G2 vs RGE Highlights ALL GAMES Semifinals LEC Summer Playoffs 2020 G2 Esports vs Rogue by Onivia
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Channel: Onivia LEC, LCS, LCK, LPL Highlights
Views: 64,145
Rating: 4.8541665 out of 5
Keywords: G2 vs RGE, G2 vs RGE 2020, G2 vs RGE highlights, G2 vs RGE highlights 2020, G2 Esports vs Rogue, G2 Esports vs Rogue highlights, lec, lec highlights, lec 2020, lec highlights 2020, LCS highlights, NA LCS spring 2020, LEC highlights, LEC spring 2020, LCK spring 2020, EU LCS, LCS, LCK Highlights, LoL highlights, All Games highlights, full series highlights, full day highlights, lck, lpl, lpl highlights, LPL spring 2020, LoL LCS highlights
Id: t7IVa7sAriQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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