G2 vs. FNC - Playoffs Round 3 | LEC Summer Split | G2 Esports vs. Fnatic | Game 1 (2021)

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thank you very much shocks great job guys building up the excitement i love hype i love how the angle says every time they get lost i mean he's getting me excited at least right like he's shouting louder than when they won that fight it was then it's edg as well screaming nice you know he's screaming louder than that now i mean of course because if you win this series you get to go back to worlds one of these two teams will not be making it to the world championship is in european representatives if you lose you're out yeah yeah it works make the way off you make wells exactly don't make playoffs for you anyway fnatic versus g2 one of the most storied rivalries in the history of the lec usually something we see in the finals but here we see it in one of our lower bracket matches the loser is out no contention for worlds the winner goes into next week to face off against a rogue in that lower semi-final and then hopefully against madd in the final yeah it's great to think isn't it the desk already touched on it 2016 was the last time fnatic miss worlds and g2 have made worlds every single time they've been in the lec so someone's losing their you know long run of just making it to international events here and i think this is such a stacked game you have seven world finalists in one series it's absolutely absurd seven world's finalists caps has been there twice the only players that haven't been there before upset and adam of course upset has been close to oh and this is [Music] with cloud9 a couple of years ago but let's get on into the draft cage as we have a look at this thresh immediately banned out by g2 yeah i think fanuc are gonna ban varys and they're probably gonna ban zinza as well the thing is the difference between these two teams is jitu's only played four playoffs games fnatic has played ten so jitsu have a lot more information on what their pick ban looks like and g2 has always played blue side as well so they're in their comfort zone and they are on to the blue side i expect since out to be bend the way perhaps from fnatic otherwise they might want to target ben capps who's had phenomenal performances on leblanc and on syndra it's interesting how much leblanc has risen in priority across the course of playoffs we didn't see her that much during the regular season but she seems to be one of those key picks for the mid lane banned out here and now my question really becomes what roaming mid laners are we going to see from these teams biggest thing now is tf and rise we've seen a lot of rise in the lck especially and it's starting to rise up a little bit in europe renekton band away adam i think played four runners in the first game yeah four out of five games on rennington that was his go-to i think after that it's kind of like mundo mordekaiser cho'gath a bit off meta-ish champions uh if the rennington is down so we'll see what he picks in top lane obviously can have counts big on red side last bat now syndra lee sin viego zinzao all up but they're gonna take away ash i wonder if that spells a kalista early rotation from fnatic g2 instantly taking the rakan off of hilasana i mean bakan is just such high priority over the last couple of days of best of fives we've seen it brought out by kaiser and now once again we see it going into the hands of mickey as you say hillary very well known for it but mickey's no slouch on the car oh yeah definitely not we'll see what hindustan wants to counter rakhine with normally we see things like morgana out of here saying although he did win that one game i still think it's not the real style that fnatic want to approach here kalista with the ashban makes sense as well we'll see what they opt into in the yeah there it is you see the ash band the varus ban it spells out a callista one two they're going heavy for bot side i wonder if they look to their support here as well of course hillary thrives on those engaged champs something like a leona can work okay alongside the callisto even the alistar could take away a power pick here you know you could take things like the syndra or elise if you wanted for your jungle or viego and then pick support on three maybe even four five a lot of champions tend to counter rakan kalista wants to pair with alistar leona nautilus rel four champions open you can easily pick support on four five if you have higher priorities in this case it's diego i would like to see well g2 reckless always plays rosanna when varys is banned away we tend to see drosana 2-3 that's the four games that we saw in the playoffs it was varys three games of tristana we'll see if he goes back to it but no we could be seeing a zyra khan come out here from reckless and mickey i mean historically rekkles has been very comfortable on the xayah as well and it teams up so well with the wakanda i'm not too surprised that it has been brought out zaya his sixth most played seventh month played with a 76 percent win rate well across the course of his career alongside that g2 looking to the jungle lee sin will be there lock and interestingly here xin zhao actually making his entire way through this pick and bound face yeah maybe jankos favors the lee sin in this draft rakan gives you a lot of playmaking and maybe he thinks it's just the ideal pick into diego and into kalista but anyway now fnatic do you pick your support here or do you go for a high priority pick maybe like the syndrome tf still open as well before nisky which i think is an important point you know you can pick this here now and fan away to mid laners there's a lot of options not to cap here but the leona really powerful champion gonna pick that up now seems well with the callisto and it does mean that we have junglers and bot side of the map locked in for both teams we're looking to top we're looking to mid the question for fnatic is who do you give counterpick to do you get adam a counterpick in the top lane against wonder who has been struggling a little bit in playoffs or do you give it to nisky so that he can deal with caps in the mid lane i think you might have to give counts big to adam but then again g2 always like to blind pick champions in top that are very tank heavy that dianaband catches me off guard a bit unless that's going to be like a diana solo lane lisa already picked or maybe they think lisa sin solo lane die in a jungle something along those lines yeah at least in solar lane fell off a little bit often enough a couple of hatches ago but it it does still work it's just nowhere near as strong as it used to be okay so yeah definitely solo lanes at the end of the game g2 tend to blind pick tanks for wonder i'll call it weak side in this case where he picks things like mundo he picks things like uh tam kench top lane and it looks like they're just banning away adam's champions for now set taken off the boards syndra is still up rise is still up tf is still up alongside orienta i think these four mid laners will be what both teams are looking to prioritize given the amount of engage that they have something we talked a lot about yesterday is not wanting to have two high priority points on the map you don't want to have a really strong top lane alongside a really strong bot lane because then your jungler has to split his focus a little bit so with the kalista here alongside the leona my expectation is fnatic will want to focus bottom lane quite a bit in the early game so adam will then be put onto tank duty on the top side yeah you'd expect so and that gragas man also catch me off guard a bit caps was laughing there maybe he said like ah we have rakan picked you're not the best guy guys on our team mickey maybe it's targeted at wonder for the grega's top lane and there goes cho'gath so tanks being taken off the board from both sides dynaband a little bit off but anyway both solar layers now the focus the question that you had earlier was who's gonna get the blind