Fuqua Adcom Q&A | Duke Fuqua MBA Admissions | #MBA Spotlight Fair June 2021

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[Music] good morning good afternoon and good evening depending on wherever you're dialing in from in the world um and welcome to our third session of the day um here on nba spotlight at gmat club so i'm linda i'm one of the moderators here at gmat club uh i'm super excited to be hosting duke huqua and we've got morgan and sherry uh coming to share with you guys the intricacies of the mba program offered at fuqua and what makes them stand out and why you should definitely consider applying for them in the next mba application cycle um so a few things that i want to mention before i hand over are uh one i'm gonna be shameless here please like this video and subscribe to gmat club's channel so that we can continue to offer you guys useful advice and be a support system as you meander through the mba application process for this year and any consecutive years that you're looking to apply later on down the line and number two for any questions that you've got throughout the presentation um please post them in the chat box the right hand of the screen um and then after morgan and sheree have finished the presentation we'll go into a q a session where we're going to answer the questions with a bit more detail um and then if there's something that we can get to during the q a session please feel free to contact either morgan and sherry uh afterwards so without any further ado i'm going to hand over and once again thank you both morgan and cherry for joining us today to talk more about the program at fupa thank you so much linda it's been it's a pleasure i'm so excited to be able to join everyone here at the nba spotlight i'm sheri hubert i'm the associate dean of admissions at duke university's fuqua school of business i've been with the institution for about four years spent most of my career in the kind of corporate sector the non-profit the public sector i also have my mba and i am a true evangelist for this degree and the value that it can bring to you so i am so excited to be joined by my colleague morgan griffin i'll let her introduce herself i'll come back and join morgan for the live q a but i'll turn it over to her now to introduce herself and to go through our information session presentation but again thanks so much for joining i'm so glad you guys are starting this journey morgan thank you very so much um so as mentioned my name is morgan griffin i'm an associate director of admissions here at duke's fuqua school of business and i had the pleasure of sitting on the admissions committee with sherry i work primarily with applicants in india as well as the mid-atlantic region of the united states so for anyone joining us from those regions happy to help answer any questions you have um but we'll kind of go into the presentation because i know that's why you're joining us you want to learn a little bit more about our school um so kind of the way uh things will go for this presentation i'm going to give you an overview of our program uh kind of break down how it's structured also give you an insight into the student experience focusing on experiential learning opportunities as well as some of the career resources that are available to our student students both during and even after their mba journey here at fuqua we'll then touch on the admissions process probably the part of the presentation that you are most eager to learn about and then i'll also share ways of how you can stay connected with me sherry and my other colleagues in the admissions office as well so to kick off the program overview um so we do have um we have a general management mba we also have an mba field of study that's included in the mba program as well but this is a two-year degree um very team-focused learning um it's a business core curriculum with 100 plus electives so what this really means is while you get a general management mba you are also able to customize your mba so if you're interested in finance we have a track for that and a concentration we have concentrations in energy um the stem field of study as well so we have 16 concentrations total the one m stem track and then two certificate programs as well in addition we do have five dual degree programs as well um as mentioned we have a dedicated career resources so this is your coaching staff for your career search your internship search um they're also going to be there to work through different workshops with you whether it's building your resume preparing for interviews and they're also in charge of bringing companies um to recruit our students and making you aware of other recruitment opportunities if they're not specifically coming to fukuoka recruit in addition to the student experience we also have 50 plus student clubs that are managed by our mba association and i'll get that to that in a minute but i do want to talk about this m stem track it's really popular with our students so again this is included in the mba program and what it is is you would take your general all your classes that are required and then you would take certain electives and this really gives you breadth across disciplines and an advantage throughout your career when looking at data analytics and business marketing and those types of things what's really attractive about the m stem track is that typically for international students post mba they get one year of work authorization also known as opt if they complete this track within fuqua and then get a stem designated career which is created by a company uh instead of a one-year work authorization they get a total of three years of work authorization so really appealing to our international students uh having worked with a lot of students that went into the tech industry for example some of them have i've been working at various companies um all across the center as well so really appealing to them so what does our class look like i get this question a lot how many uh people are like me so our class size is typically 408 but that ranges can go all the way we've stand up at 450 students so this is just what last year's class that came in and started last fall looked like so keep that in mind average age 29 average years of work experience is 5.6 we do feel that work experience is helpful to our students it helps them to contribute to the overall classroom