FWS 2019 MONTPELLIER: Scooter Freestyle Park Pro Final

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well good luck to one of the most beautiful places in the world hundreds of thousands of fans that are boring in the montpellier yes I did say hundreds of this is the big [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what an incredible place to get the finals going of the scooter we're live here in Montpellier France I'm Ryan Meier this is taught get underway we had an incredible turnout for the qualification we pushed forward and made this incredible semi-finals then out of that we took 12 riders we're pushing into this final in the scorching hot southern Sun here in France is gonna be one for the record books I can tell you for that let's take a look at some of the big things that are going to come your way of course we have this incredible course we're sharing it with the in liners Todd it's we're gonna talk about it in a second however there's a lot of things coming our way things like the fees world series let's take a look at the map three spot tour this year that means we're gonna end things off after this stop in Montpellier it's gonna be Chengdu China October 31st to the middle of the first week of November so make sure you guys stay tuned for that one you see it on your screen right now Montpellier France are finishing this up in two more days that means if you're in the region come out here we are just located on the les River we're on the Aqsa to knee region of the of Montpellier right now you can as well see the crowd is out here in droves over 115 thousand spectators come out to the fees each year here in Montpellier you see the SCOOTER athletes lined up on course right there that's on the oxygen II freestyle park an amazing part course that honor Parks has come out here and sculpted changes a bunch new features that we're gonna get to that in a second Todd can you walk me through a bit of the format for the scooter final as you can see on your course right here we've got 12 riders of qualified through from 60 in the qualification round we had 24 for Sammy's yesterday and the top 12 are going into three heats of four riders in Reverse qualifying order each of them gets two runs of fifty seconds and the best run counts is all on that real hot best-run that we'll see today so you see from that best-run there's a bit of a formula for those judges difficulty on the criteria tell me some of those points that they're really gonna be looking for so these judges are out here looking looking for difficulty in your tricks looking for the variety of tricks as well but I want to see the same thing over and over again big amplitude and height will definitely help you control flow the landings on the course the use of that amazing oxygen II freestyle Park as well as versatility style consistency and important progression if you can push on then you can do it then you can if you could do something brand-new then the judges gonna definitely definitely like that you see right there those are our four judges so looking at the judges right now getting ready to the finals I got all the best pro scooter riders here to my left up coming from Australia that's his first time here give it up for Billy watts up [Applause] okay and to his laptop only 16 years old a French rider shooter no bad give it up for 30 people and we got another first-timer here coming from the town now that make some noise for Maddy sure raveloe [Applause] and now like Sam's are like they're my from Japan its first time he's and right next to it we got a word chef in yarn you know who I'm talking about make some noise [Music] as soon as next we have another French rider only 14 years old okay all the way from the UK is burned eighteen years old he was already here last year give it up for Jamy a discerner physical test well stay from leo my dream here all y'all ready Noah give it up for collapse I love and this right now a lot of people already know him on he's not a first-timer here in Lafayette [Applause] all the way from Australia give it up for mr. Luisi they let Boris ah first time here from Leicestershire in the UK 14 years of age give it up for Jana Charbel an errata who made it through the first place in the semi-finals with that double backflip triples away give it up for Jamy huh [Applause] there goes guys this is the run from Jamie all he just saw that rider introduction for me started off big with these two BOTS jump it's absolutely cruising through this section here and into the biggest hit of his entire run from that winning run I doubt it'll be the biggest hit today though Jamie has definitely got room to improve he's been number one through both qualification and semi finals and he's got nowhere to go but up from where he is saw him in practice earlier he's loose he was chat up girls in the front row he was he's feeling good and he's just placed another new banger to throw at a starter's start or end of his run what it's really gonna take I think is confidence and poise in your run but it's well planning it out right to the very end of the buzzer like Jamie did their tricks until the clock beeps and rewind down right there so an incredible semi finals run from Jamie Hall as well notable made mentions Jaden Charmian I really liked that kids riding actually and as well a 14 year old again in the field here I mean again because in each skateboard and inline we have a 14 year old in the finals it's red of allowed here for fees this year just that young guns are out you see the starting list on the screen there what are some notable mentions for you Todd another notable 14 year old actually Esteban's lot kid coming from absolutely nowhere haven't met him before this weekend was a real standout in qualification and then showed that he could do it for the start list as well we've got X world champion Donte Hutchinson who we are calling the luckiest man in Montpellier cuz he got first eat absolutely went down in qualification that somehow managed to sneak through his first reserved here's Heat number one no Billy watts is my man to watch in this heat he qualified in 12 but he's got lots of room for improvement he's got his countryman in there as well Matty Tara Volo so goes Sakakibara all the way from Japan the only pro rider coming out of the whole of Asia at the moment and also Julia Feb 16 years old from lavigny another guy hadn't heard of before but hometown hero getting it done here in Montpellier today well you just saw at the bottom right hand corner of your screen our social media box you guys are watching online somewhere make sure you as well go and check us out on your mobile head over to Instagram or Twitter at fees world hashtag your posts fees Montpelier to stay involved with the action out there today we have some incredible coverage going on on Instagram stories as well on our