Future Decoded - Chandrababu Naidu

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[Music] friends I'm very happy Microsoft has organized future decoded now we are also going similar experiment in Andra Pradesh this is a realtime governance Sunrise Andra Pradesh if you see here we are having Clarity our vision is to be among top three developed states in India by 2022 to be number one in India by 2029 with happiness of an index not only economic indicators but happiness is an index that is where we are going ahead and ultimately 2050 Andra prades will be the best destination in in the world that is our aim that is our objective if you see here you are all aware long back I was CM for Combined Andra prades I gave a slogan Dare To Dream strive to achieve that is where Hyderabad I made it one of the best destination as on today on knowledge economy if you see here now this is the projected targets even as on today 100 billion dollar economy by 2029 I want to reach 946 billion US and also per capita income it is only ,79 rupees $9 I want to take $1 16,17 for per capita average growth rate if you see we are planning 15% year on year you are all thinking it is is it possible we wanted to prove it is possible last year our growth rate is 10.99% whereas all India 7.5% this year off yearly my growth is 12.23% where all India is 7.2% this is where we are having very clear ambition and also we are moving in that direction even enhanced labor productivity from 4.7 to6 we want to achieve for all these things Investments we want to bring 125 billion to 145 billion US economic growth I told you 12% Global competitive index to be top 15 in the world SDA as a mention 09 employment nearly 14.4 million jobs we want to create just now LinkedIn they have shown me the way we are going to adopt it we are going to sign today itself that is how we are moving in the direction if you see after economic indicators I wanted to go for sustainable development goals United Nation s has adopted sustainable development goals earlier they had minimum development goals Now by 2030 they have ped for the global standards that is where we are having on nature economy Society well-being these are all 17 sustainable goals we are going to adopt it in the top is 17 this how substandard sub goals are going to decide if you see here not only economic indicators and also not only sustainable development goals I wanted to go as a family as a unit you are all aware just now n is rightly mentioned there is AAR account I'm telling you nobody in the world is is having a this is a advantage that is a for other there is Unified Authority also un ID with this we can have finger is enough to transact anything for that matter either banking or health or education or any Services everything can be done in that angle I want take as a family as a unit ultimately I to make family a delighted family I wanted to empow them in all aspects 15 Point program I have given for them Social Security nutrition security education security electricity security sanitation security Insurance Health personal security bridging economic inequality if I do all 14 points 15 point is inclusive growth rate first I am planning 10,000 rupees for month for family I want to achieve it I wanted to plan strategy at a macro level execute at micro level that is family level I am confident I can achieve within no time but a reasonable time employment security water security information knowledge security gas security housing Security even for Animals we are we are giving F security also not only for men or human beings I want to secure animals also by giving F security there is economics in that even if you give good f for the poor people they will get better income they will get better yield thereby they will get better income also because of Technology all these things are possible how it is possible we'll show you this is again Society this is Happy Society this is where where I have to focus one is agriculture and allite Industrial Development service sector quality education for all Health security information technology Citizen Services inclusive development roads and infrastructure development 24 into 7 power supply these are all the focus areas for the society I wanted to give qualitative Services we are working in that if you see here all these three things five things one is I already told you GDP growth another is sustainable development goals and and also key performance indicators of all departments we are having 180 departments we are having 30 secretaries we are fixing accountability just like private company I wanted to go accountability for all levels from top to bottom then automatically results will come even technology is helping us if you see here this is one area we are all in a inspiring time according to me just now NAD has mentioned so many things how things are going to happen even kaala is app is one that also I can explain you afterwards how it has originated today we are all witness first Industrial Revolution Second Industrial Revolution 3.0 now we are moving 4.0 I very happy I witnessed for two industrial revolutions that is 3.0 and also 4.0 I want to brief you here earlier I wanted to around 1995 I want to go for information technology I visualized all over the world how to create ow how to create employment how to build wealth for our society then I thought best way to go Information Technology information technology is one it will bring accountability speediness and so many advantages at the time I'm very happy Bill Gates has brought one revolution that is internet Revolution and also that is the biggest Revolution we have seen I want to meet him he came to Delhi then I got asked through our ambassador who is in Delhi then they told me he is not giving an interview for