FV - Pr. Wilbur Atwood - How Soon Could We See a Sunday Law

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[Music] do [Music] is you ask me [Music] lift up your voice [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] you ask me he lives within my heart amen praise god yes i think we're warming up to it that's wonderful by the way it is a great blessing to have a dog christman with us and i didn't waste time to put him to work right away and we're happy that you're here with us now i ask do you have a special tonight 163 all right one six three at the cross my savior bleed and my sovereign die would he default sacred head for someone such as i at the cross at the cross where i first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith i received my sight and now i am happy all the days was it for crimes that i have done he suffered on that tree amazing pity grace unknown and love beyond degree at the cross at the cross where i first saw the light and the burden of my heart all the way it was there by faith i receive my side and now but drops of grief and never made the depth of love i hope lord i give myself awaits is all that i can do altogether the cross at the cross at the cross where i first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away [Music] it was there by faith i receive my sight and now i am amen praise the lord aren't you happy for what jesus did for us on the cross we can never repay and that's why we seek to give him our hope amen we give our hall to him well i think we're ready for our opening song i wanted to see if pastor has a special opening song for us they're gearing him up um 195 all right so our opening song is one nine five and we will be standing for our opening song 195 [Applause] it's one of my favorite songs showers of blessing please stand together there shall be showers of blessing this is the promise of love there shall be seasons refreshing sent from the flavor above shall of blessings showers of blessings we need mercy drops around us are falling but for the showers we bleed there shall be showers of blessing precious reviving again over the hills and the valleys shall of abundance of rain [Music] showers of blessings we need mercy jobs around us are falling but for the showers we there shall be showers of blessing send them upon us o lord grant to us now a refreshing come and now honor thy word showers of blessing showers of blessing we need mercy drops from this are falling there shall be showers of blessing oh that today they might fall now as to god we're confessing now it's not jesus we call showers of blessing show is a blessing we need mercy drops around us are falling but for the showers we please [Music] amen god bless you please be seated is that what you're doing are you tired of the mercy drops and you're pleading for the showers well maybe the word tired is not the best word but dissatisfied we need to be dissatisfied with small blessings we're in a time when we better get the big ones or we're not going through this is a very interesting year that we have entered and there's no telling what will end up happening this year but for sure some momentous things are going to happen this year and so as we gather together tonight i'm thankful that you have chosen to be here you know as you read about the outpouring of the holy spirit one of the times when the holy spirit is poured out is when god's people get together and if you're not there you don't get it so it's important to be in god's house when it's the time to be there unless we're so sick we can be there and more so as we go into the future so we welcome you tonight we're thankful that you can be here and that you're not afraid of coveted and so may the lord be with us as we fellowship together and listen to the different parts of the program tonight invite you at this point to kneel and we'll ask the lord's blessing our father in heaven we're very thankful for the wonderful way that you are willing to lead your people we have to admit that we have not taken advantage of all the things that you would like to do for us and time has gone longer than what it should have but as we see the things taking place it is opening our eyes to the fact that it is getting very very close to the end and so we're asking tonight that it will be one of those times when your holy spirit is poured out upon your people help us to desire greater blessings and to realize that often the small blessings are a hindrance to asking for the bigger ones we ask that you will guide in everything that's said and done here this evening and that all of us will have a sabbath that properly prepares us for what you know is ahead and we thank you in jesus name amen this evening we're going to take up an offering now for the advancement of the work locally and there is a real need to make sure we cover our own territory here nearby we'll have a short prayer father in heaven we know that money does not belong to us all belongs to you help us to know what you want us to do with what you've entrusted in our care and we pray a blessing on this offering tonight in jesus name amen so so [Music] special number to us so [Music] the worlds thy hands have made when i the stars i hear the rolling thunder thy part throughout the [Music] i wander and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees when i look down from lofty mountain grander and hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze then sings my soul my savior [Music] then sings my soul my savior how great the words and when i think that god his son not sparing sent him to die i [Music] he bled and died take away my sins when christ shall come which out of acclimation