Fusion 360 - CNC Machining Made Easy

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okay welcome back to another episode of DCT C&C my name is Erin and these are my helpers Massey the long hair to our and Ziva the miniature Pomeranian super excited today guys two weeks ago I downloaded fusion 360 for my macbook broke been playing with it for a couple of times over the weekend I decided to do something with it and what I've actually decided to do today is to mount this Ryobi high speed router onto my little homemade CNC machine let's take a look how I'm going to do it well there we have it guys here's my first part that I've ever drawn in fusion 360 and I'm quite happy with the way it turned out to draw this part today I selected the workplane I wanted to draw on I did the outline of X ketch extruded it accepted the extrusion then I drew this front cavity here then extra extrude cut that then I projected this face onto the opposite face and we can show you here so it's on both sides as well let's get the home button take it back from there guys I selected a mid plane and on the mid plane I drew the circles and you can see the circles down in here and extrude cut them up through here threaded these ones down below then simple if the last bit guys was just select this front plane and extrude this slot cut away through here I'll take you through the sketch now using the playback function you can have a little look at it on how cool is that what I do now I'll roll back these couple of features and I'll show you the can that I used and how I did it so I'll roll that back we're going to cam now and what I will have to do is regenerate my tool pass this one here it's generating and regenerate this one as well and what we'll do I'll show the simulate that one for you simulate and once again guises is very much HSM works facing cycle I did the facing twice so I could get down I was cutting I believe 1 mil deep so I was taking half a mil pass adaptive clearing in this pocket the center pocket here as well we'll turn the stock on so you can see that speed up a little bit sharing cycle drilling cycle ready to be take over the other side so we'll stop that and let's go to machine let's have a look at being made as you can see there guys the little machine struggle pushing that 50 ml um shell mill I just don't don't have the horsepower that's the biggest property oh you come from a real machine like the house and you come back to your home machine you sort of just forget how much power there is an industrial machine compared to a home machine and let's face it you know this is a you know a couple thousand dollar milling machine versus an $80,000 milling machine so that's to be expected well guys I've got the fixture in here now and I had to machine the bottom out of the feature to get it closer to the backside the problem was I was running out a soft limit travel coming towards the front I'll just double check this town make sure it's tight well rowdy away we go Oh but I guys I've hit a bit of a dilemma here I don't have a sleeping sore in my home workshop so I thought I'd try and cheat and I hacksaw the groove through here I don't think it's going to be enough so I've got a formula is car solid carbide tool bit here and I've just set it up to Z zero in the center here and it's just going to do a slot a slotting pass and ramp down and down and across like that so we'll give it a go and see how it works well there we have it guys some I finished it I just haven't put the bolts in I've got a duck down to the hardware store grab some bolts but you can see sits up there neat and tightly when I use I'm going to have to drop it already a little bit lower to get it below this spindle nose here probably the problem I have I kept my quill lever on my machine most people that convert them they'll take the cool lever out I still like using mine as a drill now and then so I didn't do it so probably little design pauses I should have made a cutaway so that that router got to sit back a little bit more on that way but I'm quite happy with it guys so I'll take it off and give you a real close-up look like I was saying before extremely happy with the way it turned out and have a look I've still got a like I set out before I was going to put the bolts in still and very happy with the finish the way that slides in and that was all done guys on fusion 360 yeah using their integrated cam how cool is that guys you can see the way the finish for a little home CNC milling machine and I'm very impressed with it thanks guys catch you next time
Channel: Design Creativity & Technology Channel
Views: 326,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Engraving Spindle Mount, G0704, TM25, PM25, TM20, CNC, Mill, Milling Machine, DIY, CAD, CAM, Fusion 360, SolidWorks (Software), HSMWorks, Numerical Control, CNC Router, Autodesk, Maker, Bespoke, CNC Milling
Id: R43xRycK0Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2015
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