youtube channel so make your way over to one of our platforms and sign up we are underway with mr. Billy what's 50 seconds on the clock oh my that is absolutely new for the final I knew he had someplace to go the front flip windows right into the Javal Goes Down unlucky Billy Wow talk about going for broke in the finals here pulling out stops we hadn't even seen attempted in the semi finals yesterday this guy was buzzing on all cylinders when I saw him I was always hanging out at the park during practice I asked Billy how he was feeling he gave me an expletive spectacular is what he felt like in true Aussie style filthy mouth and makes it repeated scooters not gonna be not going to be a top spot run with that slam but all my days if he Bland's that as his second big trick after clearing that in and out on a feature with the front flip whip that is poison it's a double whip in there as well well I believe and then going for the double flip just getting too low and sliding out dust has been a feature of the course here the dust is building up on the course a little bit there's a little bit slippery earlier the drug the writers really having to adjust to make sure they make sure they get that feel out here in the oxygen ear region on the LES River right there they're kind of in a in a dwelling in kind of a ditch and this embankment it showcases for a very nice natural bleacher for this for the fans but as well you get a lot of dusty gathering down there right in that area specifically so I can see how it would be an issue for some of the competitors jewel affair out the gate firing on all cylinders right here the young Frenchman showing how he got a place in this 12 man final incredible technicality for the young man bruising over the hip now into the bold out section with the flare whip sticks the buttercup but I wanted to get stuck in this section II used to use the whole course judges want to see that and using this in and out on a feature as best as possible here in the optically freestyle Park no wheel and down and fortunate right there cliffs like you said on that court that that it per true ting quarter pipe right there goes kind of quarter to wall you actually get a good view of it from this count that a camera angle you could see that the bigger not a true quarter pipe it goes into a bank in the UK we sometimes refer to it as an Elvis with that protruding quarter pipe as well which has been you've been we've been seeing some gaps over the top of it we've been seeing some interesting use of that but Jules getting caught out by their clip in his front wheel as he landed a little bit sketchy and going down but great to see these riders coming out absolutely firing go big or go home that's what it takes to win a feast World Series event so you'll affair goes into the lead but that forty seven point seven five is not gonna stay at the top of the list for long handing over to Mattie cherry Volo from Australia out of Eden Park two riders from Eden Park or represented in this heat both of our Australians Maddie ready to drop his runs have been truly action-packed non-stop adding that gap in didn't do that gap yesterday no riders really pulling out the stops but when you go big you increase the risk it's much easier to go down on the more technical tricks that you're trying to throw in the final qualification round they could lay down a be run yesterday they needed their a run to qualify for finals but today if you want to win it you needed something spectacular front flair transfer and into that Elvis that is new from yesterday as well it is amazing to see these riders stepping things up and Maddie cherry Volo looking good for a second run if you can lace that first run through the room section that'll be blue mad a big backflip inward throwing the scooter in the opposite direction as he does the backflip on that second hit going down [Music] here's some of the stuff he did make right flip double whip and that front claire is rad super awkward way to rotate your body into a quarter pipe throw knee or the other way most riders normally do that with the fastplant as well to throw themselves into it but Mattie just doing it with a pure muscle steps into top spot but again don't expect that to stay up there for long as we head down through the list so go Sakakibara aka soggy from Japan the happiest man in school riding never without an enormous smile on his face and a big crowd favorite getting the crowd amped up thousands out here they want to see to me freestyle Park feast Montpelier 2019 in word up the step up sticks the buck up transferring out carrying some speed into that extension all big transfer onto the on a quarter pipe bar spin backside lipslide fastball handful on No so we're going down there unfortunately a little off-balance coming off that trying to get those a little bit of speed over that 540 Flair right there how to bounce back from a slam straight into a big 540 Flair he was struggling with those as well we we were chatting to him in practice who's asking some of the other riders for some input on how to fire Flair that quarter pipe they found that certainly did it was great to see all the riders actually still helping each other out before the runs discussing tricks discussing lines it's nice camaraderie actually in I mean it's a it's an elite sport but everyone is on the same page of helping each other I always find that really nice and interesting live in these action sports actually sports has always been a collaborative thing like I think half of the tricks in action sports history wouldn't have gone down without friends pushing other friends to go for that extra tail whip that extra kick flip yeah that extra couple of stairs on the stairs set and yeah it's always been a collaborative thing and that's what I like that's why I go into action sports in the in the beginning and why I think a lot of people still come in now yeah it's friendly it's collaborative and it's also Billy Watson for his second and final run then the Australian into the gap yes I love that gap front lip with the double tail whip clearing that enormous gap double backflip sticks it Guinea whites right now he's sitting at the bottom of the list with a 24 75 after his first run crash of announcers curse on that one right there just sliding out he'll definitely be stepping out from that first run though getting that double flip course Ben what's he got in his on the buzzer with the transfer double bar to bar Billy watts big smile on his face unfortunately just one fall in that run but he did keep it flowing Billy was definitely up upping that first run score it's a shame I think that if that runs clean it's a is a real competitive that is a terrifying gap there's an incredible trick as well and then going for the double backflip right there is seriously cleaning up where he messed up in his