pick and who's gonna get the counts pick on fnatic countering wonder jace is still up you know these things irelia i think it looks like it's just gonna be a top lane blind of mundo just a weak side top for adam it makes sense you have calista leona fanatic tend to play for both side you have a super strong bot lane right now and then just blinding atop getting the best mid matchup for nisky because often what you see teams do is they play through mid into a side lane in this case getting accounts big mid will help that definitely well and the question is what caps will want to pick blind here that syndra still available the blank band out of course but then twisted fate and ryze have worked their way all the way through this pick and band both of them very good at taking pressure from the mid lane and moving it into other portions of the map syndra lee just sounds so strong right now doesn't it but maybe they're just gonna go yeah they're gonna go for the oriana instead so very very well rounded comb i have to say from g2 here you've got a lot of playmaking a lot of engage with orianna rakan and you have good scaling now wunder has blind picked the camille now wunder's been playing a lot of tanks top other than the chase no sorry not black people's been showed of course so the true damage will help out into the mundo but i think this is the first game that wunder actually has a counterpick in top i want to say in playoffs especially because normally he just gets they pick blue side with a blind pig stop but in the end and then the biggest question was what is this going to counter the mid lane with and that's going to be his silas into the orianna obviously will struggle in the early lane to kind of get prio uh has to trade his hp for the push orienta should be favored in the level one to five and with the drafts locked in it looks like both teams are going for relatively traditional styles here nothing too outlandish you see majors in the mid lane a lot of damage coming out from the bottom side of the map and then top lane tanks and disruption mostly yeah g2 i mean you can leave top of an island in a safe you can know the camille can just scale both lane is going to be the focus for both teams you have to expect and playing through mid is so important cap should have the push early yankos can contest alongside wipo but if you look at both comps in a vacuum fanatic double ap solar laners not so much split push you have silence that can go side lane other than that you have a lot of team fights whereas g2 similar in a sense whether camille can go side lanes so whichever mid or solar lane is ahead will be beneficiary on the side lane to collapse first into the team fight but lots of scaling in mid and ad for g2 and lots of playmaking in middle navy for fnatic oh everyone take a breath we've got five games of this hopefully fnatic versus g2 the most decorated organizations in the history of the lec 15 titles between them 65 matches in the past and this might be the most important best of five they've ever played against each other the world's spot on the line let's get on into it [Music] looks like early lines of scrimmage from both of these teams neither of them stepping too aggressively into the enemy jungle yanks just having a little bit of a poke off his head in but i do just want to come back to something we've mentioned a couple of times here cadrell and something that i think has to be the key focus for us for the audience for everyone watching this at home and that is the fact that these guys don't miss worlds fanatic have only missed it in 2016 before that they missed it all the way back in season two g2 have been there every single time they've had an opportunity to be there so every single time since 2016 and not only that both these teams when they go to worlds are our best performing teams fnatic made finals in 2018 g2 made finals in 2019 g2 then made semis in 2020 and this year we're only going to have half of that power we're only going to have half of that punching power and it's on madden rogue to really carry the rest of the reigns yeah we'll see if they can do it you know the last three years of being a european fan international event has been amazing with those results and we'll see if the teams can step up to it and it all begins here which one of these teams will make it there and represent europe at the world championship absenteeism is getting a little bit of vision and adam's going to spot out the ankle so both junglers passing both sides as expected bot lane is a little bit of an armageddon down here because you've got a callisto lane and callisto lanes need resources you want to stack waves look for dives you have an aftershock champion leona you have good setup and there's tps on the map so you really want to invest into it reckless and mickey undefeated on zyracon not together but that's their win rates right there so that's good that's on the champions specifically not during these playoffs of course reckless yet to bring out desire during uh summer playoffs 2021 but it's a difficult road for fnatic to fight into a combined 100 win rate there for rekkles and mickey so there's an interesting thing that will happen here because both trunks will pass bolt but fnanic will have bot push and g2 will have mid push so we'll see which one can leverage their lane to contest that scuttle crab you can see fnatic stacking waves and bots we'll see if wippo just wants to do three camps and maybe run there straight away to look for some kind of dive or pressure on the map right now he's up into three camps top side yank off similarly and in isolation you might have to favor the camille in this matchup if she can just push even without vision if she knows where the enemy jungle is she has ignite in the orleans as long as she scales gets under he's almost like a tank killer that's exactly what divine sandra is designed to do adam taking a chunk of hp there is one to push him back underneath the tower adam trying to farm up but not being able to get too much out of it of course the mundo passive that cc shield will help him out a little bit against the hookshot wall dives but whippo has decided not to do any of his bot side camps here instead he's looking for mid lane caps a little bit caught out has to flash there as nisky was going to land the change yeah good flash if he doesn't do that the second he gets chained whipple is going to channel the w and flash instantly it's going to be a chain cc and you'll probably get chased down so making sure you save hillary going in looking for mickey here but mickey can just battle dance away the important thing for this is that wiffo gets a bit of time where he knows the enemy bot laner can't come up but he isn't able to step in and steal away that red yeah jankos two camps up right now so i don't think he minds losing this crap he can run through mid and take top side crab which means whipple can't take aways both camps the only problem there is his bot lanes in isolation and they can trade aggressively on the other side exhaust what already popped for the moment reckless will be able to walk back underneath this towel as you said getting this callisto lane so important ahead is flash from he was looking for the flash done there but couldn't quite land if we're down towards the bottom side of the wall across the wall we'll spot him out if he does tread outside of the tribush to dive in the waters here you'd expect perhaps because they have a wave stacking up and they know yankos is top side wipo is going to force away mickey they have no exhaust on the dive they have no heel either looks like g2 is going to have to back away unless they want to invest tps niski's already basing capped spacing two to make sure they're there and the important thing about this is how much do a fanatic get and how much can g2 do because they're looking towards this top side nasty does have tp if adam gets dived he's going to try and dodge around the cc chain will come out there's the tp coming up