G2 vs. VIT - Week 3 Day 1 | LEC Summer Split | G2 Esports vs. Vitality (2021)

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[Music] welcome back to week three of lec summer where it's time for g2 esports and vitality to close out the day the former champions have returned to form in summer and i want to highlight some standout plays from the mats of the week versus rogue last saturday so the thing about g2 esports is that it doesn't matter what they play doesn't matter macro it doesn't matter composition it's the fact that they can punish mistakes so easily and decisively and also their individual performances every game here the first clip will showcase number one of the cases which is punishing enemy mistakes right here as we can see onto the map there are two deaths onto fanatic and only reckless yankos uh and the thresh are only available so as i keep on playing this one you'll see that jankos is trying to go into the beat he has absolutely no vision though but what he does which is key keep your eyes on that pink ward because that pink chord will be key for that baron now as i keep on playing this the pink one remains right there and jankos has a really good visual of where he wants to put down his equalizer the equalizer goes down the reckless arrow goes down and what rogue chooses to do here is that they just keep on stacking arrows onto the baron because they have hand summoner onto the kalista so technically they sort of have a smite but you know who else has a smite jankos has a smite you know who else can steal the baron reckless who's charging this arrow can steal the baron so they keep playing the clip you'll see that who ends up getting the baron is g2 and that's due to that pinpoint right there that allowed them the vision to do so now yeah okay they're really good at punishing mistakes fair enough but this is where the individual prowess really shines here rogue and g2 have completely split the map into g2 has decided to go bot side with if i bring up the mini map you see that wonder right here is doing the infernal soul which is going to be huge later on for the fight to come and on the other hand you also have rock who have taken complete control of this territory with their vision and want to choke out g2 now if i keep on playing this you'll see that g2 obviously want to move in and try to get something done for themselves they have absolutely no vision they will waste a bunch of ultimates reckless ultimate will go in the equalizer will go in and that's due to them just trying to get some vision down now of course we all know what happens here the carries from g2 walk in or dominate absolutely destroys them but i want you to keep your eyes on this man down here in the corner who's going to tp in later on so if i keep playing this ordo amne will find the perfect opportunity to take out both caps and reckless or two undisputable carries 42 or so you thought because the game keeps going on wonder is on the flank and what's really important is that he will find trinby and why this is important is because when he kills off dream b and takes him off what he does next is what completely puts a nail in the coffin he grips han sama and instantly kills him together with the rest of d2 but it doesn't end there this is where the individual powers comes in for wonder he will turn this into a 1v2 at this point odamna is into his hourglass and the ultimate that's coming in from wanda to completely negate any damage coming in from the cannon but this is the most important thing he starts casting the passive as larson is just about to dunk on him completely negating any damage coming from the js and tends this whole fight around so quite honestly you can kill one carry from g2 you can kill two cars from two health you can kill all of them but one and that one member can completely turn around the whole fight 1v5 yeah no well it definitely seems that way especially when you've just killed two of the heart the biggest dogs on g2 you'd think you'd have done enough uh our biggest dog is standing behind us actually i've got a little bark from you hello ender how are you doing rough you're on fire tonight aren't you preferably preferably not but either way g2 are looking bloody brilliant no no denying that and it's a big turnaround from how they ended in the spring season so dude what changes have they made that has instigated a resurgence in the g2 we're all looking for honestly for me one of the biggest changes has been jankos he's felt so much more consistent for me this split you've looked back to like the anchors of 2019 large parts of 2020 he was just the he was the rock for g2 and well bringing in reckless last play i said reckless was kind of like the designated right driver for g2 he was the guy keeping them sane and yet we saw last week in the big game against rogue that bot lane of g2 faltering dying early on in the 2v2 who's there to show up and bring everything back on course it was jankos on his rumble he's also pulled out the xinjiang as well and it's these picks these you know the more comfort and the confidence that i think yank has been able to build with a more open off season not having to go with msi maybe some more time to practice that he's come in and looked much hotter this summer and could you quickly travel help me on the other side of the coin how do you you explain why people are describing vitality as a volatile presence it's either going to be fantastic or a disaster i can't quite get my head around that it's honestly like either sink or swim for vitality there's no middle ground and that's because of the nature of the way they like to play they bring slt in straight from eu masters he's played quinn in eu masters and absolutely destroyed toplane he's a more of an aggressive player you've got la brov who wants to make plays around the map and then self-made and leader well we talked about them earlier on in the in the day as well they just want to make plays they just want all the resources and it's sort of like either you're gonna take the risk to make the 2v2 with leader and self-made and win or like they're going to talk you out of resources you're going to lose some team fights and your composition just doesn't make sense anymore so you have crown shot which to me that's sort of what reckless does for g2 he's sort of the the backline carry where if everything else fails you just resort to them this is why i find it i find it out to be a wannabe g2 but i think yankos at this point cannot compare to self-made because jankos is just the best babysitter jungler we have okay i wanna be i wanna be but i'll tell you what i want what i really really want is a draft and we are closing out the day with vitality