and take me home [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how great [Music] [Applause] [Music] my savior [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you so much well i suppose most of you have been listening to some of the things that are taking place quite rapidly i must say as the new president has taken office and tonight i decided to talk to you about how soon could we see a sunday law could it be this year you may be aware that you know i'm not for either candidate i don't vote for presidents because if you vote for one and he gets in office you're responsible for what he does and i'm not wanting to be responsible for what anybody does in office not today anyway but trump was willing to break with some of the issues that the world wanted to be done but biden seems to be in full harmony and so one of the things he signed immediately after his inauguration was the paris agreement that will lead to a sunday law because of it's one of the issues that they are hoping will stave off global warming so i spent just a little time before finishing up this sermon and i was amazed how much information there is on the internet nobody has to be ignorant about what's going on right now and maybe some of you have found some things that i didn't at the end of my message i'll give a little time if there are some facts that you think would be helpful to the congregation to be up to date on what is taking place right now and what is likely to happen in the future we're not looking for opinions but for uh facts that you have discovered that you would like to share in revelation 13 we have the familiar words verses 7 and 8 and it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and as you have studied that you realize there's a dual application here there's one that has already occurred and one that is going to occur in the near future so it's very possible that many of us here will be involved in the second round of this and it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations one of the key players in promoting a sunday rest is the pope and we could expect that from this text and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him now other places it points out there will be some and here it does as well that won't whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world so there'll be a few people whose names are left on the book of life that will not worship him but the rest are going to do it so it's going to be an uphill battle for anyone that wants to remain true you might be aware of a pastor i learned of a second one a romanian pastor who sees what's going on in our country as similar to what happened in romania when communism took over and he was you know answering questions in regard to that anyway these two pastors have decided that it's not appropriate for the government officials to close the church down and so they have stood up and they said we're going to hold church anyway we're not going to wear masks we're not going to do any of this stuff we're going to meet and of course they were pulled into court but the one out west in california apparently got a decision from the supreme court of california you can meet and the one in chicago is not as far along but he's going down the same path now when you stop to think how many churches have done that how many denominations have even done that you begin to see a ratio of what this text is talking about people don't like to stand up today it's easier to go with the flow you don't get in trouble when you go with the flow in matthew chapter 4 verses 8 to 10 we see who the player is in this this is the third temptation of jesus again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and saith unto him all these things will i give thee if thou will fall down and worship me so satan has an agent on earth that revelation is speaking about but we know from this text who it really is satan is interested in being worshiped he says all these things will i give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me then saith jesus unto him get thee hence satan for it is written thou shalt worship the lord thy god and him only shalt thou serve there we have the mandate for all time there's only one person we are to worship and he has given the sabbath the seventh-day sabbath to be the day that we worship him on and he is not going to accept any other day of worship and so here we see that the whole world except for a few people whose names have passed or at least are in the process of passing in the investigative judgment and their names are still on the book of life and they refuse to worship what has been said by this power now thinking about covet one of the first texts that came into my mind when kovid was first announced and everyone was the most scared and we're being told that we should you know really only have about 10 people in church and so on the text that came to mind is that the closer we get to the end of time the more faithful we need to be in meeting together for worship and that's a direct command if you read it it's a direct command so we can't stop doing that and there are people in the past who have gathered together at midnight so that they could have a service together not just worship well you know over the internet and of course they didn't have it back then but they wanted to meet together and they were willing to face death to meet together and also in france often they were found out in their meeting and there was very few people had lived through that but they still kept meeting anyway and so i believe that this experience we're going through is telling us something about ourselves and something about