Galvanometer-Based Optical Scanning System | Saturn 1

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[Music] the photonics industry is growing at a rapid pace with new and innovative applications emerging that require faster more reliable optical scanning technology the scanner max saturn one addresses this need and fulfills the void conventional optical scanners have failed to meet the saturn one offers the highest rms torque and the fastest peak acceleration of any scanner in the one to four millimeter range helping you move a laser beam fast with incredible precision and accuracy with scan angles from micro radians to over 100 degrees and scan speeds up to 10 kilohertz the saturn one can be infinitely configured for your specific requirements common applications include optical coherence tomography confocal microscopy and laser template projection among many others the galleries are driven with our mock dsp servo amplifier which drives both the x and the y scanners for dual axis applications when only one scanner is needed the mock dsp can be configured for single access applications as well the scanners can be controlled with either an analog signal a digital signal or with the mock dsp itself an analog signal is traditionally the simplest method with the position waveform generated by a function generator an idac axon laser engine or another analog source a digital signal can be used to control the scanners the mock dsp supports the industry standard xy2100 protocol and pangolins fb4 protocol other protocols are also possible with updated firmware for basic applications waveforms can be generated directly in the free mock dsp software scanning will begin shortly after the system is turned on basic waveforms can be generated up to 80 degrees and up to 500 hertz whether your wavelength is uv visible near infrared or infrared scanner max has a mirror to meet your needs we can also mount customer supplied optics or develop a custom mirror for your specific requirements to learn more about scanner max's patented technology and how it can serve your needs check out our best-selling book laser scanners technologies and applications available in the description below additionally you can visit our website to download data sheets models or request a free personalized consultation with our engineering team scannermax making the world's strongest coolest and fastest optical scanning systems [Music]
Channel: Scanner MAX
Views: 20,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ScannerMAX, Saturn 1 optical scanner, Optical scanning system, Galvanometer, Laser Galvanometer, Laser scanner, Laser scanning system, Lidar scanner
Id: IlWl2w1xDXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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