versus g2 so let's leave the floor to the unlikely combo of a grandpa and the lord of cringe himself trevor miss me the question is did ender influence machine did our scriptwriter plan that months ago it's just it's just weak it's just weak and it's not he called me a lord i'll take it all right you're not a lord unless you own some land at somewhere in the uk is desk not my land no it is not absolutely not let's turn our attention to the draft it is vitality taking on g2 and it is another one of these games where there are some questions to be asked i think for the vitality members they've actually been quite outspoken about their play or their opinions on the game self-made being very critical being very um negative on his perception yet statistically and the impact that he's having he's one of the better performers on the team you know so i need to see how they continue to develop and this is symptoms of a new team it is new players put together a new support stuff behind them i think that's vitality of just kind of going through a new team phase yep you know uh i mean we were talking about it right when you kind of look at their position in the standings i feel that they're performing as expected they're kind of losing struggling against the top five teams and they're beating the bottom five teams right and so right now they're kind of looking like that team challenging for the fifth sixth spot which for a brand new team composed the players that haven't really played with each other outside of self-made and crown shot like i think they're performing as expected and i think that if they can challenge the top teams then they are over performing and heading in a definitely positive direction and the hope is that this team can continue to develop and continue to grow because there is a lot of potential and this will be another one of these tests for vitality against the team who is sitting in the top of the standings g2 are on the blue side they will immediately ban away illusion followed by that diego and we'll see which direction we'll take this draft for g2 we know that south band and leader tend to have really high priority and the picks that vitality wants and tends to get played around significantly one of the big differences between these two teams is the focus and the ganks as well as the kills a lot of bot lane lots of g2 and i'm on top lane for vitality barristan akali next no surprises there no no nothing too shocking we can still see the renekton being left up unavailable rumble is of course still up and available gwen is currently unbanned 100 presents here in the lec 22 games band coming into today and still up will it be vitality's final ban xin zhao instead first bitcoin has to be has to be a first bitcoin no doubt about it there it is that will be g2's first gwen of the split the question is who will it go to wonder or caps traditionally we have seen it in the top lane but for anyone that uh likes to pay attention to what caps does in solo queue he plays a lot of gwen he seems to be very proficient and loves to play the champion so uh it could go to either or in my opinion i'm gonna think about who you're playing into of course leader somebody who loves to play those melee assassins those burst damage type champions and lisa has been locked in comboed with that thresh now thresh is typically permabanned so the fact that it's made it through the draft and vitality are getting it full of brav and when he first joined the lec thrash was one of his comfort picks that he had decent success on uh when you pair that up with the lease in we'll see where this lee will end up going whether it be self-made jungle leasing which could be very exciting uh or whether it is up in the top lane that's all very well and good but i now kind of want to draw your attention to rex on jinx uh i don't think he played this once last split quick show i actually don't remember the last time he played it give me a second give me okay so guaranteed did not play it in spring 2021 and okay the last time that reckless play jinx was in 2019 spring it was against g2 wow and it was a loss zero three zero now the most interesting thing when i'm looking at the table is before that he last played it at worlds 2015. one game of jinx in the last five years wow competitive play and he's pulling it out today into crown shot with the help of that tk so what's crazy about this is this is evidence of the evolution of reckless because last week he talked a lot about how like if he wasn't super comfortable on a champion then he wasn't prepared to play it um but here we are he's now running out this jinx that he hasn't played an incredibly long time the question is how will it work out with the tom kench for mickey in the bot lane and let's take a look at phase two bands volley bay and nocturne removed from vitality diana the first one from g2 and the question marks here where is this gwen going top or mid where is this lee sin going top or jungle now the fact the vitality of banana volley and nocturne heavily suggest to me that lee is going top lane and they have banned out strong matchups into the lee sin on top of that they are also suggesting to me that this gwen is going in the mid lane and that we haven't yet seen a top laner come out for wonder but as i say that vitality are now gonna lock in the lulu which you imagine is going in the top lane as we have seen already a few times this split and definitely not going to be expecting that in leaders hands i mean slt's played one game of that it was actually a win for him now what do you think of this get this lisa gwen into lulu and this lee sin is likely gonna be going into the jungle now so we're looking for a mid lane pick for leader he'll be able to see what the rest of g2's composition is going to be and wait if this karma gets locked in is that top corner mid gwen now that is what it suggests to me of course karma kind of still go mid due to have that flexibility and i've seen gwen solo killing lulu's before when you run the ignite in the top lane as well so it's definitely not an impossible matchup for gwen players depending on how proficient you are so i'm not going to say anything for g2's draft just yet let's see what they round things out with oh so interesting how this is played out now my instinct is that wonder would be the one piloting the karma and that i expect caps to play that's kind of what i think yeah right now because i imagine they pick the karma into the lulu and they just they're saying to caps you know you can play whatever um just play the gwen and you can play it into whatever matchup you want uh but how is leader going to answer right now he's hovering the rise and he's going to