Future of Transportation, Coffee and Conversations

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[Music] good morning good afternoon good night thanks for joining us on today's podcast of conversation and coffee with your co-host gary senna and i am danny ducent thank you for listening whenever wherever and however you are joining us conversations at coffee is the place where we share a cup of coffee and allow our curiosity to sit in the driver's seat and explore topics in your industry everything from technology to leadership to innovation and so much more so grab your favorite cup of coffee sit back laugh with us while we dive into the topics keeping you up at night [Music] well welcome to another podcast another podcast of coffee and conversations with danny passant danny what are we talking about today a subject that is near and dear to your heart yeah so uh good afternoon good morning i'm andy manuel i work in the industry solutions group and i'm one of the global architects for transportation and that means i'm pretty much responsible for any architecture that moves from a cisco perspective so whether that be trains cars planes boats anything really from that side well you know what that's that's a perfect segue to my first question there because gary and i were talking about this okay and i don't know if he told you i'm a huge car guy um and so when i think transportation no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we're not starting they're saying i'm not going to they're not starting they're saying i'm a huge car guy danny has a few super cars has his own what has his own youtube channel and uh so he thinks of cars when he thinks i do only think of cars when i think transportation it is exclusively cars but i know in your world that's probably only one piece of a pretty big big puzzle so i i guess my first question is what when we're talking transportation what are we talking about uh so from a broad perspective we generally talk about six air six seven areas of transport so we talk about railways uh we talk about roads so eg infrastructure supporting your cars um and we talk about maritime aspects so both ships and ports um airports and also connected in autonomous vehicles so that's a it's a pretty broad range of topics to go through um but yeah i mean i i have my favorites so gary gary will tell you that so um cars is one of them by the way and so just as a just as a bit of a background i did sit in cisco's uh connected vehicle team a few years back now but uh when we're working on some efforts there so that's that's also another element that i'm interested in and as well as my own setups and things like that side so i have a big interest in ev cars which you'll probably hate but it's it's just one of those things no i don't i don't i've owned a tesla before as well so i enjoy the eb side of things um gary i know this is your baby so i'm probably stepping on your toes here by all means jump in and and let's hit the ground no danny no dandy you go ahead i mean i i think when we talk about transportation andy the first place that people go is cars because number one it's real to them number two they're in them all the time i mean when we talk about the future of transportation maybe i almost want to start with the uh the indianapolis autonomous challenge because that's like right here and maybe you could kind of describe that to us and tell us what it is and and then we could kind of hive off into some of the implications of it yeah no so the the india autonomous challenge is something that was brought to us to to get involved with around really making a step change in autonomous vehicles so if you're if you're familiar in any way shape or form around the connected and autonomous market you'll see there's there's a relatively slow average speed when you're in autonomous mode and what the india autonomous challenge was was to make a step change and also to go and create a um with a bit of a world record in terms of autonomous vehicle running so the challenge the challenge itself was across uh 38 um college or university institutes from across the globe um who took part in various um various challenges but one of them was a virtual race probably back in may time now i think it was virtual race and from there they got down to about 10 teams that were left from across the globe who are actually building the proper cars now or the proper vehicles they're all based off of dalara uh indy racing car every single one of them is the same vehicle setup so there is no differences in the physical hardware of the vehicles themselves but the the actual challenge comes around the software that the students are writing to actually make those vehicles work so the autonomous software there that's taking inputs from not only lidar but video as well as radar gps those types of things and and so i i have to say i'm really excited about what's coming up on the 23rd of october in indianapolis and and and to be honest it's a great thing to be part of from a cisco perspective it's it's really um the communications that are taking place from not only inside the vehicle but also to and from the vehicle um that we're using that we're leveraging that technology the ultra reliable wireless backup technology to actually send some of that communication data between them between the parties and actually making sure those vehicles run safely as well so it's it's super exciting i can't tell you how we've seen so much progress over the last six months once they've had the physical cars and what they look like from you know just trickling around the track to actually you know they're up at speeds about 100 miles an hour so now so it's it's getting it's getting to the crunch if you if you see what i mean and october the 23rd can't come soon enough for me so it'd be really really interesting oh how exciting it is i picked my attention instantly so so andy i gotta ask you when we're talking about connectivity on cars or or transportation it can't just be a software game for the car itself right there's got to be more connectivity to