Fusion Energy: Hype or The Future?

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foreign hi welcome to another episode of Cold Fusion energy is the most valuable resource in our modern world without it nothing moves nothing is produced and nothing gets done and it's not because we all suddenly become lazy slobs but rather the modern world becomes impossible so what if we had a form of energy production that produces no waste no carbon dioxide no methane no dangerous radioactive material and no form of rare fuel required this is the promise of Fusion Energy it sounds like a pipe dream and has been for the past 80 years but fairly recently something has changed on December 5th 2022 the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California did the impossible for the first time in human history using Fusion Energy they produced more energy than they put in a lot of experts thought that this would be impossible for the foreseeable future but while this achievement is ample cause for celebration all is not as it seems in this episode we'll take a look Fusion TV since its devastating use in the atomic bomb in the 1940s it didn't take long for scientists to figure out something very clever instead of splitting atoms apart to create energy called efficient reaction in theory it would be possible to fuse the atoms together to create energy this is called a fusion reaction if done correctly it could be a very useful source of generating clean power youthful is actually an understatement in fact unlike traditional nuclear bombs hydrogen or other wires that contain at least some part fission reactions or nuclear power stations that also split atoms apart a fusion reactor would produce no long-term radiation or radioactive waste in fact the main byproduct is helium and some neutrons further to this there's very little environmental impact and the fuel is abundant in essence wherever there's water there's fuel for a fusion reactor while this isn't entirely true and it could actually be a big problem but we'll get to that later on in the video when we talk about the issues with fusion power but another positive is that meltdowns are impossible this is because it actually requires energy to keep a fusion reaction going if there's any kind of problem the reaction stops in a matter of seconds because there's no energy to keep the reaction going and lastly and best of all if you're using atoms together creates four million times more unit energy than burning coal or gas and four times as much energy as the more dangerous nuclear fission used in traditional power stations that is splitting atoms apart so you might be wondering doesn't nuclear energy lead to Radioactive disasters don't atomic bombs use nuclear energy well it turns out atoms like to stay together and they don't like to be broken apart so when you do this there's a great deal of harmful radiation but when you fuse atoms together it's not so much the case and for those who know a bit more about Atomic Tech you'd be thinking about hydrogen bombs well yes Fusion is a part of it but the fusion part is only there to Aid the fission part the fusion part involves uranium which is still a very dangerous material funnily enough Fusion is completely natural a proof of it just look up at the sky during the daytime it's called The Sun It's a giant Fusion reactor in the sky if we could do this on Earth and control the energy released it would be the biggest change to the course of human history the feet is almost impossible but the benefit is so great that it's worth a shot a lot of scientists thought so too so scientists around the world have been getting to work to make it happen [Music] so how does Fusion work exactly well bear with me on this next part because the understanding of this is crucial to the understanding of the rest of the episode under ordinary circumstances Atomic nuclei carry a positive electrical charge this positive charge repels the nuclei so they don't get too close to each other frankly they hate being next to each other like two friends who have fallen out but when heated to temperatures of millions of degrees the electrons say sayonara and leave the nuclei are now vibrating around like crazy in a superheated soup called plasma in this plasma State the positively charged nuclei can get enough speed and energy to overcome their Mutual dislike for each other and when they get close enough a new short range Force takes over called the strong nuclear force and when this takes hold the nuclei combine and fuse and when this Fusion happens energy is released and the cool thing is you don't need a lot of matter to create a lot of energy you probably all know E equals m c squared it's a very powerful equation just to give you an idea converting 700 milligrams of mass into pure energy is equivalent to the energy of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima elements such as hydrogen and helium are used because these atoms require less energy to overcome their natural repulsion to each other and just as a side note the Sun and other stars can overcome the repulsion of atomic nuclei intrinsically due to the immense gravity generated because of their huge mass essentially the gravity just squishes the atoms together so Fusion can occur so back here on Earth how exactly do you beat nature and fuse these atoms together well in order to get atoms to overcome their opposition to each other you have to get them moving really really fast and in a confined space the goal is to create a high energy state of matter there are two main ways to do this but the one we'll focus on for now is called internal confinement Fusion or ICF this is where a tiny capsule containing hydrogen fuel is blasted with lasers for less than a billionth of a second but why for such a short period Well if these lasers were fired for any longer period of time the energy from the lasers would spread out over a larger area and the pressure and temperature inside the fuel Target wouldn't be high enough to cause the atoms to fuse after blipping the lasers the hydrogen fuel heats up and expands resulting in a reflective shock wave that compresses it the density becomes so high and the nuclei are so close to each other that the probability of collision is high under these conditions some of the nuclei fuse and some of their mass is directly converted into energy in accordance to E equals m c squared as