lock that one in so we know the leader usually one of his go-to and comfort mages is this rise very powerful split lane split lane split push presence does have strong power scaling in the side lane i'm not too familiar with the rise versus gwen's side lane matchup in the late game i kind of want to naturally give it over to gwen and say that she is just favored in the side lane but i may very well be wrong because leader is bringing out into this matchup but i think that when you kind of look at vitality's comp as a whole they have strong mid jungle presence in the early game with very powerful scaling in the late game you have to remember that with a felios he loves it when champions come into him relatively short range and when things are trying to dive onto his face he is in his most comfortable gwen olaf both want to run into you get into melee range want to challenge you and you have a lulu and a thresh to off appeal while this felius looks to pop off so early game mid jungle for vitality late game it's the crown shot show no surprises there from the vitality perspective and will g2 be able to run down a team of vitality or will vitality be able to stand tall and use this interesting comp to their perfection both teams kind of linear and how they're going to start fights and let's hit the rift for youtubers vitality [Music] so [Music] okay venus i immediately want to get your take on this olaf and lee sin combination a number of jungles were banned away and i know lee sin was a little bit of a hot topic at the beginning of the season already talking about uh the jungles being better and just how difficult it is to make this work in the jungle well of course with the jungle changes that happened i forget specifically which patch i think was eleven nine um but basically jungle camps the timer the respawn timer got increased ever so slightly which then the idea was that it wasn't just about power farming junglers permanently doing four colors um now you can have junglers that have pretty fast clears but there are also windows sent to gank so lee sin has kind of slowly been rising in popularity he was already strong laner but his jungle clear speed not bad at all um the thing about olaf is that he is just naturally a very good matchup into lee because he can out duel him in the other game so typically what you do with the lee is you want to try and have that strong mid-jungle matchup which you typically do with the ryze who has strong pushing power early on uh and you pair that with ali good gank setup everything just looks great however gwen olaf if you got into a fight with them you kind of feel like oh that's that's a tough two versus two so like while i did initially say the vitality's 2v2 my jungle is strong i think that on paper g2 should have the stronger one if they match up the question is how will this mid prior look because we don't get to see a lot of mid lane gwen and i'm excited to see what caps can do on the champion yeah we really don't for leader this rise seventh or eighth most played champion behind a lot of those melee assassins and burst mages so let's see what he can do into caps as well another good opportunity to test himself and looking at this uh caps on the gwen as well as reckless on the jinx one of the big things that we were talking about coming into this game is caps is going to jump on to leader and have a big trade he's just comparing the two carries of g2 esports and uh the impact that they have for their respective teams if you look at the jungle proximity a lot uh being given there to reckless csd obviously pretty high so good laning here for caps but then it gets interesting in the second half yeah so what's really fascinating is that when you think about caps and reckless this split like even niske said in his interview that he thinks that caps are still the best mid laner in europe but i think that for me when i watch g2 games reckless kind of steals away a lot of the spotlight you know i don't really talk about caps who's literally playing on the edge of his life um but it feels a lot like rekkles has just been stealing the the kind of show but you kind of look at the laning stats you can see the caps are still very dominant even though his jungle proximity is higher than what breakfast has in terms of the raw values um the reality is that relative to other mid laners he doesn't get the same jungle presence that many of the mid laners do which is kind of not typical when you think about g2 because caps has kind of been that player that both mickey and the anchors would often roam towards and we even had a segment last week we're like hey is this like are they going back to that 2019 form but it does feel like the g2 identity is shifting a little bit more that caps's roles and responsibilities to be that big pop-off performing player that he was when g2 was kind of in that era of sheer dominance and success with reckless joining the roster he's kind of taken a little bit more of that responsibility and his time has gone on from spring to summer his his impact is definitely really being felt yeah it is and of course we're asking the question of how much influence is caps having especially as the game plays out because laning is looking good as we've highlighted but then when you do look at some of the impact and damage share and damage permanent differences it's not the caps of old but it doesn't have a huge negative impact right now g2 are still four and one and the trading has played out pretty much as expected i think that caps has been dancing on the absolute edge of the safety with leader been fighting his hp's been low he's already been back in tp back into the mid lane the junglers respectively both hit level four have had their first backs and we'll see if there's any lane that they will be able to influence but nothing sort of note as of yet but i'm going to keep my eyes on younkers and self-made and where they decide to move next because it is in that window where plays can happen now i love keeping my eyes on the mid lane but our observers are highlighting a great pathing there from jankos managed to navigate his way through the vision does not get spotted and has his eyes set on a top lane gank no level six yet for slt flash forward from wonder flash available for slt he's manages to escape of course wonder initiating that one early trying to get the route down and they trade flashes so the idea from wonder there was to flash so that even if slt flashes it will still end up binding him however slt used the bonus movement speed from his own whimsy to then create enough space that he could then flash out of range of the tether and is able to get away to safety so both ghost and flash used