GALLETITAS DE NUEZ | Besos de Nuez | #VickyRecetaFacil
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Views: 2,480,928
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Keywords: galletas, galletitas, nuez, galletas de nuez, receta, recetas, cocina, postres, detalles, regalar, recipe, recetario, vicky, facil, vicky receta facil, caseras, recipes, pecan cookies, nut cookies, Nut (Food), pecan, Cooking, Kitchen, Cookie (Type Of Dish), galletas caseras faciles, como hacer, besos de novia, galletas caseras, besitos de nuez, galletitas de nuez, #GalletasDeNuez, #BesosDeNuez, #VickyRecetaFacil, #postres, #Galletas
Id: 6HYd6NxZE2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 25 2014
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