Future Food. Soon You Will Eat It Every Day!

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hello everyone do you like to think about what our future will be like maybe you expect to see flying cars teleportation and other useful things that for now we only find in science fiction movies or will all the work be done by robots and people will simply enjoy life so far we can only guess what will exactly happen in a few decades or even hundreds of years but what we do know is exactly what the food of the future will be like let's take a look at it let's get it on [Music] edible bottles the pollution of the planets with plastic is a terrible problem and every year it gets even worse of course scientists find different ways to deal with excess plastic and none of them definitely look very futuristic a London start-up has developed edible water containers though it's a liquid bubble made of gelatin that has no taste but if you want you can add a flavoring or change the color however you don't need to eat the container every time it can be thrown away and the material will decompose in a couple of weeks without harming the environment like a banana peel and inside you can pour not only water but also any water-based liquid the company plans to promote its product in cafes and at different events in general in places where a large number of people use a lot of plastic packaging in a short time creating a bubble with water only takes a few seconds but these unusual containers don't have lids so you won't be able to reuse them make a hole and you can immediately enjoy your drink which is why the bubbles have a small volume 3d printed food today you can literally print anything on a 3d printer [Music] and here's another great idea that seems to have definitely taken a place among the technologies of the future the edible growth concept a printed edible mini garden is originated in 2014 but only now as it gained real popularity edible growth is a printed case with several holes inside the box is full of nutrient-rich soil bacteria seeds and spores which turn into plants and mushrooms in a few days it is a small but healthy meal [Laughter] the mini garden in addition to its nutritional function is also very aesthetically pleasing it looks like a small design of flowerpots very fashionable and very expensive by the way edible growth not only shows a creative approach to 3d food printing but also raises the issue of agricultural lands of huge areas after all these mini Gardens can be freely organized at home edible mist it would be great to get nutrients directly from the air and it looks like in the future this incredible desire will apparently come true after all in 2011 Harvard professor David Edwards introduced low laughs a device that serves edible mist instead of real food the special liquid substance with a concentrated flavor of tomato soup or chocolate cake is placed in a carafe where under the influence of ultrasound it's divided into small drops to inhale the product and taste it in the mouth edwards provided a special glass tube it's worth noting that the famous French chef Thierry Marx helped the scientist create compositions with different flavors so the result is likely to be quite appetizing in any case people who have tried the edible mist say that its taste is no different from the usual taste of normal dishes well the main advantage of the low wife device is that the person while tasting the most varied foods doesn't consume any calories of course it's impossible to replace ordinary food with it for now so the tasty mist can serve as a kind of gum unusual coffee of course the world of the future needs a modernized coffee this energy drink is consumed by many people in many different forms with milk with with sugar with caramel with lots of water but enterprising inventors are already creating new ways of consuming caffeine for example the chewable coffee go cubes by American startup nutri box the creator's claim that this tool is not only stimulating but also increases brain activity performance and intelligence all because the company nutri box specializes in the production of new tropics as stimulants for the human brain each dose of caffeine is precisely calculated and the cubes can easily fit in your pocket convenience of course but let's say you like to drink coffee but you hate this terrible plaque on your teeth new technologies have a solution transparent coffee the colourless drink color cuff is made of Arabica coffee and water and according to its creators this coffee was created using secret methods that have never been used before despite this the drink contains no chemicals preservatives artificial flavors or sweetness each bottle of transparent kulikov contains approximately a hundred milligrams of caffeine slightly more than a normal cup of coffee test-tube meet experts from the Netherlands have been working on the creation of test tube meat for many years the technology of its production lies in that scientists use a common animal cell and teach it to multiply in an artificially creating environment thus a single group of cells can produce enough meat for 80 thousand 100 gram burgers it sounds very tempting considering the approaching food crisis natural resources don't meet the needs of humanity whose number is growing every year the only drawback of test-tube meat is its taste a