on the side of g2 whereas only the flash from slt good job from him being able to get out of that situation now both top laners relatively juicy targets and the self many anchors want to try to repeat that again crouch on lebron push this wave in pretty heavily and be cleared out here my reckless mickey spitting that minion out just to interrupt the back and it does look like there's a attempt that's a flash forward into the route the flight backwards onto reckless flash and heel used the bravo crown shot going to be able to trade summoners all four for two technically interesting i'm uh wondering why mickey decided to hold on to the consume there wonder if it was because the threshold wasn't used and he was just waiting for that to come out either way summoners traded damage coming down onto caps but he's going to use his w to mitigate the queue from over the war from self-made and he had information on where he was so he's able to get out no blood drawn just yet just a bit of trading back and forth jankos now has his eyes out on the bot lane there's no vision here for vitality they're just about to spot out yankos mickey's stepping forward no summoners remember four vitality's bottom lane that's the undertow coming up from yankos the flay pushes him backwards round waffle brings self-made and leader to the bottom lane jankos is the first to fall turn their attention to make his teleport's not coming out wonder arrives and immediately retreats south may not gonna be able to find the secondary kill on to mickey and the body block from wonder saves the day excellent realm walk from leader to bring the jungle down into the river fight because things looked dire for crown shaw and lebron but the mid jungle was there they were able to respond and vitality end up coming out on top first blood to vitality and it lands in self-made hands which is i think hugely impactful going to be one of the players that can set things up put pressure onto that back line and caps will just finish the recall as leader returns to lane the runway bringing the party to the bottom lane vitality with an 800 gold lead that's going to be a very good start for them slt's got his tp back wonder does not now the teleport from lulu gank not the most scary but obviously having the ability to bring all that utility to a potential skirmish could be valuable now what's interesting here is that slt i think he wisely kind of had the wave pushing into him he was going to reset and then he could even walk back but g2 recognizing that the bot lane already needed to reset the top wave was already in an awkward position and uh if wunder had gone his wave would have been kind of like stuck so instead they just swapped the bot side up towards top the herald is spawning soon and this also gives g2 the ability to trade herald for the first rake and they can kind of like fix the wave states so i think this is a good swap from g2 overall wonder now has to play weak side on the bottom of the map because he realizes that his jungler is not gonna be nearby he could be in some serious danger and also self made just hit six so uh we'll see if one does able to navigate that difficult situation you can see the pressure that mickey's putting on to my towers he's just shoving them backwards getting them out of the way wonder i'll just run into lebron there is again nikki's just trying to zone away slt as best he can a couple of plates picked up here by reckless already in the mid lane leader continues to push into caps and with the swap as you rightly pointed out vedius dragon secured here for vitality so they got the first kill they get the first drake a crown shot left unattended in that bottom lane also picking up advantages here so both teams relatively comfortable from the start of this game leader no realm no flash but has lots of vitality support slt will complete the tp gigantic damage from wonder but the disengage is strong and ultimately that's just a wasted tp mickey has made his way down as well but so i don't think it's a wasted tp mainly because i think that if slt hadn't done it then g2 would have taken that fight so by him tping down they kind of neutralized the numbers advantage that g2 had and they're saying all right g2 if you want to fight we're fighting on even terms and g2 said you know what we don't want that we don't want an even fight we only want to fight that uh that is an advantage to us the thing that does surprise me is jankos chose to go for a gank rather than the herald i feel like that there was a window there where he could have taken that pretty much uncontested and then they could have just secured themselves the top tower but in the same vein rectus was just kind of left alone with the tower he was able to secure himself three plates in isolation you can see he's gone a decent amount of solo xp as well because mickey was roaming around and trying to assist the rest of his team he's gonna upgrade his boots off the back of that and he can likely just go back towards top and keep threatening this tower um the question is now what will happen with this herald because you can see self-made pathing up towards the top side of the map they know that this advance this objective is still up they have push in mid slt has push in top and now with the numbers vitality should actually be able to screw this objective to themselves now the herald and not going for it is a trend for g2 uh they've actually only picked up 10 of all heralds in the games that they played they have not picked up a single first herald across all five previous games and once again electing not to make a move for that now that does look like a soft challenge here not enough support just yet ciancos decides not to move in just for the moment so that's six games in a row where every first herald goes to g2's opponents and that means vitality they managed to pick up the drake they managed to pick up the herald they managed to pick up the first kill of the game and now they can use that herald to help give themselves an advantage in whichever lane they choose certainly can i think that they have options in mid they have options top if they really want it and they can also just secure themselves the tower bots because this top tower is so low self made could go for a cross map but he's still hovering around we could see a fight there's a teleport from caps available as is leader crown shots able to sidestep the tongue lash the box slows mickey in his way now mickey's able to escape for the time being and self made has just arrived the moonlight vigil comes down from crown shot the flay the lantern the kill fall uprov they get one they get two vitality in the lead excellent punish once again from vitality