Gal Gadot Funny Moments 2017 || Wonder Woman

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boom magic are you ready here we go tons of action there's beautiful Roman store roaming Roman story romantic story how do you say the register another g-spot reversal when you have initially yeah because I had two smaller boobs that's a big problem they really paid attention to the important part the glue is not enough crabs are too small I did Rinker just the right size you know it when I charge for the bruise and I go for the book yeah I mean it's hard to compute [ __ ] you know people really get the wrong idea of the bush whenever I said I love wonderful anniversary her lasso is dumb it's dumb they're lying not true it's amazing yeah I want to see his master oh you meant the enterprise you're now in a comic book movie can we just go ahead and call you a siik already true nothing like celebrating it really cool helping to be a geek these days all right now is there something as a gig Nicky thank you go thank you go I had a thing for boys with long hair when I was 9 ah the booth I really like it don't want to terrify you exactly yeah that's about it I like the whole stuff you okay be honest yeah agents everywhere for through for you like we left all the sentences at cynicism inside and we and we we tried to be as as you know open to the world as possible if you if you know what I mean teachers for just to catch my drift Engel thing to have fun while we do what we enjoy doing is just the best it's bingo it's drinking okay you your context is the scows new favorite saying that's all she's she's creating America's local Isabella yeah exactly um and and I couldn't ask for a better partners and penny Jenkins now you can put the hearts on painting and I even remember Paula Abdul she was one of the judges there and she was asking me a question and I was like I'm sorry English not so good because I just didn't want to have anything to do with that oh yes it's the [ __ ] being a kid come on I'm so sorry oh my god you see you Jeannie I'm sorry it's it's too soupy are you a typical example of your sex I'd like to think of myself as about above average uh-huh I got it Givaudan or you went [ __ ] so scared by you can take the question I'm just kidding no no it was scary god I know you had to wear the outfit so many times but can you remember the very first time you put it on yeah sure it was in my bathroom I do like from set I thought why not you know it's all good - it's true I tried this on after Chris tried it for me it looked better on Chris but let's be much of a rocky voice oh yeah cats meow they're all loose and I had a better hair I can do this with my hair better than Hindi expression of yeah we share some qualities Wonder Woman I know I wanted her to be very warm warm character very vulnerable and full of hope and love but you also kick a lot of yeah I know the park is yours you wonder what but you can't say anything Sam and I go oh my god oh my god oh my good and this guy's next to me and everyone are looking at me like it was a lot louder I sounded mad it was all there's my masculine vibe and so so I'm so excited to be here then I'm going to talking nonstop know if that's waited to talk to I want you okay I thought is worthy and that made me feel so good about the fact that you're playing like talking talk yeah and I was so nervous or I guess yes no no no I I'm sorry if you want to if you want to say something this is the Harkins loyalty cup and I have I'm sorry you're not on it but you are and you are last president so that's Wow don't have the class perfect you young lady literally get to set the table thank you for going me young lady I must remember my first kiss what am i a guy okay oh yeah of course good because it wasn't so romantic it was in a club with a guy that I didn't even care but all of my girlfriend's had already kissed and I was 16 and it was like about time I just I just did went with the flow so what was the most challenging part about both of your roles I know girl so you know Chris is such a diva and it was really hard to come to work every day super serious all the time didn't make me laugh dinner and I just think I learned my book how do I listen to that lecture exactly he's really really great dr. Stark dr. Furr she reminds him of love and hope and and good things okay good thing good thing is remember the good with the tube Union for the first time we might like oh I'm sorry yeah yeah yeah no burger so did I hey hi fine you for you man and a friend wait a minute oh my god I catch up you do through the main gate to Purdue circuit man and I okay I don't want to be Bob Sponge Bob smart last month I don't want to be Bob's bond with your North back had called me and he said well I'm not sure if you have her in Israel or not how big she is but did you ever hear about Wonder Woman I was like ha ha ha ha bag made sure he was still on the line I said Wonder Woman yeah yeah we now have wonderful very cool so you want me to death one okay cool I'll be there but you know it's her in at or in her Kolkata core no bettering that you know event relation court but in origin in her core yeah sword-wielding yeah I think that's all the things that you use database I'm sure it helps you as a mom with a kid with an ass the fact get back is great I'm going to take my shoes so so what is it like she lost them tell me everything what is it like to be a girl and then I felt that maybe it's not mine who knows who else or what you know for auditioning and then like three weeks have gone by I was like can I say [ __ ] I said [ __ ] them their loss I don't want to be wondering okay fine their loss of I've been waiting for six weeks I already think that the part is not mine [Applause] [Music] favorite curse word easy buck for sure fact the [ __ ] was the protocol I think it's impactful and dramatic and kinda funny and I think it really gets the emotions [ __ ] [ __ ] there's so many fact I know okay and all random Three's Company do all right oh my god how was it to work with God yeah pretty bad today's the most fun pushes on something thank you okay good yeah cross the Mike [Music]
Channel: CinePhile
Views: 775,570
Rating: 4.9328318 out of 5
Keywords: Gal Gadot, Gal Gadot Funny, Wonder Woman, Funny, Interview, Moments, 2017, Best, Princess Diana, interview funny, chris pine, wonder woman interviews, june 2
Id: S4rg4XyJlLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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