Furry Friends as Mediators Between Humans and Aliens - PAWED DIPLOMATS | HFY | Sci-Fi Story

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5 years had passed since the scarx declared war on  the Teran leaving them without outside resources   yet they stood defiantly and confidently in  the council chamber pleading for help the   Teran Ambassador raised his voice and declared we  have only claimed one system one it's the closest   to our territory the scars are light years away  from their own world with countless systems under   their control yet when we claim just one they OS  an embargo on us without resistance exhaustion   was evident on the face of the Teran Ambassador  who had been making his case for nearly an hour   meanwhile Scar's Ambassador th tired of the speech  after the first 10 minutes distracted himself with   a game on his tablet then the Teran Ambassador  pointed directly at him and declared if only they   could see our potential they would give us this  single system and allow us to flourish Humanity   has much to contribute to the Galaxy yet no one  has taken the time to consider our worth thrax   engrossed in his game and not looking up casually  quipped then invite me to dinner which caused   laughter throughout the chamber the core was known  as a predatory species with a voracious appetite   he was nearing the end of the level just a few  more blocks and he'd unlock the next one it's   a date the Teran Ambassador replied the room fell  silent pulling thrax out of of his game he paused   to check with his translator and realized that  his off-hand remark had been taken as a serious   invitation the surprise caused him to lose his  place in the game annoyed he threw up his hands   fine I'll eat with your people let's see what your  world has to offer but be warned a small group of   Kors could devour an entire wofa laughter filled  the room again but the playful atmosphere couldn't   hide thx's irritation at having to restart his  game and at least he thought the upcoming meal   might be worth the interruption given their  comparable physical tolerances THX didn't need   a special suit to set foot on Earth upon his  arrival he was transported from the Spaceport   in a vehicle that while seemingly oversized for  their streets maneuvered smoothly accompanied by   several human guards on motorcycles the flashing  lights of their escort were distracting at first   but he soon ignored them as he returned to his  game upon reaching his destination he was greeted   by the Teran Ambassador THX noticed through his  translator that the Ambassador was dressed in   what was considered casual clothing just in time  he remembered to check the ambassador's name thrax   was introduced by Elliot Martin to his family his  wife Helena his children Leo and Nora and his two   dogs Fang and whisker while the family extended  a warm welcome the dogs remained aloof growling   when when never THX ventured too close to them or  any family member other than Elliot this Behavior   piqued his interest though he remained largely  focused on his other interactions Martin gestured   for th to take a seat at the dining table and  he complied the residence was strikingly large   a hodgepodge of Technology with terminals  on nearly every wall but one terminal was   dedicated solely to controlling the fire pit in  the center of the room Elliot referred to as the   living room thx's confusion grew when he  learned that the entire house was equipped   with environmental controls THX I've been informed  that the scar knocks are exclusively carnivorous   Martin began as they settled in we have prepared  several courses for tonight but rest assured yours   will be all meat oh and here comes your shrimp  cocktail a server presented a platter of tiny   seafood and a saucer of sauce in the center peing  thx's curiosity about the sauce's composition   it's actually vegetable-based Elliot explained the  shrimp itself is pure meat you're welcome to try   them with the sauce if you like I find it quite  delicious though I understand if it's not to your   taste meanwhile the rest of the family except for  the dogs received plates filled with a variety of   greens and various toppings THX tried a shrimp  and found it delicious as a gesture of courtesy   he tried to dip one in the sauce as well but the  spicy sensation irritated his throat and caused   him to avoid further Indulgence by the time he  finished his the Human family was only halfway   through theirs you Elliot he corrected himself  I apologize but we scar knocks have rather large   appetites I appreciate the food but it has  only wetted my appetite Ambassador th that   is exactly the intention Elliot exclaimed  encouraging him to remain seated there is   more food to come while we wait would you tell us  some stories about your people my children have   never met anyone from beyond Earth THX then took  a few moments to describe his home World detailing   their customs and upbringing he delved into the  scar nox's right of passage into adulthood known   as the hunt and explained how it transformed their  youth into seasoned adults he anticipated that the   story might disturb the children but they listened  with great interest at the end of the story   Elliot's son Leo a young boy excitedly interjected  dad took me bow hunting last year we got that buck   over there thx's eyes followed Leo's pointing  finger to an impressive animal head mounted on   the wall the creature with 12 sharp points on its  skull looked Majestic THX imagined it with its   body intact and guessed that it was twice the  size of Elliot and many times larger than Leo   what is a bow THX inquired his curiosity peaked  Leo's eyes lit up oh Dad can I show him he asked   eagerly perhaps after dinner son his father  replied with a gentle smile as thx's stomach   growled with anticipation more food was promptly  served on large platters THX I'm not quite sure   how much you can eat so we've prepared a roast  Pig there's plenty more where that came from so   just let the Caterers know if you're still hungry  Elliot informed him take a bite of the pig THX   felt a rush of pleasure he had never felt before  the meat was juicy and richly flavored enhanced   by a vegetable-based sauce that complemented it  perfectly he quickly devoured three heaping plates   of the roast and just as he was contemplating  a fourth he realized that the children were   already ahead of