Gaea 1.2 and Glacier Terrain Breakdown [Livestream recording]

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okay there we go so for anyone worried that they may not be able to catch all of the lifestream no worries we have uh you know we can have a recording up on both Facebook and on YouTube and yeah it'll be there forever so you can watch it as often as you like so let's see let's let's I guess get going so this is exciting because we've been wanting to show I have one do for such a long time especially the past month or two we've just been packing so many features and it's these are things that are best shown not talked about so this is gonna be perfect so let's just start with the start up screen and as you can see it's a cleaner start up experience most of the elements remain the same it's just nicer to look at you can quickly get around things and they're gonna be a few new options coming in soon so I'll just go ahead and start a new project so you can see the updated interface there you go okay so this is kaya one two this is I should also say this is a nightly build this is not what everyone's gonna get tomorrow this is actually the the built that I was just working on so there may be a couple of little tiny bugs but nothing big we redesigned the interface slightly it's it's you know at first it may look like there are a few new things but it's not that different first of all we have a new redesigned viewport and I'll go into that in a second we also have a new viewport toolbar so everything that you need while working is immediately available so you have your lighting settings which now include atmospheric options and then you can quickly turn the 2d viewport on and off now this one is more use it has ever been and it's something you might want to have around all the time and of course when you don't want it you can just collapse it we also have a new grid in the viewport but more importantly the viewport itself is something new that we've built from the ground up and it will give you better visual fidelity when working with height fields it actually runs our own custom render engine made exclusively for height fields now you will see the tool box looks a bit different usually this is what it would look like and also it would be much larger it would probably be something like this and I should there you go there's everything that we have right now we have a new option it's called most used notes though it'll show you the stuff that you use the most and guy learns from how you use the different nodes and how you connect them and all and so it then starts showing you what's more relevant for you and of course you can just switch this anytime and then have access to everything also when things are not visible here you can always search for them and there are a couple of ways you can search so if you just hit dab you can search for anything that's not visible like right now I don't have fluvial erosion here I can just type in floovio and it comes up and I can just create it another way my preferred way is actually to drag out a line from a port and then type in whatever you want enter and it'll create that one of the big things that we have is caching we actually rewrote the caching engine we have like a persistent cache so this is more like a session cache where you can just get going the next time you open a file without having to wait for a guy I had to reprocess all the existing nodes and so there's the new baking menu it's available here all the time and when you open it you get to of course you know do a hard baked on any notes if you want but you can also just check cash graph on clothes so when this is turned on when you save something so I'll just save this I'll just go damp and if I go new file oh it was too quick for you to see but there's a dialog you're saying it's gonna cache everything and so next time you go and open it it reloads that cache and you're just ready to go immediately and it works for all resolutions so that's gonna be a time saver especially when working with very large graphs and it's like you know to get resolution or something where it takes Peter several moments for you to get going just to have the graph load back up now you're seeing here this is a new addition this is the infinity graph and the idea of the infinity graph is to help you break down your terrains into a rather your terrain graph into more manageable little nuggets and so I'm just gonna create a new one here I'm just gonna call this color production and so now this is a whole new graph but it is kind of part of the same terrain and I can get access to other things from here and so what I want to do is I want to take this and just do a little you know texture and sad map so I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna create I'm just gonna right-click and create a texture node from the suggestions and then from there I'm gonna create let's see there you go I'm gonna create a SAP Maps node but they're not connected to anything and I need a connection here so for this we use the new portals 2.0 feature and unlike the previous portal nodes which were kind of clunky here all you have to do is I drag out a line from the erosions main output and just select make portal and so now this you'll see it's marked as a portal so if I go here and I drag a line out there's a portals list it's even showing me what crap it's coming from and so I can select erosion output and it's now connected wirelessly so to speak and then I have this going on and so that's how the infinity graph works it allows you to break things down into smaller