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what resol what resolution does come up when you type XM Mark res 1024 768 mods it's time to fix that because I got a new res this guy's not B bro I literally am I literally am look look I'm not sweating anymore all right let's see I got to get my monitor here Chad look now that I have AC wait wait wait I'm busy there's no way you're doing an in for six people in your stream right now bro shut up at seven Chad look now that I have AC look at how how much better I'm going to play watch watch 2v5 no problem oh [ __ ] bomb has been terrorist win Chad listen I was the only person that got a kill this round it's okay bad hit boxes it's good to see you back let me unmute and team speak hello hello hello hi hi I don't want to like trigger you but please play good today help they're out there trash can on the bench jungle jungle kill him bom has shut up you mean shut up could be dark oh my God diffuse we don't have it no no no man nice try nice try nice try nice try have you ever done a sober stream brother don't play oh my God don't play that [ __ ] on me bro on B many Che under many many fu what resolution no mercy unusual what resolution do we have right now what res what resolution does come up when you type XM Mark res final take yeah we're good bro we're back we're back I am so locked in right now it's crazy 1024 768 mods it's time to fix that because I got a new res throwing a grenade 1152 by 864 that's new rest baby and I'm with it I kind of like it not going to lie this this seems to be my like first res oh you think he got Bann this guy no City onite one serious on your right on your right holy what a bounds oh hasus terrorist win I can drop L what do you want I muted what do you want I can drop um your penis what I got you there you go there you go thank you same size should do the drop same color Pitch Black with two stickers on it after every game wi you have to stare intensely at the camera and stroke the beard what flavor pink sauce like this of course wait I got tabed out like that hello do you know if anomaly is turning homeless he has the biggest beard I've ever seen AC I can tell put fan what I do is I I have mine on fan full 16° yeah no [ __ ] of course yeah I have mine on 16 as well right now it's really I love this bro I ACS but 16 if it's actually 16 in your room it's way too cold no no I with cold weather and cold temperatures really yeah industrial freezer is that thing he's just not going to connect little he got banned wait he got banned oh bro no he he didn't he didn't he didn't FY they're saying that you are dry aging yourself you're like a piece of Shute stream fix your [ __ ] car when is the robot aim Fury returning soon bro trust trust trust now that I got now that I got this bro there's no more stopping me you don't have to like it you I just need to like me and friend thinking about close to counterterrorist win I'm so what the [ __ ] on what the is that TTS broop me pleas yeah I got you mods ban him are you com back once a month now bro bro what do you mean I was sick I'm back now do you miss group tags I miss group tags so much bro more imagine robot a Fu so nice what what you just almost killed me enemy team is just gambling now bro they gave up team just Ging bomb has been planted what Fury you got Foundation gloves you mean what's wrong with them start watching more Furious videos bro he's in the he's in the hole right now bro what do you meanb has found these are my old gloves wi I thought Furious was diffusing I was but I let go why cuz he got roasted yeah oh you trying to trer I would never TR drop the S chat sensitivity 2356 I don't know where that came from but that's apparently Itor one one b one b now Lo lightning fast I wasn't sure if I was if I should shoot or not you saw your skin sir I sold uh I sold a lot of them I just I just have like black pearls left uh the AK push W you can win they both just F just this Talon I have I have some stuff I invested in as well some time ago yeah it is called the aware storage unit look this one but it's called aware for a reason they all went down in price terrorist win yeah I lost a [ __ ] ton of money bro never again go for shadow daggers Crimson web that one's also hella old bro you buying the Porsche now that you're selling everything n no no no I'm not I Chad I really want to buy a sick car but I I shouldn't I should I should I should Mone for house mind no one under I'm one under window oh one is in wh house one jungle and wh house my [ __ ] I got bomb a window oh he's alling window you don't have your Emerald anymore no I saw that bro CH I actually needed the money I still have to sell it I'm I'm so down I'm selling it for 