they really are taking advantage of g2's early game here and self-made really getting the better of yankos in so many situations we knew that self-made was top side he was clearing his croaks that's why he passed towards top side as well overall excellent pathing from him and then lebron recognizing that he can go for this engage i feel like mickey could have cleansed here to just remove the ignite um but he's just tanking this damage up initially rectus is in position but then you can see a bit of indecision here jesus saying we don't want to fight but look at this huge slow that's put down onto jankos he then pops the ultimate the heel comes through and then the ignite dissipates and then the lantern into flash sets up for self made oh beautiful execution there from lebron to allow self-made to then get himself a kill onto yankos and overall vitality sit with a 1k goal lead i mean really nicely done uh lebron's third most played champion ever is thresh thresh is the second highest presence champion in the league and the combination with self-made lee sin was just fantastic there but i think more importantly throughout the course of these 12 minutes of gameplay lebron has been on point as has crown shot using the full kit of the felios and thresh to counter whatever g2 are doing it's a thousand gold lead it's three kills this herald will come down and still two minutes before these plates fall so this is going to give them even more gold and lead is already up 20 cs plus now the plates plus the tower vitality is significantly dry very clean game overall now is crown trying some danger here no flash no flash the lantern is nearby lebron crown shark gonna be in trouble as the teleport completes from wonder but leader and self made make their way up another flay there from lebron after following the queue mickey survives for the time being that's a kill there on to reckless the first for g2 in the realm gets vitality to safety so this time around the collapsing leader and self-made doesn't go in their favor but at least they're able to disengage after losing lebron's life overall not too bad for vitality they still maintain control but you can see just a bit of an over extension from crown she was not expecting the g2 bot lane to be sitting in this bush which had a control wood in it the tp then comes through from the karma and they're saying hey this is a great opportunity for us to get some picks get some kills down onto reckless and i guess the worst part about all of this for vitality is the reckless sense of getting that kill as he continues to farm up and be very strong you know he's going to be a very very big late game threat as jankos now has his eyes on slt still has a flash though so i doubt he's going to mean any real danger it'll be very fun to watch reckless versus crown shot as this game plays out g2 they counter the first tower with one of their own and now they'll set their sights on the units alright but while that's going on again self-made cross map play he picks up the second dragon has some support there from lebron another tower so again it's advantages to vitality they're extending this gold lead further and something that we have to point out is that g2 throughout the course of their previous five games they've actually spent the majority of their gameplay time even 65 has been you know at an even or like close game states about this game state actually i actually just asked stats at what point the goal difference would be considered like a major lead but the one thing that is important to call out g2 have only spent seven percent of their game time at a major deficit and that means that they maintain sort of an even footing maintain you know trading objectives and then they've just won in the late game you know four times out of the five yeah and it's the team fights where we're gonna be keeping our eyes because i think that's where things get really spicy because vitality they found themselves with early leads before let's not forget uh against rogue they lost early bounced back in the mid game uh and then they were able to have a huge impact and again i think that what we're seeing from vitality is the development of a new team right remember that when you look at their schedule you can see that they've beaten schalke pretty convincingly they beat sk pretty convincingly they've lost her rogue uh finalists from last split they lost to fnatic who whilst having some changes were really finding their form last week and currently sitting in the top five and misfit two right now are just very much informed so they've lost the teams in the top five and they've beaten the teams in the bottom five and the question for me is very much with how much does vitality grow within a single split can they actually contest for potentially one of those world spots and how far can they actually make a run in the lec because again for a new team to even be considering the finals i think is already a big stretch um and it's like i think right now vitality performing as expected and it's simply a matter of how far can they go right now they look great and how quickly of course um i i almost think some of the expectations on this team is a little bit like unfair in some ways because the players you know self-made leader crown shots very hyped team it is and there's a lot of of support for each of them individually i think crownshot's return uh in spring was fantastic he's looking very good and there's just a lot of hype around these players and when you see this 15 minutes when you see how they played this early game against g2 uh it gives you a lot of hope and uh they will take their third tower they maintain this gold lead and they need to see how they can at pressure g2 further but sometimes they over commit sometimes they get a little overzealous and it's that decision making let's punish them as slt does have the flash gonna get out to safety yeah that decision making from vitality is what i ultimately think cost them in the mid to late game and why they've lost games that arguably they could eventually come out on top of and this is why i think self-made has also been very critical as on of himself because when you look at this roster he is kind of the veteran the leader almost him alongside crown chart um and so when the when it comes down to those decisions you kind of look at them to be the one making them so we'll see how things go on right now they're in a great position the next drake spawned in about two minutes time self-made had his eyes on wonder but i don't think oh actually with leader there they could go for a cheeky collapse but a good ward is going to spot that out and wonder should still be very safe he still has