pieces and then that way you can be more organized and by using simple graphs it also encourages you it encourages you to plan a book better and trust me if you're working on large productions having this kind of planning will help and I'll show you a bit more when I break down the eyestrain to show you what kind of planning went into that but sometimes of course you know you don't know what's going to happen in your in your graph and then you have to adapt accordingly so let's say I'm done with all this and now I want to add snow and I want to mix that with my Sat maps later so what I'm gonna do is just just I'll just create let's see just uh snow so we just have snow I'm gonna make sure I connect that to the erosion output so that's done it so now I have the snow coming out here's a new feature that we just added yesterday so to combine the snow and Sat maps or any to output boards I can just drag the snow and touch the SAP Maps it just creates a combiner for me I'm gonna switch that do 100% max there's a lot of snow and whoops something's not right OOP it connected the wrong thing the new combiner it takes the first input and then routes the other input like the same so for example this was coming from there the snow output is a height field or a mask and this is color so it was then forcing the color which was the secondary input as a mask so just turning it black and white so instead I swapped them around and so there you go so now we get this now let's assume this was a whole complex process and so what I want to do is I want to make a new again finiti tab for this so you're gonna select these two and I'm gonna go to the graph menu and go move selected nodes to new graph I'm gonna call this snow production and there you go you get it you know in its own graph and then it created all the appropriate ports or portals for what you needed this looks a bit weird because they're just two floating nodes here but if it's a larger graph as well get into shortly you'll see there's there's a great flexibility in having these be very separate so you know there are lots of different things happening in individual nodes unfortunately we don't have too much time to get into that but let's see well you know how I use the infinity graph and a bunch of other I have one two tools to create the the glacier image so I'm going to open up this file and this one's um 2k and it's it's made of a lot of different notes but you can see it loaded immediately and this is showing me a to get because the the session cache just loaded loaded it straight from memory or straight from straight from files and it's now in RAM and it's ready to go so I broke down the entire process into a few different pieces and so I'll take you through them one by one and this didn't happen you know with a lot of planning I kind of knew that I would have the basic terrain and the color production would be separate but then the ice and glacier day took on a life of its own and then I just created them straight where I had them in the construction tab and then just moved everything to do their own tabs so anyways let's take a look at the basic construction first so the core shape itself is not that much you can see it here there is like you not that many notes I personally like to avoid filters and like adjustments as much as I can like clamp and auto level and things like that I try to use very few of them and when I can I will use the the post process track the stack down here in all the individual nodes you can see you have all these helpful things here so a slope noise and thats note noise was made like diagonal so you can see the default settings for any node are a bit muted so you can see what are the things that I've actually changed and so one of the big things here was like changing the direction so it's diagonal and then using clipping so that you can take away the bottom and some of the top of the of the slope and just have it be this large chunk and this would become basically the you know the side of a mountain so once you have that little bit of folding and folding then created this shape looks pretty cool I love these giant slabs they're great to work with especially with erosion and that's obviously the next step so you can see there's a favorite of erosion going on you can see lots of down cutting and there there's you know no inhibition I didn't want too much sediment being created I wanted to preserve most of the rocky outcrops as much as possible and then we have a second erosion again I love doing multiple erosion it's just it's great now here you can see this is a bit different you can see this is very rocky and that's because of the random sedimentation that's a new expanded feature in Gaia 1 2 and so at higher values it creates a lot of a loose debris that flows down the slopes and it works best with you know nice slopes and so here to give it lots of nice momentum without overpowering the terrain I had this lock down so I have selective processing and I'm using the area effect for precipitation amount and the bias type was altitude I'm discovering the top 4% so that means this little bit here that's all that gets the the erosion process going like the precipitation that makes the erosion process work so then everything flows down so the bottom part remains largely untouched by actual direct erosion but gets like the secondary erosion from debris flowing down and so forth and that is kind of the base that's really not much to it and because it's not that feature full I wanted to have like a large rock outcrop and so to create that I had a mountain and then I