discussed earlier okay so that's all well and good but how come this is taking so long over the course of decades it has been very slow going for Atomic Fusion Energy as the publication Fox so eloquently put it Fusion reactors so far are like using a blow torch to light a match sure it works but the energy that you've put into light that match was excessive for the small flame of energy that you get out [Music] As Time wore on there was little to show for Fusion and the investment into Fusion Energy never grew and progress started to slow in 1997 the United States Department of energy decided to throw their weight fully behind Fusion Energy you see the National Academy of Sciences a private organization but official advisor to the US government stated that one of America's goals should be viable Fusion Energy to be viable ignition needs to be achieved this simply means more energy out of the fuel Target than the amount of energy hitting the fuel Target to achieve this goal the national ignition facility was built construction started in 1997 and concluded in 2009 when experiments started things didn't go so well by 2012 they had only achieved 10 percent of the conditions needed for ignition after this the facility was then converted and partially used for you guessed it weapons research you see this was very disappointing for the Americans because even as far back as 1997 the Europeans had already achieved 67 of ignition conditions they were using a more widely accepted and thought to be more feasible method and we'll get to this later in the episode but the Americans persisted and they started to get closer and closer and closer in 2021 they ended up getting 70 of the way there but in late 2022 they made some improvements to the fuel Target design and in one Fell Swoop achieving 154 of ignition conditions they got more energy out of the reaction than they put in on December 5th 2022 the American team turned on one of the most powerful lasers in the world they stood by as 192 laser beams smashed into a tiny fuel pallet two megajoules of energy went into the laser beams and three megajoules came out America had beaten the Europeans to this moment an energy secretary Jennifer granholm could Relish in this fact quote this is what it looks like for America to take the lead and we're just getting started in the scientific Community the reaction around the world was ecstatic Carolyn currents a plasma physicist at the University of Michigan States quote the result clearly surpasses that Mark leaving no question that they have achieved Fusion ignition in the laboratory Tammy ma who leads the lab's laser Fusion research initiatives got the call while waiting for a plane and I burst into tears it was just tears of joy and I actually physically started shaking and jumping up and down in in you know at the gate before everybody boards so everybody was like what is that crazy woman doing in the tubes the laser beams Amplified by racing back and forth and the Flash is a fraction of a second we have to get to these incredible conditions hotter denser than the center of the Sun and so we need all of that laser energy to get to these very high energy densities all that Wallop vaporizes a Target nearly too small to see can I hold this thing absolutely get on there you know unbelievable the Precision that we need for making these shells is Extreme the shells are almost perfectly round they have a roughness that is 100 times better than a mirror you think about that if it wasn't smoother than a mirror imperfections would make the implosion of atoms uneven causing a fusion fizzle so these need to be as close to perfect as humanly possible that's right this way and we do think there are among the most perfect items that we have on Earth they build 1500 a year to make 150 nearly perfect why does it have to be so small the laser gives us only a finite amount of energy the target could be larger but then the laser would have to be larger on December 5th they used a thicker Target so it would hold its shape longer and they figured out how to boost the power of the laser shot without damaging the lasers this is the first look at what's left of the target assembly That Changed History an artifact like Belle's first phone or Edison's light bulb this thing is going to end up in the Smithsonian but before everyone celebrates there's still a lot of work to be done to make fusion a viable source of abundant clean energy there's a vast amount of engineering optimization needed here let's see what that is exactly amazing as it is so far the Breakthrough just isn't practical the national ignition facility itself is just a research laboratory first and foremost they're essentially testing the feasibility of the theory the technology is not intended to produce power so designing an actual whole Fusion reactor to harness this new approach will be in its own right a massive engineering challenge in news Publications it's widely stated that the lab produced 1.5 times as much energy than was used to cause the reaction by the lasers but there's a massive catch this measurement only accounts for the energy in a very narrow way it only considers the actual laser energy hitting the fuel Target if this method is to be feasible for the energy grid you have to account for the energy needed to power the lasers themselves taking that into account the total amount of energy output would need to be roughly 66 times more than was produced another limitation is that the facility can only fire a few laser shots per day and the amount of electricity needed can sometimes cause blackouts in the lab to run an actual Fusion reactor you'd need about 10 shots per second another massive issue is what I touched on earlier about the fuel source the fuel source for Fusion reactors are two isotopes of hydrogen deuterium and tritium now deuterium is plentiful about one in every 5000 hydrogen atoms in the ocean are deuterium and it sells for about 13 dollars per gram but tritium on the other hand is extremely rare to produce the material costs about thirty thousand dollars per gram so this is a major issue but on the bright side Fusion reactors themselves do produce tritium as a byproduct so ultimately it would have to be a matter of capturing it effectively right now in the world there's only a few kilograms of commercially available tritium but the hope is in the far future as Fusion reactors come