from this is he rejoins this fight off towards the top side wondering is going to back away meanwhile let's have a look at what's going on down towards the bottom side of the map because whippo is still waiting for that gank the problem fnatic have now is once you invest your mid lane tp to save your top laner who's already low you have no tps to get into bolton caps can match the dive so the only person that can join bot in that case is cap so fnatic can't force it they just have to crash the wave it looks like they're gonna back off whippo gonna go back to clearing his camps jankos taking away his krugs which is the second respawn so this krug take away as small as it might look it's actually the second respawn camp for whipple so that's gonna hurt i wonder who remember is running the ignite in this lane look at how low adam is that ignite's going to take for 150 or so true damage adam might have to back away does have the tp to get back still has a flash but yank is going to try and stop this port sonic wave hits resonating strike can follow that up but with the minion wave not there don't want to go for the dive as of yet he can kill him yankos if he gets on top of him now he's just going to opt against it doesn't know where bripo is he could have based and ran towards the top side so risky to overcommit wonder can't join with any flash he has ignite so just going to back off on the end adam's owned away from a lot of creeps you can see the 10 cs lead for wonder already and there's a world where wunder can save tp here to help out his botlane we'll see if he does but the biggest problems you do have right now is caps has no flash so he needs information you can see barely has any vision around mid only a ward on raptors and whippon can keep sneaking in here he has flash the gap close nisky does too the waves are in a good spot so g2 need to bail out their mid laner could look for the razer beaks here stealing that second spawn so important for a jungler as we've said is equal on cs with jankos right now you can see caps has to play all the way back here he just can't step up without that vision pedro yeah jankos and whipper both haven't based yet almost six minutes into the game neither jungler's base just keeping on clearing see if anyone can help out caps here because he really can't step up the waves good here comes the flash don't still look to try and dodge away from the spectrum more but you can't touch away from death first blood and escape yeah that problem was lingering for over a minute there i'm surprised no one really noticed it on g2 fnatic collapsing and punishing that wave state caps he was in a safe spot he was quite far back but the over commitments with the flash means that no matter where he is in that lane he's pretty much dead due to the cc chain adam going aggressive on the wunder forcing him back we'll let the wave crash into him yeah a really good start there from fnatic a thousand gold lead for them here as well and caps tp back to the lane has now hit level six but still doesn't have that flash for about a quarter of its cooldown let's look at where we are in terms of states of the other lanes because adam was put behind early on but he's been able to get some cs and catch up with wonder as the wave crashes into that top lane tower so wonder will get a bit of an advantage but on the bottom side upsets got a huge lead over reckless because of all that pressure whipper was putting down yeah exactly both junglers and mid laners hovering to opposite sides which in in turn basically means you're zoned off waves in this case adam was on the way so winter has a slight cs lead and upset manages oh no a reckless or reckless is a little bit behind this lane as well we'll keep track of that for now but both junglers are gonna base jankos out on the map already hovering towards his top side adam has flash ultimate but wunder has the ultimate to lock him up we'll see if this play is forced no adam's trying to get away from that mexico to made him coming out jankos is going in the opposite direction adam trying to trade in the ignites being ticking and adam won't be able to survive jankos takes the kill good good execution it's as simple as that with the ignite niski's hovering around he has flash he could gap close onto winter here with e yeah flash steal away the older and then jump forward that's what he's looking to do he puts the external automatic down onto yankovsk niski trading in here in a 2v1 but he takes up a tower shot yanks should be able to clean this one up but can't quite do it tp comes out ripple off towards the top side as well to protect his mid laner yank also might step straight into purple here puts down the ward notices that whipper is there and will have to back away yeah level six yankos is really low he can't contest that he might lose his blue back for that trading and bots gonna miss and nisky tried to get one person but he was hitting both in that fight it felt like you could see towards the end of the fight he queued on top of uh wonder i believed then tried to flash to finish him off in the end he got both of them very low but didn't get anything so the biggest winner of that is caps you can see he pushed in mid and now he's moving towards bot lane after having crashed that mid wave which means that flanix botlane might have to respect it i really do and after a few forays after a few scuffles in the first eight minutes of this game it's pretty even only a 500 gold difference between these two teams as i say that wonder may be called out spectrum more goes wide wonders still looking to trade but can't just hook shot will dive across this wall as and when it comes to one spectrum more coming out as well there's a heartbreaker younger stronger he's only level five nisky on his way as well but was going to eat that honey boot to be okay as adam chases them out meanwhile in the bottom side mickey had to dance away from death as upset and hillar sang look to put the pressure down yeah jankos wasn't level six there if he was he could have looked for it all in and made this he's gonna get a lot of damage on the caps here see if caps want to trade back with the ultimate man i do love the fact in picking ban we were saying it's difficult for silas levels one to five to deal with orianna because of the ranged into mellie mancheski but because the shockwave comes out here caps looking for it counter shockwave used by nisky but yankos is here still only level five caps has to flash away and this key will give to fight another day can't quite survive in the end as caps takes him down but you can see niski in this pure 1v1 is winning out those traits yeah when he can get on top of the orion it looks like he can win the trades and he can start to chunk her out and push her back caps doesn't have the damage to kind of commit back for the all-in the ultimate would just be dashed away from or wouldn't have the damage to finish him off and whiskey just keeps opting into these 1v2s in the end that's going to really backfire for him now because caps gets a kill and look how many cs niski's losing under that mid tower without tp he's not going to get any of it so he's me down in xp you can see he's already level seven slowly falling behind camps with the most experience in the game so far nisky will get here in time to catch a couple of these minions but not enough and with the game swaying to and fro i want to ask you guys at home a question and it's a big one it's one of it's one of the biggest questions we've asked recently oh yeah in the lec who's getting it who's going to worlds fanatic or g2 will fnatic miss it for the first time since 2016 or will g2 miss it for the first time in their history spam g2 if you think they're going to get it spam for fnc if you think they will secure i honestly have no idea medic all the analysts predicted g2 to win but then again shock said it could be curse we'll have to see if that does happen in the end the game is very very even right now upset really good move in