what it's going to be like in the future to stand up on the sabbath issue also in revelation 13 verses 14 and 15 it says then deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast and of course the beast is the one we just read about saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live there's the two periods of power of the catholic church and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed now kobet didn't bring that penalty that people would be killed if they went to church or if they did some of these things but that one's coming so we have to be getting ready for that time in second thessalonians 2 verses 3 through 9 it describes the leader of this organization and it says let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed and he calls him the son of perdition there's three names given here pretty bad names but they're all true now people were expecting the second coming of christ and they were expecting it too soon and so paul had to explain no there's going to come an apostasy first you know the catholic church claims that they received their authority because peter was the first pope and that has been passed down ever since to their line therefore they are the true church well the exact opposite is true that they are the result of apostasy in the true church and a number of things happen because of that and it calls the leader of that organization the man of sin and then it calls him the son of perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called god or that is worshipped so that he as god sitteth in the temple of god showing himself that he is god now the real issue is the devil he is only an instrument and there's no reason to hate the pope we don't know how much he knows about what he's doing but there's one thing for sure the bible is clear that he is being used by the devil the devil wanted jesus to worship him and the devil has a human instrument that he wants to be worshipped and so it says it accuses him of sitting in the temple of god showing himself that he is god or in other words he's worthy of worship and then shall that wicked and really the word one should have been put in there that wicked one be revealed whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming even him whose coming is after the working of satan so it clearly points out he is an instrument of the devil to obtain the worship for the devil that the devil wanted all along ever since the beginning and we see it especially when he tried to get jesus to worship him now we don't have to make accusations about the catholic church because they they tell us who they are and here's one that i found there's some older ones but this is the newest one that i've found was published in the sentinel from the saint catherine catholic church in algonic michigan on may 21 1996. perhaps the boldest thing the most revolutionary change the church ever did happened in the first century the holy day the sabbath was changed from saturday to sunday the day of the lord dies dominica was chosen not from any directions noted in the scriptures straight from the catholic church sunday is not biblical not from any directions noted in the scriptures but from the church's sense of its own power the day of resurrection the day of pentecost 50 days later came on the first day of the week so this would be the new sabbath even though there is not a single scripture telling us to take that day as the sabbath nonetheless they say we have the power we have the authority but where did they get it from the devil people who think that the scripture should be the sole authority should logically become seventh day adventists and keep saturday holy that's a message from the catholic church i don't know whether he got the pope's blessing on what he was going to say in that article or not but we know from other things that he does have the pope's blessing uh maybe not for that last part i don't know you know if the pope would tell people that they if they want to follow the bible they should become seventh-day adventists now god's people have been tested in different countries we in the u.s also got tested somewhat a little over 100 years ago but probably nobody here has been a part of that and so we we haven't been tested on what we would do if there was a sunday law in reviewing herald of marks 9 19 11 it says those whom god has made the depositories of his law and of the pure religion of jesus must be determined to let their light shine this is talking about before it comes the question is have we done a good job of making sure that people know the issue i don't think we have and so this is very unfortunate and there's not much time left to do the job that we were supposed to do if they do nothing to disabuse the minds of the people and through ignorance of the truth our legislators should absurd the principles of protestantism and give countenance and support to the roman fallacy the spurious sabbath god will hold his people who have had great light responsible for their lack of diligence and faithfulness now this says religious liberty campaign time i hope you've heard about that and it's a time to be liberal with funds so that all of these judges legislators and other people can get a copy of the religious liberty magazine but as i was reading this quote not long ago i thought to myself you know what you better start visiting some of the officials in trenton and giving them a personal copy just in case they didn't get it of the religious liberty magazine and talk to them a little bit i did decide to bring it up to the landlord of our health center down there in trenton and she's a christian and seems to be a very nice lady but