discussions and have that insight as well but um one thing i will note when looking at these numbers if if you're not fitting into these specific categories don't worry this is just the average so um there are people with less years of work experience more years of work experience that were admitted we are 46 of our class is women and 38 of them are international students as well and 23 are underrepresented minorities as well and i know probably for a lot of you your eyes darted straight down to the bottom of your screen to look at what that gmat range is so again keep this in mind this was the the middle eighty percent of our class average but uh we will go into kind of test scores uh a little bit later here uh in this presentation but don't focus on uh those three digit numbers um this is just to give you a range of kind of what do things look like for our class that just came to fuel so the student experience um the thing that we get asked a lot is what differentiates fuqua from another school and i would say it's truly um our culture so these are our four values that we believe in we we live and breathe this every day all the way from staff faculty to our students so we believe in diversity of people when we are bringing students into the classroom uh we want people that come from not only different countries but experiences work experiences extracurricular different cultures backgrounds we believe that diversity really enriches the mba experience whether it's in the classroom or even with managing the different clubs and activities that happen as part of the mba experience so diversity of experience as i just mentioned some we have people who are i have an engineering background we have people that come from a marketing background we have people that come from a liberal arts background people that have managed companies people that have done startups people that have worked in corporate america worked in healthcare um you name it uh lots of different experiences and experiences and working on different teams or within different countries or cultures um one of the most important things i believe too and if you've ever heard of uh or heard dean bolding talk we believe in winning the right way and that means doing what's best for everybody involved it's not always the bottom line and more importantly moving teams forward so you'll hear a lot the phrase team mentioned by our students our alumni if you interact with them and we really believe in working together in doing things for what's best not always just what's the bottom line or the most money but doing things for the right reason and working together as a team again going back to drawing out the strength of uh diversity of people that we're working with or experiences as well so this is where that really comes together and that's when you'll really hear uh about team view if you talk with our students you'll hear them mention it a lot and this is what that means these are our core values that we believe in it's what we're looking for in applicants when they're applying to fuqua as well so student experience we have 50 plus clubs here at fuqua they range from leisure clubs to professional clubs and even diversity clubs as well and these clubs are managed by our mba association also known as the mbaa and what's nice about the mbaa as well as these clubs is these give our students hands-on managing experience we put the student life experience in the hands of the students so they get experience in managing clubs and getting that experience and leadership skills as well through managing those clubs we also have fuca partners this is what really helps to make the mba experience great for people that might be coming with partners or spouses or even children so fuel partners is i always say it's like getting an mba without having to do the homework it's the fun part of the mba so they can be involved in the mba experience we also know that for our students they are going to be busy working late on classes uh recruiting and we want their families and their partners and spouses to feel part of the mba program so we also call them section seven our students are divided into six sections but then we have section seven that's for partners and spouses and families for them to be involved so the fuca partners club they'll uh schedule outings or gatherings or provide resources um to families especially for those that might be moving overseas or a long distance maybe it's their first time living in north carolina or durham north carolina and so it's there to make them feel part of the mba experience and provide them with that opportunity as well we also have several research centers so this is a great way for people and our students to dive deep into topics they're interested in so we have edge which is our energy center we also also have hsm which is our health sector management center we also have case which is for social impact and then we also have cei entrepreneurship and innovation as well as coal which is our leadership center so these centers they put on programming conferences they have some of them have fellows but really a way that if you're interested in any of those areas you can really dive deep during your mba experience and be involved in that as well so experiential learning opportunities so not only are you going to be in the classroom participating in clubs and activities um but we also have these other uh um excuse me opportunities for you to learn more um about something you're interested in so we have real world consulting projects through the fuqua client consulting practicum which allows you to work on an actual project that has been brought forth by a company to fuqua um get some hands-on consulting experience so great for people that if you are looking to pivot into consulting this is a great opportunity to get your hands into what the consulting experience is like before deciding that's your career path we also fuqua on board which allows our students to serve on a local non-profit here in the durham north carolina community and learn what's like to help lead a non-profit and get that experience as well we also have several global opportunities we have the global academic travel experience also known as gate which allows students if they're interested in doing business on a global scale to study how business is done in a certain country or area of the world and they'll take those