there to dodge away from knocking and niski's kind of recovered in the cs department he's got the blue buff now upset though might be in trouble yeah he's being rooted up here and you can see ankles on his way as well the exhaust coming down to slow up here comes jankos hila sang there as well the quickness coming out from mickey he just hit level six in the middle of that fight he's not able to find any marks to charm up spectral more being used by whippo he needs to be a bit careful because that caller is on a pretty short cooldown for desire to be able to pull those feathers back yeah nisky was hovering around that bot lane he just got into the bot side of the river and he was ready to join the fight so mickey popped the ultimate sword with niski was like nope not going in there i don't think he had the knock-up either so upset's just gonna have to be forced to flash away still has around a 20 cs lead and he's opted into the plated steel caps to keep himself safe wow 70 30 in favor of g2 not too surprising g2 the more consistent worlds attendees have never missed it of course and with this early start i think i'd expect it to be a little bit more even overall but right now g2 of course having only played one best of five series haven't had the long road that fnatic have had to make it to this lower bracket match don't know another reason why gt might be slightly favored you know what graphically brought up about eu making world finals final semi you know who's all in those caps always cap sonic wave comes out caps with the shotgun managed to find the mark whipper going into the 2v1 trade here does have the heartbreaker can use that automatically to get capped down but can't quite get the damage and going in with the center plate as well it's a double for jankos hilassan will get one in response but jankos now with the red buff boom with over khan to boot back should be chased down here as you say no flash x flash won't save you now it's a triple for yankovic a lot of fighting going on mid but yankos is there mickey's there and g2 win out on the 3v3 yankov's having a great game already 4-0-100 kill participation and a lot of players like inspire specifically in pgl said yankovic form especially in scrims the meta suits him and he's showing up already in this best of five yeah really coming out clutch being involved in every single one of his team's kills so far one under the tower needs to dodge this fine unaffected bone sword manages to do it adam healing up with that ignite using the grievous wounds will take away him adam's gonna flash in won't quite die for this maximum dosage keeps him alive for the moment yankos on his way as well adam puts down a couple of awards to spot out mickey as he comes for the flank but jankos is almost here the rest of fnatic perhaps throwing good off the bat as they look to save adam who is already dead yeah adam gets the solo bowler but ends up dying another killer with the jankos with the herald spawning everyone's moved towards the top side both 80 carries a handshaking bot lane just trading off creeps but now harold is the focus for all these teams niskanen hills i have a great position they could flank jankos has no flash mickey has ultimate as well caps is split though this is the biggest problem he do have here how does caps rejoin their team is fnatic just going to commit 3v2 or they're going to turn on caps i mean the good thing for g2 is they have two of the best escape artists as champions uh as their two picks him and he just jumps across the wall they didn't know that this control ward where mickey is walking was there so g2 had been spotted for their entire push towards that rift held however the rift held will be set itself and still that ward survives bananic getting more information than they should at this moment yeah wonders back as well adam's going to run towards mid it's now a 4v4 towards the top side who's going to pull the trigger first hillside has no flash mickey and jankos are looking for it and windows gonna go back to top wave caps going back to mid wave and everyone is just gonna back off the herald for now plates falling in 50 seconds makes it so that herald value is dropping every second that goes by but both teams are going to ignore it for now and as i say that maybe want to turn around and start it up themselves and although up uh bot lane has been a little bit of an island this game upset does have a 20 cs lead and two plates on that kalista so he's a sizable chunk of change ahead of reckless but really the focus has been on the rest of the map you see all of the kills basically on that top side right now as bripo starts up the rift out as you say plates falling off for 14 minutes means that this is not as valuable as it would have been a couple of moments ago but you can see g2 in position to fight yeah look at upset though he's moving out through both side rivers so if the fight's prolonged he'll be there first while reckless is both so cheats who have to make a decision they have to fight now or back off then it's played solo player mickey trying to dance away but that's both of his battle chances used as a witness as well and upset with waiting arms looks for mickey the igniter sticking won't be enough reckless now down towards the bottom side looking for those plates but there's a tp behind him as fanatic are not willing to let reckless have any free time feather spy feather storm and the tp's come in g2 might look to continue to invest down towards this bottom side instead they back away or g2 are playing with fire around that herald maybe a second later and mickey would have died upset had to rotate all the way up and the reckless doesn't get a plate in response but fnatic do get the herald and they push g2 back they're only about a thousand gold down but they have the neutrals they have the dragon first dragon of the game second one spawning in a minute and they have the herald we'll see how they can use it upset now in mid we're gonna see a one three one come out here from fnatic and g2 probably gonna respond by matching but now they have been so good at getting these early objectives throughout the course of playoffs in fact that early game has just been very strong in general getting gold leads against vitality and misfits and on average a very high kd at 15 as well means they get 1.3 kills for every time they die and they get those first dragons here of course they have fallen behind in gold they are losing in kde but they still securing those neutral objectives yeah fanatic like to run at you and they don't really stop until they either die or they kill you yeah and that's what we tend to see all the time especially in the playoffs best of five that we've seen always just diving after getting a kill and forcing the fight so need to be a bit more tempered against g2 because they will punish you if you do overextend for now it looks like adam he's going to get the first power of the game on both lane he's going to look at the zenith right here but the solar flare onto janus will lock him up mickey waiting there with the battle dance is really smart because hitler sang a couple of times has zenith played him and then solar flared the target that he would jump to and because he waited he was then able to jump and get away upset looking for reckless down towards the bottom side remember no feather storm so the flash has to be invested by reckless yeah fanatics just pushing g2 out of their own jungle they're going to get the bot tier one and they're probably just going to start up this drake and take it wounder has no tp so he can't rejoin the bot side of the map looks like there's gonna be a tower for tower trade but flanic winning out first tower and second dragon of the game now if they don't lose anything mid they're a okay reckless loses his flash as well so let's talk a little bit about the sequence of plays because it really feels like g2 have given up the bottom side they're like reckless you stay down there by yourself we're not really gonna