first run sported a bit too far down went down here's that double bar spin tool a bar spin I love it when he throws that bars as well because they're just so far away from them yes so there you go a first run score I mean first place score with a 66 2 5 new leader will that hold though I don't think so as we move in to some incredible territory however right now Billy watts is gonna be the man in your hard seat and the one to beat Lefevre is about to drop in the on wrench Minh have been going enormous through this rhythm section and once again with all the kickers rewinds back to back to back he's really been dominating that rhythm section with the right side up tricks wit front scoop two whips snatching that late pass pin through the hips flare whip Goes Down still this run left can he pick it up for the French crowd his countrymen and women getting behind him right here beautiful stuff and Jules another run I wish we could have seen clean it's a difficulty about being able to hold your composure as well when it comes to it in these contests Wow off the bars they're landing showing the crowd some love for the good support he's getting from this from this French crowd she will affair certainly won't be the last time we see in in a big international final oh he's actually got a kicked rewinding the start of that as well unbelievable amplitude and technicality through the rhythm section a big width run scoot too late bar or in that as well incredibly technical tricks coming out of the young rider and then stomping that one a bit too hard losing the hand and going down the jewel affair didn't come in as a favorite has left as 147 he sticks of this first round score unfortunately with a couple of mistakes could not improve definitely would have been different if he held on for the most of that can come back to the next one knowing that he has what it takes to make it in to the finals that's for sure absolutely and a top 12 placing for the young Frenchman it is certainly going to be one of these my career highlights Mady Cara Volo though as a career of highlights 23 years old from Eden Park Australia sticks the front flip inward this time [Applause] so rotating his skirt into a front flip as he does one Wow that was a little load down and a little under rotated but came around with that looks like he just has this muscle strength to hold on for that spin right there as well I think they read down on those on the Richter scale that landing seismic activity coming out front as your wheels are flat squats in the ramp love that front player on the transfer yet again Twix and finishing up Mady Cara Volo again a clean at second run down he's stoked with that so as you spell the country when Billy watts and I believe that might throw him into the lead fully clean run well I fully fully landed and stomped run that's for sure looking back at some highlights now there's the front flip in wood and the dub kaboom JD our on-site emcee telling them all about it there as well I think he felt the inside place rattle when he landed that double flare my teacher Ivalo goes into the lead with an eighty three point five I can't soggy do anything about it twenty-two-year-old from Japan he's already tasted some feast success one best trick in Chengdu China at the last stop of last year's feast world series as it's 60 for 75 from his first runs for all the way out of Japan so go sakakibara and he comes where I flip to court quad whip inward up the step-up transfer with the Buttercup cruising in with tons of speed goes for the gap sticks it with the late bar little backside lipslide keeping things all mixed up the variety the use of course all judging points here at the feasts and getting the crowd going as well Oh 540 Flair he gets it that one was oh no that was the one that he was looking for super slow on the rotation in that's just how we like to see it what's he doing up in the rafters getting the crowd any comes oh gosh going down hard there not enough speed on that one Oh a bit of bit of blood right there Sookie going down hard going for a laid out front flip over that on a gap we call that the lawn dart front flip absolutely so go really going for broke right there jumping up top on the rafters you see there it's a massive two meter tall quarter pipe into another meter and a half sub box into another meter and a half guardrail it was jumping on top of that that's the barrier in between our VIP deck Oh looks like he may be really hurt his leg on that one take some precautions out there with our medical service yeah definitely don't want to be don't want to be risking it that was a heavy hit it'll be full of adrenaline straight after his run as well that is the nicest 540 flare I've seen all day and there's the front flip - Oh blimey looks like you really may have done something to his left leg there we have great medical personnel out here at the fees we have seen him waving to the crowd as well so fingers crossed it's all just precautionary so go write their score coming in a 74 75 for second bara so go can I be happy with the hell one I mean the hands were up to the crowd medical personnel is out there we know that it could just be for precaution but it looked like a very heavy slam I'm not going to make any estimates on it right now we have top officials out there from the sporting committee and our paramedics top ones in France out here you guys are just joining us it is heat number one for the world skate scooter freestyle Park Pro you see right there Dante Hutchinson estaban clot Jamie Addison and cornet Labrador from France well welcome back guys it is fees Montpellier the fuse World Series 2019 presented by honor and Montpellier miniature and that's her pool wow that definitely it was a bit of carnage happening right there soggy throwing the horns in the sky looks like he might have got a laceration on his head right there but went for a crazy lawn dart front flip haven't seen him try at all in practice over that massive honor gap feature with the rainbow you can see in front of you and came up real short well it's a big world series out here we're on the second stop of the filles World Series we got one more coming your way but if you guys don't know where we're at let's take a look and see what is the fees world series the largest action sports festival in the world sixteen parts 30,000 kilometers travel 500 athletes leads to here Holy Smoke amazing the energy from the fans is but nom in who could potentially qualify for the 2020 games [Music] we are there you go that's a feast World Series 2019 calendar right there on the screen make sure you guys mark it the next one is going to be Chengdu China that's right in the middle of China we finish things off we've been doing this annually it's gonna be at the end of October on Halloween October 31st so make sure you guys get your costumes and