used fractal terraces which is a new node that they're shipping in guy I want to so you can see it's creating these beautiful fractal terraces and then I used recurve to make it look a bit more windswept and then finally a lot of folding do make it look like this then erosion of course to make it look more realistic and then transform it down into a smaller chunk there's also a bit of clipping going on because I didn't want a lot of the the ground area I just wanted it on a flat surface so I could just combine it with the previous and so that's happening like this so combined this is what the two terrains look like there's a seam here and normally I would try to do something about it like possibly have the erosion happen after I combine but we're gonna get a glacier and we're gonna get snow and all that stuff's going to cover this up so I'm not too worried about it but normally yes if it if you're gonna have a terrain that's gonna be bearing and this seems going to be visible then I would say you do a bit of erosion afterwards maybe even mask this part out and do a bit of erosion or something like that so anyways then we take the the previous erosion I'm gonna get get the angle from it like so and then I'm gonna use that to feed the snowfall so in the snowfall note we have the snow production happening but I also have use snowfall mask and so because of that we have a slightly angled snowfall occurring so we don't get it like to even me everywhere it's actually powered by this at the same time I also have a slightly high tiered snow match so snow sticks a bit at the same time there's a lower slip angle so it kinda slips down on the slopes as well these were not really exactly planned I kinda experimented to see what works I wanted to have a lot of snow but I also wanted it to have a clear snow snow line so we have water down here and didn't want the snow touching the water and then a little bit of melt because I had a high intensity and that was creating giant mounds of snow which I didn't really want and so I melted it so at this point you might ask why would you want to melt it just to lower the intensity but that actually doesn't look as good because you when you do you know she's no fall and settle and melt and these are like complex processes that interact with each other and that creates a better looking snow than you would otherwise I think [Music] not see something wrong with defeat there we go I think Facebook is giving me a bit of trouble um is everyone still seeing everything okay just want to make sure that I'm not talking to myself I hope this is a lag and I am not really talking to myself although wouldn't be the first time that's for sure oh good works okay so now back to your regularly scheduled program so we have snow we have nice-looking snow here's an example you can see ooh you see me doing that Q and E now let you go up and down in the viewport it's lower less I know some of you have been wanting it for a long time it's there now finally so you can see this angled snow accumulation that is a byproduct of having you know the kind of settings the balance settings that we have here and that you couldn't get just by lowering intensity this is by having lots of intensity so you have lots of snowfall which then settles and thaws and melts down a bit and then the rest of the physics that we do here and so that's what we're you know that's what we were basically counting on to make this look pretty cool and very natural so that's our snow and we're kind of done I should mention another tiny advantage in Gaia 1/2 is you can see I am on the snow node and I haven't done anything specific yet I can see the snow separately so that's a built-in filter now so whenever you work with the snow node you get this viewer the terrain appears dark grey the snow appears white you don't have to switch into any special preview mode in the 2d view or you don't have to set up a quick color or clutter node and this will hopefully save you a bit of time similar thing happens with the lake node so the lake node is pretty new and I love this has one of my favorite things to do in Gaia now if you don't really have that big of a complex terrine otherwise this would create so many nice lakes everywhere you can see there's a few bubbles up here I don't really worry about them too much I mean you can you can exclude them by creating a mask but I wasn't too worried about that main thing I wanted was this larger water body just like the snow you can see this is coloring it differently without any special setup and this is the last part in the actual construction of the terrain so beyond what so-called superficial things that will add this is all that the construction entails and you'll see I have lots of ports going out so I have a Rotter in port going out too sir an auto level node but I picked everything so it's just again like a dummy node in a way and I just have this here so I can identify it better with the portals I didn't want it coming out from a combine I have way too many combines right now and so this doesn't if you do this it doesn't really cost you too much so feel free to do that okay so once I had this I wanted to get the basic color production going and let's see what that looks like this is a small bug where I changed the graph it just goes away somewhere far off I'll be fixed before we get this to you so no worries about that so let's see okay this is we're gonna take it piece by piece because this looks weird but it's actually not that complex because the basic color production for the terrain is just this I am not too fussy about how I