its surroundings to the roads the lights tell me what's is that is that a step-by-step process that we're looking at from a cisco perspective or are we looking at this that right now we're going to focus on the cars and then we're going to go here and how does that play out for you so so for me personally i always think about them as connected and autonomous right so the two go hand in hand to me um if i if i look at the bigger picture of what cisco's doing that's exactly what we're looking for so you have a lot of vendors and we just talked about tesla just now as an example that have things like autopilot that's you know it's not fully autonomous system but it can be driven that way right if you've got one you'll know i have one that has autopilot and it it still has some some um some refinement i would say is probably the best description and but but it is really exciting but what pieces that are really exciting to me is the the inputs that you take from the infrastructure to feed into the vehicle to change the behavior and the decisions that it's making so that could be anything from uh weather information so you could have a heavy rainstorm that would allow you to set information for traction issues or things you might get by running through large puddles or large water um it can be anything from the intersections about the lights changing and passing information to be prepared to stop you know you see that today if you see the lights going on but most people are putting their foot down to get through before it goes red if you're talking to an autonomous vehicle you're actually providing information to to to that vehicle ahead of time to actually prepare it to slow down to stop at the intersection and as well as the vehicle to vehicle pieces that you're going to see down the line around safety and things like this so i think there's so much just in the car space before you even start talking about trucks or articulated lorries as i would say and and what's coming in that place and how you create these dynamic transit systems in essence if you start looking at things like platooning down the line which is you know one truck controlling multiple uh which is i think is an incredibly exciting place to to look at and watch wow so okay so so andy here's the first duh question of the day so when you talked about uh an autonomous car and the like we would look at it we would want to drive through the amber light are they getting the information from the light itself before it changes so today possibly not right but if you if you're familiar with tesla today and what their setup is they use their cameras to detect the light sequencing so if you look within your vehicle you can see that it's going amber or it's red and they'll notify you when it goes green and things like this so they're using the video to detect that what we're really trying to get to is a standard message set which you can communicate to a vehicle which you give them information like that so they can make a more informed decision and and these are these are all things that are coming and are in progress in some places and yeah i think it's i think it's a an incredibly exciting time and the next i would say the next five to ten years would be room for huge growth and and opportunity in these spaces but it's also that for a technical person like myself and for somebody who likes electronics and those sorts of things it's an incredibly exciting place to be and to work in because there's so much changing all the time right now and you're seeing the refinements and the possibilities of safety that it brings and at the end of the day this is all about safety this is all trying to reduce the amount of incidents and accidents that you see on the roadways today which unfortunately still growing so um but yeah that's what it's all about so it's very exciting i don't i don't mean to jump from cars uh but but something you said triggered a thought in my mind so so gary mentioned earlier that i have a few cars one of them is a is an older british car and and takes some parts from all places around the globe and those parts are taking forever to get here and immediately that took me to a boat stuck in a canal until you mentioned ports earlier so i've got to ask i watched a video not too long ago from cisco and it was the it was a port and showed all the traffic coming in out of this port on a time lapse and it was an immense amount of boats and ships and you name it that seems like a problem i don't see the rails on the side of the road where the connectivity is coming from how are we looking at something to that scale and saying we're going to address this uh with technology what are we doing there so i'll be honest with you danny it it is a daunting thing if you look at it if you look at the logistics supply chain end to end it is it is pretty daunting if you try to start thinking about how you connect it all together and what we've really done is to start tackling piece by piece right so you will see other elements driven by standards bodies as well so for example there was a security standard that was applied to maritime so this is really trying to standardize the behavior of what ships do and how they communicate and the security of those and the control of those ships right in those aspects what you also look at then is ports themselves um there's a couple of elements in ports and again safety is is pretty paramount in in all these places so the more people you can keep off dockside or away from the dockside and move them into central locations you're starting to improve safety in those areas and with automation you start to create um the ability to increase your throughput you know you'll often see in a port for example with these big ships coming in now with the the larger container ships um they're having to increase the size of cranes so if you see the cranes on the port side you'll see them going higher and higher to accommodate all the new ships coming in with the highest stackings of containers inside so there's those elements and then how we automate those