come out and join us if not tune in right now let's take a look at this capsule we have put together for Dante Hutchinson's [Applause] [Music] Wow some incredible moves going on there from Dante Hutchinson who you see climbing up here and gonna be our next athlete to drop coming out of Great Britain how are you feeling about Dante Oh feeling great he has that amplitude like you were talking about in the capsule right there Dante Hutchinson the 2017 world champion now turning his turn his hand all across the sport as well been throwing down in the street in the streets as well recently released a video that was just obscene the massive stair set known as El Toro high school in in California this dude rebel he just backflip dropped down the entire thing it was absolutely insane insane completely broke the internet with that clip Dante has been shredding and killing it el Toro one of the absolute most famous sets of stairs in sporting history the interesting story this weekend to Dante as well he didn't put down his run in qualification and actually qualified in 25th place didn't get in to the semi finals yesterday but as we had an injury he was first reserved snuck his way in and then he started performing as he normally did normally does Dante qualifying came back I mean that's quite quite the lucky day for Dante 25th that's 24 riders we take into the semi finals he was 25th first reserve like you said it doesn't happen too often that you have an injury very last minute and I mean we didn't even know that that was coming up one of the athletes was not able to make his position so Dante came in midfield and just went for it and I'm getting such a good run that he qualified like you said in eighth position so being able to come back from that that was really the luck of the draw but we've seen from time and time before and from results in Dante's past he has what it takes to make it into the finals but as well to make it on top of that podium I mean he is a threat out there for all the competitors today perhaps usually an incredibly consistent performer with just some some tricks that nobody else pulls and an outrageous amplitude that's what we like to see he goes fast he goes high and he got some crazy tricks while he's up there warm up over now Dante dropping in then from East born in the UK big whip to Superman extension and coming in to that annika big kick let's rewind SuperDuper slow mega steez just under 30 seconds left for the man from Eastbourne whip rewind over the hip and a whip rewind off of the rail dips out the Flair through the in-and-out double here with as he comes through losing a bit of speed might be getting down that Bank a run two seconds left on the clock this one's gonna be after time it goes with a big amplitude right flip do you know what the ruling is with that usually gone for the last trick is it that they have to be set up going into it I believe in our current our current set-up is just anything after the buzzer is a no-no as long as it I think if you're in the quarter pipe then then you'll then they'll count it but I reckon that one's a little bit a little bit too soon I kind of support me I see that the UCI is bought in a if you're setting up for a trick you've got another was it three seconds after the buzzer goes yeah you have you have to be completely setting up for the trick and the kind of technicality is that you have to be on the lift already okay so yeah if you want the actual kicker takeoff for UCI ruling and then you have once the buzzer goes three seconds to complete it so in that way you cannot go for doing combinations or anything to link up an extra trick but you have to get that one trick out of the bag as soon as you go through it yeah I think I backpack coming into scootering as well but at the moment the buzzes the buzzer seventy-eight point seven five slots Dante into second place and he has definitely got some room for improvement in that second part of his run lost a little bit of a little bit of his flow as Seban called though right now oh sorry Claude pardon me fourteen years young oh not the way he'd have wanted to start he's been on fire all weekend one of these unknown kids coming out great story on day one qualified real high had the craziest slam right there just to his right hand side as well where he disappeared out of the park into the river and then bounced back to throw down a massive backflip drop in this kids of warrior not the way he'd wanted to start his run today so he's gonna finish it with a crowd-pleaser right here goes for the backflip dropping off this is Nestor man he has got that on the lock he's psyched he's definitely in the right headspace for a second run had a challenge during practice he was super chilled actually you think his first big pro final he might be anxious but no wow he has a look at the tiger you could see in his communication he was upset that he started off like that he really wanted to get one out and I mean that determination and that drive for perfection is really what takes a champion out there I'm excited to see what he's going to be able to do when we push forward in to the second run right there for Esteban you see it 25 even that's not close to the score that he's wanting to attain coming off of a seventh place semi qualification semi final finish right there he's looking for a lot more and I think we'll be able to see that if he can put his mind to it 14 years young it definitely was not able to deal with competition stress like he is right now no absolutely steely determination from Estevan all weekend long I think he's got a big future ahead of him while moving up into the future we have Jamie Addison from Great Britain starting his run here goes for the seven with the power bar this dude is the definition of spin2win known for his big spinning combos massive inward to late bar for the man from Eastbourne two riders from each spawning this heat sleepy little retirement town in the UK has produced two world-class riders in the form of Anthony Hutchinson and Jamie Addison bruising into the in and out over the rainbow those Flair wit rewind that slides out truck driver out of the in and out and that will be it from Jamie Addison for run number one in the sport to beat right now as it sits cement set by Maddy caravello with an 83 5-0 from his second run that's the number one so far on screens the only one pushed into the 80s that's what everyone is trying to be Dante Hutchinson is in second place and so go second gobby second pardon me sakha key bar from Japan I'm sure he'll let you off don't worry Jamie Addison his first trick one of the hottest purse tricks of the entire contest I think you can keep that flow up again clean up that slab we'll jump right up towards Maddie caravello score next another Frenchman got Indian Labrador quarantine from Leon and he comes nothing front