Unlock Secret Tools to Revolutionize Your Stable Diffusion Workflow!

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hi my friends how are you doing in this tutorial I'm going to show you the best tools for automatic 1111 this will make your life so much easier are you ready go wouldn't it be nice to swap faces of images like this since rub is this continued I will show you reactor instead you can use R in the text to image as well in the image to image tab for this go down here and extend this R allows you to number your faces in case you have multiple faces you want to swap after numbering them you can tell R which of the faces do you want to be changed down here is the weight if the slider at one that means it's a minimum effect and if the slider is at zero it means it's a maximum effect it's a little bit of a reverse logic here for now we leave everything as is and we're loading an image from our disk I took this image and now I will render images of our wiing and it will have these face swapped onto it let's see so here are our Viking pictures I have to say the resemblance is definitely there let's try another example in image to image over here all you have to do is load your image and down here you have to put the image you want to change it to don't forget to click enable change the weight and press generate I forgot to say this but you have to change your denoising strength to almost zero otherwise the background image will change to much I don't know about you guys but sometimes I want to see what I did five renders before or five days maybe there was somewhere a great prompt and I want to retrieve it for this I have infinite image browsing this tool can show you every image you've ever rendered if it's still on your disc of course but wait there's more you can also use Quick tools like image search after generating an index which can take a while you can search for any model or lower you've ever used and it shows the results in an instant so these are all the images I created with cyber realistic recently and here comes the really cool part you can click on an image and then say open context menu and from here you can send the image everywhere you want an automatic 1111 this is much more easy than to search the image in an folder and drag it over to the PNG info tab let's send it over to text to image makes your life a whole lot easier first we had face flopping but what about improving faces in general this tool is very well known it's called after detailer as some of you may know I already made a standalone video about it I mainly use it for faces but you can do it for other details as well after installing all you have to do is come down here and activate after detailer there are several models to choose from to be honest I don't know exactly where the difference are ice only it's clear but not for the rest you can also improve hands and you can also improve the person General but I mainly use it for faces all you have to do afterwards is starting your render process here you can see how after detailer recognizes the faces and how it improves the faces her face looks great but but don't look at her arms I really like our renders so far just a quick trick if you want to save the before after effect you can go to settings scroll down here until you find after detailer and here you can say save images before after detailer you can also give after detailer specific prompts if you want the faces improved in general then leave it blank I wouldn't recommend going for big changes for that use in paintting directly let's try this fiery red lipstick and let's try to give her a nose piercing the nose piercing won't work in that case you will have to go to the in pain tab of after detailer and increase the D noising strength but let's see maybe I'm wrong as you can see the lipstick worked great and like I predicted the nose piercing didn't because as mentioned before for that we have to increase the D noising strength do you enjoy the video then consider giving it a thumbs up so it can reach more viewers stay tuned for upcoming tutorials on AI video the next tool is very valuable to me as most of you probably hear I'm not an English native speaker this is where teag complete comes into play this to lets you use autocomplete and stable diffusion here I type cyberpunk I get suggestions I press arrow down and tap and it fills it out for me let's do another let's do futuristic and here after detail I even suggest to use science fiction instead of futuristic because that's a more precise term what you also can do with this tool is you can type angle bracket and then you type the name of the Laura you want to use here you get suggestions and if you have images in your Lura folder you even get the images suggested there also some shortcuts that you can filter to only show embeddings lowas or lacas it also works with other stable diffusion extensions like wild cards so if you use those it's a great combination I can never remember which values to put in for a 16x9 resolution for example but this I have expect ratio helper in this tool all you have to do is selecting an inspect ratio like here 16 by 9 and now I just have to say all I have to do is say 768 and the height value gets adjusted automatically as you can see as soon as I change it and go away the height value gets adjusted same goes for the other way around of course very useful if you ask me canvas Zoom is a tool that can improve your in painting game with this tool you can zoom in on your canvas you can move it around you can put it in full screen mode and if you click out of the image it will reset very good if you have to be precise when in painting can also paint directly in the image you also have a Color Picker all of the tools I showed you today can be installed through the extension tab so click extensions then click available load from and here I have to uncheck installed because I already have it uh let's see reactor here here is it just click the install button after that go to installed check for updates apply and restart UI unfortunately for some of the tools this isn't enough it's a good idea always to check the GitHub link provided after installing here for reactor you need to have Visual Studio installed or the visual studio build tools both can be downloaded on this URL just pick the Community Edition when installing make sure to select desktop development with C++ after that restart automatic 1111 make sure it doesn't make any weird error messages and that it says reactor status running if that's the case a reactor tab should appear down here this list of tools is far from complete and depending on your workflow you will have different preferences on what you need and what is useful to you some honor di mentions would include control net with this tool you get a lot more control about your image output animate diff is a tool that lets you create videos with stable diffusion then there are segment anything this tool can automatically segment your image you can then inpaint it via a prompt last but not least is a Civ AI helper this tool lets you download Trigger words and prompt automatically which you then can use by just clicking on the Lura but these tools are far too complex and each of them Des deserves their own video if you want to know how control netw works I suggest you watch this video next
Channel: AIKnowledge2Go
Views: 3,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ArtificialIntelligence, ComputerVision, AIApplications, AIInnovation, AI News, Artificial Intelligence, AI Tools, AIKnowledge2Go, AI Updates, AINews, AiTools, chatgpt, gpt, künstlicheintelligenz, ai, KI, KINews, artificialintelligence, AI, LLM, Guide, Howto, Tutorial, A1111, ComfyUI, DigitalArtTools, AIImageGeneration, TechGuide, inpainting, upscale, render, automatic1111, stablediffusion, FaceSwap, FileManagement, Autocomplet, Roop, Reactor, Adetailer, AnimateDiff, ControlNet, SDXL, SD15, StableDiffusion, OpenAI, StabillityAI
Id: 8At23HEJnAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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