fight it fnatic can have all the vision they want they can take the dragon they can take the tower and before this g2 had a gold lead they had a really friendly sin it feels odd that they would just so willingly give up so much of the map yeah the leasing is ahead but you also have to question the 3v3 in the skirmish power of the fnatic have you know callista leona on one item is so strong as i say that's just going to pop the herald in boston too yeah such a strong 3v3 niski's always moving out of his lane caps can't really match it just yet he wants another item before he can fully commit and i don't think g2 can stop this tower from falling unless they fight to kill the herald and they are going to arrive in time defending the play in bots and negating their herald jacob's looking for this goes in there's the dragon switch as well mickey on the chest that's the quickness hitler sang does have flash so does upset they're looking for upset tv's coming in as well upset still has that black just jump across the wall to use the heel already one they're going to drive the prey is now fanatical looking for the fight in the bottom side nisky steals away the dragon's rage who've any kill goes over to g2 and there's five members strong and upset you may be like reckless but more handsome and less passive in lame but when you're against five you just can't win out wonder takes the kill yeah two kills straight over to g2 fnatic overextending again in botlane you get bought here one you get you have the herald from earlier you get the dragon but you're going for a bot tier two after wonders pushed out top and based and ran towards bot lane when we get the replay just look at wonder on the mini map because adam has no tp so no matter what happens in bot lane it's a five before already for g2 so as we pull this one up you look at wonder on the bot side just running straight behind them all of g2 after pushing out top to tier two adam has no tp so what the anchors is doing here is he's buying time he wants fnatic to fight him mickey forces the engage with tp nisky thinks it's a good idea to match in the end it's a 4v5 you can see g2 just able to split up fnatic as well with whipper having to jump across the wall upset was all on his lonesome at the end and did fall in this calista although she got that laning advantage really isn't as far ahead of desire as she was before especially with reckless picking up a kill yeah if anything she's possibly behind or at least even messiah's even ahead that's really bad for fnatic the later this game goes only a one okay gold leaf for now but it's gonna get worse orienta and zaya are really really out range kalista and silas so fanatic need to turn this game into a very heavy skirmish type game where they can just pick members off one by one in a full-on front to back 5v5 will be hard for them especially if wunder finds a flank onto this calista that's what he'll be looking for with the trinity force complete no divine sundra for wonder this game instead going for the triforce more outright damage alongside that executioner's calling to deal with the mundo in the lane and of course the amount of shielbo the king slayer coming out from nisky there's a lot of healing elements from the fanatic lineup yeah i've got getting towards two items now and what i'm gonna do here is just bring up the mini map because look at what's happening we've got a cross map going on you see g2 is hitting on top tower natick's going to get popped here too but the top tower wasn't hit by harold i think he's just dead adam just kills him and mickey has nowhere to jump does g2 have to back off this top tier two now it looks like they do so the top side of the map just falls apart and click of a finger oh caps might be in trouble council's all alone here absolutely misses here the same flashes in the flash coming out as well there's the shock vote but with the ever frost the lockup fnatic get two quick kills one out of nowhere adam just solo killed mickey yeah just like that out of nowhere exactly frank's gonna get four towers g2 only have one they couldn't get the top tier two they lost harold they can't get mid tower or bot tower just yet and that one kill just made it so caps had no one to help him in mid lane mickey and jankos were showing on towards the top side and finally just collapse let me dive that's the 2000 gold swing in the matter of a minute or so just with adam making a very good play on the mundo there managing to get that solo kill and the rest of fnatic very willing to invest into killing off camps the caps one and three so far caps he's got a very large portion almost 40 off his team's deaths and the question is can they keep him down because we saw earlier does still have the most gold in the game although that may have changed a little bit over the last couple of minutes with the next dragon up in a minute's time though k do you have to think this is gonna be what we're gonna fight over yeah both teams just want to push in mid and move towards drake and now g2 opposite they might just want to drop the dragon and just push for this top tier two even then wunder has tp to commit to the 5v5 if g2 will want to opt into it caps has no flash though and recklessness is coming up soon so g2 have these really long hybrid carries in a sense with orion and zaya but they want to make sure they're safe because if hillesan and whippo and upsetting on top of them they're as good as dead looks like adam's gonna match window top for now both top laners have tp dragon in 40 seconds fnatic forced to back away because hilasang shows top and upstairs going up towards the top side as well so assuming g2 can gain control of this bottom side river should be third dragon of the game going over to them of course fnatic already having two means that's not too much of a worry for them but just delay that cloud soul i wonder if fnatic's going to pressure baron here upsets on the top side of the map in top lane pushing in top and g2 are getting a bolt here one and they're gonna get dragon g2 smell this and they realize hang on guys if we go for baltimore one reckless is bought with no tp fanatics just gonna start up his baron this is a 4v5 no matter what for fnatic and it's a good fight to take can you smell what fnatic is cooking right now it smells very much like a big purple worm they've started it up 8 000 hp on it at the 21 minute mark fnatic looking to make g2 make a mistake reckless on his way there's the solar play hits one mickey going in with a brickless as well and breakfast is now here quickness going back the shotgun already down as cows is dead and now the question is can g2 fight this 4v5 feathers fly reckless going to try and pull them back but this chase is on from hillasang wonder dogs onto the back line rekkles is dead as well so is mickey and fnatic win the fight yeah g2 thought they could go for the ball tower and they thought they could go for the jake but they're playing against fnatic and you know they're just gonna start up baron and turn the turn was perfect really good engage from hilisang and no matter what the turn is as long as they start the fight that's all that matters so now after being forced away from the dragon they force a fight on nash and they get the dragon themselves this macro game from fnatic is fantastic to watch really pretty stuff there from fnatic they will look for this third dragon of the game keeping g2 on that timer and uh right now they're just in commanding position yank is going to have to jump away from this hex squash comes out hillesan dives into the pit and fnatic have a 1 500 gold lead 22 minutes in yeah reckless is sprinting towards the top side so fanatic know they have about three or four seconds you just start the fight and g2 have to back off until reckless is here but then being forced to back away when caps has no flash with so much gap close on fnatic with leona with kalista with a mundo and silas running out to you caps is as good as dead before reckless arrives so again it's