flash available to him as well as the mantra abilities so difficult to stick on to that karma but what do you want to see here from vitality i expect them to be setting up for the next drake um it would be the most obvious move but also with their composition we talked in drafthow they they would love for g2 to run at them they do have a lot of peel but also important to call out that 2-0-1 if self-made and leader can combo or jump onto someone who's slightly separated from the team there is also proactive plays i can make so you've been casting a while quick job you probably remember the old well lee sin falls off in the late game remember that back in the day a long time ago yes so like as the game has evolved and its items have changed lee sin um you can still argue that he falls off in a way because his access to the back line becomes a little harder but his playmaking potential is insane and that's why i think that in late game fights he offers more than an olaf can um but it obviously depends on the context in this comp i'm really excited to see what self made can do like uh i've been watching a lot of cage or stream with his leasing and he's done some crazy stuff uh we've seen many other challenger players do other insane things pro players do even more like the insect was obviously named after a guy making crazy stuff happen only so let's see what self-made can do as leaders found a flank and crucially it comes purely down to execution you have to land skill shots you have to find either caps or reckless in the scenario there's a tom kench there's a karma there's a lot of tools that g2 can use as well mg2 are currently grouped up that's a death sentence on to caps self mates gonna be forced to take the lantern to safety the box has already been used and leader is gonna get caught out stepping away gets tagged by the undertow dash over the wall from caps w goes down now g2 split up it's a 4v4 and a 1v1 caps rejoins the fight death sentence connects that's the devour on cooldown what can vitality do self made still got the flash available still got the sonic wave and it is a tense dance nobody yet caught out enough to go down very tense indeed keel was used by a reckless but the poke continues to come out the drake is being started hook whips yeah sentence won't find the target just yet mickey will be able to devour up one super mega death rocket put so much damage onto vitality they're forced to retreat self-made goes in gets the kick does not find the kill he does it's actually leader that takes down caps there's a follow-up there as well as now jankos has dropped down vitality inside the pit as wonders running for his life the round warp will send two members of vitality and they represent to pick up a triple kill for leader the third dragon as well and vitality win the fight it was looking like a great fight for g2 initially the damage from caps was huge on to the front line but they're able to turn it around so let's have a look at caps here because a lot of things miss for vitality but then look at how much damage he's able to get off onto the entire enemy composition combined with the ultimate from jinx you think they're gonna win but then look at how quickly the front line melts thanks to leader great combination because all of g2 is stacking up he's able to get the ryze combo repeatedly off crown shot is left untouched and the chase through comes from vitality well executed front to back team fight that they're able to come out on top of and huge props to leader dishing out the damage needed to allow vitality to win he managed to close it out i think that lebron hit like four out of five of those death sentences that he threw out and while they weren't followed up on the amount of pressure that that puts onto g2 they are now down three drakes they are down 5 000 gold this is definitely a major deficit and it has passed 20 minutes on the clock vitality leading every single category and the two people that you talked about djing draft mid and jungle self-made and leader they are the ones that are carrying and closing things out but do not forget crown shot zero zero five and he is on the uh 200 years champion against uh melees or sort of close range that want to run out of this from vitality they're saying we're stronger we know we're stronger we're going to do baron we're going to do one at 20 minutes and force you to fight as another hook land it does indeed ragnarok used by jankos to escape teleport coming down from wonder it's caps instead rather that channels that wonder stays in the middle lane now all of a sudden it's a 5v5 in the river this has pulled vitality away from baron but it cost them the teleport got force uses ghost and his ultimate hook goes wide vitality still control the topside river g2 right now trying to contest the mid prior but vitality will not let them they're going to force g2 back make their way back towards the baron and clear out some of this vision there's no uh flash available for self made there's a number of wards that he can hop to self made not going to connect the sonic wave onto wonder and it is vitality daring g2 it's vitality forcing the hand of g2 esports and for the time being getting advantages every time i like what leader did there he was pinging saying ah let me fix top wave there's no point in us just a ramming around mid like we're just wasting our time instead let me go fix this and at first something was like i can fight and you saw leaders sort of backtrack in the river and said okay okay and then he's like okay that's enough now let me go fix the side waves and then they disengage from the fight vitality hold on to mid while leader pushes that out and now it looks like that they're going to go back to the band or they're just baiting it because this is all dark the the blue orb will come through g2 know what's going on yankers ultimate is just about to come back up i don't know the hook lands once again lebron starts it off he throws down the box relatively early and now the teleport channeled and vitality pull out of the pit lancaster's ragnarok runs out and now g2 step forward contest the vision challenge it but vitality have secured both teleports they have them available for both slt and leader so they can now take control of these side lanes and we talked a little bit about how gwen versus ryze could play out i think arise that is 3-0-1 up in cs and has the teleport plus three drakes under his belt uh should be able to challenge should should very well be able to challenge i mean right now leader is the big carry of this game you already talked about crown chalk he's that guy he's he will be the main carry the later this game goes but as we're still kind of in that