on the dark side themselves the the third element of this is automating how trucks are coming in and out of these ports as well so if you think about um containers coming off a port environment how do you get them all away from that because some containers are coming in empty some containers are going out full and how you smooth that process and how that then interfaces to the roadway infrastructure intersection around the ports is an incredibly complex thing but that smooth process of coming inbound and going outbound in one trip makes far far far superior in terms of the throughput of that port and therefore the increased goods flow the difficulty comes is the delay of goods in any way you you have no control over somebody who gets stuck in the canal as an example um we don't have any control over that but i think the ability to track items across that place i mean you're very familiar in your own process of saying okay i'm buying you know whether you're buying your pick on a car if you're getting your car delivered as an example they'll say it might be eight to twelve weeks before you get your car and then you're getting updates as to when that car's is it on production line yeah is it coming off the production lines in transport to your dealer or to your local pickup location those are the things that you can control because they're within facility and you can you can track that to a great great extent if they're getting shipped in from abroad that becomes where you're missing peace across that that that i guess intercontinent type shipping is is the bit that causes that that issue and whether they're component pieces like you see today with chips you know um any chips going into cars you're seeing a great stockpile of cars today with no chips because that's what they're waiting for the cars are being built but there's no chips to go in them to actually get to complete those so yeah there's all those elements we put together but yeah the refinements are taking piece by piece and starting to get them connected and starting to automate them and data sharing in a secure way they're the elements that we're working on at the moment so i think slow progress but we're getting there and and some of that automation is quite key all right i love that uh now i'd i'd be lying to to say that that uh everybody is like me and into cars yeah i mean i've been to europe a great many times and thought gosh if i lived here i don't know if i'd ever use a car because their rail structure is is so great so we've talked a little bit about ports we've talked a little bit about cars what are we doing there on the rail side which affects so much of the globe yeah i'm on the rail side i will be honest it's the it's the the first transportation area that we tackled when we first put the team together about probably 13 years ago 13 years ago now um and and it really came i wouldn't say digitization of that industry back then but modernizing some of the aspects of it back then and has turned into digitization over the last 10 years or so but some of that is um unifying the architectures you put in place so the connectivity that we put into play to actually allow multiple applications to run on that same infrastructure as well as things like signaling and so on and this was really coming down to testing proof we had to you know i'll give you a story way back was proving out ipconnectivity so this is probably gosh this is probably 10 12 years after we'd already started running ip networks most other places we started to prove that ipconnectivity could actually deliver some of the services the railroads were looking for um and in those days it was something called longline pa which is basically the ability to make pa announcements at stations from a remote place you know your next train on this platform is is going to x place and that that's very simply what we did and then we took it from there to build up the use cases that we did we developed to say okay now we can run signaling over the same infrastructure but we had to go through the safety processes to to actually prove that ip could actually deliver these types of networks um so moving on from there this has taken place over a number of years and we went from being very um i said i won't say backwards but very very early in terms of design to to being in a place of where we had one fully fully uh deployed rail network running on ips so if you went from one extreme to the other inside eight years so all of those pieces it takes time so i'm not gonna say it's something you do overnight but it takes time and now you're starting to see the automation of some of these areas with with the advent of things like communication based train control with what you're coming into things like moving block signaling in the bigger intercity type rail environments and then coming forward down the line is things like that what they call the future rail mobility communication standard which is really starting to pull onto 5g and using the standardization of 5g to deliver rail signaling to particularly the amir market place for these um as you say it's a very you know if you look at europe and emea and asia even it's very very big on rail compared to say the us as a marketplace um but yeah it's it's it's really exciting time in rail to be honest as as as progressive as they're getting there is a lot still happening where you know there's still sways of dark territory here in the us as an example where there's no connectivity you know which is for obvious reasons you're going through some pretty wilderness pretty pretty pretty wild and rural country out there why do you need connectivity at those points and um but if you want to go to more shared track you want to encourage people to be more sustainable in terms of their travel getting them out of cars and getting them into into rail services and making those rail services more reliable and on time and on demand to a point um is is where it becomes really critical you know you'll see a real driver across the world to things like mobility as a service or mobility on