classes and then they have the opportunity to actually go to those locations and do company visits and kind of see how things are done kind of on the ground in person we also do offer an exchange program that students can participate in as well entrepreneurial initiatives uh this is a really big one that is popular as well so program for entrepreneurs allows people that if you have an idea um for a new business or a product that you can get that experience as well and how helping to put together that plan and pitching it we also have the new ventures clinic and the startup challenge as well so really popular for those who are interested in entrepreneurship post mba and we also have independent studies so this is a chance if you know what you're interested in doesn't fall into one of these categories you can work with a faculty member on a project of interest to you as well so this uh i have heard this being popular with some of our alumni they talk about how that was so impactful so if what you're interested in doesn't fall into one of these categories we do have that flexible option that you can work with a faculty member who might also have a expertise in that field to work with you on that as well so career resources our career management center they are a wonderful um team here at fuqua and they are essentially going to be your career coaches so they are we have different sector directors for different industries and so their expertise they've either had jobs in those areas and they've helped to build those connections within those companies as well to know what they're looking for to help coach you so we have a tech sector director we have a finance sector director a health sector uh director as well and so they're going to be there um to help you uh you know recruit for those set up kind of your game plan uh so to say for doing internships as well as um to look for your career post mba they'll also be helping you with different workshops and resume reviews so they're going to help you with what you can expect in an interview if you're going to interview at say atlanta lakes or an amazon or a bcg um and also help with putting your resume together this is going to be really key and something that even is now starting in the summer time before our students start getting them ready um getting that resume ready to go so they can hit the ground running when it comes to recruiting in the fall and again our career management center they bring companies to campus to do recruiting and then they also if those companies aren't coming to campus they're also in touch with those companies or boutique firms to help you with knowing when to go to recruit for those as well so here's a sense of who our top employers are this was based off of the class that graduated last year this is the employment data we collect data um three months out from graduation so just keep that in mind as you see these next few slides but again top companies that require recruited at fuqua amazon apple google microsoft deloitte mckenzie bcg jp morgan and chase bain ewc so all these companies top employers and i would say this list we're usually seeing these companies year after year this wasn't a one-off we're usually seeing the googles the microsoft the amazon the apples the bcgs as well so that is pretty typical no surprises there when we saw that data as far as jobs by industry so consulting tech and finance are probably our biggest uh jobs by industry that our graduates uh go into and i would say technology has been increasing no surprise there um a lot of tech jobs are booming especially with that stem designation now with fuqua a lot of our students are going into that as well but we also have healthcare in there as well consumer goods and then the other category as well so as far as where our students are going post mba um here's kind of a map and i'll say west coast again has been growing especially with the tech jobs northeast is usually pretty high up there and then we do see a fair amount of students that stay in the south and southwest as well and so that's kind of where our students go i will note that six percent of our students go outside the united states as well for employment immediately post mba so career stats um here's kind of just a quick look at um some stats of our students so this is three months post mba post graduation 93 of our students had a job and had accepted it the average base salary was 136 000 with an average signing bonus of five thousand dollars so the admissions process the area that sherry and i specialize in uh where you will work very closely um if you plan on applying this year to fuqua and i hope you do um but this is where we specialize in so here is kind of an overview of our application um so you will see on the right hand side those are our application deadline dates um what i will first highlight is our early action period this is our first application deadline and this is that binding decision around so if you apply you're saying you'll come to fuqua if admitted so if you know fuqua is your top choice if before this event or maybe after viewing this video you say you know what i want to apply if you i know this is the school that's right for me that's the best round to applying and then we have our other rounds and then we do ask that international students we usually suggest they apply by round two that just gives them ample time if they're admitted to get all the visa paperwork done um so round two is probably your best if you're an international student but if you're sitting here saying you know i'm not sure i'm still in that research phase of business school i'm looking at different schools and applying that's fine what i would suggest when it comes to deciding what round you apply in is applying the wrap as soon as your application is the strongest if that's around one that's great if it's round two that's great you'll hear from the admissions team that we would much rather you take a few more weeks or months to put together a really strong application and apply in a round one or two and rushing to get it done for early action around one because you think that's what we want to see so uh work on your application it's a lot of time is spent on it so apply as soon as you feel like your application is the strongest there's no round that is i would say this is the round you have to apply and it's really based on where you are in the