the word we will I'm small but Brave I'll try my best respect big what's up girls time to hide wait boys we need a minute to discuss some things girls let's start with the fact that I know that a lot of us hate each other yeah we hate you bunny oh we feel the same yeah sorry kitties but now you know the truth but today girls we're robbers today we need to do everything together no betrayal we won't betray you well let's get down to business what's the word and where are the letters I have the letters but you need to hide them very well so the Cossacks have no chance of getting to them and they can't guess the word girls because if they guess the word that means that we lost and then we have to give them a prize Donna No One's Gonna find my letter be sure of that I have a good feeling we're gonna win [Music] I know where to hide my letter let's finish those kazakhs Comics are done those dummies will never get a prize the game begins boys count one two three four five six seven kitties are you kidding we're in three and that's it are you trying to get us caught kitties calm down we don't need this kind of drama on our team no way leave us alone okay girls we're gonna be on our own forget about it yeah girls let's go find a hiding place so no one can find us yeah let's confuse them [Music] okay girls now I think it's best if we split up what yeah we have to be in different places so we have less chances of being caught yeah no I can't be without you Donna I'm with you Donna you want us to win don't you we believe in you girl good luck girls Master we have to hide somewhere yeah we have to go faster the boys are running here no Donna no let's go there [Music] girl we're gonna hide here no I'm not going in I'm claustrophobic inside the lockers of basketball players will never guess we're hiding in there come on get in I hope someone gets me out of here good luck I hope we're gonna win it's the best place for you [Music] laughs guys faster faster calm down guys are you afraid we won't find the girls it'll be easy believe me now let's find all the letters and guess the word what's the prize girls are gonna take us to a restaurant and pay for it teacher Mike is coming for you [Laughter] come out come out wherever you are show us your letters I can't wait to go to the restaurant I know where you are and your letter are you serious no I'm kidding shush wait for signs to see where they are and where they're going they're there they're trying to confuse us I guess we need to split up now and look for them can we search for bunny girls are you idiots we need to find all the girls not just the bunny girls guys a clue what search for mushrooms to find juja what do you mean she disguises herself as a mushroom oh very important info juja is a mushroom guys come on we need to search for the girls go we'll meet at the restaurant guys come on oh I see me too [Music] tell us the letter tell us the letter fast come on tell us the letter tell us the letter [Music] we found one letter fast if you don't tell us we're gonna look for it next uh where should we search we don't know our pockets are empty we're gonna be I feel like it's somewhere close maybe she threw it away it must be here a mushroom juice is somewhere close I can feel it no no no she's not here it's in her hair tell us where's the letter I won't say I think it's in her top I'll inspect it you can look from behind I already checked let's throw her in the pool okay I'll get I'll give you a pool okay go on give it to me don't tell me the letter please don't say I gave it to you where was it in my mouth give it to me what's the letter come on Tomas faster I can't open it wait r r okay I'll save it let's go come on all right what's next catch them they're up top here they are here they are give me the letter give me the letter fast letter fast no I lost it how are things going guys there's a jackpot teacher Mike two bunny girls female team and kitties come on ladies give me the letters it was a big mistake for you all to hide in one place well are you going to give me your letters I'm warning you I'm gonna search you [Music] whatever I like it Lauren I won't give you your phone back if you don't give me the letters get down girls you're busted we won't give you the letters we're robbers we're not giving up easily Blondie no girls just give us the letters we have Thomas are you gonna inspect me I have no other way guys Donna doesn't have a letter stop lying give me the letter or we won't let you go can I take your bag my lady [Music] Don't Be Afraid Donna come on you need to give us the bag [Laughter] Donna give me the bag I found it you can be proud of yourselves boys leave Donna alone [Music] I found it here you are lady your bag okay fine what is it I have N I have an empty paper empty oh Nastia get her girls who can do this the easy way or the hard way our way listen up girls we're definitely gonna find all the letters you know don't even dream zakat do you really think that we're that dumb to put them in an easy place for you to find I have no other way girls I'm gonna have to inspect you Lauren you really are looking amazing Lauren where's your ladder t-o Lauren you're not looking great girls you're cool though seriously look Beauties give me your letters you're not using them girl seeing you shut up PR wow it was the letter A thanks girls so I'll give it well what do we have here they won't give it up