demand in some some countries call it it's really trying to say okay when when danny wants to travel from his house into work or he wants to travel from his house to the game or whatever we can buy one ticket and that allows us to have some sort of service from our house to the station the station to the final destination of that station and then say something on the last mile the other end all purchased from one ticket now that that one thing could include an uber maybe it could be a smoke detector it could be a scooter it could be a an e-bike it could be anything all coming from one purchase allowing you to have your sustain travel across the board and and that really kicks in is if you're taking multiple forms of travel you know so if you're going from an intercity service to a metro service to any scooter you're having that combination all the way through and you know that your journey time will be reliable and consistent and you'll get to your game on time before it starts and and that's the crux people want that service and that reliability before they'll get out their vehicle to to take that and so that's that's a big that's a big issue for most people as you start looking around the world and that's where things are moving very cool wow it's very interesting yeah danny why don't you start with the ev question since that's where we left off yeah sure i i guess the the question i have is the evolution of evie as i told you a few moments ago actually maybe i didn't tell it on while we were recording so the audience knows i used to own a tesla and i moved on from a tesla now all i have is all the old the old ice uh engines there but but we're talking about evs where where is that progressing what's what's on the next evolutionary run after all uh so so from my perspective there's two two really big things and to your point danny i actually own a tesla so i'm i'm very familiar with evs it's my i only have electric cars so i'm gone out of that space uh a little bit so what the big the big things that i'm seeing big big changes in ev so tesla was always the brand everybody talked about it's driven that ev initiative if you like um but now you're starting to see some of the main players come into space you saw ford launch the mustang marquee last year you're starting to see ford launch their f-150e plus and rivean and others with trucks and i think once you move into that space having the ability to have a truck with ev which can do bi-directional charging is is incredible and for me if i was looking at it i've been i mean i i'll be honest with you i have um solar at my house as well and and so i'm very sustainable in that approach but one of the things i've been toying with is having a power wall in the event of failure but now i'm like oh maybe if i change my car and buy a car that allows me to be a mobile powerwall i can just plug it in and in the event of emergency i can i can have power to my property which i'm like oh that's really interesting and there's a novel thing for me to look at that way um but but over and aside that i think you're starting to see that technology come out you're starting to see vans coming into play as well so you're starting to see this move more into the mainstream in terms of business use and models so um it's been i think there's been a number of announcements people like fedex and ups et cetera and even amazon moving into the electric vehicle market buying up vans and things for deliveries but i think the biggest change for me is you've now moved from something that was probably deemed more of a an affluent person's vehicle when in from when it was a tesla to now more into what everybody can afford to buy and therefore becomes more relevant to everybody and i think that's only good for for what we look at when we think about sustainability across and the environmental across the board so i think that to me is is really interesting um and andy i would be a case in point with that because the day they launched the f-150 i put my hundred dollar deposit down to get on the list because i'm just so animated and excited about it yeah i will tell you gary it's almost made me think about switching from my tesla to it so it's just i love my car by the way so it's not a it's not a slight on that it's just like oh that's really interesting it's it's very compelling when you start looking at things that way and and how that changes what you do in your life and how it affects your life so i think to me they're great they're fantastic and you know some of those aspects of what we do in those cars has changed as well you know heads-up displays so no more dashboards you know there's a computer screen it controls everything you see and do inside your car and that's that's a tesla that's going to move potentially onto your windscreen so you'll have embedded applications running in there unless you're in autonomous mode you could start seeing how it becomes more of a business area for you as well if you're if you're mobile and doing those things so i think there's this incredible opportunity again next three to five years probably in that space as you see most of these mainstream vehicles come into play and i i'm incredibly excited about it but um i do think there are challenges there as well so i i do think you would see a challenge in things such as the refresh issue that you may have so as an example i i'll use apple as one example if you if you take your iphone or your ipad or whatever it is over after a period of time you come to a point where you can't run the latest software on that device or you can't run the latest app on that device because it's old and it can't cope with what it's trying to do and and i think there's an element you'll start to see that inside vehicles as well and and you know those familiar with autopilot there's obviously generations of technology changes that are occurring in those platforms as they're rolled out to new vehicles or new models and so on and so forth and i think those are step changes that we're starting to see and and issues you may or may not have thought about