i told her i said you know one of these days we are expecting that we will have trouble because we're a seventh-day adventist of course she knew we were and that there would come a time when they would try to stop us from keeping the seventh day she just laughed it off and said no that could never happen in this country and so you know that's the problem that we face but we have to still get the word out and if we don't then we're responsible for knowing and didn't tell and we're also responsible for the restrictions that come too soon upon us because we didn't inform those that could divert it or hold it off our brethren cannot expect the approval of god while they place their children where it is impossible for them to obey the fourth commandment they should endeavor to make some arrangement with the authorities now here is a step that these two pastors probably overlooked in regard to their church staying open but it's one that we as seventh-day adventists must not overlook because we are not called to defy authorities unnecessarily and so the first step is to go and ask for a provision to do differently and this is talking about the sabbath though they should endeavor to make some arrangement with the authorities whereby the children shall be excused from attendance at school upon the seventh day there's been quite a few countries where seventh-day adventists had to face that issue that their children were expected to go to church on sabbath some of them did what this reference says and some did not and i'll have to say the very smallest segment were those that did not follow this reference says if this fails in other words you go to the authorities you explain your reason why you cannot send your children to school on sabbath and they ignore your request and tell you no you've got to send your children anyway says if this fails then their duty is plain to obey god's requirements at whatever cost i don't think we're prepared for that kind of thing we give in too easy but we're going to have to learn and learn soon that this is important when god says to do something we have to do our best to stay out of trouble but if we cannot stay out of trouble we have to do what he says anyway both of these come from the councils to the church page 268. some will urge that the lord is not so particular in his requirements that it is not their duty to keep the sabbath strictly at so great loss or to place themselves where they will be brought in conflict with the laws of the land but here is just where the test is coming whether we will honor the law of god above the requirements of men that's the issue satan works through men to get what he wants god works through his agents and especially through the bible to make plain what he wants and that is what we must stick with what god wants especially when it comes to anything to do with worship we must follow what god has said in the manuscript 6 in 1889 it says i have been shown that the hand of the lord is stretched out already to punish those who will become monuments of divine displeasure and holy vengeance for the day of recompense has come wow i read that in 1889 god's hand was stretched out already to destroy and to punish and he hasn't done it yet amazing but it can't last much longer also it said this in the exercise of the long suffering of god he gives to nations a certain period of probation but there is a point which if they pass there will be the visitation of god in his indignation he will punish now if we just stop to think of a couple of facts the united states is losing its position of power in the world it's already on a downward road that's one fact the second fact is in revelation the united states is a world power at the end does that tell you something that it can't be long because it won't take much longer for us to lose a lot more power than what we've already lost and the dangers that face us are bigger than any that have ever faced in my lifetime and i'm sure any time before that so god is long-suffering he gives a period of probation however if they pass a certain point and this country is the same as sodom and gomorrah today in fact you know this seems like if if something doesn't happen soon then [Music] god will have to apologize to sodom and gomorrah for what he did to them and let united states and other places keep on going in the direction that they're going but as you know the reason sodom and gomorrah got destroyed was that there weren't even 10 righteous people so that's what's holding it up right now too many people that are righteous and so it's not getting destroyed but we are just hanging there for the destruction uh and you know only god knows how soon he's going to do it we can't predict a date we can't say when it's going to happen or even when the sunday law is going to happen but we can say that it's we're in a very urgent situation and that we've got to be expecting it anytime i won't name all the things and that are going on that have put us in that position now i was interested in what is the situation with the blue laws because back around the turn of the 19th century as we were entering into the 20th century you're probably aware that there was a big push for a national sunday law now one caution i would give us when we study about the national sunday law is that this time around it may not happen exactly like it is described back there because uh you know it's it's all these years later and circumstances are different we do know for sure there is going to be increasing sunday laws but we've got to be careful anyway uh as a result of the progress that they made back then almost all the states maybe all of them were busy