transition from the mid to late you can see a nearly 3 000 gold lead for leader over caps very big performance for leader especially when there are so many question marks surrounding him as a player can he compete on the lec level does he have a deep enough champion pull and while ryze is definitely no stranger to his champion pool he's definitely having a huge impact in this game i mean he is and i'm looking at lebron who set up so many of these plays they've combo together exceptionally well and i'm gonna go back to something we talked about much earlier in the game is caps having the influence in the team fights in the mid to late game that we're used to seeing and it's going to be even harder this game because of the advantages that vitality have accrued it's 45 seconds until the next dragon and we spent almost two minutes dancing around leaders got teleport and realm warp available he's pushing the bottom lane and it looks like vitality just trying to defend that mid wave but vitality just has so much control right now like the drake spawns in 30 seconds g2 have to use their numbers advantage to try and gain some control over the river and their own jungle whereas leaders just like yeah i'm just going to keep split pushing you either come and deal with me but then you lose mid prior look he's gonna use the round wall it's just it's options for days vitality can do whatever they like really good getting onto the wave early so that there is no wave to contest g2 have control over the river but they're just bleeding farm across the board dragon river fight round two g2 esports five-man stack inside the river just in front of the pit that's the mantra shields used by wonder he's on cool down can get that lowered if he gets some damage out leader steps forward finds the root on to mickey their sentence will get cleansed so that's now not available mickey standing on the front line trying to tank up what he can self-made finds caps kicks him forward in the devour is not going to be enough it is mickey that goes down first caps that goes down second and lebron goes all the way forward just unable to find the death sentence three members of g2 blown up from a fantastic plan without hesitation self-made kicks caps in the face rectus is gonna lose his life as well and in dominating fashion vitality are smashing g2 this is a controlled obliteration from vitality their team fights have been fantastic and they have punished g2 every single time they've gone toe to toe follow self made this fight yeah so he just walks up says the caps let's go you don't have flash the the kick into flash to direct straight into the team mickey flashes in to save his mid laner loses his life as a result but you can see the olaf runs in immediately has to run out caps can't disengage crown shot dealing the damage needed and then the chase through from the rest of the team just such a well-played fight for vitality and then reckless realizes i've been flanked by a leader with with the tp where can i go he ends up losing his life as well and vitality they now have everything the infernal soul they have themselves the bound and you can see now the crown shot damage has definitely come online ten thousand gold leading you have to ask why was caps pauting into the pit i didn't quite see the setup if he was forced in the pit or maybe he just hadn't won maybe he wanted to try and fight self-made uh but he made that very easy for self made that's for sure um and self made like huge props to him he was critical of his performance earlier in the in this in this split which has only been of course two weeks now in a bit but uh he's having a great game for sure three zero and six been involved in nine of the ten kills uh same for crown shot actually which is kind of crazy um yeah the vitality roster slowly over time is getting better and better and it only makes this roster even more exciting to see because remember three weeks and now they're at the point where they're where they're now confidently and cleanly beating g2 yeah let's see how much more growth they can make over the next few weeks and if they can close this one i'd be very surprised if they can't close this one out and they absolutely should be able to that's captain kick backwards self made takes the lantern to safety not enough damage just yet from the rest of vitality now they're going to continue to step forward death sentence is sidestepped and self-made will not take the lease syndrome any leaders coming in from behind realm open flash available too not needed instead push the top lane they've got five towers this will be the sixth and i think the interesting thing is of course now with vitality picking up these wins don't make playoffs you don't make worlds it makes things so much more interesting and honestly so much more uh important to not drop games mad lions losing to exile potentially here g2 losing to vitality it will make this summer very very competitive and vitality you just have to celebrate this is a fantastic game slow to start but it's been their control the whole time certainly it's the mid jungle himself main leader only seems to be getting better week on week and now they're knocking down the inhibitor door self made has the kick up and available boss he's not going to follow it just yet clean get the inhibitors open up the base they're not going to take a bigger risk than they need to this time around leader with the help of vitality just blow up mickey death sentence sends him back to the fountain he just starts to charge forward manages to get the route ragnarok used to retreat for yankos on that olaf another inhibitor falls in vitality have just dominated g2 the nexus is now the focus they take down the first tower another death sentence lands wonder gets blown up caps jumps into the fray and he gets taken out by crown shot 13 kills to one vitality take down the nexus and vitality absolutely embarrassed g2 i think a lot of this game comes down to that very early round walk into the bot lane when self made was able to get that kill on to yankos in the bottom lane where jankos thought that he had gone three kills onto crown shot on the broad when they had no summoner spells that was the turning point self-made got the edge in the match-up and then all off as the game progressed only got harder and harder to play whereas self-made and leader were only getting stronger and continuing to scale up the early game did not go the way g2 wanted vitality took control they dominated every single fight and they got a clean win yeah just very very one-sided i think interesting compositions to some degree you can talk about those a fair amount and i'm sure people will i'm for sure but i also think