application process so right now our team is reviewing the application process we will be uh putting our application uh live in early july so be on the lookout for that or head on over to our website if you're viewing this later but that's our application will be live and we'll announce if there's any changes um but as far as what components of your application these components will always stay the same some things that might change might be word count or things like that on essay questions that's where you'll want to pay attention but as far as academics we're looking at your undergraduate degree did you challenge yourself how did you perform in your academic career and then looking at the standardized test scores as well fuqua accepts the gmat the gre or the executive assessment we're also going to look at your work experience this will be outlined in your one page resume and i would say the best advice here with the resume if you're taking notes right now write this down when we're reviewing your one-page resume we really want to see your accomplishments we're not looking for a detailed list of what your daily job responsibilities are we want to understand the impact you've made in your career how you've managed people projects or budgets so really be thinking about impact when you're putting together your resume i also tell very often will tell applicants that i work with typically the resume you use to probably get your job is going to need some refining when you're applying to business school so go back through and really highlight what have you accomplished where is your impact then and your resume will be the only component of the application that your interviewer will see if you're invited to interview or participate in our open interview season which is where you can self-initiate your own interview so i'll get into that a little bit later we're also going to look at your leadership and involvement so we want to really kind of when we're looking at your application it's like peeling back an onion and so here we really want to get to know you as a person we're getting more into that so with the leadership and involvement we want to know what clubs activities organizations you've been involved in and this can also include things you're doing at work if it's not part of your job responsibility so if you created a diversity and inclusion group at work and that's not part of your job responsibility go ahead and list that you can also include activities that you've done in undergrad as well um and so fill this out too i often say this is the part of the application where some people say i'm not involved in anything i'm just going to leave it blank and certainly you know think through i'm sure there's something you're involved in that you're proud of and we just want to see what you're passionate about who you are as a person outside of work and again peeling back more of that onion your essays and that's really where um we get to learn a lot more about you so typically we do have a short answer question um that asks about your reason for wanting to pursue an mba where do you see yourself going post mba so pay attention to that that's sometimes a question that can or cannot change each year but the word count might change as well the other essay is our iconic 25 things about usa and i'm probably smiling a lot more now that i said that because i love this essay it is the favorite part my favorite part of the application and it's a chance that we get to really put a person with the application um the 25 things it is truly a list usually limited to two pages of 25 random things about you and so a lot of times people will talk about their families experiences that have been childhood memories that have just really impacted their life if you usually talk to a student a faculty member alum or a member of the admissions team we all have a 25 random fact about ourselves that we love to share it's always a great conversation starter so really a chance again to get to learn more about you and you don't need to put in any certain order some people like to structure it in chronological order some in groupings so again something to have fun with and then usually your additional essay will be how you plan to be involved in the future community during your mba experience as well letters of recommendation we do require one letter of recommendation we use the gmat common letter of recommendation and we do ask that your one required letter of recommendation come from your current manager or supervisor and then you can have an additional letter of recommendation if you wish to submit that as well and then when it comes to the interview we have two interview options as mentioned we have our open interview season which is typically conducted from middle of september to october this is where you can self-initiate your own interview and you don't have to wait for the admissions committee to read your application and then decide whether to invite you or not so with open interview you have to start an application which is simply putting in your name and email address and then you can self-initiate your own interview and then apply in any subsequent round after your interview and we also after that if you don't do the open interview season we do interview by invitation so that's where after you submit your application we will make a decision as an admissions committee on whether to invite you for interview or not and interview decision dates are listed in that chart to the right hand side so enough of me rambling i wanted to provide you our contact information as well so this is a great way to get in touch with the admissions committee your admissions advisor and so the email address is right there please feel free to email us at any time and then be sure to check us out on our different social media channels as well we're always posting content exciting news pictures from campus so be sure to check those out as well especially as you're working through the admissions process but a great way to keep in contact with us we love hearing from applicants and working with you so please uh reach out that is not an empty offer please reach out we'd love to hear from you uh but i'm going to end the presentation and sherry is going to join me again and we'll be able to take some of your questions as well and allow me to stop rambling so we see sherry again thank you so much morgan for