in in in previous times but also models where it opens up greater opportunities to more of a a i don't know more of a marketplace function for applications so think about it as as elements that you would have services you can offer you as a driver to to your vehicle you know so a very simple one is if you have ever charged a car and you've ever charged a tesla or another car you can stream netflix to your vehicle while you're charging right that's one very simple example of a marketplace there'll be others such as games or music or changing the dashboard to look like a santa in a sleigh with being drawn by reindeers at christmas as an example too to having your picture of your car those types of things are really simple that change but they're innovative and that they're opening up that whole new marketplace for people to take advantage of and leverage i mean i think all three of us share this is an excitement level andy i appreciate your excitement because it's certainly animating me i don't know of a time ever and maybe this is just too grandiose that technology is changing so quickly so fast so so pervasive in in everything we're touching i mean what an exciting time to be in this industry as i said it's it's just i mean i i get excited about it and i know you know it's it might portray that way but i get really excited about what we're doing and how things are being done and and even the advantages that i see across industries not just not just cars but across across the transportation industries and those innovations that are coming and it just i i just think it is a very exciting time and i'm not saying it's all going to be done in a year it's not like did these are changes that are going to take time to to materialize through you see a lot of you know if you look if you look in europe as an example uh gary you'll see a lot of people trying to aim for 2030 to have a no more ice engines being you know no more ice vehicles being sold and everything being hybrid or electric right so i just think those elements will take time to roll through and and to danny's point he has some old old british cars that he's getting there that are ice cast that people aren't going to get rid of those people love their cars like that they love the sound they make they love driving them right not everybody wants to have an autonomous car but i just think if you if you have it for the right place and for the right reasons and for the safety that it brings you having things with technology advantages will help lane keep assist is a very good example of that people drifting across lanes it's the same technology it's just utilized in a different way to actually prevent you you know veering into a different lane or helping you when you're overtaking those types of things and it can only be a good thing in my opinion yeah and andy just as a reference danny did a practically an entire youtube episode on the sound of his supercar yes i sure did you know you know though andy i uh i am i i've said it in several uh of my videos but just personally i truly believe that the only way that to your point that people can keep their ice cars the ones that i have in my garage the only way i get to keep those is if we transition in bulk to electric vehicles it's the only way that that i'm not going to kill the planet and we can kind of keep these around and keep moving forward but there's something that you said a few moments ago that really piqued my interest because i think that's where the secret sauce is you mentioned a heads-up display and i had a tesla model three where the you know all the information is up here to the right and i and i never understood why there wasn't a heads-up display there but but just for basic traffic information and then you said applications and i think that's where the secret sauce is right we start talking about autonomous vehicles driving themselves and we start talking about heads-up displays and applications where maybe i can start being a little more productive on my drive to work or on my commute wherever um what am i am i jumping the gun there or is that where we were no i think you're definitely leaning towards that and and it will depend to your point though danny it depends on what type of mode you're in when you're driving right so as an example you wouldn't be in some sort of teleconference necessarily while you're driving right if you were in autopilot or you're in you know autonomous mode you could argue the fact that you do become up to and i do by the way i do i don't think this today i do think in three to five years as you see things come down the line a little bit further that will be commonplace you know it's going to be very it's going to be very interesting the changes that we see in vehicles what they look like you know how many vehicles you see on the road today with no steering wheel as an example and there's going to be people who like driving and you know i find myself like driving but sometimes when you're stuck in traffic you don't like driving and you just want to be in autonomous mode that's a great example of it right but it's it's the ability to transition from one to the other you either have a vehicle that's fully autonomous which you see today in a lot of pods and shuttles that you see out there or you have one where you can transition i think there was a video um volkswagen did a video where they talked about transitioning from it it was the next generation camp of the vox vw camper and they did a video that showed their plan to actually have the steering wheel disappear into the dashboard and the driver's seat turn around and and things like this while you're moving and you just think oh wow that's incredible that you could do all of those things and then i look at some things that we showed a few years back at ces that that to me equated to a bit something like that to take you back in time and show my age takes you a little bit to something like the jetsons which was the ability for a vehicle to pull up at a property and then the the shutter open and your seat transition from the