online we'll be able to obtain more of that material though getting adequate fuel is going to be a really hard problem to solve but there are some much easier problems to look at first namely the combustion of the hydrogen fuel itself it's not burning that effectively Troy Carter a plasma physicist at the University of California explained quote the national ignition facility shot only burned a small fraction of the fuel in the capsule if you can find a way to burn up more fuel the gain goes up substantially this will of course involve more tweaking to get all that laser energy directed towards compressing those hydrogen atoms interestingly the biggest gains could be made from the lasers themselves the national ignition facility is using outdated technology the lasers are only one percent efficient in terms of turning electricity into laser light while modern designs can be 20 efficient Kim boodle director of The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory said this quote the national ignition facility is built on 1980s Laser Technology so even with the same setup just by using better lasers and targeting the fuel more efficiently there could be plenty more energy output to gain I kind of see this whole situation as equivalent to the first transistor versus a fully working silicon chip of the early 1980s we have the concept but in order to make it practical there still has to be orders of magnitude of engineering breakthrough is needed so the national ignition facility may have proven that their method is viable but is it the best way forward or a dead end well it's hard to say but this is where the other approaches of nuclear fusion come into play in the race for Fusion Energy there are two main methods the internal confinement method using lasers which is what I've talked about so far but there's another version that uses magnets it's called magnetic confinement Fusion the most common way to achieve this is by using electromagnets microwaves and particle beams to heat hydrogen gas and turn it into plasma this plasma gets squeezed by superconducting magnets in a donut-shaped ring when the plasma is hot enough and the atoms are close enough together Fusion can occur and a large amount of energy is released and this method is the widely accepted method and until December of 2022 it was the method that was generally thought to lead to ignition this magnetic form of fusion is how the iter the world's largest Fusion project currently under construction in the southern France will generate the reaction after fusion occurs heat from the reaction can be used to warm water heat it up to become Steam and this steam can drive a turbine to produce energy this last part is basically how every form of major grid energy is produced from coal to nuclear the energy is simply used to heat up steam to drive turbines thinking about it it sounds a little inefficient but there may be a better way more recently there's been a third method a nuclear fusion generator called post compression this method doesn't heat up steam but can provide electrical energy directly there's an amazing video by real engineering which I recommend watching for further information what I am sharing right now is going to be studied by nuclear physicists around the world trying to reverse engineer the world changing machine this is Trenta helion's sixth generation nuclear fusion generator this fusion generator is unlike any other using a completely novel approach to achieve nuclear fusion adapting knowledge developed for ION propulsion in Space the generator forms two mirrored rings of Plasma on either end of a reactor and in a tenth of a thousandth of a second they fire them at each other sequentially activating powerful magnets to squeeze and compress the Rings towards the center where they Collide converting the astonishing kinetic energy of the ions traveling at 300 kilometers per second into thermal energy raising the plasma temperature to tens of millions of degrees hot enough to overcome the electromagnetic repulsion keeping the ions apart and allowing them to fuse forming new atoms and releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the process this isn't the world of fairy tale this is already happening I watched the bright pink flash of fusion multiple times inside the control room of Trenta what helion is doing right now is astounding the sequence of events to cause Fusion in this machine is a delicate Symphony of electronics pushing two plasma Rings into a violent collision and catching that Collision in a magnetic trap in the center which proceeds to shrink until the ions trapped within it have nowhere else to go but to fuse overcoming one of the universe's strongest forces to create new elements in the belly of a man-made machine but helion isn't done they are already building the next step in their quest for Clean safe energy for humankind Polaris will also be the first generation to begin capturing electricity but that's a lot easier said than done and will need the very latest Electronics to work quickly enough so in conclusion while Fusion Energy is largely still a dream it's come one large step closer to reality thanks to the National ignition facility but there's still likely Decades of work ahead of us but who knows there could be a technological breakthrough in Material Science new methods or other facets of technology and we could see a breakthrough sooner than we think I'm personally interested to see what independent groups come up with those like helion using their pulsed compression technique if scientists are willing to share their knowledge and collaborate and maybe even future AI systems could help with this Fusion Energy may no longer be a pipe dream so thanks for watching hope you enjoyed that if you did feel free to take a look around the channel there's plenty of interesting stuff around here and yes I've finally done a video on Fusion on the channel cold fusion alright so I'll see you again soon for the next episode my name is and you've been watching cold fusion cheers guys have a good one [Music] cold fusion it's me thinking
Channel: ColdFusion
Views: 599,065
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Keywords: Coldfusion, TV, Dagogo, Altraide, Technology, Apple, Google, Samsung, Facebook, Tesla
Id: ouecRm8cCoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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