texture terrain is really in real life textures for ground like our terrains aren't that detailed especially the farther you go and you want to have some variation but again I I don't want to go too crazy on that so I just have a simple texture node defaults as usual goes to a sat map this wasn't default I had to go look for this a bit and by the way you know our favorites here yeah you can right-click add it to favorites click favorites you just see the favorites so no more having to hunt for the things you like or having to remember these numbers so good there's a not enough detail because the because of the height ranges and everything from a projection map coming in it was only processing this much so I turned on jitter just to get a bit of crinkly Ness in here in the preview you're now seeing the final result so that's why you're seeing this glacier coming and the snow or the ice here so don't worry about that we'll come back to that in fact for now I will lock it down to just our lake so I like to change the pin for color as I move around because you want it to be relevant to what you're working on so there we go here you can see the effect of how this is coming in and so I had the snow I'm just using a quick color node to convert the mask into a a color map although with the new combiners you don't have to do this actually when I started we didn't have that and so I used a mixer now I just have this year either way it doesn't matter so that's your ground in your snow and then the second part is taking the lake depth which looks like this so the lake node will give you an outline for the lake it'll also give you the depth and it'll give you a shoreline mask so I'm just gonna use the depth here and I'm blurring it just a little bit then I am displacing it to create this pattern then using recurve and shaper so there's shapers now built in and so really using it to make this lean and just focus on the more the densest pieces here so we get this displace it again because why not if you displace it once and it looks good it'll look even better and you displace it twice right and there's a blur here I have no idea why it's probably doing something with it I should have deleted it but I haven't I'll leave this here just in case I remembered like what it was for and then we make the water this is a very simple gradient yeah again don't go overboard with colors I just you know I like to keep it very simple and then combine that using the lake absolute output which is we'll see it I just did a height thing with the lakes output and then it's basically this it's this again built a long time ago before we had more conveniences in the in the node now you could just take the lake outlines and you're done so anyways that's what I'm using to basically mask out these two different color maps and then we'll come back here when we have the ice so this is it this is all we have to do to get the basic terrain whatever we created in the construction part that's what we need to color it so that's done now we moved on to the ice this is one of the more weirder things ever built doesn't look that weird but conceptually it's beer and the reason I actually started making this was actually this was a prototype I wanted to follow a basic procedure to see what we could create with snow and ice we actually have you can see we have a glacier and iceberg and ice flow nodes that are currently in production they're not gonna be in 1.2 they'll probably make it to 1.3 or 1.4 but sometimes to kind of follow an idea it's easier to just do it in nodes and even though I don't get the exact results that I could get in code I can follow this to kind of like explore ideas and then turn that into algorithms later on and so on so anyways what's really fun is that Gaia is powerful enough that you can take something as complex as the ice flow they created and be able to build that with what's already in the toolkit so first of all this is how we start I took a clamp node in extend mode to get this hard mask now ignore everything that happens with the Turing we don't care because we're going to in the end when we're done with everything else we're gonna mask out with the lake mask and that's all we're going to care about so what I needed was the ice sheets that would be here stuck to the the coastline and so using this extend mode clamp we get that mask then I took that mask and used three different cell nodes to create these different fragmented maps and then combine them together using max mode and so we get this even more complex outline than what a single cell node would give us then you use rocks which in mask mode basically just acts as like a controlled jitter and so it creates this which then I use aperture to expand it and I use the optical and Colonel so it's now octagon old pieces right here and so we keep that to the side and then we combine a couple of cracks best seen here I'll turn after the 3d is there this is what the crack looks like there's another crack combined to lots of cracks crack squared and then displace it there this if I'm not mistaken this is how they did the water for quake one remember that like it had like I don't know eight frames or something 816 frames that would just keep looping that was the water this guy like that anyways turns back on so we have this being combined with the previous one which actually gives us this this is our a smaller crack map if you will then we bring back the lake depth which is this and then using Equalization here and then gain and clamp and displacement do get like that top level of the shoreline jazz that well