96% buff right now Fury thoughts about um buff Banning uh containers W they went down in price anyway you can't you can't buy any cases capsules anything openable onw 96 is good I don't think it's I used to sell for like just they they don't want anything to do with like gambling would say it is rarer than where was your upad ours are cringe bro brother guys I want this this is my dream car right here right this is my dream car this is my dream car Chad how can you call this thing ugly but you just got cringe bro I could buy it if I want to but it's just it's too much money bro that thing is that thing is so expensive RS6 better that's just preference R six I also with it it's like the brother your AK is worth that not even close bro that car new cost like with options that that [ __ ] cost like 200k so it's really expensive BFS one split he's close one more BFS he's behind yeah yeah yeah yeah counter terrorist winion how did you get bang them yeah through the wooden thing got way you're going to get reported and banned why not S7 same engine wait S7 has a V8 wall hacker I don't think it does car equals waste of money that is so true bro but it is so fun especially like after you start driving a car is I don't know S7 has a V8 damn I never knew that I don't know he didn't come out I will check it for you he's dead I'm one HP yeah I just see short watch this no [ __ ] way they just hit a cup oh my God counter terrist see told you i' do something crazy see bro she oh Chad room I love this no do no [Music] it's not the coolest but it is I'm 59 Herz what said how many hers tell him oh I say 59 where was he where was he he was on b side yeah where like van default default he's I'm going to thing damn look at my l my [ __ ] pyth you see me standing on business okay just walked in the LA store pair of shoes 1250 all this but you were not buying me an R7 bro an R seven RS7 RS buy me an R7 bro don't be stinging I got you thank you bro buy me a house on Beverly Hill don't be stingy Furious Beverly Hills bro oh sure sure shotgun on on of here you just give me your AK case harden don't be stingy bro yeah that [ __ ] not even a 4ex bro for real yeah just give me that not correctly bro look at the stickers they're like misplaced very yeah and half of the text on that most left yeah yeah but it's a fake craft anyways a fake you want buy it yeah look look at mine bro I'll trade you one to one is this bro wait my shit's more blue than yours look at my mag BR the mag you just throw on the ground bro it's what do you mean look look oh oh look at the M guys oh look it's not even blue it is bro no no it's not Yeah official price check from me it's not looking good fous bro come on I'd be losing if I trade him my AK oh my God he activated [ __ ] my God yeah he actually did but how the [ __ ] how the did he get me with a scout to 8 HP did he shoot me in the neck or something HP a he's kitching guys chat who wants to buy this hi bro sweat still problem $5 I have to think about it I'm flashing out Look Away 360 and blows himself up watching C by the way oh stairs and CT stairs one CT oh my actually no I think I don't know stairs maybe I don't know how is bear Fury as well corector he said he's actually cornor I love me cor on the cob connection y y he's doing good Bar's good they call me a big spender bar is good but he's he's not with me but he's happy to me nice bro he's happy I've seen some videos he's like all runny he's running all around ch Chad look at this one bro chat okay okay listen I have a question chat RS6 and RS7 is there okay guys which one which one look the only difference between these two cars the shape of the back there was it pretty much and and this thing on the on the top it's just the body that's the difference blue one is better don't look at the color look front is the same all right it's just the only difference that the that there is is is the back look at this guy with his glasses thinking he's cool I listen I like both a lot I I've driven both in Dubai and I I like them both a lot the one thing I didn't like about the RS6 was that every time we would go over a hump you would hear the back go and I didn't like it
Views: 16,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furiousss, FURIOUSSS, furioussscs, FURIOUSSSCS MOMENTS, furiousss moments, FURIOUSSS CHILL, furiousss chill, CS2, cs2, renyan, anomaly, d0cc, furiousss twitch, furiousss best moments, furiousssbestmoments, furi, FURI, lobanjica, loba, furiousssclips, furiousss clips, haix, furi clips, joispoi24, JOISPOI24, dima_wallhacks, vladopard, furi twitch, cs2matchmaking, premiermode
Id: KPgDoq13ij8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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