scoop toe stepping out from yesterday adding an extra whip quarantine had a chat with him during practice he has got some on his runs from yesterday love the extension on that boss pin to tuck no-hander all whilst upside down the player [Applause] triple whipping the flare this time from the Frenchman sticks with inward moving into the kicker into the quarter so far he's stoked with that he's still got seven seconds left just gets the whip bar I think that his banker run and he will be psyched that he got that down they can really push it in run number two he has got some big plans if he's feeling it on that second line he was talking to me he also had a steely look in his eye he was confident and really thought that he could improve on his qualification result and move up onto that podium looking at the highlights that first hit Nagin front scoop flip to double talking about a banker runner sometimes we call it a safety run it's basically a run that isn't the absolute highest tricks I mean it's it's tricks that's going to get you on the board so that you have a run in the bag absolutely I feel that for a lot of riders it opens up that second run if they've got a good run down they really feel less pressure in the second run and it allows them to push on to tricks that they might not land every single time and that is a fantastic Wow anything 81.5 pushes him into second place right there Dante Hutchinson he just pushed down into third he's still up in the podium but Dante is really wanting to work on some improvements that we had talked about from his first run if he has this he is a man who is going to be pushing for that top spot double inward to start things off going huge over that step up as well one of the only guys really able to hold speed for that step up buttercup over the transfer whip part of beeble finger whip to kick real wide this is the run we're looking for from Dante absolutely downside whip transfers him as he moves across into the honor court pipe Oh gorgeous massive umbrella all the whips over the hip big amplitude still from the man from Eastbourne just 18 years old already world champion in 2017 is time for Dante hutchinson that is more like it that will be shooting up from third place I think we could see a new leader right there wow that was a near-flawless run from dante hutchinson incredible poise shone into all the tricks that he did a very diverse blind selection as well but you can just see in Dante's style the way that he comes around from some of these whips is incredible very unique and as well he had some very unique line choice going up into this feeble here absolutely most riders just airing out of there and rolling across the top Dante keeping a trick in there making sure he's not missing out on any points there was a point towards the end where he just lost a bit of speed he wanted to go over the rainbow again I think I had to go through that in and out but didn't put a foot wrong didn't put a foot down kept the tricks coming and that was a big run from the ex world champion that's a the scores are in and yes found a new leader is born out here in Montpelier 87 to five to set the bar immensely with a big gap between second place Madi caravello right there who has an 83 5-0 Dante Hutchinson that's the man that s abun plot wants to beat right now he has the eye of the tiger and a fierce look as he comes in for this first hit that took him down in run one goes for it again and sticks it this time his steely determination paid off managed to get away with the speed as well did he hit this didn't he get the trick on the step up but stayed on board Estevan clock pulling out all the stops here he has got nothing to lose just making it into this final is a career-defining moment for him tender age of just 14 so he is going for it all into the bold out section what's he got for his final 12 seconds getting the crowd whipped up for his final hit what's it going to be ago he needs to keep moving two seconds on the clock it's going to run out for this last one and Claude is elated with that I think we've just welcomed a new French superstar to the sport he's overcome with emotion that is amazing to see s-rank lot really put it all together down there giving him all the props making sure the crowd give him as much love as possible he is beyond stoked that is a peace moment right there Wow talk about putting your heart and soul into all of this these this isn't just one contest this is a life changing sport that we have in front of us been working at it since probably the day he can remember estaban and pushing towards this fee's event has been going on for over 20 years we've been pushing scooter for at least 5 of them and I love how he was whipping up the crowd there as well using that hometown support he may not be from Montpelier itself but the crowd really get behind the French riders and Esther ban using all of that goodwill to put together pull it out when it mattered there's the emotion that is what this sport is all about Esther face the bode plot third place right there an 82 5-0 incredibly well-deserved slots into third place for the big score two riders left to run in this heat first of those is the Brit Jamie Addison anything yeah 720 double or triple bar below I guess the extra bars been in there into the honor for massive in with a light bar over the court over the hip right now part of our 5:45 rewind this guy really can spin like a top tips out the toboggan gaining some speed in to the quarter pipe he's stuffed with that into the final seconds Jamie Addison from East born in the UK time for him [Applause] [Music] Dante Estevan and now Jamie all getting it done in that second run using that pressure it's a good effect remar spins in that 720 oh yeah all the angles on that please big inward snatching that late bar spin and there's the Flair double down he'll [Music] Jamie with Stoke with that that's definitely gonna be a jump up from the first run Janet moving up above Esteban or Maddy [Music] scores are waiting for right there you don't see it on your screen but Dante Hutchinson is sitting in first place with an 87 to 5 that's the score to be that's what Jamie Addison is looking for but it's good enough for an 81 75 we Labrador in the 5th place right there so tight margins moving forward current in it now can he be the fourth in a row to step it up in his second run he got a clean force one but I know he's got another big banger that he wants to add on and he comes wow-wow warranty Labrador starting off getting our jaws to the floor on that first hit he's gonna he's thrown that into a Politis summer flip and then straight into an end with one foot that's your front scoop with more in 10 oh no that opening trick was obscene we've been put down not sure if he's gonna walk great that big score he got in the first run will he take the time to