vehicle into the property right and and those things are air elements we see that's just that's that was you know when i was growing up as a kid that was just something you saw on a cartoon and it was all future and it was never going to happen and now you sit there anything actually you could see how that would work because a lot of people today park their car in their garage and they transition into the house and it's how you maintain their services between those elements in your life i think will will become quite critical so i talked about it as mobility as a service but it's also the elements that you take from you as an individual and the services that you have to to leverage you know something very simple most cars today don't have the old definition of a key that's right there is either some there's either a fob or a start stop button or you know we talked about it but you know i just used my phone it's my key and then it does everything in the vehicle to start it and obviously gain access and things like this and set my profiles and set my seats and so you can see these things starting to happen and move in that space and it's quite interesting but i think where you've got these large screens in the middle of your car now doing your services it takes a little bit of getting used to to start with and i think you might agree danny that it's weird not looking straight ahead for all your dashboard information it is and and taking your eyes off the road to look at a central screen you could argue is is something that that you shouldn't be doing because you know it's one of those if you're if you're touching a screen to change channels or whatever it's distracting you from what you're doing but if you could then take that and have your heads-up display for all your pertinent information like the signal phase and timing info that you could pass to the screen that showed you the light sequence it could show your um mapping system it can help you with sat nav as an example have that displayed up there so you can you know not the full picture but just like you're coming up to this junction or you've got to exit it junction whatever it might be on the highway that you're on those types of things i think would be really useful information for people to see up there and then to your point in the future i really do think you will see productivity applications come into play here um and make you more productive when you're on the road and almost like a mobile office part of your hybrid work experience as an example so yes it could be in your house yes you can be in your office but your office can also be your car so or your mode of transport i shouldn't say just your car because it could be your mode of transport as well so we saw we saw um gosh it's probably about five years ago now at um in a trans which is a big rail show in europe that's run out of europe every couple of years and there was a train there and i took my boss in actually and he wasn't very into transportation at the time and he'll know this he'll know i'm talking about him but he wasn't very into transportation and i just said to him you just missed the coolest train and we went in there and had a touchscreen window so when you look at new services coming and this was this was a high-speed train right but if you could run your video stream into that window because you've selected that or you're a user or an application if you could do it to a train window why can't you do it to a car windscreen you know these things will be coming and and i i think you've seen the changes in some of the phone the phones that you see out there today you know i think is samsung make a um a flip phone you know a flip phone with a with a continuous screen which is like well that's pretty cool right and you worry about those things but it just shows you where technology is going and how we can be flexible and how we take advantage of it all and you know i i personally think you see some of these on some of the new services that will come you know because they're going to be running so fast you could you could induce some motion sickness as an example so hyperloop it's a great example if it's going to be running five six hundred miles an hour if you're looking out the window and you're seeing the countryside go past at five or six hundred miles an hour it's not gonna be a great experience for you right well it might be you might love it but the idea the idea would be that you would have some sort of screen there that is simulating a very slow moving vehicle at that pace right so um and and that those are the types of things i think you'll see i mean you see that on theme park rides today right how many times you see a theme park right where it's a virtual animation thing with it you know that there's all sort of interactions between the vehicles and the screens and you i think that's going to be a very commonplace thing down the line a little bit more probably probably about five years away but certainly some where you take advantage of it five years is not a long time andy i mean i just it's not that it's it's a cycle right it's a cycle of doing things you know typically a car development's on a five year cycle so i don't believe they can take that long anymore because things are changing so fast but um it's again back to safety right it's about safety at the end of the day so danny you want to wrap up well yeah before we wrap up though i do have one question for you and i've ever missed not to ask and i feel like i ask if every every time something sounds complex and i know i'm a simple brain so most things sound complex to me but when i when i put myself in the position of a private enterprise looking at doing this of a car manufacturer of a city leader looking at doing something connected i look at this and i think what i have is so complex to bring this in is mind-boggling where do i even start and what what is your answer to that when we look at something like this where do these our customers look at to start so so generally we start on the one problem they're trying to solve the