GaleForce Review - Playland's Castaway Cove (Multi-launch roller coaster)

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[Music] travel back in time to the year 2016 the roller coasters that were on the horizon for 2017 you could say were a little underwhelming especially after the previous year which brought lightning rod mako and velraven for 2017 focusing on north america because europe and asia were still cranking out major roller coasters the big hitters were mystic timbers a gci woody mine blower a gravity group woody and gale force a multi-launching shuttle coaster by sns i was excited when i saw gale force this looked like an interesting roller coaster that had potential to be the next big cloned attraction but when the reviews started pouring in mostly fixated at how rough this roller coaster is my hype diminished greatly apparently the ride was so rough that it had to be re-tracked during the off-season reopening in 2018 with entirely new track the ride stands 125 feet max speed of 64 miles per hour with a total track of 1269 feet the stats look very similar to its competitor the skyrocket 2 model by premier rides however after getting my first ride on this roller coaster i realized that those two models couldn't be any different presentation cleland's castaway cove is the first boardwalk amusement park that i've been to so i had no idea what to expect gail forced towers over every attraction serving as the lighthouse to drive the guests into their park being so close to the ocean i expected the paint to be peeling but in fact it looked great the track still has that shiny gloss to it being a carnival style park i didn't expect any theming and that ended up being the case instead the real impressive trait is how compact this park is able to crunch in their attractions the only ding i can give to gale force in presentation is its missed opportunity for panoramic views every element on this ride is taken at high speeds so you never really get to soak in your surroundings with that said at the top of the first top hat you do have a quick second to glance around but instead of facing the ocean you're looking straight back into the town if the roller coaster was mirrored riders would be looking right at the ocean before plummeting down that beyond vertical drop i think giving gale force a score of 6 for presentation seems fair i'm not going to dock any points for that view but again there's not much besides the paint job to boost its higher from the typical 5 rating right intensity remember when i said gale force is nothing like a skyrocket 2 well it's not because gale force is considerably more intense the right starts off with that similar multi-launch to get you up to speed the first launch isn't much but the backwards launch has a nice kick the final launch forward is the strongest launch that gets you to max speed after that launch the similarities end galeforce crests the top hat delivering good air time all around the drop down is where you will experience your first moment of ejector airtime it's a beyond vertical plummet that reminds you why gale force has otsrs instead of a traditional lap bar the ride does a slight bend to the left before climbing right back up into its next element a really weird element called a kickflip it starts off like an immelmann but then transforms into an ejector hill that also has some strong laterals the next two elements are basically non-inverting loops loaded with ejector airtime and laterals in case you haven't picked up on a theme yet which is ejector airtime and laterals i touched on it briefly but i couldn't imagine what gale force would be like if it only had lap bars the laterals are so strong i think you would smack against the person riding next to you this is a violent roller coaster that makes you feel like a rag doll being yanked around by a crazy child the strongest positives are felt after the first top hat i grayed out during this spot on my second ride but only for a moment the pacing on this roller coaster is top notch never slowing down until the lsm's kick in bringing you back into the station gale force earns a perfect 10 rating in write intensity fun factor i'm having a tough time ranking the fun factor category because on one hand the ride is an intense ejector airtime machine delivering some of the strongest moments of air time i've ever experienced and yes that is coming from a person who has ridden skyrush lightning rod steel vengeance and other various rmcs it really yanks you through every element the third spike which is a non-inverting loop has especially strong ejector and laterals the other hand the reason that makes this category so tough is the roughness depending on where you are situated guild force can get rough recreating that uncomfortable jackhammering sensation but we'll talk more on this later if i take the roughness aspect out of play this is a solid 10 for me but at the same time i know this roller coaster gave me a headache so i just can't ignore that aspect when you look at everything that this coaster has going for it a good launch insane ejector strong laterals and in an interesting layout a fun factor score of 9 seems more than reasonable originality when looking at this attraction from afar i could see how someone might consider this to be a skyrocket to rip off it's a multi-launching shuttle coaster but that's really the only similarity guild force is a powerhouse while skyrocket 2 focuses on that slow barrel roll gale force is loaded with wacky elements starting off with that top hat riders will get air time entering and exiting this element regardless of where you sit that flip kick maneuver is one of the weirdest looking elements on any roller coaster even the non-inverting loops have their own flare with stronger than normal laterals also just looking at the ride you'd be surprised to know that it has zero inversions i can hear some arguments to call a couple of the maneuvers and versions but rcdb has it listed at zero which i'm inclined to accept gale force has better pacing than a skyrocket 2 because it never slows down there's trim brakes on this ride but i didn't notice them or sure how much they even slowed the train down overall this is a crazy roller coaster featuring unique elements and maneuvers that you can only experience on this ride gill forest earns a perfect 10 score for originality ride smoothness i already said that this ride has some rough spots and it gave me a headache with that said it's not all bad most of the ride is pretty smooth with the worst offenders being the flip kick and non-inverting loop there is no head banging just that uncomfortable jack hammering effect that jostles your entire body i didn't mention this yet but the otsrs are actually vest restraints so they're quite comfortable unlike the ones found on a b m these vest restraints do not restrict air time honestly when a coaster is this violent i don't think any restraint will restrict the air time depending on where you sit will improve or worsen the roughness of the ride i sat on an end seat during both rides and thought it was somewhat rough cara sat in a middle seat and thought it was really smooth because i got a headache from this ride a score of 7 sounds more than fair the final tally comes to 8.4 which is a great score for those who love intense roller coasters you need to add guilt force to your bucket list another aspect i haven't mentioned yet each ride the roller coaster completes two cycles which will make the ride feel that much more intense at ten dollars a ride getting a double cycle feels like you're getting your money's worth the only downside to guild force is the roughness and again this doesn't seem to affect everyone and is dependent on where you sit my personal score is going to be an 8.5 if it wasn't for that headache after my second ride i would be ranking this roller coaster higher it's a fun fast-paced ejector airtime-filled machine the ride is relentless from start to finish just take a look at my expression while riding guildforce i think it says everything so is this roller coaster worth a visit i'd say yes if you're planning a trip to six flags great adventure castaway cove isn't too far away maybe about an hour or less this is an excellent roller coaster on our way back to the hotel i asked kara like i do every time we ride a new coaster what she thought of the ride she surprised me by saying this is one of her favorite roller coasters of all time so yeah some will like it more than others but definitely worth checking out at least once well thank you for watching today's review what do you think of gale force let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed this video please click on the like button and subscribe that way you continue to get great content brought to you by x-screen thrills
Channel: XscreamThrills
Views: 2,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ocean city, new jersey, jersey shore, Galeforce, roller coaster, playlands castaway cove, boardwalk, pier, boardwalk park, sky rocket II, S&S sansei, s&s sansei technologies, s&s sansei roller coasters, S&S, premier rides, Six Flags great adventure, Moreys piers, derrick abbey, xscream thrill, xscreamthrills, 4k video, flipkick, ejector airtime, airtime, insane roller coaster, intense, beyond vertical drop
Id: nf0uAmMpROs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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