throw the crowd-pleaser ten seconds left on the clock for quarantine [Music] I wanted a bit more on that quarantine Labrador the Frenchman not gonna improve from his first run opened it with big style not the way to step it up in the second run but like I say getting that banker run already getting a big score down well that was a big thrown out stretched out twizzler to inward there's a lot going on there and that first hit fast being taught no hander in the flare big extension on them like my rounder as it's been all weekend [Music] and the wit my brother he wanted a basket out of that at least quarantine oh man it's hot out there a 81:5 not going to be an improvement sticks in fifth place [Applause] guys are just joining us out here the world skate scooter finals happening to see some replays of eat number two the backflip drop in from Esteban clot the feel-good moment of this heat Jamie Addison with that big 720 fire bar bar and Quarantine Labrador his first run pack full of bangers the rest of the riders also stepping out for the second run and now our way up in the standings by Heat number two are currently sitting first third fourth and fifth of course though this heat this guitarra final is back loaded these guys are riding in Reverse oil for in order so coming up we have our final heat with the top four qualifiers you know they're of this incredible up see Tony freestyle Park who big shout out to honor and Montpellier Mediterranean Metropole as well as Moxie shinee region for hosting us out here in Montpellier and delivering this incredible course but here are the last four scooter finalists top four riders who are they Alexis Litella a the top-ranked frenchman big powerful moves huge amplitude dylan Morrison all the way from Australia again massive flow big amplitude the second place qualifier mister Jaden that Sharman from the UK just 14 years old and our number one qualifier also from the UK Jimmy Alexis Letelier right here he's gonna drop in for the first run we're gonna see our last four athletes today for the scooter freestyle Park Pro Finals here in Montpellier and he comes the absolute wild-card 360 bar spoon to tail grab go super high super fast and here's the definition of go big or go home massive gap he's holding his finger looking at it yesterday actually mid run he must have split it open somehow hidden gonna get a plaster on that some stitches to get it wrapped up but carrying that injury a real shame in fact it's gonna affect his run not sure if that made him come up short on that front flip I definitely want to see him back for run number two 360 bar spin the tail grab and this gap which absolutely no one else is doing frontside with the downside tail whip and just coming out for short on the rotation there front flip whip over the honor in and out [Music] you know it's uh it's really annoying actually having a cut like that and having the blood push together it's almost more annoying than going with some kind of broken bone injury well our next rider coming up we have Dylan Morrison we got a little time to take a chat with the man himself [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go from Australia Dylan Morrison a killer just shredding out there we had a little feature put together for you guys to get you amped up and he's getting the crowd amped up great out there on the lens River great to see him and feeling good about this in practice wasn't really feeling it to start with but obviously amped for this final right now wit rewind in the big backflip up the step up after that funky line to start things off from the in and out into the jump box landing huge transfer dealing a big powerful Rider and use that to great effect bull ride with the whip out double whip feeble nose bond over the rainbow five Flair Dylan Morrison on a tear right here 720 out of the in-and-out bruising in bar spin frontside boardslide on the down rail on that kick at are down really noticing her Dylan is pumping through most of this and not trying to get any kicks or pushes in there on the flat bottoms really trying to hold up his fluidity into the score for the judges absolutely I always feel that you shouldn't with a park as flowy as this there should be no need to push we we witnessed a few guys Alexis Letelier and Dylan especially rewind rewind in that fat clip unreal Dylan and Alexis especially not a single foot down throughout the entire run to push just tons of speed carried really well this fire flare was colossal 720 out the in and out big tricks and again just bumps out Dylan Hutchins Dante Hutchinson part of me into second place and Maddy Shara Bello in to third incredible riding going on right here that's an immense score this is what we want to see real real tussle up the top second place at Worlds last year for Dylan x world champion for Dante and a brand new pro in the form of jade and shaman who has gone off the rails this year coming from amateur to pro in about 18 months even from last winter he has progressed absolutely miles and he won best trick yesterday with an absolutely enormous banger 30 seconds left on the clock for Jaden charm and a 14 year old from Leicester shirt in the UK people's a rainbow bar spin out Wow that's the five five black water pipe right there keeping it coming in Sharma inside his final ten seconds she got for us on the honor Corps by whip front scoot late fast being on the plaza Jayden Charmin with a solid first run another one like Esteban it's just incredible for him to be here this year has been his breakthrough year in the UK competitions he will be going to world championships in a few weeks time as well for the first time my goodness and his big banger first trip is yet to come he threw an increased combo of it for best trick yesterday I won't spoil it for now because I definitely want you all to see it and Jules will drop when you do but if you guys want to check out some of that action it's coming your way Staden Shoutmon right there waiting for his score to come in I'm not really sure what's happening up there I believe it's in Jaden shaman moving into third place Wow Jaden Sharman yeah gets a third place right there 8475 so we have another computer in the back here giving us a direct scoring from the judges out there you maybe didn't see it on your screen will be put up for you in a second but it moves up with an 84 75 pushes out Maddie chair of ello into fourth place and Jamie Hall your first place semi-finalists on course oh no way the first in the armor we've seen from Jamie all weekend long he had to Conner he had two runs in spare in qualification and semi-finals he didn't need his second run it was just a victory lap but this time going down on that second hit first one was huge it was the wrote a full whip two full whip two double whip making that scoot dizzy in the process but going down on the step up