most so if for so for example um and every customer can be different by the way so i'm not i'm not giving you an answer for anybody let's let's take ev charging what's the biggest problem with ev charging right it's people's perception or ev vehicles i shouldn't say charging but people's perception of i can't make a long-distance drive in an ev vehicle right or it takes longer or it does this or it does something else right and so if i was a state state governor or i was a state agency i would be you'd be looking to how you can provide services to people as one example to do to make i guess an ease of journey plan for for an electric vehicle you saw i don't like keep using tesla as an example here but they did set a really nice precedence when they set up these fast charging stations across the highways and and if you have that integrated to your app and your app knows where you're going in terms of your mapping system and it knows to plan in your journey and your reservation system you can start seeing the planning out where you have your your ev charging stations as i'm just using as an example along that journey powerful along those highway paths you could start making people's experience better and therefore they're more accustomed to them using that and they get away from that fear of running out of electric right you're an old ev driver you know that one of the biggest fears is i'm down at five percent or eight percent or whatever it may be but you know from your mapping system that you're going to a fast charge or you're going to there and there's availability and you can just charge up and take a little bit of a break in your journey and and relax and just spend 20 minutes half an hour there to charging up enough power to get to the next next your next charging point if it's a further distribution so i do think that the problem you solve is one step at a time have a vision have have a vision of what you're trying to do from a digitization perspective and i mean that in the bigger sense you know this this thing about moving from ice to ev is one moving people from vehicles to public transit is another and then the sustainability aspects of all of that and i think if you have a vision and you just tackle one problem at a time and then you help how you accelerate that and you'll be surprised how you've done one how you can overlay other applications and other other use cases on top of it quite quickly i love that i love that so so andy we have come to uh what usually ends up being gary's and my personal favorite question if you if you were like a normal person you probably prepped a little last night thinking well gary's gonna ask me this and danny's probably gonna ask me this and like two buffoons with mike's in front of our faces we didn't ask you any of those questions so this is your opportunity to leave our audience with what is the one piece that you wish we had asked or that you just want our audience to know before we end i i just think the biggest piece and we've talked a little bit about it i'll be honest with you darling but the biggest thing i've seen is that mobility in general right and transportation as mobility in general is more than moving people it's moving goods as well and if we start looking at that a great example of the change of behavior has been through covid right people aren't going to the store anymore the goods are coming to them and that's a change of behavior and that changes people's outlook and i i personally think that to me is the most exciting area that we can look at how all those services and vehicles and you know people talk about drone deliveries people talk about you know last mile services but all of these things coming into play and how we do them that's the piece i'm most excited about if i was brutally honest it is the thing that i i i have a real interest in and outside of that it would be flying cars i have to say that that would be my uh that would be my other one that i would love to see you know they you you have these pod taxis today which are you know effectively um helicopter style but wouldn't it be great to have a car that you could land on a road or you just take off it's it's just you know it sounds it seems far-fetched but these some of these things are out there some of them you know they're not cost effective for most people today but it you could see the future and you could see how a highway could easily be built into the sky than let's say 500 feet to be able to deliver that so i think those things mobility in general is is really exciting well andy i i know i speak for gary and i um this is an awesome conversation i i feel like we just touched the tip of the proverbial iceberg so i i would love and i think our audience would love to have you on again and continue maybe a deeper dive into this conversation but i do want to thank you very much for your time today no problem happy to do it it's a great conversation to have awesome well thanks everybody for listening uh if you need any more information or would like any more information on what we are doing in the transportation space down below will be a link to our cisco.com page anyway tune in next time we'll talk to you soon thanks andy thanks danny [Music] good morning good afternoon good night thanks for joining us on today's podcast of conversation and coffee with your co-host gary senna and i am danny ducent thank you for listening whenever wherever and however you are joining us conversations at coffee is the place where we share a cup of coffee and allow our curiosity to sit in the driver's seat and explore topics in your industry everything from technology to leadership to innovation and so much more so grab your favorite cup of coffee sit back laugh with us while we dive into the topics keeping you up at night [Music]
Channel: Cisco
Views: 121
Rating: 0 out of 5
Keywords: car, cities, future planning, government, industries, iot, ports, publicsector, rail, transportation, veh
Id: lPbbrtomnEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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