don't you know how to tickle girls look okay okay I surrender take it here I told you no one's gonna find my letter what is it what's there I found a y it's a trap there's no letter no letter kitties now I'm gonna tickle you very hard funny girls for giving us those papers we didn't know what was written on them girls I'm sorry but I'm out I have to go to the bathroom is my letter don't tickle me because if you do it's gonna be the end for me it's empty hey stop well we're out of the game here's the softies we're gonna tell buddy everything damn guys we're losers we haven't found anyone at all yeah guys I need to pee that's not a toilet I don't care wow wow guys hello we're lucky the losers found us true girls but give us the letters fast I really have to pee yeah girls give it to us right now or else or what Are You Gonna Kiss us well yeah they think we're fool so we're just gonna let them go they're smiling wide to confuse us come on give us the letters swords do you really need our letters uh let's be friends okay I really want to go to the bathroom hey wake up girls give us the letters or we'll close the door are you gonna be here with us and you'll have problems with the basketball players boy why don't we just have a good time let us out okay not okay it's a game letters or you're gonna spend the night in here with us yeah I'm not gonna spend the night with those losers neither it's a secret place how could they find us and just a coincidence give us the letters girl fast okay boy step aside and we'll give it there you go Bunny listen Zach next time you have to go to the bathroom don't go to these weird places look for a real toilet dummy these smart girls he found you [Music] do it once good luck yeah we screwed up I can't believe we gave our letters to the Bulldogs okay canopa let's go well it's been really hard to play against the girls they're doing so well it's crazy take it easy we have a lot of letters already hey who are we gonna try to find next zuzia and Ashley josha I can't breathe it's not me the smell is coming from the locker hey sure juja give us your letters you've almost collected all the letters the two of you are the last damn we're busted it's okay baby watch this hey boys come and get me who would like to inspect me huh guys usually gave up Thomas inspector easy watch out juja I can see from Ashley's eyes that she will resist it's useless fuja I need that letter kiss me then I'll give it to you wow do it to get the letter what are you talking about she'll tell nopa you need the letter Thomas that's me what do I do guys kiss me first then I give the letter no give me the letter then a kiss kiss me first and then the letter no give me the letter first then a kiss okay pick it well what's the letter empty it's empty but you still owe me a kiss look here's the letter wow what is it well there's two of them hfhf HF juja we'll come back for a kiss someday let's go I thought they wouldn't find us in the lockers you shouldn't put in there in the crack girl find all of you why are you here yeah we tried to fight but they found my letter in my mouth the boy started tickling us well well well fine I'll be silent wait so if the boys found all of the car oh they collected all the letters who are losers but not robbers they still have letters without them nothing has ended actually are still hiding well teachers and Ashley with ice cream if they don't find them yeah what's up girls how you like that keep your hands off Bulldogs girls we almost spent the night with you did the Bulldogs find you funny girls are losers hey female team look at yourselves I was caught by the basketball players and I tried to resist as much as I could if they don't solve the word then we won't be the worst robbers it's okay and Ashley are still hiding what's up how are you robbers we have all the letters wonderful dinner's already waiting for us I'm so hungry I want something delicious don't be so happy boys boys there's still no JoJo or Ashley here we are Dosa was busted saying the last hope stop laughing boys okay you have the letters but you still have to guess the word if you haven't won yet I haven't found juja only mushrooms big what I was looking for juja listen to me mushroom I'm gonna talk to you in another way what are you talking about so guys let's figure out the word of course check this out girls letters this and this and here's a c boys this word is hard I don't think you're smart enough to guess it is low all right you will impress you e e r t h maybe th a a I guess that's it t-o-t-o [Music] three factor three Factor find me please don't let it be so I've never heard of this word it's lame okay boys you won I guess we lost today yeah for the restaurant nah not us I'll paper it all together for the boys damn okay boys get ready for dinner you're gonna have it outside the academy today and but next time you definitely won't beat us guys guys write in the comments below if you like the game of Cossacks and robbers put like subscribe to the channel click on the bell and be the first to see our cool new episode see you all next time bye everyone [Music] guys let's get ready girls I'm ordering a large portion we're not paying for it neither are we
Channel: Diana Bunny
Views: 191,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yM4DJcOEiEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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