not just the shoreline but a bit more of the depth and here instead of using it as depth I'm actually using it to get like a distance field almost so we take that and that act as our mask so then we can bring in the lake absolute which is the outline of the lake and what we have just created and we get this and so that's our ice mask now at the same time we're gonna take this ice mask output and we're gonna make a massive foreign oil which has also been clipped so we get shapes like this clamp it down and then we get a bore like Plus also clamp down you can see it's tightly clamped it's just 1% there should be like tallest buildings but you get this we combined to do and we get this and this is our floating ice sheet and so then we can combine everything that's what it looks like this should be connected better they're just floating bits cos and I was working with portals and trying to organize this so it doesn't matter but like this is coming in from the lake thing elsewhere this is straight from here and this is our final terrain and ice and so that's done and then let's switch back to color productions so you can see what we do with that so we have the final ice output here so it's this it's literally this it's just a quick color I had these two shades and again mask and mix and that's it like I said I try to shy I shy away from the complex color maps doesn't really give that much output in the end so our ice is done now all we need is a glacier and so for the glacier this is the one where it got a bit here I won't lie this was really out there experimental stuff so first of all I have a mass node where I'm just using the terrain and ice output from the ice tab and I just made this mask this is what I wanted my glacier to be and then I fed that to the snowfall board yeah the snowfall board of the snowfall No and you can see I have very unrealistic settings so a lot of duration a lot of intensity a lot of settle and thaw and minimal slip off and adhered Snowmass I just want a dish to pour down like yogurt right this is not snow this is by no means snow it is just a soft like you know marshmallow a gooey thing coming down that's going to give me a good mask that's all I'm looking for a good mask and so we take that take the the snow output and we'll use that to create our masks now I'm feeding this into apex because I wanted softer edges if you don't want softer edges then you can skip it but you can see how the edges are deep ring off that's basically what I needed and then I displaced it a bit because I didn't want it to be that straight shape there's a bit of flow going on now it's I wanted to feel like it was actually moving you know this becomes our central point for masking everything and that's all we have to do as far as the mask goes so let me go back to the snowfall we take this output and then ve wrote the hell out of it you can see I a very high random sedimentation going on and the precipitation amount is masked that's the area effect it's masked and I'm using the the mask from before to drive that I'm not too worried about what happens to the surrounding area because I'm gonna merge this with the main train using the snow mask later on so I don't have to worry about what happens to any of this as long as my glacier part looks okay so we get lots of debris and we stratify it so we get this pattern going on you can see there's breakage here there's some nice flow down here this is masked then we do a bit of recurve Vicker is so that it doesn't look so systematic and square cut and then we create some cracks again I'll show you in 2d so look at that that's a lot of displacement so I used the displacement stuff down here and then the rest was just the basic cracks node I think oh yeah I changed the the X&Y scale setting so that we would have slightly longer crack pieces I don't know what the unit of a crack is and I'm trying very hard not to make jokes about hard drugs so we take this displace that it creates this almost curling pattern and then we combine we use combine to extract or subtract this out from our main glacier system and then it starts creating these beautiful cracks with for example what happens when you know glaciers flow down this could be a bit more systematic but because of the angles I was working in it didn't really matter so I didn't go any extra lengths to to modify that and then uh take that I added a bit of combine you know just use max mode and very little gray she oh this is what my Berlin looks like sit it's Auto level so it's just spiky that's really all I wanted you can see it's like higher octaves small scale bit of extra work frequency just so it would create a tumultuous pattern so like this and then we merge it like I said max with this so what happens is we take this slightly smooth looking bar and then we add a random element to it so it's now creating these poking chunks and then we wrote it again so there you can see there's stuff happening you know again I'm using the altitude masking the area effect so it's only happening on the top part lots of random sedimentation and then from there we do a bit of color stuff here but before we do the color stuff we'll just take the eruption output and combine it with the main Turing so that's it I'm using the mask that there we go this mask to merge it back to the main terrain the terrain and ice that we get from the ice tab and then because this looks too much part of the mountain slope and this is a glacier it should be a bit higher up I'm gonna combine this back and I'm gonna actually combine this with as you can see the actual mask itself so it's