a 4v5 yes bripo dies on the back side to jankos and wunder but look at reckless four members on top of nikki tries to save him and this death ball of fnatic is unstoppable honestly hillary just played that fight so well like he got the initial hex flash into solar flare they got the slow then the zenith played onto caps the start on the caps which meant that whippo could then stun him with the spectrum more then he turns his attention away from caps and moves on to reckless gets the stone onto reckless which means the rest of the team can get in there a good leona is so much fun to watch and that's why i'm happy that hillary is playing leona rather than something like the morgana where he doesn't have that agency to really express his skills fnatic in the lead right now of course still a very close game between these two but fnatic didn't end up taking the baron they did only take the cloud drake and they can look to get more of those neutral objectives over the next couple of minutes yeah the good thing for g2 right now is wunder should win on sideline he has the healing reduction has true damage on his q so he should be able to win against adam in the 1v1 but adam has tp and he can always just group with his team get this vision set up and then base whenever he wants or they can force up a nash and make wonder tp round two ding ding only a couple minutes later okay fnatic backed away because they knew that they'd been spotted on vision perhaps just not wanted to take it once i'm still pushing caps trying to step away from the solar flare the zenith played here once again the shopkins coming out as well still alive for the moment the chase is on with those low there's the charm there's a quick upgrade to the back line not to upset jankos is looking for this but he can't quite get the damage down and i'm supposed to stop which should go golden nisky coming in the tp's joining as well as wonder looks for the three hexagonal made him his key target upset the one he wants to land it on nisky steals away a shock wave upset is dead adam next on the menu here for g2 and niski on his lonesome in the midst of five points the stop wage that's just a sombrero g2 in the fight oh that team fight was beautiful from g2 fnatic were hungry for blood and they committed to the fight wunder was late with the tp but caps held his flash that entire fight and that's what baited fnatic to just keep going and going and going and the baron it's gone g2 are going to pick that up two minutes 30 seconds on the clown soul and just watch how long caps holds his flash here for so he gets engaged on by hillasang just sidesteps the leona ultimate and then when he even gets the stun caps doesn't hesitate just pops a shock wave runs in range of mickey mickey comes in and then fnatic upset he gets isolated off and then by the time wunder arrives he's there to finish him off you can see fnatic after that initial burst just didn't have to follow up and because wonder is there as you say he can just lock up upset in this hexagon tomato making it very difficult for anyone for fanatic to defend yeah niski it's really hard for him to get into the fight because he was zoned away at the start and as fanatic was engaging and committing to the mid lane he was still in river so he had to come around the side that's why he storm at the end in a very awkward spot where he couldn't dish out any damage and you can see the carriers of fnatic didn't get as much impact in that fight as they wanted wunder has no flash here when there's going to jump across the wall the solar player with the chase only gets the slowdown whippers still chasing him but wonder able to walk away that's ignite burnt and the ultimate from hilassan yeah winner has a lot of tenacity so he gets through those stuns pretty quick and g2 kind of pushing me when there has no tp and adam does so she might have to be careful here that's why they're not committing to this tier two could get tp down from behind upset and wippo could commit from bot side into the mid lane cap still has his flash up and he's building towards those three items reckless as well these carriers gonna get stronger and stronger and stronger for g2 so fnatic need to find a way to isolate them to make these fights very messy adam just gonna base and g2 gonna focus on this top tier two as i say that adam's gonna cancel his base and go for the wave he's delaying the baron buffed up creeps that's gonna buy fnatic a lot of time and g2 chasing him i mean oh he's just gonna ppl yeah yeah with the passive as well there's just nothing you can do wow that's so that's such a good play because now that stalls about a minute of g2's time they're just gonna have to base they probably could have got on the top tier two there and maybe forced fnatic to base out of this bot side so it gives wunder the bot push but in the end looks like they're not gonna get it but as i say that i think maybe reckless has one creep left to work with but no he's just gonna back off and that's just such awareness such sportsmanship from adam to be aware of that in that moment think i can take this they can't see see me in his first best of five his first g2 fanatic best of five to think about that that's just really smart stuff in the rookie play because tp's not really useful until matches up anyway so it's fine to just use it like that now cloud soul in 30 seconds g2 do have the push in top and the pushing mid so they still should have some control around this it's whether fnatic want to opt into the fight or not that's the question do fnatic want to fight it so far the answer has been yes through the season the answer has been yes fnatic always want a fight always want to fray and they might look for it in the mid lane as mickey going forward here can just dance back of course you can see nisty looking for a flank position but he is on a water he's just going to go back up towards the top lane and clear out that wave i think they just have to give it down the fanatic upset has no flash waves are pushing into you by the time you even get to this dragon pitch you're face checking into rakhan zaya leasing camille orianna it's really hard to pay check anything with curry's having no flash so just pushing mid push in top get some deep vision towards the top side you can see no matter what happens in the game when a player is made on one side of the map you always make a play on the other so that's why fnatic pushing mid they all run top side take walls deep vision everything push in top to tier two and buy yourself time on the map do you think those circles were big enough to highlight what you were doing i chose the big circle instead of small but it's okay we'll ignore it it's like that's great now they can maybe look for a pick mickey has to be careful this vision helping them out as mickey steps forward into the zenith blade mickey dodge away the guardian as well to keep him alive so what was invested there well it was only a solar player and a zenith player not too much mickey only burn his quickness as well so on either side actually only support ultimates were used yeah mickey should have died there it's a little bit disrespectful to kind of walk up into the enemy team's territory when you don't see them on the map but as i say that caps has flash but he's going to keep it on behind wonders tp is not up for at least 10 to 15 seconds niski you're looking for the back door play as he gets in caps with a superb flash away from the ever frost yeah a great flash there so lock him down yeah what nikki did was he eat and he dubbed on silence and he was playing a game of chicken but caps reacted phenomenally to his e and flash to achievement if he got hit by that he'd get rooted and there's a world where this he takes the old pulls him into adam and he might die so good flash there and now wunder's going to push in top he saw everyone on fnatic down towards both sides maybe he can get this top tier two finally for g2 feels like you to have all the map pressure they need to keep