anybody he has come on business trip then I told him I want to meet him for 10 minutes I want to give my vision about India about Information Technology with the great difficulty I got appointment and ultimately he gave me time for 10 minutes he spent with me 45 minutes I gave my vision on the day what is my vision on Information Technology then he told me entirely agree with you then he asked me what you want I told him I don't want anything you have to start your your Microsoft Development Center in Hyderabad then he told me if at all if I have Development Center outside Seattle 100% I will have in Hyderabad today I am very happy not only having Microsoft Development Center in Hyderabad CEO also from Andra Pradesh I'm very happy for that that is how things are happening today at that time you have to remember one thing I I used to go on asking successful Prime Ministers go for information technology at the time biggest bottleneck bandwidth then I asked two three prime minister they couldn't do ultimately wajay was the Prime Minister then I requested him because of my support also at that time without my support that government cannot sustain finally agreed what to how to go about he was very you know very well he's always positive then he asked him how to go about there was a task task force ConEd by him chairman was Finance Minister I was the co-chairperson we have given report on deregulation of telecommunication sector you are all all beneficiaries of that deregulation of telecommunication sector earlier you are all aware even lightning call used to take one week or 10 days or 15 days only that is how we have changed we have transformed today I'm very happy one more thing on digital mobile currency I was the convenor for the task force five Chief ministers niog all of us are working we have given interium report we are going to give final report very soon what I wanted to say these two industrial revolutions 3.0 and 4.0 we are all Witnesses today it is a deadly combination internet of things with the technology and also internet of things we can do wonders it is you can aim anything we can achieve all those things this is where how we have done all these things one by one we had to do the Cyclone mobile command control center established call conference with 15,000 people generally Whenever there is a crisis it takes nearly 1 month 2 months 3 months some time within 8 days I brought normaly on wood Cyclone that is how I use technology at the time second one from there godavari pushkaram we have taken that as a model then we have done that third one Krishna pushkar pushkaram recently even our friend is here I have taken kaala app this is a very interesting app you have seen I thought once we are having everybody is having cell phone but but we are not using cell phone at most efficiently how to do that then I called Microsoft they are very happy and then I gave my vision that is a best pilot for them also they worked with me for 12 days they worked day and night there is one kaala where you can obtain real time opinion you can send information across the organization any amount of information you can send you can contact them and also generally this is the best I can say for any organization not only government even private this will be the best app we can do wonders in course of time now I am thinking further how to integrate government departments automation I want to bring if I bring automation then delivery also will go in a big way if you see here we are going now realtime governance e pragati project I will explain even AP fibernet even internet of things all these things put together data capture analytics realtime government dation supporting system data visualization core dashboard these are all the things we are able to create with this e pragati value proportion if you see citizen Centric Services one government flatform support Sunrise AP and also sustainable development goals everything we can monitor if you see this is the project e pragati we are making 201718 as a year for E pragati project you can see anything here Health Care performance Eng engagement industry rural development Urban Development primary sector core even education it productivity safety establishment for all these things again fiber grid Smart Energy you name many from government to government government to Citizen every all interface is going to happen I can say very proudly this is one of the best uh platform as on today in the world by integrating everything in one area how it is going to work I will show you there is one more experiment sometimes crisis will give an opportunity even whenever you are in trouble you will fight it out also I am from the beginning I am very clear information technology is very very important it will act as a tool when my state was bifurcated I had so many financial problems immediately through information technology and also so many other areas I have concentrated I have overcome there is one area where I requested government of India also our PMS made it very clear digital India digital India cannot achieve without bandwidth then I want to connect every home long back not now 15 20 years back I gave a statement of the time future will be there for telephone calls there won't be any charges for bandwidth there will be charges that to just like water just like f future we are going to measure per capita bandwidth consumption today that is happening today that is how bandwidth had played very crucial role every home I want to give 1520 mpps I estimated what is the cost it is costing 5,000 crores to start with I don't have money to spend for this then one Innovative idea that is through existing electrical poles I am taking fiber it is coming coming 7% of total cost I am connecting every home with 1520 