using the mask to raise itself up I mean I'm doing this in screen mode just two percent it's fine I know it's connected by the way around but I also have swap inputs so this one goes up the other one goes down anyways so with that the glacier gets its own volume and that is the end of the terrain graph the rest is just color production so for that we go back to the erosion output and then I'm gonna use a rock map which is a new thing and it created this map for us and then another is the occlusion map now the rock map gives us this ice color map so it looks really nice and I see when the occlusion gives us a dirt map this could have been better but you know I didn't again didn't spend too much time on this because the glacier is only gonna be visible from a couple of angles for what I was doing so anyways take that and mix the two together and we have dirty ice then we mix it with another element that we haven't gone to which is the fake shine so I'll go to that but anyway so we mix it and our terrain is done so the fake shine which is just a little icing on top that's almost a bun in this case so when we have this terrain actually I should go and pin this for color so we can actually see the real result there's the real result so this is the fake shine obviously we are not creating a realistic render engine for environments here we just need a render engine that lets you create and examine your asset but in this case I wanted a bit of you know whether it's shine or floating ice whatever it looks like to you I wanted to add a bit of that and so to do that we go back to the color production this is just like a an add-on so when we get to this output here the ice and the other thing that's masked take a constant node 0 height and then you create a purlin that's like this you can see I have a bit of clipping and a bit of displacement somewhat high scale but also very high frequency so it creates this pattern and then we use this as a mask for the nose the noise the nose filter we don't have a nose filter I don't think we do have a noise filter and I am passing the Burley as a mask to that it's not visible here but if I were to go turn on the advanced more enhance mode you can see this is the pattern that's being created for us it's actually very minut it's barely visible then the new passive do the quick color we get this and they use another mixture and we add it on top of this and so we get a little bit of shine or a floating ice chunks or whatever you like and so that's what we get here and then finally I'm passing this to a light node so this is the light node it lets you make let's see Facebook did a little blip there I think we're still alright so anyways the light note lets you select all sorts of lighting preferences including atmospheric options this is gonna be a reworked a bit before you get it this is one of my internal versions so things are a bit unorganized anyways you can choose lots of things like air density haze the thickness of the ozone there and you could use the Sun direction you can have shadows and ambient occlusion and all of that gets baked into your color map so I'm giving it the height from this our final piece and then the final color and it's producing this color map we check in export and if I don't need dynamic lighting on my terrain in my DCC app or in game engine then this will save you a few render cycles and actually will render much faster since you don't have to do all those extra things so anyways let's take a look at our tree and okay there you go there's your tree so basically once you break it down we made the terrain separately we use the mask of the lake and the depth of the lake to create two different ice sheets one that's whole that's broken and we used the depth to decide where those pieces go but at the same time displaced it so it's not too even so you get like the cracks going all the way down here and also out here but then not here and then for the glacier we just used snow eroded the snow did a little bit bit of filtering on it added some cracks gave it a bit of lift combine it back and voila so as you'll see one of your best friend's is a mask and just by separating the elements and keeping them in different DAB's I was able to experiment a bit more and also because this is baked I can just or Cache sorry I can quickly go back and forth and load the second and just continue wherever I was and that's it it's it's not that hard to create this and I hope some of you go and start creating something like this because I'd love to see what you guys can can do with this overall technique now based on this in the near future we will have new glacier tools and everything they may not exactly use this kind of processing will be of course try to use more physical processes and algorithms that mimic nature more closely but these are the kind of results that you can expect and have tools that will let you just go like paint a glacier and you'll get a glacier and just go ice flow and you can choose a depth and that's where the cracked ice will appear and so on so anyways and I hope this gives you a better idea of what you can do with Gaia and also a glimpse into the kind of stuff we're thinking of in the future I have not been reading any of the comments guys like part of me was scared that this might crash but it's not I'm just used to being scared that this will crash because one-point-two was a massive overhaul like you wouldn't believe the kind of things that we have done if you know what github is we had 1,600 commits just for 1.2 we had so much going on we overhauled quite a few things and we made