setting up blue loss on sunday forbidding things that you weren't supposed to do on sunday and some of them had to do with sports and actually it even got to the supreme court and the supreme court back then was in favor of prohibition on sunday of of uh of games you know these games that have such big attendance and as a result many 70 adventists were fined or put in prison or put on the chain gang as a result of these blue laws so i was interested you know what i might find on the internet about the blue laws and i found this interesting article in the valdosta daily times valdosta if you've been to florida you've been through valdosta and the title of the article was blue laws and this article was written on september 12 2014 they were wanting to get another one of the blue laws repealed so they wrote this article a majority of blue laws were repealed following the american revolution but many were resurrected during the prohibitionist movement in the late 19th century according to the columbia university press the growth of the prohibitionist movement brought other laws regulating private conduct notice especially that private conduct during this time many states restricted the sale of cigarettes and laws prohibited secular amusement and unnecessary work on sundays provisions were also made for the strict censorship of books plays films and other means of instruction or entertainment is that happening again wow i have never seen the amount of censorship that is going on free speech is gone in this country on certain topics for sure and that list can easily grow throughout the centuries many of these laws have been ignored over it was kind of a strange word but that's the way it was have been ignored over and unenforced remaining on the books solely as a matter of tradition in some areas throughout the country however such laws remain prevalent as they do in georgia about three-fourths of the states in the u.s still carry laws imposing some kind of sunday restriction on such activities as retail sales labor liquor sales boxing hunting barbering polo fighting or clam digging according to a publication by the huffton mifflin company so here as we see that there are that many states three-fourths of the states of the u.s still have some form of sunday blue laws on their books even though they don't always enforce all of them this time when sunday laws begin it is going to go fast it's not going to take long because they've got the framework and the psychology already set up and so we have to watch for the beginning because once it begins it can travel very quickly however the supreme court has upheld starting with mcgowan versus maryland in 1961 that though the laws originated for religious reasons now this was very fascinating the laws originated for religious reasons the state has a right to set aside a day of rest for the well-being of its citizens the court also ruled that sunday closing laws do not interfere with the free exercise of religion and do not constitute the establishment of a state religion so the door is wide open all that has to happen is for this to get started that's all and the door is open it can move rapidly all the way of course we're not at the mercy of man god can hold things however long he chooses to hold things today the state of georgia has a few remaining blue laws and then they quote from code 3 320 states no person knowingly and intentionally shall sell or offer to sell alcoholic beverages on sunday can sell them any other day but they can't sell them on sunday well we're not worried about that law but to have that law there it can be added to very quickly and very rapidly again also i i've heard about this but i wanted to see a more original source so i got this from the vatican dispatch of september 1 in 2020 the coronavirus pandemic has given us a chance to develop new ways of living pope francis said in a message released by the vatican on september 1 in which he reiterated his call to limit global average temperature rise below 1.5 degrees celsius now i'm sure others of you have heard this it's a fairly frequent piece of news that goes out that the pope believes that and many others that the pandemic coronavirus is telling us a very important message they see the lockdowns as revealing the message that we can help climate change by locking down but they're thinking of a permanent lockdown on sunday the pope said the covet 19 pandemic has in some ways given us a chance to develop new ways of living indeed already we can see how the earth can recover if we allow it to rest so we've already witnessed it it's proof we can do it the air becomes cleaner the water is clearer and animals have returned to many places from where they had previously disappeared he said the pandemic has brought us to a crossroads we must use this decisive moment to end our superfluous and destructive goals now what they don't mention is it's not going to be livable because people can't work you know they they can't go to their job and they're they're getting they're starving and they're you know living in terrible circumstances because of the lockdowns but they're rejoicing that it has proved to be evidence that if we lock down one day a week then things will get better the review and herald of december 24 1889 it says when the law of god is made void and apostasy becomes a national sin the lord will work in behalf of his people and this is what i want to close with these kind of thoughts we yes we have the sunday law and we are going to be tested whether we'll stand up or not and unfortunately most will not stand up but i hope here that most will stand up but the good news is it is going to be a great time