Furry 101 Lesson #1 ~ "What Is A Furry?"

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hello everyone and welcome to Professor Zen's furry Corner we are going to be talking about all kinds of cool things and you're going to be learning about them too I don't know how you found this video but you did and so welcome you can stay here if you want you can try to learn some get some extra credit you can try to get some extra credit but uh I have no ability to fail or pass you so it's all up to you if you think this stuff is valuable you can take your own notes cuz I'm going to be taking my own notes here soon you're going to see me taking notes on this pad of paper how do I write in these Paws I don't I don't know how I'm going to do this yet uh I have a Sharpie but I really don't want to get Sharpie on my hand so oh I'm going to take off my hand pause I'm sorry I know I know I'm sorry to break the illusion people but you know it's just not a risk I'm willing to take I am not going to mess up my f suit with a sharpie cuz that is permanent this is permanent you know you should probably wash your fur suit but I don't think this is going to come out there's no way so it's just not worth it all right so I better not get on my other paw either oh carefully drop the cap safe all right welcome to Zen's furry Academy you're going to be learning all kinds of great tips and tricks on how to be the fluffiest fuzziest prettiest boy in the entire world don't you want to know that don't you know that that's very desirable in this community and you should probably want to take some notes so and be sure to watch this many times and learn as many things as you can and ask some questions ask some questions down below this is this is your classroom you can learn whatever you want so go ahead and leave me some comments learn from each other cuz I'm not the expert in everything but I am the expert in certain things cuz that's just who I am so welcome all right uh lesson number one uh what am I talking about it's so much pressure what should I draw what should I write I don't know all right here we go oh man oh man here we go okay okay okay okay you ready here we go furry 101 this is your introductory course on how to be the best little furry in the entire world I know you want to figure this stuff out I know you want to get good at it because it's very fun and very cool and I know y all are FES so you should probably take some notes cuz this furry right here got some advice for you okay so what is a furry a furry is what do you think a furry is is it me am I a furry are you a furry I think we're all furries in our own way but you know humans we just uh we have a little bit less fur than most of the other mammals on this planet but I like to put more on sometimes okay so F furry is someone who likes animals and anthropomorphic creatures uh what is a furry it's cute definitely definitely definitely cute yeah a furry is very cute and a furry is also very warm very warm it is so hot in these things so hot so so hot we are also a little smelly little smelly little smelly you know just a little bit we can't help it cuz we Sweat Right a little sweaty but we're also really really fun fun we're really fun don't you want to be fun be a furry furry 101 do you got it any questions I mean that that's pretty comprehensive right there I I don't know what else you're looking for you know if you're trying to learn something else I I might not uh be able to teach you that because you got to go and experience it yourself kind of like me we're just learning this all together we're figuring it all out I don't know what I'm doing do you know what you're doing yeah right I doubt it nobody knows what they're doing we're just all in here having fun so furry 101 you want to be one of us just uh follow all my steps here that's that's pretty comprehensive there yeah I'd say that's a that's a winning uh winning course right there yeah cool very cool okay let's go on to the next uh the next lesson here people okay okay here we go I got to make sure my little Pages don't Blow Away In The Wind so I got to got to clip them down down Okay Okay so
Channel: That 360 Furry
Views: 866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GhHZvXmeqWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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