him after a few more courses  with dessert being particularly intriguing THX   felt overwhelmingly satisfied he watched the  children play with the dogs in the living room   soon Leo returned proudly carrying his bow to show  thr how do you kill an animal with that THX asked   eyeing the seemingly fragile bow Leo demonstrated  how a slender piece of wood with a sharp metal tip   was attached to the string and pulled back the  elasticity of the string snapped it back into   place propelling the wooden shaft forward to  thrx it seemed too delicate to do much damage   it doesn't actually do much damage on its own  Leo explained we had to chase this Buck for six   miles before we finally caught up with it then we  had to clean it up on the spot because it was too   heavy to move easily THX was amazed the creature  they were hunting was probably twice his own Mass   the thought that this little boy and his father  had killed such a beast with a primitive tool   and then brought it out of the Wilderness to be  processed was almost unbelievable okay I'm going   to go play with Fang and whisker Leo declared as  he dashed off to rejoin the dogs as he watched   the scene unfold THX felt a wave of apprehension  sure the dogs were domesticated pets but their   size and strength meant they could pose a real  threat to Leo in thrax's eyes they could even   be considered formidable prey yet without a hint  of fear Leo approached them arms raised as if in   challenge the dogs snapped at him playfully their  jaws powerful but their bites controlled never   really intending to harm what's wrong Elliott  inquired noticing thx's uneasiness you're dogs   and they could easily overpower him but when he  acts so boldly they only Fain aggression they're   not sentient so how do they know not to really  Hur him THX asked puzzled by the dog's Behavior   Elliot thought for a moment before answering dogs  were the first animals domesticated by humans   we provided for them and in return they gave us  their their Keen senses of hearing and smell to   detect danger before we're aware of it over time  they've become more than helpers they're part of   the family while some are used for hunting most  are fed and cared for and they treat us as their   pack thrax still feeling the effects of the meal  was somewhat disoriented they play he asked trying   to grasp the concept Elliot chuckled exactly they  are playing but if you tried what Leo did they   wouldn't react the same way you're not considered  part of their pack they might see you as a threat   THX was startled by the implication you mean  they would attack me even though I'm a guest   they know Elliott explained if you hadn't come in  with me they'd see you as a Potential Threat Fang   part German Shepherd is especially smart for a dog  whisker the yorky would have alerted Fang to your   arrival and Fang could have prepared for an ambush  they make a formidable Guard team he added with   a hint of Pride as they spoke the dogs engaged  in a spirited tussle growling and snapping more   fiercely than they had with thxs proving their  familiarity with each other a nip from whisker   to Fang's ear escalated the game Fang responded  with a loud irritated bark Elliot quickly turned   and commanded no both dogs immediately stopped  their rough housing and sat obediently on their   hunches they understand understand you th marveled  watching the quick obedience yes they respond to   basic commands like no food and out that's about  it Elliott explained be nice Elliot instructed   and the dogs resumed their playful Skirmish albeit  more gently they're just playing but why doesn't   the bigger one just overpower the smaller one THX  asked curious about the dynamic Elliot replied to   thx's conf fusion with a smile it can be puzzling  I know sometimes whisker gets under Fang's skin   but they really do treat each other like brothers  suddenly Elliot's communication device beeped   interrupting the moment he quickly tapped it to  silence the alarm then turned his attention back   to th sparked by a new thought by the way have  you ever watched a football game as the game   reached what Elliot called halftime thrax asked a  thought ful question Elliot you've shown me a lot   your Society honors its Traditions while embracing  what's to come you've also shown that humans are   skilled Hunters still I find myself puzzled Elliot  leaned forward a sign of his willingness to listen   and address thrax's concerns why did you keep this  dispute in the council why not just go to war to   claim your system thrax asked his tone reflecting  genuine curiosity Elliot paused considering the   question over a sip of ethanol after a moment he  replied thoughtfully humans have a long history of   Waring among ourselves and it's caused us immense  pain and loss we are committed to exploring all   possible diplomatic channels before considering  conflict I can't bear the thought of my son Leo   being forced to carry a rifle and fight on an  alien planet for a cause he doesn't understand   I want him to grow up knowing that we have  the ability to choose peace over violence   to resolve our differences without Bloodshed  in a remarkably Swift move th facilitated the   paperwork necessary to gift Alpha centor to  the Tern the humans had a history of hunting   fighting and warfare more extensive and violent  than anything the core had ever seen their past   was so steeped in conflict that they had grown  weary of it eager instead to explore diplomacy   a field they were less accustomed to but were  eager to master so Alpha centuri was given to   the humans with no strings attached and as long  as they maintained their diplomatic approach   the next hundred systems of the core would  be theirs free of any dispute or resistance
Channel: Cosmic HFY
Views: 4,244
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Keywords: HFY, Sci-Fi, Stories, AudioBook, Narration, scifistories, Reddit, scifi, r/hfy, HFY Stories, scifi short, short stories, High Fantasy Stories, Fantasy Stories, reddit stories, sleep stories, Cosmic stories, Cosmic HFY, Futuristic Adventures, SciFi Stories, HFY Sci-Fi, Galactic HFY, Starbound HFY, Free Audio Book, alien and human sci fi stories, Earthling stories, Sci fi short stories hfy, Dog sci fi, sci fi dog stories, sci fi animal stories
Id: TFqVec1j-kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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