mpps as on today all colleges I can give gigabit capacity this is where Innovations are going on where we can do wonders with this type of activities even if you see here even Biometrics even surveillance cameras sensors drones data analytics everything I'm using in government now just now they have shown me e pass only PDS system I got it done 2 years back now yearly every year I am saving 950 crores another program pensions there also I'm saving nearly 400 to 500 crores now my efficiency has been increased even fil has been reduced thanks to Adar again that is the biggest Advantage India is having no earlier ghost pensions used to be there today there is no single ghost pension there is no FAS in my government that is how we are doing very well with all these things if you see here this is where CM dashboard I want to go to this is a all departments we are having real time information 33 departments now some of the Departments till that comes rainfall groundw all these things have as on today on automation no need to update through sensor base we are doing even my street lights are sensor based there is also one more idea Wu Cyclone I lost everything then how to go about how to replace pipe this electricity street lights all these things we have discussed ultimately LED bulbs can save 40 35 to 40% of energy I had a government of India organization private and ultimately agreed with them very simple I won't pay even one rupe in turn they have to pay me around 30% remaining money I will share with them with that money they can provide all bulbs and also they will maintain for 9 years 10 years agreement without spending even one rupe we are able to uh replace nearly 5.5 lakh street lights in Andra Pradesh within one year time if you go all street lights all bulbs with LED bulbs India is going to save nearly 40,000 crores this is the money we are wasting always without uh even sometimes we can do wonders in that this is where I'm very happy today with Microsoft kaala we are working with them as a matter of fact even Microsoft I'm telling them we are having first right to refusal they are going to adopt it in government that is one second one hybrid data cloud data center also we are going today I very happy there is where some security features and so many things will be there even I am working with them on hybrid data center also even this is the command control center we are establishing first time in my office I can monitor realtime governance any issue I can monitor and I can update all the information I can use data analytics machine learning anything for that matter everything I want to use through this even now future we are always thinking future one is cyber security as convenor of the mobile currency also I told very clearly we have to concentrate on Cyber Security even so many people asking me there is no security how can you go Finance Services through online then I told very clearly there will be some problems but at the same time there are solutions so we have to concentrate in a big way for cyber security even we are having nearly 20,000 strong CER on Cyber Security Professionals we want to create in the near future even fintech is one area future abundant future vishakapatnam we want to make fintech H also there also we are going Center for Innovation uh collaborating between startups and financial institutions and also finally augmented reality virtual reality is one area we want to work in a big way black chain technology to overcome cyber security cyber security problems we want to go black blackchain Technologies in a big way for that first in Asia to use blockchain technology to fight cyber crime blockchain Institute is planned in Andra Pradesh ultimately this is my aim I strive to make the sunrise State the destination of happy and a globally comp compa Society owed with technology enhanced sustenance and assured development with real time governance is where we are working today now I am very clear by using technology by using iot internet of things we can achieve all these things India is a great country you are all aware maximum youngsters demographic dividend is Advantage only for India second one India is having big Market even technology wise we are very strong you see all over the world everywhere for every four it professionals one is from Indian among Indians for every four one is from Telugu Community we are very happy for that that is how things have happened over a period of time now I wanted to use all these things for my governance anybody wanted to interact with our government not only one what all NAD just just rightly mentioned we are going to adopt it next moment somebody is having better Innovation you come and approach me immediately I will take your Innovation and take forward also ultimately Andra Pradesh will be the next Silicon Valley of India I don't have any doubt about it for Innovation for incubation for startup and also ultimately entrepreneurs we want to nurture them in a big way for government everything it will be without corruption and also real time delivery of services real time every even welfare everything we want to provide with this I'm very happy today this is the meeting where I wanted to witness uh again and again we are all in an inspiring time only imagination is important use all Technologies available for uh better future for you and also better future for the society ultimately bright future for the nation also I wish all the best for all of you thank you thank you one and all [Music] n
Channel: Microsoft India
Views: 743,020
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Id: 8iHWXicczTU
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Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2017
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