and he is going to struggle to get himself right up to the top with a slam any comes for perhaps his last hit Ludwig what we're gonna do it at time for Jamie a whole an incredible recovery for himself in that run but like you said Todd it's gonna be very difficult to get anywhere close to that ninety one five a Dylan Morrison with a big crash like that in the middle of your run let's take a look back that was that immense first hit and then coming up into that second is where we went wrong but he ended up coming right back into that double flip Flair yeah absolutely he didn't let the crash affect him he got up and continued his entire run but I can't see it moving past dealing with the slam that front flip port whip for tail whips whilst in the front flip over that jump box to close out an immense run but one with a slam like I say he hasn't needed a second run at all all week so far he had to slay a two runs there you go good enough for fifth place Jamie Hall 82-75 like you said it's not the position we're used to seeing him in he only needed one run for each of his events out here for the qualification the semi-final and then coming in here first which means the last rider to draw he's gonna have the luck the good misfortune however to see all the other riders as they go down and see what he has to deliver right now though it's about second run of Alexis little ei right now big 360 Baba I love the fact that Davey's got down home no because I like to see my countrymen go down but it's gonna keep this one real spicy all the way to the oh what a transfer that was getting the extra speed for that front front flip bars been an incredible gap over that big camel hump Oh unreal Alexis lintel EI was on old the run of his life right there didn't know he had the double flare in his bag but goes for anyway going back at it again Oh going down on that one trying to make it work he had a phenomenal run going there go big or go home that's his attitude 100% all the time even with the injured hand Alexis Letelier going full send that front side gap insane and they're going into this part of me front foot heel I believe I couldn't can't see in the Sun from flipped I'll wear my pink [Applause] look French crowd getting behind in Alexis Natalia from Perry great to see him back at the top of one of these huge competitions but unfortunately he is going to be at the bottom of the 12 here in the finals with two unfinished runs you'll have to come back and try his luck at the next stop now we go back up to that of our first place Dylan Morrison he has the advantage by a landslide 95 590 1.50 from his first run can he increase that though there's definitely room for improvement he lost a bit of speed in the middle of is a big improvement because here whip rewind on that massive transfer from that extension all right Porter core double whip nose bonk out of the feeble going down on that 540 Flair there it's not gonna be an improvement Wow I wonder if he was trying to throw a basket in the middle of that it did look like he was about to throw the bars on that one we had the Sun glaring in our screens you can't exactly see perfectly what was happening there we'll have to check it out in the replays going for a massive flair one of the largest amplitudes we've seen on a flair out there today on course Dylan Morrison hands up in the air to the crowd out here in Montpelier and I had to say I think he's gonna be sticking with his first run score on this one definitely he that banker down he was sitting in first place and he went to upgrade it that whip rewind in the flare on the transfer and this 5:40 flare coming in here yes he went for the bar spin and wouldn't quite tug it round millimeters short but that is the game we're talking about we are talking about game and millimeters when we are sending 540 degree flares with bar spins so Dylan Morrison sticking with his first run score and still in that hot seat biting his nails however because we have two incredible athletes coming your way the two last drop and the top coming out of the semi finals yesterday this was your second place new to the scene Jaden Charmian bought him this way in the semi finals yesterday that was the Stanley flip - double whip somehow managed to put a pun sack up on the end of that as well the best trick yesterday check out his Instagram for that because it is outrageous keeping the run flowing right now though the 14 year old from Leicester share mr. Jade and Charmin through the heads Feebles over the rainbow cleanly through the in-and-out inside his final ten seconds only one run left to come after this whipped front scoop too late bar and a backside boardslide closeout for the young man from the UK mr. JD Sean [Applause] [Music] currently sitting in third place improve well mr. expert what do you think can he improve with that run he definitely has in fact that that first trick he threw was considerably better than his first run it was clean all the way through let lost a little bit of amplitude towards the end and speed but he did in his first run as well so I think he's gonna be stepping it up he needs three whole points for the best part of three whole points though to pass Donte Hutchinson themselves on the podium because seven points pardon me for it Dylan Morrison I don't know if it's gonna be enough for that but you're right maybe three points bumping himself up into a second place it's really all up into the hands of the judges here today absolutely and of course with with Jamie hole still to place post a full run can he keep his podium spot Jaden Charmin schools are winging their way across the park here to us no it's going to be a sitting with his first run score no improvement on this one for Jada in the Sherman and now it's down to one Jamie Hall who has not had any competition it seems throughout the whole entire weekend here at the fees until this last run where he ended up crashing on his second hit Jamie Hall takes foot again on the course here in Montpelier wit bullwhip double whip triple finger wit packing in as many tricks as he can like Ryan says he's had no competition all week it's been on first runs both times but now still him has really stepped it up coming into this final post of the biggest score of the weekend so far and Jamie is down in the fifth he's got to make his couch Wow get into big tricks here up in the technical side of the park moving up into this rainbow rail across whip rewind out of the feeble that stepped up this first one coming up top for one more 10 seconds left here let's see what he has going up in to the box five is going to be time for one trick yes - hurry up for this one it's not going to count maybe to the end double flip triple tail with sticks it we're not in the park so we didn't hear the buzzer I think that might be a call for the judges and the competition official was