the presentation and welcome back sherry thanks a lot for answering the questions on air on the chat function i saw those coming through quite a speed so thanks for keeping up with them as much as you could um so i guess we'll kick off the q a part of this session um so we'll be flipping between questions that were submitted on gmat club before the session as well as those which have been submitted by youtube so to kick us off um the first question is what are the networking opportunities or platforms available to mba students at fuqua so i'll try and take that one to begin and morgan can chime in there are a ton of networking opportunities and if i'm you know understanding the question correctly in terms of connecting with their class people connecting with their classmates we have the traditional club system that's available um over 60 clubs that you can join either you know many students join multiple clubs many students decide to take on leadership roles within the clubs or you can just be members and attend events so there's that form of networking there's networking that takes place inside your section right so you're going to be one of 70s or so 75 members in your section there's networking that then takes place within your learning team so you're going to be part of a four to five person learning team there's connections that take place both within your class as well as between the first year class which is your class and the second year class or the class above you there's opportunities they have copy chats to connect second years with first years there are opportunities for fellowships once you're in the program and those fellowships tend to take place your second year but a lot of them a lot of the fellowships are focused on supporting and helping first-year students get acclimated so that's another form of networking there's networking both formal and informal that takes place as part of the career process as well and within all of our centers we have a number of centers on social enterprise and enviro the environment sustainability entrepreneurship you name it we have a center for it and there are opportunities both conferences that are organized by students as well as opportunities to network with industry faculty other classmates as part of the offerings at those center that those centers provide sounds yeah there's no short there's no shortage i mean when you're not in class you're networking and i'll add two to that sherry i mean on top of all those great experiences too we also have our alumni network and they're very involved and always willing to help our students so every year we're adding alumni and every year they're coming back to help support so uh even post mba you're gonna have that networking opportunities as well absolutely thanks so i'm gonna try and pick one from the youtube chat um let me try and find so here is one from uh luvana does a three-year full-time work internship let me bring it up as part of the ca course uh equivalent to the cpa account for work experience yeah i answered that one in the chat as well but just for everyone's purposes we really count full-time postgraduate post-undergraduate education the work experience that you get after you graduate from a four-year institution and it's full-time normally you know it's not that we won't consider any other additional types of work experience that you might have or internships you know you want to provide them so that we have a complete picture of your experience but there can't necessarily be a substitute for having that full-time postgraduate experience as well um i'll work the reverse side now just to make it easier um so another question that's come through is can i apply to duke without a toefl slash il ie lts score morgan you want to take that one yes so we do not require those you don't need to worry about submitting those at all it actually slows down the admissions process if you do so we do not require those as part of our admissions process uh another one that's come through from sarah is there a test waiver option gmat gre um is a executive assessment available and if so what's the procedure to apply for the same yes at this point in time there is not um you know we are continuing to evaluate all of our options we do uh require at this point in time the either the gmat the gr or the gre or the ea as you've identified there sarah but you know stay tuned you never know but at this point we are requiring one of those three uh types of tests now we come out every year with new application requirements new application instructions new changes to the application so just be on the lookout in terms of whether or not there are any changes that will be applicable and and then go from there so i'm going to jump submitted questions and so what i've got here is how does duke help students navigate a career change post the mba from the sp from the perspective of training internships and networking sure so there's a there's a very formal process and then there's an informal process the very formal process starts actually before you even step foot on campus you know we have career webinars and sessions and you're able to meet with the different sector directors so our career team is a team of 30 individuals there are career sector industry sector directors who specialize in different industries from consulting to financial services to technology sustainability non-profit you name it there also is a huge team of individuals who are working with our corporations and industry partners and employers to make sure that we're developing the right relationships so that our students have full access and so there are there's a formal required curriculum career curriculum that you'll go through it starts you know at the beginning before you start classes and then it picks back up after your initial summer institute and you know throughout your first year you're taking classes but you're also taking these career workshops and classes as well to supplement to make sure that you're prepared because a lot of the you know the interviews and that whole process really starts in the fall when you first start your first year so we make sure that you're well prepared both formally and then of course there's the informal ones the clubs and the partnerships that our career center has with each of the clubs so for instance if you're consulting the clubs are really active in making