burger made of artificial meat wasn't as juicy as a real one but scientists seem to have discovered the reason the most meat company said it would be ready to ship the first batch of meat to market in 2021 this food promises to be very cheap one patty won't cost more than $1 add to that an organic production process that reduces methane emissions and it looks like the future will come sooner than expected purple bread white bread is not the healthiest product it's digested too quickly increases blood sugar levels and is associated with obesity and diabetes but scientists have found a solution to this problem a nutritionist at the National University of Singapore professors u YB au inventives purple bread it's a product made entirely of natural compounds and rich in antioxidants purple bread is preferred using anthocyanin extracted from black rice and for sign in as a natural pigment found in fruits and vegetables such as grapes blueberries and sweet potatoes studies have shown that anthocyanin is a natural antioxidant which has a beneficial effect on all systems of the body helps prevent cardiovascular and neurological diseases and plays an important role in the fight against diabetes and obesity and even slows the aging process in general it's not bread but a true treasure for health besides purple bread looks great doesn't it although it's not yet available on the market professors uy B our promise to start the production of purple bread in the near future insect food in itself the use of insects as food is not a new idea but it is one thing to eat cockroaches to feel exotic and it's quite another to consume them permanently we agree it sounds disgusting and a little terrifying but in terms of nutrients insects are no worse that meat for example crickets and grasshoppers have as much protein as a piece of steak and growing them requires less space and money that's why insects will help us fight hunger on the planet insects also have fewer calories so it's not surprising that more and more people are thinking about cooking a variety of dishes with them from snacks to desserts are you ready to eat ice cream with flour worms in or fried moth larvae or insect crackers today you can even find restaurants that specialize in these unusual dishes perhaps in time insects will become as popular as raw fish dishes and conquer the market spirulina spirulina itself is a blue-green algae that appeared on planet Earth 500 million years ago today it's popular because of its poss in effect on immunity vitality and overall health in general spirulina is the holy grail of health food fans in addition according to information obtained from several studies spirulina is a high protein product it contains approximately 70% protein even more than beef well in addition to all kinds of vitamins amino acids antioxidants etc it's easier to make a list of things that spirulina doesn't have the problem is that for now it is quite expensive but why buy it when you can grow it using special devices of course which you can buy today the result is an economical healthy and most importantly nutritious product that everyone can consume edible opera opera isn't everyone's cup of tea but even if you can't hear long arias and don't understand a word of Italian maybe opera has a chance to win your heart by eating it British artist Michiko knitter and Michael Burton devised a technique that allows them to transform a singer's voice into an original taste experience you don't need pots pans or other kitchen appliances the artist uses a device similar to a science-fiction suit made of tubes something like a predator mask or a very cheap version of Cthulhu states but is actually a very complicated device the system was first used by Louise Ashcroft famous for a powerful Metso soprano Oh as she sings and breathes a singer exhales carbon dioxide which descends through the tubes to the algae colonies located inside the microscopic suit they feed and at the same time consume special fast-acting fertilizers as a results at the end of the Aria the microorganisms grow acquiring an unusual taste and being completely ready to be consumed at the same time the algae react in a special way to the rapid waah they can be sweet or they can be very spicy but don't think that this stack of unusual tubes and plants is suitable only for singers anyone can use the device and stimulate growth with the help of their breathing and then eat the algae turns out that the algae live thanks to humans and humans thanks to the algae this is the future my friends dude are you looking for new technologies and great gadgets are your thoughts focused on the future deal off huge vehicles and can't imagine your life without robots around here and visit tech zone and you'll find all this and more the link is in the description you interested great [Music] [Music]
Channel: #Mind Warehouse
Views: 1,208,425
Rating: 4.812088 out of 5
Keywords: your mind is my wearhouse, #Mind Warehouse, blow your mind, your mind is my warehouse, mind warehouse, 10 most, top 5, top 10, facts, 10 foods, foods, we will eat every day in the future, Edible bottles, 3D printed food, Edible mist, Unusual coffee, Test tube meat, Purple bread, Insect food, Spirulina, Edible Opera, food of the future
Id: QdXK7oCjwzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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