to call he did have to climb up out of the park most a lot of these riders using that barrier at the top to gain as much speed for that big box jump as possible Jamie hull with a heater second run right there Wow there's hit number one it's full width to full width to double whip and his second which caught in our last time triple finger whip there's the double first of them Wow something incredible action coming out here in the final and is that last hit three tail whips two backflips Jaime ho laying down so we're waiting to see is he able to rival the first run score of Dylan Morrison 91.5 zero it's up to this last hole from the judges did he lose the flow in his run to doc some points by climbing up on that barrier was it in time judges are gonna be the coal of this one but that's an immense score to climb up from right now Jaime hole is sitting in the fifth position with an eighty two point seven five he is able to come up this is going to be one for the history books waiting for the judges right there Amy Hall had an incredible weekend out there coming back from qualifications pushing into the semi-finals this run doing it all judges having a real good think about this it all sits on this final score even Jamie Hall takes the lead and the win over Morrison and Hutchinson out here today in Montpelier as the Sun Goes Down that's one for the record books and your 2019 Montpelier champion right there in front of us halation then we have Jamie Hall from the UK taking the win just one point five ahead of Australian Dylan Morrison Wow an incredible contest that we have linked up for you guys from the top 24 yesterday down to the top 12 in the world what an incredible contest that we had right down to the last moment from Jamie Hall as he ended up putting all the pressure on his shoulders for run number 2 let's see how it ended up let's take a look back at that winning run on the board so Jamie then that full whip for whip double whip and the triple finger whip to call him out on the first run lacing it back it in more tricks than anyone else out there there's the first of the double the double flare he's been getting that stopped all weekend long cruising through this fold-out section right here get some technical tricks down before moving back in to the rainbow whit rewind out and then it's all about getting himself prepared for this final massive banger but the climb up in the rafters get some help from Jayden shamans dad there's mum right beside of cheering him on as well drops in with all that potential energy one two that is how you win a priest World Series Pro freestyle scooter gold medal wow what an incredible turn of events but we have stuff still coming in to the night time at 9:50 time over here in France a BMX freestyle spine ramp Pro Group two qualifications that means we have a lot of action coming your way it's going to be so amazing to watch this one guys stay tuned but right now we have the podium for the scooter Pro men's final right down there on course I got the podium right here and we're gonna call third second and first right their place up he's gonna go home with them 1000 euros give it up for don't say I am here is your check my man he's your medal I wanna hear you guys [Applause] all right all right all right we have their place and now we're gonna have second place who's gonna go back home with 1,500 you Rosa it's a lot of us trillion dollars even a fulfilling Mariana here's your cheque homey and here's your medal you bleep up my son and now first place going back hope with 2,000 euros I think you already know who this is give it up for Jamy ha [Applause] hi Jamie stay close golden mana for you 2000 euros well there you go those that incredible lineup of force you see it the prize-giving ceremony down there in the sundown let's go and take a look and see if we can get an interview with Jamie Hall our winner right there I hope that we were able to get some words from the man and see what was going through his head I got here the new champion of this feasible oh yeah it's 119 going back home with 2,000 euros man man like hey what just happened man like did you expect to land to learn all your tricks like the way just did it no like when I was doing that double Buffalo trip I've never done it at the end of everyone I've always done it at the star and I was so tired and I'm so happy Apple there god that was crazy for all of us like we do what side and when you were you were tired and we were just like wow that is it really gonna pull it off and you pulled it off man I got another question what do you think about the crowd I'm open to five here at fees they're amazing let the crowd get you so happy when you learn to trick the old screw you and it makes you so hyped on a thank you to everyone I love everyone here when I say bah bah bah bah bah well it's a nice words coming out there from Jamie Hall incredible to see the live coming out from all these incredible athletes such an amazing event wasn't it oh just absolutely mind-blowing my first ever feast Montpelier this place is just obscene we we were getting ready just for for the finals there and across the river away from us there was a guy with 3,000 people around him chucking down on this 25 stair handrail this place is just bonkers from one end to the other of the entire city of Montpelier I love it I'm gonna leave if you guys haven't been here before make sure you guys tune in and write it on your calendar we're doing it basically at the same time every year out here in Montpelier it has been going on since 1997 over 20 years so make sure that you put it on your agenda it's not just about scooter it's not just about the sports you see here I mean you only get a little glimpse online from the stuff that we are doing here in Montpelier it's about arts crafts culture family we're bringing together all different sporting disciplines it's the largest sports festival the free festival in the world make sure you guys stay tuned and come out here they're over a hundred and fifteen thousand spectators visit Montpellier France the location each day we get over 600,000 spectators make sure you guys come out for this one it's one that you do not want to miss we have music going from the start until the finish of the festival we have rock climbing bouldering we have BMX which is going to be going on in the nighttime Sun but make sure you guys tune in as well YouTube channel has a ton of incredible content Instagram Twitter but hey I'm Ryan Mayer this was taught Grady thanks for tuning in for the scooter finals we'll see you guys at the next one [Music] you you
Channel: FISE
Views: 79,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PDarZfNjzmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 20sec (5060 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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