if you like to see god work if you enjoy seeing god you know i picture it like the triumphal entry oh those pharisees they would have liked to have stopped that trample entry if there's any way they could stop it but it was impossible because there was so much of heaven's power behind the triumphal entry that they just had to back off and leave it and for a whole week or almost the whole week in the synagogue they wanted to stop jesus but they couldn't stop him there was just too much power behind it well that's what we're going to get to see isn't it worth standing up for the right to see god work like that i think so the lord will work in behalf of his people their extremity will be his opportunity when we get with our back to the wall and there's nothing we can do that's when god manifests his power it says he will manifest his power in behalf of his church so we got something real exciting to look forward to when the crisis comes brought on by satanic miracles many will be prepared to make right decision as a result of house to house labor now if it's going to be because of that we can't let covet stop us from house to house labor because that's how they're going to be prepared for the crisis is through house to house labor in last day events 134 it is at the time of the national apostasy when acting on the policy of satan the rulers of the land will rank themselves on the side of the man of sin it is then the measure of guilt is full so when governments who are supposed to be secular to a certain degree anyway it's good to have christian people in government if they have their head on straight but not for the government to promote anything to do with the religion so when they do that that's the national apostasy and it says it is then the measure of guilt is full the national apostasy is the signal for national ruin so after that point is reached we're going to see this country have national ruin now let me just say this to those of you that came from other countries if god needs you here to be among those that stand up fine but this country is going to be one of the worst countries to live in right now it looks like maybe it's one of the best to live in but it's not going to stay that way so if you stay here you're going to be in it a little more on god's power from manuscript 3 1888 he means to make exhibitions of his power before our enemies now this all these quotes are in this setting of sunday law i'm reading a compilation of manuscripts that are on last day events and this whole section i found is on the sunday laws and so all these quotes are in that sitting so when the sunday laws come in god is going to make a demonstration of his power before the enemies of the sabbath now we didn't do that on covet you know god didn't demonstrate his power in our behalf but there were some other christians that he did demonstrate his power on their behalf to stand up for attending church so he's going to do it but we need to learn from our failure to do different next time another one the few who are faithful to god's requirements are the only ones who can ever withstand him that is satan so the only people that can stand up and get away with it are the ones that are following what god said because he's going to deliver them in the crisis another one the enemies of his people can never put down those whom god would lift up they can try everything they want but they cannot put down the ones that god is lifting up now of course that doesn't mean i didn't put these in there but there are quotations about imprisonment well fines imprisonment and death so some will suffer those things but god is going to have some that go through it all you know i love to read in the great controversy about tyndall because they wanted to get him and they were determined they were going to get him and they never could get him he died a natural death and this is uh what's going to be true of the 144 thousand that they're going to go through all these things they're going to witness all this and there's nothing the enemies can do to stop them because god is with them in trusting implicitly in god we shall see the wonderful display of his power if we wait patiently and prayerfully for him and have confidence in god so there is an if there for those that will patiently wait you know we're almost always ready before he's ready so you have to wait till he's ready but if we wait patiently and we pray earnestly then when the time comes that god wants to reveal his power he will do it and we'll be amazed at the results of what god is able to do yeah that was the last one so that's a good note and on now maybe you've read something that you think would be helpful to the group here on the topic you know of how fast are we progressing to the beginning of a sunday law now the fact that biden was willing to sign the document i mean he didn't wait he signed it that i guess it was the day he was inaugurated the day after he signed it and one of the that's going to give a lot of push to those that want sunday as a regular rest day and of course they're not they're not pushing it as a religious duty they're simply pushing it as a family day and a day to save the climate but we know from what the bible teaches we know where that's going to head so we have to be careful not to call it a religious thing right now but we know where it will head from there so has anyone read anything that you think would be helpful you can come up and share it with the rest of us if not if nobody has anything you better start studying in my yes interesting all right maybe maybe we should get him a mic we can but uh it's we're on the internet so yeah you can stay there we'll