sure we did it in a way that for you it'll be transparent you won't know what we change if we change something under the hood and but it's it's more powerful it's more stable I built all of this in Geier 1.2 working like a dog fooding experiment I wanted to be sure that this could withstand a more complex scene especially a 2k so this whole thing was built at 2k and so yeah a couple of minor things also draw attention to is so down here you'll see the status bar has a couple of new things there's the cache size so this is telling you that there's 4 point 8 GB of baked cash in in the cache folder and you can set that in the Preferences of where that is and how much you want to allow if it's getting too much you can click this and go clear like everything or stuff that's older than a week or do it manually and this is mainly just the session cache so it just helps you load a file faster it's not gonna compromise your file or anything like that if you know just if you end up just accidentally clearing all or intentionally clearing another one is the memory used button if you've improved this quite a bit so right now it says 8 point 8 gigs are used this is RAM for this scene that we're working on now we have a passive optimizer so if you don't touch a node for a while um it'll kind of unload it from memory I'll give you a faster experience but then at the same time if you're working on complex things and you don't want to wait for Gaia to catch up to what you're doing you can just open this manually and I can just say oh just dump the viewport cache and let's see how much it saves us there you go 5.6 gb freed and so our thing is down from 8 cakes to 3.3 gigs and that's how easy it is to save on memory and optimize your workflow another thing this is tiny this is not exactly a new feature in in Gaia but it's if you want to organize your graph as you work like here's a really handy thing so if I select this and I fake press shift e all of the ancestor nodes are selected so I can then just organize my graph like this or if I just press E without the shift it selects all the descendant notes and then I can organize it like this so as you go along if you want to just move little bits and pieces or branches that's a great way to go about doing it ok I'm gonna go back to the chat window because I haven't seen anything you guys have been saying maybe he's just been screaming at me to stop that you're bored and you don't want to see anymore hopefully not um oh let's see okay Jason's asking can you show the cartography oh that's right the cartography no okay so I'm gonna go do a new file I don't want to save this um let's make a new mountainous terrain because those are the coolest I'm just gonna make a range node that's what it does have it have a bit more definition and then I'm gonna switch to expert mode where I don't need categories I know where everything is so and then I also have most-used turn on so these are all my favorite notes okay on top of the range then add erosion and so let's see I'm gonna do area altitude like 89 or 90 percent so something like this I'm gonna increase the duration and I'm gonna increase the preview resolution so let's see there it's giving us a a nice terrain I'm gonna reduce the inhibition actually I'm gonna take away the inhibition completely I'm gonna add a bit of a random sedimentation and apply who do much random sedimentation I'll do there we go just a little bit I forgot that's good for a big slope like the one we were just working with not for a large scene like that too much random sedimentation can ruin a large scale not so tall Turing anyways this is pretty nice I'm just gonna add a lake note do it it's not necessary but I like having a bit of water on these terrains it just looks cool so anyways put this to the side oh no we need this because we're gonna create the cartography node from this so drag it out and go there you can see suggested like this is how much I've been using lakes and cartography it's the number one suggested node and so they're just attached to do and we have our map I'm gonna open the 2d window it looks even better in 2d this is meant for 2d there you go these are all your options you can choose to have different kinds of contours like of course how many contours that I'm gonna go and have like lots so you can see there there's lots or just reset it back to 5 and you'll create sub contours as well like I have trade lines on right now I can turn it off so we can just see the contours and I can even turn off the 3d shading there you go that's our that's our toffee help but but it's even better with this on there's no water here so you have to turn on water oops I haven't connected the water so you take the depth from the water or the lakes node and you feed it to the second board and there's your water and so by default it just gives you an outline and if you go across this water that will give you the depth for the for the lakes as well and you can have like you can also choose the number of contours you want for the water that's separate from the main land mass you can also choose to have a smooth land or water gradient and then like if you wanted to just hide the contours I'll just use zero intensity actually looks nicer with so we'll bring them back and then oh I took away the grid I'll bring that back too so they're gonna create and there we go if you want to make things a bit thicker you can choose the pixel size for different things like you can see the boundary between the water and the land mass that is a bit thicker that you can choose how we want it to be if I make it one