sure you're prepared for your case interviews there's workshops you know we have a week in cities across all industries that our clubs really partner with our career center to put on and so normally you would travel to different cities to visit corporations we were still able to do that last year virtually so still connecting our students with corporations and employers through that week in cities you know focus on specific industries i would say also the centers the conferences are another great kind of repository and forum for folks to make relationships develop and you know establish relationships with alumni in various companies and industries as well as other industry uh influencers and leaders as well you know in order to make connections and help assist our students in getting access to great opportunities brilliant thanks so much for that i apologize i may have dropped out for a second my internet connection seemed to be a bit unstable so do you let me know uh if you didn't hear me um so to jump to youtube again um and please let me know if it's a question that you've answered and i can just find another one um a question from sapler is there any word limit for the recommendation letter morgan you want to take that one yeah i can jump in so you know there's no word limit on the letters of recommendation so again we use the gmat common letter of recommendation so hopefully that makes it easier on your recommender recommenders if they're submitting multiple letters of recommendation but no word limit there we just ask that they complete that form and i do believe there is an additional um question on there too that if they want to add anything they can but no word limit theory you don't need to worry about that thanks morgan um is there any criteria to apply for the gate or exchange programs those no there's i mean there's an application process once you become a student in your first year the program team will make you aware of when you can apply for those particular programs it might be kind of you know a small application in terms of your level of interest but nothing you know too exhaustive and they happen in in your first year but then the exchange pro programs can also happen your second year um and so you know there is a small application process but just to make sure that you're serious you're interested you really know what you're getting into but but not you know not any kind of extensive criteria that would prevent you because you've already gotten in right you've already gotten in your student we want to make sure that you're able to take advantage of all the different opportunities experiential opportunities that are available to you great thank you very much um a question from the pre-committed questions um what are the advantages of being an early applicant to the food coil program you know i would say the advantages are your you know if you apply early that means you're prepared you're ready you know exactly that piqua's the place for you and if you get admitted then our expectation is that that that means because you've applied in our early action round if you get admitted that you're saying to us we're the one for you you're the one for us we're gonna we're gonna make this um happen and so you're gonna commit at that point and not continue to look at other programs you know i don't think necessarily beyond that you know you know you you're finished you're set you don't have to worry about kind of you know whether or not you're going to get into any other programs or just the angst that occurs with the application process i think that's a benefit for people who know exactly what they want and they're very prepared early on i think just to get that over with i think that's a benefit for folks we still have the same opportunity to have the same opportunities in terms of scholarship consideration um you know we still you know kind of manage our admissions and selectivity across each of those rounds so i wouldn't you know i wouldn't think of it as like you're you're in a better position of getting admitted from early action versus any of the other rounds it's really based on your preparedness and your ability to really speak to what's what's important to you um and i think that the good news is that we make sure that there's scholarships available even in the early action round because some people think that that's not the case um but we do make scholarships available even in that early action round so i'd say you know basically more so on when you're prepared and when you think you're ready to apply and if you know that fuqua is the school for you should you get in because that's the other thing don't you know don't necessarily apply knowing that you still are going to want to consider other schools i would say wait and apply to round one around two thanks [Music] um a question from janitha uh wrong question um do you have business programs for a career in public or non-government or non-governmental organizations [Music] we have our dual degree program with the sanford school of public policy so that's what she's uh referring to so you could do a dual degree get your mba and mpp at the same time or you could you know just decide to do an mba but take courses at the stanford school of public policy so that's also available you can take it's um 12 credits up to four courses 12 credits at any of the schools at duke university we also have a consortium of schools even outside of duke university that you can take courses at so there are ways to sell if you're interested in policy there are ways to supplement that either through a dual degree program or through specifically just the business mba as well perfect service um i think we've got time for a few more questions um so i'll take one from the pre-submitted questions and another one from youtube so from the pre-submitted questions uh while most graduates from the u.s schools end up working in the u.s how easy or hard is it for a fuqua grad to seek employment outside of the u.s so i you know i'm blanking don't don't don't hold me to the stat but i want to say it's somewhere between eight to ten percent um end up outside of the u.s i don't know morgan if you have that specific stat on hand but so it is possible right there are uh students of ours who do end up going abroad interested in doing internships they get internships abroad they have full uh full-time work that they get