just expectations continue to be redefined new questions get asked every single week and we were wondering where vitality stack up you know where they're going to end towards the end of summer we kind of thought of them as maybe being like the sixth seventh team but with how clean that looked you see where their ceiling is can they find the consistency uh can they do that again there's just a lot of questions to be asked kia player of the game nominees at lec on twitter self-made leader lebrov such a difficult setup because the entire team played well only one death between the five of them yep uh if you want a deciding factor uh leader had the least kill participation of the three i don't know if that helps in your decision making when it comes to a vote mid lane right now i mean i i think mid lane is a great i'm just like there's one stat you can use his kill participation was lower so by default he did less there you go i like that well we'll see you again my taxis coach before leader joins us in the lec post game lobby don't go anywhere well played vitality [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] the systems are overloading we can't risk another game we need to take a break and regroup we're starting to lose our mind captain we cannot go back to elo hell last time it took us months to get out of it initiate break protocol hurry up ah yes yes i did it i we did it we did it even the biggest champ needs a break [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] they'll let's fall them [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes welcome back to lec summer vitality takes down g2 in the biggest episode we had today the only upset we had today actually and i have touched vitality's head coach with me to talk about this amazing victory thank you so much for joining me tash how was it watching the game from backstage and yeah what do you think about the performance from vitality today our performance was very good today it was a bit nerve-wracking to watch it especially since we didn't really have amazing games so far so it was nice that we could take on g2 and could take on them in such a nice manner how did you prep against them because something we mentioned is that how with how flexible the meta can be right now it's usually jitu's playground and how they're successful in games so tell me about the prep against them today the draft choices everything um i don't know if i can tell you about everything with some secrets but i can definitely say that we did scream g2 quite a lot in the previous weeks and i think because of it we had a lot of expectations coming into the draft and i feel like they also had a lot of expectations towards us and i also feel like not a lot of them came true so realistic and mephisto the coaches that are drafting for us actually just had to wing it quite a lot i have to say but i think they did a very good job i think we did come on top in draft and i think we did come on top in the end too so that was nice to see it was an amazing game to watch indeed you mentioned how things haven't been doing going quite well maybe uh um in scrims and maybe you wanted to have some better results so can can can i have more information on that the work you've been doing backstage and how we translate it to on stage results so far um well i think one of the main challenges for working in vitality is that the previous splits don't really put a lot of pressure on you which means that we need to put pressure on ourselves which means that even if we have a decent week of practice and a decent week of matches i feel like we still should be pushing for more and this is what we're doing so far um but it's not it's not always easy to keep pushing yourself and it's nice to it's nice that we are able to do it so far and it's nice that it is starting to show at least today and we'll see if it shows tomorrow because we have yet another uh very very good opponent yeah difficult week for vitality i was about to mention this but also you mentioned mephisto realistic the coaching staff helping you so kill let me know about the dynamic of vitality what is your role per se if memphis is realistic are in charge of drafts and mechanics in game yeah this was my conscious choice generally speaking i do take part in the day-to-day and i do green light all the bigger decisions we're making but also i am trying to leave a lot of room for strategic and the tactical development of the team to them and i just try to oversee it because the reality is i think i'm good at creating the processes and i'm good at coordinating the things at the same time they are very very good or at least much better than me at typical in-game stuff and this is why i'm trying to give them as much room and i understand it and i and i just greenlight the decisions they are making or sometimes i don't but so far i think we have been relatively online aligned in most of the cases but this is also the reason why they are the ones drafting because i do trust them a lot and so far they have not disappointed me yeah that is amazing and yeah thank you for letting me know about this synergy between the three of you for the people who didn't know you were coaching in the lfl last split how is it different from you from the lfl in the luc it is much different as you mentioned one of the bigger differences is that in lfl it was me the players and our remote analyst right now i have an opportunity to work with a much bigger coaching staff which is really really nice because when i was choosing the coaching staff i had an opportunity to see to reflect on myself what i think i am good at what i think i am bad at and choose the people that support me in my weaknesses but also emphasize my strengths and this was a great opportunity for me and obviously the infrastructure is also great but to be honest vitality is providing it for lec and academy teams so in this context it's not that much of a difference oh well congrats on the job you've been doing so far with the team three and three in the lec and good luck on the hard game you're gonna have tomorrow thank you tash for joining me today thank you very much and we're gonna take one last break and we'll be back in a couple minutes with pgr with quickshot trouble and leader see you tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: LoL Esports VODs and Highlights
Views: 75,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lcs, league of legends, lck, lpl, lec, season 11, s11, 2021, lcs 2021, lec 2021, spring, vod, full game
Id: 2mMaF5UuSOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 18sec (3198 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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