see it becomes thinner you can choose the different colors for the contours and then you can choose different colors for the entire map you have three different ones from water and 17-4 land so let's say if I go to I'm gonna put like an auto level in between these two so I'm just gonna drag and shift drop on this so it just makes it really dull but I'm gonna go and click G here so it uses this for shading and that's basically pin for color if you don't know and so there now it's using a different type of coloration because I can just change how this works with like the height so I'm just giving it a different height eventually we'll have different color options here more said before this is like this node is so much fun it's a rabbit hole if I just work on this like the rest of the team will not get me back for a months on it so I had to pull myself back and so just think of this as as version 0.8 more stuff and there is the cartography node now one other thing you can do I'm just gonna do a quick job of it to show you but it'll give you an idea of what more you can do so I'm going to take the flow output from the erosion node and I'll use a shaper so I can fatten this up that's your River Network and so I'm gonna combine these two oops I need to use 100% Mac's for this and actually the lake output needs to be Auto leveled I forgot about that in fact I think I'll just go for equalize just so I get a bit more oomph to it and I'll use shaper again because we're just gonna do a quick and dirty job so okay you have this and then we combine to do and we get this now I'm gonna clamp this a bug right now so we reduce the shaper there we go something like this combine the do we get this and then if I feed that into the water oh that's another tiny bug that we have here I think I'll have to clamp this out ah it's like I said I'm working with a nightly build I was playing with something so it's creating this out and you might get some of it back nope what if this had work you would have gotten rivers along with as you can see that's happening it's just overpowering the previous things I'm just gonna bypass these to work that well here ah that's it oh I should have pulled the main build from the from the server that will work what I'll do is I'll make a version of this and I'll post that online and in fact like you know we're gonna have this out tomorrow so you can play with it yourself and I'll have a sample file in it or something but yeah that's it you have a lot of interesting new tools to play with and let me get this back to just depth there you go that looks nice so yeah just imagine what the reverse here would look like by the time you get to cartography 1.0 again this is just a bleeding edge so we'll have a few opportunities between now and the final release do you know maybe sneaking a few features and improve all the little bugs and whatnot and yeah you'll have a lot of fun playing with this hopefully so I think that's it if anyone has any questions now would be the time it's gonna look at some of the comments here and Marco saying stop adding features I'll never be able to master it well that's the challenge you have to master it as fast as we add new features this is this is like crazy people weren't gonna stop adding features we're gonna in fact we're gonna double the amount of features that we add all the time I mean look at this this is just point do and it's so many things imagine what point three will be like 0.4 0.5 or what's 2.0 gonna be like and I shouldn't have to talk about that that's what NDA so yeah you know guy one point do I mean some seriously we're all so excited for you guys to try it out and they're eager to hear your feedback on everything and I just realized I forgot to show you one of the interesting new changes which is the build tab so your boot system is right here you don't have to open up a dialog anymore all the options are here and here and the terrain definition is now down here so you have easier access to it you don't have to open it up in a pop-up and so when you select a node for output you get them here you can now even sort them you can change the different formats you know in case you haven't heard you finally fix the EXR bug so you can now have really clean pure 32-bit output in EXR all these options you can also choose which ports you want to export not export so let's say you just want to have the primary only like erosion you don't need all the extra Maps so you can just say primary only or manually pick what you want and rest of it is pretty much what was in the build manager you have a few extra options here if you open up the build button drop down and then just click start building and you're ready to go so that's it thank you guys so much for joining us and again super excited to get this to you so you can play with it and give us your feedback and we'll have I went to production ready in no time and as usual thank you so much for your support you know we're really grateful for the feedback you guys gave us and all the ideas and and all the fantastic artwork you guys have been posting we have no idea how happy that makes us to see you guys create beautiful things with Gaia so keep it coming and see you on the group
Channel: quadspinner
Views: 15,644
Rating: 4.9643917 out of 5
Keywords: Gaea, Terrain, CG, Environments, Environment Art, Tutorial, Preview, Erosion, Glacier, Arctic, Tundra, Ice, Ice Floe, Snow
Id: 0_hJ5u98Las
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 5sec (3485 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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