we'll just uh so that the ones on the internet can can hear it as well thank you very much brother i'm so happy i came tonight because i see it coming and i want to say that i've been an adventist for about 37 years i've been a christian since i was 30 years old but i didn't really know the lord i just said i was a christian and this time i had a loan for the last two or three years i've studied out christ and in my heart i know who he is and i have to say that i love the lord now but i didn't before amen but what has i said i was a christian 40 years ago but i was saying i was but i wasn't walking the walk so the lord showed me the 24 elders in jesus i saw it in a dream a revision whatever you want to call it there's 12 one side and 12 and the other if you want to look up the internet there's a few posters that show it and i always remembered it but i never thought a lot about it until recently um i had had a dream revision this last december and i got to thinking and i'm and i'm not a so what is called a spiritual man or why the lord would lay this on me um as ignorant as i am it surprised me and i like to know really anybody else have had this same dream all of a sudden i saw this in large letters the end and the large letters and below it was a like a tape with names on it that was you know like you know the tape that uh when you go in the store they they have a roll or a tape that you know all the okay but it was so so going so fast you couldn't read the names and what the law was showing me is that the end is i'm just speculating i don't know if it's right or not but alan white says the beginning of the judgment of the dead was 1844 is that right right okay well if you think about it if the judgment of the dead started 1844 and the judge of the dead all the way from adam and eve that's a lot of people and if this dream i had it's saying that the end of the judgment of the dead had started or ended and the tape is the people of the living so it's very possible that the lord has started judging the living and of the dead it's a done deal and if it is look at all those thousands of years they've already been through the books of the dead then how long is it going to take to judge a living it's not going to take very long and that's what i saw and i'm just i'm speculating i don't know but that's what he saw it and somebody else not necessarily here saw the same dream that it's valid to me i'm just saying that's what i saw and it amazed me and what what you said tonight um i'm not looking for a deep crisis and not looking for you know all the things that are going to happen but i'm so happy we are so close to where we are because for the last two or three years i've been out in the world because i've been on my own it's really really really getting wicked out there it's amazing to me how wicked it's getting and how it's lasted this long you look at chattanooga it's a dark dark city and i've been through some of the places and i can't i mean dark spiritually and it just amazes me that people are surviving in it right so time was really really really short i'm not looking for the persecution but it has to come thank you for listening to me um that's what i saw what i said about the dreams i don't know they're valid or not but that's what i came to my mind okay yeah i get an email fairly regularly from an organization and the amount of dishonesty in business today is just unbelievable and there's lawsuits just you know constantly going against the companies because of their dishonesty every form of sin is just skyrocketing okay daniel has it's interesting that you mentioned about the the people that comes from the other country to to come here and uh you you you're we're going to face the hardest here but some time ago i listened to somebody speaking about country living and all that but he is from indonesia and he made this observation said like this all almost all the nations of the world are ready but not america why because they have the constitution because what they have the constitution but when the constitution is going to be trampled on then it will finish so what kept i mean and i saw my country uh indonesia i mean they are so willingly to go with the lockdown and all that even though there's a lot of protest but they are so ready but but when i hear him saying that i can see that the lord still have his hand on this country to hold on for each one of us to make a decision but just like you said it will come when the constitution will not be anymore interesting yeah well really the constitution doesn't mean much at this point here in this country there are people who still want to make it stick but they're having a hard time to to make the constitution stick it's interesting that in this religious liberty when i was praying two years ago it's it's been mentioned to me and in several aspects then it talks about how the crisis will actually be ready in different places at the same ou yeah the same time and the lord signified to me that actually crisis starts in asia specially discovered and this coming crisis is really from uh that place in which when i was praying i said lord i'm ready to go home uh you are you going to let me go home to the philippines or not and he answered me in word he said no and i felt so bad and i said lord don't don't you know don't worry about my feelings although i felt bad and so on that you you won't say yes they said but can you tell me the reason why and he mentioned a in one word a country there that's right right now it's a troublemaker there and so we'll see these things happening and so on and we have our brother uh uh bears uh mentioned about the time of uh judgment of