abroad i would say like you know like this person says the majority of our students are interested even if they're not necessarily originally um u.s citizens are interested in spending some amount of time in the u.s and we have a wonderful track record of being able to support our students staying in the u.s for work authorization we have an m stem program so our management science and technology management program for students it's part of the two-year program there's no extra cost but if you wanted to take a select set of courses that would qualify you for that second degree it's called the m stem degree you know it's a part of the mba degree then you would qualify for you know depending on if you get that if you said you know took those courses to satisfy that requirement and if you got employment in a kind of stem designated type of field then you could qualify for an additional two years of work authorization in the u.s and a lot of our international students are interested in that but but absolutely for students who are interested in going abroad we have resources and alumni all over the world that really support our students in trying to provide employment if they're interested that would add to that maybe a lower number of people may be getting employment outside of the us abroad doesn't mean that it's harder and that's why we you know we just see a trend more of students wanting and especially as sherry mentioned with the end stem with that three years of work authorization if they're in a stem designated job more than just choose to so it's not that it's harder i think the preference is more people prefer to work in the united states immediately post mba but we do see people that have worked here a year or three years and then they move on to a company maybe overseas or in a global setting thank you both uh i'll squeeze in one final question um and i'll take it from siobhan because that's the one that's currently popped up on the screen um what steps what steps do foucault take to help out international students with their placements post mba since the opportunities for international students are a bit less than they would be for domestic students yeah so we have enough so we have you know our career center like i said is fully staffed not only do we have the different sector directors who our students are able to work with directly on the in terms of their interests but we also have an individual david soloway who also specifically works with our international students providing both additional um resources and support from a networking perspective we have a list of employers in the us who sponsor students so we you know make that available to our to our students so they're not you know so you're more efficient with your with your search um we also have a vp of international students so that's a second year students elected position is part of the mba association cabinet and that student also provides resources and is a representative on behalf of all international students so there's a lot of partnering that goes on between administration and our student government to make sure that our international students are well equipped well resourced we have individuals and experts available to our career center that we make available to students who are experts on immigration law like i said we have that in stem degree or second major i should say it's a second major and so that really helps give our international students a competitive advantage when they are being when they're out recruiting um so those are the some of the things that we do i would say that really support our international students to make sure that they you know that they they have the resources they have they're prepared they're well prepared we have a um business communication and culture class that you know some students are required to to attend and other students are just encouraged to attend and that really again helps to acclimate students to the work environment within the us to the norms to various best practices and in networking and and telling your story right um developing your pitch that kind of thing i think we've got 30 seconds left technically um so i want to take this moment to thank you guys so much thank you morgan thank you sherry for for joining us today on gmat club and giving us an insight into the fuco program um i know there's a lot of questions that we did not get to answer guys i'm super sorry for that but if there's anything that you want answered please feel free to contact both morgan and sharing i'm sure they'll be more than happy to answer the questions that you've got around the program um another thing to note again um please like and subscribe to gmat club so we can continue to offer you guys content that is super helpful for the nba admissions process and and i did see that uh yashica was posting that we are giving away lots of different uh application fee waivers obviously not with uh fuqua because i think by attending the session you already uh qualify for one and there's also some gmat club tests that you can win amongst other prizes so please follow the links that have been provided in the chat box um and thank you so much for joining us for our last session of today um our last presentation session of today um yes and wonderful have a great day game once again thank you morgan and sherry if there's any closing comments you want to add please be able to do so thank you so much it's been a pleasure it's been a lot of fun great questions be on the lookout our application will go live sometime the first week in july we'll also be posting the new application deadlines as well correct morgan and so we're so excited about this upcoming season yeah absolutely and please reach out to us um we love to stay in contact with applicants so if you have any questions that we didn't get to during this session please reach out as i mentioned i'm the admissions advisor for the india region as well as mid-atlantic but i have worked with a wonderful group of teammates who work all around the world so please let us know how we can help you we look forward to hopefully receiving your application and learning more about you thanks
Channel: GMAT Club
Views: 2,120
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: wCTXciWj1HY
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Length: 46min 28sec (2788 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.