control of this river to stop fanuc getting any more neutral objectives you can see the items stacking up on g2 as well three items complete on reckless three as well four caps wondering in a strong position with this trinity force sterx combination on the other side though you know you do have two items on this key you do have a ginsu on upset they are strong it's just at the moment it feels very much like jiture in the driver's seat of the game and this ebb and flow of who is in control is something we've seen all the time in g2 fnatic games i think that fnatic are going all in in this next fight upset just bought a guardian angel i think they're just taking what they have and they're throwing it and seeing if it sticks because this next fight he has flash he has gag to have a lot of dive i think fnatic are starting to realize zaya orianna camille are gonna they're gonna outscale their counterparts so the late this game goes without having control it's even harder to team fight so get guardian angel get the three items on everyone now and this next baron is going to be a fight no matter what fanatic wonder looking for this where are the best offering oh look where he'll sing it look where heather sang is can you get the long way around here because the hexagonal momentum is available for niska lots of damage down onto the side this box the stopwatch whippers here as well needs to get over that wall upset joins him with a blast cone ignite taking this key gonna get the ever fuss slow there wunder's gonna try and hook shot wall dive away stunned with the spectral more hither sang with the solar flare as well as chase is on one door overstepped wonder overstayed and fnatic pounce meanwhile in the bottom lane but this is going to be able to get a tower out of this the question is can fnatic now defend their base that's a big question though because barons are up for 40 seconds and wonders up in 43 so he should be able to tp by the time fnatic even tried to start it g2 get above tier 2 and wonder does get shut down so another gold went over to fnatic there it's just a case of what they can get off of it because it looks like they're basing no upsets just cancelled his recall he's running to this top tier two but caps is going to clear out the wave maybe fnatic can make a peek on the caps now he has no flash i think they might just commit to a full-on dive jankos is trying to find fnatic if he does that'll help out the rest of the map fanuc looking looking looking good dodge away there by jankos face cool coming out as well he's gonna use the flash that is big because of course the next fight around the baron in seven seconds time not having that flash for releasing means no possibility of that flash kick i think thanks just gonna force it you know i think they realize it's getting worse and worse and worse just pull the trigger get them g2 g2 of all base they have tps you can see them coming in now but the bot lane of g2 is really really far away rakan reckless they're very far it's going to be a 3v5 at best g2 again fnatic just going to commit yankos has no flash and hillary is actually his bodyguards is used g2 do you fight or do you play fanatical looking to flee that you're looking to get out of this one as quickly as they can the sort of effect coming out as well and that's the queen so to the back line adam already dead upset next on the menu he's got that ga but the ga won't save you in a day you're left to the hungry wolves that rg to the rest of the team retreats and upset gets taken out yeah but baron over to fnatic they lost two members and that's a 40 to 50 second death timer for them but dragons up in a minute i don't think fnatic will be in time to contest that dragon but the important thing is they stopped g2 from getting a baron for a long long time and that should help them hold on at the very least and we'll see what they can do with it three buffs right now hilassan forced to flash away wonders just committing chris thanks again amanda coming out with us here as well hiller sang dead before bruvo can really intervene nisky looking in the wings as well whip was gonna get knocked up and fnatic walked straight into this two quick kills and the batman might not even matter here because g2 just have the numbers advantage they've got waves in the mid lane waves in the top lane they've got the inhibitor down can fnatic defend 15 seconds on upset adam's up now it's just the solo lanes of fnatic to defend the nexus i think g2 might be able to push it in here medic first nexus tower is down g2 looking to jump in the quickness coming out there's a charm it distracts them the second nexus tower falls as well though adam diving in looking for the kills upset get in here upset alive to stop watch coming out from adam it's a 4v2 it's a 4v1 upset falls back to the fountain as g2 will clean up game one what a performance from that man on your screen six zero twelve 100 kill participation from yankos it looked like g2 dropped the ball for a second around that baron but a couple kills and the waves already pushing in gave them the momentum to push into the base of fnatic tried to hold on and g2 was relentless it was such a back and forth game in the mid game but then as you say g2 just took control of it it became very difficult for fnatics to ever find an avenue to it approach a fight or to approach g2 or to even approach their own base at times nanik was against the clock they had to force it they went all in with that g on upside they wanted the fight or get a baron at the very least because tick tock was on the clock and g2 put the party on stop g2 took down their rivals in game one and we'll get some takeaways from the out of this desk in just a few minutes that was good [Music] [Music] even though league of legends is not a physical sport there's the same eagerness and nerves before every single esports match than i had the same in swimming it was always about getting closer to a new high that you can reach an endless pursuit of perfection even though i come so close i don't feel bad about it if i work harder it is going to happen kia movement that inspires [Music] you don't have a chance against me i can calculate 19 trillion moves in advance not fam [Music] red bull gives you wings [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back everyone to the lec summer playoffs where g2 they are looking for worlds spots today and they took down their rivals fanatic in game one um goldberg we talked a lot about the approaches of both teams but i think specifically we were looking at can we see different styles coming out of g2 what do you think with this draft i think they actually decided to come up with a different style this time around going for that saira khan in the beginning taking away the rakan from from haley sang and then the camille for one up in the top side into the mundo instead and i think it was also reflected a bit in the way that we're actually pathing up towards that top side yeah definitely they they changed up their style in game one which i think is pretty surprising it's usually something that you see later in the series but yeah they changed up their style and their early game was superb uh what can you say about the priorities for both teams in terms of what they want to draft maybe start with fnatic what did they give us in game one i think fnatic had a pretty solid draft that they usually like to play adam was on weak side this time around he didn't really play strong side and their bottling had a really punishing 2v2 lane with the mid jungle having a lot of kill pressure so i think it was kind of a standard fnatic draft and it's something that suits them overall but i think the thing with this draft is and usually when this happens i'd say oh adam probably didn't have the best game but he actually did this time around he had a really good weak side this time i think the problem here is that it became very hard to the team fight setting later into the stage because all of your champions um barely melee