the of the dead over at the same year this was four years ago the lord is signifying that the lord is starting to have judgment especially here in on america and there are two presidencies that the lord shown to me that will be involved in this one and the other one will try to you know not to fall and the other one will be the next one and he will be the one that will lead the whole world and to to follow this thing and so we can see here we are in this end time and before that you know i was studying the the issues of this religious liberty how this uh allowed that to see the pope's writing and so on uh the heart of that is about the saving the world through sunday rest that's the essence and our president here in united states just signed the 20th of this year after his inauguration i watched that and so we can see here that although it seems the world is saying the united states is going down but actually through this administration it will lead it up again but of course it will lead them to ruin so we are here in this crisis and one thing that i was being studying especially pastor bohr and so on he explained that the letter of the pope is actually socialism in nature so how can you expect america with the socialism in which we being led by conservative you know the republic and so on but now we got these democrats and this place will be led by the democrats and so on and but you know talking about politics with religion we can see here that we get socialism here right now being promoted in united states and we have the democrats and being accused of socialists so we can see here that the climate change in a socialistic mode united states being in a socialistic and going into that i'm not saying is we are into that already but we are entering into this thing that if you will watch pastor boar faster wilder bite and so on you will see that they are chorusing on this essence and we are here as a united states entered into that mode and so definitely we are in this closing of time and the time that the lord is doing what we call the judgment of the living because sunday law and judgment of the living is just the same thing okay we have one more and then we'll close they told us you know my wife is from switzerland and they people that they know in germany the three of march they are going to make a big fist all over you know because it's 1700 years that constant time make the sunday low it means the people are pushing for that and we are going to see it right now in this march the three march in seventeen hundred that concentrates with the losses on this law yeah germany is kinda out out ahead on this issue aren't they well i think as we continue to watch it's very important that we're working as well our responsibility to help people know what's going on before it becomes hate speech to do that and if we fail it's going to be very serious consequences for us so we need to be busy doing that and be keeping ourselves acquainted with where we are in earth's history and make sure that you're not backsliding you're not uh you know losing your relationship with the lord because without that we heard a real good sermon last friday night larry gave how we can have that relationship how we can gain victory we need to be moving forward in our christian life because time is almost over may god help each of us to know the time in which we're living i guess we'll omit the song we'll just kneel for a closing prayer yes okay all right father in heaven we certainly do have an abundance of light about how things are going to work out at the end of time and yet we do confess that we haven't been as diligent in trying to get that word out to others who know nothing about it and especially those who may be responsible for some of these oppressive laws that will be put into place in the end of time so we pray you'll guide us and you'll open doors and give us a zeal to make sure that while we're still able to do it that we can give them the information even if they don't believe it now in the future the holy spirit will bring to their mind what we said also lord we recognize our own need to it's no time to get weaker in our christian life but we need to get stronger and we pray that you'll help us to take adequate time in our relationship with you that we will grow and be ready to stand up for the truth when it's much more difficult than right now we do pray that you will hold off these events as long as you see it's a benefit to your cause and that you will raise up people to to speak against measures and to block things that would curtail the final work that you want to be done but help us to be ready when you do let it happen to be among those that will see all those wonderful events that we read about tonight and many more that you're going to do through your faithful people and we do want to remember this prayer request earl's wife and and son are in need of prayer right now we thank you that we're not alone in the trials of life and the difficulties of life but you love us and we know that because we've asked you that you're going to bring blessings to his wife and son that they wouldn't have had if we hadn't asked we thank you in jesus name amen you
Channel: Wildwood SDA Church
Views: 1,138
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Present Truth, SDA, Last Day Events, Preaching, Sermon, Sabbath, Rest, Trouble, Seventh Day Adventist, Second Coming, Protestant, Jesus, Sabbath School, Love, God, Mercy, Justice, Compassion, Challenge
Id: TAC8kK_uTdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 18sec (5058 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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