Fusion 360 - Organize your files using Derive

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[Music] hey everyone kevin from mechanicaladvantage.com today i want to talk about a command that i find very useful for both cad designers and cnc programmers it's also been my experience that many of the users of fusion 360 don't know that this command exists and if they did notice it they don't really know what it does so i wanted to use this design file to run through how this command can be leveraged one of the cool things about fusion is that you can have a single design file that contains multiple components and you can do all your modeling and cnc programming work fea design etc in the same design file sometimes that can be a drawback however depending on what kind of a team you're working on now you might be a team of one where you're the designer and the programmer and in that case you don't really mind what you do to your design files to get the cnc programming done you also might be more of a job shop type house where you receive files from customers or even in the same company your supplied design files from a third-party cad package the final example is one where you have different departments in the same company so you might have a design department a cnc programming department an fea department a drawing department and so on down the line now in that environment having a single file might not be the best setup a lot of times designers don't want people like cnc programmers inside their cad file doing things like drawing boundaries for containing tool paths or featuring models or adding bodies to make the programming of cnc parts easier so i wanted to use the part that you see on the screen to show how we can work in that scenario and even if you're a team of one you'll still find the drive command that i'm gonna show a useful command before i get started i wanna switch over to the manufacturing workspace and when we take a look at this manufacturing workspace i have three components i need to program and each of these components takes three setups so i've gone through and i've created all the setups required for programming the three components and you can see it's going to take a total of nine setups my browser is starting to get pretty full already and i haven't added a single tool path yet so what i want to do is run through how i'm going to set up each of the parts in the setups and what we can do to sort of simplify this before i do that i want to go down to this toolbar and i'm going to hit this little drop down and say i want to sync the view with the active setup and i want to sync the visibility with the active setup now we'll see how i intended the part to be oriented for the particular setup and what i intended to machine for that particular setup so i wanted to start out like this and i wanted to face this part machine around the outside and do some of the whole work then i wanted to flip it over do some of the work on the top side and then i would sort of stand it up on a sine plate or something and do that final little angled part of this part if i go to the next component you'll see how i start that so i put a work coordinate system on it face it do some of the whole work on here flip it over to the other side to get rid of the excess material and clean up that pocket and then stand it up and do some hole drilling move on to the third and final component and when we look here i'm gonna see that i'm gonna do some machine work and how to fill it i'm gonna flip it over machine the other side and one final time i'll stand that up to add the different holes onto the part now if i go back to this original base plate i guess it's the second operation as a programmer i might look at some of the things that the designers did and i might not like them like this chamfer that's been added to this part this chamfer is easier to program on in in the cnc environment if the chamfer doesn't exist i can use the 2d chamfer command whereas if this chamfer is on the model i have to use 2d contour and figure out how to back the tool path off so it doesn't run into the vertical wall if that chamfer wasn't there i could use the 2d chamfer command and the software would automatically figure out how to stop that tool short of hitting that vertical wall so as a cnc programmer i'd like to take that chamfer off however the designer that works in the department would much rather have that chamfer be on the part so is there a way that both that we can satisfy both of those users at the same time and i'm switch the design environment and show you the command that can be used to achieve that and that command is called the drive command so from create menu i'm going to choose derive now it may make me save this file before i can continue so i'm just going to save it and continue and now it wants to know what do i want to derive you can drive bodies or components in this case i want to go and drive the base plate and when i click ok to put a new file it's going to open that derived component in a new file so it looks exactly like the last one i'm now in a in a separate design file but i'm linked to the original so what i could do in this file is come in here and do things like click on these edges of this chamfer that i don't want and i'll grab it on both sides just a couple more to go and i'll hit delete on my keyboard and now you can see on my history as a designer i have this body that was this this delete feature that was created however if i go back to the original derived part that chamfer still exists so whatever i do in the derive part doesn't go back to the original however whatever i do in the original goes back to the drive so if i were to activate the base plate and i were to change the sketch and change the length of this part to be eight inches you see the part grows i'll finish i'll click the home button and choose save to make changes to that file and now when i switch to my drive file fusion senses that there's been an update and tells me my component's out of date when i update it it's going to change the length of the component but it doesn't add the chamfers back in so if you're working in a design environment where you're working in a team you may want to leverage this this derived workflow to separate design from manufacture and even sometimes if you're a single programmer and the designer all in one company this drive command can come in handy a lot of times where you can organize your files a little bit better you don't have to have so many setups in one design file and other benefits like that i hope this video clarifies how to use the drive command and how you can use it to organize your files better whether you're a team of one or you're a team of many if you have any questions please leave them in the comments below and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Mechanical Advantage
Views: 2,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, autodesk cam, cam, derive, Fusion, Fusion 360, solidworks, Inventor, inventor hsm, hsm
Id: 8qj16rQRKdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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