really struggles to play into the psy effect this really struggles to play into the orianna so i think from that point of view when if natick didn't get that snowball going in the early game that's where it really started to fall apart and they had double bad luck in that the snowball did go in the way of g2 we're gonna take a look at the skirmish mid i think that gave jankos a triple kill but this was so instrumental for the rest of the game especially that early game yeah i think jankos had a super insane performance on these in this game and after a few fights in mid that g2 won it was kind of hard for nisky to do anything after this like jankos played all these fights mechanically well and it was quite unfortunate for whipple here that he couldn't really pick up caps before he died so yeah it was really well played by g2 and it snowballed pretty hard after this and it's not only just in these fights it's also general up towards the the pathing in general we talked about in the beginning and then i will say though i think caps was left alone a little bit in the first clear where whipple did actually come in with an extra interaction and try and break the flash from capsia so maybe a bit more jungle tracking at that point but outside of that really still stellar game maybe he had too much to do the man had 100 kill parties jesus in the whole game jankos coming up huge but then we get to the mid game and i think here is where mikkel you were also talking about um how you see that there are still possibilities for fnatic in a mid-game that they're behind yeah i i definitely one thing is you have to criticize g2 from putting reckless down towards the bottom when the baron is up but at the same time flip side that to fnatic immediately pulling the trigger and saying what the hell he's down towards the bottom side now we can just start up this baron and play for a turn and that's exactly what they're gonna end up doing here yeah i think with hilly sang engaging he's always decisive and he finds caps which was the key target for him in this fight because they know he has no flash and after this g2 like cannot really win the fight they're just trying to disengage and try to get whoever they can and yeah this was i think it shows a lot from flank as well that even when they're behind they can also have these these key moments where they just pull the trigger and go for it was a bit of a flashback to yesterday when mad lions were behind and always pulled the trigger do you give that same kind of ability to fnatic is that on the same level i mean i won't say it's on the exact same level but they're doing it right and the thing is like that mid game that fight specifically yes you could probably say but it like all game long probably not right um that of course didn't keep going well for fnatic g2 they made the right decisions after and various is going to take us through the second baron yes i certainly am shocked so let's talk a little bit about this big fight that ultimately decided the game between the two teams so as you can see in terms of setup let's start by looking at the mini map and the position so the camille is sitting in the bot lane and creating pressure towards the side lane camille does have the teleport up and will be able to join the fight but fnatic are trying to pressure on the baron and potentially trying to force this tp out from the camille to try and get her to force the play so as we start rolling things out you can see that fnatic is looking for an opportunity they have their eyes on caps so the hex flash is going to come over and fnatic sit there and they have a clear focus of who they want to kill caps is the priority target they have a rough idea that mickey is all the way over here from the rest of the team yankos is slightly spit reckless is also split the tp hasn't come through from the camille just yet and so they're sitting here saying okay let's see if we can find ourselves a pick the crazy thing about this play is caps doesn't actually flash once throughout it so keep your eyes on this man here because he's gonna show so much patience and respect uh that he doesn't actually have to use that summoner the other thing to note here that's really game changing is the fact that nisky uses his stopwatch very early into the fight i can only assume that this was a miss click because look at this is a perfect opportunity for him to get right into the middle of the fight get into melee range of the orianna mickey is still all the way out here looking for a flank angle to join the team and the camille hasn't joined the fray just yet so he's trying to disengage you can see they're in a position where okay we can't look for the fight but look at this beautiful knock-up that happened onto upset he doesn't react in time the flash does not come through and he actually takes so much damage initially and meanwhile caps has been able to disengage rexx is now in a better position and here comes the tp from wonder because they see this as an opportunity to fight but meanwhile look at nisky he's in this awkward position where he now believes that rather than come in from this angle he's going all the way around to try and track caps they can see him on the ward and he thinks that he can get the isolated 1v1 but that's not what happens the fight ends up splitting up into two parts and now the target becomes all about trying to kill this low health upset and the entire squad of g2 is going to dedicate their resources into getting that kill so they're going to collapse the fight gets split up for fnatic nisky then joins on the back side but there's very little he can do upset ends up dropping and the moment he dies g2 come out ahead in the fight and they secure themselves the baron this was a very big team fight for g2 showcasing that they still can team fight very well um but it was a very well executed fight and overall good game from g2 now we're going to send it back to shocks and the boys for a little bit more insight to round out the drive thank you very much uh vedius uh fantastic breakdown and in the end right decision making for g2 to win that game one let's get the draft back up fnatic has now picked blue for game two it was obvious that they needed to change something be it in the game or in the draft goldberg what do you think it's going to be i think that rakan once again is going to be quite pivotal for this series last time flattick played it became one of the most pivotal picks they're they've lost in that series with an adaptation and i think the fact that g2 esport decided to first pick it as well really just illustrates that this is a priority champions and it probably will be for the rest of the series as well if we look at the bands for g2 in game one do you think a rakan ban is something they will expend when they're on the red side yeah most definitely i don't think affiliates for example is something that they need to ban i think this series will be a lot about the front to back and the zyracon is always a super solid front to back and especially the rakan first pick just has a lot of pressure in this so i expect to see it banned now that snake is on blue side okay uh then where does the priority go if rakan is banned for fnatic blue that's a tricky one i think depends depends on what they want to get they could get something like the lee sin which they've also shown that they want to get their hands on before this game they prioritize the viego so it kind of depends on what they want yeah i think a jungler is the most likely option most likely option we'll see what happens g2 struck first in tonight's grudge match and the fight for eu's last spot at worlds continues after the break [Music] you
Channel: LoL Esports VODs and Highlights
Views: 91,233
Rating: 4.8976855 out of 5
Keywords: lcs, league of legends, lck, lpl, lec, season 11, s11, 2021, lcs 2021, lec 2021, spring, vod, full game
Id: XfoskjHWJx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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